Allen Et Al. - 2017 - An Interactive Videogame For Arm and Hand Exercise in People With Parkinson's Disease A Randomized Controlled Tria

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Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 41 (2017) 66e72

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An interactive videogame for arm and hand exercise in people with

Parkinson's disease: A randomized controlled trial
Natalie E. Allen a, *, Jooeun Song a, b, Serene S. Paul a, c, Stuart Smith d, e, Jonathan O'Duffy f,
Matthew Schmidt e, Rachelle Love a, Catherine Sherrington c, Colleen G. Canning a
The University of Sydney, Faculty of Health Sciences, Sydney, Australia
University of Technology Sydney, Graduate School of Health, Sydney, Australia
The University of Sydney, Musculoskeletal Division, The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney Medical School, Sydney, Australia
Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour, Australia
University of Tasmania, School of Health Sciences, Hobart, Australia
Temper Tantrum, Hobart, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Introduction: People with Parkinson's disease (PD) have difficulty performing upper extremity (UE) ac-
Received 19 January 2017 tivities. The aim of this study was to investigate if exergames targeting the UE improve arm and hand
Received in revised form activities and impairments and to establish the acceptability and feasibility of these games in people with
12 April 2017
Accepted 14 May 2017
Methods: Two tablet-based exergames were developed which were controlled with finger movements or
unimanual whole arm movements. Participants with PD were randomized to an exergame (n ¼ 19) or
control (n ¼ 19) group. The exergame group performed UE exergames at home, 3 times per week for 12
Parkinson's disease
Upper extremity
weeks. The primary outcome measure was the nine hole peg test. Secondary outcomes included mea-
Motor learning sures of UE activities and impairments, including the tapping test [speed (taps/60s), and error (weighted
Rehabilitation error score/speed)].
Exergame Results: There were no between group differences in the nine hole peg test, or in any secondary outcome
measures except for the tapping test. Horizontal tapping test results showed that exergame participants
improved their speed (mean difference ¼ 10.9 taps/60s, p < 0.001) but increased error (mean
difference ¼ 0.03, p ¼ 0.03) compared to the control group. Participants enjoyed the games and improved
in their ability to play the games. There were no adverse events.
Conclusion: The UE exergames were acceptable and safe, but did not translate to improvement in
functional activities. It is likely that the requirement of the games resulted in increased movement speed
at the detriment of accuracy. The design of exergames should consider task specificity.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction reduced health-related quality of life [8].

Despite these difficulties, there is a paucity of research exploring
People with Parkinson's disease (PD) experience upper ex- potential interventions. Pharmacological trials indicate that diffi-
tremity (UE) impairment, often early in the disease process [1]. culties with dexterous hand movements respond poorly to dopa-
These impairments include bradykinesia [2,3], UE ‘freezing’ [4], minergic medications [3,6], as do difficulties with balance and falls
abnormal force modulation [5], difficulty making individual finger [9]. However, while balance and falls have been shown to improve
movements [2] and difficulty performing repetitive or sequential with exercise in people with mild to moderate PD [10,11], only two
movements [6]. UE impairments contribute to difficulties per- randomized controlled trials have focused on the potential for ex-
forming daily activities [7], leading to a loss of independence and ercise targeting the UE to improve activity performance. Improve-
ments in UE activities were reported following a modified
constraint-induced movement therapy administered 3 h/day, 5
* Corresponding author. Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Sydney, PO days/week over 4 weeks [12]. However, longer term effects and the
Box 170, Lidcombe, NSW 1825, Australia. acceptability of this intensive program were not addressed. A
E-mail address: (N.E. Allen).
1353-8020/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N.E. Allen et al. / Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 41 (2017) 66e72 67

