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Language Assessment .
11 Part of.the University of Cambridge

sruoENT'S eooK





Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine

Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones
Lesson and objective Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Everyday English
Welcome! Possessive ad jectives; a Numbers; The Noticing word stress Saying helio and
and an; Plurals; Question alphabet; Colours; introducing people;
words Classroom objects Spelling words
and instructions
Unit 1 People
Getting started Talk about meeting people from other countries
1A Talk about where you're from be: positive and negative Countries and Syllables and word stress
1B Talk about people you know be: questions and short Adjectives Sound and spelling: fk/;
answers Sound and spelling: long and short o
1C Ask far and give information Tones far checking; Asking far and giving
Consonant groups information
1D Write an online profile

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER from

Unit 2 Work and study
Getting started Talk about what kind of work you find interesting
2A Talk about jobs Present simple: positive Jobs Word stress;
and negative -s endings
2B Talk about study habits Present simple: questions Studying; 11me doyou
and short answers
2C Ask for things and reply Sound and spelling: ou Asking for things and
2D Complete a form

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER work

Unit 3 Daily life
Getting started Talk about what you do every day
3A Talk about routines Position of adverbs of 11me expressions; Sentence stress;
frequency Common verbs Sound and spelling: /a1/ and /e1/
3B Talk about technology in your lite have got Technology Word stress;
Main stress and tone
3C Make arrangements Main stress; Making arrangements
Thinking time: Mm
3D Write an informal invitation

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER Prepositions of time

Unit 4 Food
Getting started Talk about eating with your family
4A Talk about the food you want Countable and Food Sound and spelling: ea
uncountable nouns; Sound and spelling: /k/ and /g/
a/ an, some, any
4B Talk about the food you eat every day Quantifiers: much, many, Talking about food Sentence stress
a lot of
4C Arrive and arder a meal ata Word groups Arriving ata restaurant;
restaurant Ordering a meal in a
4D Write a blog about something you
know how to do
Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER like
Unit 5 Places
Getting started Talk about what a good home is
5A Talk about towns there is/ there are Places in a city there's;
Sound and spelling: lb/ and /p/
5B Describe rooms and furniture in your Possessive pronouns and Furniture Sound and spelling: vowels befare r
house possessive 's
se Ask far and give directions Sentence stress Asking far and giving
5D Write a description of your
Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER Prepositions of place
Unit 6 Family
Getting started Talk about a family you know
6A Talk about your family and your Past simple: be Family; Sound and spelling: ltJ;
family history Years and dates Sentence stress
6B Talk about past activities and hobbies Past simple: positive Past simple irregular -ed endings;
verbs Sound and spelling: ea
6C Leave a voicemail message and ask Sound and spelling: a Leaving a voicemail
far someone on the phone message

6D Write a lite story

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER go


Ustening and Video Reading Speaking Writing

Five conversat1ons Say1ng helio and 1ntroduc1ng people Names and addresses

A conversation about where you're from Where you're from

• Sentences about you

A conversation about people you Facebook entries about people People you know Notes about people you know
know you know
At the gym reception Asking far and giving information;
Checking understanding
First day of an English course Online profiles Using social networking siles An online profile;
Capital letters and punctuation

A conversation about a TV programme An article about Ice Road Jobs Sentences about jobs
A survey about study habits An online forum about study Studying; Questions about study habits
habits Study ha bits
Ordering in a café; Asking far things and replying;
Asking far help Reacting to news
Three monologues about studying A competition entry form Studying English A form;
English; A teacher addressing her class Spelling

A conversation about family routines An article about an lndian family Daily routines; Spending time with your A dialogue; Notes about routines you
family; Routines you share with others share with other people
Three conversations about gadgets An interview about using the Using the Internet; Sentences about gadgets you've got;
Internet Technology in your life Questions about gadgets you've got
Making arrangements to go out Making arrangements;
Thinking about what you want to say
A monologue about someone's family Two informal emails Yourfamily An informal email invitation;
lnviting and replying

A conversation about buying food An article about World markets Buying food;
The food you like and don't like

A conversation about cooking A factfile about Heston Cooking programmes; Cooking; Questions about food
Blumenthal; Two personal emails The food you eat
Ata restaurant Arriving ata restaurant; Ordering a meal
in a restaurant;
Changing what you say
Four monologues about cooking A cooking blog Cooking; A good cook you know; A blog about something you know how
Cooking far others to do; Making the arder clear

An article about an unusual town Places you like; Describing a picture of Questions and sentences about what there
a town; What there is in a town . is in a town
A conversation about a new home A newspaper advertisement Your home and furniture Sentences about your home

On the street Giving and following directions;

Checking what other people say
Three monologues about A website about neighbourhoods What makes a good neighbourhood; A description of your neighbourhood ;
neigh bou rhoods around the world Your neighbourhood · Linking ideas with and, but and so

A conversation about a fa mily tree Yourfamily Notes about your family

A conversation about childhood An article about Steve Jobs Steve Jobs; What you did at different Notes about a childhood hobby
hobbies times; A childhood hobby
On the phone Leaving a voicemail message; Asking far
someone on the phone;
Asking someone to wait
A monologue about someone's Alife story lmportarit years in your life A life story about someone in your family;
life story Linking ideas in the past

1 • 1 11 •

Unit 7 Journeys
Getting started Talk about where you'd like to travel to
7A Talk about pastjourneys Past simple: negative and Transport didyou;
questions Sound and spelling: /:i:/

7B Talk about what you like and dislike /ove I like I don 't mind I Transport adjectives Word stress
about transport hate + verb + -ing
7C Say excuse me and sorry Tones for saying excuse me; Saying excuse me and
Emphasising what we say sorry
7D Write an email about yourself

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER get

Unit 8 Fit and healthy
Getting started Talk about sport and exercise for other people
8A Talk about past and present abilities; can I can't; could I Sport and exercise Can, can't, could and cou!dn't;
Talk about sport and exercise couldn'tfor ability Sound and spelling: /u:/ and /u/
8B Talk about the body and getting fit have to I don't have to Parts of the body; have to;
Appearance Word stress
se Talk about health and how you feel Joining words Talking about health
and how you feel
8D Write an article

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER tell/ say

Unit 9 Clothes and shopping
Getting started Talk about shopping in your town ar city
9A Say where you are and what Present continuous Shopping; Money Word stress in compound nouns;
you're doing and prices Sentence stress
9B Talk about the clothes you wear Present simple ar present Clothes Sound and spelling: o;
at different times continuous Syllables

9C Shop for clothes Joining words Choosing clothes;

Paying for clothes
9D Write a thank-you email -

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER time 1

1Unit 1O Communication
Getting started Talk about how you use your mobi_le phone
10A Compare and talk about the things Comparative adjectives IT collocations Sentence stress
you have
10B Talk about languages Superlative adjectives High numbers Word stress;
Main stress
1OC Ask for help Main stress and tone Asking for help

10D Write a post expressing an opinion

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER most

Unit 11 Entertainment
Getting started Talk about what you enjoyed when you were a child
11 A Ask and answer about Present perfect Irregular past Sound and spelling: /3:/
entertainment experiences participles

11 B Talk about events you've been to Present perfect ar past Music Syllables
11 C Ask for and express opinions about Main stress and tone Asking for and
things you've seen expressing opinions

11 D Write a review

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER Multi-word verbs

1Unit 12 Travel
Getting started Talk about photographs
12A Talk about holiday plans goingto Geography Syllables and word stress
Sentence stress
12B Give advice about travelling should I shou!dn't Travel collocations Should I Shou/dn 't

12C Use language for travel and tourism Tones for showing surprise; Checking in al a hotel;
Consonan! groups Asking for tourist
12D Write an email with travel advice

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER take


Communication Plus p.129 Grammar Focus p.136 Vocabulary Focus p.160


A conversation about travelling on the An article about the Silk Road; Transport people use;
Silk Road Two blogs about travelling on the Past journeys
Silk Road
A conversation about transport in A webpage about metros around Metros you know; Disagreeing about
Moscow the world; Four reviews of metros transport; Transport you use
On the train Saying excuse me and sorry;
Showing interest
A conversation about choosing a Two online profiles; An email Homestay families; English-speaking An email about yourself;
homestay family about Ahmed countries you'd like to visit Linking ideas with after, when, and while

A podcast about how the Olympics can An article about Paralympian Famous sport events and people;
change a city Jonnie Peacock The Olympics; Present and past abilities
Two monologues about exercise An article about High lntensity Getting fit; The things people have to do; Sentences and notes about what people
Training Yoga; Parts of the body have to do
At the gym Health and how you feel;
Expressin'g sympathy
A conversation about a free-time An email about a company blog; Free-time activities in your country; An article; Linking ideas with however;
activity A blog article about a free-time Your free-time activities Adverbs of man ner

Four phone conversations about Meeting friends in town; Saying where Sentences about what you are doing
meeting you are and what you're doing
Two phone conversations about what Two blogs about living abroad; Shopping; Festivals in your country; Notes about what someone you know is
people are wearing Text messages about what people The clothes you wear wearing
are doing
Shopping far clothes Choosing clothes; Paying far clothes;
Saying something nice
Four monologues about giving presents Two thank-you emails The presents you'd like; Giving presents A thank-you email;
and thanking people far them Writing formal and informal emails

A podcast about smartphones and A webpage about smartphones Smartphones and tablets; Using the Notes about two similar things
tablets and tablets Web; Comparing two similar things
A radio programme about languages A blog about languages Languages; Blogs and language
Asking far help Asking far help;
Checking instructions
Three monologues about text messages Four text messages; Six posts on Sending messages A post expressing an opinion;
an online discussion board Linking ideas with a/so, too and as we/1

A conversation about a magazine quiz Three fact files about actresses; Famous Australians
A magazine quiz about actresses;
An article about actresses
A conversation about music in Buenos An article about Buenos Aires Buenos Aires; Kinds of music; Notes about entertainment events in your
Aires Entertainment events in your town or city town or city
A night out Going out in the evening;
Asking far and expressing opinions;
Responding toan opinion
A conversation about a film Two online film reviews Films A film review;
Cohesion in paragraphs

Two conversations about holidays A webpage about holidays Natural places; lmportant things when
on holiday; Holiday plans
Two monologues about things people An article about living in a Living in a different country;
like when travelling different country Travelling and holidays;
Giving advice about travelling
A prize holiday Checking in ata hotel; Asking far tourist Notes about surprising things
information; Showing surprise

A conversation about a planned holiday An email with travel advice; Planning holidays; Sweden An email with travel advice;
An email asking far travel advice Paragraph writing

Audioscripts p.168 Phonemic symbols and Irregular verbs p.176

0 Possess.ive adjectives; question words;a/an; regular plural foryns
Welcome! 0 Numbers; the alphabet; colours; classroom objects and .instructions

a 0 JDD Listen to five short conversations. Match them with
pictures a-e .

b 0 JDD Listen again. Who says these sentences?

Match them with pictures a-e.
1 [B Nice to meet you. 4 O How do you spell that?
2 O How are you? 5 O Ca n we pay, please 7
3 O What's your name and add ress? 6 O Is that your flat? D NUMBERS 2 coffees
a 0 .m Listen to
El SAVING HELLO Conversation 3.
Complete the bill .
------ -- -- - -- - --- - -- f
a Read Conversation l. Put the sentences in the correct order.
How much do they
O Helio. Nice to meet you. l'm Pierre. pay? € _ _
Than k you
O Helio, Pierre. Nice to meet you.
O Helio. l'm Tony, and this is my wife, Joanna. b ®ID Listen and circle the numbers you hear.
0 .ID Listen and check your answer. Then say ali the numbers.
13 15 16 17 12
b 0 ~ In pairs, say helio and say your name.
30 50 60 70 20
C 0 ~ In groups of four, say helio. Say your name and
e Choose the correct answer.
introduce your partner.
25 = twenty and five / twenty-five
d 0 JD Read Conversation 2 and complete the sentences. 61 = sixtycone / one and sixty
Listen and check your answers. 110 = a hundred ten / a hund red and ten

fine thanks how d Read the numbers aloud. Then say the next
three numbers.
A Hi , Nick. 1_ _ _ _ _ are you? 1, 2, 3, 4, .. . 31, 33, 35, ...
B l'm 2 , thanks. And you7 10, 20, 30, .. . 50, 100, 150, .. .
A l'm OK, 3_ _ _ __ 15, 25, 35, .. .

e O~ Meet other students. Have a co□versation with two or

three people in the class. ----
.. ~

•_. ._••,._
Say these colours and spell the words .

, •-o
e 0 4' Write two words you know in Engl ish. Say the
word and ask your pa rtner to spel I it.

f 0 ID Listen to Conversation 4 and complete the

name and address.

Mike K _ __
_ _ _ King's Road
Ac___ _

g 0 ~ Work in pairs. Student A, tell Student B:

· - your first and last name - your address .

Student B, ask Student A to spell their name and

address. Write the information down. Then swap

a 0 JD Read and listen to Conversation 5. Underline
the correct answer.
A This is a nice photo. This is_my/ yourwife and

11 THE ALPHABET his / her brother.

B Oh yes. Is that our / J!QUL flat?
a 0 JD Listen to the letters of the alphabet A Yes, that's our! theirflat in London.
and say them. B Mm, it's very nice.

®~ ~ [O)
Complete the table.

t@ (GJ- our their her his

rmm rmtl íNJ 1 live here.

Do you live here 7

·This i s ~ flat.

Is this ...:iQ!J.L flat?

(01 lW ~ ffl ~-lF{O)

He lives here. This is _ . _ flat.

Thi s is _ _ flat.
She lives here.

f/J I lff f!Ar We live here.

They live here.

This is _

This is _ _ flat.
_ flat.

b Pronunciation Which letters have:

1 the same long sound as see /i:/ e Complete the sentences with a word from the table
2 the same long sound as day /e1/ in 5b.
3 the same short sound as egg /e/
1 This is my brother. _ _ name is George.
2 Jenny and Phil are old friends and that's _ _ old car.
C ,0 4' Test a partner. Student A, point to a
3 That's a good photo of you. And is that _ _ daughter7
letter. Student B, say the letter.
4 In this photo , we're on holiday with _ _ friends Sue
and Bill.
5 1 know that girl in the photo . What's _ _ name 7

·{Fw~ J>llí 110.rne?

rr 0 ~ ~rnes ____ .

a Match objects 1-10 with a-j in the picture. f Look at how words change in the plural. Complete
1 a notebook 6 a gm_board the rules.
2 a dictionary 7 a desk
3 a pro.ifil;tor
4 a question
8 a whiteboard
9 an answer
' Singular
a pen ➔

Plural Rule
Most words add _ _ in the plural.
5 a pen 10 a cou rsebook
a baby ➔ babies Change a final -yto _ _ and add

b 0 ID Pronunciation Notice the stressed syllable in the --·

words in 6a . .Listen, then practise saying the words. a glass ➔ glasses lf a word ends in -s, -x, -sh or -ch,
weadd _ _ .
e When do we use an? Choose the correct ~nswer.
@ befare a, e,
i, o, u b befare other letters
d Write a oran next to each word.
a 0D Listen and do what the teacher says. Then
listen again. Which verb$ do you hear each ti r:pe?
open close look at read turn to write ask work .

u b 0 BII Underline the correct words. Listen and check.
_ _ book _ _ apple _ _ camera
1 Whats / Who's this? An apple oran orange?
®, ® 2 Whens / Where s Tokyo 7
3 How / What do you say this word?
4 Who's / When 's th e president?
_ _ glass _ _ egg _ _ baby

5 'lYhens I What's your English lesson 7
(j) e Match questions 1-4 with answers a-d .
1 What's 'amigo' in English? a lt's a boat for cars and people3
___ box 2 How do you spell 'r:iight'7 b 'Pee-pi'.
_ _ icecream
3 What's a 'ferry'? e Friend.
e Choose one of the words from 6a or 6d. Other students 4 How do you say this word 7 d N-1-G-H-T.
ask questions to guess the word.
d Write a question like questions 1-4 in 7c.
Is it white? Then ask other students your q uestion.

3 0 ~ Look at the picture and answer the questions:
1 What different countries are the people from?
2 Why are they together? • •
• for a sports ga me • for a party • for a music concert
3 How do they feel 7 Here are sorne ideas:
• bored • excited • good • happy _
• sad • tired

b 0 ~ When do you meet people from other countries?

Here are sorne more ideas:
• Oíl holiday • at work
• on a language course • at parties
• never
D LISTENING ANO READING 0 .mi Listen again. Complete the conversation.

a O.t Look at pictures a-f and answer the THOMAS Hi there 1 My name's Thomas. What's your 1 J/lC{/1 1 . ( 7
questions. LEN_A l'm Lena .
1 What sport do all the people like7 THOMAS Hi , Lena! Where are you 2 Jir-om.. 7 Russia?

2 Match countries 1-6 with pictures a-f. LENA Yeah, you're right! l'm Russian . l'm from
1 uZJ Brazil \ / 4 [l] Japan St Petersburg.
2 [Z] Spain 5 G] Russia THOMAS Oh yes' lt's a really beautiful ity.
3 gJ Germany 6 ~ France LENA Yes, 1 think so too . So, 3 6 / Q¡Q . are you
1 from, Thomas 7 1

b 0 .lnl Listen and check. Practise saying the THOMAS Me? l'm from 4 Úo/'JC8 . l'm French.
countries . . LENA Oh, the French team's reqlly good!
THOMAS Of course, we're 5 [} teai · 1
e 0 .mi Thomas and Lena are at the World Cup.
Listen and tick( ✓) the three things they talk e Are sentences 1-4 true or false?
about. 1 Th omas and Lena are friends. +="
1 ~footba ll 4 IZJ a c_ity 2 Lena is from Russia.v
2 BJ countries 5 0 TV 3 Th_omas likes St Petersburg. i¡
3 0 food 4 Lena says the football team from France is very bad cF

f l:..lnderline the two nationalities in the conversation in ld.


Countries and nationalities be: positive and negative
a Thomas says: a 0 .D Listen to the next part of the conversation
l'm from France. l'm French. between Thomas and Lena . What do they tálk
0 .mi Find other pairs of countries and nationalities
a their football teams
in the box below . .Listen and check.
b the town where Thomas is from
Ru l~sg . Bralzil l il an Sp~l nish Ja lpan Ru!ssiar.i
Ger l many Jap lan lese Ger !man- Bra lzi l Spai n
b 0 .D Underline the correct answers.
Listen again and check.
1 Thomas is / isn'tfrom Paris.
b 0 .mi Pronunciation Notice how many syl lables each
2 Lena 's friends _a!e / aren't Russian.
word has. Underline the stressed syllable in each
3 Her friends are/ aren 't at the match.
word in the box in 2a .
4 lt's / lt isn't 8:00.

e 0 .mi Listen again and repeat.

e Look at the sentences and complete the rules.
d Make sentences a·bout the people below with the lt's a town near Paris. lt isn 't very big.
words in 2a. They're all in the hotel. They aren't here.
l'm from France. l'm not from Paris.
1 Lena: She's Russian . She'sJro~ ·R\)ssl .
2 The peo ple in pict¿re_s a-f: They' re B,n 'e:'º 1 To make is and are negative, we add - ' - -· í

Th ey're from B,o'? \\ - . 2 To make /'m negative, we add _, --·

e Ü~ Look at the conversation in ld agaih. Complete d Complete the table with the correct forms of the
the question. Then ask your partner. verb be.

Positive (+) Negative (- )

i'.m_ from St Petersburg. l'm Da± French.

