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AANA Journal Course

Evidence-Based Use of Nonopioid Analgesics

Michael J. Kremer, PhD, CRNA, FNAP, FAAN
Charles A. Griffis, PhD, CRNA

Analgesia is a necessary component of any anesthetic anesthetics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medica-

technique, and can be achieved with local anesthetics, tions, intravenous acetaminophen, neuromodulatory
opioid and nonopioid analgesics, and inhaled anes- agents such as gabapentin, corticosteroids, centrally
thetic agents. Risks and benefits are associated with acting α2 agonists, and ketamine. Certified Registered
each of the agents and techniques described here, Nurse Anesthetists optimize the safety and quality
including local anesthetic systemic toxicity, respiratory of care they provide through use of evidence-based
depression, nausea, and urinary retention. Implemen- practice, including the drugs they select, order, and
tation of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) administer, such as opioid and nonopioid analgesics,
protocols, use of preemptive analgesia techniques, when providing anesthesia care.
and the national opioid crisis are fostering increased
utilization of nonopioid analgesics, including local Keywords: Analgesia, nonopioids, opioids.

Objectives through direct inhibition of ascending transmission of

At the completion of this course the reader should be nociception from the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and
able to: activation of descending pain control pathways from the
1. Describe the risks and benefits of opioid analgesics. midbrain via the rostral ventromedial medulla to the
Review nonopioid analgesics in terms of mecha- spinal cord and dorsal horn. Opioids can have sedative
nisms of action, doses, risks, and benefits. and euphoric effects that vary according to the involved
Discuss the impact of Enhanced Recovery After agent, with µ agonists such as morphine producing
Surgery protocols on pain management. greater sedation and euphoria and κ agonists like butor-
4. Identify the impact of the opioid crisis on selecting, phanol producing dysphoria.3
ordering, and administering opioid agonists. In healthy patients, when opioids are included in an
5. List the mechanisms of action for psychotropic and anesthetic regimen, bradycardia resulting from medullary
anticonvulsant agents used as analgesic adjuncts. vagal stimulation occurs, with little effect on blood pres-
sure. Dose-dependent peripheral vasodilation is associated
Introduction with opioids, but myocardial contractility, baroreceptor
Opioids suppress pain through their actions in the brain, function, and autonomic responsiveness are not affected.3
spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system. Appropriate Cough suppression results from the depressant effects of
titration and monitoring of opioids attenuate many of the opiates on the cough center in the medulla. In the context
adverse effects of these drugs. Opioids are central to the of anesthesia and critical care, opioids help patients toler-
analgesic aspect of anesthesia, notably when total intrave- ate breathing devices and mechanical ventilation.2
nous (IV) anesthesia is used.1 The common acute clinical
effects of opioid agonists are discussed in this section and Benefits of Opioid Analgesics
in Table 1. Common chronic effects of opioids include The term balanced anesthesia was first used in 1926,
tolerance, physical dependence, and constipation.2 meaning that a combination of anesthetic agents and
Opioids have effects on the major body systems, techniques could be used to produce the components
including the central nervous system (CNS), where of anesthesia, including analgesia, amnesia, muscle re-
varying degrees of analgesia, sedation, and euphoria are laxation, and ablation of autonomic reflexes. Use of an
associated with these drugs. Opioids produce analgesia opioid as a component of balanced anesthesia attenuates
The AANA Journal Course is published in each issue of the AANA Journal. Each article includes objectives for the reader and sources
for additional reading. A 10-question open-book exam for each course is published on and will remain live
on the site for a period of 3 years. One continuing education (CE) credit can be earned by successfully completing the examination
and evaluation. Each exam is priced at $35 for members and $21 for students but can be taken at no cost by using one of the
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educational activity is being presented with the understanding that any conflict of interest has been reported by the author(s). Also,
there is no mention of off-label use for drugs or products. AANA Journal  August 2018  Vol. 86, No. 4 321

