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Individual Learning Activity - Part 3 of 3 - Linguistic Influences and You

Our experiences and the reactions of others to us are often determined by our linguistic
heritage. These questions and reflections get you to think about how the way you speak is
also an indication of the way you think about certain issues related to bilingualism. This
assignment must be uploaded no later than 11:59pm on March 25th.
Visit the following website to complete the last question:
Site # 1: National Association for Bilingual Education http://www.nabe.org/ (Links to an
external site.)Links to an external site.
1) What is your linguistic and cultural heritage? (What first languages were spoken by you,
your parents, grandparents?)
I was adopted from China when I was nine months old by an American family, so I grew up in
Indiana and English was only spoke in my house. However, my mother took me to Chinese
classes when I was younger, so I can speak a little Mandarin.
2) Are you monolingual/bilingual/multilingual? Do you consider this an advantage or a
disadvantage with regard to your future career?
I am monolingual and I think that is will be a disadvantage to my career because as a teacher,
you will encounter many different people who have many different cultural backgrounds.
3) Do you think that English should be formally declared the "official language" of the
United States?
No, I think the United States is much more diverse than that. I think that Spanish is probably the
most spoken language after English.
4a) From an outsider’s point of view, everyone has a distinctive accent and dialect that
stems from their ethnic, cultural or regional origins. Describe your own accent.
I would say my accent is midwestern, but I am not sure.
4b) How has your accent influenced the way people respond to you locally and when you
travel away from home?

5a) Have you ever been in an environment where another language, which you did not
understand, was being spoken?
5b) How did you respond? What type of support or strategies would have helped you in
this context?

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