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“The Church”

Requires Growing Hunger expansion

Turns: 14

Hero Objectives:
1. Find the book
2. Destroy the book while it is in the Church
a. Destroying the book
i. Heroes must bless the book 10 times
ii. Each of the following is worth 1 blessing
1. Play a Faith card on the book
2. Make a successful Strength of Spirit roll
a. Note: An item giving a Hero the keyword Holy
may be used once per Turn to allow a Hero to make
a Strength of Spirit roll while in the Church.
However, like Father Joseph, the Hero making the
roll must take a wound
3. A living Townsfolk in the Church
a. Note: According to the Exorcism rules below, if
Father Joseph performs a successful Exorcism in
the Church, the targeted Zombie Townsfolk would
change to a regular Townsfolk. This would now
count as a “living Townsfolk in the Church”. The
Townsfolk chit would be removed and counted
toward the blessing total.

Zombie Objectives:

1. Prevent Heroes from accomplishing their objective before time runs out
2. Kill 4 Heroes
3. Force Heroes to discard their last Hero card

Game Setup:

1. Use normal game board with 4 L-Shaped outer boards. One of the outer boards
must have the Church
2. On the Church, leave the main entry as is, but add two locked doors to the sides
3. Heroes start with 4 characters PLUS Father Joseph
4. All heroes start on the Church doorstep and receive their free card
5. Hero players place 8 Townsfolk face up on the locations
a. No more than 1 Townsfolk per location
b. Townsfolk may not be placed in the Church
6. Zombie players place numbers face-down underneath these Townsfolk
7. Roll d6. This number signifies The Book.
a. Note: Zombie player should now know where the book is
8. Zombie Player takes all Townsfolk cards, shuffles them, places them in a stack

Special Rules:

1. Players may collect Townsfolk by landing in their square. Heroes do not get the
Townsfolk card or ability. Instead, they place the Townsfolk chit under the Hero.
If the Hero has movement points left, Hero may subtract 1 movement point to
continue movement.
2. Players with Townsfolk may re-roll 1 die but, if they choose to do so, they must
give up possession of that Townsfolk, placing the Townsfolk in the nearest
building (but not in the same square as another Hero).
3. If a hero with Townsfolk dies, Townsfolk are moved to nearest building, but may
not be placed on a Zombie or another Hero.
4. Once Townsfolk are in the Church, they are removed from the board and counted
toward the blessing requirement
5. If a Zombie is on a Townsfolk chit at the beginning of the Zombie Turn, that
Townsfolk becomes a Townsfolk Zombie UNLESS Zombie hunger would pull
the Zombie onto a Hero that turn. When Townsfolk become Townsfolk Zombies,
use a red Zombie and keep the Townsfolk chit underneath it.
6. All Townsfolk Zombies have a move of 2 and a health of 2.
7. Exorcism: If Father Joseph is in same square as a Townsfolk Zombie, he may
perform a Strength of Spirit roll. If successful, the Townsfolk Zombie becomes a
regular Townsfolk.
8. Killing a Townsfolk Zombie removes the Townsfolk Zombie from the game. That
Townsfolk may not return to the game.
9. At the beginning of the second Zombie Turn, demonic possession begins
a. Zombie player draws from the top of the Townsfolk cards. If that
Townsfolk is not with a Hero, that Townsfolk becomes a Townsfolk
b. If a Townsfolk becomes a Townsfolk Zombie while still on top of a hidden
number, that number stays hidden. When the Townsfolk Zombie moves off
of the number, reveal the number. If the number equals the Book, replace
the number chit with The Book chit.
10. Townsfolk Zombies count against Zombie limit
11. Zombies may not enter the Church until 5 or more Zombies are touching the
walls. If 5 or more Zombies are touching the walls at the beginning of the
Zombie turn AND zombie hunger would not draw them away during this turn, all
Zombies touching the walls may enter.
a. Church corners are considered part of the walls
12. Only 1 Faith card may be picked up per Turn using the Church’s Faith pickup
13. A locked door may be opened permanently by a Hero standing in front of the door
and discarding a Key
14. Father Joseph may not lose his Holy status or his Strength of Spirit ability. He
may not search in the Church.

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