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Louis Andre Malaybalay

Humss -1

Submitted to:

Sir Joemar Magante

Elevator Experiment Page 1

I. Introduction

In this experiment, we are assigned to stay inside an elevator for a few minutes to

observe the different behavior of people inside it. We were meant to study the different

aspects of people in the elevator to gain more knowledge about the social phenomenon

and patterns that occur inside a small and enclosed moving box commonly termed as

an elevator.

II. Methodology

In order to have satisfying results, I need to choose a busy mall that has a lot of

people to observe and then I thought of Gateway mall in Cubao. As a mall where an

LRT station is connected with, there’s no doubt that this mall would be the ideal place to

conduct my elevator research. I did my experiment to them as they are unaware that

they are being a subject to my research. I took notes after I got outside of the elevator to

avoid different risks that can ruin my work. I’ve done this experiment with casual wear in

order to blend in to different people and to study them effectively.

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III. Presentation of Data

After conducting the experiment these were my results what I found:

 1st time- The first time the people in the elevator were: a college aged male, a

young woman with a baby, and two boys around the age of 13-15.

My findings- No one reacted drastically but I got looks from the two boys. They

stared at me until we reached the 1st floor. The college aged male had

headphones on, doing a lot of head banging that made him look like an idiot. The

young woman with the baby tried to make her baby calm because the baby is

crying out loud.

 2nd time- The elevator became too full. It was hard to keep count of the people

on who they were but I was naturally pushed to the back and hence did not get

any reactions. But these people struggled to maintain a comfortable position for

only them, not thinking for other people in the elevator.

 3rd time- The third time the people in the elevator were: a middle aged man, a

woman with a girl, a young man, and a teenaged girl and boy.

My findings- The most interesting reaction occurred here. The middle aged man

asked me if I was ok and when I answered I was fine, he continued to stare at

me until he got off on 2nd floor.

 4th time- The fourth time the people in the elevator were: a young couple, 3

college students.

My findings- The three students were the most interesting here because they

were scolding and imitating their college professors and this proves that students

Elevator Experiment Page 3

do a lot of disrespect to their teachers outside the campus. The young couple

was hugging, kissing and doing other forms of affection that made me cringe and

made me want to slap them both.

 5th time- The fifth time the people in the elevator were: a man, a woman, and a

group of three women, who entered at once.

My findings- The man gave the most significant reaction. He was fighting another

man on the other line on his phone and did a lot of swearing. The three women

were talking about certain issues about the society and something to pay much

attention and the woman was on the phone.

IV. Interpretation

This experiment proves that a lot are happening and continue to propagate in

our society. Each individual has their own role in this bigger part of the game. It is up to

them if they’ll choose to function properly or to dysfunction inevitably. While amusing in

its tragicomic divulgence of our capacity for groupthink, this experiment tells only half

the story of the people in the elevator. The people are very individualistic and they only

focus in their own goals and objectives.

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V. Conclusion

The elevator experiment is a simple yet ingenious social psychology technique

that explores people’s adherence to the unwritten social norms of society. One can

bring in conformity to explain these results. Society as a whole has learned to conform

so as not to be the odd one out. The social based rules that were made people as a

whole have learned to change their behavior to conform to the universal social code so

they aren’t different. And when they see someone who acts differently they see them as

“weird” different. People like behaviorists would say have been “shaped” a certain way a

socially acceptable which is why people reacted. Overall, it was a great experience to

me and it contributed greatly to my understandings about people.

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