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Sum Insured and Premium Rate as Sum Insured Premium Rate as

Percentage (%) of Sum Insured Deduct-
ible %
Animal Purpose (PhP) per Head/ % of Sum Insured
% of SI
Batch - Poultry (SI)
INSURANCE PROGRAM Insurable Age Purpose Acceptance
PhP 7,000
9,001 -
11,001 -
13,001 -
of Sum
Horse Draft
Animal Purpose Remarks Insured
From To - 9,000 11,000 13,000 15,000
70% market value 3 to 6
The Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) provides insurance Animals over 5 years but not over 12 Swine TSI shall be 70% of the value of swine at selling/ Breeder
cover to livestock such as cattle, carabao, horse, swine, goat, sheep, Cattle and
Draft, Dairy,
years old can be accepted for coverage Fattener slaughter time in the locality but not to exceed Swine 70% market value 4 to 8
Breeder, 7 mos. 5 yrs
poultry, and game fowls and animals. Carabao
subject to additional premium up to PhP8,000/head. 10-30% of TSI
age 12 The premium rate per raising period is: Fattener 70% market value 0.50 per month
45 days 10
Covered Diseases Typhoon & Flood
Animals over 5 years but not over 12 Total Breeder 20,000 12
I. TYPES OF INSURANCE COVER Horse Draft/Working 1 yr. 5 yrs
years old can be accepted for coverage
(Normal Cover) (Rider Perils)
Goat & Sheep
1. Non-Commercial Mortality Insurance Cover for cattle, carabao, horse, subject to additional premium up to 1.50 0.25 1.75 Fattener 1,000 10
swine, goat, sheep and poultry. age 12
0.24% for typhoon, 2.5% of TSI
TSI shall be 70% of the value of swine at time of
2. Commercial Mortality Insurance Cover for cattle, carabao, horse, swine, Goat and Breeder 4 mos. 1 yr Renewable annually up to 5 years old purchase but not to exceed the following:
Poultry flood, lightning & fire per event, one
goat, sheep and poultry. Sheep Fattener 4 mos. 1 yr Until sold whichever comes earlier F1 (first generation): PhP 12,500; Chicken Broilers 70% market value loss event
0.5% to 1.05% for limited to one
3. Special Cover for livestock dispersal. Parent Stock: PhP 31,500; and
regular disease cover
Can be renewed annually up to 4th year Grand Parent Stock: PhP 52,000 (1) week
4. Special Cover for game fowls and animals such as fighting cocks and Breeder 6 mos. 2 yrs
of life Breeder 6 mos. 10 2.5% of TSI
race horses. Swine The applicable premium rate is: 2.60% for regular
disease and natural per event, one
Fattener 45 days 6 mos Until sold whichever comes earlier Chicken Pullets/
Covered Diseases Typhoon & Flood 70% market value calamities (typhoon, loss event to
Total Ducks Layers flood, lightning and
Broilers 1 day 8 wks (Normal Cover) (Rider Perils)
fire) cover
72 hours or as
These policies cover death due to accidents and/or diseases, and/or Pullets/Layers 1 day 75 wks Or insurable age could be agreed upon
3.0 0.50 3.50

other covered risks affecting the livestock. Notes:

Duck Pullets/Layers 12 wks 65 wks Or insurable age could be agreed upon Goat and PhP 1,000 PhP 2,500 PhP 6,000 1. The above premium rates are subject to change by the PCIC; and