recent randomized controlled trial [13] investigated the effect of 6 research participation. People who volunteered for the trial were
weeks of handwriting exercises emphasizing increased writing included if they had a diagnosis of idiopathic PD, were aged 40
amplitude on micrographia in people with PD. Results showed that years, and had been on a stable medication regime for at least two
participants who undertook the exercises improved their micro- weeks prior to commencing the trial. Volunteers were excluded if
graphia compared to a sham control group, with evidence of they had UE pain or injuries which would preclude performance of
transfer and automization of the improvements, as well as reten- the exergames, cognitive impairment (Mini-mental state exami-
tion for 6 weeks after practice ceased. Taken together, these trials nation <24) [18], or any other health condition that would interfere
indicate that further exploration of interventions to improve UE with safe conduct of the testing or training protocol. All participants
activities in people with PD is warranted. were required to provide written medical clearance to certify their
Interactive, exercise-based videogames (exergames) have suitability for participation in the trial prior to randomization.
recently attracted attention for their potential to provide a prag- Background information was collected at baseline. This included
matic, sustainable and engaging form of therapeutic exercise [14]. demographic information, medical history, medications and the
Overall, the use of exergames with people with PD appears to be MDS-UPDRS motor examination [17].
feasible, though the efficacy of such games, particularly when
delivered in the home environment, remains unclear [14].
2.3. Intervention
Furthermore, commercially available games may not be suitable for
use with people with PD [14] with some people reporting diffi-
Participants randomized to the exergame group were asked to
culties with fast and complex games and with using hand-held
perform the exergames 3 times per week for 12 weeks, while ON
controllers [15]. In the current study we developed a home-based
medication. Participants received two initial home visits and a third
exergame program specifically designed for people with PD and
visit at six weeks to ensure they were able to set up the equipment,
with a focus on UE exercises. The primary aim of this randomized
play the games and make appropriate progressions. Extra home
controlled trial was to determine if use of this exergame program
visits were permitted if the participant required further instruction.
improved UE activity performance and impairments in people with
Participants were contacted fortnightly for the duration of the trial
PD. The secondary aim was to establish the feasibility and accept-
to provide support, guide progression and monitor adverse events.
ability of this intervention. We hypothesized that the exergame
Participants recorded games played, as well as any unwanted ef-
intervention would lead to improvements in UE activity perfor-
fects of the exergame (eg muscle soreness) in a logbook. The control
mance and impairments, and that the intervention would be
group received usual care and continued with their usual activities.
feasible to deliver and acceptable to people with PD.
Two exergames (i.e. a ‘marshmallow’ game and a ‘chicken’
game) focusing on coordinated movements of the arm and hand,
2. Methods were specifically designed and developed by the research team for
the trial using Unity game development software (www.unity3d.
2.1. Design com). The set-up of the equipment and a screenshot from each
game is shown in Fig. 1. Both games were played with one UE at a
A randomized controlled trial of a 12 week, home-based UE time, and were played with either the whole arm or the hand. A full
exergame intervention for people with PD was undertaken during exergame session comprised of playing each game under six con-
2014e2106. Participants were recruited from Sydney, Australia. The ditions (right and left arms both in the near and far settings plus
study was approved by the relevant Human Research Ethics Com- right and left hands), so that 12 games were played per session.
mittee and all participants gave written informed consent. The trial Details about the exergames are outlined in the supplementary
was registered in the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials information. The two exergames required different movement
Registry (ACTRN12614001048673) and trial reporting adhered to strategies, with the ‘marshmallow’ game focusing on correct timing
the CONSORT guidelines [16]. of responses, and the ‘chicken’ game focusing on rapid movement.
Assessments were conducted in participants' homes at baseline In both games, participants were provided with auditory and visual
and on completion of the 12-week intervention period. Participants feedback designed to assist them to improve their performance.
were assessed while ON, typically around 1 h after taking their Each game had four levels of difficulty to choose from. The phys-
usual PD medication. Post-intervention assessments were con- iotherapist prescribed the starting level and participants were
ducted by a physiotherapist who was blinded to participants' group encouraged to progress to harder levels when they were successful
allocation. Following the baseline assessment, participants were in the game most of the time.
randomly allocated to the exergame or the control group using a
computer-generated randomization schedule with randomly
2.4. Outcome measures
permuted block sizes. Randomization was stratified according to
each participant's level of UE impairment, as determined by the
The primary outcome measure was the time to complete the
total score of the 6 UE items of the Movement Disorders Society
nine hole peg test [19]. This was chosen as it is easily administered,
Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating scale (MDS-UPDRS) motor ex-
requires coordinated movements of the arm and hand, has high
amination [17] [i.e. items 3.4e3.6 and 3.15e3.17 (UE only)], using a
test-retest reliability and is likely to be a responsive measure of
threshold value of 13. The randomization schedule was developed
change in people with PD [20].
and held by an investigator not involved in recruitment, assessment
Secondary outcome measures were tests of UE impairments and
or intervention i.e. a concealed allocation system.
activities. Movement speed and accuracy were measured with
horizontal and vertical tapping tests, where participants alternately
2.2. Participants tapped two pre-designated keys (the ‘s’ and the ‘; ’) with their index
finger on a standard English computer keyboard as quickly and as
Participants were recruited via Parkinson's NSW newsletters accurately as possible for 60 s. Keystrokes were recorded by a
and support groups and through the research teams' database of computer running a word processing program. The tests were
people with PD who have requested to be contacted regarding conducted with the keyboard aligned vertically and horizontally,
68 N.E. Allen et al. / Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 41 (2017) 66e72

