The Risk of Racial Bias in Hate Speech Detection

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The Risk of Racial Bias in Hate Speech Detection

Maarten Sap♦ Dallas Card♣ Saadia Gabriel♦ Yejin Choi♦♥ Noah A. Smith♦♥

Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

Machine Learning Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA

Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, USA

Non-toxic tweets Wussup,
We investigate how annotators’ insensitivity (per Spears, 1998) Toxicity score
to differences in dialect can lead to racial crowdsourcing
bias in automatic hate speech detection mod- Wussup,
els, potentially amplifying harm against mi-
nority populations. We first uncover unex- What's
up, bro!
pected correlations between surface markers
of African American English (AAE) and rat- I saw him
ings of toxicity in several widely-used hate 6%
speech datasets. Then, we show that models I saw his ass
trained on these corpora acquire and propagate
these biases, such that AAE tweets and tweets
by self-identified African Americans are up to Figure 1: Phrases in African American English (AAE),
two times more likely to be labelled as of- their non-AAE equivalents (from Spears, 1998), and
fensive compared to others. Finally, we pro- toxicity scores from Per-
pose dialect and race priming as ways to re- spective is a tool from Jigsaw/Alphabet that uses a
duce the racial bias in annotation, showing that convolutional neural network to detect toxic language,
when annotators are made explicitly aware of trained on crowdsourced data where annotators were
an AAE tweet’s dialect they are significantly asked to label the toxicity of text without metadata.
less likely to label the tweet as offensive.

1 Introduction more toxic than general American English equiv-

Toxic language (e.g., hate speech, abusive speech, alents, despite their being understood as non-toxic
or other offensive speech) primarily targets mem- by AAE speakers (Spears, 1998, see §2).
bers of minority groups and can catalyze real- In this work, we first empirically characterize
life violence towards them (O’Keeffe et al., 2011; the racial bias present in several widely used Twit-
Cleland, 2014; Mozur, 2018). Social media ter corpora annotated for toxic content, and quan-
platforms are under increasing pressure to re- tify the propagation of this bias through models
spond (Trindade, 2018), but automated removal trained on them (§3). We establish strong asso-
of such content risks further suppressing already- ciations between AAE markers (e.g., “n*ggas”,
marginalized voices (Yasin, 2018; Dixon et al., “ass”) and toxicity annotations, and show that
2018). Thus, great care is needed when develop- models acquire and replicate this bias: in other
ing automatic toxic language identification tools. corpora, tweets inferred to be in AAE and tweets
The task is especially challenging because what from self-identifying African American users are
is considered toxic inherently depends on social more likely to be classified as offensive.
context (e.g., speaker’s identity or dialect). In- Second, through an annotation study, we intro-
deed, terms previously used to disparage com- duce a way of mitigating annotator bias through
munities (e.g., “n*gga”, “queer”) have been re- dialect and race priming. Specifically, by design-
claimed by those communities while remaining ing tasks that explicitly highlight the inferred di-
offensive when used by outsiders (Rahman, 2012). alect of a tweet or likely racial background of its
Figure 1 illustrates how phrases in the African author, we show that annotators are significantly
American English dialect (AAE) are labelled by a less likely to label an AAE tweet as offensive than
publicly available toxicity detection tool as much when not shown this information (§4).

Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 1668–1678
Florence, Italy, July 28 - August 2, 2019. 2019
c Association for Computational Linguistics
Our findings show that existing approaches to category count AAE corr.
toxic language detection have racial biases, and
hate speech 1,430 −0.057

that text alone does not determine offensiveness.
Therefore, we encourage paying greater atten- offensive 19,190 0.420
tion to the confounding effects of dialect and a none 4,163 −0.414
speaker’s social identity (e.g., race) so as to avoid total 24,783
unintended negative impacts. hateful 4,965 0.141
abusive 27,150 0.355