Sheep 2. The sum insured and premium rate for commercial cover of horse will be
III. ELIGIBILITY V. ACCEPTANCE AGE; SUM INSURED AND PREMIUM RATE Buck-Breeder 4 mos. 10 10 10 10 to 20 supplied by PCIC.
The following animals are insurable: Doe-Breeder
a. Non-Commercial 4 mos. 10 10 N.I. 10 to 20

Fattener 4 mos. 10 N.I. N.I. 10 to 20

Insurance No. of Heads/ Sum Insured and Premium Rate as Percentage
Animal Purpose Remarks Insurance
Cover Birds per Farmer (%) of Sum Insured Chicken Animal Covered Risks
Animal/ Age Upon Cover
Cattle and Draft, Dairy, Purpose Acceptance PhP PhP Broilers 1 day TSI shall be 70% of the prevailing market value
2 to 10 7,000 - PhP 9,001 11,001 - PhP 13,001 in the locality. 1. Diseases like Liver Fluke, Verminous, Bronchitis, all
Carabao Breeder, Fattener other parasitic diseases, Leptospirosis, Swine Enzootic
9,000 - 11,000 13,000 - 15,000 Premium rate is 0.76% to 1.29% depending
on the number of days per rearing or growing Pneumonia, Colibacillosis, Streptococcosis, Tetanus,
Horse Draft/Working 2 to 10 Aflatoxicosis, Cancerous Diseases, Footrot, Rabies,
Cattle & 7 mos. - period. Poisoning, Heat Stroke, Heart Attack and all other diseases
Goat and Sheep Breeder, Fattener 10 to 25 Max total sum 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50
Carabao 5 yrs. except those appearing in the exclusions in the policy;
insured of less Layers TSI shall be 70% of the prevailing market value
Breeder 2 to 10 than Draft, 6 yrs. 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 1 day in the locality.
Commercial Swine Carabao, 2. Accidental drowning, strangulation, snakebites and other
PhP 110,000 Dairy, Premium rate is 2.60% per annum. Non-Commercial Horse, events of accidental nature except those caused by
Mortality Fattener 7 to 20 7 yrs. 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00
or PhP 15,000 Breeder, Swine, Goat vehicular accidents;
Insurance Notes: For cattle, carabao, and horse: and Sheep
Poultry or less per Fattener 8 yrs. 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.25 a. Above premium rates are applicable for the first/initial coverage; 3. Fire and/or lightning;
head b. For continued annual renewal of the policy (including those renewed
Chicken Broilers > 5,000 (minimum) 9 yrs. 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 4. Dog bites (for goat and sheep only); and
within 30 days from date of expiry, up to the age of 12 years), the
Pullets/Layers > 1,000 (minimum) 10 yrs. 6.25 6.75 7.25 N.I. assured shall be entitled to the premium rate similar to that of the first/ 5. Accidents arising from the transport of animals to and from
Duck Pullets/Layers > 1,000 (minimum)
initial coverage, based on the age the animal was first insured; and the farm and place of treatment.
11 yrs. 6.50 7.00 N.I. N.I. c. However, if the renewal of the policy was beyond 30 days after
Cattle and Draft, Dairy, 11 and > (or 12 yrs. 6.75 N.I. N.I. N.I. expiry of the policy, the premium rate to be applied shall be based Poultry Diseases, typhoon, flood, lightning and fire.
Carabao Breeder, Fattener at least one (1) on the age of the animal upon acceptance of the latest application. 1. All diseases covered in Non-Commercial Cover;
animal involving Horse PhP PhP PhP PhP The coverage will then be treated as if accepted for the first time. Cattle,
coverage of at least Draft/ 9,000 or 9,001 - 11,001 - 13,001 - Carabao, 2. All accidents covered in Non-Commercial Cover except for
PhP15,001) Working less 11,000 13,000 15,000 Horse, fire and lightning; and
b. Commercial Cover Commercial Swine, Goat
Horse Draft/Working 11 (minimum) 1 yr.-5yr. 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 and Sheep 3. Accidents arising from the transport of animals to and from
Sum Insured Premium Rate as the farm and place of treatment.
Goat and Sheep Breeder, Fattener 26 (minimum) A minimum 6 yrs. 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 Deductible
Commercial Animal Purpose (PhP) per Head/ % of Sum Insured
total sum % of SI Poultry Diseases, typhoon, flood, lightning and fire.
Mortality Batch - Poultry (SI)
Breeder 11 (minimum) insured of 7 yrs. 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00
Insurance Swine Livestock
PhP110,000 Same risks under Non-Commercial Cover
Fattener 21 (minimum) 8 yrs. 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.25 10,000 to 15,000 5 to 7 Dispersal
Special Cover
Poultry 9 yrs. 6.00 6.50 7.00 N.I. 15,001 to 20,000 6 to 8 Game fowls Same risks under Commercial Cover
Draft, Dairy, and animals
Chicken Broilers 5,000 (minimum) 10 yrs. 6.25 6.75 N.I. N.I. Cattle & 20,001 to 25,000 7 to 9 10 to 30% of
TSI Notes:
Pullets/Layers 1,000 (minimum) 11 yrs. 6.50 N.I. N.I. N.I. 25,001 to 30,000 8 to 10
1. Please see Section VIII for conditions for extended coverage; and
Duck Pullets/Layers 1,000 (minimum) 12 yrs. 6.75 N.I. N.I. N.I. 30,001 to 50,000
Above 10% or as 2. The parameters for special cover shall be defined/supplied by the PCIC
agreed Regional Office(s) (ROs).
