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The complexity of Filipino culture is compounded as this has been exposed to

continuous and various streams of culture from without. These influences were not
passively absorbed in to the Filipino culture but assimilated in a selective way, and this
process of an acculturation varied from region to region.

Filipino cultural values are widely held beliefs which make some activities,
relationships, goals and feelings important to the Filipino people’s identity. When these
Filipino values coalesce and mesh in a mutually supportive system, it is called "Filipino
value system." The content of the Filipino values are the Filipino myths and religion
while the structures are the Filipino oral and written traditions, churches, sacred places,
temples and mosques. The Filipinos internalize these values of their culture and thus
create for themselves a "world of meanings."

To a person who is not familiar or aware of the Philippine culture, understanding

Filipinos is like playing a game one has never played before and of which the rules have
not been explained very well. Understanding the values of Filipinos poses a challenge, to
enjoy the game without missing the joys and fun of like living in the Philippines. Players
of the game will be connecting dots as they trace the history of our own value system.



Development of Filipino Values System

Philippine Values is defined by the way how people live their life as an influence
of one’s culture. Philippines, having been an archipelago, has not become a hindrance
towards having a single values system throughout the country. In whatever part of the
country you may be, one will find the same hospitality that the Filipinos are known for as
well as many other values that have originated from our forefathers.

The values of Filipinos have been looked upon by foreigners as a weakness

instead of strength due to the nature of how they may be abused and manipulated due to
these values. But values are what make up a certain nation both in growth and unity.
Some may see that Filipino values as a hindrance to the growth of the country and yet
others may say that this is what makes our country powerful.

A nation empowers itself depending on the beliefs, goals, ideals, aspirations, and
values of its citizens. In order to achieve national unity and progress, it needs the full
cooperation of its people. Values as a people and as a nation give the identity that
differentiates one race from the others. These values may improve or hinder development
and progress but nonetheless, with unity of diversity, development and progress are

The different characteristics, both positive and negative, are a challenge for every
Filipino. In order to attain development and progress, they must value and prioritize their
strengths rather than hide under the clutches of their weaknesses. Embracing the strengths
and conquering their weaknesses will truly help the Filipino nation go forward in
attaining its plans and aspirations for a richer and more fun Philippines where most
foreign countries will be jealous of.




Be It Resolved: Same-Sex Marriage Be Legalized in the Philippines

Many people do not take the time to think of what it would be like if it was the
other way around and heterosexuals did not have the right to get married. They do not
think of how much pain they would be in from not being allowed to marry the person
they love and want to be with for the rest of their life. The phenomenon of same sex
marriages is relatively new but is gaining popularity day by day.
The topic of same-sex marriage, or gay marriage, is extremely divisive in today's
society because people think it’s against religion, most especially to us Filipinos since we
inherit this catholic culture in us. They say, “God made a man and a woman so they could
get married and have a family, and not a female and a female.” However, on the other
hand, some people feel very strongly about the government’s ban on same sex marriage,
saying it’s against the people’s rights saying, “People should marry whomever they
want.” My point of view is that same sex marriage is moral because love breaks a lot of
barriers and it really doesn't matter if you like the same sex. It is just love that matters. It
doesn't really matter if you are “gay” or “lesbian.” You should have the right to marry
whomever you want to marry because as my dad used to say, “It’s you that is going to
marry the person, not other people. And it is not for other people to judge you.”

Moreover, I think same sex marriage is as normal as other marriages because both
deal with two human beings wanting to be with each other for the rest of their lives and
having a pursuit of happiness in their own family.

Be It Resolved: Creation vs. Evolution

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1, NIV
Bible). All around the world, there is controversy over what is right and what is wrong
when it comes to Creation versus Evolution. Even though this is a very controversial
issue, there are many forms of evidence that can disprove the theories and evidence
brought forth by Evolutionary Scientists. This is just similar to the issue about which
comes first, the chicken or the egg? Though it has already proven that chicken,
particularly the hen, comes first before the egg (because the protein that can only be
found in hens is the only nutrient that helps form the eggshell) we can still go back to the
history of chicken’s existence. Myth might help us answer the query we’ve got from the
idea but it is not very evident in nature.

Creation is, “God’s act of bringing the universe into existence” ,as defined by the
Google Theological Dictionary Online, and this idea would prove that there are a lot of
things that is beyond human control and capability. Creation is the one and only true
answer to the formation of the earth and everything on it, and the universe and everything
in it, and having proven numerous times, the multiple times that the frauds of Evolution
has been exploited, it has now been made perfectly clear that Creation is the truth and
Evolution is the myth.

Filipino Educational Values System

Value is a thing has valued when it is perceived as good and desirable. Food,
money, and housing have a value because they are perceived as good and the desire to
acquire them influences attitudes and behavior. Not only material goods but also ideals
and concepts are valuable, such as truth, honesty, and justice. For instance, if truth is a
value for one, it commands in one an inner commitment which in turn translates itself
into one’s daily speech and action. Truth is good and desirable; it influences attitudes and

Values are the bases of judging what attitudes and behavior are correct and
desirable and what are not. It is therefore of crucial importance that there be an
appropriate framework as well as strategy for providing the context and operational
guidelines for implementing a values education program. The values education
framework hereby suggested is designed to translate values from the abstract into the

I have come to notice a very troubling aspect of Filipino culture and that is the
way a lot of Filipinos misinterpret common values and virtues that are found in more
developed countries. Now, don’t get me wrong, these values and virtues can still be
found in a good number of people but it saddens me to note what they mean to a lot of
other people. At best, most of these people will only understand the basic stuff like what
they mean in the dictionary but at worst, they don’t even know said values and
virtues have an even deeper meaning beyond the basic.

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