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DATE __________________

Dear Sir/Ma’am,


I, CRISTINA MARIE P. RUBIO, an active resident member of Association of Filipino Forestry Students-
UPLB (AFFS-UPLB). The organization has been invited to participate in the 2019 ASIA-PACIFIC FORESTRY
WEEK (APFW) on 17TH TO 21ST Day of June 2019 to be held at Incheon, South Korea. The said activity will
be one of the largest and most important forestry gatherings in the Asia-Pacific region this 2019.

APFW 2019 will be the fourth Asia-Pacific Forestry Week following events held in Hanoi, Viet Nam
(April 2008), Beijing, China (November 2011), and Pampanga, Philippines (February 2016). It will comprise
various workshops, seminars, and other partner events organized along five streams. The Week will
provide a venue for a multitude of forestry practitioners across the region to di scuss and share views on
the most pressing challenges in the forestry sector.

I was accepted as a delegate to represent my college and organization here in the Philippines
for this upcoming event however, due to financial constraints, I need help in terms of funding. I sincerely
come to you asking for any amount of support possible to be used for my fees. Unfortunately, I am having
financial struggles in purchasing my airfare fees and accommodation for the said event. Roundtrip
tickets from Manila to Incheon, South Korea go for an average of Php 9-10,000 while the
accommodation ranges from Php 8-10,000 for the said dates of stay. I will need to secure my visa and
flights ideally by the end of May.

This is something I am passionate about because I want to accomplish great things, be an

influencer, and achieve things for not just my family or school, but for my country as well.

I want to show everyone that even though I am at a disadvantage financially that this will not
stop me from achieving the goals I want to accomplish. I hope you can find it in your heart to allow me
to take this once in a lifetime opportunity. Your kind assistance on this matter will be highly appreciated.

I am hoping for your generous response. Thank you very much!

Respectfully yours,



Noted by:


President, AFFS-UPLB

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