English 10 Syllabus 2019-2020

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Course: English 10

Instructor: Francis Decker (D-4) francisdecker@trinityes.org

Required Texts and Materials:

 The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
 Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
 The Crucible by Arthur Miller
 If I Die in a Combat Zone by Tim O’Brien
 Vocabulary Workshop, Level F: Enriched Edition
 Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
 A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
 Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose
 The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams
 Brighton Beach Memoirs by Neil Simon
 All of these books are available on Trinity’s online bookstore: www.MBSdirect.net. You
are expected to have the book we are covering EVERY CLASS that we are covering it.
Do not buy these on a Kindle or ebook. You MUST have the actual book in class.

Course Description:
This literature course is structured thematically and focuses on the short stories, plays,
novels of American writers. Students will write in-depth responses, literary analysis
paragraphs and a research paper.

Course Goals:
The purpose of this course is to read, think and write more analytically about literature.
Reading consciously and purposefully is one of the most important skill sets you can
have going into college. The reading that is required for this class is centered both around
building your understanding of the texts and writing academically about these texts.

Your Class Notebook: You will be required to keep a class notebook that is to be
divided into two separate sections. You will not be allowed to take notes on your
computers. I will periodically be checking and taking up different sections of this
notebook. Please bring this notebook to every class. This notebook will be divided up
as follows:

Section I: A section in which you keep all class handouts. We will be using a
number of short stories, biographies, and plays that are not in the books we are
using. Once given this material you are responsible for holding on to it. This
material will come back to you in the form of tests, quizzes and writing

Section II: A section in which you keep written class notes and in-class writing.
Note taking is very important in this class. Often you will find that taking notes
both from my lecture and the ideas brought up in class discussion will help you
not only understand but write about the literature we cover.
Course Requirements: All Assignments will be posted online on PowerSchool and
on the white board in D-4. All written assignments will be turned in on Google

Throughout the year your grade will consist of your performance on tests, reading and
vocabulary quizzes, papers, various homework assignments and participation.

Tests & Reading Quizzes: Will originate from the works we are currently discussing and
will either be in the form of essay questions or short answer.

Homework: These will usually be in the form of reading and writing assignments and
used to fuel discussion of the text in question.

Papers & Paragraphs: We will write several short essays as well as analytical papers
based on the reading we cover in class. Additionally, we will write a full research paper
in the spring semester.

Participation: You participate in class by doing all of the scheduled readings and
writings and involving yourself in class discussions. I will be keeping track of your
participation in daily log in a section of my grade book. Not having your book will have a
negative impact on your participation grade. Additionally, not completing the homework
assignment will also have a negative effect.

Missed work: If you miss homework due to an absence you must turn this in the next day
you are in class. If you miss a quiz or test you must take this as soon as you return. If you
are sick on the day a major writing assignment is due, THAT ASSIGNMENT IS STILL

Tests: 30%
Major Writing Assignments: 40%
Homework: (including participation): 10%
Quizzes: 20%

Late Work & Rewrites: I do not believe in accepting late work. If a major paper or
writing assignment is late your grade will drop significantly. The usual late penalty is 10
points per day. However, this penalty increases if we have spent a significant amount of
time writing the assignment in class. I also do not believe in rewriting papers. You must
put the maximum effort into every written assignment. You will be given very specific
instructions and ample time to complete each assignment so there will be no excuse for

Cell Phone Policy: Don’t use it in class. There is absolutely no reason to use your phone
in class. It must be in your backpack AT ALL TIMES.

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