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EN 606 Energy Resources, Economics and Environment

Tutorial 1 Energy Balance calculations 2019

1. The power sector of an Indian state has a coal consumption of 25 million tonnes annually
(average calorific value 4500 kcal/kg) and 1 million tonnes of oil to generate (gross) 44
Billion units of electricity in coal based thermal power plants. The auxiliary consumption in
the thermal power plants is 3 Billion units annually. There is also an annual generation of 18
Billion units of electricity from hydro (efficiency 80%). There is a gas based power plant that
uses 900 million m3 of natural gas (calorific value 9300 kcal/ m3) to generate 3.5 Billion units
of electricity with 0.3 Billion units being used for auxiliary consumption. The total sales of
units to customers is 49 Billion units. Draw an energy balance for the power sector. Compute
the percentage shares of coal, oil, gas, hydro in terms of the primary energy consumption in
the power sector. Compute the auxiliary consumption percentages and the net heat rates for
the coal and gas based power plants. Determine the T&D and commercial losses in the
power system.

2. An European country had a GDP of $116 billion US $ based on market exchange rate
and US $194 billion based on purchasing power parity in 2016. The population was 10.6
million. The primary energy consumption in 2016 is given below (one year):
19.2 million tonnes of oil and petroleum products(NCV 10000 kcal/kg) – imported
5.6 million tonnes of coal (average calorific value of coal 7000 kcal/kg) – imported
6.0 Billion m3(at standard conditions) of natural gas (9400 kcal/sm3) imported
The biomass consumption was estimated to account for an equivalent of 2.9 million tonnes
of oil. The installed capacity for thermal (coal and gas) plants is 7200 MW and for hydro is
4000 MW.The total annual gross electricity generation was 46575 GWh . The country
imports a total of 7500 GWh from its neighbour. The auxiliary consumption (within power
plants) was 2000 GWh. The T&D losses were estimated to be 4200 GWh. Hydro power
accounted for 7500 GWh of gross generation. (efficiency of hydro plants: 80%,). All the coal
is used for power generation, 50% of the natural gas and 1.8 million tonnes of petroleum
products is used for power generation.
a) Draw up an energy balance for the country.
b) Compute the shares of different energy sources in the primary energy mix. What is the
total primary energy use for the country?
c) What percentage of the primary energy is used for the power sector?
d) What is the percentage of T&D losses?
e) What is the efficiency of the thermal power (coal and natural gas) plants? What is the
plant load factor of the thermal and hydro plants
f) Compute the per-capita electricity consumption and per capita primary energy use?
g) What is the percentage of imports in the primary energy mix. Comment on the options the
country should adopt for energy security.
h) Compute the energy intensity of the economy? Compare with energy intensities of the world and
India. What does the energy intensity reflect?

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