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PHYD01 Research Project

Chemical reactions in dividing cells: Partitioning noise and dilution buffering

Tim Henley, 1000234506∗

Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences
(Dated: Monday, April 8, 2019)

In the living, chemical reaction systems are highly stochastic and mean values such as concentra-
tion fluctuate under constant conditions [20]. Additional noise is added to these mean values when
the population is randomly partitioned between two daughter cells at division [12]. Importantly,
the growth and division of a population of molecules over the cell cycle corresponds to a growth and
division of the volume of the cell. If we reframe the reaction system in terms of concentration (per
growing volume) much of the partitioning noise is buffered. This research used exact sample path
simulations of coupled reaction systems to study the effects on noise in the system due to random
partitioning (Cyclo-Stationary) and partitioning reframed with growing volume as concentration
(Quasi-Stationary). We compared results for these two systems to a conventional model (Station-
ary) system for equivalent ranges of parameters. In our Cyclo-Stationary system partitioning caused
significant noise, particularly in the RNA. Surprisingly, noise due to partitioning was negligible for
protein in this system. In our Quasi-Stationary system, buffering due to dilution significantly re-
duced noise in RNA. Global behaviour of the Quasi-Stationary system, as characterized by basic
relations between mean values and variances for the system, is restored to the behaviour seen in the
Stationary case.

1. INTRODUCTION and rate of production of a given protein) fluctuates ran-

domly under constant conditions [16]. Fluctuations in

Genetic chemical reaction systems in cells are typically these average values arise from stochastic generation and

modelled in a highly deterministic way, but are in fact degradation of species present at low numbers (intrinsic

essentially stochastic. Biochemical reaction depend on noise) but also from stochastic effects of the physical and

conformation, orientation, velocity and trajectory of any biological environment (extrinsic noise) [9]. In practice it

pair of interacting species, each adding another element is non-trivial distinguishing between the two analytically

of randomness in the noisy Brownian cellular matrix. and experimentally [9,12, 20].

Most experimental measurements of gene expression lev-

The gene expression (and the average values of con-
els are averaged over large populations of cells, and at
centration and rate of production by which it is charac-
all phases of growth, masking much of the variation[20].
terized) are highly dependent on the cell cycle, and vary
On the single cell level, even within an isogenic popula-
drastically between two cells a different phases of their
tions, gene expression (measured as the average values
cell cycle [20]. One source of noise tied to the cell cycle
is stochastic partitioning of molecules between daughter
∗ Electronic address: tim.henley@mail.utoronto.ca cells at cell division [11,12]. A goal of the present study is

to characterize how random partitioning of populations

causes fluctuations in different components of a chemi-
cal reaction system, and how this noise differs from that
normally attributed to gene expression.

Another cell cycle dependent global variable is the

changing volume of the cell as it grows and then divides.
The principle hypothesis of the present study is that re-
framing a chemical system with random partitioning in
terms of concentration will serve to buffer the noise due
to partitioning. When counting molecules in a system
we define a discrete system with absolute size and defi-
nite step size (as one molecule is generated or degraded.)
Our original theoretical model developed below is based
FIG. 1: Stationary Model: Sample time series for the cou-
on such a discrete joint probability distribution. Refram- pled birth-death system in (1): hRN Ai = 20.05 ± 0.03 and
ing in terms of a constant volume would simply rescale hP roteini = 40.1 ± 0.1 (molecules per cell).
the system trivially. By shifting to a continuous concen-
tration system, in which volume increases and is divided
RNA Protein
in parallel to the partitioning (as in a living cell), we z }| { z }| {
λ1 λ2 x
expect the system would effectively stabilized and result x −−→ x + 1 y −−→ y + 1 (1)
β1 x β2 y
in reduced variance about its mean values. That is, if x −−→ x − 1 y −−→ y − 1
the volume and populations are doubled and halved at a
common rate, their ratio should remain constant. = λ1 − β1 hxi
dt (2)
= λ2 hxi − β1 hyi
Here x (RNA) in produced by Poisson process, born
1.1. Stationary Model: Birth-Death independently with a constant probability per unit time.
y (protein) is born at a rate proportional to the number
We employed an exact sample path approach to sim- of RNA (x), but also fluctuates if the number of RNA
ulate time series for coupled chemical reaction systems is constant [9]. Fluctuation in RNA number can cause
as shown in Figure 1. One of the key working strategies significant fluctuation in protein number, particularly for
in all of our simulations was implementing a variety of low copy numbers of RNA [10]. Much of the fluctuation
checks to ensure each feature was operating as intended. is time averaged out and for long timescales the system
As an overall sanity check and reference frame for anal- has a characteristic stationary distribution.
ysis we also completed a set of simulations on a conven- This model is necessarily a simplification of a limited
tional stationary model, against which we could compare section of a larger network (note that DNA was conspic-
our results. A common model for stochastic gene expres- uously omitted). However, the differential equations for
sion is given by the classic birth-death system: averages and variances (such as those in (2)) only depend