He ½ a really good player. She L5"n\Lfrom Moscow.
They say they '.__e tired. TheyGlr<-'nl·~t the match .

f • Now go to Vocabula ry Focus lA on p.160 for more e. • Now go to Grammar Focus lA on p.136
Countries and nationalities
f Thomas and Lena talk more in the café. Add the
verb be to make correct sentences.
Thomas says: 1 My brother at university in Madrid. 6
2 My mother and fathe i;,_not here. , o¡(:_
Lena says: 3 Russia not very hot in April. 1'S
4 My friehds really interesting and fun. a~e . ·
g Write two positive and two negative sentences
about you with the verb be. Make two of the
sentences false.

h 0~ Read your sentences to a partner and sáy if

your partner's sentences are tru.e or false.

a • Cómmunication 1A Student A go to p.129 .
Student B go to p.132 .

b 0 ~ Work in small groups. Tell other students:

• your name
• your country and nationa lity
• your home town.
a 0 ~ Look at pictures a-d . Where do e Who do you think says sentences 1-4?
you think the people are? 1 ' 1have fou r classes every day. '
2 ' lt's fun to travel with fri ends.'
b Read the texts anq match them with 3 : My famí ly live in different places.'
pi ctures a- d. Are your ideas in la 4 'She speaks two la nguages - Spanish and Portu guese.'
d O~ Who would you like to meet: Suzi, ·Andrey, Altan or Saddah? Why?

O, suzi ·t) Altan

~ This is me in Rio de Janeiro with my friend Claudia. In this photo, l'm on holiday with my friend
She lives in Brazil, but she's from Spain. She's a Takor. He's a fantastic friend and he's very cool.
lovely person - very warm and kind. e_
view Suzi's photos
--- -
leave Suzi a message
He's a ~erson to be on holiday with. Q
view Atlan 's photos leave Atlan a message

Q Andrey . ( } saddah
· In this photo l'm in St Petersburg with my cousin This is my colleague Maram. We're teachers and
Oleg . He's Russi an, but l'm from England - his father we work together in a school. She's 9,!![.fil, but
and my mother are brother and sister. He's a really she's really friendly. She's also very popular with
pleasant guy and he's a brilliant doctor. He's well- her student~ --
knowniñ his part of St-W~sburg,,_d - - view Saddah's photos leave Saddah a message
viewAii'(i rey's photos leave Andrey a message
fJ VOCABULARY El GRAMMAR be: questions and short answers
Personality adjectives
a 0 .m:i Complete the answers with the verbs in the box.
a Look at the sentence. The underlined Listen and check.
words are adjectives. Are they about Rio de
Janeiro or Claudia? aren't isn't is are

She's a lovely person - very warm and kind 1 1 Is she ltalian7 No, she . She's from Spain.
'2Is he from Pola nd? Yes, he
b Underline nine more adjectives in the texts. 3 Are they married? Yes, they
Then put them in the correct gaps. · 4 Are they Spanish7 No, they . They're fróm Mexico.
1 very good: foy¡f
05-t 1C , 050/.
~ ~Pd~ , - - - -- b Complete the table with the correct forms of the verb be.
2 n'i·de: /ove/y, warm, kind, _ _ _ __
Questions (?) Short answers
3 famous: fº P\J lo1 k_ Are you Australian? Yes, 1 No, l'm not.
4 he/she doesn't talk m~ch: C\_\J \ e _ _ you Spanish? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.
5 people like him/t,er: ~ I( l <?Y) é1i \/ _ _ he/she Turkish? Yes, he/she ___ No, he/she - - ·
_ _ they Russian7 Yes, they _. - - · No, they _ __
·e Pronunciation Three words in the texts have
the /k/ sound:
)sind . . ¡;_ool · guiet e• Now go to Grammar Focus 1 B on p.136

Underline the /k/ sound in these words. d 0 JII:1 Complete the conversations. Use contractions 's, 're and
Which two words do not have /k/? isn 't if possi ble. Listen and check.
cold ca r cJleap kitchen like
coffee qyick back key know A My friend Tony 1~ English. He 2_ _ very kind.
co me make school cat 3
B _ \_ he from London?
A Yes, he 4_ _ _
d Ü~ Talk about people you kn w. Use
•adjectives from 2b. A My friend s, Joe and Mel, 5
They very warm and friend ly.
B 7_ _ they married?
A No, they 8_ _ _ They 9_ _ just good fri ~nds.
My aunt Sophia's fantastic
...: she's a very warm and
friendly woman.
a Write down words about friends, family and famous people you
e• Now go to Vocabulary Focus 1 B on know from other countries.
p.161 far more Adjectives
Cam illa - British, cool, popu lar Gabriel - Mexican, quiet, kind .

D LISTENING b O~ Talk about the people you know. Look at the conversations
in 4d to help you.
a 0 .mi Listen to the conversation. Complete
the nationalities (1-3) on the prófiles below.

b 0 mi Listen again. Complete th~ profiles

with person~lity adjectives 4-6. \
. '
Everyday English
What's your surname?

a o.. Look at the pictures of Dan and Leo. Use personality d 0 1Bl Watc_h or listen to Part 2 again.
adjectives from page 12 to describe them. Are the sentences true Ór false?
Correct the false sentences.
b 0 .D Watch or listen to Part l. Choose the correct answer. 1 Th e class starfs at 7.20.
1 Dan wa nts to: a finish something b do sorn e exercise 2 Ten people ca n go to the fitn ess class ..
2 Leo wa nts to: a do an exercise cl ass b go fo r a run. 3 Th e class is in Studi o 2.
3 Martina is: a in the offi ce b at the gym.

e 0 1Bl Leo talks to the gym receptionist. Watch or

listen to Part 2. What does Leo want to do? Choose
the correct answer.
a join the gym b book a fitness class
c pay for a fitness class.

fJ USEFUL LANGUAGE d 0 .IEil A is a receptionist and

B wants information.
Complete the conversation. Look at 2a and 2b to
Asking for and giving information help you. Listen and check.
a Who says sentences 1-7 ata gym: the receptionist ', 1
(R) ora visitar ( V)? A Helio. How ca n 1 1_ _ _ _ you?
B l'd 2_ _ _ _ to do a computer co urse.
1 What time's the next class? a Seym our.
A No problem.
2 And what's your add ress 7 b You're welcom e.
B Wh en's th e first lesso n?
3 How ca n I help? c S-E-Y- M-0 - U-R
A lt's tomorrow at eight o'clock.
4 Than ks for your hel p. d lt's at twe nty past seve n.
B An d 3 · the lesson?
5 Ca n you spell that, please 7 e lt's in Stu dio l.
Jt lt's here in Room 5.
6 And where's the class? f l'd like to do a fitness class.
B Great. Ca n I book a place 7
7 What's your surname? g 18 New Street.
A Certainl y. 4_ _ _ _ yo ur surnam e?
B Moore.
b 0 .IB.l Match 1-7 with a-g. Listen and check. 5_ _ _ _
A Can you th at, please?
B M- 0-0 - R- E
e Underl i ne the correct answers.
A Thank you . Enjoy the class.
1 lt's in ten past tour/ Room 6.
2 lt'~ eight o'c/ock / Studio 4. e O.t In pairs, practise the corÍversation in 2d .
Use your own surname. Take turns being A and B.

. U:,-·•

-------~ · UNIT 1"11111

a 0DD Watch or listen to Part 3. Leo talks to Martina at the Consonant grqups
gym . Answer the questions.
1 Who is Martina7 a ®mi Listeñ to the time . Notice how the
2 What does she say about Dan? marked consonant groups are pronounced .
a He's very busy. b He's a bit lazy. eight o'clock

!ti /kl/ /k/

b 0~ What is a good time to go tothe gym?
• before wo rk / schoo l • at lu nchtim e b 01El Listen to the words below.
• after work / school • never How many consonant sounds do the
marked letters have?

Checking understanding e 0l&l Practise sayi ng these ti mes. '

Listen and repeat.
a Complete the mini -conversations with the words in the box. 1 seve n o'clock (7 :00) 4 three forty (3:40)
2 six ten (6: 10) 5 six thi rty (6:30)
so that's sorry 3 eight twenty (8:20) 6 twelve twenty (12:20)

SONIA lt's at tv:7e nty past ·seven.

LEO 1_ _ ?
SONIA lt's in Studio l. a i. Communication 1C Student A go to p.-129 .
.12 \. 2_ __ 7:20 in Stu dio l. Student B go to p.132 .

b Which expression in 4a means:

. 1 l'm not su re and I want to check.
2 1 don 't understand . Ca n you say that again 7

C 0 DH Pronunciation Listen to what Leo says in 4a. Does

the tone go up 71 or down ~ on _1 and 2?

d o~ Work in pairs. Use the dialogue map to practise

checking understanding. Take. turns being A and B:
Tell each other your
surname and spell it You can now do the Unit Progress Test.
Answer with sorry.

Repeat the information .

Skills for Writing
l'm Carla and l'm from ltaly

D SPEAKING ANO LISTENING O Teacher, lnternational

a Ü Jt Ask and answer the questions.
ª Age:-
1 Do you use a social networki ng site 7
2 oo·you have a profile? ,
3 Which of the fol lowing inforhlation is on it?
0 L;ves in London, U~

Friends: 132 GD
• your name • where you live
Photos Gm:J
• your age • your job
about Kate >
• your nati ona lity • th.ings you like

b Look at Kate. and Carla's profiles and complete the

table with yes( ✓ ), no()() or don't know (DK). Carla Dimambro
She's .. . 20 years from ltalian a teacher a student
O Student, U~iversity
of Milan
old London
Kate DK ª Age: 20

Ca rl a ✓ e Lives in Milan ,.

@ From Genoa, ltaly ·

e 0 .11?:l The people in the picture a're on an English course.
Listen and answer the questions. Fri.e nds: 29 GD
. Photos GD
1 Is t his the first or the last day ofth e cour!3e 7 '
about Carla >
2 W~ ~ ~7tJ are they in7

d 0 .11?:l Listen again. Complete the table .

e Ü Jt Work in groups of five or si x. lt's your
Name Country One other thing we know first day at lnternational College.

They're stud ent A: You're th e teac her.

Kate an d Mike UK
The oth ers:·You're one of th e students in
Carla ltaly She's a the picture.
Masato English is fo r hi s work.
Say who yo u are and say one more t~ng.
Carmen She's a of IT.
His is in London.
·uNIT i~

a Read Kate and Carla's profiles for the new course.

Underline any new information.

l'm Kate Marks. l'm from l'm Carla Dimambro. l'm ltalian.
Wigan. lt's a small, town near l'm from Gencia, bút I study
Manchester in England. l live · ma,rketing at the University
in London and l'm teacher a of Milan. lt's my first time in
at lnternational College. l'.m London and l'm very happy to
married and I have two small be here. Are other people new
children, a boy and a girl. to London?

l 'like languages, music and 1 like running, swimming

films. and yoga.


Capital letters and punctuation
a Write a profile about you. Use the profiles in 2a to help
" a Look at the profiles in 2a. Tick(✓) the words that you . Give this information:
have capital letters. • your name
1 [j first names of people • your na~~ lity
2 O last na mes of peoP,le • your home town
3 D na mes of companies, schools, universities • your job
4 D na mes of countries and nationalities • what you like
5 D na mes of sports
5•· D .na mes of towns or cities b Swap profiles with another student and check the .
7 D ali nouns capital letters and punctuatioí).
, 8 D all words at the start of a sentence
9 D the word / Update your profile >

b /'m = I am. What are the full forms of these words? l'm 1 \,·
\' 1 \
· l it's 4 isn't
2 she's 5 aren't
3 you're

e ·Correct the words. _Add an apostrophe (') to each word.

1 lm 1 ' 4 hes 1 '-
2 arent 5 were take a photo

3 isnt 6, theyre 1like _I _ _,_, _· _ _ _ _1~(· _

r ~----1_ _ _ _ _ _"-- - ~•\
d Look at the commas (,) and full stops (.) in the online
profiles. Which do we use:
a at the end of a sentence? tJ
b after words in a list? ,

e Correct the sentences. Add capital letters and

punctuation (. , '?).
i live in paris its amazing ➔ l live in París. lt's amazin g.
1 im from shanghai its a big city in china h·,'\
{'1 ,, \ ,
2 i like basketball old cars añd jazz \ 1 , ,
3 im a french teacher in australia [
4 this isnt my first time in london '1
1 '
5 are the teachers ali from britain
UNIT 1 :a

Review and extension· Match sentences 1- 4 with pictures a-d.


a Complete the s~ntences with the correct nationality word.
1 Vera's from Rio de Janeiro.;She's _.'_ , _ __
2 .Pedro'sfrom Madrid. He's--,- - -
3 . Kurt and Erika are from Berlín. They're _ _ _ __
4· Méjsha's from Moscow. She's _ _ _ __
5 Claude and Sabine are from _Paris. They're _,__
, _ _,_, _
f . 6 Takashi's from Tokyo. He's - - - - ' - - - -

b Complete the text about Vera with the correct adjective. ©

Vera's family are all very 1n_I _ e. Her mother's 2w_ni and
3 k_
· _ d and her father is. very 4 p_ _ .,~ t. He's a 5 b_ _ t
doctor. Her sister .Pia is 6 q_t, but she's very 7f__:____y.

Match examples 1-4 in 3a with rules a-d.
a Complete the text with the correct form of the verb be. · We use from to talk about:
Use contractions where possible. ·
a times ·'
Hi 1_' _ _
Paolo and 1 2_ , _ from Melbourne in Australia.
1 b a starting place 1
3 1
1 _ _ , _~ _a university student. 1 4_ . _ really lucky because c our country or city
5 1
1 live near my ?ister Barbara . She _ _ .::s _ an English teacher d how far away something is ::.\
and she 6_ ->_ very popular with her students. She 7_ ~ _ \
very kind and friendly. We 8_ _ Australian, but our parents· :e Mat~h sentences 1-4 with rules a-din 3b.
~ from ltaly. They .10_ _ doctors. 1 Our lunch break is frbm 12:30 to 1:30.
2 Our hotel's about five kilometres from the airport. \
b Write questions for the answers. Use the word in italics 3 The train from· Paris is now at platform two. b
to start your 'question.
4 l'm from Argentina.
1 Are .. . ? No, l'm not. l'm Brazilian.
2 Is ... ? Yes, she's very kind. \d Add . from in the correct place in these sentences.
3 Are ... ? No, they aren 't. They're from Germany. , 1 This postcard's New Zealand.
4 What's .. . ? My name's Abdul Aziz. 2 Breakfast is seven o'clock every morning.
,5 Where ... ? l'm from Poland . 3 The bank's only .200 metres here.

e Write questions and short answers. :e Put the phrases in the correct order to make
1 you Russian? Yes sentences. ·
2 she your sister? No 1 from / Denmark /l'm
3 they friendly? Yes 2 open from / the supermarket's / 7:30 am
4 you both from the USA? No 3 my place's / from school / two' kilometres
5 he well-known7 No
1 f Are the sentences in 3e .true for you? Change them
d Complete the conversation with one word in each gap. · to make them tru1=.
A contraction (l'm, you're, he's) is one word.
l'm not from Denmark, l'm from Australia.
A Helio. What's 1 , name? : .' .... ...' .. ..... .. ... .. .. .... .... ..... ' .' ... ' .' ...... ....... ... ..... ... .... ...... .-. ~ .
B l'm Juan.
A 2 .\ ,, you from Spain?
B No, 3_ _ _ _ from Mexico.
\ ' .
A And that woman over there. Is 4 ' your sister? . How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
B No, she 5_ _ __ , She's a student at my school. for each objective.
A OK. And 6- - - - , - - - - she from? 3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well
B She's ltalian. 7_ _ _ _ from Venice.
/\ 1CAN ...
e ÜA Practise the conversation in 2d with a.partner and
use your own personal information. '
talk about where l'm from
-...--,- - ..... - - - - □- - -
talk about people I know □
- [□] -
ask for and give information
write an online profile.
8 ~ Look at the picture· and answer the
1 Where do you think the woman ís?
2 What's in her hand? ,\ . \ ( '\ ?t N '
3 Is the water warm or cold? 1
4 What's one good thíng about her job ano
on~ bao thíng? e 11"•Q ' 1 •
x ~c (2 1 \{' .
b 0 ~ What kind of work do you tl:iink is
interesting? Here are sorne ítleas:
• working wíth people
• workíng •wíth animals
• workíng wíth machínes
• (worki ng ony our ow~
She doesn't stop Leamto talk aboutjobs
0 Present simple: positive arid negativé
for hours! 0 Jobs

D READING ANO LISTENING d Read the text again. Find three reasons why Li~a's job
isdifficult. 'º ' '
a 0~ Look at the pictures. Answer the questions. '-'

e 0.IID Listen to Karen and Peter talking about the

1 Is the woman a truck driver ora passenger?
TV program,me /ce Road Truckers. Do they I i ke it?
2 Where do you think she's from, the USA or \ 1
Canada? '
3 Do you think her job is easy or difficult?
f 0BD Listen again. Who thinks these things, Karen (K)
or Peter (P)?
\ J \

b Read /ce Road Truckers and check_your 1 lt's unusual to see a woman truck driver.
answers. 2 The truckers _are only interested in the money.
3 The programme is popular beca use people want to see something
bad happen.
e Find words in the text to complete the
4 Lisa Kelly is a really good driver.
1 Water-----'--- at OºC . g 0~ Talk about the questions.
2 The opposite of safe i s - ~ - -
1 Would you like to do Lisa Kelly's job? Why / Why not7
3 Bad _ _ _ _ sometimes happen on roads.
2 What other dangerous jobs do you know?

We see truckers driving on the roads every doy, but ice road truckers are difterent. They drive trucks in the north of
Canada. But they don't drive on roads because there are no roads in the north, just lakes and rivers. In winter, the
water freezes and the trucks go on the ice. Then the truckers take food to the towns in the north.

Lisa and the other drivers

are in /ce Road Truckers
on Wednesday at 7:30.

f)/~'i:'-?? 1:c:pit_
a Match words 1-9 with pictures a-i .
1 D nurse 2 D shop assistant 3 D police officer 4 D dentist
5 D pilot 6 D engineer 7 D cleaner 8 D photographer
9 D taxi drivér J

· b 0.mi Pronunciation Listen to the words and underline the

stressed syl lable.
police 9fficer engi~ photographer den§.t

e Ü Jt Complete the sentences with jobs from 2a. Talk about

your answers.
1 A _ _ _ __ has a dangerous job.
2 A _ _ _ _ _ has an easy job.
3 A has an exciting job.
4 The pay for a isn't very good.

d• Now go to Vocabu lary Focus 2A on p.161 far more Jobs

Present simple: positive and negative
a 01Eil Look at the sentences from lb and le and complete
them with the verbs from the box .. Listen and check.

drive (x3) don't (x2) doesn't like (x2) drives·

1 /we / you / they he/ she / it

+ ,, 1 reall~ _
,_ /ce Road Truckers. Lisa Kelly ~
They _ _ trucks in the north of Ca nada . a big truck .
- 1 ____ · _ Ice Road Truckers at all. \ _ _ _~
They _ _ _ _ on roads beca use there in summer.
are no roads in the north.
b Underline more present simple verbs in the text in lb. Make
two lists: positive and negative forms.

e• Now go to Grammar Focus 2A on p.138

d Underline the verbs in sentences 1-2.

