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A Project Report based on in – depth - study and critical analysis of the following HRD
training aspects of an Organization.
a) HRD System: Human Resource Planning, Training Policy, Training Budget.
b) Training Need Assessment System.
c) Training and other Development Programmes and their evaluation.
d) Strategies for improving HRD activities in the Organization.

Study and critical analysis of the HRD training Aspects at XXXXXX.


XXXXXXXXX is one of the leading healthcare BPO & IT solutions company in Hyderabad.

Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, our clients include Hospitals, Outpatient Surgery
Centers, Clinics and Physician Practices. XXXXX wide spread its operations in locations
like Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Gurgoan, Vijayawada etc.

XXXXXX's current work force of over 1000 professional transcriptionists and coders service
our clients' needs on our secure Web-based systems.

XXXXXX's growth has not come from acquisitions but instead through an organic process
of recommendations and referrals from our satisfied clients.

Study and critical analysis of the HRD training Aspects at XXXXXX.Net India Pvt Ltd -
Is the choice for completion for the internship project because option II covers all the parts
of human resource system of an organization for both employees and the organization.

(A) HRD System: Human Resource Planning, Training Policy, Training Budget

Human Resource planning can be defined as a process by which an organization ensures that it
has the right number and kinds of people, at the right place, at the right time, capable of
effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve its
overall objectives or in other words HRP can be defined as planning for the future personnel
needs of an organization, taking into account both internal activities and factors in the external

Human Resource planning is a dynamic and ongoing process. Following are the series of
steps involved in Human Resource Planning.

1. Forecasting:

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Forecasting future manpower requirements and future supply of human resources in

an organization.

2. Inventory:
After knowing what human resources are required in the Organization, the next step
is Inventory i.e. inventorying present manpower resources and analyzing the degree
to which these resources are employed optimally.

3. Audit:
Anticipating Manpower problems by projecting present resources into the future and
comparing them with the forecast of the requirements to determine their adequacy
both quantitatively and qualitatively.

4. HR Plan:
Planning the necessary programs of recruitment, selection, training, deployment,
utilization, transfer, promotion, development, motivation and compensation so that
future manpower requirement will be met.


Training and development is vital to any business. Its purpose is to better the performance
of employees to enable them to meet company business goals. Along with the other
functions of company operations, training and development too need the explicit support of
top management, with out which the entire training exercise will be a complete failure. The
purpose of training is to meet the organization’s needs in relation to its objectives. It is vitally
important, therefore, that management has a policy with respect to training and that this
policy should be well defined and clear-cut. More specifically, it should be expressed in the
rules and procedures which govern or influence the standard and scope of training in the
organization. A model training policy should encompass the following:

1. Overall accountability of management right from the stage of planning to successful

2. Organization’s approach to reinforce training as a function which would include
guidance for design and execution as well as dissemination of relevant information
to all the employees.
3. With the provision of periodic surveys, organization can ensure that the training is in
line with the needs and objectives of the company.
4. As per the external and internal factors, training programs should be designed
accordingly as per the priority since resources are always scarce.
5. Clear identification of target groups and confirmation that training relates to
everyone without exception.
6. Communication to all employees of the firm’s intention regarding each individual’s
career development and the contribution of training to a person’s future promotional
7. Expression of firm faith and belief that training and development are as crucial to the
organization as to the individual and that the company’s growth is inextricably linked
with the growth of each employee.

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Basically a budget generally refers to a list of all planned expenses.

