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Assignment No – 08B

Question No 01:

What are the four basic information required to prepare a horoscope? Also,
differentiate between Lagna Chart & Chalit Chart?


A Horoscope is a chart/diagram drawn on a 2D plane about the position/configuration of

celestial bodies present at the time of Native’s Birth. It can be say that the screenshot of sky
in the form of a chart when someone born from Location and time of native.

Four basic Information required for preparation of a Horoscope:

1. Ascendant (Lagan):
The information about the rising zodiac sign in the eastern horizon along with its exact
degree. The rising sign is ascendant & its degree is ascendant degree/longitude.

2. Position of signs in Different Houses

The second most important information is which sign occupy which house. As per North
Indian style, the top most quadrant of the chart is Ist House & accordingly, in anti-
clockwise direction, we place the house. SO the ascendant occupies Ist house and
relatively all other signs. In, southern style, the signs are fixed and houses are assigned

House system in Northern Style. Fixed sign in Southern Style

3. Position of Different planets of Signs:

With the help of ephemeris, we calculate the positions of planets in their respective signs
& place them.

4. Longitude of planets at the time of event.

With the help of ephemeris, we calculate the longitude of planets at the time of event.

Difference between lagna Chart & Chalit Chart:

Lagna Chart Chalit Chart

1. In, Lagna Chart, we place the sign chalit chart is prepared by placing the
& planets in different houses as planets in different signs & houses

Assignment No – 08B

we observe and measure their actually been seen from the earth or
longitude from a far reaching star. taking horizon as the reference point.
2. In higher astrology, we use Uses PLACIDUS system to prepare.
SRIPATI system to prepare this.

Question No. 02: How the ascendant is fixed?

The most important thing in casting a horoscope is to find out the ascendant means which
sign will be at the first House or rising at the time of native’s Birth.

Birth time – 16:40 hrs IST,

Date of Birth: Jan, 02, 2016

Place: New Delhi

Step 1.1: Calculation of Sidereal time:

For calculating the sidereal time, we use four tables i.e. Sidereal Time Table- I, Correction

of different years (Table –II), Correction of Different localities (table –III).

 From Table-I, Sidereal time for Date (Jan 02, 2016) at 12 Noon = 18hrs 45min 45sec

 Using table-II, correction for year 2016 at 12 Noon = - 21sec

18hrs 45min 24Sec

 Now we have to make correction for New Delhi = + 03Sec

= 18hrs 45min 27sec

From this step, we get Sidereal time (A) of New Delhi at 12 Noon = 18hrs 45min 27sec

Step 1.2 Calculation of Local Mean Time:

For calculating the local mean time at the time of native’s birth, we use local mean time at
Cities (Table – VI).

 Indian Standard Time (IST) at Native’s birth = 16hrs 40min 00sec

 Local time correction using Table –VI = - 21min 08sec
16hrs 18min 52sec

From this step, Local mean time for the IST of Native birth is 16hrs 18min 52sec

Assignment No – 08B

Step 1.3: Calculation of Real Sidereal Time:

The sidereal time calculated in above step No. 1.1 is the sidereal time at New Delhi at 12
Noon. Since the child birth take place in 04:40 PM or 16:40, they we have to correct the
sidereal time accordingly.
 Difference of Local mean time from Noon = 16hrs 18min 52sec

= - 12hrs 00min 00sec

04hrs 18min 52sec
 Calculation of Correction done for time interval :
 At 04:00 Hours, time correction is 0min 39sec.
 At 5:00 hours, time correction is 0min 49 sec.

Hence for 60 min, the change is 10 sec

For 18 min, it will be = (10 *18)/60 = 03 sec.

So for 04 hrs 18 min, it will be 03sec + 39sec = 42 sec

 Correction of time interval using Table – IV = 04hrs 18min 52sec

+ 00hrs 00min 42sec

04hrs 19min 34sec

Hence, the real sidereal time at native birth time at New Delhi is

= Sidereal time at 12Noon in New Delhi + difference of LMT from Noon

= 18hrs 45min 27sec + 04hrs 19min 34sec

= 23hrs 05min 01 sec

Step no.1.4: Calculation of Ascendant

With reference to above-calculated real sidereal time at New Delhi on 16:40 IST, We have to

see the Table of Ascendants and find out the following information.