1 She makes all her money in the winter. a Think about your job or the job of someone
· 2 In the winter the water freezes . you know. Write four sentences about the
job: two positive (+) and two negative (-).
e 0.mi Pronunciation Which verb in 3d has an extra syllable Use the verbs in the box.
when we add the letter -s? Listen and check. '
work drive have like study
f . Underl i ne the correct answers. -s13eak - go- start- .finish - kr.iow_

1 After the sounds /z/ , !si, lf l (spelled sh) al'1d ltfl (spelled ch), we
+ 1start work at 7:00 in the morning.
don't add / add an extra syllable.
- 1don't drive to work.
2 We don 't add / add an extra syllable after other sounds.
b Ü Jt Tel I your p·artner your sentences.
g · 01El Listen to these verbs. Tick (✓) the verbs that have an Can they guess the job?
extra syllable.
O works D eats D teaches C Tel I other students about your partner's job.
O finishes D listens D stops Can they guess it?
D drives D uses . D watc_hes
h • Communication 2A Stude_nt Agoto p.129 . Student B go to She starts work at ...
p.13 2 .
Do you worry about 0
Learn to talk about study habits
Present simple: questions and short answers
exams? 0 Studying; Time

a 06' Ask and answer the questions.
1 Are you good at exams? '

2 Do you worry about exam? and tests?

3 Do you study a lot for an exam or test?
\ 1

b Read comments 1-3 oil the Unichat forum

an d m~tch them with pictu res a-c . __

e 0~ Read the comments aga in and answer

the questions with a partner.
1 Which study habits are:
• useful • funny? . -----• Home Forums Articles Revision
2 Put t he study ha bits in the arder you want to try Exam stress!
them from 1 (rea lly want to try) to 3 (don 't want
to try) . Hi guys! 1 have a big exam on Friday~_lt's really hard to study. 1
read my study notes for an hour and t hen I watch really bad TV
programmes!What about you? Do you worry about exams? What ,
e ·voCABULARY Studying are your study habits? MIMl23

a Look ·at the underlined words in questions Yeah I hate tests. They're really difficult and I can't always
1-7. Match them with pictures a-g below. 1 remember everything. 1 need to study every day and make lots
1 Do you have a break in the midd le of your of notes. lt's not easy but it helps to listen to R&B music - really
Engl ish lesson? ' loud! lt helps me think. SOUL BOY2
2 Do you have a ti metable for your study routi ne? f agree - exams and tests are really, really hard. In my study
3 Do yoú make notes whe_n you read somet hing breaks I play with my pet rabbit. Sorne people say that animals
in English? . stop stress and relax people. 1 think it's true, well, forme it is!
4 Do you get good marks in English tests? Everybody needs a rabbit (or maybe a cat!) to help them study!
5 How many.weeks is a term at your school? BUNNY LOVER5
6 Do you have an exa m at the end of the year? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REPLY .-,
7 Do yo u enjoy your English studies? 1 think it helps to have a good study routine. 1 make a study
~.® timetable and that helps me to pass my exams. 1always plan
b Match the words in t he box with lots of breaks and have a cup of tea and something small to eat.
1-4. You can use sorne of the words 1don't want to get tired when I study! But the breaks are only
more than once. short - about five or ten minutes. Then I go back to studying hard
for one or two hours. Good marks come from lots of hard work!
get good . pass bad ma ke fail SWOTTIE8

1 an exam 3 notes
2 marks 4 á test

e 06' Ask and answer the questions in 2a.

·. UNIT 2~

EJ G,RAMMAR Present simple: question~

. a 0 .& Look at the questions. Which is correct?
Listen and check.
1 You study full-time or part-time?
2 Do you study full-time or part-time?
3 Study you full-time or part-time?

b Complete the questions with

one word .
. . . you study part-time?
... they like tests?

e 0 DD Jack asks Tania about

her daughter, Ellie. Listen
and complete 'the information
about Ellie's studies .
• Hours a week? "
• When7 1.
• Where?

d Reád the question Jack

11 LISTENING asks Tania.
Does she study more befare
a 0 1Bl Jack (SWOTTIE 8;s real name) talks to Tania an exam?
about her study habits. Listen and tick(✓) the things
they talk about. Look at the questions in 5b.
How are they different? Why?
1 O places to study 3 O. ~xams
2 [] hours of study , 4 O free time e• Now go to Grammar Focus 28 on p. 138
b 0 1Bl Listen again. Complete t he i~formation about
Tania's studies.
f 0m Put the questions in the correct order.
Listen and check.
• Part-ti me or full -time studies? • When? 1
1 a week / do. you study / hours / how ·man')t?
1 ' ,...._, 2
• Hours a week7 • Where? ~ ¡ 1

2 study grammar / or vocabu lary / do you? ·

3 you / when / study / do?
.,( . ,..... .\ \
study / dq / w here / you?

a Match the times that Tania talks about with the clocks. g 0m Pronunciation Notice the pr~nunciation of
1 Usually at half pasteight .. . do you in each question. Can you hear both words
2 ... last night at quarter past eleven. clearly?

a Look at the questions in 5f. Write another question
about study. ·

i b Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

. b Ü~ Ask and answer your questions in 6a . .

to past o'c lock half e O~ Do you have any néw ideas about studying now?

Natalia studies very early

3 · (a) quarter _ _ four in the morning because she isn't
very tired. 1think it's a good idea,

0 i'
but I prefer to _sleep!

2 _ _ past four 4 (al quartec~ fl,e

C • Now go to Vocabulary Focus 28 on p.162 for more

practice with Time

23~ .·
a 0~ Look at picture a. Dan and Leo are in a cafeteria. Do you
think they're:
1 at the airport 2 at work 3 in a shopping centre?

b 0lEil Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your answer in la.

e O~ Work in pairs. Choose the correct answers.

1 Dan orders a sma/1 / /arge tea, a small / large latte and one croissant J
·two croissants.
2 lt costs E3.60 I E4.60.
3 Dan asks Leo to pass the milk / sugar.

el 0lEil Watch or listen to Part 1 again and check your answers in le. ·,

e 0.11:B Watc·h or listen to Part. 2. Annie wants to do an online

course. What's her problern? Choose one answer.
She can't decide:
a which course to do b howrnuc;h to pay c when to start.

f 0.11:B Watch or listen to Part 2 ágain. Are the sentences true or

false? Correct the false sentences.
1 Annie asks Dan far help. 3 Annie isn't free on Friday. ~
2 Dan 's free tonight. , 4 Annie's happy about dinner.

g 06' Where do you usually rneet friends and family?

• in your home • _in a café
• in•their home • in a different place

Asking for things and replying
a Look .at these ways to ask for things. Who
says thern: Dan (O) or Ahnie (A)?
1 Can I have a tea and a latte, please?
2 Coul9 1 come to your place tonight?
3 CocJld we chat about it now?
4 l'd like sorne help.

b 0HMH-il Watch or listen to Parts 1-

and 2-aga,in and check. Match a-d
with 1-4 in 2a.
a Certainly. Small or large?
b Sorry, 1 have another meeting
in five minutes.
c Sure, no problem . '.
d Sorry, we 're not at home tonight.

e 06' In pairs, take turns

asking for things an.d
replying. Use
the phrases from
2a and 2b.


Reacting to news
a 0mi C9mplete the mini-conversations with .
words in the box. Listen and check your answers.

problem · pity

LEO Sorry, 1have anoth er meeting in five minutes.

DAN OK, no 1_ _ _ , We ca n do it later. ·
DAN Sorry, we're not at home tonight.
ANNIE Oh, that's a 2_• _ __

b Read the mini.-conversations in 3a again . .

Which phrase means: ~
1 'lt's not important.'
2 'l'm not happy about it. ' i\j

e Match a-d with 1 or 2 in 3b.

a Never mind.
b l'm sorry about that.
c lt doesn't matter.
d What a shame.

Sound and spelling: ou
a 0 .JEI Listen to the sound of Üíe letters ou below..
1 colour
2 an online course
3 .house
d 0 .mi Listen to three shbrt conversations.
Wh ére are they? M_atch t hem with pictures a-e. Do the letters in 1-3 have differentsounds?
~ J '/

e. 0 .mi Complete the sentences from the b 0 .JIB Do these words sound like 1, 2 or 3 in4a?
conversations in 2d. Listen again and check Listen and check. Listen again and repeat.
you r answers. out _3_ tour__ neighbour _ _
about _ _ sound _ _
1 ____ sorne water, please?
2 ____ a chicken sandwich, please:
3 ____ you this afternoon?
f Look at the situations. What cim A.and B say?
Use expressions from 2a and_2b . · a • Communication 2C Student A go to ,p.129.
A B Student B go to p.132 .
·CD You're 1n B's home. '--.
Ask for sorne water. Say yes.

You're in a café. Ask You're the

for a small espresso. waiter. Say yes.

Say no.
, (You 're busy.) J

Say no. (You

aren't free then .) CHECK YOUR PROGRESS

g 0 4' Work in pairs. Use the di~logue map~ · You can now do the Unit Progress Test.
to ask for things and reply. Take turns being
A andB.

Skills for Writing Learn to complete a form
(!?; spelling
1need English for my job


a 0 4' Why do you want to study English? a Look at the information about
• to get a good job • to study so mething in English Daniela. Complete Part 1 of the form.
• to meet new friends • a different reason Can you remember her nationality?
• for travel and tourism
( lnbox !:) e! ' ¡ar
b 0 .Im Three lnternational College students talk From : IC Student Care
about where they're from and their r_~asons for To:
studying English. Underline the correct answers.
Dear Daniela
We're looklng forward to welcomfng vou to
1 come
from lnternatlonal College on 6th July ,
Acapulco / ~ico City and You wll l be in class Pl and your teacher wlll be
1need English for my Kote Morks.
job / studies. We hope ......


.Family name:
Gender: D female O mal e


e 0 .Im Listen again and complete the table with Mobile (UK):
the words in the box.
Email address:
_grno:u:r.iar -ti'le--l-essBflS- ib.e...teaG-1:Jer Your class now:
Fsa€1-iflg---a.Ad. l+s-tetri-Ftg tb.e..tim.eiab Ie

Likes at the college Needs to improve Part2

Da niela -ji\\. Why is English important for you?
'--1• ,, IY'U~
~· 1work as a 1 ,
except far the 2 _
in Me~ico_City. 1 love my job
! Every day they speak to me
and ask me far infarmation . 1can't understand them and

it is difficult far me to answer. English is important far

d 0 6' Talk about the questions with other students. me because it helps me do my 3_ _ _ _ well.
1 What do you need to improve in English 7
What do you want to improve in your English?
2 Why is this important for you?
1think my speaking in English is OK far my leve!. But
e .0 .11:B Listen to Kate talk about a competition at 4
_ _ _ _ and understanding is still very difficult far
lnternational College . What can you win? me. 1really want to stay an extr 9 month at your school
[ <f 1 \\ , r ·.
·t. '-.! 1 \ and improve my listening .
f 0 .11:B Lis.ten agáin. Answer the questions.
1 Can students who aren't at lnternational College enter
" '1 '
the competit1on? _ __
2 Is it OK to use a computer for the entry form? b Read Part 2 of Daniela's form. Complete it.
3 Where can students get entry forms?
C ®mi Listen to Daniela again and check your answers. ·



a Read Daniela's first copy of her entry form. Cover
page 26. Look at the example spelling problem.
Find eight more spelling problems. Why is English important for you?
1work as a tre#e traffic police offiser in Mexico City.
b Tick(✓) when it's important to have correct spelling. 1love my job exi::ept for the toorists! Every day they
speak to me and ask me for informashion . 1can't
1 O a first copy of.a text understand them and it is dificult for me to anser.
2 O a final copy of a text Englísh is importantfor me becos it helps me do my
3 D a text other people read · job well.
4 O a text only you read
What do you want to improve in your English?
e Find and correcta spelling mistake in each
1think my speaking in English is OK for my level. 1
sentence. also find reading and writing· quite easy. But ·listning
1 1really love swimming in the see. and understanding is still very hard forme. 1really
2 Can you please right your name on the fcirm? want to stay an extra month at your scool and
3 1don't no the answer to this question. ,, · improve my listening.
4 Can you speak more loudly? 1can't here you.
5 Where can Lbye bread?

rl In what way are the i ncorrect and correct words in

3c the same?

a Complete the form with your information.

b Use your ideas in ld to write answers to the

questions in Part 2. ·

.e Swap forms with another stu_

dent. Are your ideas
in Part 2 the same?

Co-m petition entry form

Part ·1
First hame:

Family ·name:
- Gender: O f~male O mal e
~,---_:__- ~ - - ~ - ~

. Mobile (UK):
·, Email address:

Your class now:

.--------- - - - - - ¡
course start date:

Part 2 .
Why is Engli_sh importá.nt for you? ·

What do yo~ w~nt to improve in yÓur English?

UNIT 2 a

:Review and-extension Match sentences 1-3 with pictures a-c.

1 1 work in a hospital.
2 1 work for Larkin Computers·
3 1 work as a receptionist.
\ a Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in
brackets. · · · ·
l'm a university student, but 1 1 ' (work) in a clothes
shop every weekend. On Saturday 1 2_ _ _ _ (start) work at
9:00 am, but on Sunday 1 3, (not start) until 11:00
. am. My sister's a nurse so she 4_ _ _ _ (not have) a normal
timetable. She sometimes 5_ _ _ _ (work) all night, but she
6_ _ _ _ (not like) it. My parents are both teachers so they

7 \ (work) from Monday to Friday.

b Write possible questions far the answers. b Look at the marked phrases in 3a. Match them
1 AWhat ~ - - - ? l 1'1;¡ receptionist. with 1-3.
2 ADo ? B ~°o, t·don't. 1 work in hospital. 1 the job we do
3 ADo ?} ' Yes, 1 do. lt's great. 2 the place of work
4 AWhen _ _ _ _ ? B I stéjrt at 9 o'clock in the morning., 3 the c'ompany
5 A Does ? B Yes, he ·does. My husband is
, t,<.__ a teache( e Is work a vérb ora ' noun in sentences 1-5?
6 A Where _ _ _ ? B He works in a local schóol.
1 1 start work at 8:00 am each day.
7 A Does ? B Yes, he does. He loves it.
2 She leaves work at about 6:00 pm.
3 1 can't talk to you now_- l'm at work.
e O~ Practise the conversation in 1 b with á partner.
4 1'1m an actor, but l'm out of work at the moment~
Answer about your life. · 5 They go to work very early in the morning.

fJ VOCABULARY d Which work phrase in 3c do we use when ... ?

a we don't have a job \ , ,
a Put the letters in brackets in the correct arder to b we are at the place we work
complete the job.
1 n _ _ _ _ e (s r u) e Put the word in brackets in the correct place
2 d ____ t (t e i s n) in the sentence.
3 p _ _ _ _ t(loi) 1 He wo_rks a nurse at riight. (as)
4 e _ _ _ _ r (n n i e g e) 2 We all'work at 6:00 pm. (start)
5 c , r (e e n a 1) 3 She'd like a job because now she's of work. (out)
6 p r (o o h e h p r a t g) 4 She's a photographer and works The Times, (for)
5 When l'm work , 1 have no free time. (at)
b Write the times in words. 6 vye both work a large Óffice in the centre of town. (in)
10:15- (a) quarter pastten orten frfteen
1 11:30 3 6:00 5 2:40 'j f Write four ·sentences about people you know.
Use work in different ways.
2 12:45 4 8:15 6 5:20
My brother works (ora shoe shop in the centre of town .
e Match 1-5 with a-e to complete the sentences. • ••••1••• •• ••••••• •, • ... ••..••••. •• ••••••• . • . •••••••• . • . •. ••••••••••.•••• • • •••• • • .• • ••• • •

1 Read the text and make

. '
2 l'm not worried beca use I usually get good
3 1 hope we have
4 He worries beca use he often fails
5 1 need to study for the end of
How-weJI did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
a a break soon because l'm tired.
far each objective.
b exams at the end of courses.
3 = very well 2 = well l = not so wel l
c notes on a piece of paper.
d term test next week.
e marks in tests.
1CAN ...
talk about jobs D
talk about study habits O
ask for things and reply
-~-~□ - - ~
complete a form. □
a ÜJt Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1 What country do you think this is? Why 7 _
2 What time is it: morning or evening? Why?
3 Where do these three men go when they get off the train 7
4 What are their jobs? -

b ÜJt In pairs, ásk 'and answer the questions.

1 What things do you do every day?
• take a bus or train • buy a newspaper
• read your emails • go for a walk
2 What do you do on a train or bus?
• read • talk to other passengers
• listen to music • use your phone
• sleep
oday, we continue our series about daily life around the .
world with the Chopra famil y in India. One in six people in
thé world lives in India. Many of them live in big moderri
cities, but over 263 mi Ilion of them - including the éhopras·
- work on farms across the country.
· Garjan Chopra is a farmer in a small village near Délhi . He lives
with his wife, Anjani , his children and grandchildreil. They work ··
Breakfast, work, home, dinner: we all know the in the fields e~ ry ~ - Garjan and Anjani get up every morning
at 4:00 am. T ey work in the fields from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. At
typical daily routine of people all over the / ... .9:00 am they always stop work for breakfast. They don't have their
world. But it's the little differences in our 1
lives that make those routines interesting. ¡ f
breakfast together because in their culture men and women don't
usual Ir: eat together. They stop work for a rest at midday when the · ,
' sun is very strong. In the afternoon, their grandchildren· ¼2uall y
help them. In the evening, the family never eats together. First, the
men and children have dinner, then the women of the family e~
togetlier in the kitchen. They often
go to bed at around 9:00 pm,
· reády for another busy day
on the farm.


~osition of adverbs of frequency
a ÜJt Look at the pictures and answer a Look at this ~entence from the text. The adverb of frequency is underlined.
the questions. At 9:00 am they always stop work for breakfast.
1 Where do they work - in the city or
, 1 " ·, 1' Underl i ne more adverbs of freq uency in the text.
the countryside? \ " · J
1 .
2 What job do the peo ple do?,""
1 J, \ •,
b Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct place on the time line.
3 Is their work easy or hard?
1, sometimes usually ·f le\fet' often -a+WaYS.
b Read the text. Are your ideas in la
correct? sometimes
100% 0%
e Read the text again. Are the
sentences true or false? Correct the e• Now go to Grammar Focus 3A on p.140
false sentences.
1 Garjan and Anjani get up early_and d ÜJt Talk about the questions.
immediately have breakfast. f 1 What do you always do in the morning?
2 They work for about 11 hours a day. 2 you usually do in the afternoon?
3 They work without a break all day. 3 What ?º you someflmes do in the evening?
1often play tennis
4 Their grandchildren usually help them in
in the afternoon.
the mornings befare school.
5 The children i12_.t_he family don't eat with
their mothers.

d 06' What are the good things about

the life o.f the Chopra family?
. ,:


a 0 6' Ask ~nd answer the ques~ions. e 0 .mi Listen again. Complete the timetable with the
- 1 Do you spend a lot of time with your family 7 Why / Why not? correct activity from the box.
2 What do you like doing with your family?
Spanish lesson band practice work late volleyball training
b 0 .mi Listen to Martín and Katherine. Answer the
questions. - d 0 6' Talk about the questions.
· 1 Do they talk about their jobs or free time? 1 The Chopra family and the Lawson family do something
~ What does Martin want the fa ,mily to do? that is the same. What is it?
....1 2 Is your family routine more like the Chopras'. or the
· l L \~ Lawsons'? Or is it different;_?

1 '
\ \


, 1

Friday ,\

11 VOCABULARY Time expressions

a 0 lEI Complete the sentences. Listen and check. e 0 .mi Put the words in each sentence in the correct
arder to make a dialogue. Listen and check.
1 l
A you and your family do/ how often do / things together?
1 1 go to my Spanish lesson a week. 1 .
B a week / about on~e .
2 She goes to volleyball training \ \:'. a week '- ,.\ . '"""
A you do/ what do?
on Monday and Thursday. \;-'l, , 1.1 I ,, ' ' '
B we usually /toa restaurant/ go for a 1picnic or.
3 He has band practice three times 1..'
A do that at / do you / the weekend 7 , •·r \:lK'G\
B but we sometimes / yes, every Sunday / go to the ci nema.
4 1 work late _ _ _ _ _ Tuesday.
A , do añything1 els~ / do you? , , \
b Underi'ine the correct answer to complete the B ~w~iv~~! } wee kend J. _a year_we 9o / w~II, about twicef .,r" .\:
A wiffi your family /-a nice time/ it sounds. like you have. .._

We put time expressions befare the verb / at the end

f • Now go to Vocabulary Focus 3A on p .1 63 for Common
of a sentence.

