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Prototype Blackboard Cleaner

A Science Investigatory Project Proposal

Presented to the faculty of
Basud National High School
In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for
Science Research I


Mark Wilson B. Apuyan

Maricris N. Abante
Hazel E. Abanto

Isagani F. Musa
Research Teacher

Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
Basud National High School
S.Y. 2015-2016


Blackboard is a writing surface used by teachers and students in which text

drawings are written using chalk. Chalk is an important material used in blackboard in
every school by students and teachers. It is composed of calcium carbonate (CaCo3).
Some chalks that are invented these days are dustless. But still, it’s harmful because
the dust of chalks stays in the atmosphere and can cause skin irritation, skin diseases
and asthma.

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Prototype Blackboard

Eraser, as cleaning device for the blackboards of classrooms. Specifically, it aims to
determine if the Prototype Blackboard Cleaner is an effective teaching device in terms
of rate of acceptability and how effective it is in terms of time of cleaning.

Concept design of the device and all materials were prepared prior to
experiment. Three phases of preparing and testing the device was conducted. Phase I-
Making concept design and preparing materials, Phase II- Construction of the device,
Phase III- Testing the effectiveness of the device. Survey questionnaire were used in
gathering the data. The researchers measured and recorded the time of cleaning.

After the experiment period, results were gathered and tabulated the data. The
result of the questionnaire shows that the Prototype Blackboard Cleaner is very useful,
convenient, slightly efficient and slightly functional. While the result of the data from the
three trials shows that the time of cleaning is normal.

The researchers concluded that the Prototype Blackboard Cleaner was effective
in cleaning the blackboard of classrooms.

Table of Contents

Title Page ………………………………………………………….. 1

Abstract ………………………………………………………….. 2
Table of Contents ……………………………………………….. 3
Introduction ………………………………………………………. 4
Background of the Study ………………………………………. 4
Statement of the Problem ……………………………………… 5
Hypothesis ………………………………………………………… 5
Significance of the Study ………………………………………. 6
Scope and Limitation …………………………………………… 6-7
Review of Related Literature ………………………………….. 7-8
Related Studies ………………………………………………….. 8-9
Synthesis of the State of the Art ……………………………… 9
Methodology and Procedure ………………………………….. 10
Materials …………………………………………………………... 10
Procedure …………………………………………………………. 10-11
Flow Chart ………………………………………………………… 11
Research Design………………………………………………….. 12
Statistical Treatment …………………………………………….. 12
Results and Discussion ………………………………………… 13-16
Conclusion ………………………………………………………… 16
Recommendations ………………………………………………. 17
Definition of Terms ……………………………………………… 18
Time Table …………………………………………………………. 19
Bibliography ………………………………………………………. 20
Computed Mean……………………………………………………..22
Concept Design………………………………………………………23
Acknowledgement ………………………………………………. 28


Blackboard is a writing surface used by teachers and students in which text

drawings are written using chalk. Chalk is an important material used in blackboard in

every school by students and teachers. It is composed of calcium carbonate (CaCo3).

Some chalks that are invented these days are dustless. But still, it’s harmful because

the dust of chalks stays in the atmosphere and can cause skin irritation, skin diseases

and asthma. Its primary ingredient is ancient fossilized sea organisms, which were

deposited and subjected to high pressure over centuries, so deposits often occur in

areas that were once underwater.

Background of the Study

Blackboards were originally made of sheets of black slates stone. Some versions

of blackboard that are created these days are green because it is considered easier and

much attractive on the eyes.

The particles of the chalk dust stay suspended in the atmosphere. The air carries

these chalk dust particles to a person and inhales some of its particles. According to

Global Initiative for Asthma, however, most of the physical, monetary and global costs

of asthma can be alleviated through appropriate asthma prevention and management


With these ideas, the researchers thought on testing the effectiveness of

blackboard cleaner in reducing the amount of chalk dust displaced upon cleaning the


Statement of the Problem:

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Prototype Blackboard

Cleaner, as cleaning device for the blackboards of school classrooms. Specifically, it

aims to answer the following questions:

1. How effective is the Prototype Blackboard Cleaner in terms of Time of Cleaning?

2. What is the rate of acceptability in terms of:

a. Usability d. Function

b. Convenience

c. Efficiency

3. Is the Prototype Blackboard Cleaner an effective teaching device in classroom in

terms of rate of acceptability?


Alternative: Prototype Blackboard Cleaner is effective teaching device in classroom in

terms of rate of acceptability.

