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This chapter presents the review related literature and review related studies

after the through and in-depth search done by the researchers. This will also present

the synthesis to fully understand the research to be done and to have a better

comprehension of the study.


According to Esther and Ether (2012) The K TO 12 education system is the

public education system that most people are familiar with today. Comprised of13

grades, kindergarten through 12th, it refers to the public school system in all of the

United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and parts of Europe as well. It is difficult

to pinpoint the exact history of education, as it has been occurring in some form for

centuries in all parts of the world.

The K12 Curriculum has been initiated by the Aquino administration where

students will have to undergo a new system of education. The Enhanced K TO 12

Basic Education Curriculum is a DepEd Curriculum that will improve the standard of

education and give more opportunities for graduating students.

The Philippines educational system patterned both from the educational systems

of Spain and the United States. The Philippines is the only remaining country in Asia
with a 10-year pre-university Curriculum. It is also one of the very few countries

remaining that provide only ten years of basic education, six years in elementary and

four years secondary, this short period makes it difficult for Filipinos to be

competitive with other countries that have at least 12 years of basic education. The

majority who do not go to college are too young to enter the labor force.

The K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum is the flagship Curriculum of the

Department of Education in its desires to offer a curriculum which attuned to the 21st

century. This is in the pursuance of the reform thrusts of the Basic Education Sector

Reform Agenda, a package of policy reforms that seeks to systematically improve

critical regulatory, intuitional, structural. financial , physical. cultural, and information

conditions effecting basic education provision access and delivery on the ground.

According to Nolledo (1992), Article XIV of the constitution which focused on

education in which section I states that “the state shall protect and promote the right

of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to

make such education accessible to all”. The K –12 Curriculum “We are the last

country in Asia and one of only three countries in the world with a 10- year pre-

university Curriculum”

According to SEAMO (2011) The Department of Education has formally

launched its K to 12Curriculum, which adds 2years to basic education in the country.

This means that aside from kindergarten, 6 years of elementary, and 4 years of high
school, students will have to undergo an additional 2 years of study in senior high

school. The Department of Education (DepEd) is currently implementing mother

tongue based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) as part of our K TO 12 reform. This

is not purely pedagogical strategy for language but a learner centered approach.

International Conference on Educational. The language skills they need to learn the

fundamentals of various subjects from kindergarten to third grade and to move

seamlessly from home to school. Children clearly learn best when we use the

language they understand, especially in elementary education.

According to Luistro (2011) says the additional 2 years will help students

decide what course they will take in college. It will also help high school students to

be given a chance to specialize in science and technology, music and arts,

agriculture, fisheries, sports, business entrepreneurship, and others.

K to 12Curriculum also aims to make basic education sufficient enough so

that anyone who graduates can be gainfully employed and have a productive life. K–

12 Curriculum will look at the possibility of specialized education such as a high

school or community, which will focus on the arts or agriculture. He said that the

proposal will make high school graduates employable, making tertiary education

International Conference on Education (IECO) | 488 unnecessary to get a job.

Enhancing the quality of basic education in the Philippines is urgent and critical.

Because of that, one of the discussions of DepEd is to enhance the basic education
Curriculum in the country in a manner that is least disruptive to the current

Curriculum most affordable for government and families, and aligned with

international practice through the K to 12 policy. The poor quality of basic training is

reflected in lower achievement scores of Filipino students. Many students who

complete basic education do not possess sufficient control of basic competencies.


According to the studies of Alzhouhi and Rhama (2011) they concluded that the

K to 12 Curriculum offers us a lot of benefits and Skill competency in the global job

market. K to 12 system aims to improve Filipino students’ mathematical, scientific,

and linguistic competence. With the new Curriculum, DepEd promised to offer higher

quality education through tracks. Each track will give students enough time to master

a field and enhance their skills. In the end, K to 12 graduates will become globally

competitive and are set to obtain spot in the stiff labor market.The government

believes that K to 12 Curriculum in the Philippines will put Filipino students at par

with the rest of the world. Truly, investing in education is the key toward reaching

national growth and development.

According to the studies of Lushio (2010) the Department of Education (DepEd)

stresses that the country is prepared for a big shift in education system. In fact, it has

worked to fulfill the gaps on the number of classrooms, teachers, and textbooks.

Also, it has finished the planning phases along with stakeholders. K to 12 scheme

offer to students to prove that K to 12 system is more than just adding two more
years to high school, below are three of the many practical benefits of schooling

under a 12-year education cycle.

Preparedness for tertiary learning with adaptation of K to 12 scheme, students

are expected to graduate at age a bit older than past graduates. This is an

advantage, according to DepEd, as graduates will be considered young adults.

Hence, they will be more equipped to deal with much higher level of learning as they

enter college education. Readiness to join the workforce. Unlike the old system, K to

12 does not compel each student to take college after completing Senior High

School (SHS). In fact, this scheme empowers students to make a choice on their

own. They may not pursue college education especially if they have chosen a track

other than academic track. The good thing is SHS graduates will be equipped with

skills (through electives) that will make them good at certain field(s).

According to the studies of Zuohra and Tharta ( 2012) Enhancing the quality of

basic education in the Philippines is urgent and critical. Because of that, one of the

discussions of DepEd is to enhance the basic education Curriculum in the country in

a manner that is least disruptive to the current Curriculum most affordable for

goverment and families, and aligned with international practice through the K to 12

policy. The poor quality of basic training is reflected in lower achievement scores of

Filipino students. Many students who complete basic education do not possess

sufficient control of basic competencies.

According to the studies of Alzhouhi ( 2010) If K to 12 will be implemented,

students will be able to get sufficient instructional time to do subject-related tasks

which make them more prepared and well-trained in that subject area. On the other

hand, if the old system is remained, Filipino students would continually get low

achievement scores. For instance, international test results revealed that we often

come at the tail end in the exams compared to other countries.

With the new Curriculum, senior high school students can choose a field that

they are good at and they are interested in. As a result they wil be equipped with the

skills needed for a specific job even without the college degree. At the age of 18, the

age when they graduate from high school, they will be employable and competitive.


Alzhouhi and Rhama proposed a study entitled "The Effects of the K to 12

Curriculum in Global Education". This study focused on the benefits of the

implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum in becoming globally competitive and how

this Curriculum enhanced the students skills. While the present study, " The

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum"

focused on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the K to 12 Curriculum of GRADE

11 STEM students of AMA Computer College Batangas.

Lushio proposed a study entitled "The Advantages of K to 12 Curriculum".

This study focused on the Advantages of the K to 12 Curriculum to the student

ranging from GRADE 11 to GRADE 12. While the present the study, " The

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Implementation of the K to Curriculum"

focused on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the K to 12 Curriculum of GRADE

11 STEM students of AMA Computer College Batangas.

Zuohra and Tharta proposed a study entitled "The Quality Effect of K to 12

Curriculum to our Education". This study focused on the poor performance and how

the K to 12 Curriculum helped in enhancing the Educational Quality. While the

present study, "The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Implementation of the K

to Curriculum" focused on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the K to 12

Curriculum of GRADE 11 STEM students of AMA Computer College Batangas.

Alzhouhi proposed a study entitled " Benefits of the Newly Implemented K to

12 Curriculum". This study focused on the benefits of the student regarding how they

can make use of the time preparing for the tertiary education. While the present

study, "The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Implementation of the K to

Curriculum" focused on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the K to 12

Curriculum of GRADE 11 STEM students of AMA Computer College Batangas.

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