2 Race and Dialect on Social Media spam 14,030 −0.102
Since previous research has exposed the potential none 53,851 −0.307
for other identity-based biases in offensive lan- total 99,996
guage detection (e.g., gender bias; Park et al.,
2018), here we investigate racial bias against Table 1: Number of tweets in each category, and cor-
relation with AAE (Pearson r, p 0.001). We assign
speech by African Americans, focusing on Twit-
tweets to categories based on the label for FDCL 18, and
ter as it is a particularly important space for Black majority class for DWMW 17. Correlations are colored
activism (Williams and Domoszlai, 2013; Freelon for interpretability.
et al., 2016; Anderson et al., 2018). Race is a com-
plex, multi-faceted social construct (Sen and Wa-
sow, 2016) that has correlations with geography, et al., 2018; Waseem et al., 2018).3 Different pro-
status, dialect, and more. As Twitter accounts typ- tocols were used to collect the tweets in these cor-
ically do not have self-reported race information, pora, but both were annotated by Figure-Eight4
researchers rely on various correlates of race as crowdworkers for various types of toxic language,
proxies. We use the African American English di- shown in Table 1.
alect (AAE) as a proxy for race. AAE is a widely
used dialect of English that is common among, but DWMW 17 (Davidson et al., 2017) includes an-
not unique to, those who identify as African Amer- notations of 25K tweets as hate speech, offensive
ican,1 and is often used in written form on social (but not hate speech), or none. The authors col-
media to signal a cultural identity (Green, 2002; lected data from Twitter, starting with 1,000 terms
Edwards, 2004; Florini, 2014). from HateBase (an online database of hate speech
terms) as seeds, and crowdsourced at least three
Dialect estimation In this work, we infer di- annotations per tweet.
alect using a lexical detector of words associated
with AAE or white-aligned English. We use the FDCL 18 (Founta et al., 2018) collects 100K
topic model from Blodgett et al. (2016), which tweets annotated with four labels: hateful, abu-
was trained on 60M geolocated tweets and relies sive, spam or none. Authors used a bootstrapping
on US census race/ethnicity data as topics. The approach to sampling tweets, which were then la-
model yields probabilities of a tweet being AAE belled by five crowdsource workers.
(pAAE ) or White-aligned English (pwhite ).2
3.1 Data Bias
3 Biases in Toxic Language Datasets
To quantify the racial bias that can arise during the
To understand the racial and dialectic bias in toxic annotation process, we investigate the correlation
language detection, we focus our analyses on two between toxicity annotations and dialect probabil-
corpora of tweets (Davidson et al., 2017; Founta ities given by Blodgett et al. (2016).
et al., 2018) that are widely used in hate speech Table 1 shows the Pearson r correlation be-
detection (Park et al., 2018; van Aken et al., 2018; tween pAAE and each toxicity category. For both
Kapoor et al., 2018; Alorainy et al., 2018; Lee datasets, we uncover strong associations between
1 3
Of course, many African Americans might not use AAE Our findings also hold for the widely used data from
in every context, or at all. For further discussion of AAE, Waseem and Hovy (2016). However, because of severe limi-
please refer to Blodgett et al. (2016). tations of that dataset (see Schmidt and Wiegand, 2017; Klu-
2 bika and Fernandez, 2018), we relegate those analyses to sup-
The model yields AAE, Hispanic, Asian/Other and
White-aligned dialect probabilities, but for the purpose of our plementary (§A.3).
study we only focus on AAE and White-aligned dialects.

Within dataset proportions Proportions on D EMOGRAPHIC 16 Proportions on U SER L EVEL R ACE 18
None Offensive Hate None Offensive Hate
% false identification

Self-reported race
AAE 58.1 38.7 AA 77.1 20.0

Group Acc. None Offensive Hate

White 79.3 18.5 White 84.2 13.5
AAE 94.3 1.1 46.3 0.8
White 87.5 7.9 9.0 3.8 Overall 74.0 23.3 Overall 83.0 14.5
Overall 91.4 2.9 17.9 2.3 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Spam None Abusive Hateful Spam None Abusive Hateful
% false identification

Self-reported race
AAE 56.8 24.6 AA 70.6 10.8
Group Acc. None Abusive Hateful

White 77.9 11.4 White 75.5 7.4
AAE 81.4 4.2 26.0 1.7
White 82.7 30.5 4.5 0.8 Overall 72.1 14.4 Overall 74.6 7.9
Overall 81.4 20.9 6.6 0.8 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Figure 2: Left: classification accuracy and per-class rates of false positives (FP) on test data for models trained on
DWMW 17 and FDCL 18, where the group with highest rate of FP is bolded. Middle and right: average probabil-
ity mass of toxicity classes in D EMOGRAPHIC 16 and U SER L EVEL R ACE 18, respectively, as given by classifiers
trained on DWMW 17 (top) and FDCL 18 (bottom). Proportions are shown for AAE, White-aligned English, and
overall (all tweets) for D EMOGRAPHIC 16, and for self-identified White authors, African American authors (AA),
and overall for U SER L EVEL R ACE 18.

