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Advance Course Assignment No – 01

Question No. 01: what do you understand by Chart Reading? Why it is necessary by
the way?


The Crux of Higher astrology lies in understanding the role and function of four pillars of
astrology i.e. Nakshatras, Signs, Planets and Houses lies at different level of the celestial

sphere. There are various techniques available by which a skilled astrologer maps the heaven
on a piece of 2D paper that demonstrate the upper sky position of celestial sphere at the

time of native’s birth. Our Shastra is “प्रत्यक्ष शास्त्र” means we have to limit ourselves to the
point seen by our naked eyes i.e. Nakshatras. The celestial sphere is a small part ball size

area within the Universe.

The Celestial Sphere is filled by the Space (आकाश) i.e. Carrier of Cosmic Intelligence. Space
is one of the five पंचतत्व. It is the finest medium that responses to all waves, energy forms &

vibrations. It is cosmic energy and also the cosmic intelligence that symbolizes the unified
intelligence of living and non-living beings existed in the universe. It is also known as

“DARK MATTER” in Quantum Physics.

Human being have four subtle part apart from Gross body i.e. PRAN MAYA KOSH, MANO

in the space that’s why we always connected with the space means planets, Nakshatras and


A Horoscope is an pointer to a person karmic records that points the debits owed, credit
dues and possible situations of happiness/sorrow at different time period in his/her current

life. The cosmic homeostatic mechanism gives every living being an opportunity to nullify
his karmic records within every MahaDasha of every planet to reach a point till he is able to

form a space where nothing remains, no past debts owed and no future gains to be received,
but just He remains with He.

The objective of Horoscope reading is to identify the cosmic homeostasis setting, a

person get at the time of birth. He always have free will and choices to modify/improve the

present situation by his own efforts. An individual can also totally deny a situation. He should

Advance Course Assignment No – 01

always choose the right karma with positive mind set within these settings to improve his

future. HOMEOSTASIS: the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between inter-
dependent elements.

Question No. 02: Describe different Systems of Jyotish. Define the theory of Nashatras
span and its division.


There are different school of thoughts that uses their own rules for practicing astrology. Following is
the list of various system of astrology with brief Introduction:

1. Jamini System:
 Prominence of signs over planets.
 Believes that signs aspect each other, not the planets and timing of event is done
by various dashas attributed to signs.
 The major characteristics of the Jamini system is their char (moving) significator’s with
respect to sthir (fixed) significator’s of parashari system.
2. Western System:
 Only Sun and Moon Based.
 Basically talk about the behaviour and personality of an individual.
 Most important part is unequal House system i.e. Placedious House System.
3. Tajik System:
 “Tajik” means crown of all the knowledge related to astrology.
 It uses the position of sun at one’s birth time to predict the events of the current
 Also incorporate the “Sahmas”, a sensitive point in both natal as well as annual chart.
4. Nadi System:
 Simplified Version of Stellar Jyotish, taught by Shri J.S Luthra in New Delhi.
 Very effective in prediction and diagnostics.
 Tries to establish the relation between the 72000 subtle nadis of a person with the
finer and minute part of zodiac, rashis and houses.
 These finer charts are made by varga charts and finer divisions of planetary dashas
into antar dasha, pratyantar dasha, suksham dasha and pran dasha.
 Finer the divisions, greater the results.

Advance Course Assignment No – 01

There are 03 Main systems that are popular today. We will discuss them into more details
as follows:

 Major focuses on placements of different planets in different signs & houses, aspects
of different planets on each other both at the time of birth in natal chart. Gave priority to
strength of planets & houses for result, various planetary periods and yoga’s. The
position of moon at the time of birth is also very important.

 It is mainly lagna kundali (Ascendant sign) based. Further, it believes that strength of the
planets provides the results so they analysed it with various connections of Nakshatras
and position of house owners.

 Two Person can give different results of a same chart and interestingly, both may be

The whole concept of system can be viewed as:

Information: None

Question : Search in which house
Question : search for what sign sit

Information: Planet is in 7th House

in 7th House

Information: House 7th, Libra Sign,

Nakshtras: Chitra, swati, Vishakha

Question : None

Information: House 7th, Libra Sign

Question : Search for Nakshatra

in which sign sit

Advance Course Assignment No – 01



Nakshatras Sub-Division
Nakshatras & Its Lord
& Sub-lord Planet


+ Planetary Period


Figure: Systematic view of Stellar System Working

It is Simple and practical version of vedic Jyotish. In Vedic Jyotish, the 3600 / Zodiac is divided into 12
equal signs/rashi’s of 300 each and again precisely divided into varga charts. Similarly, in stellar
Jyotish, the 3600 / Zodiac is divided into 27 Nakshatras of 130 20’ each.

Shri Gopal Rao Meena sub-divided these 27 stars into 243 divisions to make finer division of zodiac
following the Vimshotri dasha ratios. Krishnamurthy (KP) gave the sub-lord theory i.e all the

Advance Course Assignment No – 01

houses are sub-divided into 249 sub lord positions means making house divisions following the
Nakshatras based vimshotri dasha ratios. In this system, first each Nakshatras Space is divided into
nine parts following the Vimoshatri dasha Pattern and then find out in which Nakshatras and its finer
part, planet is placed. KP Ji discovered that the Nakshatras lord and its sub division lord planet is
responsible for providing results and combination of houses provides an exact possibilities and non-
possibilities of an event in the running planetary period.

It is fixed methodology based system and does not allow astrologer to chart as per his/her
convenience. Thilak K Balakrishnan extended KP theory and introduce the cuspal interlinks theory
to analysis astrological Facts.

There are two Major points in this system

1. They give maximum importance to the point named as cusp where the two houses meet.
2. Second importance is given to interconnectivity of houses as houses produces the result
not the planet.

Higher Astrology System

It is collections of all the best ideas from all above school of thoughts. The system is simple and
practical system based on placedious or unequal House system. The system is simplified and
collective version of all the best traits of both western as well as eastern astrology.

The main postulates are:

1. The System predict the situation of a particular event related to native.

2. Main role is of Nakshatras & its owner planet.
3. Events & situations are grouped into houses. The exact House part and finer division of it
are important to locate the exact situation related to an event.
4. Sign, Nakshatras, the planet and all the houses parts decide a situation.
5. Every Situation is analysed on five levels i.e. Sign, Nakshtaras, Planet, Major House & Minor
House Part.
6. Combination of House play major role.
7. Life is journey from First House to Twelfth House. Every Second house expands into a new
horizon and into a new level.
8. Traditional Dasha System and other traditional rules are selectively used for only finer

Advance Course Assignment No – 01


--------ARIES SIGN (300)-----------

Major House Part & Lord

Minor House Part & Lord


+ Planetary Period

Higher Astrology Chart Anlaysis Rules


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