pain and anxiety, decreases hemodynamic responses to Acute effect Chronic effect
airway instrumentation, lowers minimal alveolar con- Analgesia Tolerance
centration requirements for inhaled anesthetics, and Respiratory depression Physical dependence
provides postoperative analgesia. The synergy between Sedation Constipation
opioids and induction agents reduces the dose require- Euphoria
ment for induction agents.4-6 Dysphoria
Lowenstein et al7 demonstrated in 1969 that opioid- Vasodilation
based anesthesia using morphine, 0.5 to 3 mg/kg, could Bradycardia
be used safely in patients with minimal cardiac reserve Cough suppression
undergoing open heart surgery. Hemodynamic stabil-
ity can now be achieved with myriad drugs and anes-
Nausea and vomiting
thetic regimens, with opioids, including fentanyl and its
Skeletal muscle rigidity
analogs, remaining key components of anesthesia care.4
Smooth-muscle spasm
Alfentanil and remifentanil allow rapid titration because
of the 1- to 2-minute onset to peak effect times, and nar-
Urinary retention
cotic antagonists are seldom needed after remifentanil
Biliary spasm
Pruritis, rash
Opioids are associated with prevention of myocardial
ischemia through δ and κ receptor agonism, enhancing Antishivering (meperidine)
myocardial resistance to oxidative and ischemic stressors. Histamine release
Mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-regulated Hormonal effects
potassium channels (KATP) may be pivotal in this signal- Table 1. Common Clinical Effects of Opioid Agonists
ing pathway.8 Used by permission from Nagelhout JJ. Opioid agonists and
antagonists. In: Nagelhout J, Elisha S, eds. Nurse Anesthesia. 6th
ed. St Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2018:128-139.
Drawbacks of Opioid Analgesics
Morphine, even in the large doses described earlier, is
unlikely to cause direct myocardial depression. However, When large doses of fentanyl and its analogs are ad-
changing from a supine to a standing position in a patient ministered rapidly, generalized skeletal muscle rigidity
medicated with morphine can result in orthostatic hy- that interferes with ventilation can result. This increased
potension and syncope related to altered sympathetic skeletal muscle tone is likely related to decreased striatal
nervous system compensatory responses due to venous γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) release and increased do-
pooling.9 Decreased blood pressure due to bradycardia pamine release and can be offset by muscle relaxants or
and histamine release are known morphine side effects opioid antagonists.14 This phenomenon is described as
than can be attenuated by not administering greater than being uncommon in one article, with the authors noting
5 mg/min of morphine, having the patient maintain the that “this complication is better described in pediatric
supine position, and providing adequate hydration.10 patients” with anesthetic doses of fentanyl and other
Opioid agonists produce respiratory depression that is opiates. Chest wall rigidity can occur with analgesic
dose-related through µ2 receptor agonism resulting in de- doses of fentanyl and its analogs. Management includes
pression of brainstem ventilation centers.11 Respiratory ventilatory support and reversal with naloxone or admin-
depression related to opioids is rapid and persists for istration of a neuromuscular blocking agent.15
several hours, as evidenced by decreased ventilatory re- Opioids can result in itching, rash, and a feeling of
sponses to carbon dioxide. Death due to opioid overdose warmth in the face, arms, and upper aspect of the chest.
typically results from ventilatory depression.12 This occurs with histamine as well as nonhistamine-re-
Sedation typically precedes analgesia with morphine. leasing drugs and occurs more frequently with neuraxial
A suggested interval of 5 to 7 minutes between morphine opioids, likely because of activation of central µ recep-
doses permits evaluation of the clinical effects of this tors.16 Narcotic antagonists like naloxone and naltrexone
drug. The sedation associated with morphine should not may be used to treat pruritis at the expense of decreased
be construed as adequate analgesia.12 analgesia. Nalbuphine, droperidol, antihistamines, and
Opioids provoke nausea and vomiting through stimu- ondansetron can also be used to treat pruritis associated
lation of the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the medullary with opioids.17
area postrema. Vestibular components may also con- Opioids decrease gastric motility and peristalsis, pro-
tribute to postoperative nausea and vomiting, since this longing gastric emptying time and reducing secretions
occurs more frequently in ambulatory surgical patients. throughout the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This produc-
Postoperative nausea and vomiting are more frequent es opioid-induced constipation and postoperative ileus.
when opioids are included in anesthetic management.13 Opioid-induced constipation does not lessen over the

322 AANA Journal  August 2018  Vol. 86, No. 4

Drug classification Mechanism Example
MOR agonists Stimulate central and peripheral MOR, Morphine, hydromorphone, fentanyl
produce analgesia
Local anesthetics Block sodium channels peripherally; Lidocaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine
depress CNS
Anticonvulsants (adjuvant drug) Block spinal cord voltage-dependent Pregabalin
calcium channels
Antianxiety (adjuvant drug) Inhibit reuptake of norepinephrine and Amitriptyline
serotonin at descending inhibitory fiber
NMDA antagonists Block NMDA receptors Ketamine
Alpha-2 agonists Stimulate spinal cord α2 receptors Dexmedetomidine, clonidine
COX inhibitors/NSAIDs Block COX-1 and/or COX-2 enzymes, Ibuprofen, ketorolac, naproxen
inhibiting PGE production
Corticosteroids Block phospholipase A2 Dexamethasone