 Ascendant for sidereal time (23hrs 04min) = 02Sign 60 44’ -------- (i)

 Ascendant for sidereal time (23hrs 08min) = 02Sign 70 39’ -------- (ii)

From above two steps I & II, we conclude that

 04 min = 55’
 240 min = 55’

Assignment No – 08B

 1 min = 55’ / 240

 01min 01 sec or 61 sec = 55’ * 61 / 240 = 14’

Hence, the correct value of ascendant at 23hrs 05min 01 sec = 02Sign 60 44’
+ 14’
02Sign 60 58’
Now, as per Lahiri Ayanasha, we have to make correction for Year 2016

= 02Sign 60 58’
- 10 06’
02Sign 50 52’
Finally as we are using Higher Astrology which uses KP Ayanasha, Correction will be

By adding 6’
= 02Sign 50 52’ + 00 6’ = 02Sign 50 58’

Hence, the ascendant is 03 (Gemini) as above 02 sign means that 02 signs already

crossed and 3rd sign is rising at the eastern horizon with longitude value of 50 58’.
Until now, we know that the ascendant is Gemini. So we prepare a Horoscope only with

Ascendant and houses as per ascendant.

4 2
ASc 1
6 12
7 11
8 10

Assignment No – 08B

Question No. 03:

Full Lagna & Chalit Horoscope Preparation?


Birth time – 15:00 hrs IST,

Date of Birth: April 08, 2016

Place: New Delhi


Step No. 01: Fixation of the Ascendant:

The most important thing in casting a horoscope is to find out the ascendant means which

sign will be at the first House or rising at the time of native’s Birth.
Step 1.1: Calculation of Sidereal time:
For calculating the sidereal time, we use four tables i.e. Sidereal Time Table- I, Correction
of different years (Table –II), Correction of Different localities (table –III).

 From Table-I, Sidereal time for Date (April 08, 2016) at 12 Noon = 01hrs 04min 14sec
 Using table-II, correction for year 2016 at 12 Noon = + 03 Min 35sec

01hrs 07min 49Sec
 Now we have to make correction for New Delhi = + 03Sec
= 01hrs 07min 52sec

From this step, we get Sidereal time (A) of New Delhi at 12 Noon = 01hrs 07min 52sec

Step 1.2 Calculation of Local Mean Time:

For calculating the local mean time at the time of native’s birth, we use local mean time at
Cities (Table – VI).

 Indian Standard Time (IST) at Native’s birth = 15hrs 00min 00sec

 Local time correction using Table –VI = - 21min 08sec
14hrs 38min 52sec

From this step, Local mean time for the IST of Native birth is 14hrs 38min 52sec

Assignment No – 08B

Step 1.3: Calculation of Real Sidereal Time:

The sidereal time calculated in above step No. 1.1 is the sidereal time at New Delhi at 12
Noon. Since the child birth take place in 15:00 IST they we have to correct the sidereal time
 Difference of Local mean time from Noon = 14hrs 38min 52sec

= - 12hrs 00min 00sec

02hrs 38min 52sec
 Calculation of Correction done for time interval :
 For 02:00 Hours, time correction is 0min 20sec.

 For 03:00 hours, time correction is 0min 30 sec.

Hence for 60 min, the change is 10 sec

For 38min, it will be = (10 *38)/60 = 6.33 sec.

So for 02 hrs 38 min, it will be 52sec + 06sec = 58 sec

 Correction of time interval using Table – IV = 02hrs 38min 52sec

+ 00hrs 00min 58sec

02hrs 39min 50sec
Hence, the real sidereal time at native birth time at New Delhi is

= Sidereal time at 12Noon in New Delhi + difference of LMT from Noon

= 01hrs 07min 52sec + 02hrs 39min 50sec

= 03hrs 47min 42 sec

Step no.1.4: Calculation of Ascendant

With reference to above-calculated real sidereal time at New Delhi on 15:00 IST, We have to

see the Table of Ascendants and find out the following information.

 Ascendant for sidereal time (03hrs 44min) = 04Sign 070 14’ -------- (i)

 Ascendant for sidereal time (03hrs 48min) = 04Sign 080 06’ -------- (ii)
From above two steps I & II, we conclude that

 04 min = 54’
 240 min = 54’

 1 min = 54’ / 240

Assignment No – 08B

 03min 42 sec or 222 sec = 54’ * 222 / 240 = 49’

Hence, the correct value of ascendant at 20hrs 47min 26 sec = 04Sign 070 14’
+ 49’
04 Sign 080 03
Now, as per Lahiri Ayanasha, we have to make correction for Year 2016

= 04Sign 080 03’

- 10 06’
04Sign 60 57’
Finally as we are using Higher Astrology which uses KP Ayanasha, Correction will be

By adding 6’
= 04Sign 60 57’ + 00 6’ = 04Sign 070 03’

6 4
7 3
8 2
9 1
10 12

Hence, the ascendant is 05 (Leo) as above 05 sign means that 04 sign already crossed
and 5th sign is rising at the eastern horizon with longitude value of 070 00’.

