Hashimah Mohd. Yunus

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Curent Trends in Primary and Secondary Science Education:

The Science Pedagogy Model.

Keynote address to MCEIS 2013, An international Seminar on Mathematics, Science and Computer
Science Education
Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Bandung, Indonesia
October 19, 2013

Assoc. Prof. Hashimah Mohd Yunus

School of Educational Studies
Universiti Sains Malaysia

It is an honour to be invited to speak to you today on a topic that is dear to my heart: science
education. For a long time, I have held the view, that in my country, at least, primary science education
is where the most effort should be put forth as these are the students that teachers produce for the
secondary education system with the hope that they will be interested in science and inclined towards
science and later science related carrier. Thus, in this paper my intention is to consider the current
pedagogy model in science education especially for primary or elementary science. Even though the
title given to me is primary and secondary science education but I considered that too daunting a task
and would be inclined to be reflective of my own interest and be related to my own research. I will talk
mainly about the Malaysian science curriculum framework, as that is what I know best. However, I feel
that the discussion in primary science education is also in line with the development of secondary
science education. Therefore, in discussing the primary science education it will also enlighten the
need for similar pedagogy for the secondary science.

Globally, scientist and science educators are reviewing their school science programs to meet the
challenge of achieving scientific and technological literacy as needed to equip the generation with the
21st century skills. Similarly, Malaysia is currently updating its education system.The highlights of the
Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 is that the Education Ministry aspires for Malaysia to be in
the top third of countries in terms of performance in international assessments, as measured by
outcomes in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) and the Programme
for international Student Assessments (PISA) within 15 years. The updates of the Malaysian education
system is hope to better meet the needs of children who must be educated and prepared to adapt and
thrive in the 21st century and further. I gather that for the aspiration to be turn into reality, there is a
need to look again at the science pedagogy being used in school currently.

While the purpose of this paper, in line with the current development above, is to consider the role of
science teachers in bringing the learning skills into the classroom, it is not intended to provide a “how
to’ guide. Rather it seeks to consider ways in which science teachers might engage in thinking about
what are the appropriate skills for the students to achieve in preparing them for future, and how they
might be introduced into science classroom.

What are the current teaching skills in science?

The turn of the century from the 20th century to the 21st century is believed able to help teachers to
make the teaching and learning of science as a process of meaningful learning . According to Ani
(2003 ) and Tetenbaum and Mulkeen (1986 ) , the 21st century is called the century of knowledge
that is knowledge will be the main platform for all aspects of life (Trilling & Hood, 1999). Through this
century many changes have taken place such as the development of technology and knowledge, as
well as different ways of thinking . In this century we require teachers to constantly upgrade knowledge
and knowledge of professional educators to a level in line with all kinds of new developments and
innovations in the world (Wan Mohd . Zahid, 1993). However, according to Ani (2003), education still
remained within the paradigm of the 20th century i.e. a century of industry . Teachers need to migrate
from practice of the industry century to the practice of 21st century. The 21st century skills are to
ensure that students continue to take advantage of science and science related careers in their future.

The main aim of learning science today is to produce students that have knowledge, equipped with
skills, effective communication, better use of information technology, capable of thinking creatively and
critically and able to act rationally. Thus, a good science program is important to achieve high-quality
science education that provide students with the intellectual skills and encourage them to be positive
and have values that help them to succeed in school and in life. Learning science should raise critical
questions and scrutiny against promoting understanding of the natural and physical sciences. It is
more important to help them learn to work together and learn methods that help them resolve conflicts
as this can provide students with the skills to investigate further. These will increase interest in science
tremendously and supports the development of well-educated people who understand the important
issues for the future. This will eventually prepare students to careers related to science.

Thus, science teachers today need to ensure that the main goal of science education is achieved.
There are broad bodies of literature that discuss the perspectives of the 21st century learning skills
emphasizing students learning and innovation skills that include critical and creative thinking,
communication and collaboration. Since today we are living in a technology and media-driven
environment our students must also be equipped with these skills. Thus, the teaching of science today
must include the essential skills for success in todays world such as information, media and
technology skills. Through the process of teaching and learning with these skills, learning science will
be interesting and exciting for students. This type of learning will provide space for students to actively
participate and not feel bored in their learning. The teaching methods focusing on student-centered
learning will be met when teachers apply these skills in their lessons . In this paper, the scope of
discussion on the skills teachers must have to promote students learning skills in science are the
information, media and technology skills, collaboration and communication, understanding
transdiciplinary, coupled inquiry and socio scientific issues.

