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In our word there are many kinds of relationships. For example a wife to
her husband, a child to their parents and a teacher to their students.
The relationships between employers to their employees. Is just some
sample of relationships as we can observe.
The sets of numbers in mathematics are best sample of sets. The sets
of table in your dining rooms, sets of chair in our offices and schools. Such
that chair1 in offices is not totally similar in chair 2 in your classroom but
chair1 and chair2 have at least one element in common.
If A is a set, the Notation x€A means that A is an element of A. The
notation x€A means that x is not an element of A. B set may be specified
using the set roster method by writing all of its elements between
braces. For example, {1, 2, 3} denotes the set whose elements are 1,2,3. A
variation of the notation can also describe an infinite set, as when we write
1-100. A similar notation can also describe an infinite set, as when write {1,
2, 3….} to refer to the set of all positive integers.
(The symbol…..i called an ellipsis and is read “so forth”


Example 1.

Let A= { 1,2,3}, and C = {1,1,2,3,3,3}. What are the elements of A, B, and C?

How A,B and C, related?


A, B, and C, have exactly the same three Elements: 1,2,3, .Therefore A,B And C
are simply different ways to represent the same set .


How many elements are in the set {1,{1}}?


The set {1,{1}} has two elements b ; 1 and the set whose only elements is 1.

Let A denote a set and let B (x) be a property that elements of A may or
may not satisfy. We may define a new set to be the set of all elements x in

A that A(x) is true. This as follows.

{ x€A/B(x) }

The set of all such that

Given that B denotes the set of all real numbers, C the set of all integers, C† the set of
all positive integers, describe each of the following sets.

a.{ x€BI-˂x˂5}

{ x€BI-2˂x˂5 is the open interval of real numbers ( strictly) between-2 and 5. It is
pictured as follows:
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

B. { x€AI-2˂x˂5}


b. {x€AI-2˂x˂5 } is the set of all integers ( strictly) between -2 and 5. It is equal to the
set { -1,0,1,2,3,4 }

I. Empty Set or Null Set:

A set which does not contain any element is called an empty set, or the null set or the
void set and it is denoted by ∅ and is read as phi. In roster form, ∅ is denoted by {}. An
empty set is a finite set, since the number of elements in an empty set is finite, i.e., 0.

For example: 1
(a) The set of whole numbers less than 0.
(b) Clearly there is no whole number less than 0.
Therefore, it is an empty set.
(c) N = {x : x ∈ N, 3 < x < 4}
• Let A = {x : 2 < x < 3, x is a natural number}
Here A is an empty set because there is no natural number between
2 and 3.
• Let B = {x : x is a composite number less than 4}.
Here B is an empty set because there is no composite number less than 4.
∅ ≠ {0} ∴ has no element.
{0} is a set which has one element 0.
The cardinal number of an empty set, i.e., n(∅) = 0

II. Singleton Set:

A set which contains only one element is called a singleton set.

For example:
• A = {x : x is neither prime nor composite}
It is a singleton set containing one element, i.e., 1.
• B = {x : x is a whole number, x < 1}
This set contains only one element 0 and is a singleton set.
• Let A = {x : x ∈ N and x² = 4}
Here A is a singleton set because there is only one element 2 whose square is 4.
• Let B = {x : x is a even prime number}
Here B is a singleton set because there is only one prime number which is even, i.e., 2.
Singleton set is a set with only one element in it. This is also referred as unit set.
Example: A = { x : x belongs to N, 10< x < 12 }
B = The group of prime ministers India yr 2017
C = Collection of numbers, which are neither positive nor negative.

III. Finite Set:

A set which contains a definite number of elements is called a finite set. Empty set is
also called a finite set.

For example:
• The set of all colors in the rainbow.
• N = {x : x ∈ N, x < 7}
• P = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, ...... 97}
The number of distinct elements counted in a finite set S is denoted by n(S). The
number of elements of a finite set A is called the order or cardinal number of a set A and
is symbolically denoted by n(A).
Thus, if the set A be that of the English alphabets, then n(A) = 26: For, it contains 26
elements in it. Again if the set A be the vowels of the English alphabets i.e. A = {a, e, i,
o, u} then n(A) = 5.

IV. Infinite Set:

The set whose elements cannot be listed, i.e., set containing never-ending elements is
called an infinite set.
For example:
• Set of all points in a plane
• A = {x : x ∈ N, x > 1}
• Set of all prime numbers
• B = {x : x ∈ W, x = 2n}
All infinite sets cannot be expressed in roster form.
For example:
The set of real numbers since the elements of this set do not follow any particular
1. Set of all points in a plane is an infinite set.
2. Set of all points in a line segment is an infinite set.
3. Set of all positive integers which is multiple of 3 is an infinite set.
4. W = {0, 1, 2, 3, ……..} i.e. set of all whole numbers is an infinite set.
5. N = {1, 2, 3, ……….} i.e. set of all natural numbers is an infinite set.
6. Z = {……… -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ……….} i.e. set of all integers is an infinite set.

V. Equivalent Sets:

Two sets A and B are said to be equivalent if their cardinal number is same, i.e., n(A) = n(B). The symbol
for denoting an equivalent set is ‘↔’.
For example: 1
A = {1, 2, 3} Here n(A) = 3
B = {p, q, r} Here n(B) = 3
Therefore, A ↔ B
Example 2
Set A: {A, B, C, D, E}
Set B: {January, February, March, April, May}
Even though Sets A and B have completely different elements (Set A comprises letters, and Set B
comprises months of the year), they have the same amount of elements, which is five. Set A contains
five letters and Set B contains five months. That makes them equivalent sets!

VI .Equal sets:

Two sets A and B are said to be equal if they contain the same elements. Every element of A is an
element of B and every element of B is an element of A.
For example:
A = {p, q, r, s}
B = {p, s, r, q}
Therefore, A = B
The various types of sets and their definitions are explained above with the help of examples.
Equal Sets. Two sets are equal, if they have exactly the same elements.
Example: {a, c, t} = {c, a, t} = {t, a, c}, but {a, c, t} ≠ {a, c, t, o, r}.
Example: {x : x is a letter in the word “book”} = {b, o, k}, but {b, o, k} ≠ {b, o, t}.
Note: The order of the elements inside the brackets in the roster form does not matter.
When listing elements in the roster form, we do not repeat elements inside the set brackets.

Submitted by:
Cillado Angelou O.
Submitted to:
Mr. Jacinto Joseph

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