inferred AAE dialect and various hate speech cat- U SER L EVEL R ACE 18 (Preoţiuc-Pietro and Un-
egories, specifically the “offensive” label from gar, 2018) is a corpus of 5.4M tweets, collected
DWMW 17 (r = 0.42) and the “abusive” label from 4,132 survey participants (3,184 White, 374
from FDCL 18 (r = 0.35), providing evidence that AA) who reported their race/ethnicity and Twitter
dialect-based bias is present in these corpora. As user handle. For this dataset, we compare differ-
additional analyses, we examine the interaction ences in toxicity predictions by self-reported race,
between unigrams indicative of dialect and hate instead of inferring message-level dialect.6
speech categories, shown in §A.1. For each of the two toxic language corpora, we
train a classifier to predict the toxicity label of a
3.2 Bias Propagation through Models tweet. Using a basic neural attention architecture
(Wang et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2016), we train a
To further quantify the impact of racial biases in classifier initialized with GloVe vectors (Penning-
hate speech detection, we investigate how these bi- ton et al., 2014) to minimize the cross-entropy of
ases are acquired by predictive models. First, we the annotated class conditional on text, x:
report differences in rates of false positives (FP)
p(class | x) ∝ exp(Wo h + bo ), (1)
between AAE and White-aligned dialect groups
for models trained on DWMW 17 or FDCL 18. with h = f (x), where f is a BiLSTM with atten-
Then, we apply these models to two reference tion, followed by a projection layer to encode the
Twitter corpora, described below, and compute av- tweets into an H-dimensional vector.7 We refer
erage rates of reported toxicity, showing how these the reader to the appendix for experimental details
biases generalize to other data.5 and hyperparameters (§A.2).
Results Figure 2 (left) shows that while both
D EMOGRAPHIC 16 (Blodgett et al., 2016) con- models achieve high accuracy, the false positive
tains 56M tweets (2.8M users) with dialect es- rates (FPR) differ across groups for several toxic-
timated using a demographic-aware topic model ity labels. The DWMW 17 classifier predicts almost
that leverages census race/ethnicity data and geo- 50% of non-offensive AAE tweets as being offen-
coordinates of the user profile. As recommended, sive, and FDCL 18 classifier shows higher FPR for
we assign dialect labels to tweets with dialect
probabilities greater than 80%. Note that lexical dialect inferences of AAE (pAAE ) sig-
nificantly correlate with both the AAE group from D EMO -
GRAPHIC 16 (Pearson r = 0.61, p  0.001) and self-reported
5 AA race from U SER L EVEL R ACE 18 (Pearson r = 0.21, p 
We assume a priori that the average tweet is not inher-
ently more toxic in a particular dialect. Assessing the veracity 0.001).
of this assumption requires a deep understanding of socio- In preliminary experiments, our findings held regardless
cultural norms of profane and toxic speech. of our choice of classifier.

the “Abusive” and “Hateful” categories for AAE control 32.3 25.1 42.5
tweets. Additionally, both classifiers show strong

to anyone
tendencies to label White tweets as “none”. These dialect 44.1 22.7 33.1

discrepancies in FPR across groups violate the race 41.4 28.4 30.1
equality of opportunity criterion, indicating dis-
criminatory impact (Hardt et al., 2016). control 60.6 12.5 26.9

We further quantify this potential discrimina-

to you
dialect 64.0 12.8 23.2
tion in our two reference Twitter corpora. Figure 2
(middle and right) shows that the proportions of race 67.0 15.0 18.0

tweets classified as toxic also differ by group in 0 20 40 60 80 100

these corpora. Specifically, in D EMOGRAPHIC 16, no maybe yes

AAE tweets are more than twice as likely to be

Figure 3: Proportion (in %) of offensiveness annota-
labelled as “offensive” or “abusive” (by classifiers
tions of AAE tweets in control, dialect, and race prim-
trained on DWMW 17 and FDCL 18, respectively). ing conditions. Results show that dialect and race prim-
We show similar effects on U SER L EVEL R ACE 18, ing significantly reduces an AAE tweet’s likelihood of
where tweets by African American authors are 1.5 being labelled offensive (p0.001).
times more likely to be labelled “offensive”. Our
findings corroborate the existence of racial bias in
the toxic language datasets and confirm that mod- Despite the inherent subjectivity of these ques-
els propagate this bias when trained on them.8 tions, workers frequently agreed about a tweet be-
ing offensive to anyone (76% pairwise agreement,
4 Effect of Dialect κ = 0.48) or to themselves (74% p.a., κ = 0.30).