directly on the birth and death of the species involved These equations directly relate fluctuations and aver-
[10]. Previous research has shown that it is possible to age responses in the system, the perturbations and re-
exactly relate average abundances, lifetimes, step sizes sponse to perturbations, and show their tight intercon-
and covariances for any pair of components in a complex nection [9,10]. They also highlight how noise in one part
stochastic reactions system without specifying larger sys- of the system propagates to effect other parts of the sys-
tem [5,6,9]. tem. We hope to show through our analysis and com-
The Chemical Master Equation (CME), which deter- parison how certain types of fluctuation arise and how
mines the dynamics of average abundances for the RNA they are transmitted, amplified or suppressed [10]. The
and protein system in (1) is given by [9]: covariance relations in (5) and (6) summarize the noise

dP (x, y) in our model system, by conveying how variances in our

= λ1 P (x − 1, y) − λ1 P (x, y)
dt | {z } model system scale with mean values and the covariance.
They were used in our study to gauge the impact on noise
+ β1 (x + 1)P (x + 1, y) − β1 xP (x, y)
| {z
RNA degradation
} due to stochastic partitioning and partitioning reframed
in terms of concentration, where we expect some suppres-
+ λ2 xP (x, y − 1) − λ2 xP (x, y)
| {z }
translation sion of noise due to dilution [20]. They will also help to

+ β2 (y + 1)P (x, y + 1) − β2 yP (x, y) distinguish the effect of noise on the independent species,
| {z }
Protein degradation RNA, as compared to protein whose generation is depen-
Such networks of chemical reactions in biological sys- dent on the RNA population.
tems can be modelled as a continuous-time discrete-state
Markov processes, a random memoryless walk on an ar-
bitrary dimensional lattice [10]. For a two part system
like (1), the dynamics are governed by a joint probability
distribution P(x,y). Each P(x,y) determines a state for
the system, each with its own governing CME [10]. The
variance for such a system is expressed in the form of the
covariance matrix, which generalizes variance to multiple

cov(xi , xj )
ηij = (4)
hxi ihxj i

For our stationary case this is simply:

cov(x, x) var(x) 1
ηxx = = = (5)
hxihxi hxi2 hxi FIG. 2: Stationary Model Comparing RNA (x) and Protein
| {z }
RNA (y) elements of covariance matrix, equation (6).

cov(y, y) var(y) 1 cov(x, y) The plots in Figures 2 compare both sides of equali-
ηyy = = = + (6)
hyihyi hyi2 hyi hxihyi
| {z } ties (5) and (6) for RNA and Protein respectively based
on simulations of our static model. These visualize

how well the equalities holds over a range of popula-

tion sizes. We include these plots chiefly for compari-
son with our Cyclo-Stationary (partitioning) and Quasi-
Stationary (concentration-partitioning) models. Essen-
tially the equalities hold over a broad range of mean pop-
ulation sizes for the stationary model.


2.1. Cyclo-Stationary Model: Binomial partitioning

In living cells active degradation is typically slow or

absent and most species are partitioned randomly at cell
division [11, 20]. For our simulations incorporating cell FIG. 3: Cyclo-stationary Model: Sample time series

division we removed the degradation terms in (1) leaving: for cyclo-stationary binomial partitioning system in (7):

RNA Protein hRN Ai = 20.17 ± 0.02 and hP roteini = 39.00 ± 0.03

z }| { z }| {
λ λ2 x (molecules per cell).
x −−1→ x + 1 y −− →y+1 (7)

In place of degradation we implemented a binomial divi-

sion of the populations at a fixed time step in order to characterized as extrinsic noise, from outside the chemi-

approximate stochastic partitioning of species between cal reaction system itself [9]. Due to the high covariance

daughter cells at cell division. A hard constant doubling this stochastic partitioning causes (cov(x, y) = 50.5 ± 0.1

time was used to eliminate additional variance due to a for hRN Ai = 20.17 ± 0.02 and cov(x, y) = 3223 ± 6 for

varying doubling time. We used 134 hours based an av- hRN Ai = 201.4±0.1), the mean population size for RNA

erage cell division time for E. coli but the model can be is centred within a broad fluctuation and thus this mean

rescaled trivially [19]. The resulting system produces a does not reflect the variation in RNA number. Equation

time series where the mean populations are roughly dou- (5) reduces to var(x) = hxi, and clearly does not hold

bled and then halved at fixed intervals (Figure 3). for the Cyclo-Stationary case.