Erysipelas 0.25
1. Destruction of the animals by administrative order of the government; Hog Cholera (Fattener/Breeder) 0.50 1. In case of death of the insured animal, the assured shall immediately
2. Unskillful treatment by the animal raiser, his agent and employees, send a pro-forma Notice of Loss (NL) to the PCIC RO or PEO within
overloading, improper use, willful or malicious injury; Hoof and Mouth Disease 0.25 TEN (10) calendar days from the death of the insured animal. The NL
3. Emergency slaughter/Government Slaughter Order;
4. Pillage, strike, or other labor disputes, war, rebellion, insurrection and
Swine Plague
can be in the form of telegram, fax, e-mail or any other form of written
statement containing the name of the assured, address, policy no.,
livestock insured, cause of death, and date of the occurrence of death.
radioactive contamination; Swine
5. Disease/s or injuries already existing at the commencement of insurance Fire and Lightning (For Fatteners) 0.25
For purposes of reckoning the ten-day period, the official date of filing shall
or developing during the waiting period; Fire and Lightning (for Breeders) 0.50 be:
6. Disappearance, theft, robbery, confiscation by order of the government; Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv) 0.50
a. Date of mailing postmarked on the envelope;
7. Earthquake, convulsions of nature, volcanic eruption, inundation, b. Date of transmission, if sent by telegram, fax or e-mail; or
immolation and atmospheric disturbance such as typhoon, hurricane, Typhoon and Flood (Fattener) 0.25 c. Date of receipt by the PCIC RO, if by personal delivery.
tornado & cyclone; Typhoon and Flood (Breeder) 0.50 per year 2. Within THIRTY (30) calendar days from the death of the insured animal, the
8. Losses occurring prior to and after the effectivity period of insurance assured shall submit to the PCIC RO or PEO the following documents:
coverage; Chicken/Broilers Typhoon, flood, lightning and fire 0.24 per growing period
a. Claim for Indemnity/Loss Report - this serves as the formal claim, if
9. Losses due to mismanagement; duly signed and accomplished by the assured;
10. Losses due to vehicular accidents; 5. For transport risk - the transport insurance cover is optional and can only b. Veterinary Disease Report- duly accomplished and signed by the
11. Fire, lightning, typhoon and flood under Commercial Cover; and be provided as an addition to the basic cover and limited only to inland authorized veterinarian or LGU Livestock Inspector/Technician;
transport at a rate of 0.75% to 1.50%, depending on physical distance, time c. Original Copy of the Certificate of Ownership/Transfer of Large Cattle
12. Other excluded risks: and road conditions, excluding risks associated with hijacking and theft; or Certified machine copy of Memorandum Receipt for government
6. The following are additional conditions for extended coverage for poultry dispersed animals;
Animal Other Excluded Risks (please see other applicable conditions above): d. Livestock Death Certificate;
a. Catastrophic losses arising from death of birds, pullets, or layers due e. Necropsy/Laboratory reports, if performed;
Cattle & Anaplasmosis, Anthrax, Babesiosis, Blackleg, Hemorrhagic Septicemia, Hoof and to accidents and/or diseases at all times, including epidemics, can be f. Photographs of the dead animal/s showing clearly the identifying marks
covered, provided that proper vaccination program has been carried out (eartags, earnotch, brand or tattoo); and
Carabao Mouth Disease, Johne’s Disease, Rinderpest, Leucosis, and Tuberculosis g. Other documents as may be required by the PCIC such as affidavit of
and a Veterinary Certificate about such vaccination has been submitted. two disinterested parties.
African Horse Sickness, Infectious Anemia, Racing and/or Participation in b. Losses due to epidemic diseases such as Avian Diptheria, Avian Malaria,
Tournaments/Sports and Scab Avian Leucosis Complex, Avian Infectious Bronchitis, Coccidiosis, For poultry, the following shall be submitted to the PCIC RO or PEO:
Dysentery, Erysipelas, Hog Cholera, Hoof and Mouth Disease, Swine Plague, Porcine
Escherichia Coli, Infectious Coryza, Infectios Bursal Disease, Marek’s a. Weekly Loss Report;
Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv) and Salmonellosis
Disease, Newcasttle Disease (NCD) and Tuberculosis can be covered, b. Veterinary Report accomplished by his duly authorized veterinarian;
provided the insured broilers, pullets, layers are properly inoculated and c. Farm Management Chart or Daily Mortality Chart;
Poultry Avian or Bird Flu, Mycoplasma spp. Infection, and Salmonella vaccinated at proper times and all necessary preventive measures taken d. Photographs of dead birds; and
into consideration.