Until now, we know that the ascendant is Leo. So we prepare a Horoscope only with
Ascendant and houses as per ascendant.

Step No. 02: Position of Planets

The Ephemeris is used to calculate the position of planets to put them into various signs &
their corresponding houses. The Ephemeris, which is used have the longitude & position of
planets only at 5:30 AM IST. So, we have to calculate the correct position of fast moving
planets like sun, moon, mercury, Venus to get their correct Horoscope.

Step 2.1: Position of Planets for April 08th, 2016 at 5:30 AM IST.

Assignment No – 08B

By using Ephemeris or Table No. 9, we get the values of Longitudes of Planets.

Sun 11Sign 240 30’ 26” 27th Nakshatras (Revati)

Moon 12Sign 010 59’ 45” 1th Nakshatras (Ashwini)

Mercury 12Sign 090 40’ 27th Nakshatras (Revati)

Venus 11Sign 080 45’ 25th Nakshatras (Purva Bhadra)

Mars 7Sign 140 17’ 17th Nakshatras (Anuradha)

Jupiter 4Sign 200 39’ 11th Nakshatras (Purva Falguni)

Saturn 7Sign 220 10’ 18th Nakshatras (Jyestha)

Rahu 4Sign 270 33’ 05” 12th Nakshatras (Rohini)

Ketu 10Sign 27’ 33” 25th Nakshatras (Magha)

Step 2.2: Correction of Fast Moving Planets:

(a) Correction for Planet Sun

 Longitude of Sun for April 7th 2016 = 230 31’ 25”

 Longitude of Sun for April 8th 2016 = 240 30’ 26”

Difference in the Longitudes values are = 000 59’ 01”

From above-mentioned calculation, it is concluded that

 In 24 hours, sun make 59 min (00*60+59= 59).

 So in 01 Hour, it made 59/24 = 2.45 Min or 2min 27sec movement.

The Position of Sun as per Ephemeris is at 5:30 AM, but the native is born at 15:00. SO the
difference is 15:00 – 05:30 = 09:30 Hrs.
So, for 09.30 hrs, the sun made further movement = 9.30 * 2.27 = 21.111or 21’ 06”.

So actual longitudinal value of Sun at native birth (15:00 IST) =

240 30’ 26” + 00 21’ 06” = 240 51’ 32”

Now, for KP Ayanasha, we have to add 6’ more to it = 240 51’ 32” + 000 06’ 00”

= 240 57’ 32”

(b) Correction for Planet Moon

 Longitude of Moon for April 7th 2016 = 160 46’ 12”

 Longitude of Moon for April 8th 2016 = 010 59’ 45”


Assignment No – 08B

Difference in the Longitudes values are = 150 13’ 33”

From above-mentioned calculation, it is concluded that

 In 24 hours, Moon make 913 min (15*60+13= 913).

 So in 01 Hour, it made 913/24 = 38.04 Min or 38min 02sec movement.

The Position of Moon as per Ephemeris is at 5:30 AM, but the native is born at 15:00. SO

the difference is 15:00 – 05:30 = 09.30 Hrs.

So, for 9.30 hrs, the sun made further movement = 9.30 * 38.02 = 353.596 or 50 53’ 35”.

So actual longitudinal value of Moon at native birth (15:00 IST) =

010 59’ 45” + 50 53’ 35” =70 53’ 20”

Now, for KP Ayanasha, we have to add 6’ more to it = 070 53’ 20” + 000 06’ 00”

= 070 59’ 20”

(c) Correction for Planet Mercury

 Longitude of Mercury for April 07th 2016 = 070 51’

 Longitude of Mercury for April 08th 2016 = 090 40’

Difference in the Longitudes values are = 010 49’

From above-mentioned calculation, it is concluded that

 In 24 hours, Mercury make 109 min (1*60+49= 109).
 So in 01 Hour, it made 109/24 = 4.54 Min or 4min 32sec movement.

The Position of Mercury as per Ephemeris is at 5:30 AM, but the native is born at 15:00.
SO the difference is 15:00 – 05:30 = 09.30 Hrs.