For the Cyclo-Stationary model, the equalities at very In the Cyclo-Stationary simulations, the covariance
low copy numbers (1 to 3 species per cell) hold very equality for protein held surprisingly well over all. We
closely for both RNA and protein (Figure 4, upper two had expected the binomial division to disrupt this
plots). For RNA the two sides of the covariance equal- relation considerably but the equality remains quite
ity quickly drift apart: differing by 42% at hRN Ai = close over several orders of magnitude: within 5% for
20.17 ± 0.02 and 88% at hRN Ai = 201.4 ± 0.1. This de- hproteini = 3.780 ± 0.004 molecules per cell, within 5%
viation was expected in the Cyclo-Stationary case, par- for hproteini = 39.00±0.03 molecules per cell and within
ticularly at higher mean population sizes where the pop- 4% for hproteini = 390.1 ± 0.3 molecules per cell. This
ulation fluctuates over broader ranges between each divi- can be explained by the variance in mean protein popula-
sion. The covariance due to binomial division is typically tion being tied closely to the covariance between the two

variance in protein number and the covariance between

the populations serves to buffer the effect of partitioning
noise in the protein populations across several orders of
This connection can be clarified considerably by rear-
ranging equation (6) as follows:

var(y) = hyi + cov(x, y) (8)

Two points are important to note here. First the con-

variance is relatively large in the cyclo-stationary system
and increases with population size: cov(x, y) = 50.5 ± 0.1
for hproteini = 39.00 ± 0.03 and cov(x, y) = 3223 ± 6 for
hproteini = 390.1 ± 0.3 . As in the case of RNA, the
FIG. 4: Cyclo-Stationary Model Comparing RNA (x) and
mean number of protein does not reflect the variance in
protein (y) elements of covariance matrix, equation (6).
the population, but the dominant covariant term in this
equality does. The same covariance which acts as noise
populations. In system (1) x is said to be double stochas- disrupting the equality for RNA, is an essential compo-
tic, since it is generated randomly but also depends on nent of the equality for protein and effectively sustains
the random generation of y, hence the covariance term in it. Second, in general hyi
> 1. That is, in general in
equation (6). However, in the Cyclo-Stationary case, the RNA-protein systems, there are several copies of a given
partitioning, although independently random for each protein present compared to the number of associated
species, averages to a highly temporally synchronized RNA. In our simulations as well, the mean value of pro-
degradation in both, inflating the covariance in the sys- tein increased with increasing rate of protein generation
tem. Importantly, there is still more noise than the Sta- (figure 11).
tionary case and perhaps enough that partitioning noise
could be distinguished in these values, or similar data,
2.2. Quasi-Stationary Model: Concentration
depending on the resolution.

In figures 5 and 6 we plot the contributions of the Next we modified our cyclo-stationary model by adding
two terms on the right hand side of equation (6) sep- a volume component. In our initial simulations the vol-
arately. Comparing these two components of the protein ume increases linearly so that it roughly doubles and then
equality, we can see that the covariance term dominates is halved in sync with the binomial division of the popula-
even at the lowest mean copy numbers (Figure 11). For tions. We used 0.63µm3 based on an average cell volume
hproteini = 9.722 ± 0.0073 molecules per cell, the covari- for E. coli but the model can be rescaled trivially[666].
ance term contributes 58%. At higher mean populations We then divided the discrete molecule number for each
this pattern increases (Figure 12), with covariance term species by volume at each step in order to reframe the sys-
contributing 96% for hproteini = 390.1 ± 0.3 molecules tem in terms of concentration. This implies also refram-
per cell. It appears that this connection between the ing the discrete joint probability (number of molecules of

ber double at the same over-all rate, the large jumps at

division in the cyclo-stationary case are ’smoothed’ out
here, resulting in a concentration fluctuating stochasti-
cally about a it’s mean (Figure 13). It is important to
note that, because the partitioning is random, there are
still occasional large drops in concentration at cell divi-
sion, thus the noise cancellation incomplete (Figure 7).

FIG. 5: Cyclo-Stationary Model: Comparing components

of right hand side of equality for protein (y) entry of covari-
ance matrix, equation (6), for the cyclo-stationary binomial-
partitioning system for mean populations 1 to 10 per cell.

FIG. 7: Quasi-stationary Model: Concentration Sample

time series for quasi-stationary binomial partitioning in terms
of concentration system in (7) for RNA and protein.

