Touristics Places

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TOURISTICS PLACES IN ANCASH ......................................................................................... 2

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 2
2. LAKES .............................................................................................................................. 2
2.1. LLANGANUCO LAKE ........................................................................................... 2
2.2. WILCACOCHA LAKE ............................................................................................ 3
2.3. 513 LAKE ................................................................................................................. 3
2.4. PARÓN LAKE .......................................................................................................... 4
2.5. 69 LAKE ................................................................................................................... 5
3. MOUNTAINS ................................................................................................................... 5
3.1. ALPAMAYO MOUNTAIN...................................................................................... 5
3.2. PASTORURI MOUTAIN ......................................................................................... 6
3.3. CHURUP MOUNTAIN ............................................................................................ 7
3.4. HUASCARAN MOUNTAIN ................................................................................... 7
3.5. MATEO MOUNTAIN .............................................................................................. 7
The capital of Ancash is Huaraz that is located in callejon de Huaylas between white and
black mountain range.
In Ancash there are many touristics places and that is beautuful.
Huascaran national park is one of the most importat touristic places becouse it whas
declaret as a natural heritage, also is important because there are many lakes and
Into the Huascaran national park there are 660 glacier and 300 lakes aproximately
Is the most popular lake in Ancash becouse it is easy to access and also the color of the
lake is turquoise that is owesome.
Llangfanuco lake is 3850 meters above sea leve lis located in Yungay in the white
mountain range into the Huascaran national park.
Llanganuco is the name of the ravine, the real names of the lakes are Chinancocha thats
mean female lake and Orconcocha thats male lake both names are in quechua.
Tha¿e lake is surrounded by Huascaran,Huandoy,Pisco,Chacraraju,Yanapaccha and
Chopicalqui mountains.
This one-day bus tour starts in Huaraz, a city located at the foot of the Cordillera Blanca
on the banks of the Santa River. We begin by heading north, passing along the way
various towns and villages, and stopping at interesting places such as Anta, which has a
spectacular view of Huascaran, Peru’s highest mountain, and Carhuaz, which is a
traditional Andean town famous for its ice cream. We also visit the Campo Santo where
the town of Yungay was once located until it was completely buried by an enormous
avalanche caused by the earthquake of 1970, and which originated on Huascaran. Only
the palm trees from the plaza de armas, pieces of the broken walls of the church, a twisted
bus, a few scattered boulders, and the local cemetery remain as witnesses to the disaster.
We then continue north through the relocated modern Yungay, where we turn east and
climb switchbacks to enter the Llanganuco Valley, which is situated in Huascaran
National Park between the towering summits of Huascaran and Huandoy. Here we visit
the two beautiful Llanganuco lakes, which are surrounded by banks of Tortora reeds, and
by fragile forests of some of the world’s highest growing trees, Quenuals and Quisuars.
The lakes are called Chinacocha and Orqoncocha, names representing the belief that one
is feminine and the other masculine. After a stroll around the lake we return by the same
route to Yungay where we will have lunch in village restaurantand then continue north to
Caraz. Caraz is the last important town in the Callejon de Huaylas valley and is famous
for its dairy products, especially “manjar blanco”, a milk-based sweet and then make our
way back to Huaraz stopping in Tarica, a village known for its handicrafts, where we do
a bit of shopping for souvenirs.
Wilcacocha lake is located in the black mountain range that is at 3725 meters above sea
That lake is the most beautiful of all the black mountain range, also is popular becouse
from there you can see whole the white mountain range.
This is a great half-day trip out of Huaraz. It was after lunch time before I decided I should
get myself out of town. I found a colectivo (1 sol) heading south out of Huaraz that could
take me to Chiwipampa, where the trail starts. We arrived there about 15 minuts later and
the locals that were in the van pointed up the steep hill to the right and told me that the
lake was above. The gravel road can be taken all the way up to the lake, but I took an
obvious trail that headed directly up the hill. It was a bit of a climb and I was glad that I
was already feeling acclimatised. I passed a couple of other parties that were struggling
with the altitude. Like many others who go on this walk, they were using it as test to see
if they would manage on longer treks. They had been told that if they could get up to the
lake in 2 hours then they would be ok to walk the popular Santa Cruz trek.
The trip back down the hill took about 45 minutes and was a bit tough on the knees. A
colectivo pulled up just as I reached the road so I was back in Huaraz in no time.
If you are looking for a good ha