Fig. 1. Panel A: Set up of equipment for the arm exercises. The distance from the participant to the targets was adjustable, with targets in the figure shown in the ‘far’ position. The
white markers indicate the ‘near’ target position. The computer keyboard was used for the hand exercises. Panel B: Screen shots of the two exergames, showing visual feedback
received when successful in the game. The ‘marshmallow’ game (left) required participants to remove the correct marshmallow (here indicated by the number 10) at the correct
moment. The ‘chicken’ game (right) required participants to catch the eggs by moving the vessel to the correct location as quickly as possible once the previous egg had been caught.

and under single and dual cognitive task conditions. The dual completed a questionnaire regarding their experiences of playing
cognitive task involved counting backwards by 3, beginning at a the exergames.
randomly chosen number between 80 and 100. A speed score (total
number of keystrokes in 60s) and an error score (derived from the 2.5. Sample size and data analysis
number and location of incorrect keystrokes divided by the speed
score) were recorded [21]. Hand reaction time was measured using Calculations of statistical power based on previously published
a hand-held electronic timer, with participants depressing a switch measures of the nine hole peg test in people with PD [20] showed
with their index finger as quickly as possible in response to a light that a sample size of 19 participants per group was required to
stimulus [22]. detect a 20% between-group difference in the nine hole peg test
Hand dexterity was measured with the coin rotation task [3] and time (mean 29.9 s, SD 10.2, power 0.8, alpha 0.05, pre/post corre-
UE dexterity was measured with the box and block test [23]. Par- lation 0.8), allowing for a 10% drop-out rate.
ticipants' subjective ratings of their ability to perform everyday UE Differences between the groups at the end of the 12 week
activities were measured with the Manual Ability Measure-36 intervention period were assessed using linear regression analysis
questionnaire [24], and their perception of any change in their adjusted for baseline scores. Where data were not normally
arm and hand function over the 12 week period was measured at distributed, the difference between post-test and pre-test scores
post-test using an 11-point global perceived effect scale ranging was calculated and this difference score was used in the linear
from 5 (very much worse) to 5 (very much better). regression. Between-group differences in participants' perception
Cognition was measured with the Montreal Cognitive Assess- of overall change in arm and hand function during the trial period
ment [25] as well as the Trail Making Tests, Part A and B [26]. were assessed with an independent samples t-test (two-sided tail).
Disease-related quality of life was measured with the Parkinson's All analyses were conducted using an intention to treat approach.
Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) [27]. As motor learning is enhanced by higher levels of practice, a post-
Adherence and unwanted effects of the exercise (e.g., muscle hoc analysis was also conducted including only participants who
soreness, fatigue) were monitored through participant log books. completed 80% of the prescribed exergames. Data were analyzed
On completion of the 12 week intervention period, participants using SPSS v22 (IBM Corp, Armonk NY).
N.E. Allen et al. / Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 41 (2017) 66e72 69

