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Dear Respondents,

We are currently conducting our study entitle “Student’s Level of Satisfaction in Foods and Services of
School Main Canteen” customers are a part of our requirement in Research Project. Kindly spare a few
minutes of your valuable time in answering the questions. Your answers will be kept confidential and your
identity will not be revealed. The response will be used for purely academic purposes.

Truly yours,


PART I. Demographic Profile

Name: (Optional) _______________________________________ Age: ______
Gender: Male Female Grade
Level: ________________
A. Direction: Read the following statement carefully then, put a check mark on the box corresponds to your
answer. Use the legend below.
LEGEND: (4) Very Satisfied (3) Satisfied (2) Dissatisfied (1) Very Dissatisfied

4 3 2 1
(VS) (S) (DS) (VDS)
1. The school canteen has a proper hygiene situation.
2. The tables and chairs are clean and suitable for dining.
3. The plates, spoon, fork and cups are properly washed.
4. The school canteen is well ventilated.
1. The school canteen staffs practice efficient way of serving the food.
2. The school canteen staffs practice personal hygiene and cleanliness.
3. The school canteen staffs are kind and approachable.
4. The school canteen staffs are wearing proper attire like apron and hair net.
1. The school canteen prepares nutritious food and meals.
2. The school canteen offers different variety of food.
3. The school canteen food and rice meals are tasty and delicious
4. The school canteen served hot meals.
1. The foods and meals are affordable.
2. Foods prices are reasonable for the servings.
3. Budget friendly meals and snacks.
4. The price of foods and meals fits my weekly budget.

B. Direction: Please choose in the following statement and check the best way to improve the school canteen.

Keep your food service and food display area and the equipment clean.
Create a welcoming environment.
Add stall or separate place for school supplies and supplies for personal hygiene.
A suggestion box by the counter is a great way for students to give feedback.
Others: ______________________________________________________________

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