C 0 Im Pronunciation Listen to the question and El SPEAKING

answer. Notice the stressed words.
MARTIN How Qften does she gQ? a Th.i nk of a group of people you know well. Think of things
KATHERINE Twice a week on Monday and Thursday. you do together every day, week or year. Make notes.
My mum - have a cup oftea every morning
d Which words do we usually stress? Ghoose .the Rob and Andy - usually go on holiday every June
correct answer. My classmates - study English three times a week
(IDlmportant words like time expressions and verbs .
b Less important words . b Ü Jt Talk about what you do with the people you know well
and how often. Look at the conversation in 4e to help you.
Imagine you haven't Leam to talk about technofogy in youdife

C e got./i•··
got the Internet ' ¿\) Technology r. <.


a How do you use the Internet? Tic k (✓) the things you a Match the words in the box with pictures 1-10.
sometimes do. Tick( ✓✓ ) the things you do every day.
D find information D upload pictures computer smartphone tablet · e-reader satnav
D talk to friends keyboard pri nter headphones · camera laptop
D play ga mes
D send ema ils D buy things
D watch fil ms or TV O download music ® ®
o.. Talk about yo qr answers with otF1er students.
Read the first part ~f Tech 8/og.
1 Is it a bout .. . 7
® ®

a using the Internet more
(@ using the Internet less
2 What is un usual abo ut the Kim family thi s mo nth?
Read The lnterview and answer the questions.
1 Which of acti vities a-f does Ha-eun do more without the
"","'\ l \ 1 / {

0 Jr:g Pronunciat.ion Listen and repeat the words in

Intern et? 2a. Underline the stressed syllable in each word .
a rea ding books d getting news
b ta lking to peo ple e doing homework e What are the people talking about? There is
c contacting friends f going out sometimes more than one answer.
2 Which activities are now more difficult far Ha-eun and her 1 1 talk to my fri ends on it.
fam ily? . ' 2 1 use it to write emails.

e o.. Talk about the questions. ·, · "'' ~

1 use th ese wh en I li sten to music.
1 ofte n print out maps, so it's very useful.

1 Would you li ke to live without the Intern et? Why / Why not? 5 1 use it in the ca r.

2 What do you thin k is good and bad about the Internet?


Ha-eun, is your life different without the Internet?

Ha-eun: Yes, it is different in many ways. Our TV comes over
the Internet so now we can 't watch it. And . l usually read the
news online and now I can't do that. But l've got more time to
do other things - 1 read books and I go·out more.

Is it easy to live without the Internet?

Ha-eun: No, it certainly isn 't easy. 1 usually do all my shopping
online, but now I go to the supermarket and carry my shopping
home. And my son uses the Internet for his homework. But
now he hasn 't got the Internet, so he has to buy books or go to
the library. ·

What ·about talking to friends?

Ha-eun: Yes, that's a problem too: we've got friends in Japan and
in the USA, but if you aren 't on Facebook or Skype, it's difficult to
contact them. But in sorne ways life is good without the Internet.
Now I often visi.t my neighbours and we drink tea together!
11 LISTENING b Underline the forms of
Does /'ve got mean:
have got in 1-6 in 4a.

a I am b I have c I get?

e Complete the table.

a 0.Im liste'n to Don. Bella and Chris's·

1 / We / You / They

1_ _ got her old phone.

He/ She

She - - . got a new phone. "><

'~- --+-l~
- - ~g
gota - o_t _a_P_C_, _
laptop. bu_t_l,_ve--+--
H-· e:~
him _-_g_o-
. lt's th_i_s_p_
at home. ho_n_·e_w_it_h_ ,,,/ .
cinswers. Match the people with the questions. 1
? _ _ you gota computer _ _ she gota new camera 7
1 Have you gota computer7
at home 7 Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't.
2 Have you gota smartphone?
Yes, 1 have. / No, 1 haven't.
3 Have you gota digital camera?

- b 0D Listen to the conversations and d 0ml Pronunciation Listen to the sentence. The main stress
complete the table. is on camera, the last important word.
l've gota digital camera.
What gadgets have Do they often
they got? use them?
e 0.lflil Listen to sentences 1-3. Underline the
Don main stress.
Bella 1 They've gota computer.
2 He's gota smartp hone.
Chris ' 1
~ ' 3 She's gota new laptop.

e 0D How do Bella and Chris use each f 0.lflilListen again. Does the tone go up 71 or down ~
gadget? Listen again and check . on the main stress?
{' 1

g• Now go to Grammar Focus 3B on p.140

, _I] GRAMMAR haue got
h Write sentences that are true for you. Use have got or
a Look at the sentences. Which are from the haven't got and the words and phrases in the box.
Reading text (R) and which are from the
Listening (L)? a laptop a camera a car a smartphone an e-reader
a lot of online friends friends in another country
1 l've got my daughter's phone.
2 We've got friends in Japan and in the USA . ·l've gota sma rtphone.
3 She's gota new phone .
4 Imagine you hav(;)n't got the Internet. Write three have got questions with words and phrases in 4h.
5 Now he hasn 't got the Internet. Have you gota smartphone?
6 Have you .gota digital camera?

a Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
• People only pay for 25% of music they download from 1 use it / how often / you / do 7 4 is/ it / how old 7
the Internet. ·
2 you /do/ like it? 5 where / the'{ /do/ live?
• Many young people use the Internet for 30 hours evef·y week.
3 it /is_/ what kind 7 6 like one / would / you?
• _,Every minute, 15 hours of video are uploaded to YouTub~.
b 04' Ask and answer your, questions in 4i with a
partner. Then ask questions froril 5a to find out more.

a car?
Yes, 1have.

e 04' Work in new pairs. Tell a new partner what you

know about other students.

Everyday English Leam to make arrangements
0 Thfüking abo11t what yoü wantt6 say
How about next Wednesday? Q Main.stress


a 0 .. Ask and answer the questions. arrangements
1 How often do you watch TV?
2 Are there programmes you watch every week? a Match begi nnings 1-6 with endings a-f.
3 Do you have a favourite TV programme? Who do 1 Why a
you watch it with? 2 How b free next Friday?
3 Are you - e don't we try it?
b 0 .Im Watch or listen to Part l. Do 4 That'd d love to. ·
Martina, Annie and Dan ali like the same TV 5 That's a e about ·next Wednesday?
programme? 6 l'd- ,f good idea.

·b Which questions in 2a do we use to make suggestions?

Which sentences do we use to say yesto suggestions?

e Martina says no toan idea. Underline the phras~,that

means no. •
MARTI NA l'm sorry, 1 ca n't. 1 need to work late next Wednesday.

0 .mi Put the conversation in th_e correct arder. Listen

· and check.
B D l'm sorry, 1 can 't. l'm away this weekend.
A IJ] Why don't we go to the cinema?
B D Yes, Monday's fine .
·A · D How about this Saturday7
A D Are you free on Monday?
B Q The cinema? That's a good id ea. ·

e 0 .Im Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Are the

e o.. Practise the conversation in 2d.
Then have similar conversations using
sentences true or false?
your own ideas.
1 The programme Annie lf{ants to Best
Cook. '
2 Martina and Dan don't see this programme very
often. 1

3 Annie loves everything to do with eating. ,

d 0 ml Watch or listen to Part 2. What do they

plan to do? \ 1 " , D PRONUNCIATION Main stress
e 0 ml Answer the questions. Watch or listen a 0 .J:m Lister:i ~o the sentences. Notice the main stress in
to Part 2 again and check your answers. each sentence.
1 Which day does Martina work late?. 1 That'd be great. 2 That's a good _idea. 3 l'd love to. ·
2 Which day do they decide to gp out7
3 Who does Dan want to ask to dinner7 b Choose the correct answer.
-\ 1l ~'-'v1 1'\·\,; -\,. el . <'
4 How does Annie feel about Dan's idea?
The words in 3a that have the main stress are
lj a short and loud b long _c long and loud7

e 0Im Listen to th~ seritences. Underline the main

1 We'd love to. 3 That's a lovely idea .
2 That'd be good. 4 That'd be fan tastic.

d O.t Practise the sentences in 3c .

• 1


Thinking about what you a• Communication 3C Student A look at the
want to say information below. Student B go to p.133.
Conversation 1. Réad your first card. Think abou·t what
a Look at the underlined phrases in the you· want to say. Then start the conversation with
conversation. Choose the correct answer below. Student B.
ANNIE How about next Wednesday?
. MARTINA Mm. maybe. Let me see. l"m sorry but I can't. You want to have a picnic on Saturday morning with
1 need to work late next Wednesday. Student B. Decide the following and invite Student B.
ANNIE Ar.e you free next Friday7 • where to have the picnic
MARTINA Mm. possibly. Friday's fine . Dan? • what time
DAN Friday? Sure, 1'9 lave to. • what you'd do/eat

Martina uses the underlined phrases beca use they:

~ have an important meaning in the conversation.
b Conversation 2. Now look at your secorid card.
Listen to Student B and reply,
b . give her time to think.
• You aren't free ne;t_Friday after work/school beca use
b 0 Im Pronunciation List~n and notice how Mm
you have an exerc1se class at the gym. You'd like to
. is pronounced. Do you have short words or sounds
go out on Saturday night.
like this inyour language? /1
.- -, --~
C Ü~ In p·airs, ask and answer the questions. C Tell other students about arrangements in each role
play. ,
Think about your answer befare you reply.
1 Are you free this weeKend7
2 Do y9u want to have a coffee after the lesson?
3 .Wou_ld you like to go to the cinema tomorrow?
4 Why don't we do our homework together?

You can now do the Unit Progress Test.

a Ü~ Ask and answer the questi ons.
1 Have you got family or friends in other countries, or
in other places in your country7
2 Where are they?
3 What do they do?
4 How often do you see them?

b0D [mrah from Turkey ta lks abou·t his fa~ily.

Listen and number the countries whe_re he's got
family in the order you hear them .

e 0D Listen again. Correct the mistakes in the

text below. a Read Emrah 's emails to his brother and sister. Why does
Emrah comes from a large fa mi ly a nd 1they al l live in he emai l th em? -
lzm ir in Turkey. 2 He hasn't got any brothers or sisters. .....
His family keep in contact by Skype , and every 3ten b Cqmplete the information about t he fámily party. -
years they ali meet in 4 London. They stay 5 in a large • Place \
hotel and they have a big 6 mea l. This 7 is on ly far people • Date
in the family - they 8don't invite 'friend's. • How many days?
1 They live in many different count ries. • Where to staf ,

Hi Mustafa
How are y-ou? Ho12e the family's wª1L
21n Septémber it's ou r family party again and we
ali plan to meet in lzmir as usual. 3We're there from
Friday 14 to Sunday 16 September. 4Would you like
to come? 1 hope so, as_l'd !ove to se~ Mert
(you knovi/; my tnena f ~ gota
bedroom free so you can stay at his house. 6 Please
let me know if y-ou would like to join us. -
1 hope you can come!

• ~ re things? Hope y_QYjil.<e_y~ job.
1n September it's our family party again and
we ali plan to meét in lzmir as usual. 3 We'ré
there from Friday 14 to Sunday 16 September.
Can you join us? 1hoQe_y.ou_c_an, as it would
,~ o sée ou. 5M elis (you know, my
1rientilrom schciol) says she's got a bedroom
free so you can stay at her house. ~ leas.e.
!et me know if you can come. Hope you can _
J ná:Reit. - - ----
Love;- -
UNIT 3""4.

WRITING SKILLS Inviting and replying

a Read Emrah 's email to Ayda again. In which of f Read the emails from Mustafa and Ayda .
sentences 1- 6 does he •... ? Can they come?
a @] invite Ayda
b O ask how she is
c O ask her to reply
d D give the reason far his message Hi Emrah
e D talk about where to stay lt's good to hear from you and many thanks for the

f D give details of dates
~ampare sentences 1-6 in Emrah's en:iails to Mustafa
invitation. Yes, l'd love to come. l'm really looking
forward to it. Please tell Mert l'd love to stay with
him if he's gota free room. See you soon .
and Ayda on p. 36. Underline phrases that are · Love,
· d ifferent. Mustafa

e Tick (✓) the correct questions to invite people.

1 D Can you co me 7

2 O Can you joi n?

3 O Ca n you join us? Hi Emrah
4 O Can you to join us? Great to hear from you and thanks for the invitation;
5 D Wou ld you li ke come 7
l'd love to come but l'm afraid I can 't. l've gota
6 D Would you like to come? business trip to Los Angeles that weekend and 1
7 [] Would you li ke to.join us? can't change it.
Hope yoÚ ali have a g~➔ and hope to see
d Put the words in the correct arder. Add question you soon.
marks (?) and full stops (.). · Keep in touch!
1 things /a re/ how 1
2 you / see / to/ be l it / woul d / great
3 hope / it /ca n / you / ma ke
4 to/ l'd / you / lave/ see
5 are /yo u / how
6 1 / can / come / you / hope
·g Underline phrases in the emails from Mu-stafa and
Ayda that mean:
e Which serítences and questions in 3d mean 1 1 want to come.
the same? 2 1 ca n't come.
3 Have a good time.


a Plan a party or other event. Make notes.
• When? • Wh y? . • Who?

b O.t ~alk about your plan with other students.

lt's at 7 pm on

e Write an invitation to your event to another studerit

in your class. Use the emails on page 36 to help you.

d Swap invitations with another student and check the

i nformation.
Does it include the information in 4a?

e Write a reply to the invitation. Use the emails in 3f

t9 help you. Give your reply back to the student who
invited you.
UNIT 3 WORDPOWER RreP.ositions o~ time

Review and extension a Match sentences 1-5 with pictures a-e.

1 He only works in the winter. (_
2 He works all th e bme - in the ev~ning, at the weekend, .

D GRAMMAR sometimes even at night.

3 He gets up at 6 am, but he finishes work at 1 pm .
4 He works on weekdays ,' but on Sunday he gets up late:
a Put the frequency adverbs in the correct place in the
5 In January he works ata ski resort.
sentences . "
1 He gets up often at about 10 or 11.
2 He goes to bed before 2:00-am never.
3 He studi es all sometimes night.
4 He has usually black coffee and to~st for breakfast.
5 He' is away for a weekó ften or more.
6 His windows are closed always, even in•summer.

b Complete the text with the correct forms .of have got
or ha ven 't got.
My brother and I are very different. He and his Wife
l/_:¡' _ ._' good jobs and they 2_, _ _· a large house near b Answer the questions.
London. Their house 3_, __ ·_ a big gard~n with a swimmi ng
1 · Do we use at, in or on with a- f7
pool. They both .work ten hours a day so they 4_ _ áfty
· a times
free time and they never go on holiday. b days ,
l'm a school teacher, so 1 5_ _ much money, but 1 6_ _ c months
a lot of free time in the holidays. Every summer I travel to a d parts of days (morning, afternoon)
different country and 1 7_r _ _• friends all over the world . e seasons (summer, winter) ,
f the words the weekend and night
e Make the notes into questions with have gotor has 2 How many examples of a- f can you find in 3a?
got. Then write true short answers.
1 you - a car? Have you gota car'? No, 1 haven't. : C Add at, in or on in the correct place in these
2 your_neighbours - children? sentences. Sorne sentences may need more than
3 your flat or - a garden 7 , one word.
4 you - TV in your bedroom? 1 1 always get up'6:30 the morning weekdays. •
5 someone in your family - a laptop? 2 lt's usually cold hert the winter and it often snows
6 ' tou - a lot of fr~e time? · January.
3 Are you free the weekend? l've got tickets for a concert
d 04' Ask and.answer the questions in le . \'
Saturday. l_t starts 7:30 pm.

d When do you usually dothese things? Write sentenc_es.


1 get up 5 go shopping
a Chang_e the words in italics into a time expression. 2 go to bed 6 drink coffee or tea
3 have lunch 7 clean your flat or hm:ise
1 She phones on Tuesday and Sunday. twíce a week
4 go on holiday 8 cook meals
2 There are English courses in March, May and October.
3 We go on holiday in Juno and in January.
4 There's a boat on Mondar, Wednesday and Saturday.
: e 04' Ask and answer questions about when you
' : ' usually do the t _
hings in 3d.
5 1 check m'y emails befare I start work and in the evening. ·

6 Her' mother phones on Mondar, TuesdaY, Wednesday and


b Write the names of the objects.

CD ®
How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
for each objective.
3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well

1CAN ...
1 □
talk about routines

--- □- - - -
talk about technology in my lite
make arrangements □
write an informal invitation. □
a 0 .1Look at the picture and answer the
1 Do you think they're friends or family?
2 What mea! is it - breakfast, dinner. or lunch?
3 Is it the beginning, middle or end of the mea!?

b Ü .l· in pairs, ask and answer the questions.

1- How often do you eat together as a family?
2 What do you usually have for ... ?
• breakfast • lunch • dinner
3 What things do you talk about when you eat
a o.. Look at the pictures of places to buy food. Countable and uncountable nouns
Which one would you like to visit? Why? a Lodk at the four nouns from World markets. Which two
have plural ·endings?
b Read ·World markets and match 1-3 with
pictures a-c. fruit vegetables tomatoes cheese

e Read the sentences. Where is each person? b Complete the rule.

RON I lave freshly baked bread - it's still warm. We can't count sorne nouns (they are
MAGGIE I really only need a snack, but look at all the uncountable). We a!Ways ( neveradd -sor -es.
food l. can buy!
SARAH Now I know a new way to cook these e Look at the table. Add food nouns from World markets.
vegeta bles.
Countable noun~ Uncountable nouns
d 06' Talk about the questions. (You can say 1, 2, 3 vegetables.) (You can't say 1., 2, a fft1its.)
1 Are there any markets in your town? What do they sell? veget ables, tomat oes fruit , cheese/
2 Where do you prefer shopping far food, in a market '
ora supermarket7 Why?

Markets can be the best places to see the daily life of a-city and to eat some
fantastic local food. Today, read about differen~rl<eJs around the world.
lf you want to buy food and learn how to cook it at the same time, go to the Un ion
Square Greenmarket in New York. lt's open four days a week and it has about 250,000
customers. Farmers'from ali of New York State sell food there. You can find different kinds
offruit andv°i@1~bÍes, such as QOtatoes, carrots, mushrooms and tomatoes. The farmers
show the best ways to cook the food and you can even try the dishes they make for free!


· Italian food is famous all over the world. You can find pasta anda pizza restaurant in
almost any city but one of the best places to try it is in Modena, ltaly. There you can find
the Mercato Albinelli. lt's nota big market, but the food's amazing. Many ltalians go there
to buy sorne fresh pasta made by hand - you can't get oetter__!2§§ta anywhere else! You
__.. - - --·-
can also buy fresh meat, fruit and vegetables and, of course, fantastic cheese and bread.
.__ -· ...


In the centre of Moscow on Tverskaya Street, you can visit a beautiful and historie
building. lnside there's Yeliseyevsky's Food Hall, a large market with things to eat and
drink. From c_hoc_plate to Jish, you can find just about anything at Yeliseyevsky's. For
Russians, it's a popular place to go for a quick snack. Many _tourists also visit because
it's fun to go and look at the peautiful building and try sorne interesting foód. lt's open
24 hours a day, so you can't ever be hungry!

UNI~ 4"'4

a Match the food words with
pictures 1-10.

beans lemons 1 chicken/\

mushrooms onions ,
lamb pea rs steak :
carrots t gra pes ,

b Underline the different word in 1-3.

Why is it different?
1 lemon pear carrot gra pe
2 bean Lam b on ion mushroom
3 steak chicken gra pe lamb

· e 0m Pronunciation Answer the questions. El GRAMMAR a/an, sorne, any

Then listen and check.
1 What is the same about the spelling of these words? a 0m Complete the sentences with the words in the
box. Listen and check.
• steak • bean • pear
2 Which word above has the same sound as these words?
sorne a/an any (x2)
green /i:/ hair /eg/ make /e1/
1 We've got pota toes.
d 0m What soúnd do the marked letters have in the
2 Have we got mushrooms?
words in the box? Add the words to the sound groups
3 And I need onion .,
below. Listen and check. -..\,
4 1 haven't got \ 1 money.
.eat where these eight rain
green wear day fair b Complete_the table with a, an, sorne and any.