7. Losses due to fire, lightning, typhoon and flood under commercial cover of
e. Pertinent proof of proceeds. “Sa Paglaban sa Kahirapan at Gutom,
VIII. CONDITIONS FOR EXTENDED COVERAGE cattle, carabao and horse are excluded in the basic cover but can be covered
Additional risks and diseases excluded in the basic cover can be under special arrangement subject to additional premium loading. XIII. PERCENTAGE LOSS ASSESSMENT Crop Insurance, Katulong sa Pagbangon.”
covered as extended cover subject to the following conditions: IX. WAITING PERIOD Insurance Animal- Percentage (%) Loss Assessment/
The waiting period is the time elapsed between effectivity of the coverage and Cover Purpose Remarks
1. All animals subject for coverage shall be personally inspected by the the time of occurrence of the disease within which no insurance compensation
shall be paid. The waiting period shall not apply to losses due to accidents and
PCIC Regional Office (RO) personnel; Swine - Breeder, 100% of Sum Insured at the time of loss less applicable
for renewed policies. In general, the waiting period is TWENTY ONE (21) calendar
2. All susceptible animals subject for coverage shall be vaccinated against
epidemic diseases and a Veterinary Certificate to that effect shall be
days except for the following diseases which is THREE (3) months:
Goat and Sheep - deductible and salvage value
submitted to the PCIC RO;
3. All losses caused by any epidemic disease, if covered, shall be indemnified
Animal Diseases Commercial
Swine - Fattener
100% of the value of animal at the time of loss, based on the
table of assessment less applicable deductible and salvage CROP INSURANCE
at a maximum of sixty percent (60%) of the sum insured; and
4. There shall be an additional premium loading per disease as shown below:
Cattle,Carabao, Goat
and Sheep
Leucosis, Liverfluke, Rickets and Verminous Bronchitis Goat and Sheep - 90% of the value of the animal at the time of loss, less CORPORATION
Fattener applicable deductible and salvage value
Cattle, Carabao,
Additional Premium Swine Brucellosis, Leucosis, Rickets and Tuberculosis
Swine, Goat and
Maximum of 100% of Sum Insured at the time of loss less
Animal Type of Disease/Allied Peril per Disease as % applicable deductible and salvage value
of Sum Insured Horse Equine Encephalomyelitis, Hydrocephalus Tuberculosis and Rickets 80% of actual cash value of the insured animal at the time of Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation
Anaplasmosis 0.25 Horse loss but not to exceed 80% of the Sum Insured less deductible
and salvage value
Anthrax 0.25 X. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Indemnity shall be based on the remaining loss after 7F Building A, NIA Complex, EDSA,
Poultry Diliman, Quezon City
Babesiosis 0.25 The insurance client shall: deductible of the policy deductible
1. Submit filled-out application form for PCIC Livestock Mortality Insurance; Deductible shall be reckoned on a per farm per event basis on Phone: (02) 441-1324
Blackleg 0.25 2. Submit Veterinary Health Certificate as to the health of the animal, if All animals varying percentages depending on type of animal and cause/
Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumonia 0.25 required; and Fax: (02) 361-8983
nature of loss
3. Pay the corresponding premium and other charges (e.g., premium tax, Email Address:
Johnne’s Disease 0.25
Cattle & Carabao cost of documentary stamps, etc.). XIV. PAYMENT OF CLAIM
Hemorrhagic Septicemia 0.25 The claim shall be settled expeditiously not later than forty-five (45) calendar
Hoof and Mouth Disease 0.25 XI. ISSUANCE OF POLICY days from receipt of complete claim documents.
For insurance business solicited/underwritten by the Insurance Underwriter
Rinderpest 0.25 (IU), Official Receipt (OR) shall be issued to the client by the IU upon receipt XV. FINALITY OF PCIC DECISION ON CLAIMS
Tubercolosis 0.25 of insurance premium and other charges. Copy of Insurance Policy/Contract Unless proven otherwise, PCIC decision on claim settlement is final and
shall be immediately released by the PCIC RO to the client upon remittance of unappealable sixty (60) calendar days after the release of indemnity payment
Fire and Lightning 0.25
the premium and other charges by the IU to the PCIC RO Cashier. or transmittal of the notice of disapproval. Visit us at:
Typhoon and Flood 0.50

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