lf-day trip out of Huaraz give this one a go. The track is easy to follow (just keep heading
up!) and there are lots of locals to ask along the way if you are unsure. This is a popular
acclimatization walk, with many people testing their legs and lungs out before they head
off on longer (and higher) treks in the area. If you haven’t spent much time at altitude yet
then take it slow on the way up.
2.3.513 LAKE
513 Lake in my opinión is the most beautiful is lacated in Carhuaz in the white mountain
range at 4431 meters above sea level .
The color of the wather is intense turquoise this lake is fed from the melting of Hualcan
mountain, the name 513 is because the lake is fed from glacier 513 acording to the
national glacier inventory.
Just as it is beautiful also it is very complicated to get there you have to walk 5 hours to
go and 4 to came back.
The roud start when the guide and transportation will pick you up at your hotel leaving
Huaraz we drive to the North turn off from the highway of Carhuaz town where we take
the unpaved road that goes to Hualcan village. Once past the village we keep going up to
the end of the dirt road at Shonquipampa 3540 meters above sea level.where we walk
First of all we cross a pampa and go towards the (broken) ridge of where we will start to
climb. The path changes when you cross a small quenual forest crossing on the right and
later the ascent becomes steeper once we cross the stream.
The road is in good condition although there are no goals to mark where we should go.
We continue climbing to a small lake Laguna Rajupáquinan at 4100m/13,448ft. After a
break, we continue walking the last part of the walk to reach Lake 513 of the Cordillera
Blanca in the Huascaran National Park is also carried out on the way with concrete parts
that help to climb better and faster. Coming to Lake 513 at (4460m/14,628ft) impresses
the glacier Hualcan with breathtaking views. A whole effort is just worth it. Making 8km
ascending and 8km descending.
Paron lake is located in Huaylas; at 4185 meters above sea level, it characterized by their
sweet wáter and also is the biggest lake in the white mountain range.
The wáter of this lake is very used to supply the Cañon del Pato hidroelectric center one
of the main power generators of our country.
This lake was declarated emergency because the menbers of the comunity the wather of
the lake for their crops and the hidroelectric center too to genetare the main power.
You can visit Laguna Paron either from Huaraz, or from Caraz, it depends, where you
stay, and you can either take a tour or travel independently. Each option has its pros and
If you stay in Huaraz, visiting Laguna Paron with a tour is probably your only option as
it takes about three hours to reach the lagoon and the public transport to Laguna Paron at
the moment is not reliable because it is not that heavily visited. Tours start early in the
morning, and the bus will take you directly to the lake (there is a road to the lake for those
who don't want to hike). It means the only hiking you can do is a short walk on the lake's
shore or climb to the viewpoint. The cost of the tour varies from S/60 - S/80 without the
entrance fee. You can reserve Laguna Paron.
The advantage is that you don't need to worry about transportation to and from the lake.
Also, the price of the tour is reasonable because you share the cost with more people.
What we see as a downside when traveling to Lake Paron with a tour is that you spend a
long time on a bus without the hiking option. You will arrive at the same time with other
minivans so you can't enjoy the place by yourself and you will also get to Laguna Paron
around midday while the clearest views are in the morning (it, of course, depends on the
weather). But as we already mentioned: if you decided to stay in Huaraz and visit the
place from here, it is how it is, and there is not much you can do differently.
2.5.69 LAKE
69 Lake is small and beautiful lake located in Yungay province in to the Huascaran
national park ar 4604 metrs above sea level.
In the thrawing season 69 lake is fed from Chacraraju glacier through a waterfall.
Why is a number intead a name?
Is because before the created of Huascaran nationa park this lake diden’t have a name.
When the par kwas created all the lakes and mountains must to have name and acording
to the national lakes inventory this lake is called 69.
We will pick up in your hotel . After there we will leave Huaraz by road to Yungay (1
hour), then start the trip on dusting road that takes us to the point called Cebollapampa.
This is the starting point for the climb of Pisco ( 5,750m.). During the ride we enter the
imoressive valley of Llanganuco, and also start at the check point to pay the entrance to
Huascaran National Park (30 soles). We pass the lakes of Chinancocha and Orconcocha,
of a beautiful color, surrounded by imposing summits of Huascarán North(6,655m.),
Yanapaqccha ( 5,347m.) Huandoy ( 6,395m.), Chacraraju ( 6,112m.) and Pisco ( 5,750m).
From Cebollapampa ( 3,850m.) we start the trek to Lake 69 (4,600m.) takes 03 hours
uphill, a beautiful blue lake. For come back takes 2 hours at the lake, we descend to
Cebollapampa to take the bus back to Yungay – Huaraz.