So, for 09.30 hrs, the Mercury made further movement = 09.30 * 4.32 = 40.176 or 40’ 10”.
So actual longitudinal value of Mercury at native birth (15:00 IST) =

090 40’ + 00 40’ 10” = 100 30’ 10’

Now, for KP Ayanasha, we have to add 6’ more to it = 100 30’ 10’ + 000 06’ 00”

= 100 36’

(d) Correction for Planet Venus

 Longitude of Venus for April 07th 2016 = 070 31’

 Longitude of Venus for April 08th 2016 = 080 45’

Assignment No – 08B

Difference in the Longitudes values are = 10 14’

From above-mentioned calculation, it is concluded that

 In 24 hours, Venus make 74 min (1*60+14= 74).
 So in 01 Hour, it made 74/24 = 3 Min or 3’ movement.

The Position of Venus as per Ephemeris is at 5:30 AM, but the native is born at 15:00. SO
the difference is 15:00 – 05:30 = 09.30 Hrs.

So, for 9.30 hrs, the Venus made further movement = 9.30 * 3 = 27.9 or 27’ 54’.
So actual longitudinal value of Venus at native birth (16:40 IST) =

080 45’ + 27’54” = 090 12’ 54”

Now, for KP Ayanasha, we have to add 6’ more to it = 090 12’ 54" + 000 06’ 00”

= 090 18’

Step No: 03 Final Lagna Chart

6 Asc 4
Sun 11Sign 240 57’ 32”

7 Ju Ra 3 Moon 12Sign 070 59’ 20”

5 Mercury 12Sign 100 36’

Ma Sa 8 2 Venus 11Sign 090 18’

11 Mo Mars 7Sign 140 17’

9 1 Jupiter 4Sign 200 39’
10 Ke 12 Me
Saturn 7Sign 220 10’
Ve Su
Rahu 4Sign 270 33’ 05”

Part –II: Formation of Chalit Chart Ketu 10Sign 270 33’ 05”

Step 01:

 Ascendant with degree: 05 Sign (Leo) 070 00’

Step No 02:

 Calculation of Ascendant degree with Sayana System

 The KP Ayanamsa of 2016 is 240. As we know the Raphel’s table is based on
sayana system. So we add the KP Ayanamsa with degree of ascendant. So,
degree of ascendant according to sayana system

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Assignment No – 08B

= 070 00’
+ 240 00’ 00”
06 sign 010 00’ 0”

Step No.03: Calculation of cuspal degree of Houses as per sayana system and then
subtract the KP ayanamasha to get them in Niryana System:

 2nd House = 280 Virgo - 240 = 040 Virgo

 3rd House = 280 Libra - 240 = 040 Libra
 10th House = 00 Gemini - 240 = 060 Taurus
 11th House = 020 Cancer - 240 = 080 Gemini
 12th House = 030 Leo - 240 = 090 Cancer

From the above six houses, we can get the values of another six houses

 7st House = 070 00’ Leo + 06 sign = Aquarius 070 00’

 8th House = 040 Virgo + 06 sign = Pisces 040
 9th House = 040 Libra + 06 sign = 040 Aries
 4th House = 060 Taurus + 06 sign = Scorpio 060
 5th House = 080 Gemini + 06 sign = 080 Sagittarius
 6th House = 090 Cancer + 06 sign = 090 Capricorn

A table may be formulated as mentioned:

Houses Start Sign Starting point End Sign Ending Degree

I Leo 070 Virgo 040
II Virgo 040 Libra 040
III Libra 040 Scorpio 060
IV Scorpio 060 Sagittarius 080
V Sagittarius 080 Capricorn 090
VI Capricorn 090 Aquarius 070
VII Aquarius 070 Pisces 040
VIII Pisces 040 Aries 040
IX Aries 040 Taurus 060
X Taurus 060 Gemini 080
XI Gemini 080 Cancer 090
XII Cancer 090 Leo 070

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Assignment No – 08B

tep No: 03 Final Chalit Chart

6 Ju 4
04:00 (200 39’)

Ra 3
7 (270 33’)
04:00 5
Ma (14 17’)
Sa (22 10’)
8 06:00
qQ 06:00

11 Me
9 07:00 1 (100 36’)

08:00 Ke (27 33’) 0

12 04:00
10 Mo
04:00 (070 59’)
09:00 Su Ve
(240 57’’) (90 18’)

Question No. 05: Try to find out the approx. time of Birth and Date of Birth?


1. Time: 03-05 AM Date of Birth: 31 Jan or 01 Feb

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Assignment No – 08B

2. Time: 11 AM – 01 PM Date of Birth: 13-14 August

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