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his central place theory as an explicit

History of Urban Planning guide.

(1941-1950) United Kingdom

Janine D. Jimenez Rommel LL. Pat
BS Architecture 4 The roots of the UK town and country
planning system as it emerged in the
Germany immediate post-war years lay in concerns
developed over the previous half century
*CENTRAL PLACE THEORY in response to industrialization and
A geographical theory that seeks to
explain the number, size and location of The particular concerns were:
human settlements in a residential system.
* Pollution
The theory then relied on two concepts: * Urban Sprawl
threshold and range: * Ribbon Development
1. Threshold is the minimum By the outbreak of Second World War,
market (population or income) needed to thinking was sufficiently advanced that,
bring about the selling of a particular good even during the war, a series of Royal
or service. commissions looked into specific
problems in urban planning and
2. Range is the maximum distance
development control.
consumers are prepared to travel to acquire
goods – at some point the cost or * THE BARLOW COMMISSION (1940)
inconvenience will outweigh the need for - was appointed by Royal Warrant dated
the good. July 8, 1937 under the Chairmanship of
the Rt. Hon. Sir Montague Barlow
- it pointed out “the concentration of
- German geographer population in great towns, especially since
the Industrial Revolution.
- Principal contribution “Central Place - the evacuation of a large part of the
Theory “first published in 1993 population of London, because of the
outbreak of war, was clear evidence that
- This ground-breaking theory was the the Government considered the
foundation of the study of cities as system concentration of approximately one sixth
of cities, rather than simple hierarchies or of the country’s population in London to
single entities be a danger to national defense

- He moved into government service, in * SIR CLEMENT BARLOW

Himmler’s SS-Planning and Soil Office, - English barrister
during the Second World War - Conservative party politician

-Christaller was given special charge of * THE SCOTT COMMITTEE (1941)

planning occupied Poland, and he so using - was appointed in October 1941
- was asked to consider question of the - He made award winning designs for
allocation of the land for agriculture, Dublin City Centre and gradually asserted
industry and other uses. his dominance as an architect of
- considered not only economic and international renown, which came about
employment factors but also the welfare of through the re-planning of Plymouth, Hull,
rural communities and retention of Bath, Edinburgh and Bournemouth, among
amenities. others

* THE UTHWATT COMMITTEE - Its main purpose was to point out the
main directions of development and
- the purpose of the development rights reconstruction of London, which in the
scheme is to control development of past decades had faced big changes and
undeveloped land irregular growth.
- based upon the submission of preserve
beauty spots and to control fringe land and * Inner Urban Ring
certain desirable tracts of land, coastal or - Restricted any new housing or
otherwise industrial development that were deemed
to be above the limit of tolerable
* MARS GROUP conditions
- also known as the “MODERN - Reconstructing damaged buildings in a
ARCHITECTURAL REASEARCH modern interpretation of their original state
- British architectural think tank founded * Suburban Ring
in 1933 by several prominent architects
and architectural critics of the time - Would be developed with a mix of both
involved in the British modernist housing and light industry so that no
movement regions became inefficient dormitory
- founded when Sigfried Giedion of the suburbs.
Congress Internationaux d’ Architecture
Moderne asked Morton Shand to assemble *Green Belt Ring
a group that would represent Britain - Encourage the creation of parkland and
recreational spaces, restrictions were
* GREATER LONDON PLAN placed on all development apart from that
- The plan for London issued by the Mars within existing villages.
Group (the English wing of CIAM) and
prepared by their Town Planning *Outer Country Ring
Committee was a marked contrast to - Would support farmland whilst
anything that had gone before and one containing a number of satellite towns that
might add anything produced would help to relocate large populations
subsequently. away from the overcrowded areas of
* SIR LESLIE PATRICK central London.
- English town planner. Educated at - An act of the Parliament of the United
Uppingham School, Rutland Kingdom which allowed the government
to designate areas as new towns, and
- Poet and literary critic passing development control functions to a
Development Corporation. Several new
towns were created in the years following including the planning of cities and the
its passing. The act was replaced by the architecture of buildings.
New Towns Act 1965 and later the New - They are characterized by native
Towns Act 1981. materials:

* LEWIS SILKIN 1. Flat roofs and large cantilevered

- British Labour Party politician overhangs for passive solar heating and
- Worked as a Solicitor, before becoming natural cooling.
a member of the London Country Council
in 1925. 2.Natural lighting with clerestory
- He chaired the LCC Town Planning windows
and the Housing and Public Health
Committees and was a member of the 3.Radiant-floor heating
Central Housing Advisory Committee.
- Frank Lloyd Wright designed Usonian
homes in Pleasantville:
United States
1. Sol Friedman House
- An economic model created by 2. Edward Serlin House
Chauncy Harris and Edward Ullman in
1945 article “the Nature of Cities” 3. Roland Reisley House
- Their main goals in this were to:
* Marshall Plan
* Move away from the concentric zone - An American initiative to aid Western
model Europe, in which the United States gave
$13 billion in economic assistance to help
* To better reflect the complex nature of rebuild Western European economies after
urban areas, especially those of larger size. the end of World War II.
- the act to promote world peace and
general welfare, national interest and
- Made significant contributions to the
foreign policy of the United States through
geographical study of ethnicity,
economic, financial, and other measures
specifically with respect to non-Russian
necessary to the maintenance of conditions
minorities living within the Soviet Union
abroad in which free institutions may
* EDWARD ULLMAN survive and consistent with the
- Son of classical scholar Berthold maintenance of the strength and stability of
Ullman, was trained as a geographer at United States
University of Chicago where he was
The goals of United States were to:
influenced by the urban and economic
emphasis in social science. * rebuild war-torn regions
- Office of Strategic Services
transportation specialist in World War II * remove trade barriers

