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ffiepubli* uf thc Phrlrpprnes

*rrufrm *r TF".in F}ftilSlffiHF,tT

#*eqe*gssl*ru ffiru H$ffiffiffiffi. ffiffiff#&3$*N

r"{rM#${&r* **$!t rft *p.4 yti t {Het ft Ff, fi s#Ft

Yf'i elr F3ftgstB}f;tuT$ &ruft *$Ft*S&S-tSJ-ei-{efrsE *F 5T&r{ LJrutV[RStrt€S .&'1J*
**tLH*€5, t*{AL *ht{vfits$tr*f,$ &Nil e*LE"rsfr5, Aru* rniv&Ts LitG}-iIe
{*{J*efi *fr} N$TtTUTtSri$

*tL ei*€* crNTI1eB_ Arun I{ESiSN&L *FFt{r *t$treT**$

){-rtJ.rts{- t: lMFoslrlor,J *r M{}tlAToRtuM fit\ ilf;LD TRtps AFJD orHEft st&4tLAR
ACT{V|T{H$ {*vxfin* *N*f;R (F{A* Mgtu{#ft&SlilLJiw *HDf,ft t!*. 1?, SEiii[$
trF ;fi:.3, er** $lrvlx\s {}r r|"{g p*Lt{y rs $TenF}$TF.{Hru MS*}"{Af\ri$turs THAT
5&r{6{JAfi* S,tL $T{JI}rf,,}r5 &T &t-t" Lfrv[L$ At!* FAe{.}try MrMs**$ t$;
ACTlVfrtr$ t&i{Lus$n tr* TF{E curiBtcuiltffi, N{s*ARf,Fi &FJ* ilXr$ru$t*$
p H#s ft &Ms * F
*.{ I S H ER E D U eAI!* zu I r,I 5T lT{_Jy}*lES

lrt rirf !,t of r1'6i'111 dver'1ls f fitlf,crrr'ng iielci trrps 3l]C :"rlt,lar ,ttt \,,1 .J5 x' r,ri;i:s" cfiu( Eir.r,r
ln[titil1l*il$ {1"1[ls] {hat h*ue rsslrit*d t* ei*;lt\ *n*:*iiou: injriri*s t* ltuejenls **rj r:tL*r
xneffih*rr$ *f {h* ac*d*rnie r*filnTur"ri{y, xr:ti ix lhr *x*rtis* *i ltrc .lr"ith*ri{1 y*sLild unr:,i*r
it*publir Act {}1Ai N*, 77?I, th* {**:n:issi*r't *n **r'}{ &t its 4$}rri r*gquixr m**ting t*d*y, ivilh
{or'1'-:urr*r]{* *f the C*mmissi*n *n t"{igi'l*r Isur;ltirn {Cr"tID]'s k]i]ni]fi*m*fll {#$rxi{t{i*. hfls
appr*v** ax* h*r*:hy imp*r*r * m*r*t*riuill ilil tfl* e**$*c{ *i xll li*ld trips;}nd simiixr
P:hglit*l *{{ivitiss in all pubiic.rrld privei* l-lSls, *{iectir,* inrmediatxly. Tt';* {ur:rmissrtr ais*
r*il*ffrttrs {h* st.irl riir'**{ivss ln e}"'tS* }"{*m*r*n{Jum Srci*r {etut*} J\a. .rJ, s*iles erf 1il1?
"Pr:1i*i*s m*d fruidelitr€5'-rrr [dur*Lr*r:;il ILru*,rnd Fr*1* lrrps +i Cr:ll*g* anqJ
$t*rj**l:" {s** etlarh*d}.
ln li*u *l fi*{el triFs *r *xlernal ti}*lpr"}s a(lrvrllris, ali lifis sh+ule1 rrsirturc replac*r:**l
**liviti*s tlr*t rr;ill ssrve th* gurptrFe int*nd*d by srreh *l{,can:p*t ;lrlivitics, prus*rv* lh*
**1r:rlivel t*Ught t* be arir,*vcd. und ses t$ it tlrnt n* slueJ*n( shait b* rrt'gfri,,.if iy af iellsri 1ru
{his m*r*t*ri**:,
Tlr, "Tiilr;lo'iu*r trlraJl {{.)t1l rlr} r"rr^fli-r rr irr at'r,rl uelii } !-n**tures h;,,,t,i-,rtn urrdprl;rk*,.
i* *tlf*ttiu*ly *cirfr*t* the irsx*r t*nrcrnirg li*iri trips and lhr rlrinS*J]i prucrrJxr*s tilgit$lui]
l* i:* a**pl*ei by {"{{:ls ts errsure th* s.rirry ar* iv*if;tr* *f the ****sr**rj HII :l*ksh*ld*ru,.*
rmb*r:li*d i* {h* *nhxn*sei fL4* r*garriing {|.t* **n*ue t *f li*to i,r r;:$ arrrl *th*r re{*l*r.j
{:;ril*r* t* {*rlpl},'\trith {iris dir*etiv* as r*p*rt*ej hy rhr {}:i{* Regi*:rai Oiii*rs csnc*r*e* shali
ili?!"158{h* {*ru:missicl"; {* in$titt.t* thg n*eensi:ry *r{i*:r; *6;lirrsl th* i-iff e*ne*rrr*d. Striet
r*rirplianc* ls h*r*by enjoir:eel fr*n"l nil Hils n::d its g*v*rning i:*nrcl: arrC :rsp*ntr*li.r *if r1als.

;cri-efl rl:i5 2, r"rf Iri:rr;rrry ]*]? al tht Hrgher [*ur,rlir:ir Du,,t'i*r:rrrf nt (*r:tf r.
i l). G.:i 116 *\vgrir:t:. Llilinr*r, Qr",*i*rt f jlri.
F*r t i't' f '.r'1 11!55191:"
- t'}
*# L""/
P*tri{ia i}. Li**;rr:s*. Fh,*.

i<'0$r$r fiCJu;a;16r, Igvr1itl1'r11a;1rl f;gni*. Sr,,,r, ,1, {] F. GSrt.iA ,1,v,::. L.!}. C*r$r:r,:l, lJrisl.*,.rrr *rre?i}i, il,ro l:i:rtrrlr:rn-t

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