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From June 11, 2019 To June 14, 2019

Department: Finance

Activities, duties performed ad accomplishments during the week

During the first week, I was introduced to the Finance Head, Finance Manager, and to the rest of the
employees. I was taught where the different departments are. For the first few days, I was asked to scan check
vouchers and combined them into one file. Then, I was asked to make transmittal form for each of their
clients and sent them to the finance head per company through email. Also, Sean and I was asked to arrange
the check vouchers by their check voucher number and placed them into one binder per month and year for
each of the company such as for ERA, BFI ( Buskowitz Finance Inc.) and BDI (Buskowitz Development

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation
Getting along with my workmates was challenging for me for the first week. I was afraid to ask questions like
if I was doing the tasks right. In dealing with this, I just had to face my fears of talking to new people.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week

I have noticed that the employees are very amiable and helpful. They are very flexible when it comes to
working hours like you can come in anytime from 7am to 10am as long as you work for 9 hours.

List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From June 17, 2019 To June 21, 2019

Department: Finance

Activities, duties performed ad accomplishments during the week

This week, I was taught on how to do petty cash fund monitoring in excel. For the rest of the week, I have
been doing petty cash by myself already. I was also asked to photocopy checks into its respective check
voucher before releasing. Sean and I were also asked to continue arranging check vouchers per company.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation
At first, I was actually hesitant to ask questions regarding the petty cash fund monitoring but I had no choice
but to ask since I couldn't move on to the next if I don't ask for help. This week, I was already able to mingle
with the rest of the employees.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week

The employees were very welcoming. Whenever I ask for help, they are willing to lend you a hand.

List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From June 24, 2019 To June 28, 2019

Department: Finance

Activities, duties performed ad accomplishments during the week

This week, Sean and I was doing their petty cash fund. They asked me to do the usual things like photocopy
checks into its respective check vouchers before releasing. Then, they also asked me to arrange the check
vouchers by month and year in their binder.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation
I didn't have any difficulties this week since they just gave me the usual things to do. There was some time
that it got boring since I wasn't doing anything for how many hours.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week

I observed that all the employees there treated each other like family. They always help one another in order
to finish the tasks they were assigned to.

List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From July 1, 2019 To July 5, 2019

Department: Finance

Activities, duties performed ad accomplishments during the week

This week, they asked Sean and I to check the check vouchers for EWT and encode it in their excel file.
While I was waiting for a tasks to be given, they asked me to go to BDO and Security Bank to update their
passbook. They also asked me to photocopy checks into its respective check vouchers. I also tried filing up
the BIR Form 1604 CF.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation
I had difficulty in filing up the BIR Form 1604 CF since it was online. If I made mistakes, I can't undo it
anymore once submitted. So I had to be careful with my computations.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week

I have observed that the people there were very helpful. When I was in pain because of dysmenorrhea, they
really took care of me.

List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From July 8, 2019 To July 12, 2019

Department: Finance

Activities, duties performed ad accomplishments during the week

During this week, I was taught how to fill up the BIR Form 2307. I was tasked to photocopy checks and
check vouchers and I was also asked to record and liquidate petty cash. They also asked me to write receipts
for their clients and for their bookkeeping records.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation
This week I didn't have any problems or challenges faced since all of the employees were very helpful and
very willing to teach me new things.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From July 15, 2019 To July 19, 2019

Department: Finance

Activities, duties performed ad accomplishments during the week

I was asked to print the billing invoice for 2018 of each of their clients for BIR requirements. I also went
alone to the banks to update their passbook. They also asked me to write receipts for their clients for the
whole transaction of 2018 since they weren’t able to give out and keep records. I was also doing their petty
cash fund.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation
Going alone to the banks was very challenging for me since I had to cross the streets in order for me to go to
one bank to another bank and back to the office. I actually don't know how to cross the street alone and
without the crosswalk signal.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From July 22, 2019 To July 26, 2019

Department: Finance

Activities, duties performed ad accomplishments during the week

For the whole week, I was tasked to write their journal entries to their journal notebook for BIR requirements
since they are under manual recording. They also asked me to photocopy their checks into its corresponding
check vouchers before releasing.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation
I was writing the whole week and my left hand got really tired from it.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From July 29, 2019 To August 1, 2019

Department: Finance

Activities, duties performed ad accomplishments during the week

This week, I continued to write the company’s journal entries to their journal notebook for their manual
recording for BIR requirements. Sean and I were also tasked to look for 2307 in their binder full of check
vouchers for ERA 2018 and wrote down the amount, the expanded withholding tax and the percentage and
the WT ATC Code. I was also asked to do bank reconciliation for their BDO and PBB account. During
Sean’s last day, our CFO bought pizza for lunch since it was the last day/week for most of us interns.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation
This week, I didn't encounter any big problems since I was already familiar with the tasks given but when I
was writing their journal entries, my left hand got really tired from it. It was not that big of a deal for me since
I really had fun with what I was doing. Since this week was my last week, I was really sad since I won’t be able
to see my colleagues everyday anymore. I really enjoyed working with them and it was a great opportunity for
me too.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week

I learned that it is very difficult to say goodbye to the things you were used to doing everyday. It was the best
2 months I have had experienced so far for this year 2019. I was also grateful for the opportunity to learn
new things from my supervisors which I can apply in the future.

List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions


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