Establishing a training budget for the organization ensures that we allocate
appropriate funds for employee development over the course of period. It is
usually prepared annually for management to have an idea on how much will be
required for training during the financial year and for the overall corporate
budget. It can also be prepared quarterly or as requested by management.
By planning for training expenses and linking them to strategic objectives, we can
typically avert cost-cutting measures that could reduce our training budget.
Points to be noted while preparing training budget are as follows:

1) No of Employees in Organization.
2) Categorize these employee in to various levels(Executive, Middle, Senior Management
3) Categorize maximum up to 5-6 levels.
4) Decide upon how many training hours for each category we would like to give.
5) Identify the subject of training/ method of training (in house/ outbound/experiential/
internal trainer/ external trainer).
6) For understanding the training requirements either soft skills or technical skills, need to
be in to be in touch with immediate supervisor or department heads i.e. go for Training
Need Analysis.
6) Exercise upon the prevailing rates from the training vendors we may want to associate
7) Prepare training calendar.
8)Once we have all this data we can estimate the budget we want to allot for training.

(B)Training needs Assessment System

The training needs assessment is a critical activity for the training and development
function. A TNA is a tool used to identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a
particular individual to carry out his/her job. To be effective and efficient, all training
programs must start with a needs assessment. Long before any actual training occurs, the
training manager must determine the who, what, when, where, why and how of training. To
do this, the training manager must analyze as much information as possible about the

• Organization and its goals and objectives.

• Jobs and related tasks that need to be learned.
• Competencies and skills that are need to perform the job.
• Individuals who are to be trained.

Why Training Need analysis

1. To have right human capital to achieve organisational goals.
2. Providing learning opportunities to the employees for their development.
3. To retain employees.

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4. To bridge gap between requirement and performance.

People Involved in TNA

A) Senior managers/strategic decision makers, line managers, possibly colleagues/

co-workers + HR specialists
B) Individuals: Learners, Trainees, Groups and their representatives.
C) Customers, suppliers, budget holders and key-initiative holders
D) Functional specialists + training specialists

There are three levels of a training needs assessment:

1. Organizational assessment as a whole
2. Occupational/task assessment
3. Individual assessment

Methods of collecting data to identify Training needs:

 Participatory Activities
 Observation
 Interviews
 Surveys/ questionnaire
 Meetings/ Workshops
 Existing data/ Document Review

(C)Training & other Development Programs and their evaluation

Training and Development:

It is an attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an
employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude
or increasing his or her skills and knowledge.

The need for Training and Development is determined by the employee’s performance,
deficiency, computed as follows.
Training & Development Need = Standard Performance – Actual Performance

Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills. An employee undergoing training
is presumed to have had some formal education. No training program is complete without
an element of education. Hence we can say that Training is offered to operatives.

Development means those learning opportunities designed to help employees to grow.
Development is not primarily skills oriented. Instead it provides the general knowledge and
attitudes, which will be helpful to employers in higher positions. Efforts towards
development often depend on personal drive and ambition. Development activities such as
those supplied by management development programs are generally voluntary in nature.
Development provides knowledge about business environment, management principles and
techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis and the like is useful for better
management of a company.

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Training & Development - a mistaken notion that both are same. Difference between
Training and Development are mentioned as followed:

Training Development
Training is skills focused Development is creating learning abilities
Training is presumed to have a formal Development is not education dependent
Training needs depend up on lack or Development depends on personal drive and
deficiency in skills ambition
Trainings are generally need based Development is voluntary
Training is a narrow concept focused on job Development is a broader concept focused
related skills on personality development
Training may not include development Development includes training wherever
Training is aimed at improved job related to Development aims at overall personal
efficiency and performance effectiveness including job efficiencies

Importance of Training & Development

• Helps remove performance deficiencies in employees.
• Greater stability, flexibility and capacity for growth in an organization.
• Accidents, scraps and damages to machinery can be avoided.
• Serves as effective source of recruitment.
• It is an investment in HR with a promise of better returns in future.
• Reduces dissatisfaction, absenteeism, complaints and turnover of

A wide variety of training programs are used in different organizations depending on

requirements and size of their manpower. Some of the commonly used programs may be
listed as:
a. Orientation training
b. Job Instruction training
c. Refresher Training
d. Apprenticeship Training
e. Vestibule Training
Management development programs help in acquiring and developing different types of
managerial skills and knowledge. Different types of techniques are used to acquire and
develop various types of managerial skills and knowledge. They are:

• Decision Making skills

1. In-basket
2. Business Game
3. Case Study
• Interpersonal skills
1. Role play
2. Sensitivity Training

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• Job Knowledge
1. On the job
2. Coaching
3. Understudy
• Organizational Knowledge
1. Job Rotation
2. Multiple Management

• General Knowledge
1. Special Courses
2. Special meetings
3. Special readings
• Specific Individual needs
1. Special Projects
2. Committee assignments

Training Evaluation:
Evaluating training is important because it provides information on whether or not it was
effective. Without an evaluation, the training process could continue for long periods of time
without actually teaching people what they need to know. Evaluating trainees can be formal
or informal, but some sort of evaluation method needs to take place to ensure that the goals
of the training are being met.
Training evaluation is carried out for a wide range of purposes which can be categorized
generally under four main headings:

• To improve the quality of the training – in terms of the delivery eg trainer, methods,
length, training objectives – content, level
• To assess the effectiveness of – the overall course, trainer, training methods
• To justify the course – prove that the benefits outweigh the costs
• To justify the role of training – for budget purposes, in cutback situations.

Levels of evaluation:

Hamblin suggested five levels at which evaluation can take place viz., reactions, learning,
job behavior, organization and ultimate value.

• Reaction level – which measures what the delegates think or feel about the training
• Learning level – which measures what the delegates learned from the course
• Job behavior – which measures the effect of the training on job performance
• Organization – which measures the use of training, learning, and change in the job
behavior of the department/ organization in the form of increased productivity,
quality, morale, sales turnover and the like
• Ultimate level – which measures the effect on organizational performance.

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D) Strategies for improving HRD activities in the Organization.

Strategic HR

Strategic human resource defines employees as a resource, an asset, that provides

competitive advantage to an organization, and on whom organizational success is

This is the new way adopted by many and by our organizations in the treatment of
employees, making them the prime drivers or one of the prime movers of corporate

People, not machines, not systems, not other assets, are in the special position in helping
the organization attain its objectives. These other things, however, are also important. But
people are needed to make use of them in productive ways.

Companies now have realized that people are their most important asset. And that without
them, they cannot achieve much. In this way, they are implementing a strategic human
resource management approach.

Human resource development is a process to help people to acquire competencies and to

increase their knowledge, skills and capabilities for better performance and higher

Proactive HRD Strategies for long term planning and growth:

In today’s fast changing, challenging and competitive environment HRD has to take a
proactive approach that is to seek preventive care in human relations. Using HRD
strategies maximizations of efficiency and productivity could be achieved through qualitative
growth of people with capabilities and potentialities to grow and develop. HRD is always a
function of proper utilization of creative opportunities and available environment through
acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for productive efforts. Long-term
growth can also be planned by creating highly inspired groups of employees with high
aspirations to diversify around core competencies and to build new organizational
responses for coping with change.

A proactive HRD strategy can implement activities that are geared up and directed at
improving personal competence and productive potentialities of human resources.
Following strategic choices can be considered which would help today’s organizations to
survive and grow.

Balance score card:

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It is a strategy performance management tool - a semi-standard structured report,

supported by design methods and automation tools that can be used by managers to keep
track of the execution of activities by the staff within their control and to monitor the
consequences arising from these actions.

Change Management:
Manage change properly and become an effective change agent rather than being a victim
of change itself.
Adopt proactive HRD measures, which encourage values of openness, trust, autonomy,
proactivity and experimentation.
Maximize productivity and efficiency:
Through qualitative growth of people with capabilities and potentialities to grow and develop
thrive to maximize productivity and efficiency of the organization.
Activities directed to competence building:
HRD activities need to be geared up and directed at improving personal competence and
productive potentialities of manpower resources.

Student Name: DEEPTHI U Guide Name: Dr. Y V SUBRAHMANYAM

Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:

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