* USONIA * modernize industry

- Was a word used by American architect
Frank Lloyd Wright to refer to his vision * make Europe Prosperous once more
for the landscape of the United States,
* prevent the spread of Communism Development Orientation

*HERBERT A. SIMON 1. Strong State Initiative and Involvement

- An American political scientist, 2. New Town-Development
economist, sociologist, psychologist, and 3. Suburbanization
computer scientist whose research ranged 4. Planner – Expert
across the fields of cognitive psychology,
cognitive science, computer science, Planners of Influence
public administration, economics, 1. WALTER CHRISTALLER
management, philosophy of science,
sociology, and political science unified by - German geographer
studies of decision-making. - Principal contribution “Central Place
Theory “first published in 1993
Prevailing Influences - This groundbreaking theory was the
foundation of the study of cities as system of
1. World War II - was fought between the
cities, rather than simple hierarchies or single
Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan)
and the Allied Powers (Britain, United
- He moved into government service, in
States, Soviet Union, France).
Himmler’s SS-Planning and Soil Office,
2. US-USSR Cold War - period of
geopolitical tension between the Soviet during the Second World War
Union and the United States - Christaller was given special charge of
after World War II. It was waged on planning occupied Poland, and he so using
political, economic, his central place theory as an explicit guide.
and propaganda fronts and had only 2. SIR CLEMENT M-BARLOW
limited recourse to weapons
3. Post War Reconstruction - - English barrister
4. Establishment of the IMF-IBRD-WB - - Conservative party politician
Some 730 delegates from all 44 Allied
nations gathered at the Mount
- The Modern Architecture Research
Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods,
Group or MARS Group, was a British
New Hampshire, to determine how to
regulate the international monetary architectural think tank founded in 1933
and financial order after World War by several prominent architects and
II. architectural critics of the time involved
in the British modernist movement.
Dominating Ideology - The MARS Group came after several
previous but unsuccessful attempts at
1. Welfare State creating an organization to support
2. Marxism – Leninism – official state modernist architects in Britain such as
ideology of Soviet Union those that had been formed on
- two stage revolutionary development
continental Europe like the Union des
of capitalist state into a socialist state
Artistes Modernes in France.
guided by leadership of a vanguard
party of professional revolutionaries
- English town planner. Educated at
from working class and proletariats.
Uppingham School, Rutland
- Poet and literary critic
- He made award winning designs for across the fields of cognitive psychology,
Dublin City Centre and gradually asserted cognitive science, computer science, public
his dominance as an architect of administration, economics, management,
international renown, which came about philosophy of science, sociology, and
through the re-planning of Plymouth, political science unified by studies of
Hull, Bath, Edinburgh and decision-making.
Bournemouth, among others
Influential Planning Works
- British Labour Party politician  CENTRAL PLACE THEORY
- Worked as a Solicitor, before - A geographical theory that seeks to
becoming a member of the London explain the number, size and location
Country Council in 1925. of human settlements in a residential
- He chaired the LCC Town Planning system.
and the Housing and Public Health - The theory then relied on two
Committees and was a member of the concepts: threshold and range
Central Housing Advisory Committee.
1. Threshold is the minimum market
(population or income) needed to bring
- Made significant contributions to the
about the selling of a particular good or
geographical study of ethnicity,
specifically with respect to non-
Russian minorities living within the 2. Range is the maximum distance
Soviet Union consumers are prepared to travel to acquire
7. EDWARD ULLMAN goods – at some point the cost or
- Son of classical scholar Berthold inconvenience will outweigh the need for the
Ullman, was trained as a geographer at good.
University of Chicago where he was
influenced by the urban and economic
- Was appointed by Royal Warrant
emphasis in social science.
dated July 8, 1937 under the
- Office of Strategic Services
Chairmanship of the Rt. Hon. Sir
transportation specialist in World War II
Montague Barlow
- American architect, interior designer,
writer and educator who designed more
- The plan for London issued by the
than 1000 structures, 532 of which were
Mars Group (the English wing of
CIAM) and prepared by their Town
- Wright believed in designing
Planning Committee was a marked
structures that were in harmony with
contrast to anything that had gone
humanity and its environment, a
before and one might add anything
philosophy he called organic
produced subsequently.
9.HERBERT A. SIMON - Its main purpose was to point out
the main directions of development
- An American political scientist,
and reconstruction of London, which
economist, sociologist, psychologist, and
computer scientist whose research ranged
in the past decades had faced big 2. Natural lighting with
changes and irregular growth. clerestory windows
3. And radiant-floor
- The greater London Plan of 1944 was
developed by Sir Leslie Patrick Planning Concerns Outcomes
Abercombrie (1879-1957). The plan
1. Emphasis on physical form and spatial
was directly related to the County of
London Plan written by
2. Functional and Compact Settlements
Abercombrie in 1943, with
3. Rational Comprehensive Planning
contributions by John Henry Model
Forshaw (1895-1973) 4. End of British Rule in Jerusalem;
 THE NEW TOWNS ACT Transferred to Jordan
- An act of the Parliament of the
United Kingdom which allowed the
government to designate areas as
new towns, and passing development
control functions to a Development
Corporation. Several new towns were
created in the years following its
passing. The act was replaced by the
New Towns Act 1965 and later the
New Towns Act 1981.
- Their main goals in this were to:
1. Move away from the
concentric zone model
2. To better reflect the
complex nature of urban
areas, especially those of
larger size.
- Was a word used by American
architect Frank Lloyd Wright to refer
to his vision for the landscape of the
United States, including the planning
of cities and the architecture of
- They are characterized by native
1. Flat roofs and large
cantilevered overhangs
for passive solar heating
and natural cooling.

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