Null: Prototype Blackboard Cleaner is not effective teaching device in classroom in

terms of rate of acceptability.

Significance of the Study

The Researchers believed that the result of this study is highly significance to the


Development to the Science and Technology

The result of this study may lead to a new discovery of a new teaching device

that will benefit the school and the community


This study will help the students to avoid too much exposure of chalk dust and

prevent them from having diseases due to chalk dust. It will also serve as reference

material for their future research.


This study will help them to save more time and effort in cleaning the blackboard

and also to avoid too much exposure of chalk dust.


This will lessen the chalk dust spreading on air through the environment.

Future Researchers

This will serve as a basis that can be utilized in pursuing future study along this


Scope and Limitation

This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the Prototype

Blackboard Cleaner for cleaning of chalk dust. The study will be conducted in Basud

National High School from January to August 2015. Materials will be purchased by the

researcher to construct the blackboard cleaner device.

The Prototype Blackboard Cleaner’s effectiveness will be based on the time of

cleaning and the rate of acceptability. The study delimited in observing the ability of

Prototype Blackboard Cleaner in terms of time of cleaning and rate of acceptability.

Similarly, the process of inquiry will use is survey questionnaire by which the

respondents are the teachers of Basud National High School.

Review of Related Literature:

The following studies were found by the researcher to be highly significant

for the better result of this research.

A group of allergy researchers in Spain found exposure to classroom low

powder chalk dust may be associated with allergic and respiratory symptoms in a very

small group of milk allergic children, according to a study of annals Allergy Asthma and

Immunology. Asthma attacks other respiratory allergies could occur if kids inhale chalk


It was found out that particles that inhaled by children with milk allergy,

coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath can occur. Inhalation can also cause nasal

congestion, sneezing and a runny nose. An estimated 300,000 or 2.5% of children in

the United States are affected by milk allergies. According to Dr, Carlos H. Larramendi,

“Chalk that is labeled as being anti-dust or dustless still released small particles in the

air” (

Some people realize that a classroom blackboard is one of the most

revolutionary educational tool sever invented. And it may be hard to fathom that

blackboards as we know them today were unknown until relatively recent times.

The invention of the blackboard had an enormous impact on classroom efficiency. Due

to their simplicity, effectiveness, economy and ease of use, the simple blackboard and

its cousin the whiteboard have substantial advantages over any number of more-

complex modern technologies. It’s unlikely they will ever become obsolete.

Blackboard is a useful tool for both online and face-to-face courses. If you

adopt Blackboard (Bb) you will soon find ways to use its components to save some

time. However, the substantial gains in time come about by restructuring the procedures

of your course to take full advantage of these components. That requires rethinking the

ways you choose to communicate with your students and how you will build the

expectation or behavior in your students such that they are in sync with your

communication process. Now, with Blackboard use more common than ever before

among CMU faculty, many students will come to class prepared for and expecting

revised course structures and methods that incorporate the use of Blackboard

components. What follows is a series of things to consider as you do that.

Related Studies

In the study conducted by Nalual Titel Pascal; Eggshell is also a source of

calcium carbonate which is found in the composition of chalk. They provided this

research to create a chalk with a cheaper price (Pascal, 2008).

According to the study of Gerald P. Raboy of Cabittaogan National High

School; A chalk made of seashells was designed and created to produce quality

dustless and long-lasting compared to the standard existing commercialized chalks. The

chalk that was created was known to be a resourceful way of making a chalk. (Raboy,


The study conducted by Jane Paula R. Abante, a Mechanical Chalk Dust

Dispenser which aims to hasten the removal of chalk dust on a chalkboard eraser. It

avoid the chalk dusts to cause skin irritation to people. The Mechanical Chalk Dust

Dispenser was working efficiently and became one of the environmental-friendly

devices. (Abante, 2005).

According to the study conducted by Elsa Reyes and Julia Tan; Liquid

eraser out of chalk dust and banana sap which is more effective than a normal eraser.

Its materials are cheap and easy to find which makes it more beneficial to others. The

Liquid Eraser was proven and seems to be working in terms of erasing a blackboard.

(Reyes, Tan 2013).

In the study which was conducted by Mich Cube; Electric Chalk Dust

Dispenser with chalk case was designed to collect chalk dust and to lessen the

spreading of the chalk dust in the environment. The result of the Electric Chalk Dust

Cleaner was an environmental-friendly device which will help the students clean a

blackboard eraser much easier. (Cube, 2013)

Synthesis of-the-state-of-the art

The said studies were found to be significant to the present study due to

their similarities and differences in the formation provided for this research.