To explore noise buffering due to dilution we again

compared the elements of the covariance matrix to quan-
tify the noise of this system over a similar range of
molecules per cell (which became concentrations in this
FIG. 6: Cyclo-Stationary Model: Comparing components model). The reduction in noise was most dramatic in
of right hand side of equality for protein (y) entry of covari- the RNA case, over a broad range of concentrations and
ance matrix, equation (6), for the cyclo-stationary binomial- in particular as concentration increased (compare Fig-
partitioning system for mean populations 20 to 100 per cell. ures 4 and 8 for RNA). The equality for RNA holds
within 5 % for hRN Ai = 2.212 ± 0.004, within 9% for
species per cell with discrete jumps) as a continuous prob- hRN Ai = 21.31 ± 0.01 copies per µm3 and 10% for
ability distribution (concentration of species per cell with hRN Ai = 212.9 ± 0.1 copies per µm3 . This is a re-
continuous jumps). Because volume and molecule num- markable reduction in noise, over several orders of mag-

nitude. In the quasi-stationary system, with the parti- 8% for hproteini = 123.3 ± 0.1 molecules per µm3 . The
tioning noise buffered by dilution, the variance in RNA contribution to variance proportional to the mean con-
concentration is equivalent to the mean RNA concentra- centration of protein and to the covariance between the
tion, as expressed by equality (5), to within 10 % for populations is relatively equalized, to within 10% for all
a broad range of biologically relevant concentrations of concentrations tested. If we return to equation (8), for
RNA. this quasi-stationary system:
hyi ≈ cov(x, y) (9)
However, this reduction in the relative contribution of
covariance is clearly tied to greater deviation seen in
the equality. Interestingly, rearranging equation (9) does
roughly equate the mean behaviour in RNA to the co-
variance in this Quasi-stationary system.

FIG. 8: Quasi-Stationary Model Comparing RNA (x) and

protein (y) elements of covariance matrix, equation (6).

For protein as well, the equality holds within 10% for

hproteini = 4.080 ± 0.005 molecules per µm3 , within
5% for hproteini = 41.12 ± 0.04 molecules per µm3 and
within 10% for hproteini = 412.1 ± 0.3 molecules per per
FIG. 9: Quasi-Stationary Model: Concentration Com-
µm3 . The equality does not appear to hold as closely
paring components of right hand side of equality for Protein
as in the cyclo-stationary case for protein, at least for
(y) entry of covariance matrix, equation (6), for the concen-
the lower end and higher end of concentrations tested
tration system for mean populations 1 to 10 per cell.
(Figures 8). Indeed, it should be expected that the dras-
tic reduction in noise in RNA was accompanied by an It is perhaps most interesting to note that the actual
increase in noise elsewhere in the system. value of the matrix elements is restored to very close
If we look again at the relative contribution of the right to the stationary case values in this Quasi-Stationary
hand terms in (6), Figures 9 and 10, they are nearly system. Qualitatively, comparing Figures 1 and 7, the
equal, particularly below 20 and above 200 molecules overall noise of the system is quite similar. On a short
per cell. Their relative contributions are within 2% for timescale there is a clear differences in terms of the size
hproteini = 6.144 ± 0.005 molecules per µm3 and within of the continuous jumps in concentration compared to


The Stationary and Quasi-Stationary systems are so

alike they would likely be difficult to distinguish experi-
mentally. What this suggests is that noise due to random
partitioning would be difficult to distinguish from genetic
noise, particularly when buffered by dilution. It is likely
that in a cell multiple sources of noise would interact
and mask each other, but all of them would be buffered
simply by being dispersed over a growing volume. This
points to intense difficulty in distinguishing among any
source of systematic noise without the aid of carefully de-
signed experiments [20]. Previous research has show that
FIG. 10: Quasi-Stationary Model: Concentration Com-
the effects of partitioning noise is often misattributed to
paring components of right hand side of equality for Protein
(y) entry of covariance matrix, equation (6), for the concen- genetic noise [11,12].