3. Results group under single-task conditions. However, participants in the

exergame group significantly deteriorated in their accuracy at post-
3.1. Participant flow and characteristics test compared to the control group as measured by the horizontal
and vertical tapping test error scores, under both single and dual
A total of 38 participants were randomized to the exergame cognitive task conditions. Participants in the exergame group did
group (n ¼ 19) and the control group (n ¼ 19), with follow-up data not perceive any overall improvement in their arm and hand
available for 95% (n ¼ 18) of exergame and 100% (n ¼ 19) of control function on the global perceived effect scale [mean change exer-
participants. The flow of participants through the trial is shown in game group 0.53 (SD 1.8), control group 0.42 (SD 0.9); between
Fig. 2. Demographic characteristics of the participants at baseline group difference 0.11 (95% CI -1.06 to 0.84, p ¼ 0.8)].
are presented in Table 1. The daily levodopa equivalent dose [28] at Outcome data for participants who completed at least 80% of
baseline was a mean of 939 mg (SD 531) for the intervention group prescribed exergames and the control group are presented in
and 711 mg (SD 703) for the control group. At post-test it was a supplementary table S1. This post-hoc analysis also shows no
mean of 955 mg (SD 538) for the intervention group and 719 mg difference between the groups in the nine hole peg test (mean
(SD 700) for the control group, indicating that both groups had difference 1.3 s, p ¼ 0.41). However, participants in the exer-
similar, small overall increases in daily levodopa equivalent dose game group showed improved movement speed compared to the
which was unlikely to affect trial results. control group with higher speed scores in both the horizontal
and vertical tapping test under single and dual cognitive task
3.2. Efficacy of the exergames conditions (mean difference ranged from 10.2 to 15.9 taps/60s, p
ranged from <0.001 to 0.03). The increased error remained for
Outcome data at baseline and 12 weeks for both the exergame the exergame group compared to the control group in the ver-
and control groups are presented in Table 2. There was no differ- tical tapping test with dual cognitive task (mean difference
ence between the exergame and the control groups in the time to 0.063, p ¼ 0.003). Participants completing the exergame protocol
complete the nine hole peg test. Participants in the exergame group improved their time compared to the control group for the Trail
displayed significantly faster movement speed in the horizontal Making Test Part A, but not for Part B.
tapping test (speed score) at post-test compared to the control

Fig. 2. Flow of participants through the trial. *The 4 exergame participants who discontinued intervention includes 1 participant lost to follow-up for both primary and secondary
70 N.E. Allen et al. / Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 41 (2017) 66e72

Table 1
Participant characteristics at baseline.

Variable Exergame group Control group

(n ¼ 19) (n ¼ 19)

Age (y) 67.5 (7.3) 68.4 (8.5)

Gender (men) 12 (63.2%) 11 (57.9%)
MMSE (range, 0 to 30) 28.8 (1.0) 28.6 (1.1)
Dominant hand (right) 15 (79%) 18 (95%)a
Hand most affected by PD (right) 7 (36.8%)b 4 (21.0%)b
Disease duration (y) 7.9 (3.9) 8.7 (6.1)
MDS-UPDRS motor exam (range, 0 to 132) 41.3 (16.0) 38.8 (11.3)
MDS-UPDRS upper extremity subscore (range, 0 to 56) 16.5 (5.9) 16.0 (4.5)
Daily levodopa equivalent dose, mg 939 (531) 711 (703)

The values are either mean (SD) or number and (percentage).

One participant in the control group was ambidextrous.
Three intervention (15.8%) and nine control (47.4%) participants reported both hands as equally affected by PD; MMSE, Mini-Mental State
Examination; MDS-UPDRS, Movement Disorders Society Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale.

