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In the Fields...

Written by Brian “Fitz” Fitzpatrick

Cover Art from Dollar Photo Club
Other art from
©2014 Brian Fitzpatrick & Moebius Adventures

Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19827930)

Open Spaces
“In any field, find the Broad Strokes
How do you use this Open Spaces product? The
strangest thing and then process is pretty straightforward:
1. Determine the general disposition of the
explore it.” encounter. Sometimes the world *IS* out to get
the PCs.
John Archibald Wheeler 2. Now determine the disposition of the subjects the
PCs are about to encounter. Though the situation
Sometimes there isn’t a road where you are going may be stacked against both parties, there’s
and you have to take the path less traveled. Perhaps always a possibillity that the monsters really don’t
you’re breaking a trail through uncharted territory want a fight either.
or following hints and suggestions animals or nature 3. Next, determine what exactly the PCs are
have left you across hill, dale, prairie, and valley. But encountering.
what happens when you make your own path? What
4. How many are being encountered? One? Five? A
do you stumble upon along the way?
Open Spaces products aim to answer that question
5. What are their motives?
or at least offer some guidance as you enter those
wild, uncharted areas with your PCs. The next time 6. What’s the location like? Is it verdant and green
the party chooses to go gallavanting across the world, or rotten and diseased? Can you smell it? Taste it?
you can use these supplements to suggest new Once you have all of that, it’s time to write about it!
encounters both for good and ill.
Let’s go over each one in a little more detail.
Open Spaces: Fields specifically can be used when
your party traipses across some farmer’s fields or
some Lord’s demesne. Encounter Disposition
Why fields? Because they’re everywhere, even today. Though it’s true enough that sometimes a situation
may treat the party with neutrality, it’s rarely an
Travel the streets of many small towns or big cities exciting moment in the PC’s lives. Each encounter
and you’ll find those urban landscapes to be dotted should have the potential
with little islands in the shape of playgrounds, to aid or harm the PCs Table (d2): Disposition
sports fields, open spaces, and small environmental in some way and usually
preserves. You may even find some areas where Heads or even Good
does both in one way or
people have horses and other animals or even small another. But it helps when Tails or odd Bad
crops. designing such situations
Broad, open land exists once you leave those urban to have an outcome in mind from the start.
centers. Drive through Kansas, eastern Colorado, or To determine the initial potential of the situation, flip
any of a dozen or more states in the middle of the US a coin or roll a die to get a general feel for things.
and you will find broad landscapes covered by wild
grasses, weeds, flowers, and more.
Encounter Subject Disposition
And that’s not even counting farms and ranches,
national parks, and more. Next, we determine if the people, monsters, or
environment has a bone to pick with the adventurers
But let’s focus on smaller areas. Imagine your right off the bat. Even if the encounter has the
characters are walking through the wilderness and potential to be beneficial to the PCs, whatever they
find a small clearing in the woods, a small garden, or are encountering may actually mean them harm.
even an entire farm. What happens then?
So again, to determine the disposition of whatever
Though the place itself is important, it rarely is in the the PCs are encountering...
mood to do more than set up for a landscape shot.
So we will use the location to inform the context for Use the same table as the last section.
an encounter with one or more individuals. Could be
humanoids. Could be monsters or animals. But there’s
always something to be found!
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Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19827930)
In the Fields...
Types Encountered • Exploration - like the PCs, these beings are
exploring. Perhaps they’re on their way to
Here we determine
Table (d10): Type someplace better or just out hunting.
what the PCs are
encountering. People? 1 Farmer
Monsters? Weather? 2 Worker Sense and Descriptor
Animals? Whatever you Finally we will utilize
3 Guard
choose here becomes the our senses and some Table (d8): Sense to Use
“what” or “who” for the 4 Domestic animal descriptive words to 1 Sight
encounter. 5 Wild animal describe the area where 2 Hearing
Ultimately, who the PCs 6 Monster the PCs are meeting these
folks for good or ill. 3 Smell
is encountering is what
7 Supernatural 4 Touch
we’re after. Pull out your Roll a d8, consult the
favorite d10 and see what 8 Bandit or thief 5 Taste
Sense table, then roll a
you come up with. As 9 Adventurer d100, consult the Sense 6 Roll again
always, add/change the 10 Rancher Descriptor table.
table as you see fit. 7 Roll twice
This helps in a couple 8 Roll three times
of ways. If we know the
Group Size who of the encounter,
Next, there’s the size of the group encountered. this helps us define the where of the encounter a bit
Here, a quick d8 indicates the number in the group better.
with 1-7 being exactly the number and 8 indicating
an exploding die. Any time you roll a 8, roll another
d8. If you roll another 8, keep rolling until you get Table (d100): Sense Descriptor
something else. You could end up with anything from 1-2 Burned 51-52 Tracked
a solitary traveler to an army! 3-4 Lush 53-54 Verdant
5-6 Empty 55-56 Corrupt
Motives 7-8 Fallow 57-58 Pale

