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A Club For Each One

By Phoebe Gileanne Teylan,

9- St. Jerome Emeliani

Each and every student of Pateros Catholic School has an interest or hobby that they
would like to enhance. Whether it is academics or extracurricular, the students should be able
to freely express their hidden talents . With the clubs PCS has to offer, they can excel and show
the best of their abilities by the help of our dearest moderators.
Joining a club does not only have one benefit. If you are running for honors,
participating in club activities allows you to earn extra points which adds up to your final grade.
You will also be able to learn more and socialize with your fellow schoolmates.
Not only that, club activities also help the students gain confidence to actively
participate in the upcoming school competitions and events. All the students have the chance
to choose between academics, extracurricular and vocation. We should always remember that
the right club help us become better at what we do, so choose a club wisely, not forcedly.

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