In this century there is a high demand for teachers to use ICT skills in teaching science. Some of
these skills are gained during their pre-service and in-service courses as their continuous professional
development. Through these courses teachers have knowledge and will be skillful and proficient in the
latest technology in line with global requirements. As stated by Nana and Ahmad (1990 ) and
Danielson (1996), these skills are seen as a step to improve teachers' professional practices to
maximize student learning. These skills will enable teachers to use it as a teaching tool that can help
learning ( Schrum, 2000) and act as an intermediate between teachers and students (Muhammad
Hasan, 2000). These skills are also given importance in INTAS (2000), as a much needed skills in
making pupil centered learning.

The collaborative element include the inter- and intra- collaborative. The Inter-collaborative means the
relationship between schools and the intra-collaborative means working relationships within school
that allow teachers to exchange ideas and information in an effort to improve weaknesses and
reinforce strengths. Through these elements teachers will build up the interaction space that will
enhance " team skills" and "social skills " . In addition, this element will also able teachers to enhance
their communication skills in processing verbal and non verbal information, tap and fill in the
information, appropriate communication culture (Jeanneret , et.al. 1999). When teachers see the
benefits of this element, teachers will no doubt would also apply it in the teaching of science with their

Trans-disiplinary according to Alvarez (1988 ), is where the teaching of science is to meet the needs of
high-tech society, the teaching of science can no longer be seen as " pure science " separate from
other subjects in the curriculum. Therefore, the teaching of science theories and concepts are not only
for science subjects but can also be applied to all subjects. Teachers need to be able to relate what
students have learned in science with other subjects such as geography, languages, and
mathematics. Thus through this element, teachers will always be knowledgeable and updated in line
with current developments. By using trans-diciplinary approach teachers will help students to have an
open mind that science is not just an isolated subject but have to do with other the subjects in school.

An inquiry based approach has long been the basis of science teaching. Currently, it is suggested that
the approach that should be practiced is called "coupled-inquiry". It is an inquiry approach that
combined open inquiry and guided inquiry. Both types of inquiry can affect students thinking system
that allows students to make judgments and decisions (Houston , 2007). The thinking system that has

been created in students will enable them to acquire knowledge, deeper understanding and ultimately
create knowledge in which students have been assisted in the creation of knowledge by the teacher.
The coupled inquiry approach had links with the creative and innovative elements. Thus, teachers
need to be more creative and innovative in developing students systems thinking in particular the
creation of student knowledge. Knowledge creation means the students were able to construct their
own understanding. Furthermore, teachers could “transfer” information in a form that is easily
understood by students. In being creative and innovative, the teacher should use real-world problems
in the teaching process. Therefore, teachers should use contextual approach which means teachers
will use the pupils existing knowledge/experience as a basis to begin teaching. Then the teacher will
relate concepts taught in a situation that is near/close to students. In the same way, teachers facilitate
students' learning process to a form of meaningful learning . Consequently, teachers can integrate the
socio-scientific issues in increasing their awareness of the environment. Using socio-scientific issues
is a strategy in improving students' interest and knowledge and their ability to use science outside of
the classroom (Osborne & Dillon, 2008). In addition the socio-scientific issues can challenge students'
views and emotion towards environment (Sadler, 2004) and reinforce the generic skills such as
teamwork, problem solving and media literacy (Lindahl et.al.,2011). So when teachers use social
scientific issues in science pedagogy, students will realize that science is not a subject to pass the
examination but it is very useful in understanding their everyday environment.

How can we bring these skills into science classroom?

The shift required of science teachers in moving away from the practice of the 20th century i.e.
industry century (the traditional approach) to the practice of 21st century so that teachers would be
more flexible and more open to support the learning and innovation skills that include critical and
creative thinking, communication and collaboration through information, media and technology skills.
As been highlighted above the more specific skills for science teachers to implement are the
information, media and technology skills, collaboration and communication, understanding
transdiciplinary, coupled inquiry and socio scietific issues. I have no intention to provide instructional
guidelines on how to implement the science teaching and learning, it might be useful to consider the
conceptual model to bring the learning skills into teachers science classroom.

