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Listening Scripts Intermediate Plus


Listening 1 Listening 2
Interviewer Good afternoon everyone and welcome to Technology 1 My best trip so far was the year I spent in Africa when
Troubles. Today we’re talking about internet chatrooms. I took my gap year before going to university. Even
We’ve had so many people writing or phoning in about this, though I was working, the whole thing just felt like
we decided to invite internet expert Daniel Coleman into the one big, long holiday. I was helping out on various
studio to give you all some top tips. Welcome Daniel and community projects. It was an amazing time! I met
thanks for joining us. some really talented people, though sadly I’m not in
Daniel Thanks for having me! touch with them anymore.
Interviewer Now we know that more and more young people are 2 A few years ago, a bunch of us headed off to travel
using chatrooms nowadays … around south-east Asia and we just had the best time.
Daniel … that’s right … We saw loads of awesome places. A few of the girls
Interviewer … and knowing how to stay safe is very important. So, had some arguments, but they sorted it out in the end.
what are your top tips? We’re actually all really close and you know what, I
Daniel Well, the first thing I’d say is, tell your parents if you’re using, couldn’t imagine doing that trip with anyone else.
or planning to use, chatrooms. They don’t want to stop you 3 When I was in my late teens, my family and I did a
having fun, they just want to keep you safe, and to do this, road trip through Europe and I’ve never forgotten
they need to know what you’re doing and which chatrooms that. We had a big camper van and that meant we
you’re going into. It’s best to decide on some rules together could just stop whenever we wanted, wherever we
about what you should and shouldn’t be doing, say, when you wanted. That really suited us. I remember we visited
can use a chatroom, a time limit, and so on. And stick to some out of the way places, like little villages in the
those rules! mountains in Greece.
Interviewer OK. 4 Last year I went on an adventure holiday with some of
Daniel And of course, never give out personal details. This means my mates from university. We learned to do all sorts
no telling people your real name, even just your first name. of things, like white water rafting. That was scary at
When you sign up, as well as a password, you’ll be asked to times, but that’s why you go on an adventure holiday I
choose a nickname. Always use this, and you could tell your suppose! Anyway, the whole holiday was anything but
real friends what it is so they can look out for you when they boring – I’d say it was my best holiday ever.
join the chatroom. You also shouldn’t tell anyone how old 5 When I was about 15 my parents and I went to
you are, or even your gender. This might sound a bit odd, but Mexico. I can still remember all the unusual foods in
believe me, it’s for your own good. the market and the bright colours – it was different
Interviewer Er, yeah, I can imagine. from anything I’d ever seen at home in our local
Daniel Other details that you should never give out are your address, market. We travelled all around the country and I’ll
phone number, school, and email address. You might think never forget the people – they were so kind and helpful
that’d be useful if someone wants to send you photos, but to us.
you could end up with some unpleasant photos or even more
importantly, a nasty virus as soon as you open an attachment
which could harm your computer! Oh, and you shouldn’t
send your picture to anyone, no matter how many times they
ask you.
Interviewer That’s good advice. Now, we hear a lot about
‘cyber-bullying’. What exactly is that, Daniel?
Daniel ‘Cyber-bullying’ basically means trying to hurt someone’s
feelings by using technology. And it doesn’t only apply to
chatrooms – it could be done through email or texting, for
example, someone forwarding an email you sent them to
someone else, or an embarrassing photograph, or telling lies
about you online.
Interviewer Right, well, there are of lots of good things about
chatrooms too, aren’t there?
Daniel Sure, talking to school friends over a chat programme makes
it easy to exchange ideas about school activities, homework,
or problems with projects, for example. And they’re a great
way of making people more sociable, well, depending on the
person, I suppose. They’re good for opening people’s minds
too – it’s always good to hear different opinions.
Interviewer Well, we’re going into a commercial break now Daniel,
but I hope you’ll stay with us and …

English File Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 1

Listening Scripts Intermediate Plus


Listening 1 Listening 2
Interviewer In today’s Travel Focus we’ll be looking at New York, 1 Yeah, sure it’s a bit crowded, but I don’t mind that! There
one of the biggest tourist hotspots in the world. Leanne are loads of things that more than make up for it, like
Carter is in the studio today to tell us some more. Hi being able to go out and enjoy just about whatever food
Leanne and welcome to the programme. you want from anywhere in the world. You name it, we’ve
Leanne Hey there! got it! I just love being able to try out so many awesome
Interviewer So, tell us Leanne, why should someone visit New menus.
York city? 2 I think it’s probably the fact that there are people from all
Leanne Well, if you want to go somewhere exciting for a holiday, I over the world here. I love that – it’s good for them and
recommend New York as a fantastic place to visit, even for it’s good for us. I mean, the way things are now, budget
a short stay. There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, travel and that, nowhere’s far away. I’ve learned so much
you’ll be amazed by all the things there are to do there and, from my friends about all sorts of unusual food and stuff.
secondly, the city has some of the most famous sights you 3 Well, there’s so much to choose from that I’m never at
will ever see. home – I’m always out doing stuff. I was at the theatre
Interviewer Could you tell us a little about its history? last weekend – we saw a really good play set in the 1960s.
Leanne New York City has an interesting history. The city of New And booking the tickets couldn’t be easier. I’m probably
York was named after a future king of England – the Duke going to a dance show on Saturday. Can’t wait!
of York. Before that it was known as New Amsterdam. Of 4 There’s nothing I don’t like about city life actually! I
course many people call it by its nickname – The Big Apple. mean, it’s great having all these cinemas and bars to
It also has a strong history of immigration and you’ll find choose from. I’m never bored. And because I’m really
people from many different cultures living there. into antiques, I’m never happier than when I’m going
Interviewer Right. I imagine it’s quite a difficult city to get around, round all the crowded markets at the weekend. You can
is it? get some great bargains!
Leanne Getting around couldn’t be easier, actually. As well as the 5 Life here is just so easy. I’ve got so many things right on
famous subway, there are also the New York taxicabs, you my doorstep: great restaurants, amazing shops, cinemas,
know, the bright yellow ones you always see on TV. It may the works! And I’ve got so used to all that now, I can’t
well be easier to jump into one of these, but remember that imagine ever moving back to the countryside again. I can
you might get caught up in a traffic jam. Using the buses is go anywhere and get what I want without any problems. I
pretty straightforward too and they’re way cheaper than love it!
the subway.
Interviewer So, which places shouldn’t be missed on a trip to New
Leanne There are three things that I think you really should do if
you visit New York. First, you must see the Statue of
Liberty. It’s one of the greatest attractions in the world. The
statue was a gift from the people of France in 1886 and is
about 46 metres tall, which is rather smaller than people
Interviewer Really?
Leanne Yeah, and you must also go see a show on Broadway, if you
visit New York. It’s possible to buy tickets on the same
evening as the show you want to see. However, you can’t
always get the best seats as these have usually been booked
earlier. For this reason, it’s definitely best to book tickets in
advance so you can choose where to sit. You can get more
information from your hotel. Going to the theatre in New
York can be quite expensive but you’ll have a fantastic time!
Interviewer And the third thing? You said there are three things
everyone should do …
Leanne: Shopping, of course! There are so many shops! Like
Macy’s, that’s one of the most famous department stores in
the world. It’s awesome!
Interviewer Well, that’s been really informative, Leanne. Thank
you so much for coming in to talk to us today.
Leanne You’re welcome! And I’m sure anyone who visits New
York’ll just want to go back again and again!

English File Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 2

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