Table 2. Analgesic Drug Classes and Mechanisms of Effect

Abbreviations: CNS, central nervous system; COX, cyclooxygenase; MOR, μ (mu) opioid receptors; NMDA, N-methyl-d-aspartate;
NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PGE, prostaglandin E.

course of long-term opioid treatment. Peripherally acting ing effect, presumably due, at least in part, to the lack of a
µ opioid receptor antagonists, including methylnaltrex- first-pass liver effect.22 The side effects of acetaminophen
one, naloxegol, and alvimopan improve bowel symptoms can include allergic reaction and liver toxicity. Indeed,
without compromising opioid analgesic effects. The poten- it is important to inform the patient and postoperative
tial side effects of these drugs include abdominal pain.18 care team members of acetaminophen administration, to
Dose-dependent increases in biliary duct pressure and prevent overdose.
sphincter of Oddi tone are produced by opioid receptor- Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic agent with pro-
mediated mechanisms. Opioids also increase urinary found analgesic effects due to noncompetitive inhibi-
sphincter tone.2 tion of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors in the CNS.23
Although opioids blunt the surgical stress response, Ketamine use for nonopioid analgesia has been revived
these drugs also have immunosuppressant effects. in recent years because of the drug’s efficacy and lack
Opioids inhibit natural killer cell function and stimu- of opioid-related side effects, and its utility when used
late cancer cell proliferation because of their effects on for opioid-dependent chronic pain patients.24 Ketamine
angiogenesis and tumor cell signaling pathways.19 Use doses for analgesia vary depending on the patient and
of nonopioid analgesics may help offset these risks in clinical situation, and in one clinical investigation of
scenarios involving immunocompromise or cancer. opioid-dependent patients undergoing back surgery,
patients received 0.5 mg/kg of ketamine on induction,
Nonopioid Mechanisms of Analgesia followed by an infusion of 10 μg/kg/min started before
The Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) has a incision and terminated on skin closure.24 Patients who
robust arsenal of nonopioid analgesic drugs from which received ketamine required 37% less morphine and re-
to choose, depending on the individual patient’s history ported less pain at 6-week postoperative follow-up. Side
and needs (Table 2). Acetaminophen is a well-character- effects include increased oral secretions, tachycardia and
ized nonopioid analgesic drug, often chosen because of hypertension, vivid and unpleasant dreams, and increas-
its benign effect on gastric mucosa and platelet function, es in intracranial pressure.
although it is known to have no ameliorating effect on Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid steroid drug,
inflammation.20 The exact mechanism of action of ac- which is a fluorinated derivative of prednisolone.23 Used
etaminophen remains unclear, although some investiga- traditionally for its anti-inflammatory effects on such
tions have suggested the drug has a weak effect on cyclo- conditions as airway inflammation and cerebral edema,
oxygenase 1 (COX-1) and COX-2 gene expression. The this glucocorticoid drug is being increasingly used for its
IV form of acetaminophen, marketed as Ofirmev, is given systemic analgesic effect23,25 and for its ability to prolong
over 30 minutes at a dose of 1,000 mg every 6 hours for peripheral neural blockade when administered parenter-
children and adults weighing more than 50 kg, and 15 ally or as a component of the local anesthetic solution.26
mg/kg every 6 hours for children 2 to 12 years of age Doses vary widely depending on the intended effect,
and adults and adolescents weighing less than 50 kg.21 route of administration, and clinical situation, with 8 mg
Clinical investigation has shown the parenteral form of intravenously having been reported to have a systemic
acetaminophen to have a powerful analgesic opioid-spar- analgesic effect, and a similar dose combined with local AANA Journal  August 2018  Vol. 86, No. 4 323

