Study Guide For Lecture Exam 3. Heart.: Pulmonary Circulation

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Study guide for lecture exam 3. Heart.

The heart is a dual pump, the ventricles are pumping chambers.

Which ventricle (right or left) pumps blood to the lungs? Right ventricle
Name the artery attached to this ventricle. Pulmonary artery
Is the blood carried by this artery oxygenated or deoxygenated? deoxygenated
Name the valve between this ventricle and this artery. Pulmonary valve

Which ventricle (right or left) pumps blood to the whole body? Left ventricle
Name the artery attached to this ventricle. Aorta
Is the blood carried by this artery oxygenated or deoxygenated? Oxygenated
Name the valve between this ventricle and this artery. Aortic Valve

Which atrium (right or left) of the heart receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs? Left atrium
Which 4 vessels drain blood into this chamber? 4 pulmonary veins
Name the valve between this atrium and the ventricle. Mitral valve
Which atrium of the heart receives oxygen-poor blood from the whole body and the heart? Right atrium
Name 3 vessels that drain blood into this chamber. Superior vena cava, inferior, coronary sinus
Name the valve between this atrium and the ventricle. Tricuspid valve

Pulmonary circulation: The right side of the heart is pulmonary circulation. Blood returning from the body is
deoxygenated and CO2 rich. It enters the RA and passes into the RV, which pumps it to the lungs via the pulmonary trunk.
In the lungs, blood unloads CO2 and picks up oxygen. The freshly oxygenated blood is carried by the pulmonary veins
back to the left side of the heart. (Pulmonary veins: oxygenated Pulmonary arteries: deoxygenated)
Systemic circulation: The left side is systemic circulation. Freshly oxygenated blood leaving the lungs is returned to the
LA and passes into the LV, which pumps it into the aorta. Then, blood is transported via smaller systemic arteries to body
tissues, where gases and nutrients are exchanged across capillary walls.

Which side is known as the blue side? RIGHT Name the major blood vessel on this side. SVC
Which side is known as the red side? LEFT Name the major blood vessel on this side. Descending thoracic aorta

Coronary circulation – the shortest circulation in the body

Which is longer, the left or right coronary artery? Left
The right and left coronary arteries branch off of which part of the aorta? Ascending aorta
Name two major branches of the left coronary artery:
Anterior interventricular artery – inside interventricular sulcus and Circumflex artery – inside coronary sulcus
Two major branches of the right coronary artery:
Which branch lies in posterior interventricular sulcus? Posterior interventricular artery
Which branch lies on the right margin of the heart? Marginal artery
Which chamber of the heart does the coronary sinus drain into? Right Atrium Does it carry oxygen rich or oxygen poor
blood? Oxygen poor

1. BLOOD VESSELS. Name the blood vessel based upon each statement.
a. I drain oxygen poor blood from the upper body into the right atrium. Superior Vena Cava
b. I drain oxygen rich blood from the lungs into the left atrium. Pulmonary Vein
c. I’m a vein on the left side and merge with another vein on the right to form the superior vena cava. Right
and left brachiocephalic veins
d. We are two veins that merge to form the brachiocephalic veins. Radial vein, ulnar vein
e. I’m a part of the aorta that has the right and left coronary arteries branch off of me. Ascending aorta
f. I’m part of the aorta shaped like an “arch” – can you name me and the three major branches I have? I am
at the level of T4 vertebrae. Aortic Arch: Brachiocephalic trunk, subclavian artery, common carotid artery
g. I’m part of the aorta and I run from the level of T4-T12 vertebrae. The branches I give off are the
posterior intercostal arteries. After I enter the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm, what do you then call me?
Abdominal aorta

Study guide for lecture exam 3. Heart.
h. I drain oxygen poor blood from the thoracic wall, and I drain directly into the superior vena cava. I’m
number 52 on the big heart model. Brachiocephalic vein
i. I’m a “vena cava” that has no length in the thoracic cavity. Inferior Vena Cava
j. They call me “trunk” and there is a conus arteriosus that funnels blood from the right ventricle into me.
Pulmonary trunk
k. They call me a sinus and I drain oxygen poor blood from the heart into the right atrium. Coronary Sinus

