Summer Reading Assignment

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Sebastián Gordillo Dávalos

English A1


Susan Galle

Summer Reading Assignment

What is your opinion of Jane as the protagonist and narrator? My sincere and

truly opinion about Jane Eyre (the main character of the novel) as the narrator is the

following one. I have two points of view about Jane being the narrator, how it makes

the novel interesting and good and the critique part (obviously in my perspective

because many people would think that there is nothing to critique in the novel). To

start, by being the protagonist of a novel and the narrator also brings many positive

things to the reader and to the novel itself. By not being the first book or novel that I

have read been the main character both the protagonist and the narrator, I must say

that the reader would be constantly attracted to the book because the protagonist

knows everything, so it can anticipate things for the reader and communicate directly,

as Jane did in many passages of the book. For the book itself is positive as well

because having and omniscient protagonist inside the novel as well, it achieves in the

reader the interest as equal as when someone begins to read a novel and by that way,

not making it a bore novel at most parts.

The idea of having Jane as the narrator it not at all positive, it has its

disadvantages too. In my perspective, it makes the novel bore and repetitive because

sometimes, Jane Eyre talks from no were things that are not related to what is going

on I the novel, sometimes she started to describe things of no importance, making the

reader, or at least me, wishing to stop reading the novel. This whole idea that I’m

taking about makes the reader to get lost in the novel as well because by being Jane
the protagonist and the narrator, things start to get mix, confusing the reader

completely and making him or her go backwards to read again the same part. But in

general, it was an interesting novel because it showed us how women were seen ad

inferior and oppress and how romance was seen it that time; it was a challenging book


3) Indicate a person who was had a significance influence in you, and describe

that influence. In my life, there have been many people that have had a great

influence in mi life and have marked it as well, and I’m very thankful for those

people. My mom for all the things she has done that is something incredible and all

humans being should thank to have moms, they should be the queens of this world

and treated as flowers, at least. My dad considered to me the brother that I never had

and he has tough me so many things that some of them I have also forgotten. My

sister and all her love and my friends, all of these people have had a great significance

for me, but I want to talk about a man that is unbreakable and for me, considered my

second dad; my grandfather. He is an unbelievable man not only to me, but to the rest

of the family, he is such a smart guy that another person would learn from him each

day. He has hiving me such advices and speeches that have made me mature and

grow as a prepare man. To make it more impressing, at his nearly 80 years of age, he

survived a kitty transplant and he still works on top of roofs as if he would have my

own age. All these things have tough me that in life everything is possible, we should

never surrender until we accomplish what we desire and always keep being positive,

believing always in faith.

Extracurricular Activity:

The extracurricular activity that I’m doing these days and that I have been

doing since I‘m in first grade. I have done other extracurricular activities in school life
volleyball and basketball and outside the school golf. But now do of time and

homework, I just can do soccer because it has been the sports that I have always like

to do in school, all the idea of playing for the school excites me and encourages me to

play as best as I can. I must said that I love tennis as same and equally to soccer, they

are the two sports that I learn no play since I’m four year old and both are simple

passion, is something incredible what you can feel because of these two sports. What

I want to accomplish this year in my extracurricular classes of soccer is to be part of

the team that goes to Argentina in October to compete against other schools in

America, it would be nice way to said goodbye to my career in soccer in school

starting since first grade.

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