anesthetics prolonging sciatic nerve block. However, it is treated very effectively with long-acting local anesthet-
important to note that dexamethasone is not approved ics such as bupivacaine and ropivacaine when used
by the US Food and Drug Administration for perineural in peripheral nerve blocks.37 It is common practice in
administration.25,26 The mechanism of effect is unclear, outpatient surgical settings for surgeons to infiltrate ap-
but the drug inhibits phospholipase A2, thus decreasing propriate wound edges with long-acting local anesthet-
pain-causing prostaglandin production, and locally ad- ics and for nurse anesthetists to administer long-acting
ministered glucocorticoid compounds have been found regional blocks for extremity surgeries. Both approaches
to inhibit nociceptive C-fibers.27 Although many side decrease opioid requirements, helping avoid opioid-asso-
effects are associated with longer-term administration, ciated side effects. Similarly efficacious is the use of local
acute side effects seem limited to increases in plasma anesthetics to provide postoperative analgesia through
glucose levels and to unpleasant perineal sensations in performing transverse abdominis plane blocks for mida-
awake patients following rapid IV administration. bdominal and lower abdominal procedures.38
Dexmedetomidine is a highly selective centrally acting Capsaicin, a major component of chili peppers, is sold
α2 receptor agonist with analgesic and sedative effects. over the counter for temporary relief of pain related to
When administered at a rate of 0.2 to 0.7 µg/kg/min, the arthritis, myalgias, arthralgias, and neuralgias. This com-
drug blunts central sympathetic responses, and produces pound is a transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV1)
CNS depression. Dexmedetomidine lessens opioid-relat- cation channel agonist.39 In inflammatory conditions,
ed muscle rigidity, decreases postoperative shivering, and TRPV1 receptor sensitivity is increased; TRVP2 receptors
produces minimal respiratory depression. Use of dexme- are found on unmyelinated peripheral C-fiber endings.
detomidine as an analgesic adjunct decreases morphine Activation of the TRPV receptor results in the release of
consumption.28 high-intensity impulses and substance P, which causes
Low-dose clonidine is an effective analgesic adjunct burning. Ongoing release of substance P as a result of
in neuraxial as well as peripheral nerve blocks. Systemic capsaicin exposure results in decreased C-fiber activa-
low-dose IV clonidine is a useful analgesic adjunct for tion.40 Topical capsaicin lacks efficacy with treatment of
postoperative pain.29 musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain.41
Local anesthetics that are administered systemically, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are
including IV lidocaine, oral mexiletine, and oral tocainide widely used in acute and chronic pain management.42
have benefits in some chronic pain states. Systemically Parenteral preparations have increased the use of NSAIDs
administered local anesthetics have been used to treat for efficacious, opioid-sparing, acute perioperative pain
of postoperative pain,30 burn pain,31 and cancer pain.32 management. The mechanism of effect is the block of
There is evidence that systemically administered local pain-causing prostaglandin production, through inhibi-
anesthetics attenuate pain associated with some chronic tion of COX-1 and/or COX-2, which are key enzymes
pain states, including IV lidocaine infusions for neuro- in the arachidonic acid pathway. Ketorolac (marketed
pathic pain treatment.33 as Toradol) is administered as a one-time 60-mg intra-
The potential side effects of systemically administered muscular dose or 30-mg IV dose every 6 hours to adults
local anesthetics include lightheadedness, dizziness, tin- with no contraindications for a maximum of 5 days.23
nitus, vertigo, blurred vision, and changes in taste, with Parenteral ibuprofen (marketed as Caldolor) is admin-
seizures occurring at higher blood levels. The cardiovas- istered in a varying dose depending on age: 6 months to
cular side effects of local anesthetics include hypoten- 12 years, 10 mg/kg IV over 10 minutes up to a maximum
sion, bradycardia, and cardiac arrest. Investigators have single dose of 400 mg every 4 to 6 hours as needed; ages
found that the primary side effect experienced by 6% of 12 to 17 years, 400 mg IV every 4 to 6 hours as needed;
patients who were treated with IV lidocaine for neuro- adults receive 400 to 800 mg IV over 30 minutes every
pathic pain was transient dizziness.34 Given the potential 6 hours as needed.43 There are numerous oral prepara-
side effects of systemically administered local anesthetics, tions of NSAIDs, some of which are specific inhibitors of
these agents are not practical for routine clinical use as COX-2. All NSAIDs share similar adverse effects related
systemic analgesics. to inhibition and disruption of the normal physiologic
Topical 5% lidocaine has been used to successfully effects of the COX enzyme system. These effects include
treat postherpetic neuralgia and painful neuropathies as the following: platelet inhibition, which may cause
well as postsurgical pain.35 Some formulations of topical bleeding; GI ulceration and bleeding; decreases in renal
diclofenac and ketoprofen provide effective analgesia perfusion; exacerbations of hypertension; heart failure
for sprains and strains but are less effective than topical and fluid retention; and increased incidence of serious
lidocaine in treating chronic pain such as that associated cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction
with osteoarthritis. Adverse effects observed with topical and stroke. The drugs are contraindicated for the treat-
local anesthetics typically involve mild skin reactions.36 ment of cardiac surgical patients and for laboring women
Postoperative pain from peripheral surgeries are (due to labor effects related to prostaglandin inhibition).