To study the effect of dialect information on rat- Results Figure 3 shows that priming workers to
ings of offensiveness, we run a small controlled think about dialect and race makes them signifi-
experiment on Amazon Mechanical Turk where cantly less likely to label an AAE tweet as (po-
we prime annotators to consider the dialect and tentially) offensive to anyone. Additionally, race
race of Twitter users. We ask workers to deter- priming makes workers less likely to find AAE
mine whether a tweet (a) is offensive to them, and tweets offensive to them.
(b) could be seen as offensive to anyone. In the To confirm these effects, we compare the means
dialect priming condition, we explicitly include of the control condition and treatment condi-
the tweet’s dialect as measured by Blodgett et al. tions,11 and test significance with a t test. When
(2016), as well as extra instructions priming work- rating offensiveness to anyone, the mean for con-
ers to think of tweet dialect as a proxy for the au- trol condition (Mc = 0.55) differs from dialect
thor’s race. In the race priming condition, we en- (Md = 0.44) and race (Mr = 0.44) conditions
courage workers to consider the likely racial back- significantly (p  0.001). For ratings of offen-
ground of a tweet’s author, based on its inferred siveness to workers, only the difference in means
dialect (e.g., an AAE tweet is likely authored by for control (Mc = 0.33) and race (Md =0.25) con-
an African American Twitter user; see §A.5 for the ditions is significant (p  0.001).
task instructions). For all tasks, we ask annotators Additionally, we find that overall, annotators
to optionally report gender, age, race, and political are substantially more likely to rate a tweet as be-
leaning.9 ing offensive to someone, than to rate it as offen-
With a distinct set of workers for each condi- sive to themselves, suggesting that people recog-
tion, we gather five annotations apiece for a sam- nize the subjectivity of offensive language.
ple of 1,351 tweets stratified by dialect, toxicity Our experiment provide insight into racial bias
category, and dataset (DWMW 17 and FDCL 18).10 in annotations and shows the potential for re-
ducing it, but several limitations apply, includ-
As noted by Chung (2019), the PerspectiveAPI displays ing the skewed demographics of our worker pool
similar racial biases shown in the appendix (§A.4).
This study was approved by the Institutional Review (75% self-reported White). Additionally, research
Board (IRB) at the University of Washington. suggests that motivations to not seem prejudiced
Annotations in the control setting agreed moderately
with toxicity labels in DWMW 17 and FDCL 18 (Pearson r = We convert the offensiveness labels to real numbers (0:
0.592 and r = 0.331, respectively; p  0.001). “no”, 0.5: “maybe”, 1: “yes”).

could buffer stereotype use, which could in turn References
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5 Related Work CoRR, abs/1809.07572.
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(FDCL 18 – abusive) (FDCL 18 – hateful)

(DWMW 17 – offensive) (DWMW 17 – hate speech)

Figure 4: Feature weights learned by l2 -regularized multiclass logistic regression models with unigram features,
plotted against pAAE for each term, based on Blodgett et al. (2016). Top: weights for predicting abusive (left) and
hateful (right) from a model trained on FDCL 18. Bottom: weights for predicting offensive (left) and hate speech
(right) from a model trained on DWMW 17. Labels are shown for the most heavily-weighted terms, with label size
proportional to the log count of the term in validation data. Note: “c*nt”, “n*gger,” “f*ggot,” and their variations
are considered sexist, racist, and homophobic slurs, respectively, and are predictive of hate speech DWMW 17.

A Appendix for each individual vocabulary term in isolation.