Now we’ll determine what the motives are for the 9-10 Rotting 59-60 Bloody
group. Why are these people, critters, or monsters in 11-12 Infested 61-62 Damp
the area? 13-14 Brown 63-64 Plowed

A quick d6 table helps 15-16 Green 65-66 Patterned

Table (d6): Motive
us out. Re-roll if it is a 17-18 Tall 67-68 Aligned
nonsensical result or be 1 Political 19-20 Short 69-70 Wild
really creative! 2 Natural 21-22 Withered 71-72 Unkempt
• Political - perhaps the 3 Unnatural 23-24 Strong 73-74 Untouched
beings are on their 4 Fiscal 25-26 Broken 75-76 Occupied
way to negotiate with 27-28 Bent 77-78 Fenced
5 Missionary
their neighbors or are 29-30 Marked 79-80 Narrow
just pressing the flesh 6 Exploration
31-32 Diseased 81-82 Wide
to get to know folks in
33-34 Wet 83-84 Clod-filled
the area.
35-36 Dry 85-86 Turned
• Natural - these humanoids/things just naturally 37-38 Dusty 87-88 Framed
belong here. It’s their home!
39-40 Plowed 89-90 Fragrant
• Unnatural - something has wrong and pushed 41-42 Bare 91-92 Raucous
these critters out of their usual digs. 43-44 Overgrown 93-94 Tame
• Fiscal - perhaps the critters or people are 45-46 Swampy 95-96 Light
harvesting fruits or flowers to sell in town. 47-48 Dug up 97-98 Grassy
• Missionary - these folks are out to spread the 49-50 Muddy 99-100 Moorish
word of their gods!
Page 3
Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19827930)
Open Spaces
Walkthrough Example attack more wildly than before.
Let’s walk through an entire example from beginning If they survive and keep any of the thieves alive,
to end. they can track down the local marshal who is
responsible for law in the area and report the
First I’ll roll two dice to determine the dispositions of
crime and return the valuables. Any surviving
the encounter and whomever the PCs are going to
family in the area will appreciate knowing what
meet. I get “Bad” and “Bad”. So far this doesn’t look
happened if the PCs can figure out the situation.”
all that great for the PCs.
This approach lends itself towards a bit of preparation
Next I’ll roll a d10 on the Type table. I get an 8 -
if the GM is looking at the map and sees an area that
“Bandit or Thief”. And I’ll roll a d8 to see how many
could use a bit of flavor.
bandits the PCs are encountering. I get 3. We have
a group of 3 bandits in a field somewhere up to no What about a few more examples?
What are their motives? A quick d6 roll and I have Tales of Woe
“Natural.” That makes me wonder why would bandits (Good/Bad/Domestic animal/11/Fiscal/Taste/Bent)
just naturally be in a field?
A farmer is in his field negotiating with a neighbor
Lastly we have the sense and descriptor. With a d8 to give up a herd of 11 skinny, swaybacked cows.
and a d100 I get “Smell” and “Burned” You overhear a tale of woe involving a sick wife, a
Definitely not looking good for our PCs. failed crop, and the inability to pay a the local lord for
continued planting rights...
But I might arrange things like this:
“The smell of burned grass wafts from
somewhere up ahead. If you track it down, you Join Our Cause... Or Else...
come across a wide-open field at the edge of a (Bad/Bad/Farmer/5/Missionary/Hearing/Aligned)
small stand of trees and a demolished house. The As you pass a local field, you see a group of five
house and surrounding area was burned recently robed individuals accosting someone in the middle.
and three men are wandering towards you from The victim is in obvious distress as you can hear him
the house, weapons drawn. trying to talk his way out of the situation without
Situation: The fire occurred naturally during a paying a “donation” to help their cause.
lightning storm earlier in the day. Though the Even as one holds down the poor man, the others
fire burned itself out in the rain that followed, it seem to align around him in a star formation...
wasn’t soon enough for the family trapped inside
the house. Three roaming bandits happened to
see the home on fire and sifted through the still- Want to help?
hot ruins to see what they could salvage. (Good/Good/Adventurer/6/Fiscal/Sight/Corrupt)
One of the three bandits has a large sack The gentle rise and fall of the hills in this area almost
containing a few burned books, some basic lulls you to sleep until you see a small group of
bladed weapons (a short sword, three daggers, people stopped on the edge of a fenced property. As
and a small axe), and a smaller bag of melted you approach, you can see that the plants on this side
coins. All three are covered in soot and would of the fence are in much better shape than what’s
rather not be reported to the authorities by on the other where each stem and branch appears
witnesses. Though they did nothing more than brittle, broken, and blackened by something.
take advantage of the situation, their anger and
You introduce yourselves and find yourself chatting
shame at being discovered will fuel their way to
with another group of adventurers who has been sent
attacking the PCs.
to look into a strange blight that has affected a few
Resolution: None of the three thieves is a farms in the area. Would you care to help in their
particularly adept fighter, but all three will use investigation?
their short swords and daggers to their best
ability. If one falls, there is a 50% chance that the Check out other Moebius Adventures products and
other two will flee. If one of the PCs falls, there the latest news at:
is a 50% chance they will be emboldened and Moebius Adventures
Page 4
Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19827930)
Moebius Adventures: Open Spaces