3.3. Acceptability and adherence safe and feasible for cognitively intact people with mild to mod-
erate PD, and that participants were able to progress the level of
All participants (except three of the four participants who gameplay over the 12 weeks. However, the intervention did not
dropped out) progressed to harder levels of difficulty in the games. improve the ability of the exergame participants to complete UE
By the end of the 12 weeks of intervention, 3 of the 15 completers activities when compared to control group participants. Further-
(20%) had reached the hardest (i.e. ‘insane’) level of difficulty for 4 more, tapping test results showed that while participants demon-
out of the 12 conditions, 3 (20%) for 8 conditions, and 4 (27%) for 10 strated faster movement speeds after training, there was a
conditions. The remaining 5 participants (33%) reached the ‘hard’ corresponding decrement in movement accuracy.
level for at least 4 conditions. Our results, taken together with results from previous studies,
Analysis of participants' log books showed that they completed highlight the importance of specificity of task practice. The exer-
an average of 34.9 (97%) of the prescribed 36 exergame sessions game intervention did not lead to improvements in the nine hole
(range 4e52 sessions), and 478 (111%) of the 432 prescribed games peg test, or in secondary measures of hand/UE dexterity, subjective
(range 38e1137). Ten participants (53%) completed more than the abilities to perform UE activities or in disease-related quality of life.
prescribed number of sessions, and 12 participants (63%) The lack of improvement in UE activity performance following the
completed more than the prescribed number of games. When exergames is in contrast with previous findings [12,13]. Two pre-
maximum adherence was capped at 100%, then an average of 83% vious trials both reported improvements specific to the tasks
(SD 32.9) of prescribed exergame sessions and 82% (SD 34.1) of trained, that is, improvements in arm and hand function following
prescribed games were completed. One participant required an modified constraint-induced movement therapy [12] and im-
extra two initial home visits in order to learn how to use the sys- provements in the size of handwriting following practice of writing
tem. No adverse events (e.g., muscle soreness, undue fatigue) were with increased amplitude [13]. In the present trial, participants
reported. However, one participant reported an exacerbation of a improved in their ability to play the games, and the improved speed
previously existing chronic pain condition and withdrew during of movement measured in the tapping test closely resembles the
week 2. As this participant experienced regular exacerbations, it movements trained in the exergames. Moreover, the increase in the
was unclear if this was related to trial participation. error score on the tapping test may also be a consequence of the
Sixteen participants (84.2%) from the exergame group exergame training. The exergames did not have a high accuracy
completed the post-intervention questionnaire. Eleven (68.8%) re- requirement, as there was no feedback about, or penalty for, hitting
ported that they enjoyed the exergames, while 2 (12.5%) did not the wrong button or key. The only consequence of such an error was
and the remaining 3 (18.8%) neither enjoyed or disliked the expe- a momentary delay in making the correct response. This may have
rience. Eleven participants (68.8%) found the system easy to use encouraged participants to prioritize speed of response over the
and all reported that the level of instruction from the physiother- accuracy of the response, leading to improved movement speed
apist was sufficient for independent play. Seven (43.8%) reported with decreased accuracy. Participants in the present trial therefore
that they would continue playing the exergames if they had access demonstrated improvements specific to what they practiced in the
to them. Open-ended responses indicated that participants liked exergames.
the feedback provided by the system and were motivated to try to The results of this trial have implications for the use of exer-
beat their previous scores. They preferred the challenge of the fast games in the rehabilitation of people with PD. Exergames have the
movements required in the ‘chicken’ game over the slower, care- potential to facilitate motor learning as they can provide engaging
fully timed movements required by the ‘marshmallow’ game. practice of activities with augmented feedback, which often in-
However, participants tired of playing the same two games for the cludes knowledge of results and/or knowledge of performance in
12 weeks. Most participants did not have space in their home to the form of visual, auditory and sensory feedback [29]. However, a
leave the equipment set up between sessions, and some reported review of motor learning in PD [29] concluded that people with PD
that setting up and connecting the table-top mat, keyboard and demonstrate reduced flexibility and efficiency of learning and
tablet for each session was awkward. require increased context specificity. Furthermore, people with PD
have demonstrated deficits in motor learning when testing condi-
tions vary from those used during practice [30]. Evidence suggests
4. Discussion therefore that exercise aimed at improving activity performance in
people with PD should closely resemble the activity the training is
This randomized controlled trial of an exergame intervention aiming to improve. The results of the present trial further support
targeting movements of the UE showed that the intervention was
N.E. Allen et al. / Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 41 (2017) 66e72 71

Table 2
Mean (SD) and mean (95% CI) differences between groups for the primary and secondary outcome measures for the intervention and control groups.

Outcome Groups Difference between groups

Pre-test Post-test
(12 weeks)

