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Growth Hack

Your Instagram

A guide by Michael Sugiharto

Kenalan dulu
Tak kenal maka tak sayang,
“Makin………..…..., Makin disayang”

➔ DKV Trisakti & CNet UCLA Ext

Jangan ditanya: Angkatan babe2

➔ Hobi : Kuliner Ada

yang nggak hobi makan ?

➔ Hobi : Photo & Video Blog

Biar inget apa aja yang sdh pernah

➔ Passion : Digital Marketing

*PS: sejak ikutan NBC18 --- beneran
Setup expectation
● Rome is not build in 1 day
● Ingat : Sabar itu Subur
● Anything worth having, is worth
waiting for
● Building a brand/ business
/company /relationship is a
process, it’s not a One time event
● Stay Focus & Committed at least
2-3 years in building
● Concentrate in building system
not selling
WHY Instagram ?
(so what gitu lho)

Why not ?
Instagram Hot apa ngga
● Mau dibawa
kemana ?
● Dimana masa
depanku ?
WHY instagram
● Just Visual
● Very Simple & User Friendly
○ buat yang “mau” ngerti
○ 3 simple interactions : Follow, Like &
● One of the Highest User Engagements
○ Outside linknya cuman 1
○ Yg dapetin linknya buat yang bener2 niat aja
○ Niat buat nanya/beli/kontak dsbnya
Apa lagi donk

● Fullfill no 1 Human needs :

○ “The feeling of being important” - Anthony Robbins
Apa aja kegunaan IG ?
(bisa buat apa aja sih)

Anything with photo &
video visuals
● Amateurs ● Professionals
● For fun & Gengsi2an ● Look book/Portfolio/Catalog
● Non commercial ● Commercial

● Models
● Photographers
● Selfies ● Celebgram
● Photo Blog ● Olshop Catalog
● Video Blog ● Entertainments
● Brand & Company
Photo & Video Blog
Selfies & Look book
Olshop Catalog
Brands (Big,Medium & Small)
3 Hal yang perlu kamu tahu
(untuk ningkatin sosmed engagements )

Cuman 3 ?
Ada banyak sih, tapi yg
paling penting yah 3 ini.
● Baca di slide
Pada dasarnya
manusia itu KEPO
● Learn how to satisfy their keponess
● Semakin terpuaskan, semakin tinggi
● Semakin tinggi engagement, semakin...
Content is King
There, I just said it
● Pakai variasi lah, jangan 1 gaya aja
● Ga terlalu bagus gpp, be natural (fotonya)
● Kombinasi Informasi, Kontes, Testimoni,
Repost, Jualan, Opt-in, Quotes
● Yang penting BANGET, Konsisten update
● Pakai Emoticons
Content is King
those things about posting
● Frequency ( seberapa sering )
● Quantity ( seberapa banyak )
● Timing ( kapan kamu posting )
● Ask Questions
● Tell them to repost/tags their friends
● Double taps
● Instagram Contest giveaway
Pakailah Kombinasi
Organik & Paid Traffic
● Bisa pilih manual atau ….
● Otomatisasi
○ Celebgramme, onlypult, schedugram
● Paid Traffic
○ Instagram ads
Cara Targetting...
(Cara targetting si Kepo lah )

Jangan salah
● Research itu
bukan “Buang
waktu, tapi
1. Research…
2. Reeeesearch…
3. Reeeeeeesearch... (dah ngerti kan?)
4. Berpikirlah seperti si kepo (target mkt)
5. Create Persona si kepo (target mkt)
a. Basic Data (sex,age,place,edu,$$$)
b. Cari tahu IHKomu nya
■ Idolanya
■ Hobinya
■ Komunitasnya
1. Target followers idola
○ Orang : Film, Bintang idola kesukaan
buat apaan nih
○ Barang : Produk (fashion, kuliner, hotel, gadgets, kosmetik dsb)
2. Target #hashtags hobi
○ Selfie/narsis
○ Masak/makan/jajan
○ Travel, Shopping, Gamers
3. Target #hashtags komunitas
○ Bapak2/Ibu2/Om2/Tante2/Jomblo2
○ Sekolah/universitas/alumni
○ Pedagang/Entrepreneurs/clubs/militer
○ Internet/Digital Marketers
○ Lari/Sepeda/Fitness
5 Instagram
Growth Hack
Apa tuh GH ?
Maksudnya, cara2
pertumbuhan akun
Instagram mu.
5 IG Growth Hacks
➔ PROFILE Growth Hack
How is your profile ?

➔ CONTENT Growth Hack

What is your content ?

➔ HASHTAGS Growth Hack

What Hashtags should I put ?

➔ ACTIVITY Growth Hack

Doing what now ?

➔ ZMOT Growth Hack

What the heck is ZMOT ?
Growth Hack
● Pemilihan username :
Never use “Underscore”
(tanda baca _ ini lho)
● This is your sales page, add
Info & cara kontak anda
● LINK itu kudu dipake
(jangan #disiasiakan)
○ Pake
○ Opt-
whatsapp/LINE@ add
friends page
○ Promo page
Growth Hack

● Kombinasikan Foto & Video
● Use : “Instagrid”
● Ide content : Selfies, Produk
● Testimonials Customers
● Endorsers, Group photo
● All Aktifitas off site mu
● Anything to satisfy their
“KEPO ness”
Growth Hack
● REPOST = ga perlu bikin content,
biarkan orang lain yang mengisi
● REPOST = Authority account
● Topik : anything selfie, quotes,
dagelan, sports, wanita cantik, cowo
keren, fakta, travel, teknologi, news,
memes, kuliner dsbnya
● Use : “Regrann”
● Keep posting Relevan, Konsisten
dengan tema akunnya.
● @katamotivasi, @bidadariselfie
● @dagelan, @repostpersib
● @repost_girls_, @instagadis99
Growth Hack
● Mispersepsi :
menggunakan #hashtags
yang populer
● Gunakan banyak
#Hashtags yang tidak
terlalu populer
( ratusan-puluhan ribu posts )
● Lebih mudah jadi Top Post
● Min 11 #hashtags per post
● Gunakan extra #hastags di
● Gunakan : “”
Growth Hack

● Forward Post to users

○ Event
○ Promo
● Group DM (direct messages)
○ Create Group
○ Add other users
■ Same niche
○ Use it at your own risks
Growth Hack

● Automation is a must
○ Automate Posting
■ Onlypult
■ Hopperhq
○ Automate Follow Like
■ Boostgram
Growth Hack

● Zero Moment Of Truth

(google terms)
● Tebar BUZZ di Instagram
● CLONES attack !
● Automate Clones is a must
● Setup target #hashtags
● Tebar Comments &
Mentions (3rd party testimony)
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