Countable Unco untable

Sound 1 /e1/ Sound 2 /i:/ Sound 3 /eg/
_ a_potato
steak bean pear ·+ '~ fruit
--:'.- - potatoes
_ _ onion
" -/? _ _ cheese
_ _ onions
e ÜA Talk about the food you like and don't like.
e• Now go to Grammar Foc~s 4A on p . 142
f • Now go to Vocabu lary Focus 4A on p . 16 4 for more
Food vocabulary d 0 .mi Complete the conversation with a!an, some or
· any. Listen and check.

SARAH Helio, l'd like 1_ lemon and 2~ onion!

a ÜA Ask and ans\1\/er the questions. ~~~- .
1 Do you like cooking? STALLHOLDER Just one?
2 How often d~ you (or does someone in your family) buy SARAH Yes, and l'd like 3_ potatoes too .
food to cook? · STALLHOLDER Is this bág OK?
SARAH Yes, fine. Have you got 4_ small tomatoes?
.b 0 m Listen and answer the questions. STALLHOLDER l'm sorry but I haven't got 5_ __small
1 Does Milly want to cook? tomatoes.
2 Who dóesn't want to do anything at the wéekend - SARAH OK, the big ones there are fine. Also l'd like
Tom or Milly7 · _ cheese .
3 Where do they buy food at the weekend - at the STALLHOLDER l'm sorry, 1 don 't sell cheese. Try that guy
superma,i:ket or farmers' market? 1 over ttiere.
4 Who says they can pay - Tom or Milly?

e 0m
Listen again. Tick( ✓) the foód on the
shopping list that Tom_and Milly need.
a • Communication 4A Student Agoto p . 129 .
Meat: Student B go to p .1 3 2 .
O ch icken D steak · 0 fish
Vegeta bles:
O ca rrots · O an onion O potatoes
O tomatoes D mushrooms
a O.t Answer th e qúestions with other students.
1 Do you have any famous cooking TV programmes in your
cou ntry7
2 Do you like the food they make on those program mes?
Why / Why not?
3 Do you know the chef in the picture 7
4 Read the information about Heston Blumenthal. Would
you like to try one of his restaurants? Why / Why not?

·. b Read Josh 's email to his father. An swer the questions.

1 Who lives in London - Josh or his dad? ,),
2 Which restaurant qoes Josh want to go to?
1 \ \
3 Why does Josh want to go to th is restaurant?

e Read his dad 's reply. Does he want to go to Dinner?

d Read his dad 's email again . What does he th ink about
these things? Underline the correct answers.
1 Heston Blumenthal's food : boring / s!}ff_erent
2 His wife's food: normal! strange
A famous chef and TV star, Heston has two well-
known restau rants, Dinner and The Fat Duck.
3 The restaurant: expensive far him ! expensive far Josh
What's he famous for?
e O.t Talk qbout the questions. Heston makes strange and unusual food. On his meno ·
1 Do you like going to restaura nts with_your fam ily? Or do · you can ftnd dishes such as brown bread ice cream.
you prefer to eat at home? Why / Why not? Or try his duck with orange dish - the duck is inside.
2 Do you like trying un usual or strange food 7 Why / Why not? the o range! ·

When you come to London next week, 1want to take you

for dinner. Would you like to go to Heston Blumenthal's .
restaurant Dinner? lt loo.ks fun and I can pay! Do you
remember my friend , Pete? Well, he goes to Oinner every
time his parents in town. He always has the fish dish
and he says it's amazing! And his mum says the brown
bread ice cream is gréat, too. 1really want to take you
Josh Thanks·for the invitation to Dinner. 1know
about that guy Blumenthal from TV. His food
is interesting and it's certainly a bit unusual.
But really l'm happy to go to a normal
restaurant and have sorne roast chickén
. and boiled potatoes, like your mum makes
at home. Or l'm also fine with a can of soup
at your plaqe. lt's a nice idea to go to the
restau rant, but you don 't need to do anything
special for me . .
U.NIT 4"'4

fJ VOCABULARY Cooking ·El GRAMMAR Quantifiers: much,

many, a lot (o.f)

a Read the cooking instructions 1-5 and match them
with the pictures a-e. a 0mi Complete the sentences with .tjle correct
words in the box. Listen and check.
; .... .
much a lot many a little
1 \,.
1 That's 1 1
of butter.
1 Fry the onions in a little oil. 2 How chocolate 7 Only
2 Put water and rice in a pan and boil for 12 minutes. -60 grams.
3 Grill the chicken for 10 minutes until it's brown. ,.,/
3 How 1. grams of butter7
4 Put sorne oil on the lamb and roast it in the oven .
5 Bake the bread in a hot oven for 30 minutes. b Look at the phrases in italics in 1-3. Can you
use them with countable (C) or uncountable (U)
b 0Dil Complete the table. Use verbs from 2a and nouns, or both (B)?
adjectives from Josh's dad's email. Listen and check. 1 A How much butter does Olivia need 7
B A lot / Quite a lot / A little / Not much.
Verb Adjective 2 A How many beans does Harry need 7
boil B A lot / Quite a lot / A few / Not many
fried 3 1need a lot of / quite a lot of potatoes and chocolate.

e• Now go to Grammar Focus 4B on p.142 ·
1 baked
roast 1
d 0.m Complete the conversation. Then put the
conversation in arder. Listen and check.

e Complete the examples with adjectives in 2b.

B CJ A 1- ~ - - - - about five or six pieces.
• add -ed A [2] ReaUy? That's 2 a lot.
• add -d B [;J About four or five .
• changes -yto -ied A c=] And what about drinks7 How 3 - - - - + - - -
• the same as the verb cups of coffee do you have a day?
• ends with the sound /t/ A [j] How 4 _ _ _ _ _ fruit do you eat a

d Ü~ Talk about the questions. e Ü~ Do you think. that Speaker B in 4d is heQlthy

1 Which kinds of cooking do you think are healthy7 or unhealthy? Why?
Which do you think are unhealthy?
2 Choose two kinds of food . What is your favourite way
to cook that food 7 El SPEAKING
e• Now go to Vocabulary Focus 4B on p.16 4 far a Write questions to ask your partner about the food
Con ta i ners. they eat.


' What fruit do

you like?
a 0DE1 Listen to Olivia and about Heston How many
Blumenthal recipes. Tick( ✓) which two recipes they pieces of bread How much rice
choose. do you eat do you eat a
D Ultimate rriashed patato D Three times cooked chips
á day? · week?
D Cheese-on-toast ice cream D Coffee al)d chocolate sauce
b Ü~ Ask your questions and write down your
b 0DE1 Listen again. Underline the correct food words in partner's answers. · ·
the instructions far Olivia an·d Harry.
C Ü~ Go to page 135 and read about food that is
1 Olivia neeets potatoes / chips and cream / butter.
healthy to eat every day. Look at your partner's
2 She needs to boil / roastthe ingredients.
answers and decide if your partner eats in a
3 Harry needs honey / sugar, coffee beans / black coffee, and
healthy way. ·
milk chocolate/ dark chocolate.
• • 4 He needs to grill / boil the ingredients.

C Ü6' Which r'ecipe would you like to make?

1 . 1111
Everyday English
Do we need a reservation?

a 0 Jt Ask and answer the questions. a Read the restaurant menu. Read what the friends say
1 How often do you go to a restaura nt? about food in picture b. What do you think they choose
.. ¡
í2 What kin d of resta urant do yo u li ke? for their main course?
3 Do people eat out a lot in your country7 · Martina ' Dan
Annie Leo
b 0 Jt Work in pai rs. Look at pitture a. Why do you
think the restaurant is empty? Choose an answer. b ®DE Watch or listen to Part 2 .
1 The restaura nt isn't ope n. 1 Which of you r answers in 3a are correct? Change the \ .
1 1
2 People thi nk the waiter isn't very nice. wrong answers. ,
Qi lt's very early: 2 Who ca n't decide what they wa nt to have?

e Ü A Do you sometimes find it difficult to choose ata

restaurant? Why / Why not?

Starters )
Smoked chicken salad
Mixed bean salad .
Fried fish in lemon sauce
Fresh mushroom soup

e ®mi Watch or listen to Pa rt l . and check your

answers in lb.
Main course
d ®mi Watch or iisten to Part 1 again. Are the Spaghetti with tomato sauce
sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
Egg anp vegetable pie
1 They have a reservation fo r fo ur people.
'1 '/
2 ' They want a table by the door. ~ 1 \..\. Lamb w ith roast potatoe s
r Annie fi nds
1' it difficult
\, , to choose a table. .1-
i · Thai c hicken c urry

Arriving at a restaurant 1 think I want to
eat meat tonight.
a Read the sentences. Who is the waiter - A or B?
A' No proble m.
B Can we have a table by the window?
A Good evening. Do you have a reservation?
A Yes, of co urse . This way, please.
B No, we don't. We'd li ke a table for four.

b ®na Put the sentences in 2a in the correct

order. Listen and c heck your answers.

e Ü A Practise the conversation with a partner.

d Ü Jt Change what B says in 2a. Use the sent ences
1 We'd like a table outs id e.
2 Yes, we have a reservation fo r two peo ple. The name's
Morton. But we're twe nty minutes late.


Ordering a meal in a restaurant a 0 .HE Listen to the sentences. In each seritence
a Complete the conversations from Part 2 with the there are two or more word groups . Writé 11 where
words in the box. you hear the start of a new word group. ·
1 For my sta rter 11 l'd like raw fish.
have then with 1'11 like 2 And 1'11 have ve etab e pi~\for my main course .
3 l'd li ke chicke n sala for my starter.
WAITER What would you like for your starter?
MARTINA l'd 1_ _ _ _ _ the mushroom soup, b 0 .HE Listen again . Notice the main stress in
please. 1; each word group.
WAITER And for your main co urse 7
MARTINA 2_ _ _ _ _ have the lamb with roast
e 0 ml Write 11 where you hear the sta'rt of a new

potatoes. word group. Listen and check.

WAITER And for your starter, sir? For my starte r ll 1'11 have mushroom sÓup.[Y,.nd then
DAN 1'11 3_ _ _ _ _ ch icke n sa lad . l'd like chi cken curr~for my mai~ course. And 1'11 have
WAITER Ch icken salad. sorne ric~lwith my curry. ·
4_ _ _ _ _ lamb with roast potatoes.
Would you like rice 5_ _ __ _ that?
d O.t In pairs, practise saying the order in 5c .
LEO Yes, please.

b Tick (✓) the two phrases we use when we wánt to

· order food in -a restaurant.
1 O I have 3 O l'd wa nt
Changing what you say ~
2 l'd li ke 0 4 1'11 have ·
a Look at the two sentences from the conversation.
C 0 ml Put the words in the correct order to make Underline the phrases .Annie uses when she
sentences. Listen and check . wants to change what she wants to say.
1 sa lad / my / bean / l'd / starter / for / like 1 ANNIE What abo_ut the one on the right?
2 course / 1'11 / my /spaghetti/ for / have / main DAN lf you prefer . . . .
3 Í¡d / rice/ ch icke n / li Ke / with / curry ANNIE May be nqtThe one on the left is fine ...
2 ANNIE OK, for a starter 1'11 have the fish. No, wait. 1'1 1 ·
have chicken· salad.

b 0 .mi Complete the sentences. Listen and check.

1 1'11 have mushroom soup. Maybe - -·
l'd like the ch icken salad.
2 l'd like spaghetti , 1thin k. No,--· 1'1 1have the
vegetable pie.
The only meat I eat

a O.t Work in groups of three or four. Use the menu on
page 44 . Write one more starter and one more main ·

b You are at a restaurant. Take turns to be ,the waiter

and the cwstomer. Ord~r a mea! from the menu. Use
phrases from 4a to help you. Practise changing whát
you say when you order.


You can now do lpe Unit Progress Test.

45~. .
Skills for Writing
Next, decide on your menu


a Ü~ Ask and answer th ~ questions .
· 1 Which of the dishes in pictu res a- d
woul d you like to eat?
2 Ca n you make any dishes like.these 7
3 Who does most of th e cooki ng in yo ur house:
you or another person? Why7

b 0 1Bl Fow people talk about cooking:

Listen and underline the corred answers.

Name Talks about

Jake himself I a good I pdure al bl el d
his wife bad coo k
Rosie herself I a good I picture a I b I e I d
her husband badcook
Johanna herself I a good I picture al bl el d
her father badcook
Toby himselfl a good I picture al bl el d
his mother badcook

e 0 1Bl Listen again . Answer the questions.

1 · Who always wa nts to eat more? a Read Jake cooks! Who is it for?
. 2 Who ca'ií on ly make one thing? a People who kn ow how to cook very we ll .
3 Who doesn't understand how you can make a really good tí People who wa nt to lea rn how to cook.
dish from on ly a few things? ,1
4 Who enjoys their own food?

d Think of someone you know who is a good cook.

Make notes. •
--, \ ( I ~ \ 1., 1 1

• Who? • Why? ~ • What dishes?


e O~ Ask and answer about the good cook you know. Jak i ~ -/
Who do you know Hi everyone and welcome to my cooking blog. ·
who is a good cook?
I 'm not a good cook, but I want to beco rile better.
1 jUst .want to learn how to cook simple dishes
My father - he's a
great cook.
and eat well. 1 don't want to cook difficult things
and I don 't want to be a famous chef. In this blog ,
1 want to tell you about the help I get from my

family and friends and the things I try out. So if

you want to be a better cookr-but not a chef, then
rriaybe I can help you!

. He makes fantastic
chicken salad.

UNIT4..,._ -··

b Read My toad - shared!. What does Jake talk about? e Read the récipe far a bean salad. Only sentences
a the food he eats 1 and 5 are in the correct order. Put the other
b planning a dinner sentences in the correct arder.
J- .
01 Cook the beans in hot water with a little _salt.
e Read My toad - shared! again. Are the sentences true or □• Add salt and pepper and mix everything togeth er.
false? Correct the false sentences. O Put lemon and oil ori the warm beans - not
1 Jake hopes the blog can help other peüple plan din.ner too much.
for friends. \ □ Leave the beans until they are warm.
2 lt's nota good idea to invite a lot of people for dinner. - · ~ Place the bean salad in a nice bowl and ~erve
3 lt's always fun _to try a new dish beca use friends can tell you if to your guests.
it's good or not. -_
4 Decidé the ·night of the dinner and then tell your friends .. d Add the words in the box to the sentences in 3c.
5 lt helps to do ali the cooking befare your friends come. \
first after that next then finally
d 0 4' Do you prefer making meals far other people o_
r going
to someone's home far a meal? Why? n ' First , cook t he beans in hot wat er .. .

WRITING SKILLS Making the order clear IIWRITING

a In Jake's blog, the words tirst and next hel p make the ·a Plan a blog·about something you know how to do . .
arder clear. Underline two more phrases in the blog that • What are good ideas to become better?
also make the arder clear. · • What's a good arder to do things?

b Answer the questions. b Write your blog. Use My toad - shared! to

1 f 1 '~
help you. ·
Which two phrases can we change with then?
What punctuaticin do we use after these phrases7
e Swap blogs with another student and check the
arder is clear.

Do you like the idea of cooking dinner for friends? Here

are my ideas for planning a dinner for friends - 1hope
you find them useful .:.
First, think about how many people you want to invite. Don't
7ñvite too many - 1 think four people is a good number.
Next, ring or email to invite your friends and ali. agree on a .
ñ ight that's good for everyone. ·
After that, decide on your menu. Only choose food that you
know how to prepare. Don 't choose n_ew and difficult dishes
- it's just too hard. Your friends know that you are not a chef
• and your house is not a restaurant!
Finally, on the day of the dinner, you need a lot of time to ·
prepare everything - the food and the table. (The weekend ··
is good because you have all day to prepare.) lf everything
is ready before your guests arrive, you can enjoy the dinner
much more.
Cooking for friends can be easy and fun. 1hope it is for you!
UNIT 4 :a
Review and extension Read the three conversations.
Which one matches the picture?
1 A What fruit do you like 7
D GRAMMAR 1 like most kinds of fruit, but

not bananas.
2 A What vegeta bles would you like?
a Correct the, words (1-1 O) that are wrong.
B l'd like potatoes and carrots,
There's a very good market near my home. 1 always go there pl~ase.
to buy 1 food. Sorne stalls sell 2ve'getableand 3 (ruits. 1 'usually 3 A We want to have a party.
buy 4 potato and 5 onions there because they're very cheap. At Would you like to join us?
my favourite stall an old lady sel Is 6 BíYtté~s, 7 cream and 8 egg B Yes, thanks. l'd love to.
from her own farm. There is also a building where they sell
fhJfiesand 1º meat. Look at the questions in 3a. Which question ... ?
} is about what B wa nts now
b U nderl i ne the correct answers.
2 invites B to go somewhere
1 Have we got an / any onions? 3 is about what B likes in general (not Just now)
2 How_much / many coffee do you drink?
3 How much / many bananas would you like? ;e Match a-c with simila(meaning 1-3 in 3b.
4 Can you buy a/ sorne spaghetti? a I don't like Big Brother. 1,think it's a terrible programme .
., 5 Is there any / many milk in the fridge? b Would you like to come to my birthday party 7
6 How a lot of ( much money have you got? c l'd like two lemons, please. '

e Choose the correct answer. 1 d Match the marked words in 1-4 with meanings a-d.
1 haven't got _ _ money, but I ca n buy a cup of coffee.
1 What's it like to live without the Internet? _
a sorne b many c much 2 They haven't gota computer. 1 couldn't live like that. -
2 There aren't _ _ bananas. Let's buy sorne more. 3 1 eat a lot of fruit, like apples, pears, melons and
a much b many c sorne bananas . ,,
3 The party's going to be great - _ _1 people want to come . 4 She's 20 and she studies Russian, just like me.
a much b a lot of c any
4 He's got _ _ . good books about food and cooking. a the sa me as
a sorne b mych c any b for example
c how is it
d in that way
j e Write a question with like for each situation.
a Match the words in the box with 1-5. Then add one
1 Invite a friend to the cinema on Friday.
more word to each group.
2 You tre in a shop . Ask for sorne apples .
.3 You're 'a waiter in a café. A customer says 'A coffee·,
.pear chicken grape cheese grilled
-larnb patato boiled carrot yoghurt -
please.' ,\ , r_,
4 So'meone is a guest in you~ home. You wa nt to know
what to cook for him/her. .
1 kinds qf meat , \ ' ' .
5 Ata party¡ someone says he/she lives in New York. Ask
2 vegetables
him/her about the city.
3 kinds of fruit , ~
4 things which come from milk
5 ways of cooki ng food -..J • ',r \
! f 0 ~ Ask and answer the questions in 3e with
a partner.
: ... ...... ... .... .... ..... ; .... ~ .......... .. .... ...... ..... ........ .... ... ............ . .
b Look at 1-9. Which are normal ( ✓) and which are
. unusual (or impossible) ()<)?
1 grilled ch icken ✓ 6 fried grapes
2 roast butter )( 7 roast lamb
3 boiled egg , 8 fried mushrooms '
4 grilled rice 9 boiled potatoes /
5 fried fish How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
for each objective.
3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well

1CAN ...
talk about the food I want o
talk about the food I eat every day
□- -
arrive at and arder a meal in a restaurant □-

- ,.
:. 48
write ;-blo~b;;-ut so~ething I kno; how to do.
a 0 6' Talk about the picture. -Wh ich ideas do you think are true?
1 A family lives here.
2 People go here far a quiet weekend .
3 Wild animals live inside.
4 You can stay here on holiday. -F=- '
5 People use it wh en it rains a lot and the river is high. í

b 0 6' Imagine you go into the house. Answer the questions.

