Walkthrough View of Family Version 0.0.6

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Walkthrough 0.

- (MC can see Hours in the Phone and do others Things Too).

- First, MC needs to choose with the two paths he follows,
Mother or Sis (I chose the two paths) now You will see all the
scenes in the Mall, your choice will not change anything in the
game, but in the way of the mother if MC Look at the computer
Twice, Mc need Click in the computer, He sees some scenes
about what Mom likes to see, buy a bottle of wine, go home, see
the Sis scene in his room – Watch -, go to Bed Room, MC
received the call and now He needs to teach Emma, go to the
map and for Emma's house, MC go caught by Emma’s Mom. Mrs
Rhodes. Back home, and Mom want spend the evening with MC,
after Mom are in the living room, go in the Kitchen grab two
glass, come back for talk with mom. Go to Bed, sleep.
– In the morning, go in the Mia’s room and say Hello, after in the
Nicole’s room, talk with Her, and MC will be the boyfriend of
Nicole in the Party. In MC’s Room Nicole accept what him
propose, wait Her watching TV. Now in the Party Olivia sugest a
game, I don’t think that the choice change anything, but I choose
– Truth – and for sure I answer - That I like Nicole -, and in the
next option I chose – Dance for Us – after give a good – Hit – in
the nose, MC meet Jacqueline again, wait and come back for
- Next Day, say Hello in the Mia’s room, Nicole is in the living
room, Watch, Go to the Library, meet Mom, talk to Mrs. Banks
and MC needs recommendations to be a teacher and work
alongside Mom and Sis. MC can talk with Mom to spent one
hour. Come back home MC need do a call for Mrs.Rhodes, and
MC need go to the bar at 20.00 hour, Mrs. Rhodes give MC’s
recommendation, and invite Him and Mom for a meeting. In the
House talk with Mia (Quest) Her invite MC for goes to the beach
(16.00 – 18.00 hour), talk with her again Chat. Sleep.
- (This Game is linear, MC only need look for all options)

- (First= Quest – Second= Questover)

- Next Day, say Hello for Mia, On the Beach with Mia – Make Fun
-,, go home, talk with Mom (Quest), call Mrs. Rhodes, and Her
invite for a meeting at 18.00 hour. In the Living room talk with
Mom – Look at Mom – and – Touch Her -,, and do it again, after
talk with Mia twice and go sleep.
– Next
ext day, say hello to Mia and (I always try to see if there is
anything else, otherwise I expect a new event), this time
tim you can
go to the bar and talk to the woman sitting there (but MC can
only go at 13.00 hours. , After that, leave to do it another time,
or MC may miss the meeting) Click in the Woman and answer
the - Second Option -, after the – First Option -,, again – First
Option -, after - Second Option -, again - Second Option -, and
MC finish saying – Maybe -, after - Buy another Drink – and
finally – I Want Fuck You like a Whore -,, see all scene and – Leave
-.. Now You go see other scene I chose – It’s Kinda Hot… -
(Because I think that MC go Fuck the two together in another
version). In the Map, wait two hours and go to the meeting, look
for ( ! ),, Go home and if MC have $100, talk with Mom in Her
Room and go a Date, or wait for talk when MC have the money.
MC on a Date – Kiss Her – and – Don’t Stop – Leave and Go
Home. The scene go Further.
– Next Day, say Hello for Mia, go find Mrs. Banks in the Library
and MC will have new job. Work and after go home look for
Mom in Her Room - Talk -,, in the Living Room (20.00 hours) –
Look at Mom – and – Touch Her – do the same again. Talk with
Mia twice. Go to Bed.
– Next Day, say Hello for Mia, go – Work – talk with Mom and go
Home, For the next Days MC can ( Look for Mom in Her Room -
Talk -, in the Living Room (20.00 hours) – Look at Mom – and –
Touch Her – ) do the same twice. Talk with Mia twice. Go to Bed.
– Next Day, say Hello for Mia, – Work – talk with Mom and go
Home, when change, Talk with Mom - Mom Do you have time -
(Quest), go in Living Room, talk with mom the same again twice,
talk with Mia twice.
– Next Day, say Hello for Mia, go Work talk with Mom in the
work, and go meeting Mrs Rhodes – Kiss -. Go In the Gym and
pay – Fine – go home, in the Living Room – Look at Mom – and –
Kiss Her – do the same again. Talk with Mia twice. Go to Bed.
– Next Day, say Hello for Mia, go – Work – talk with Mom in the
Work about the massage, go Home, in the Living Room – Look at
Mom – and – Kiss Her – do the same again. Talk with Mia twice.
Go to Bed.
– Next Day, say Hello for Mia, go to Work talk with Mom, go to
the bar – have a Beer - and go to the Gym (20.00 Hours), and do
the massage. Look all the scene. Go Home and join Mom in the
Living Room, talk with Mia twice and go sleep.
– Next Day, say Hello for Mia, (19.00 Hours) call Mrs Rhodes,
and She ask for meet MC in Her house (20.00 hours) MC, Emma
and Mrs Rhodes 1 – I didn’t finish – 2 – I need your help – 3 –
Kind of… - ( What would you do in such situation? ) 4 – Maybe I
should play around with Her a little? – ( ENJOY ) ( You has only
three good Choices )
– Next Day, say Hello for Mia, MC can work, (19.00 hour) talk
with Mom for some points, (20.00 hours) Talk with Mom in the
Living Room and She accept talk with Mrs. Rhodes again.
- Next Day, say Hello for Mia, (11.00 hours) Meet Mrs. Rhodes
(ENJOY AGAIN) (20.00 and 21.00 hours talk with Mom Living
Room) (23.00 hours) – Talk with mom in Her Bedroom (ENJOY
- Next Day, say Hello for Mia, (11.00 Hours) talk with Mom
(ENJOY) (20.00 Hours) Living Room – TV Movie time -.
- Next Day, say Hello for Mia, Increase Mom points for 75 (17.00
hours) MC go with Her for the Groceries (a unexpected meeting)
– but a good end -
- -
- By.: Carlo S

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