Intervention Control Intervention Control Intervention minus Controla

n ¼ 19 n ¼ 19 n ¼ 18 n ¼ 19

Nine hole peg testb (s) 28.8 29.9 29.0 30.4 0.3 (3.6e2.9)
(5.7) (7.3) (7.8) (7.5) p ¼ 0.84
Horizontal tapping test 124.1 119.0 130.1 114.6 10.9 (3.3e18.4)
speed score (taps/60 s)c (34.9) (29.4) (30.4) (26.3) p ¼ 0.006
Horizontal tapping test with cognitive task 76.7 87.2 84.6 87.4 6.6 (6.4e19.6)
speed score (taps/60 s) (36.7) (38.2) (46.4) (36.0) p ¼ 0.31
Horizontal tapping test 0.047 0.048 0.070 0.041 0.029 (0.004e0.054)
error scoreb,d (0.064) (0.042) (0.059) (0.037) p ¼ 0.02
Horizontal tapping test with cognitive task 0.063 0.055 0.098 0.043 0.044 (0.001e0.087)
error scoreb,d (0.086) (0.053) (0.097) (0.043) p ¼ 0.05
Vertical tapping test 124.8 117.3 127.8 114.0 6.5 (3.0e16.0)
speed score (taps/60 s) (40.9) (25.6) (41.5) (25.5) p ¼ 0.17
Vertical tapping test with cognitive task 82.9 92.1 91.3 88.8 10.0 (5.4e25.5)
speed score (taps/60 s) (47.5) (40.0) (57.6) (39.0) p ¼ 0.19
Vertical tapping test 0.057 0.056 0.080 0.050 0.028 (0.000e0.056)
error scoreb,d (0.080) (0.046) (0.068) (0.040) p ¼ 0.05
Vertical tapping test with cognitive task 0.048 0.070 0.094 0.056 0.059
error scoreb,d (0.067) (0.062) (0.098) (0.054) (0.023e0.096)
p ¼ 0.002
Coin rotation test 7.3 7.3 6.9 6.5 0.3 (1.3e1.9)
(number of half turns) (3.1) (3.2) (3.6) (4.2) p ¼ 0.68
Box and block test 41.6 40.6 42.3 39.7 1.3 (2.1e4.7)
(number of blocks moved) (10.6) (8.1) (9.7) (8.8) p ¼ 0.44
Hand reaction timeb,e (s) 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.01 (0.03e0.05)
(0.06) (0.07) (0.08) (0.05) p ¼ 0.65
Manual Ability Measuree 124.5 121.2 122.6 120.9 0.6 (5.9e4.6)
(range 0e144) (15.6) (15.4) (16.8) (15.1) p ¼ 0.81
PDQ_39b (%) 23.0 26.0 23.7 24.3 1.3 (4.2e6.8)
(12.3) (11.4) (14.9) (9.8) p ¼ 0.63
TMT Ab (s) 34.8 34.8 32.3 38.6 6.0 (12.5e0.5)
(10.2) (10.7) (10.7) (15.1) p ¼ 0.07
TMT Bb (s) 78.3 80.5 95.0 93.4 4.5 (21.6e30.6)
(34.8) (38.7) (88.1) (50.5) p ¼ 0.73
MOCA 26.8 26.8 27.8 28.2 0.4 (1.9e1.0)
(range 0e30) (1.6) (2.8) (3.0) (2.0) p ¼ 0.58
Values are change scores (post-test minus pre-test) and are adjusted for baseline (pre-test) score based on analysis of covariance ANCOVA.
High score reflects poor performance.
Significant outcome in favor of the exergame group.
Significant outcome in favor of the control group.
Analysis conducted using the difference between post-test and pre-test scores due to skewed data;
where the test is conducted on each hand individually, scores reflect the average performance of both hands; bold text ¼ statistically significant result; PDQ_39 ¼ Parkinson's
Disease Questionaire_39; TMT A ¼ Trail Making Test part A; TMT B ¼ Trail Making Test part B; MOCA ¼ Montreal Cognitive Assessment.

this, as the exergames did not resemble the activities assessed in influence cognitive function. Further work is required to explore
the outcome measures. Further research of the efficacy of exer- any interaction between cognition and UE interventions.
games in this population may be enhanced by ensuring the exer- The home-based exergame training was found to be feasible and
game trains the target activity as closely as possible. This is likely to acceptable for cognitively intact people with PD. Feasibility was
be a challenge for UE activities, particularly dexterous activities, similar to that reported for exergames involving the lower limbs
where there is a wide variety of everyday activities that pose dif- [14], with participants able to learn to use the system and play the
ficulties for people with PD. Gaming systems that can track player games within two home visits, progressing to more difficult levels
movements in three dimensions may provide some solutions of game play, and enjoying playing the exergames. Overall adher-
worthy of further investigation. ence was good and was similar to other minimally-supervised ex-
Cognitive function, as measured by the Trail Making Test Part A, ercise-based interventions [11,13]. The equipment used was
showed a trend towards improvement in the exergame group in reliable; however, some participants reported that it was awkward
the main analyses, which was statistically significant in post-hoc to set up for each session, and participants tired of playing the same
analysis. This may indicate an improvement in visual scanning two games for 12 weeks. A limitation of the present trial is that we
and cognitive flexibility following the exergame training, possibly were unable to extend the trial beyond 12 weeks and so could not
due to the requirement to be constantly scanning for and evaluate the long term adherence or any potential long-term ben-
responding to random stimuli during the gameplay. However, a efits of the intervention. Nonetheless, our results suggest that if
limitation of the present trial is that people with significant exergames are to be used as an ongoing intervention, consideration
cognitive impairment were excluded. Nonetheless, it seems needs to be given to providing a variety of appropriate games in
possible that training of UE tasks (where there is a large number of order to facilitate long term interest and adherence.
degrees of freedom and a complex range of activities) could In conclusion, this trial of an UE exergame intervention found
72 N.E. Allen et al. / Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 41 (2017) 66e72

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