1 How many rooms are there?
2 ÍNhat three thin gs c,m you see?

e 0 6' In pairs, ask and answer the qúestions.

1 Why is t his a good place fa r a home 7
2 Why is it a bad place 7
3 What is a 'good home'?
Here are sorne ideas:
• lt's in a quiet place . • lt's got. lots of of rooms.
• lt's expensive . • lt's gota ga rde n.
• lt's in the centre of town . • lt's moderri .
There are sorne 0
Leam to talk about.towns
there is / there are
nice restaurants fl Places in a city

D READING e Read the t ext again and answer the questions.

1 How is Thames Town unusual?
a ÜJt Where do you think pict ures a-c are 2 Can you see other towns like this nea r Shanghai?
frorn ? Choose from the countr ies in the box. 3 Why do people visit Thames Town?
4 What's the best way to get there from Sha nghai?
England China Spa in
Germany the USA France d ÜJt Talk about the questions.
1 Would you li ke to visit Thames Town? Why / Why not?
b Read Strange towns and check your answers. 2 Wou ld you like to live there?

Strange towns
Why is it strange?
Tharnes Town is an unusual English town. There's a town
square with beautiful buildings and there are sorne nice ·
restaurants. There are streets with cafés and big, green
parks where you can sit and relax. You can walk by the
river in the centre of the town. So, what's unusual? Well,
there aren't any English people apart frorn sorne tourists.
Tharnes Town isn't in England, it's in China. And the
buildings aren't actualiyoic[tharnes Town is new - they
finished it in 2006.
Tharnes Town is in Songjiang 30 km west of Shanghai,
a big city in the east of China. lt was part of the building
project 'One city, nin e towns'. There's also a German
town with modern apartments and a river with bridges
and a Spanish town with squares and w_indmills.

Who lives there?

A lot óf the buildings are stili empty because it's very
expensive to live there. But young Chinese people often
go there and take photos when they get married. And,
· of course, lots of tourists visit because they can see so
many different places in one day!

How can I get there?

lt's easy to get there. There isn't a metro station in the
town, but Songjiang New City metro station is only 4 km
away - take Shanghai Metro Une 9 from the centre of
Shanghai and then take a taxi ora bus. You can travel
. from China to 'England' in less than an hour!
VOC-ABULARY Places in a city f 0 1E'l Pronunciation Listen to the
sentences from 3a and 3c.
a Underliríe twelve words in Strange Towns for places in a 1 When do the speakers use there's?
town or city. Which ones can you see in pictures a-c? Q in sentences b in questions
e in short answers
b• Now go to Vocabulary Focus 5A on p.165 2 Does the word there have:
a a long vowel sound-
e O.t Work with other students. Write @ a short vowel sound?
words for more places in a city.
Think of: g • Communication 5A Student Agoto p . 13O . ,
• places to go in the evening Student B go to p . 134·.
• things to see
• places to relax in the daytime
d OJt Talk about three places you like in your town or city.
a 0 .Hm Tom asks his ltalian friend, Paola, about
visiting Ven ice, her home town. Complete the
B GRAMMAR there is/ there are conversation with the correct form of there is or
there are. Listen and check your answers.
a Complete the sentences from Strange Towns with TOM Is Venice a good place to visit? ---r\A '{
there's, there are, there isn't or there aren't. PAOLA Oh, it's a fantastic city to visit. 1 1nQt-t d .e_ lots
1 itw.. -e '~
a metro station in the town. of interesting old buildings, and
2 1he,(e_ar--e.. -sorne nice restaurants. 2~ ( @ oJQ sorne beautiful squares.
3 1hei:e Ísr, q--r1ny English people. TOM 3 A,Q-l-\-\Q'(-Q.. any good restaurants?

4 11"'-e..(Q t,S a town square with beautiful buildings. PAOLA Yes, 4 -the(Q cx<Q , but \l:ley're quite expensive.
TOM What about cafés? 5 AiJQ ·-;-v;Q(e any good cafés?
b Complete the table with forms of there is or there áre. PAOLA Oh yes, 6 1w!'f Q ( 'º- lots of good cafés. The
. coffee's very good in ltaly.
+ . - TOM And how can I get to places? 7 \s. +\Q ít . a
There~ a good hotel in the There ~ta cinema i~ the metro?u ~ .
town centre. town. PAOLA No, 8 "1 t'\l:'.Ye... \Sh' f"a metro, but we don 't need

; '0Qi-e_ ClN.. sorne nice cafés. There ctre()a~y parks.

' one. 9 Toe.,Q. o'("{.. lots of cana Is, so yo1u can go
everywhere by boat. .1

e Match questions 1-4 about Thames Town with answers ~ b O.t Work in groups of four: Pair A and Pair B.
shop_s and markets things to see buses and trai.ns
1 Is there a river? a No, there aren't: They're ali new. 3
restaurants and cafés parks famous buildings
2 Is there a metro station? b Yes, there is. lt's in the 'town centre.i
3 Are there any cafés? c Yes, there are. There are lots.4
Pair A: You are visitors to a town or city. Write questio_ns to
4 Are there any old d No, there isn't. There's one in
ask about the things in the box.
buildings? Songjiang. 2-
Is th ere a ... ? Are there a ny ... ?
d Complete the table with forms of there is or there are. Can 1... ? Where can 1... ? .

Pair B: Think about a town or city that you know well. Make
Yes! No questions Short answers notes about the things in the box.
~-agood Yes, there .~ . No, there 1s:tv_ The cíty ís great to vísít beca use .. . and .. .
hotel in the town? There's a famous . . . lt's called . . .
{Q.. f ~ ~ ny.good There are lots of ... ·
·C OJt Use the conversation in 4a and your notes ir!
- · 4b to have a conversation.
e• Go to Grammar Focus 5_/Si on p.144
Pair A: Ask about the town .
Pair B: Answer the questions about the town.
D VOCABULARY Furniture d 0 .IEI Pronunciation Listen to the pronunciation of -
the marked letters. Are the sounds long or short?
a Ü Jt Ask and answer the questions. 1 am shci(-r 3 wardrobe \afl-c.¡ 5 cut sk:id·
1 Do you live in a house oran apartment? 2 curtains :'.)~o<t 4 armchair ~o \I 6 baci S\ro(t
2 How old is your home? 0
3 In your country where can you buy furniture? e Answer the questions.
1 What letter is in the spelling of all the long sounds
in ld? A
2 Can you hear thi s letter in the examples 701@ can
3 Match far, her and door with three words with the same
long sound in ld .
b Read the advertisement far a furniture shop. Who is
the store far? f Look at the room you are in now. Write a Iist of the
furniture in it.
a People who like expensive furniture.
@ People who don't want to spend too much
money on furniture .
g Ü Jt Compare your list with a partner.

e Match the words in the box with pictures a-1.

mirror.(:: washing machi ne Y\ bookcase c curtains o\

sink í cupboard e. armchair C\ wardrobe(j lamp J
chest of drawersK cookerb sofa l

NEW APARTMENT? \urti\ture

Have you got all the furniture you need? run
We sell new and second-hand furniture:
• beds • chairs • sofas • wardrobes
• bookcases • chests of drawers ...
From classic to crazy - we've got all the furniture you need.
It's all good QlJ.ality ata low price.

®L ~- - - J



fJ LISTENING e Look at the sentences and answer the

a 0 ~ Ask and answer the questions. Whose mirror is thaf? a lt's my mirror.
1 Which is your favourite room in you r home? e]> lt's mine.
2 Do you have a favourite piece of furn iture? 1 Do we need to repeat mirror in the answer? rt\ u-K:> d.or '+
2 Whicha nsweris better 7 1.\-- 1~ be+ie{ 11 j./-- t_s íY\ ll'\-e_''
b 0 HB Jim's sister; Ruth, comes to visit him in his new flat.
Listen to their conversation . Which rooms does Jim show d Complete the sente.nces with the words in
Ruth? the box.
a the kitchen e the bath room his theirs
yours hers mine
b the living room ~ the bedroo m
1 lt's my bed. ➔ lt's N\1:c:Q
e 0 HB Listen again and write down the furniture they talk 2 lt's yo ur lamp. ➔ - lt's ~ 0 0Y-.S
about in each room. 3 lt's her sofa . ➔ lt's- Vier.s:
Room 1 ~ 1
\fe to.l\fo.,_8\- o.\'\ a\'rflc..Y1(Jir 0.'(ld o rnCrror - 4 lt's their mirror. ➔ lt's ,.\-'{\e,,·y s
Room 2 'fuQ;,\ \f d:CQ~\1..l(\C\ cúio-1: o. \J'lO.<dro'b.a ar\ct. o.
\.] '-...J
ked · 5 lt's his chair. ➔ . lt's \.-r~
d What does Ruth think about the furniture in Jim 's flat? e• Now go to Grammar Focus 5B on p.144

II GRAMMAR f 0 }Dj Read about Jean Paul 's flat. Complete.

the text with the words in the box. Listen and
Possessive pronouns and possessive 's check your answers.

a 0 ml Compl~te the conversation with words from the box. sister's parents' mine (x3)
Listen and check your answers . mother's hers yours

your Mum and Dad David's mine

yours of David Mum and Dad 's 1 live in a flat with seven rooms. lt's not 1 N\ lY:'~
- it's my 2 ~ Q'(-Q.~-r~:\ · . In my bed room, there's a
RUTH I lave that armchair. rea lly big bookcase that I lave. lt's my 3 SistQ ( U'
JIM Yes, it's quite .. . interesting. but she does n't live at home now so I don't think it's
RUTH Is it 1 ~ c')u (S 7 4 h<2 fS any more - it's 5 Y'r11 Y\Q. · now. My
JIM No, it's '{ h."" d: '.S . He's my flatm ate. -~
fath er's gota study with a beautiful old desk. lt'§ rea lly
RUTH . 1lave it. That mi rror over there. Is that 3 10utv1 a.rdwf-S rny 6 ro,o.Pr'\..Q ( !.::i , b ut Dad always says to Múm, 'lt's
JIM Well, yes, but rea lly it's 4 'D\i\'\P • now.
not 7_ ~ o (..) (S now, it's 8 r''
h~ "·
b Tick (✓) the correct sentences.
1 D lt's the flat of Jim. El SPEAKING 1·
2 [ ] lt's Jims fl at.
3 IZf lt's Jim's flat. a Write four sentences about l our home , the
4 D lt's my parent's fl at. furniture in it and whose fu rf iture it is. Look at
5 D lt's th e fl at of my parents. . Jeail Pa~l's words in 3f to you . hrp ·.
6 IZJ lt's my pa rents' flat.
b O~ Read your sentences to a partner. Listen to
. your partner's sentences ana try to remember
the information . 1
e O~ Tell your partner what you remember about
their home. Who can reme mber the most?

The lamp in your

bedroom is your
Everyday English Leam howto ask for and give directioris
Q Checking v.rh.ª f .<Jth.~r people sély
Is there a bank near here? O Sentence stress ·

a 0~ Answer the questions about pictures a and b. e 0DB Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Choose the
1 Where do you think Dan and Leo want to go? Say why. correct answer.
a shopping b the gym 1 The street name on Leo's phone is:
@) a meeting d lunch a Bedfard Street b Park Road .
2 There's a problem. What do you think it is 7 2 Leo says South Street is:
a off Park Road b off North Street.
b 0DB Watch or I isten to Part 1 and check your 3 Dan doesn't want to be:
answers in la. a too early b late.

Checking what other people say
0.&n Look at the sentences from Part 1 and
answer the questions.
DAN Are you sure it's here?
LEO I think so.
DAN Are you certain?
LEO Yes.

a Are the questions still correct if we swap the two

marked words?
b Why does Dan ask the questions? Choose the
correct answer.
a Hé agrees with Leo.
@ He wants to check something with Leo.

a Ü~When you're lost, what do you usually do?
Choose one idea.
1 Look again far the correct street on your phone.
2 Continue along the street and look far the correct street.
@ Ask someone far help to find the correct street.

b 0.IE!l Watch or listen to Part 2. Do Dan and Leo have

the same idea as you in 3a? ~r ~Y'-'2'-¡j ~

e 0.IE!l Watch or listen to Part 2 again. Are the

sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
1 Dan and Leo want to find a bank that is on the comer
of Park Road and South Street. T
2 The man on the street says there's a bank 150 ·
metres away. r
I D:::lY" el. aj \...e.o wc::1.ryr
10 {\rd
-t~CO(lf.L+ ~f«2&
d 0~ Work in pairs. Look at picture c. Dan and Leo
find 'a bank, but there's another problem. What do
you think it is?

e 0.mi Watch or listen to Part 3. Answer the

1 Do th; y find the correct bank? ~e ·~ ~ 4-
2 Does the woman they talk to know where South Street is?

11"': ~¡Sl\.Q~

f 0DD Watch or listen

to Part 3 again. Follow
the woman's directions.
Write South Street on
the map.

Park Road ',

□• ~~ □·
ivt n~ Computer S~permark~t !Hotel 1

;a Hudson
shop ~ ~ Lane
Dan+ Leo


Asking for and giving directions Sentence stress
a Complete the questions with the words in the box. a 0 .mi Read and listen to B's
directions in 4d. Notice the stressed
--rel-1-- -WOOffi #!efe f\GW--- words.
Go straight on and tum right at the comer.
1 Is tY'Y'<-K a bank near here?
2 Can you 7-i(l us how to get to South Street?
Go along K(ng Street until you come to Park
Road , then turn left. Go straight on for about
3 Hóv-J do I get to Park Road?
fifty metres. The park is on your right.
4 ~ 0 V':\>YIQ., can I find a supermarket7
b Choose the correct answer.
b Look at the phrases for giving directions. Change the
marked words with the words in the box. When we give dire~tions, we stress:
only the verbs and nouns
~ supermarket on left (!)the words for direction and place
3 the little words that join ideas.
1 Go straight aloni@e road .
2 The ban'k is on_your right-:"~\° q Su~v1v,cw e O.t In pairs, take turns asking far and
3 Go straight on until you come to Park Road. giving directions like the conversation
in 4d._Use phrases from 4, the map
C Match the directions with maps a~b. in 3f and give directions to different
1 Tum right at the metro station. b places.
2 -Tum right into Park Road . ()

d 0.BB Complete the conversation with [;JSPEAKING

the words in the box. Listen and check.
a• Communication se Student A go to
go (x3) tum (x2) get can come p.131. Student B go to p.133 .

A Excuse me, 1 (0..1"-- yoU tell me

how to 2 ~✓t to the park?
B Yes, 3 ~ straight on and 4_ ::\~\.J_\/'(\
___ right at
the comer.
A Is that right into King Street7
B Yes and 5 8° along King Street until you
6 C..O'lY'<2. to Park Road , then 7 -Nl(h left.
A Left into Park Road?
B Yes and 8 \f? • straight on for about 50 metres.
The park is on your right.
A Thank you very much.
You can no:w do the Unit Progress Test.
O.t In pairs, practise the conversation in 4d. Take turns
being A and B. · ·

a What makes a good neighbourhood? Tick ( ✓) a Read Around the world online and answer the questions.
four ideas. 1 What can you rea d about on this website?
E] lots of shops
lots of cafés and restaura nts 2 What does the we bsite wa nt you to do?
O a footba ll stadium a cinema
D no shops or cafés a sports centre b Read In my neighbourhood. Do Anita and lrena live in the
0 a supermarket O a museum same kind of neighbourhoods?

b 0~ Talk about your ideas i6 la. e Underline the .correct answers.

l .Anita / frena lives clase to the centre of the city.
e 01El Antonella, Keith and Jia talk about what
2 'Anda/ frena likes a neighbourhood that isn't noisy.
they think makes a good neighbourhood. 3 Anita / frena ca n often go shopping.
Listen and answer the questions. 4 lt's eas~nita / frena to eat in a restaurant.
1 Who llkes a neighbourhood that IS· ~lrJ.o'r-€-1 l1r"9 k.s~
b. 5 There's a place where Anita / frena ca n get sorne exercise near
a new b busy c qu1et? )<-e,1½-, \11-<'.eS <IJ,'<B ~\,,b.:,:;r¼w her home. -
2 Who do yo u agree with? J~ ''2.k
lo. lil<g¡ ~

d ®IEl Listen again. Write the places in the box

next to the people who talk about them.

houses restaurants shopping mall clubs'

shops cafés museum cinema park

a Antonella Cofd.s , {d,c, un::..vi1-s , \Y\.u5'º1.Jf1/1

b Keith dvb51 shops , u nefY'OIL, hou;QJ'
c Jia SA01:2p1h3 ;_ali , 1\2º rkC
' 1
Who likes their neighbourhood? Who doesn 't?

e 0~ Ask and answer questions about your


. UNIT s""'-

B WRITING SKILLS b Look at the sentences in 3a and complete

the rules with the words in the box.
Linking ideas with and, but and so
so and but
a Underline one word in each sentence below that links
two ideas. 1 We use O'Dcl\ when we want to add an
1 Th ere are lots of good restaurants in my neighbourhood extra idea .\ l-
and my apa rtment's opposite a really good Thai restaurant, 2 We use n c.__r-1 . wher1 we want to add a
SiamC~ different idea.
2 My neighbourhood isn't very exciting, but it's a nice place 3 We use SO when we want to add an
)o.Ji-v.~ ~ idea that is the result of the first idea .
3 There~ s in the area so it's nice

and quiet. _--- e Read In my neighbourhood again. Underline
sentences that contain linking words.

d Put the linking words in the correct place in

the sentences. C)J\~
1 My neighbourhood's in the ce ntre of town there
are lots of different shop¿ near my house. (and)
2 1 live near the universirytthere are lots of
interesting shops in my neighbourhood. (so)
3 My neighbourhood 's quite busy during the day
neighbourhood's about two kilometres \:;Dht's nice and quiet at nig~\- (but)
from the centre of town. lt's easy for me 4 My house is near a pallfl:11ere's a sma ll river with
to get into the centre of the city, but a bridge in the park. (and) s'O
everything I need is in my neighbourhood 5 My neighbourhood is very friendly it's a nice
~ I don't go into the centre very often. • place to liv~st'metimes it's noisy in the evening.
lt's near the City Museum and there are (so, but) ~ -\-
sorne beautiful old buildings here so it's an 6 There's a popuJa café in my neighbourhood 1
interesting part of the city. There are lots of don't like coffee I never go there. (but, so)
good restaurants in my neighbourhood
~my apartment's opposite a
really good Thai restaurant, Siam
Café. l love their food and it's a Plan a description of your neighbourhood.
Make notes.
• · where • what
• near • adjectives

b Write about your neighbourhood. Use lrena·

and Anit~'s texts and your notes in 4a to ·
help you. Use and, butand so.

e Swap descriptions with another student and

check the linking words. ·

d Read about other students' neighbourhoods.

neighbourhóod's about eight kilometres from
Which one is most different from yours?
the city centre, but there's a metro train station near
my house ~ it's easy to get there. There aren't any 1 1
· restaurants or bars in the area~ it's nice and quiet.
About a kilometre away there's a big shopping mall with
a lot of shops. Opposite it, there's
a park and a sports centre. 1go
there three times a week to use
the gym. My neighbourhood isn't
very exciting, ~ut it's a nice place
to live.
UNIT 5 a
Review and extension (D
Match cafés 1-6 with a-fon the map .