Alpamayo mountain is located in Huaylas in the white mountain range between Los
Cedros and Arhuaycocha ravine at 6005 meters above sea level.
In 1965 a Peruvian Muntaineer Cersar Morales Arnao recieved a letter from the director
of Alpinismus magazine to inviting him to send Peruvian mountains pictures. The photos
of Peruvian mountain entered in competition, the jury evaluated each photos and just won
10 mountains. That is the most 10 beautiful mountains.
In 1966 Alpamayo was declarated the most beautiful mountain in the world by
Alpinismus magazine.
Alpamayo mountain has a peculiar shape that is piramidal, a traid that makes it very
atractive to lovers of mountaineering of nature.
Most popular routes start from the village of Caraz, on the north of the Cordillera Blanca.
A French-Belgian expedition including George and Claude Kogan claimed to have made
the first ascent in 1951. After studying the photos in George Kogan's book The Ascent of
Alpamayo, the German team of G. Hauser, F. Knauss, B. Huhn & H. Wiedmann came to
the conclusion that the 1951 team did not reach the actual summit, thereby making their
ascent via the north ridge in 1957 the first.

The most common climbing route, known as the Ferrari route, is situated on the southwest
face of the mountain. It was opened in 1975 by a group of Italian alpinists led by Casimiro
Ferrari. It is considered a difficult climb, demanding good crampon and ice-climbing
technique. There are incomparable views of steep ice faces, penitentes, gigantic white
walls and ridges like those of Huandoy Norte, Artesonraju and Huascaran Norte, similar
to the finest of the Himalayan scenery. There are also at least six other alternative
climbing routes, the second most popular being the Vasque-French route.
Is also called Huanaco Punta Pastoruri mountain is located in Bolognesi province in the
white mountain range at 5240 meters above sea level.
Around the mountain there are many lakes bacause of dedlatation caused by global
Some experts predict that the snow could dessapear within 15 or 20 years.
In the flora higlingshts the puya Raymondi the highest Andean tropical plant in the world
it measurers 4 meters.
In the fauna you can see animals such as deer, puma, spectacled bears and so on.
Global warming, as the name says, is a ''global'' issue. This means that we don't have to
go too far to find a glacier that is currently melting and slowly disappearing - no matter
where we live, there will be a mountain range close to us that is suffering from this
catastrophe. There are regions though, in which this process is happening faster and is
much more visible to the human eye than elsewhere. The Andes are a clear example of
this. The Bolivian glacier of Chacaltaya has completely disappeared: it used to be the
highest ski area in the world and has now dried up extremely quickly. In Peru we have a
similar case: the Pastoruri glacier in the Cordillera Blanca, Ancash region. Pastoruri is a
popular tourist attraction: just like Chacaltaya, there are daily tours leaving from the city
of Huaraz and thousands of people visit the glacier every year. This is the only glacier in
the Cordillera Blanca that can be seen up-close without having to hike for tens of
kilometers: there is a distance of just about 2 km from where the bus leaves you and the
glacier itself. Due to its easy accessibility, in the past tourists used to be able to climb on
top of this ice block and do all kinds of winter activities, such as snowboarding, or simply
go on a pleasant hike on the ice. Temperatures are not extreme and it's a relatively not
dangerous place to go. Nowadays though, for the mentioned issues, tour operators had to
stop offering this type of tours and you are no longer able to reach the glacier. You can
still see it from a very close distance, but you won't be able to touch it. If you take a close
look at the bottom right corner of Pastoruri, you will see several drops of water falling
from the glacier, creating a rain-like effect, a clear evidence of the speed of its melting
process. It is definitely a sad view, but not much can be done about it. Blaming tourism
for this is probably too much as well, but it certainly didn't help. Many tourists come back
from Pastoruri a bit disappointed: they thought it was bigger and more impressive. Well,
for sure it was bigger in the past! It is calculated that the Pastoruri glacier has lost 22% of
its size and 15.5% of its ice mass in the last 30 years - and this is a one way non-stop
process. We believe taking a tour to Pastoruri should not be seen as an exciting activity,
nor a regular day out. It is now so much more about awakening travellers' consciousness
about the global warming issue. To quote Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar acceptance speech:
let's not take this planet for granted.
Churup or Tsurup (possibly from Ancash Quechua) is a mountain in the Cordillera Blanca
in the Andes of Peru, about 5,495 metres (18,028 ft) high. It is situated in the Ancash
Region, Huaraz Province, Independencia District, north-east of Huaraz. Churup is
situated south of the mountain Ranrapalca, between the Rima Rima in the north-west and
Collapaco and Huamashraju in the south-east, at the entrance to the Quilcayhuanca valley.
Lake Churup lies at the foot of the mountain.
Under the mountain there is a lake white the same name it is also known as “seven colors
lake” for its range of greens and turquoises that are distinguishet when the sun´s rays
reach it .