2. CARDIAC CYCLE. Describe the basic phases of the cardiac cycle. For each phase know:
a. Inflow phase; ventricular filling
b. Isovolumetric contraction phase
c. Outflow phase; ejection phase
d. Isovolumetric relaxation phase
Cardiac cycle continued. Where is blood flowing (if at all) in each phase. For each phase, explain:
a. if the atria are in systole or diastole.
b. if the ventricles are in systole or diastole.
c. For each phase are the SL valves open or shut?
d. For each phase are the AV valves open or shut?
e. What are the pressures (in mmHg) in the left ventricle in each phase?
f. Which phase do the ventricles fill with blood?
g. In which phase do the ventricles produce the stroke volume.
h. At the end of which phase would you have the end diastolic volume?
i. At the end of which phase would you
have the end systolic volume?
j. Can you identify the basic phases of
the cardiac cycle from a pressure-
volume curve of the LV during one cardiac
k. Wigger’s diagram (next page)

a. On the ventricular volume curve, can you identify EDV? ESV?

b. Can you calculate SV if you know EDV and ESV?

Study guide for lecture exam 3. Heart.
c. What are the two phases where left ventricular pressures change dramatically but
ventricular volume is not changing at all?
d. See below: Can you identify which phase of the cardiac cycle is illustrated for each
picture of the heart?
e. See below: Each picture represents a part of the pressure curve, or the ventricular
volume curve graphs. Can you identify where on the above figure?

b. Given EDV=150mLs, ESV=65 mLs, calculate

stroke volume and ejection fraction.

1. Stroke Volume
Stroke volume = EDV - ESV
Stroke Volume = 150 mL - 65 mL
Stroke Volume = 85 mL
2. Ejection Fraction
Ejection Fraction =( ( stroke volume SV ) / EDV ) × 100
Ejection fraction = ( 85 / 150 ) × 100
Ejection fraction = 57 %
c. What makes the lub-dup sound of the heart beat? Which is causing the Dicrotic notch?
Closing of atrial SL valve – dub  dicrotic notch
*The aorta creates the dicrotic notch. The closing of the valve creates a dub sound. It restores
positive flow. Blood collects in little sinuses and has a quick reversal  restores positive flow
and creates dicrotic notch. Makes vessel twitch a little bit and get a quick reversal of turbulence.
Closing of bicuspid valve – lub
d. The heart beats as a functional syncytium. Explain.
Cardiac muscle cells are electrically connected by gap junctions and thus the entire myocardium
behaves as a single unit.
e. Intercalated discs of cardiac muscle. Intercalated discs have desmosomes and gap junctions.
What functions do these have?

f. In what order do autorhythmic cells fire: Purkinjie fibers, SA node, AV node, Bundle branches,
bundle of His
1. SA node generates impulses
2. Pause at AV node

g. CONTRACTILE CELLS. Figure 18.15. What roles do Ca++ Na+ and K+ have in a cardiac
contractile cell’s action potential during REST, DEPOLARIZATION, PLATEAU, REPOLARIZATION?
a. Discuss the membrane potential in each phase and the ionic permeabilities of each phase.
b. How is tension generated in the contractile cell?

Study guide for lecture exam 3. Heart.
c. Compare cardiac muscle to skeletal muscle. Explain how the plateau phase of the cardiac
muscle prevents tetany in cardiac muscle. Why is this a good thing?
h. AUTORHYTHMIC CELLS Marieb figure 18.12. Explain autorhythmic cells and their:
a. pacemaker potential. Explain in terms of it being an unstable resting potential or
prepotential. Why is this type of potential important?
b. action potential.
i. what ions cause depolarization and repolarization in autorhythmic cells?
ii. is there a plateau phase in this action potential?
iii. is there tension generated directly by autorhythmic cells?
c. How is pacemaker potential affected by:
i. Parasympathetic activity – acetylcholine.
ii. Sympathetic activity – catecholamines.

i. ECG - What do each of the following represent? (example: the P-wave represents atrial
a. P-R interval (what if this interval is too long?)
b. QRS complex
c. T-wave represent
d. Q-T interval
e. S-T segment (what if this interval is above the line? Below the line?)
f. T-P segment
g. R-R interval
j. Calculate the cardiac output of a person with a ESV=50mls, EDV=140mls and a HR of 60 bpm.
k. Explain how the plateau phase of contractile cell action potentials make tetany impossible in
cardiac muscle.
l. How do preload, contractility (of the myocardium) and afterload affect stroke volume?

m. How does endurance training effect preload, afterload and contractility?

n. Explain how the Frank-Starling law of the heart affects preload, contractility force and stroke
volume. Is this mechanism intrinsic or extrinsic?
o. Explain how the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) can affect heart rate, and contractility force
of the myocardium. How do each of these factors effect cardiac output?

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