As seen in Figure 1, teachers need to be aware that the science pedagogy can be turn into reality
when teachers understand and have the skills to implement the elements discussed into their
classroom. When teachers understand the elements needed for the 21st century teaching, teachers
will weave the elements into science teaching through new pedagogy supported by the technologies

information, media
and technology skills

Collaboration and


Science Pedagogy Sustain students

Coupled inquiry interest in science and
science career related
Creative and

Socio scientific


Figure 1

Some of my personal examples of the teaching and learning of science are incorporating some of the
above elements in science are discussed below. However, some of the elements are embedded and
cannot be seen as explicit activity in the classrom.

Example 1: Enhancing preschool children and teachers awareness in energy efficiency

through e pedagogy across curriculum

The www.ktlestari.usm.my website is developed in order to offer a one-stop platform for the
teachers and the pre-school children to interact as well as to generate the children’s awareness on
energy efficiency. This website focuses on the integration of Energy Efficiency across the curriculum,
mainly on the subjects of Mathematics, Science and Language Skills. The aims of the website are:
i. to provide opportunities for preschoolers to learn and be aware of Energy Efficiency
interactively through the use of web-based resources
ii. to provide additional resources about Energy Efficiency for pre school teachers

The multifunctional website is developed in order to enhance the quality of Energy Efficiency teaching
and learning, with the emphasis on electricity among preschool children. The intention is to raise and
elevate the children’s awareness on the issues of saving energy and simultaneously exposing them to
opportunities in using and interacting with ICT tools in the class

From this example the concept of the science pedagogy that have been incorporated are the
information, media and technology skills, collaboration and communication, transdiciplinary, and socio
scientific issues. By using the website teachers and children alike will be using the ICT skills. Children
will be learning together and teacher will instill their collaboration and communication skills. The
website is developed based on the preschool curriculum and the interactive activities were developed
across the preschool curriculum. Thus, the website apply the trans diciplinary component. Energy
efficient element is integrated in each component in preschool curriculum. The socio scientific issues
incorporated here are the issues of the depletion of energy world wide and children need to be made
aware at a young age to save energy. The interactive activities developed are also incorporating the
examples of everyday apparatus at home or school which are in context with the preschool.

Example 2: InSPIRE 2 project –science component

This project was funded by Sabah Foundation to help underachiever children in rural area to learn
science. Many rural areas lack the sophisticated infrastructure, facilities and resources found in urban
regions. As such students in these areas often lack the necessary exposure to enriched learning
environments. Learning materials provided will support these environments and can facilitate
meaningful learning.

In this project Science learning kits are designed for use by students at different ability levels. Every kit
consists of four components, each component complementing other components in the package. The
components are Teacher Guide, Student Activities, Student Assessment and Science Kit. The learning
kits are based on five themes as specified in the Science Syllabus for Primary School. These are
Investigating Living Things, Investigating Force and Energy, Investigating Materials, Investigating
Earth and Universe and Investigating Technology. Learning Hierarchy Theory was the basis in
developing the teacher guide and student activities. The learning outcomes were developed at
different levels of complexity based on selected learning objectives. The concept at the lowest learning
outcome will give pupils opportunity to express their ideas about the concept. Basically each module
consists of one learning objective and several learning outcomes. The rule is set that the lowest
concept must be related to students’ daily experience. The activities and teaching material developed
were integrated with local culture. Students daily experience were included in activities developed.

In this project teachers are trained to use science learning kits to teach and they were helped with
teacher guide that explain science concepts clearly, guide students to learn that concept and use
many prepared activities. The Mobile Science learning kit provide teachers with ready teaching aids
and it is flexible and can be use in different lessons and level.

From this example the concept of the science pedagogy that have been incorporated are the inquiry,
collaboration and communication, transdiciplinary, and socio scientific issues. By using the developed
material teachers will engage children in scientific inquiry by doing experiments and observation. In
doing the experiment, teachers are trying to involve children in collaboration work and thus they will
enhance their communication skills. The trans diciplinary component will also be apply when teachers
are teaching other subjects for example language, they can use the materials in the science learning
kit in the teaching of language. As mentioned earlier the science learning kits are produced with the
notion that they are contextual to childrens’ environment. Wherever possible teachers will incorporate
any suitable socio scientific issues in the topic taught. However, in this project the Information, Media
and Technology skills are not the approach in teaching science as the target group were the
underachiever in remote areas with no ICT facilities provided.