Alpha Café A busy student café .Q!l Newton Street,

~ the Re x Cinema. Cheap , but usually full. •
D GRAMMAR Café Uno On the comer of Newton Street and Gréen
Street. Goodcoffee and great cake-s, but ex pensive.

a Complete the conversation with the correct form of ® Café Express, A small café just i_n front of the station .
there is or there are. @ La Roma. A small café on Green Street, between the
market and the library. They have good pasta dishes.
Can you tell me about your free roo m 7
1:Jhére~ bed, two arm chairs anda big window.
® Shane's. At the end of Newton Street, opposite the
station . Popular with mothers and young children .
MARCEL ~ d e sk? .
~~But ® Café Casablanca. A Moroccan café with a nice garden.
No, 3
~ a small table. lt's in a small street behind the Re x Cinema.
MARCEL And 5~ shower? ·-
LANDLADY No, but 6~ a bathroom on th e sa me fl oor.
MARCEL 1see:Jnd ¼,re,./+.QY hlher stu dents in th e house?
LANDLADY Yes. 81riere ª ~ our oth er stu de nts .

b Change the marked words to make them shorter. Use

mine, yours, his, etc .
A Is thi s bag 1your bag? yours
B No, it isn't 2 my bag

A Look, 1 t hink thi s is Theresa's phone.

B I know it isn't 3 our phone, so maybe it's 4 her phone. ouv-_s
Let's ca ll and ask her. he.rS · b Look at the underlined examples in 3a . Words like
on and next to are prepositions of place that tell us
A Wh ose ca r is th at? where something is. Underline more prepositions of
B lt's 5 my brother 's car. And the motorbi ke's h IS place in 3a.
his motorbike, too. /,¡ 1.S

A I thin k th at's my book. e Add óne more word to make th E:,-~ntences correct.
B No, this book's 7my book. 1 don't know where IY\ 1 r.º 1 The ci nema is on Kin g Street, next th e superm arket.
. at
your book is. UWCS · 2 There's a cash mac_bg1e t he end of Green Street.
3 1'11 meet you in frontthe bank on Newton Street. ·.
4 Th ere's a new bookshoP'th e com er of New Street. .
a U nderl i ne the correct words.
1 They live in a big.@!! rivern ear the centre .
2 lt costs a lot to stay in thi s bridge /~
3 Th ere are lots of good restaurants I parks in th e ma in
river l ~ .
4 Let's go to the flat I_EE.!Js,. We can play football. Supermarket
5 There's only one square I bridge over th e river.
6 The tra in gets in to th e park I sj§tion at 6:30 .

b Complete the sentences with things you find in a room.

1 Look in the m ~. Your face is dirty. ..
2 1just wa nt to wash my hand s in the s ; nk . ··· ······ ····· ···· ··· ··· ···· ·····•··············· ······ ······· ··· ·· ·· ······· ···· ······ ····
3 You ca n put you r clea n cloth es in th e
4 l'm tired. 1'11 lie on the s ~ far a bit. ..
5 Put yo ur dirty clothes in th e w c,._.S~€.v m~ .e.
6 Don't touch the c~ ( lt's hot! How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
.7 There are sorne plates in the c~ .rCA for each objective.
3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well

1CAN ...
talk about towns D
- ·-- - - - - - - - --~·
describe rooms and furniture in my home D
ask for and give directions D
- - - - --- ---·
write a description of my neighbourhood. □
a 06' Look at the picture and answer the
1 Who do you think the people in this family are?
Use family words you know, like i' m?ther', 'sister' .
2 Do you think they all live togeth er in one house?
3 Choose someone in the photo. Write two questions
to ask them.
b O..- Talkabout a family you know well - not
your own family. ·
1 How many people are there in the family?
Who are they?
2 Who do you know best in the family7 Why 7
a O~ Talk about your parents, brothers or sisters. Think about: a 0 .Hi.i Listen to Part 2 . Greg talks more about
• their na mes .• what they do • adjectives about them his family. Tick(✓) the people he talks about. .
D his mother [l] his gra ndmother
b 0 .BE Listen to Part l. Greg talks about his family. Tick(✓) IZ] his grandfath er D his uncle
the people he talks about. [I] his grand pa rents in Ind ia
D aunt EJsister E] gra ndmother
E'.] gra ndparents D grandda ughter B cousi n b 0 .Hi.i Put the life events in the correct arder
[Z[ uncle . GJ'broth er f f irandfather on the timel ine. Listen again and check your
0 grand children D grandson Ef parents answers.
1 got married
e Choose words in lb to complete Greg's family tree. 2 grandfather was born 1
3 gra ndmothe r fini shed work
d 0 .BE Listen again and check your answers in le. 4 photographer took the picture
Whose parents were born in India? 5 we nt to university
SoY\)lt s 'i;U(@'04:s'\).)Qt-Q_~CJ((\ ,\ !\.. , li'\Ch0-- . 6 grandmother was born
e 0 2?:1 Pronunciation Listen to the sound of the marked
letters. Tick (✓) the words that have the same sound as
1 1
cousin J!rn:: le ~ nt grandmoth er grand son ~ 1937 ~ 1958 ~ 1963 ·
~ 1939 ~ 1962 B] 2004
f Look at the family tree again. Who can say these sentences?
Wrrte the names. ·
1 'Ali ce is my aunt. ' Gre<3, El la. Rick
2 'Ravi's our uncle ' 6r€F-¡J ,:Clb112\ck_
3 'Ella's our gra nddaughter.' ,\'-b_+tah ard..'ú(lt
4 'Rick, Ella and Greg are our cousins.' r\Q.r 1 ª"d \(0.111'-fu-
5 'Sa lly and Nathan are our grandRare nts.' NuR1 QN~ f.l\ichae,I
6 'We've got three grand children.'~t'clnord 3bllj
g O~ Draw your own family tree. Show it to your partner and
talk about how many people there are .

Father Mother


f 0 IIE Pronunciation Listen to the sentences.

lf was or were are stressed, underline them.
1 She was a doctor.

2 They were at ~ I together.

3 When was she EQ!Jl? ·
4 Was she a ~ ? Yes, she "!as.

g Complete the rules with are or afen't.

In positive sentences and questions;1t-vas and

were C\'(,e"' t+ stressed.
In short answers, was and were --'-'-0.-'--r_-e_ __

h Complete the questions with the correct past

forms of the verb be.
1 Where ~ you born?
2 Who ~ your first tea'cher7
3 WhatWlS your first school called?
4 (¡, yesterday a good day for you?

o.. Ask and answer the questions in 3h.

El VOCABULARY Years and dates
a 0 1EI In Part 2, Greg talks about years and
dates. Listen and answer the questions.
D GRAMMAR Past simple: be 1 How do we say 1939?
a one thousand, nine hundred a.nd thirty-nine
a U nderl i ne the correct words. (8 nineteen thirty-nine
1 Greg's grandparents ?!_!!l / aren't sti ll alive. 2 How do we say 2004?
2 His grandmother is/~ a doctor now. @ two thousand and four
3 His grand mother :!f!§ / wasn't a doctor. b twenty oh four
4 His grandparents were / weren't at the same school. 3 What extra words do we use when we say
5 They were / weren 'tfriends_at school. · 16 Ju/y? What do we add to 16? -tEí'" ~ julcJ .
b Choose the correct answers to complefe the rules. b 0 .D:B Listen and tick (✓) the years you
hear. Then practise saying them.
1 We use was / were to talk about: a now ® he past 0 2002 E:] 1930 0 1918 0 2011
2 To make a negative sentence, we add: a 'nt (lDn't 0 2012 □ 1913 0 1989 ¡:;z¡ 2001

e Complete the table with was, were, wasn't or weren't. e i. Go to Vocabulary Focus 6A on p.162

+ -
1 was ill . 1 wasn't ill.
She w:\S a beautiful woman. He<:JJüc\\'fa teacher. He was .a a Make notes about the people in your family
doctor. tree in lg.
We were at school together. No, we ~ 'ti n the same class. • When were they born? • How old are they?
They ~ fri ends at university. In 1960 they WQ..€.11 'fmarried. • Where do they live? • What do they do?

b o.._Ask and answer questions about your

d 0 Dlll Listen again and compl~te the conversation. family trees .
Which words are repeated in the question and answer?
A What about.your grandfather7 iéJ}_s he a doctor too7
B Yes, he 2~
A ~QJethey in the sa me class7
B No, they 4 ~rA
A When ~ she born?
B She ~ born in 1939 think. 1

e i. Now go to Grammar Focus 6A on p. 146

0 READING e Read His fam ily secret and chec k your answer in lb.

a C. Ask and answer the qu est ions. d Put the events from Steve Jobs ' life in the correct
1 Who's the man in the pictures? t-\€.'.S
S...\e.~~ob.S .
2 What do you know about his company? ~CS CO\YlVill\~ ~ ~rlQ a ~ Steve started a new hobby: electronics .
ctcJ yrecl
3 What do you know about his fam ily life? 'S{Q'-J{l VJ~ 0 b [9 His sister Mona was born .
e [BI Steve became frie nds with Steve Wozniak.
b 04' The text is ca lled His family secret: What do you think d 8] Steve's rea l pa rents cou ldn't keep him.
t he secret is? Talk about the ideas and choose one . . e ~ Steve met his sister.
f [2J Clara and Paul Jobs became Steve's parents.
1 His grandfather married four times.
g ~ The two Steves became very rich .
2 He had a secret sister.
h ~ Apple Computers began.
3 His fathe r was a famous actor.
4 He never met his brother.

. His name is famous around the

HIS FAbAbLY world and every day millions

of people use the products he
- · Jeo~e/ made - our phones, computers, -
laptops, tablets and MP3
pláyers. We all think we know
his story from magaiines,
newspapers and the Internet,
but how much do we really
know about him?
Steve Jobs vyas born in San Francisco in 1955. His real ,parents
were university students. They decided not to keep their son and
Steve was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs.

The Jobs family lived in Mountain View in California. This

is now in Silicon Valley, where there are a lót of big
technology companies. Steve's hobby as a child was
electronics. He made simple computers with his
father at the family home. At high school he met Steve Wozniak. They
both loved electronics and beca me good friends. In 1976, they sta rted
Apple Computers in Steve's parents' garage. They ~ hard and
,fouryea rs later, the companywas worth $1 .2 billion.

Two years after that, Steve found out about his sister for the first
t ime. After he was adopted, his real parents had another
child, Mona, who became a famous writer. This
amazing brother and sister we re close friends
unt il he died in 201 1. People w ill contin ue to
remember Steve when they see or use an Apple
GRAMMAR Past simple: positive 11 VOCABULARY
Past simple irr~gular verbs
~ Underline the past simple form of verbs 1-5 in
the text. a Hannah and Charlie use the past simple irregular
1 work verbs in the box in their conversation . Match them
2 start with 1-9.
3 live
4 decide weflt- sp-ent -ge-t, {etd·
5 lave -&ame ,b.o.ugnt __c.ost- ate-

b Complete the rule. 1 buy to-i3~t 4 go ~v\t 7 make rn0-clie

2 eat 5 cost c.ost 8 get <¿jü t
To form the past simple of regular verbs add -e.d or A . 3 tell 1ó\c,\ 6 spend ~t'\+ 9 come CCll'(\E'.

C ®DE Pronunciation Listen to the infinitive and the past b • Now go to Vocabulary Focus 68 on p.163
simple form of the verbs in la. Which two verbs have an e O.- Use the verbs go, eat, buy, make and get to talk
- z¡
extra syl lable in the past? \f'.e '< 'PCJU f "(?(tJ._S ,
about things you did:
d Complete the rule with two sounds. • last night • yesterday • last week • last yea r

-ed endings have an extra syllable /id/ only after _ _ and

a 0 .mi Read about 8ecky's hobby. Complete the text
e ®.mi O.- Practise saying these past simple forms. with the past simple form of the verbs in the box.
Which have an extra syllable? Listen and check your Listen and check your answers.
play buy like listen have start
• looked • waited • arrived • fini shed
• hated • wanted • remembered • needed
When I was young my hobby was playing the piano. 1 only
f Underline the past simple form of verbs 1-4 in His family 1
\d:< oc\· jazz not modern or classica l music. My parents
secret. Are these verbs regular or i~regular? in _e.'t)<.Jlor ~<...J~:\:: . me a piano when I was._ eight ( ears old and 1
1 have 2 find 3 make 4 become S±oLc\ lessons then. T~yY 4 '0.CA.d a lot of
hGlo\ f<Nl:\d . ('(\ú.O'Q. 6Qco.r0-e.. . jazz CDs and I always 5 \t.:'.)-h?l'\<Qc\ to them. So they were
g i. Now go to Grammar Focus 68 on p.146 happy forme to play jazz. 1 6 \?\ 0 \jQ.0 jazz piano 'all the
time. 1 still play the piano now and jazz is still my favourite music.

D LISTENING b Think of a hobby you had when

you were a child. Make notes.
a Steve Jobs' hobby when he was a child was electronics. Read 8ecky's example in 5a
Tick(✓) the hobbies you did when you were a child. to help you. Think about:
IZ] reading D taking photos • what you d,id
0 drawing pictures D playing the guitar • how your parents helped you
Can you think of other hobbies?
e O.- Talk with a ·partner
b ®DE Listen to Hannah and Charlie. · about your childhood
What were their childhood hobbies? Vio'í\'0o.\ ~ l'<\'(:)bbl'tl.S u.J~ hobby. Start the
~~-\:s:' - c_\,,.o.<hQ <.s- \d::b1Q , <.A:.tS bo_h;~ conversation with
e ®DE Listen again and complete the notes this question.
about Hannah and Charlie.

Hannah Charlie
hobby details basketball cakes

parents' problem
a o.. lf you phone a friend and there's no answer, what
do you usually do? Say why.
• leave a message
• send them a text
• 9 11 again later
b 0 .mi Watch or listen to Part l. Which two people
leave messages? A-ori1'Q. t\<tr u._ ~C(c\-Q...-
'fr<t:,SO'JQ& o.f-\'Q t \-{,o< --\ ~ ~Y11i 1-Q "., ('(\~~
Oo !"\ lQf--1- u
C 0 .mi Watch or lis'fan to Part 1 again. Are the
sentences true or false? _,
1 Annie tells Dan to only call her on her mobile. f
2 Dan tells Annie where he is.-y · .

Leaving a voicemail message
a Which sentences do Dan (D) or Annie (A) say?
Which are on their voicemail (V)?
1 Please leave a message after the tone. ,O v
2 Can you call me back? Í\
3 Could you ca ll me back? D
4 You can call me on my work number or my mobile.A
5 l'm not here right now. A
6 Hi, Dan - it's Annie. A

b 0 .mi Watch or listen to Part 1 again and check your

answers in 2a.

C 0 .m:i Complete the voicernail message and the

cal ler's message with the words in the box. Listen
and check.

this message it's call here back

Hi, 4 rhs Pam. Co uld you
call me 5~ ? You can
6 cu\\ me at work.

d o.. Work in pairs. the dialogue map to leave a

message. Take turns being A and B.
Phone B ........___
- - - - ~ Give your voicemail
,r/ _ _ _ ___
Leave a message

a 01Dl Put events a-e in the order they happened.
Sound and spelling: a
Watch or listen to Part 2 and check your answers. a 0~ Listen to the sound ofthe letter a in
a ~ Annie chats to Leo. the words below.
b [Il Dan goes to make coffee.
e [z] Leo answers the phone. Sound 1 /re/ Sound 2 h:/ Sound 3 h/ Sound 4 /e1/
d ~ Dan brings sorne t;;offee. thanks , botK call 1 to\/i::. 1 ~1/ message1 later1 y.¡q1t,
e ~ Dan talks to An6ie.
b\0:c\<._ Str,a \l ¡Jl·'~'
39 S_~e_
\)O!CQ!V"U¡ \ 1.SU('I\ e,-
b Answer the questions. b 0~ What sound do the marked letters have in the
words in the box? Add them to the sound groups in 6a.
1 What do Leo and Annie talk about?
Listen and check. Listen and repeat.
(ir) how they are b the weather e work
2 H ow does Leo feel J- +hnk J1.Q, -~eL.\-
talk village wait tall back luggage
011. col"i'{br-t-oJ,lQ 1 /\Q.í!Jo~ voicemail same small table black
Asking for someone on the phone C ÜJt Work in pairs. Cover the table in 6a. Student A:
saya word from 6b. Student 8: saya word that has the
a 01Dl Look at Annie's questions and Leo's same sound. Then swap roles.
answers. U nderl i ne the correct words . Then watch
or listen to Part 2 again and check your answers.
ANNIE Is Dan 1 here /~ 11 SPEAKING
LEO He's not ~ there just now.
ANNIE Can he call me 3 again ~ a 0.m.i Listen and complete the phone con\ersation .
LEO He'II be@J there soon .
SUE Helio; Sue Parker.
b ÜJt Work in pairs. Use the dialogue map to ask NICK. Hi, Sue. 1
1-\-- .S Nick. Is Melanie there, please? ·
for someone . .Take turns being A and B. SUE No, sorry. She's not 2 6 ere just now.
A B She's at her English class. Do you want to leave a
3 Wl~o.~ ?
Phone Student B. , !~ NICK No, it's OK. Can she call me 4 \oc.k 7
You want to speak Answer and say that j _·_¡.
to another student. he/she isn't here. , SUE OK, 1'11 tell her.
_"""""""'___ : ✓ ...... . . ........ ..... ,: NICK Thanks. She can 5 ca.\\ me on my mobile.
Ask him/her to SUE OK . ... Justa 6 1'v\,(\v+E? . 1need to find a
call you back. pen to write the number.
NICK lt's OK, she knows my number.


NICK Hi , Melanie!
Asking someone to wait MELANIE Sue says you 8 \>~a0ec\ .
NICK Yes, that's right. Do you want to meet on Friday? ··
a Complete the conversation with the words in We cango for a meal.
the box. MELANIE Yes, l'd lave tó.

just wait minute (x2) b i. Communication 6C Student Agoto p.130 . Student B go

to p.134 . Student C go to p.135.
LEO Can you ~ a 2t'll ll\vl-e.7 He' II be
back soon.
LEO lt's Annie.
DAN Oh, good . 3 ¿oc;-r a 4 .ro1V1cl~

b What does a minute mean in the

a 'exactly on e minute' (6) a short time'
e ÜJt Practise the conversation in 4b again.
Use expressions in 5a.
You can now do the Unit Progress Test.

Skills for Writing Leam to write aHfe story
~ Linking ideas in the past
Five months later, we got married


a Choose two important years in your life.
Make notes about what happened in each year.
1995 - started school

b o.. Tell your partner what happened in your

two important years.

e 0ml The years below were important,.in Eva's

life. What do you think happened? Match the
phrases with the years. Listen and check.
a got a job as a teacher
b went to live in the USA
e moved to Germany
d was born
e met her husband

[ill 1982 [§] 1995 @TI 2000 ~ 2007 [] 2010

d 0ml Underline the correct answers. Listen again and check.

1 She was born in a sma/1 / /arge town in Colombia.
2 She went to the USA afane I with her parents. e o.. Write two more important years in your
3 She taught young children / teenagers. life. Tell your partner the years. Guess what
4 She went to Germany to get a Job/ to be near Niko. happened in your partner's years. , ·

Look at the ti mel i ne. Put sentences a-f about George
in the correct order.
1991 ...a ···'·
--- ..~ ..............:::_·· ··· ·····~- ···· ··,·••-.··· ··· ·· ·
... ··· 1998 / ·.. :
: .: :- - ~


_ ___.19-95----------'----

- gwRITfNlrSKl[[S Linking ideas in the past

a Complete_senteQ_c~~o thft it mea ns the sam_e as 1_. _
1 In 1995, we moved to Lóndon and I went to school there .
2 l 01\QY'\ 1was 11, we moved to London and I went to school there.

b Complete the sentences with in or when.