tration system for mean populations 20 to 200 per cell. Our results also to confirm previous research, which
has suggested that dilution does effectively buffer noise
caused by the random partitioning [20]. In the spe-
the discrete jumps in number for the stationary case and
cial case, where change in volume is highly synchronized
the occasional partitioning drop in population mentioned
with partitioning, the noise cancelling is substantial how-
above, but these are mostly cancelled out over long time
ever dilution would likely buffer other types of systematic
scales. Comparing the average values and fluctuations of
noise to varying degrees. In similar systems, any noise
the two systems, they are nearly identical across several
which roughly scales with the size of the system (ie. with
orders of magnitude. It is difficult to characterize this
the size of the population) or varies in sync with the cell
precisely as noise cancellation related to dilution.
cycles, would be buffered significantly by dilution effects.
What can be said is relations in equalities (5) and (6) In the same way that a number of molecules in a cell
do hold well in dilution, despite the effects of partition- was converted to concentration, dilution of any variable
ing noise, as seen in the Cyclo-Stationary case. In fact, effectively spreads its impact out over the extent of the
if these relations do characterize global behaviour of the growing system. Trivially, the same absolute fluctuation
system, the global behaviour of the Stationary system divided over a larger region will represent a smaller rela-
is very close to the global behaviour of Quasi-Stationary tive variation.
case for similar parameters. To ensure this did hold over Little progress was made deriving an equivalent theo-
a range of relative rates we completed a systematic varia- retical limits for the Cyclo and Quasi-Stationary. Since
tion for a spread of values and the results are remarkably the variance and mean values for the system, as summa-
stable for all values tested (Figure 11). The pattern of rized by covariance matrix, were restored by reframing
equalities, disturbed by partitioning and restored glob- in terms of concentration, the overall dynamics of these
ally by dilution is clearest in this comparison. values would be similar and that similar bounds could be

FIG. 11: Comparing results for Stationary, Cyclo-Stationary and Quasi-Stationary for RNA (x) and Protein (y) elements of
covariance matrix, equation (6), for values of rate r2 for Protein with r1 for RNA varying on x-axis.

established, at least for our Quasi-stationary case. As an noise must be analyzed together [8]. Dilution could also
example, we were shown a derivation of a limit for this increase the variance in species with slow rates of gener-
Cyclo-stationary case (the derivation is not reproduced ation relative to the cell cycle time-scale.
here) [8]. For high copy number, equality (6) should ap-
proach 1/27 and we confirmed that as populations in- 4. METHODS
crease to 1000 per cell and beyond, it does appear to
approach this limit. Our simulations were based on the Gillespie algorithm,
an exact sample path approach which uses random num-
To extend the research summarized here we should
bers to simulate time series of coupled reactions in in-
consider other ways that the production of a given pro-
dividual cells [13]. We used one random number to de-
tein actually scales with the cell cycle. For volume as
termine the time of next reaction and one to determine
well, we initially adopted a linear increase in order to
which reaction would occur and then tracked average val-
limit sources of noise. We also did some preliminary
ues and fluctuations from large numbers of such path [9].
work with probabilistic and exponential growth but due
The time of next reaction, the probability of which reac-
to the computational demands of the time-series, we did
tion occurs and the effect on the system given the state
not have sufficient time to complete a similar analysis for
are all determined by the equations such as equations (1)
these systems. Perhaps distinguishing the type of noise
and (2) [9]. Our simulations were completed in Python.
in the system due to various growth regimes would help
For our original analysis we set the rate of protein gen-
to better fit a given model to data from living cells. We
eration to be 1 varied the RNA rate over a range of values.
should also consider the effects of variance in total vol-
We used finer resolution, varying the RNA rate from 0 to
ume and random volume partitioning as well as variation
10 and then by 10 from 10-100 and 200 from 200-1000 (al-
in the doubling time at which both types if partitioning
though the results for the highest rate simulations were
occur. By comparing various hybrid implementations to
no reproduced here). For each pair of rates in the se-
our work so far, we could better distinguish the subtle dif-
quence we ran 10 trials with 106 steps. The mean values
ference on noise in the system each modification causes.
were taken form each set of series and the error taken to
A crucial open question is how well can we charac- be the standard deviation among trials over the square
terize and distinguish noise caused by various sources in root of the number of trials. Twenty such make up the
a given system. For instance, the dependence on covari- plots in Figures such as 1, 4 and 8. For the over-all
ance could be used to distinguish noise in an independent comparison in Figure 11, the protein rate was varied to
variable such as our RNA from that in a doubly stochas- produce a larger set of systems. Here 5 time-series with
tic variable like protein. On the other hand, we also saw 106 steps were completed for each data point.
how this dependance on covariance actually reduced the In order to simulate partitioning the populations were
noise caused by partitioning in this same species. Di- divided at a fixed doubling time. It was thought that
lution clearly does buffer noise due to partitioning and this constant time scale would allow for cleaner interpre-
render it difficult to distinguish from other types of noise tations without adding extra noise to the system. For
in the system. What is most clear in our work is that the simulations discussed here, the volume was modelled
sources of noise and average responses of the system to using a simple linear function, which doubled the volume

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