The present and previous studies were similar in the method used, which

is experimental research. All the studies aim to lessen air pollution.

The present study differs with the previous study on the material used.

The present study used prototype to dispose the chalk dust properly whereas previous

studies of Cube used chalk dust dispenser and Reyes and Tan used

banana sap as a liquid eraser.

Methodology and Procedure

This part presents the research design which used in the conduct of the

study. The material instruments and the procedures followed with the experimentations

and the statistical treatment so that the hypothesis can be tested and conclusion can be



The researchers used the following materials to construct the Prototype

Blackboard Cleaner:

- Blackboard - Wirings

- Synchronous motor (220-240 V) - Roller

- Switch - Pulleys

- Eraser - Strings


A concept design of the device and all materials were prepared prior to


Phase I: Making Concept Design and preparing materials

1. Preparing the concept design of the device.

2. Gathering and Collecting of materials.

3. The materials such as the erasers, circuitries, and the rollers will be put in the

prototype to finish the construction process of the Prototype Blackboard Cleaner.

4. Prototype Blackboard Cleaner will be determining its effectiveness.

Phase II: Construction of the device

1. Gathering and assembling of materials

2. Construction of device with the help of electrician

Phase III: Testing the Effectiveness of Prototype Blackboard Cleaner

1. The Prototype Blackboard Cleaner will be tested to determine its

effectiveness, quality and usability when erasing a blackboard.

2. The experimentation of the Prototype Blackboard Cleaner is composed of

three trials and recorded in the logbook.

Observation and Gathering of Data, Erased the blackboard

Measured and Recorded the Time of Cleaning

Flow Chart

Phase I Phase II Phase III

The researchers make
The researchers The researchers tested
concept design of the
gathered the materials the Prototype
Blackboard Cleaner

The researchers gathered The researchers assembled Three trials were

and collected the the materials to construct the conducted in the

Prototype Blackboard Cleaner
materials. experimentation.

The materials will be put

The researchers started The researchers recorded
in the prototype and will
constructing with the help of the results that came from
be determining its
electrician the three trials.
Definition of Terms

The Prototype

Blackboard Cleaner 11
was constructed

Research Design

This study used experimental research particularly single-group-design to

wherein there will be a single treatment with three experimental set-ups, that will be

replicated three times

Time of Cleaning

Trials T1 T2 T3 Total Mean



Figure 1. Experimental Layout Design

Statistical Treatment

The Data will be gathered and interpreted by finding the Weighted Mean. It will

be used to determine the rate of acceptability. Rate of usability, convenience, efficiency

and function was computed to determine the effectiveness of the Prototype Blackboard


wm = fx

Result and Discussion

The Researcher gathered the data based on the teachers response on the

survey questionnaire

Prototype Blackboard Cleaner

I. Time of Cleaning

Time of Cleaning

Trials T1 T2 T3 Total Mean

Time 11 14 12 37 12.33


Table 1 - Time of Cleaning the blackboard in seconds

Time of Cleaning Description


5 - 10 Fast

10.1 - 15 Normal

15.1 - 20 Slow

20.1 - 25 Very Slow

Table 2. - Scale in the Time of Cleaning

Table 1 shows the time of cleaning of Prototype Blackboard Cleaner. Using

the Table 2 as a basis, the mean of the 3 trials can be determined as normal.

II. Acceptability

a. Usability

Frequency(f) Weighted Value(x) fx

Very Useful 5 4 20

Useful 5 3 15

Slightly Useful 0 2 0

Not Useful 0 1 0

TOTAL 10 35

Table 3. - Usability of Prototype Blackboard Cleaner

Rating Description

3.5 – 4.0 Excellent

Table 4 - Rating and Description of the
2.5 – 3.49 Good
Weighted Mean
1.5 – 2.49 Fair

1.0 – 1.49 Poor

The weighted mean of Table 3 was 3.5 that show the Prototype Blackboard

Cleaner is excellent in terms of usability.

b. Convenience

Frequency(f) Weighted Value(x) fx

Very Convenient 0 4 0

Convenient 6 3 18

Slightly Convenient 4 2 8

Not Convenient 0 1 0

TOTAL 10 26

Table 5. - Convenience of Prototype Blackboard Cleaner

The weighted mean of Table 5 was 2.6 that show the Prototype Blackboard

Cleaner is good in terms of convenience.

c. Efficiency

Frequency(f) Weighted Value(x) fx

Very Efficient 0 4 0

Efficient 4 3 12

Slightly Efficient 6 2 12

Not Efficient 0 1 0

TOTAL 10 24

Table 6. - Efficiency of Prototype Blackboard Cleaner

The weighted mean of Table 6 was 2.4 that show the Prototype Blackboard

Cleaner is fair in terms of Efficiency.