This mountain is located in Yungay and Carhuaz provinces in the white mountain range.
This mountain involves two peaks:
 The northern summit with 6655 meters above sea level
 The south summit with 6757 meters above sea level.
Thats why it is the highest mountain in Perú.
It is the highest mountain in Peru and is a favourite of mountaineers and tourists. In 1962
a thaw caused a portion of the sheer north summit to break off, resulting in an avalanche
that destroyed several villages and killed about 3,500 persons. In 1970 a severe
earthquake caused landslides that buried 10 villages and most of Yungay; tens of
thousands of people were killed in one of the worst natural disasters of the 20th century.
Huascarán is normally climbed from the village of Musho to the west via a high camp in
the col that separates the two summits, known as La Garganta. The ascent normally takes
five to seven days, the main difficulties being the large crevasses that often block the
route. The normal route is of moderate difficulty and rated between PD and AD
(depending on the conditions of the mountain) according to the International French
Adjectival System.
On July 20, 2016, nine climbers were caught in an avalanche on Huascarán's normal route
at approximately 5,800 m (19,000 ft), four of whom died.
Mateo mountain is located in Carhuaz into the Huascaran national park at 5150 meters
above sea level.
The mountain involves more than two peaks, just one of them is called Mateo, the name
of all the mountain is Contrahierbas.
Why just one peak has a diferent name?
Is called Mateo becouse who climed the summit is Mateo
Mateo Mountain 5200masl, is one of the most spectacular and nice view wonderful vies
to the face of highest mountain in Peru, others such as chopicalqui, Contrahierbas,
etc.This mountain is for someone beginners and easy mountain who has no experience in
climbing, then everybody is ready to challenge another big mountains, to climb this
mountain is easy access, from Huaraz can be reached in transport until moraine of the
mountain where is tunnel of Punta Olimpica.
Very early in the morning around 2am depart from Huaraz to north side passing by
seevera villages, such as Carhuaz, Silla etc, then intern to nice valley of Ulta then after at
two hours drive to Punta Olimpica 4850my zig-zag wonderful view, then arriving to the
tunnel a little to climb up moreine camp then put on the climbing clothes and equipments
to enter into the galcier, The climb starts from the left of the tunnel climbing up an
unmarked rocky trail and over moraine rock steep, climbing for two hours is to get the
Mateo glacier climbing a 40 or 50 degrees until to get the Summit, then descend the same
route, and return to Huaraz arriving around 5pm.

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