While this does not completely explain the corre-
We present further evidence of racial bias in hate
lations observed in section §3.1, it does allow us
speech detection in this appendix.
to identify individual words that are both strongly
Disclaimer: due to the nature of this research, fig-
associated with AAE, and highly predictive of par-
ures and tables contain potentially offensive or up-
ticular categories.
setting terms (e.g. racist, sexist, or homophobic
slurs). We do not censor these terms, as they are Figure 4 shows the feature weights and pAAE
illustrative of important features in the datasets. for each word in the models for FDCL 18 (top)
and DWMW 17 (bottom), with the most highly
A.1 Lexical Exploration of Data Bias weighted terms identified on the plots. The size
To better understand the correlations between in- of words indicates how common they are (propor-
ferred dialect and the annotated hate speech cat- tional to the log of the number of times they appear
egories (abusive, offensive, etc.) we use simple in the corpus).
linear models to look for influential terms. Specifi- These results reveal important limitations of
cally, we train l2 -regularized multiclass logistic re- these datasets, and illustrate the potential for dis-
gression classifiers operating on unigram features criminatory impact of any simple models trained
for each of DWMW 17 and FDCL 18 (tuning the reg- on this data. First, and most obviously, the most
ularization strength on validation data). We then highly weighted unigrams for predicting “hateful”
use the Blodgett et al. (2016) model to infer pAAE in FDCL 18 are “n*gga” and “n*ggas”, which are

None Sexism Racism None Sexism Racism
WH 16 % false identification

Self-reported race
AAE 81.1 17.5 AA 88.9 10.0
Group Acc. Racism Sexism None

White 90.5 8.2 White 90.5 8.4
AAE 83.8 0.9 2.8 32.5
White 83.5 3.2 2.7 34.6 Overall 88.8 9.9 Overall 90.3 8.6
Overall 84.1 2.7 3.0 35.9 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Figure 5: Left: classification accuracy and per-class rates of false positives (FP) on test data for the model trained
on WH 16. Middle and right: average probability mass of toxicity classes in D EMOGRAPHIC 16 and U SER L EVEL -
R ACE 18, respectively, as given by the WH 16 classifier. As in Figure 2, proportions are shown for AAE, White-
aligned English, and overall (all tweets) for D EMOGRAPHIC 16, and for self-identified White authors, African
American authors (AA), and overall for U SER L EVEL R ACE 18.

strongly associated with AAE (and their offen- category count AAE corr.
siveness depends on speaker and context; Spears,
1998). Because these terms are both frequent and racism 1,976 −0.117
highly weighted, any simple model trained on this sexism 3,430 0.168
data would indiscriminately label large numbers none 11,501 −0.064
of tweets containing either of these terms as “hate- total 16,907
Table 2: Data statistics in WH 16, as well as the Pearson
By contrast, the terms that are highly predictive r correlations with the labels and inferred AAE dialect.
of “hate speech” in DWMW 17 (i.e., slurs) partly All correlations are p 0.001.
reflect the HateBase lexicon used in constructing
this dataset, and the resulting emphasis is differ-
ent. (We also see artefacts of the dataset construc- ple annotations per instance, we use the majority
tion in the negative weights placed on “charlie”, class as the label, dropping instances that are tied.
“bird”, and “yankees” — terms which occur in For both datasets, we preprocess the text using
HateBase, but have harmless primary meanings.) an adapted version of the script for Twitter GloVe
vectors.12 In our experiments, we set H = 64, and
To verify that no single term is responsible for
use a vocabulary size of |V | = 19k and |V | = 74k
the correlations reported in section §3.1, we con-
for DWMW 17 and FDCL 18, respectively, and ini-
sider each word in the vocabulary in turn, and
tialize the embedding layer with 300-dimensional
compute correlations excluding tweets containing
GloVe vectors trained on 840 billion tokens. We
that term. The results of this analysis (not shown)
experimented with using ELMo embeddings, but
find that almost all of the correlations we observe
found that they did not boost performance for this
are robust. For example, the correlation between
task. We optimize these models using Adam with
pAAE and “abusive” in FDCL 18 increases the most
a learning rate of 0.001, and a batch size of 64.
if we drop tweets containing “fucking” (highly
positively weighted, but non-AAE aligned), and A.3 Bias in Waseem and Hovy (2016)
decreases slightly if we drop terms like “ass” or
We replicate our analyses in §3 on the widely used
“bitch”. The one exception is the correlation be-
dataset by Waseem and Hovy (2016, henceforth,
tween “hateful” and pAAE in FDCL 18: if we ex-
WH 16), which categorizes tweets in three hate
clude tweets which contain “n*gga” or “n*ggas”,
speech categories: racist, sexist, or none, shown
the correlation drops to r=0.047. However, this
in Table 2, along with their correlations with AAE.
also causes the correlation between pAAE and
This dataset suffers from severe sampling bias that
“abusive” to increase to r=0.376.
limit the conclusions to be drawn from this data:
70% of sexist tweets were written by two users,
A.2 Experimental Details for Classification
and 99% of racist tweets were written by a single
For each dataset, we randomly split the data into user (Schmidt and Wiegand, 2017; Klubika and
train/dev./test sets (73/12/15%), and perform early Fernandez, 2018).
stopping when classification accuracy on dev. data 12
stops increasing. For DWMW 17, which has multi- glove/preprocess-twitter.rb