Fields Worksheet
Encounter disposition? Table (d2): Disposition Table (d10): Type Table (d8):
Heads or even Good 1 Farmer Sense to Use
Tails or odd Bad 2 Worker 1 Sight
3 Guard 2 Hearing
Table (d6): Motive 4 Domestic animal
Subject dispositon? 3 Smell
1 Political
5 Wild animal 4 Touch
2 Natural
6 Monster 5 Taste
3 Unnatural
7 Supernatural 6 Roll again
4 Fiscal
8 Bandit or thief 7 Roll 2x
Types? 5 Missionary 9 Adventurer 8 Roll 3x
6 Exploration 10 Rancher


Table (d100): Sense Descriptor
1-2 Burned 35-36 Dry 69-70 Wild
3-4 Lush 37-38 Dusty 71-72 Unkempt
5-6 Empty 39-40 Plowed 73-74 Untouched
7-8 Fallow 41-42 Bare 75-76 Occupied
9-10 Rotting 43-44 Overgrown 77-78 Fenced
11-12 Infested 45-46 Swampy 79-80 Narrow
13-14 Brown 47-48 Dug up 81-82 Wide
15-16 Green 49-50 Muddy 83-84 Clod-filled
17-18 Tall 51-52 Tracked 85-86 Turned
19-20 Short 53-54 Verdant 87-88 Framed
21-22 Withered 55-56 Corrupt 89-90 Fragrant
23-24 Strong 57-58 Pale 91-92 Raucous
25-26 Broken 59-60 Bloody 93-94 Tame
27-28 Bent 61-62 Damp 95-96 Light
29-30 Marked 63-64 Plowed 97-98 Grassy
31-32 Diseased 65-66 Patterned 99-100 Moorish
33-34 Wet 67-68 Aligned

Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19827930)

Moebius Adventures

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Joao Vitor Nava Storck (order #19827930)

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