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Shih Jiao

Jiao's Personality:

Big Five Personality Traits: Openness > high; Conscientiousness > high; Extraversion
> low; Agreeableness > high; Neuroticism > high. (Myers-Briggs > INFJ-T).


Jiao is smart, creative, and unconventional. She is also neat, hard-working, and
controlled. This means she is highly productive and driven creatively. She is able to
follow through and complete creative projects with relative ease. She is a classical liberal
with balanced politics.

She is quiet, reserved, and a thinker. She prefers to stay at home rather than go out and
make friends. She has a rich inner fantasy life and is a fan of science fiction and fantasy.
She is prone to eccentricity.

She prefers to work alone, and because she is organised and hard working, she tends to
judge others who don't meet her standards.

She is polite, compassionate, and thoughtful. She goes out of her way to help people, and
is sympathetic to the plight of people she has little in common with, sometimes to her
own disadvantage.

She tries hard to do the right thing by others. She strongly values politeness and can take
offense easily. She is quiet and does not make friends easily, but she cares deeply for the
friends she does make.

She is emotional and anxious. Her imagination can work to amplify her fears, because
she envisages all the ways in which things could go wrong. She is strongly affected by
horror films. She seeks new experiences but what she finds can traumatise her.

She is aware of her tendency to be nervous, unhappy and angry but being organised and
careful means she is able to avoid ending up in emotionally destabilising situations.
She is hard to get to know as she is shy and sensitive. She naturally prefers to be alone or
to have just one or two friends, and her tendency to be anxious and afraid makes her
nervousness around people more intense.

Being sensitive, she is particularly attuned to people's needs. She is self-conscious and
easily hurt by rejection and negative encounters.

Preferred Jobs:

Psychotherapist, artist, art curator, bookstore owner, freelance writer, poet, teacher (art,
drama, English), library assistant, professor of English, painter, novelist, book editor,
copywriter, philosopher, environmentalist, bookseller, museum curator, opera singer,
magazine editor, archivist, music therapist, screenwriter, film director, creative director,
librarian, social services worker, art historian, sign language interpreter, photo journalist,
makeup artist, homemaker.

Unlikely Jobs:

Airline pilot, race car driver, businessman, information technology consultant, executive,
administrator, supervisor, bartender, lab technician, restaurant owner, strategist, CEO, bar
owner, marketing specialist, business consultant.


Openness – High. Jiao is smart and creative. She is open to new experiences and tolerant
of different types of people. She likes the idea of travelling to exotic places. She is quick-
witted and able to think on her feet, and approaches problems from an unconventional
point of view. She is an eccentric and a rebel. Her ideas can be too quirky and different
and this means that she is prone to failure. She likes alternative culture and has a unique
sense of style. She is interested in ideas and blurred lines. She finds radical and extreme
beliefs and behaviours attractive.

Conscientiousness – High. Jiao is neat and hard working. She pays a great deal of
attention to detail. She is image-conscious and dresses in nice clothes. She looks after her
diet and likes to keep healthy. She has a clean, tidy, nicely decorated home. She likes to
save money and set aside for her future. She works much harder than other people, and
often overworks herself. She is prone to perfectionism and is her own worst critic. She is
always punctual and finds it hard to take a break. She prefers clear boundaries and tends
to act with consideration.

Extraversion – Low. Jiao is quiet and reserved. She prefers to stay at home and read
books, and is often lost in a fictional world. She likes nature and animals. She spends a
lot of time thinking, so when she does talk, she usually says something interesting. While
she is independent, she isn't very assertive and tends to withdraw when people cross her
personal boundaries. She can struggle to summon enthusiasm, especially regarding social
events. She is happy in her own company and copes well with living alone. She gets tired
easily and needs to spend time alone to recover. People can assume she is aloof or self-
absorbed, though this is not always the case.

Agreeableness – High. Jiao is polite and compassionate. She often puts the needs of
others in front of her own needs. She would make a wonderful parent or a nurse. She is
able to empathise with others, and has a strong protective streak. Though feelings often
drive her, if she is able to take a neutral stance, she can be an effective negotiator
between people. Because she values politeness, she can take offense when others are not
polite. Sometimes her compassion can be a problem when she directs it towards adults
who need to stand on their own two feet. She can do too much for people and smother
them with her kindness. She is prone to being manipulated and taken advantage of,
because she always wants to help.

Neuroticism – High. Jiao is emotionally unstable and suffers from a lot of negative
feelings. Sometimes that manifests as anger, bitterness, or resentment towards others.
Sometimes it manifests as depression and self-hatred. She does not deal well with bad
news and can become vulnerable and fragile when pushed beyond her coping abilities.
Her tendency to sense danger has helped her to avoid serious trouble on several
occasions. She knows her physical limits and rarely goes beyond them.

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