Full Instructions

You will read a tweet, and describe whether it could be considered toxic/disrespectful, to you or to anyone.
Read a potentially toxic post from the internet and tell us why it's toxic (this should take approx. 5 minutes). Note: You can complete
Note: we will assume that MTurk workers only have good intentions when annotating these posts.
as many HIT's in this batch as you want! But if your responses tend to be very different from what we're looking for, we might put a
A noteonon
number of HIT'sofyou
thecan do inauthor
tweet future batches. Also note: this is a pilot task, more HITs will be available in the future.
We also providerestriction:
an estimateproviders/turkers for this
of the tweet dialect, task cannotby
as determined currently be employed
an AI system. by research
Previous or a student at the University
has showed of of
that dialects
English are strongly associated to a speaker's racial or ethnic identity. Additionally, certain words are usually less toxic when used by
a minority (e.g., the word "n*gga" or the suffix "-ass" are considered harmless in African American English), therefore it's useful to
know the dialect a tweet is in before labelling it for toxic content. Our AI system detects the following dialects:
Full Instructions (Expand/Collapse)
General American English (gen Eng): associated with generic newscaster English.
African-American English (Afr-Am Eng): dialect spoken usually by African-American or Black folks.
You will American
read English
a tweet, (Lat Eng):
and describe dialectitspoken
whether usually
could be by Latino/a
considered folks both in New
toxic/disrespectful, York
to you orand California, Texas, Chicago, etc.
to anyone.
Note: we will assume that MTurk workers only have good intentions when annotating these posts.
(dialect priming)
A note on race/ethnicity of the tweet author
We also provide an estimate of the Twitter user's race or ethnicity, as inferred by our AI system. Note that certain words are usually
less toxic when used by a minority (e.g., the word "n*gga" or the suffix "-ass" are considered harmless when spoken by Black folks),
therefore it's useful to know the identity of a Tweeter before labelling it for toxic content.
(race priming)
Annotation instructions Background on our research project
Figure 6:usAdditional
1.a) Tell whether thisinstructions
tweet seems shown to workers in the At and race
the University
dialect priming. In
of Washington, thepassionate
we're dialect condition,
about we
provide to you.
links to the dialect Wikipedia pages. understanding how potentially toxic or disrespectful language or
Our purpose is to understand how disrespect/offense can show stereotypes can be used against certain demographics/groups of
up in language, we are not making statements about the actual people (e.g. racism, sexism, etc.). Although there is no direct
content of the posts. benefit to you for participating, we very much appreciate your
In Figure 5 (left), we show how models trained A.5 Dialect Priming Experimental Details
help in identifying and explaining such language/stereotypes,
1.b) Considering a wide set of perspectives, tell us whether this
on this dataset have slightly higher false positive since this is something computational models have no clue
could be considered toxic/hateful/disrespectful to others. We collected annotations from 110 (76% White),
about. We do not agree with any of the content/stereotypes
Try to of
rates answer
sexismthis questions
on AAEwhile considering
tweets, and of a broad
the set of
people from different backgrounds, not just your own.
143 (77% White), and 81 (72% White) workers in
presented to you, but it's important that we gather these
label for White tweets compared to AAE tweets. annotations for research purposes.
the control, dialect, and race priming conditions,
1.c) Tell us whether the tweet was intentionally offensive or
predicting on our reference corpora (Fig- respectively.
Data collection & Figure
sharing6 shows the instruction snip-
ure 5,bemiddle
It can andthe
hard to infer right),
intent we seea statement,
behind AAE tweets but (or We will not ask you
pet related to dialectfor your name, and the
and race data collected
shown in this
to workers
tweets byposts are clearly
African offensive jokes,
Americans) insults, snobism,
are labelled as sex- study will be made unidentifiable to the best of our extent. We
condescension, profanity, back-handed compliments, name in the
will twostore
securely treatment
the dataconditions.
on our serversAdditionally, Fig-
and only share with