Frequency(f) Weighted Value(x) fx

Very Functional 0 4 0

Functional 3 3 9

Slightly Functional 7 2 14

Not Functional 0 1 0

TOTAL 10 21

d. Function

Table 7. - Function of Prototype Blackboard Cleaner

The weighted mean of Table 7 was 2.1 that show the Prototype Blackboard

Cleaner is fair in terms of its function.


After careful observation and analysis of data, the researcher therefore

concluded that the Prototype Blackboard Cleaner was effective in cleaning the

blackboard of school classrooms.


- The future researchers could add a vacuum cleaner to make the eraser much cleaner

and absorb more chalk dust in the Prototype Blackboard Cleaner.

- The future researchers can attach a timer in the device for much more convenience in

cleaning the Prototype Blackboard Cleaner.

- Remote Control is also a good recommendation for the Prototype Blackboard Cleaner

for convenience and makes erasing the board eraser.


Chalk- A calcium carbonate; a soft, white limestone, such a stone or substitute used for

drawing or writing.

Cleaner- A substance or device used for cleaning; a person, employed to clean, a dry


Currency- The time during which a thing is current; the state of living in use;.

Eraser- A piece of rubber, etc for rubbing out marks or writing

Flexible Metal- Easily bent, pliable, adaptable, versatile; any clan of chemical elements

which are often lustrous, ductile solids and are good conductor of heat, electricity, such

as gold, iron, copper, etc.

Motor - a machine that produces motion or power for doing work

Power Supply - an electronic device that supplies electric energy to an electrical load.

Roller - a bearing in which the journal rotates in peripheral contact with a number of

rollers usually contained in a cage

Relay - an electromagnetic device for remote or automatic control that is actuated by

variation in conditions of an electric circuit and that operates in turn other devices (as

switches) in the same or a different circuit

Wirings - the system of wires that carry electricity in a particular place, device, etc.

Appendix E

Time Table


1 September-December

2 January - July

3 August 2015


1- Identifying the problem and securing approval of title.

2- Gathering data, information, RRL and formulating methodology.

3- Experimentation and Title Defense

4- Final write up and Final Defense

Appendix F


Nalual Titel Pascal, April 12, 2008, Gerald

P. Raboy, March 2012

http://www.studymode/com/essays/Science-Project-1474903.html?topic, Mich Cube, January

31, 2012, BJ Moore,

Dr. Clifford Bassett, May 2, 2013



A. Computation of the weighted mean and significant difference of trials.

B. Pictorials showing the materials and methods of the study.

C. Concept Design

D. Definition of terms

E. Time Table

F. Bibliography

G. Acknowledgement

Appendix A

Computed Mean

I. Time of Cleaning

Mean = T1 + T2 +T3
= 12.33
II. Rate of Acceptability

a. Usability d. Function
𝑓𝑥 𝑓𝑥
WM = WM =
𝑛 𝑛
35 21
= =
10 10
= 3.5 = 2.1

b. Convenience
WM =
= 2.6
c. Efficiency

WM =

= 2.4

Appendix C- Concept Design

The concept design of the Prototype Blackboard Cleaner

Appendix B

Materials and Equipment

Plywood (Lawanit) Pulleys screw and other materials

Preparation for the construction of the device

Construction of device

Electrical Wiring and Testing

Phase III- Testing the Effectiveness of the Device


The researchers would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude to these persons

who, in one way or another, made this study possible.

To Mr. Isagani Musa, Research Adviser, for his patience, guidance, suggestions

and never-ending support;

Mr. Salvador Lo, Electronics teacher, who gave suggestions and

recommendations and try his best to assist the researchers in the construction of


To their classmates and friends, who showed their support;

To the Adviser and subject teachers of IV-SSC A , who considered them during

the conduct of their experimentation during class hours;

To our beloved parents, for their love, encouragement and support, financially,

morally and spiritually; and

Above all, to Almighty God, for giving us life, knowledge, wisdom and strength

that made us determined in making this study possible.


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