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Clinical Evaluation Tool


Semester/Year: 5 \)(\ 11~ 2C)~ q ;

Evaluation Day and Date: i / 30/ \'i

Student First Name Last Name: 1-<osor, e.

Clinical Faculty First Name Last Name: 5'\lo.{(<)f\ \·her
• Course Objectives

I. Apply the nursing process to create and initiate a holistic plan of care.
2. Create a transitional plan of care supporting client & caregiver behavioral health needs in the setting.
3. Provide appropriate basic education regarding coping skills and resources to clients with psychiatric mental
4. Incorporate best practices, standards of care, and personal and client safety measures while caring for clients with
psychiatric/behavioral health illnesses
5. Utilize interpersonal and client safety standards, protocols and interventions.
6. Communicate therapeutically with clients and families.
7. Recognize potential crisis situations while caring for clients with psychiatric mental illness, and report as required.
8. Incorporate ethical, legal, and professional boundaries and standards when caring for clients with psychiatric
mental illnesses.

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Midterm Final

NSG-300C Clinical Competencies ...

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Assign a score of I to J for each

comptltncy in lht bons below.
Client-Centered Care Stt the Clinical Scoring
Guidclincs below for additional
Develop an individualized plan of care with a focus on assessment and planning. utilizing the
nursing process while respecting the diversity of clients. '2 z 3 3
Demonstrate caring behaviors, including assessing for the presence and extent of pain and
suffering.* '2 2 3 3
Conduct a comprehensive. holistic assessment while eliciting clients' values. preferences. and
needs. 2 7... 3 3
Demonstrate developing skills in selected psychomotor activities. 2. 2 3 3
Demonstrate effective therapeutic communication skills with diverse clients and families. 1. l.. 3 3
Perform effective teaching with clients. families, and caregivers that addresses client needs and
2_ 3 3
the promotion of wellness. 2
Safety, Informatics, and Quality Improvement
Demonstrate standardized infection control practices (hand washing and PPE) that support
safety and quality, and implement strategies to reduce risk of hann to self or others.*
z 2 3 3
Document clear and concise responses to care, as appropriate for clinical setting (i.e., EHR,
paper documentation. care plan).
2 '2 3 3
Protect confidentiality of all client data and promote the ethical use of electronic health
information.* 7.. 'Z 3 3
Identify methods to deliver care in a timely and cost-effecti ve manner.
1_ 2 2> :>
Teamwork and Collaboration
Develop effective verbal and written communication skills with clients. team members. and
famil y. 2 3
2. 3
Identify relevant data for communication in preconferences and postconferences.
2 2 3 3
ldentify intraprofessional and interprofessional team member roles and scopes of practice. and
establish collaborative relationships with team members. 2 z 3 3
Identify the need for help when appropriate to situation.
2 7_ 3 3
Professional Role
Demonstrate core professional values (such as caring, altruism, autonomy, integrity, human
dignity, and social justice) while complying with the ANA Code of Ethics and Standards of 2_
Practice, and policies and procedures of Grand Canyon University, College of Nursing and 2 3 3
Health Care Professions, and clinical agencies.*
Maintain a positive attitude and interact with interprofcssional team members, faculty. and
fellow students in a positive, professional manner. including accepting constructive feedback
and developing a plan of action for improvement.* 2 z 3 3
Arrive punctually, demonstrate expected behaviors, complete tasks in a timely manner, and
maintain professional behavior and appearance.* L. 2. 3 3
Accept individual responsi bility and accountability for nursing interventions, outcomes, and
other actions; engage in self-evaluation; and assume responsibility for learning.* 2. 2_ 3 3
Critical competencies are h/1:llllg/Jted /11 yellow. Stude11t.f wlw score a I (Does Not Meet) on a11y of tl,ese competencies at final evaluation will fail t!,e clinical
course. Target performance is" Score of.1 (/11depe11de11t) 011 tile co111pete11de.f 1rmrketl with"" tl.\·terisk* by ji11"I eval1111tio11.
Content ofthi.1· checklist is hased 011 Quality and Safety Educ:ationj<Jr Nurses (QSEN) competencies and knowledge, skills, and allitudes (KSAs):
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Institute. (2017). QSEN competencies. Retrieved from bttp:llq!>t'.!!.l~·g,'1;0111pc1l!ncic;/pn:-liccnsurl!-l-.~i!.'- 1

Midterm Evaluation Comments


Student Comments (Identi fy three areas for development):

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Final Evaluation Comments

Faculty Comments (Include strengths and areas for improvement)[ (

Student Comments (Identify three areas for development):

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Student and Clinical Faculty Signatures

Signatures indicate student and clinical faculty have reviewed and discussed the Clinical Evaluation Tool.

Student Signature at Midterm: _

_ : ~ )-====-==-"-- J -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - Date: \) 3 0 / I ~

Student Signature at Final:_ ____..!..~

~ -<====~---=-=-_c=..- =----- - - - - - - - -- -- -- Date: \ I ?;O) ,s

Clinical Faculty Signature at Midterm:_ _ _ _ _ _.:::::::;):'.:=:;;;~-------------Date: 341

Clinical Faculty Signature at Final:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - 1 - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: flt°)

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