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Course: Built in Quality

1. Built in Quality is a key pillar of the Toyota Production System “house”.

 0 True

 0 False

2. Built in Quality is a system to enable processes to prevent, detect, contain, and

countermeasure errors, so that defects are not passed on to the consumer.

 0 True

 0 False

3. Which of the following are parts of the 7 wastes of a process? Select all that apply.

 0 Over Processing

 0 Motion

 0 Over Production

 0 Inventory

 0 Waiting

 0 People

 0 Takt Time

 0 Transportation

 0 Defects
4. ________ is the addition of human intelligence to machines and processes to improve
safety, quality and productivity.

 0 Poka Yoke

 0 Yokoten

 0 Kanban

 0 Jidoka

5. The purpose of inspection is not to find and remove the defective product – it is to
determine the root cause of the error.

 0 True

 0 False

6. Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 Roles of Quality Confirmation, sometimes called
the 4 Cs?

 0 Communicate

 0 Catastrophe

 0 Confirm

 0 Check

 0 Cooperate

7. Translated, Pokayoke means to _________________.

 0 pull value

 0 streamline

 0 error proof

 0 signal material movement

8. With an andon system, all operators are encouraged to halt production if a defect occurs,
however it is the level and speed of the response that enables them to address the defect or

 0 True

 0 False

9. It always makes the most economical sense to repair a defective item.

 0 True

 0 False

10. A good Problem Statement ________________. Choose all that apply.

 0 is long and detailed

 0 is focused on the GAP

 0 addresses a quality, delivery, or cost issue

 0 is short

 0 is Measurable/Factual

11. The A3 document is named after the size of paper it is prepared on.

 0 True

 0 False

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