Example 3 : Increasing students interest for learning science through Science Games

The objective of this project is to help students in rural areas to be interested to learn science. Existing
games that have been created were modified into science games to increase student motivation and
interest towards science subjects. The games were developed by the university undergraduate
students and they facilitate the games with the school students. According to Teed (2010), this
approach not only makes learning more interesting but can motivate students to learn and encourage
them to learn from the mistake . For Garris et.al. (2002) through games, teaching approaches will vary
from the didactic traditional approach to a more student centered approach emphasizes the role of
students in the learning process. Furthermore the game would have been able to change the memory
-based learning to find and use information. Children are not only the using their physical body when

involved in the game but they will use their thinking skills. Furthermore, the game enables students to
explore and investigate (Clark, 2007). Therefore, they will no longer be a passive listener. They will
learn through experience that provided the results of their interaction in game activities provided .
Games can actually increase students' interest. Papert (1999) stated that games are able to assist
the memory of what students have learned in a long term and allow students to share information with
other students, hands-on activities and encourage students to become active in their learning.
Ellington , et.al (1998) mentioned that game help to increase students' interest and improve students'
understanding of the concepts being learned and correct the students' misconceptions and have a
relationship with high order thinking skills .

Similarly in this example the science pedagogy that have been incorporated are the inquiry,
collaboration and communication, transdiciplinary, creativity and inovative. Teachers need to be
creative and innovative to develop the games. By using the developed material teachers will engage
children in scientific inquiry by being involved in the games. During the games, teachers are trying to
involve children in collaboration work and thus they will enhance their communication skills as well as
other softskills for example tolerance. The transdiciplinary component can also be applied when
teachers are teaching other subjects by using the games. In this project children were later asked to
create more science games after experiencing the actual games. In doing this they were actually using
their creativity to develop new science games. They have to be inovative when they are trying to use
any recycle material in developing the game. By giving this task to students, teachers are providing
platform for students to be creative. They were also asked to seek for information on the topic chosen
for the game and developed 50 questions on the topic. Consequently, students wil gain the
information literacy as skills needed in the 21st century. All the information they need can be gathered
from the internet. Eventually, students ICT skills will be enhance through the approach in teaching
science through games.

These are examples of games developed by the undergraduate students.

1. Anaconda Board Game - Nature's Life Concept
2. Puzzle Match Item - Moon Phases Concept
3. Puzzle Match Item - Constellation Concept
4. Happy Family Food Websites - Food Network Concept
5. Puzzle and Crossword Puzzle Game - Lunar Eclipse Concept And Solar Eclipse
6. Wheel of Dispersion – Dispersion Concept
7. The Jimmy Neutron Preservation Lab - Preservation Concept
8. Shahiba Science in Practise - Acid & Alkaline concept, Matter, Factors Influencing
Evaporation Rates Concepts
9. Science Block - Power and Energy Concept
10. Snake and Ladder - Power and Energy Concept

These are examples of games developed by the school chilren.

1. Brilliant & Genius Game
2. Science Soccer Game
3. Secret Balloon Game
4. Snake Explore Game
5. Big Foot Block Game
6. Dragon & Escalator Game
7. Angry Foot Baller Game
8. Mr. Crab Secret Recipe of Preservation Game


Globally science educationalist agree that methods of teaching science need to meet the future
workforce generations. Global issues and economic circumstances require science educators to
rethink teaching and learning so that we can better prepare to not only contribute to but also benefit
from opportunities and challenges in the twenty first century.

In order for teacher to respond to the changes required of them by the education system and society
they might consider the conceptual model (Figure1) to help them bring the learning skills into their
science classroom. Teachers must be supported to help them understand the changes they need to
do in order to prepare their students for the future workforce. This paper provide a very brief simple
snapshot ideas of some current issue in science education. The examples given were just to provoke
further consideration of important issues of the roles of teachers in achieving the current changes in
science education globaly. It is critical that teachers understand what and how they can put their effort
in these changes for the benefit of our future generation.


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