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Assignment No.


What are the applications of Heat Equation ,Wave equation and Laplace equation in
Mechanical Engineering .

Heat Equation :

The heat equation is a parabolic partial differential equation that describes the
distribution of heat (or variation in temperature) in a given region over time.

Let be the temperature in a one dimensional media.

The heat profile obeys the following PDEs (the so-called 1D heat equation):

where is the speed of the wave ( : themal conductivity/ (specific heat *density) )

Here we explore different solutions of the heat equation, starting with initial heat profile on a
finite bar.

Heat conduction in thin plates.

Internal heat generation[edit]

The function u above represents temperature of a body. Alternatively, it is
sometimes convenient to change units and represent u as the heat density of a
medium. Since heat density is proportional to temperature in a homogeneous
medium, the heat equation is still obeyed in the new units.
Suppose that a body obeys the heat equation and, in addition, generates its own
heat per unit volume (e.g., in watts/litre - W/L) at a rate given by a known
function q varying in space and time.[6] Then the heat per unit volume u satisfies
an equation
For example, a tungsten light bulb filament generates heat, so it would have a
positive nonzero value for q when turned on. While the light is turned off, the
value of q for the tungsten filament would be zero.
Thermal diffusivity in polymers[edit]
A direct practical application of the heat equation, in conjunction with Fourier
theory, in spherical coordinates, is the prediction of thermal transfer profiles and
the measurement of the thermal diffusivity in polymers (Unsworth and Duarte).
This dual theoretical-experimental method is applicable to rubber, various other
polymeric materials of practical interest, and microfluids. These authors derived
an expression for the temperature at the center of a sphere TC
where T0 is the initial temperature of the sphere and TS the temperature at the
surface of the sphere, of radius L. This equation has also found applications
in protein energy transfer and thermal modeling in biophysics.
Further applications[edit]
The heat equation arises in the modeling of a number of phenomena and is often
used in financial mathematics in the modeling of options. The famous Black–
Scholes option pricing model's differential equation can be transformed into the
heat equation allowing relatively easy solutions from a familiar body of
mathematics. Many of the extensions to the simple option models do not have
closed form solutions and thus must be solved numerically to obtain a modeled
option price. The equation describing pressure diffusion in a porous medium is
identical in form with the heat equation. Diffusion problems dealing
with Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions have closed form
analytic solutions (Thambynayagam 2011). The heat equation is also widely used
in image analysis (Perona & Malik 1990) and in machine-learning as the driving
theory behind scale-space or graph Laplacian methods. The heat equation can
be efficiently solved numerically using the implicit Crank–Nicolson method of
(Crank & Nicolson 1947). This method can be extended to many of the models
with no closed form solution, see for instance (Wilmott, Howison & Dewynne
An abstract form of heat equation on manifolds provides a major approach to
the Atiyah–Singer index theorem, and has led to much further work on heat
equations in Riemannian geometry.

Applications of wave equations

Waves on a string¶
Discrete string model with point masses connected by elastic

External forcing
It is easy to include an external force acting on the string. Say we
have a vertical force f~ijf~ij acting on mass mimi. This force affects
the vertical component of Newton
’s law and gives rise to an extra term f~(x,t)f~(x,t) on the right-hand
side of (4). In the model (5) we would add a
term f(x,t)=f~(x,y)/ϱ(x)f(x,t)=f~(x,y)/ϱ(x).

Modeling the tension via springs

We assumed, in the derivation above, that the tension in the
string, TT, was constant. It is easy to check this assumption by
modeling the string segme
nts between the masses as standard springs, where the force
(tension TT) is proportional to
the elongation of the spring segment. Let kk be the spring constant,
and set Ti=kΔℓTi=kΔℓ for
the tension in the spring segmen
t between xi−1xi−1 and xixi, where ΔℓΔℓ is the elongation of this
segment from the tension-free state. A basic feature of a string is that
it has high tension in the equilibrium position u=0u=0. Let the string
segment have an elongation Δℓ0Δℓ0in the equilibrium position. After
deformation of the string, the elongation
is Δℓ=Δℓ0+ΔsiΔℓ=Δℓ0+Δsi: Ti=k(Δℓ0+Δsi)≈k(Δℓ0+Δx)Ti=k
(Δℓ0+Δsi)≈k(Δℓ0+Δx). This shows that TiTi is independent of ii.
Moreover, the extra approximate elongation ΔxΔx is very small
compared to Δℓ0Δℓ0, so we may well set Ti=T=kΔℓ0Ti=T=kΔℓ0.
This means that the tension is completely dominated by the initial
tension determined by the tuning of the string. The additional
deformations of the spring during the vibrations do not introduce
significant changes in the tension.

Waves on a membrane

Elastic waves in a rod

Consider an elastic rod subject to a hammer impact at the end. This
experiment will give rise to an elastic deformation pulse that travels
through the rod. A mathematical model for longitudinal waves along an
elastic rod starts with the general equation for deformations and
stresses in an elastic m

Quite often in geological materials, the effective wave
velocity c=K/ϱ−−−−√c=K/ϱ is different in different spatial
directions because geological layers are compacted such that the
properties in the horizontal and vertical direction differ. With zz as the
vertical coordinate, we can introduce a vertical wave velocity czcz and
a horizontal wave velocity chch, and generalize (15) to

Engineering Applications of Laplace Transform

Laplace transform has several applications in almost all Engineering
1) System Modelling
Laplace transform is used to simplify calculations in system modelling,
where large differential equations are used.
2) Analysis of Electrical Circuits
In electrical circuits, a Laplace transform is used for the analysis of
linear time-invariant systems.
3) Analysis of Electronic Circuits
Laplace transform is widely used by Electronics engineers to quickly
solve differential equations occurring in the analysis of electronic
4) Digital Signal Processing
One cannot imagine solving DSP (Digital Signal processing) problems
without employing Laplace transform.
5) Nuclear Physics
In order to get the true form of radioactive decay, a Laplace transform
is used. It makes studying analytic part of Nuclear Physics possible.
6) Process Controls
Laplace transforms are critical for process controls. It helps analyze
the variables, which when altered, produces desired manipulations in
the result. For example, while study heat experiments, Laplace
transform is used to find out to what extent the given input can be
altered by changing temperature, hence one can alter temperature to
get desired output for a while. This is an efficient and easier way to
control processes that are guided by differential equations

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