324 AANA Journal  August 2018  Vol. 86, No. 4

The NSAIDs may enhance bleeding when given with multimodal, multidisciplinary actions recommended to
anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs, may decrease the anesthesia and surgery teams with the goal of decreasing
efficacy of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor an- time spent as an inpatient following major surgery. Such
tihypertensive drugs, may decrease diuretic effects, and approaches are growing swiftly in popularity since being
increase serum digoxin concentrations.43,44 introduced in recent years because of their cost-effective-
A wide variety of psychotropic medications are used in ness in reducing the economic burden on patients and
managing chronic pain, and increasingly acute pain with institutions, and are supported through research, program
limited evidence of efficacy, and a brief review of selected development, and institutional implementation by such
examples follows. These medications include antidepres- nonprofit national organizations as the American Society
sants such as amitriptyline, desipramine, imipramine, and of Enhanced Recovery (ASER) and the ERAS Society, an
nortriptyline. The suggested mechanism of effect is de- international professional organization. Typically, ERAS
creased reuptake of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine perioperative approaches contain some combination of
and serotonin in descending inhibitory pain-modulating the following elements: minimally invasive surgical ap-
pathways. Major side effects include sedation; altered proaches that avoid large incisions; carbohydrate drinks 2
cardiac conduction; and anticholinergic phenomena, such hours before incision; careful fluid titration to avoid over-
as dry mouth and difficulty urinating. Anticonvulsant hydration; avoidance of nasogastric tubes, wound drains,
drugs such as carbamazepine are also used in chronic pain and early removal if indicated; and early mobilization.
management, blocking pain impulses by sodium channel From its inception, ERAS has incorporated anesthetic
blockade, but use is limited by side effects including se- technique and pain management approaches as central to
dation, ataxia, blood dyscrasias, nausea, and vomiting. achieving the goal of early ambulation and discharge.47
Newer anticonvulsants such as gabapentin are also used, Regional anesthesia is employed, which may involve
with a less severe side effect profile. Onset of effect is slow neuraxial approaches such as combined spinal and epi-
and variable (may take weeks), and dosing varies widely dural, or epidural anesthesia with catheter placement
depending on patient and clinical factors.45 for postoperative analgesia. In general, the thoracic
spine level of epidural catheter insertion depends on the
The Opioid Crisis and Opioid Prescriptions location of the planned surgery, with an upper T-spine
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes placement (approximately T6-T7) for thoracic surgery;
that the United States “is in the midst of an opioid over- midthoracic placement for thoraco-abdominal and upper
dose epidemic.”46 Prescription opioids as well as heroin abdominal procedures (approximately T7-T9); and
killed more than 33,000 people in 2015, the highest lower T-spine placement for lower abdominal surger-
recorded number of such fatalities. Prescription opioids ies. Typically, postoperative analgesia is maintained
are involved in almost half of opioid overdose deaths.46 for approximately 48 hours with infusions of dilute
Suggested steps to improve opioid prescription pat- local anesthetics (usually bupivacaine or ropivacaine) in
terns, enhance addiction treatment, and limit access to combination with a low concentration of a hydrophilic
illegal opioids include the following: or lipophilic opioid at several milliliters per hour, with
• Improve opioid prescribing to limit opioid expo- boluses for breakthrough pain, and titrated to patient
sure, prevent abuse, and stop addiction. comfort. Benefits include early ambulation and effective
• Expand access to medication-assisted treatment, an pulmonary hygiene, and reduced incidence of postopera-
evidence-based treatment program, for people dealing tive ileus. Side effects, although rare, can be bothersome
with opioid addiction. and require an educated staff to prevent, detect, and
• Increase access to and use of naloxone for first re- treat. Local anesthetics can cause sympathetic, sensory,
sponders and family members. and motor block, and epidural opioids can cause urinary
• Use of state prescription drug monitoring pro- retention, pruritis, nausea, and vomiting.48 In general,
grams, to provide information needed for safe prescrib- epidural analgesia is used effectively in ERAS protocols
ing practices.46 for major urologic, orthopedic, and other surgeries.
The judicious use of opioids in anesthesia care, com-
bined with the integration of nonopioid adjunctive drugs, Conclusion
may help ameliorate concerns related to the amount of peri- In the past, opioids were regarded as the first-line and
operative opioids administered. Enhanced Recovery After most effective and safest treatment of painful injuries,
Surgery protocols judiciously balance the use of anesthetic syndromes, and surgeries. Now that the limitations and
agents and techniques to achieve optimal patient outcomes. side effects of opioid drug therapy have been recognized
and with the onset of the devastating opioid overdose ep-
Impact of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery idemic, it is clear that a paradigm shift in the treatment of
Protocols on Pain Management pain is imperative. Clinical scientists have begun making
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery protocols are lists of progress in presenting anesthesia providers with an ever- AANA Journal  August 2018  Vol. 86, No. 4 325

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