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Folio No.

“Wiring a web for global good”

1. What global issues have emerge because of miscommunication?

Miscommunication is the failure to communicate clearly and understand what the sender
wants to convey with his/her receiver. A small action can make a great effect, with one single
miscommunication everything can end up to a great problem like war, poverty and other delima.

2. How can effective communication and language used contribute to the creation of a truly
global society?

Effective communication and language can be used to contribute to the creation of a truly
global society by means of promotions and by connecting two different mind. This serves as a
tool in providing the proper information that one of us needs to know. When we say effective
communication this simply means that the communicator himself is able and has the ability to
catch the attention of his audience by his concrete and reliable information. He is able to convey
his messages to his receiver. By this when the sender and the receiver have a strong connection
with one another then here comes the creation of a truly global society. Why? Because when
communication and language is being executed effectively then not only one area is able to
understand and recieve the information but the also the other area. Another effective
communication is a great factor in exhorting information for example U.S and Philippines, this
two country helps and interact with one another, they help each other to develop. In order for this
two country connects and understand effective communication and language is being used. For
being able to communicate effectively and there is a proper language uses then the two country
understand and get what the other side wants to offer.

Make an introspection:

In this lesson of communication and globalization, I learned that to be a global

communicator, asure the quality deliberation of ideas in a huge scope or area between you-as the
speaker and your audience. Keep in mind that knowledge is power, the more you know the
easier for you to deliver and catch the interest of your listener. Global communicator offers a
concrete and reliable information that can totally help to develop one another. They are the one
who provides the information in public for everyone will know that certain idea. Global
communicators also have to understand the culture that each nation has because culture have
something to do with language and language plays a great role communication. In
communication proper language and words are needs to be in mind and consider, use the
language that everyone knows in able to understand it well. By the knowledge and abilitiesa
global communicators have, they are able in becoming an effective communicator at the same
time an effective global communicator which can truly make a difference not only for
his/herself but for the better of this world.

Folio No. 2

“Human beings grow close to one another by their common nature, but habits and customs keep
them apart.”Do you agree or disagree? Give concrete situations to support your stand.

We’re common at most aspects, we’re all rational beings, we all do possessed
communication skills but we vary with our persective in life and we all have this different point
of view. In this statement I would agree, why? Some people grow and live in the same time,
sometimes constant situation, same place also with the same person everyday which binds them
and let them discover samething with one another but this doesn't define that people who grew
up with common nature get closer to one another. There's the belief, the own point of views, the
likes and dislikes and the situations that will mold their identity and personality. To give you an
example, just like us Filipinos. We were suppose to be tightly bonded because we possess the
same characteristics and nature. The hospitality, the love for family, the respect, the patriotism,
the thoughtfulness. Every filipino citizen possess all these positive traits. But why, instead of
being close to one another because of the similarities in terms of traits, we gradually diverge.
And sadly, it was because people differ in habits and customs. And admit it or not, in the
Philippines, especially those in the ARMM area, they have customs and habits that are so much
different from those in the other regions. These differences, despite that 'similar nature', create
divergence in people. Another let say for instance inside the house, with our parents and siblings
we grow up in common nature, but because of other factors such I like to watch TV all day long,
my parents do household chores and my siblings wanted to play, this tells that probably habits
keep us apart from one another same as to customs maybe because it doesn't have the
communication for us to agree with the same thing to do .

Make an introspection:

In this lesson of local and global communication in a multicultural setting help me to

realized that it is not always about how good you are in communicating with others but it is also
about how would you handle things propely understand one’s differences. Culture is always a
counter part of everything, when we are communicating or connecting with other people always
think and consider the likes, dislikes at the same time belief, traditions and customs of two
different parties. Let say, both of you are a good communicator however since both of you grow
within a different environment then both of you have different perspective and mind set about
everything. By this when none of you take consider or respect ones individualities and
differences then no matter how good you are to communicate there is no garantee that both of
you will understand and able to achieve the proper information that one of you wants to send.
Another all over the world there are lots of culture which differ from one another, some are good
for other country and some represents wrong. When we say global communication this simply
says that communication or one side connects all over the world, since we differ in culture not
all of us able to understand one another because of our differences unless one of you respect and
understand those differences and that is a good characteristic of a good global communication.

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