ist more
calling, than intimidation,
bullying, White-aligned tweets or tweets by
or aggression. qualified
ure 7 showsresearchers
the (e.g. who wantinterface,
annotation to further the study(a)
with of hate
White speech detection). If you later decide that you do not want your
2) If theusers. Again,
post contains due
sexual to the
content sampling
(explicitly issues,
or innuendo), without priming (b,c).
responses included in this study, please email so we can exclude
explainresults should be interpreted cautiously.
which part.
your work.
Sexual content can be used in disrespectful language, either
If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, or wish to
overtly or hidden. Use the first text box to describe which parts obtain information, ask questions or discuss any concerns about this study with
A.4 Toxicity and AAE in the PerspectiveAPI
of the post contain euphemism, double entendre or explicit someone other than the researcher(s), please contact the University of
sexual content. Then, use the second text box to explain why Washington Human Subjects Division at 206-543-0098 (for international calls
We compare the toxicity detection rates from our include the US Calling Code: +1-206-543-0098).
you answered this; try to explain what the phrase means, what
trained models to those of PerspectiveAPI, a Jig- 13
it refers to, what the double-entendre is about, etc.
Content Warning: posts were found on the (uncensored)
saw/Alphabet initiative
3) Indicate your gender, age, to detect
race, politicalhate speech
leaning, and on- internet; while it's crucial for us to annotate them, we do not
line. Weyouobtain
as a minority scores
(this will for
all tweets in endorse any of the stereotypes or offensive/immoral/rude
confidential). material. You may find some of the content upsetting. If you
DWMW 17 and FDCL 18, as well as for 100K ran-
Your own personal background and experiences influence what have concerns, questions, or strong negative reactions to some
dom tweets
you think from D EMOGRAPHIC
of as disrespectful or offensive. We16 andthisU SER -
collect of the content, please either email us (Maarten Sap at
EVEL R ACE to account
18. We for allshow
types of backgrounds that
correlations (Pearson, or Professor Yejin Choi at
MTurkers come from in our research. If you answered this or reach out if in crisis.
betweenonce,dialects/groups in our datasets
you can skip it in subsequent HITs. and the
Perspective TOXICITY scores. All correlations are
significant (p 0.001,
[-] less Holm-corrected
examples for multi-
ple comparisons)
which indicates potentialRace/Ethnicity racial Toxic Intentional Sex
bias for all datasets.
You only got the job because you're a woman. White Yes Yes No
The movie with the all-muslim cast was a box White Yes Probably No
office bomb. dialect/group TOXICITY corr.
I got my black ass handed to me during this Black No No No
White −0.320
DWMW 17 game.
A white woman called police on black people
White No No (statement) No
barbecuing. White −0.340
This nigga tried to call meAAE
three times during 0.453
Black No No No
my shift smh White −0.096
AAE 0.056
You are a MORON.
White −0.046
White Yes Yes No
AA 0.042
Cause of dem stupid traffic lights I almost miss Latino/Latina Yes Yes No
the beginning of my shift lololol
The t d(
API t ll t i df i i t Whit
was ac- Y Y N
cessed in December 2018

A Twitter user tweeted:
I swear I saw him yesterday.

1.a) Does this post seem 1.b) Could this post be considered
offensive/disrespectful to you? offensive/disrespectful to anyone?
Yes Yes
Maybe Maybe
No No

Post doesn't make sense/is just a



A Twitter user tweeted:

I swear I saw his ass yesterday.
which our AI system thinks is in African American English.
The AI prediction seems wrong.

1.a) Does this post seem offensive or 1.b) Could this post be considered
disrespectful to you? offensive or disrespectful to anyone?
Yes Yes
Maybe Maybe
A Twitter user that is likely Black/African American tweeted:
No No
I swear I saw his ass yesterday.
Post doesn't make sense/is just a
link The AI prediction for the user's race/ethnicity seems wrong.

Figure 7: Interface for the controlled experiment. (a) shows the control condition along with the offensiveness
1.a) Does this post seem 1.b) Could this post be considered
questions. (b) andoffensive/disrespectful
(c) show the changestotoyou?
the treatment interface in the dialect and race priming conditions.
offensive/disrespectful to anyone?
Yes Yes
Maybe Maybe
No No

Post doesn't make sense/is just a



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