1 1left school ¡,-1)\el" 1was 18. a · Whe11 f was 11, we moved tó ·
2 __!__b__ 2003, 1went to university in London LoF1dof1 ~f1d f wef1t to schoo/ there. [Zl.
3 t,JY\01\ 1was in South Africa, 1worked ;:is an engineer: / X

b ff15oi,ith Africa, I met Carofifla a11d ·

Which word (in or when) do we use:
.a with years b in longer sentences? we 9ot maYried a few mo¡1ths•fater. Jfü
10 uhrn
e A yearfoter, f went té 1,miv; rsity ' .
C Complete the sentences that are true for you.
Write when you did each thing using in or when. if1 LoF1doF1 af1J sti,Ídíed eF19iF1ee1;-ú19. ' rn:J.
1 1started school .. . d f was born if1 1984 Íf1 EdiF1bv1r9h,
2 1left school ..1.h '.20--\1
3 1went to university ..1.n W1€f
Sc; t(af1ii. OJ
4 1met my wife / husband 0.rJ_erui .. ~'ft 260 6 e Thm if1 2010 f 9ot aJob ás ém
5 1got my first job .. :,n w-15
m9iF1eer i11 South Africa. ~
6 1first went on a plane ... -\n W 1'b
7 1had my first phone / computer . \V\ '2.DJ\-\7 •
f t fe{t schoof if1 2002 af'Jd f got r
Job if1 a baf1k. . ~
d Complete sentence 2 so that it means the same as 1.
1 1left school in 2003. In 2004, 1went to university.
2 1left school in 2003. Ayear ~ . 1went to university.

e Change the underlined expressions using a time

expression + /ater. 1-'(Jftl~ lu\-f'{
. 1 1left university in 2008. In 2010, 1went to r ork in South Africa. , El WRITING ANO SPEAKING
2 1met Carolina in January 2011. 1rflü'nt2'o1r,~~ got married.
3 We got married in ·June 2011 M<':lfrrfu ™~: we had our first child. a Th i nk about someone in your famj ly. Draw a
timeline like George's and add notes.
f Write two sentences in the past about you or someoné in your
family. Use. later in the second sentence. b Write a life story from yow notes using he or .
she. Don't write the name of the person or
1carne to the UK in Janua ry 2014. Three months later, 1found ajob.
say what your relationsh i p to the person is.
g ÜJt Read out your sentences, but stop after the word /ater.
e 06' Swap Iife stories with
another student
Can your partner guess how they end?
and guess who the people are. :

d Read your partner's life story again. Check

how ideas are linked in the past.
UNIT 6 :a

Review and extension Read the conversation and answer the questions.
SARAH I need to 1go home now. lt's hot and I feel tired.
VIV I can drive you.
SARAH No, no. 1can 2 go by bus.
0 GRAMMAR VIV Are you sure?
SARAH Yes, 1need to 3go shopping on the way home.
a Complete the conversation with the correct form of
The supermarket is next to the bus stop.
the verb be. Use contractions if possible.
VIV Do you wa nt to 4 go for a swim later on?
SARAH Yes, that'd be nice. And after that l'd really like to
ANNA Hi, Jenny How 1~ you? 5go out to a restaurant. ·
JENNY 12~ fine thanks. VIV Sounds like a good idea.
ANNA ~ you at the meeting yesterday7
JENNY Yes, 14 Weú , but it 5 t.X:1S'n + very useful. 1 Who's gota car? V ¡ ✓
ANNA What about Phil? 6 ·\J..'lc\s he at the meeting 7 2 What plans do Sa rah and Viv have far later on?
JENNY No, he 7(..US'I\ '+. He 8 W°"~ at home sick. : b <2)0 o\J\- .\,o c..t. fe.&fa.J (ú trl"
ANNA Oh dear, the poor guy. 9_ \s_ he OK today? Match the marked phrases in 3a with meanings a-e.
JENNY Yes, 1think so. He 1º ~ here today. a travel by ~ ~
b have ~u -fe)<
b Complete the text with the correct past simple form c leave and return to where l live ~u ~N'-~
of the verbs in brackets. d buy sorne things ~º
When 11 1-um (be) a child 121.Jc\n¼J (want) to be a truck e leave home and do something fun (!O ovt
driver. 1~ (lave) big trucks and 14 'hoo\ (have) a lot
: C Match 1-4 with a-d to make more phrases with go.
of toy trucks. But when 15 WüS (be) about twelve years old
16~ (decide) that trucks were boring. After school 1 1 go to; Sa train
7SMt~ (study) business at university, but 18 fcXJ'('(J\ (find) 2 go by b to th e cinema
that boring too. Now l'm a chef and I lave it. 3 go far c a party
4 go out d a wa lk
C Complete the sentences with the present simple or
the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 d Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1 Last night we S,19<';1QLl(stay) at home and my husba nd 1 They wa nt to go f~home now.
coo K'-Qcl (cook) an amazing dinner. 2 1need to go fe(shopping in town this afternoon.
2 1 WQn-1--- (go) to the countryside with my family 3 l'd like to g~Be cinema this evening.
last weekend. We ~orl (have) a really nice time 4 Would you like to go.e:toffee?
together. 5 · He usually goes to vJtk~ bus.
3 My sister pla& (play) volleyball on Tuesday nights.
She usually 9Q.+S (get) home at about 7:30 pm, but 1 e Write sentences about your life using phrases with
tonight she 30~ (get) back at 8: 15 pm. go.
4 My .brother and I S!(RY'iq:: (spend) a lot of tim e together 1 every day / usually / go home
when we \JJe <e. (be) children, but now we almost Every tlay I usually go home at 5:30 pm.
never ~e~ (see) each other. : 2 ea_
c h week / go shopping
: 3c.o.t1/ift·-0€e.k / I:.~'1º -''ntºif'l?1Y'I~ {o( +hP v-:eeft
:. ~ r.P en go ~ L)'. cen
1-o,.,,e.,-, >Jo .\-o e =
re uv. \...., ,. _ ~
0'il'P "d
El VOCABULARY ~l'~~e this <even1 íl§ wtti11clfike / go out to
: s y,s g,lfttmºi s 1~t for1?~1 0'trfl 1 º"err-~ 're
:Is<->r-t'€..¡,M~ 1j<i {<,< uvio(J,<- 10 4-\.-.e. f°'-'11,<...
a Complete the text with the correct family words.
j f Ü Jt Tell a partner your sentences in 3e . How similar
Peter and Barbara are my father's parents, so they are my .j are you?
. 1 d(O.t<\f(W'·A-\S l'm very cl ase to my 2 c.i(or-c\N"10the~
B~rbara, and tó my 3 ~Co.rd.:ftYh.:erPeter, too. My father has
only one sister, Helen, and she married Jonathan. My mother
doesn't have any brothers ar sisters so Hel en is my only
4 Ou't'\-\ and Jonatha n is my only 5 U\'\CW
They have three children so I have three 6 lov,s,' (\J
How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
for each objective.
b Write the date in words.
3 = very well 2 = w·ell 1 = not so well
25/12/1982 - the twenty-frfth of December níneteen
eíghty-two 1CAN ....
1 19/10/2014 4 22/4/2008
2 12/6/1985 5 31/8/2009 talk about my fa~ily and ~ f!_mil!_h~story O
3 3/9/1990 6 9/1/2012 talk about past activities and hobbies O
leave a voicemail message and ask for
someone on the phone o
-- □·
write a lite story.
a 0~ Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1 This man is on a journey. What country do you think he's in? Why? .
2 What do you think the man and women talk about?
• directions • the weather • personal information
• 'sh opp1ng • their families • something else
3 Think of their questions and answers.
b O~ 1n pairs, ask and answer the q uestions.
1 Where would you like to travel to?
2 Would you like to travel by ... ?
• car' • boat • 2lane • something else ·
3 What would you like to see and do there?

We didn't plan Leam to talk about past joumeys
0 Past simple: negative and questions
our trip 0 Transport

'" iti;I,.,f""lírl"'~1~:l'~:~~:::~ám::1;,,"t··
•. ·•·· ., .;,1;

a 04' Look at maps 1-3. Which
journey would you like to go on? Why?

b Read The Silk Road and answer the

r{--~~~h joum~t (n~~;?rsf describe?
'2~ Was 1t ~ys a1touns1 route? ~o 1} ~ \
Í'(V \TÍS d .\iq_ir\ {00\-<.Q /
C Read Travelb/og and match the texts
with pictures a and b.
d Read the blogs again. Who do you
think said each sentence after their lt really was a great trip and I can remember
trip, Murat (M) or lngrid (1)? so many amazing things that we did. For
1 1 saw sorne unusual sports on my trip. i,A example, when we were in Kyrgyzstan, we
saw sorne very exciting competitions with
2 We made su re our bags were light. J
horses. We didn't understand them, but it
3 Sometimes we didn 't wa nt to get on
was a lot of fun! We didn't normally travel
our bikes .I much more than 300 kilometres a day - and
4 The places we stayed in were usua lly sometimes less - but one day we travelled
two-star. 1'/\ . 500! 1 slept well that night! We stayed in
5 needed to show my pass port a lot./V\
1 hotels, but we didn't use luxury hotels
6 We loved seeing where people lived :I- because they were too expensive. There
was only one thing we didn't like - going
e 04' Whose trip do you think was trom one country to another. The border
better? Why? police checked everything again and again
and it took a long time - six hours one day!

-¡ ,,---~(i\s{
-- ~~~,,)
a Match the words in_the box with pictures 1-8. a O.t You can also travel along'Ü, e Silk Road by bus or
train . Which would you j:)refer to do?
aeroplane (plane) tl scootell)tram5 ship j
hel icopte(9- coach3 ferry; trai n 2 b 0ml Klara talks to her friend Hans about the Silk
Road. How did Hans travel? :~ ~{o..'1-R\qj. ,bd iidÍ\"-

c 0ml Listen again and underline the correct answers.

1 Country started in: Turkeyl ~ China
2 Cities visited: Samarkand / Tashkent / Kabu/ / Almaty
3 Change trains: yes/ no
4 Price: $2,5001 $25,000
d 0ml Listen again . Are the sentences true or false?
1 Hans thinks the train is the best way to travel on the.
Silk Road.
2 He liked visiting the cities in Central Asia .
3 He didn't like the train very much .
4 He didn't think the trip was too expensive .

El GRAMMAR Past simple: questions -

a 0.mi Complete these questions from Klara and ·
b O.t Which kinds of transport: Hans' conversation . Listen and check.
• do people often use to go on holiday? 1 How dI J you travel?
L• do people normally use to get to work or school?. 2 Wh~r~ el l d · you catch the train from?
• are un usual for people to use in your country 7 3 Ol 9 you go through Central Asia?
• do you normally use 7
í -, b Look at the questions in 5a and complete the rule.
1 e• Now go to Vócabulary Focus ?A on p. 166
To make questions in the past simple, we use:
0i·d · + subject + infinitivé
ID GRAMMAR Past simple: negative
a Complete the sentences from lngrid's blog.
e 0.mi Pronunciation Listen to the questions in 5a
again. Notice the pronunciation of did you in each
1 we e\íctn'tgo very far at ·all . · - -
~ to take anythihg that we didn 't nQ«.\
question. Can you hear both words clearly?
2 We didn't

b Loók atlhe sentences in 3a and complete the rule.

d• Now go to Grammar Focus ?A on p.148

To ~ª-dfrt
the past simple negati~e, we use:
+ the infinitive ,
e 0~ Klara went on the Silk Road and told another
friend about her journey. Complete their conversation
using the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.
PAUL How WC-\.S (be) your journey along the Silk .Road 7
KLARA lt ~OS. (be) amazin~ - incredible! -
PAU L How 3 cl \d you -\xo~ (travel)?
KLARA We 4 C.:j t 1-ed
(cycle), but sometimes we 5 ho K
(take) trains or 6 -tyo..vel~ (travel) by coa c;: h.
This was my dream holiday!! lt wasn't a fast way to
PAUL How many countries 7 c\iJ yÓu vi~,t (visit)?
travel, but there was a lot to see and a lot of time to
think! Before we left, we packed our bags very carefully
KLARA Most countries in Central Asia, but weclic\t'I +
because we didn't want to take anything that we didn't ()Cl (_not gol to Tajikistan.
need (too heavy!). Sorne days we 'travelled about 80 PAUL What 9 ohc\ you Q~J{j (enjoy) most?
kilometres, but other days --: when we were tired - we KLARA Meeting the people - they 10 WQf Q (be)
didn't gb very far at all. And sometimes, whén we were so friendly.
very tired, we didn't want to cycle and we got lifts on
- trucks. We didn't plan our trip very carefully, and we
often changed our plans. We slept in tents next to the ·
road and watched the stars for hours. The best thing
ab.out travelling this way is that you can meet the people a • Communication 7A Student Agoto p. 13 0 .
who live there. They were interested in us and wanted to ,Student B go to p.1 34 .
find out about our trip. We even saw inside a traditional
home - a yurt - and had dinner with the family!
b O.t Would you still like to go on the journey you
chose in· la? Why / Why not? ..,.
0 READING d Underline two things in the text that surprise you .
Tel I a partner.
a 06' Which cities do you know that have metros?
e Read Our revíews and answer the questions.
b Read Metros around the world. Match the cities with • Whi ch metro do you th ink each review is about?
pictures a-e. • Whi ch word s tell you th e answer? ·

e Which metro ... ? f 06' The first reviewer gave five stars (= excel lent).
1 is very old 4 looks nice In pairs, give stars to the other three reviews.
2 is very new 5 has trains with no drivers
3 has good views 6 do you think is the best

<TheDubai Metro opened in 2009. lt's 76 kilometres long and
•· ... th.ereare no drivers. The metro goes above ground in many
'\ places, so you can see the city really well. Of course it has air
!,"f c:onditioning (it needs it because the temperature in Dubai can
. ,.,,. ,',' . ·. . be. above
·. . 40ºC!}.

/ ifyou visit Moscow, go on the Moscow Metro. lt opened in .1935

"j and the stations are very beautiful, with statues and lamps. Eight
'/mi Ilion people use it every day so it can get very crowded. There are
! ·.· poi ice at th_
e stations so it's very safe, even at night.

: Jhe London Undergro1.111d .:.. the 'Tube' - was the first underground
·(or metro) in the world. lt opened in 1863. lt now has 270 stations
.L and you can go nearly everywhere in London. lt's not cheap and the
trains are often full, but it's unusual because it's very deep under
·:·t·· ·h
.·.e ground (SO metres in sorne places). One station, Hampsteadr ·'"··-
has 320 steps! ( · ·:
Our reviews
lt's a fast way to get around such a big city
Toe stations are really fantastic. 1went from but it's quite expensive. Also, it's sometimes
one station to the next and tooklots of very crowded and un_comforta:ble - a few
photos. And the trains are also good. lt's a fast times we couldn't even get on the train. And
and comfortable way to see the city. you have to be careful becausa the platforms
aren't very wide so there's not much space!
'Loved it!'
lt was clean and never late so we didn't wait 'Difftcuu to fmd your way·
at ali. Toe air conditioning was great and the We don't speak Russian and there's nothing
seats were comfortable - you can really relax. in English at the stations, so it's not easy to
1preferred it to a taxi and it was a cool way to know where to go. But it's very cheap - you
travel when it was hot outside. can go acrbss the city for 30 roubles.
UNIT 7~ , .


- Transport adj ectives loue / like / don't mind / hate + -ing
a Fi nd the opposite adjectives in the texts. a ÜJt When yo-u go to meet a friend, do you usually ... ?
Write them in the table. • go by car • use public transport • cycle • walk

fast slow b 0ml Svetrana and Alex live in Moscow and meet in the city
~Q_tQ dangerous centre. Listen and complete the table. ·
empty ~0 \\ iucswdi~d She carne by .. . The journey took ...
comforta bre Uh C,.O\Y1,)
Svetlana ty\€{\'O 'hc:A. l~ ~0\
e.hQGf expensive
Alex CC\.( CA. t'\ V\OU(
C\GG\Y" dirty

e 0ml Listen again . Complete the notes.

li'0.DB Pronunciation Listen and check your
answers. Practise saying the words. Svetlana thinks Alex thinks

e Which of the adjectives are positive?,

the metro is .. . Qu,c.Y, C(CuB{d
Which are negative? the stations are ... 'oe0-0'.k ~ \ -\-Q(n.ble
d 0D.B Listen to the words and underline
driving is .. . SlO<-J Y\C}t--- füu 'oo.J
the stressed syl lable in each word. Alex's / Her car is ... - tór"{od-dole .
comfortable dangerous exj)fil]sive
d 0ml Can you remember what Svetlana and Alex said? Complete
e ÜJt With a partner, take turns being A the sentences with /ove, like, don't mind, don't like or hate. Then
and B. listen and check.
A Make a sentence about transport with an 1 Svetla na I IOI e goi ng on the metro.
adjective from 2a. 2 Alex 1~ .\, lti"'sing the metro.
B Say you don't agree and use the opposite 3 Svetlana 1 ~'ie,, the stations.
adjective. 4 Alex 1 )\ KQ driving in Moscow.

5 Svetlana I k,1Q sj~lg in traffic.

6 Alex I clm4~t~~ts not '""'
too bad.
e Which verb in 3d means:
1 1 like ita lot.
2 1 don't like it at ali.
3 lt's OK.

f • Now go to Grammar Focus 7B ·

Oíl p.148

a Tick (✓) three ki nds of transport that you use.
, / I I
El] bus D train · ¡;zj metro D tram D boat [11 taxi · [J'.] plane
b Make notes about the transport you ticked. Use
from 2a and verbs from 3d. ·
bus --- hat e, crowded, slow, dirty

e ÜJt Tell your partner about your ideas from 4b.

How similar are you?

Everyday English Leam .to say excuse me and sorry

0 snowi~gint~rest
Excuse me, please Q Emphasisingwha(-we say

a 06' Ask and answer the questions.
1 Do you like going away far the weekend?
2 Where do you like going?
3 What do you like doing there?
4 Do you like going alone or with family and
fri ends?

b o.. Answer the questions about

picture a.
1 Where's Annie? dt-~~e_
t,(dtl\ JtC,\~ -12:::!!tíl-
2 What do you think happened with j\nnie
and the woman? ÍY\e.~ có\\,oQCÁ ~
3 What do you think: fJ USEFUL LANGUAGE
a Annie says? l 1~ ~ó .Sól"j
Saying excuse me ·and sorry
b the woman says? í~,r<_s · qll 11:(jh-+
a Match 1-2 with meanings a-b.
e 0 .mi Watch or listen to Part 1 and
1 Excuse me, please.~ a She wants to say there's a problem.
check your answers in 1 b.
2 Excuse me, but -~ ~ b She wants to ask someone to move.
d o.. Answer the questions about b 0 ml Pronunciation Listen to 1 and 2 in 2a. Notice how the .
picture b.
tone gbes down -~ in 1 but goes down and then up ~ 71 in 2.
1 Where are Annie and Leo? \h ~~ ·hü.lY'\
.Í ~ 2 r,tlPf' d~ u ~g10
k An ,~¿npLeo feel? Why? C Look at 1 and 2 in 2a. What do you say when ... ?
3 tiwhat <fo you tti1nrna ppens next7
a you want to tell your teacher you don't understand something '2.
a Leo gets off the train .
b you want to leave the room but another student is in front of the door1
e]) Leo gives Annie his seat. ~

c Leo helps Annie put her bag on the shelf.

d Very, real/y and so can ali be added to the
expression /'m sorry. Do you say the
words before or after sorry? 'be\
0 '( (¿., your seat.

e 0 1nl Match 1-5 with a-e. Listen and check.

1 l'm so sorry I walked into you . 1didn 't feel we ll.
2 l'm really sorry l'm late. - - ~ 1was in a meeting.
3 l'm sorry I didn't answer your ca ll. 1missed my bus.
4 l'm sorry I didn't come.- - - - My hands were wet.
5 l'm very sorry I broke you(cup. 1didn't see you.

f Tick (✓) the correct replies when people say they're sorry.
1 12] That's ali right. 4 D Excuse me, please.
2 [ZI That's OK. · 5 [0°1t doesn't matler.
3 LJNo problem . 6 G2j·Don't worry.

g 0 .Iln Put sentences a-f in order to make two short

conversations. Listen .and check.
a [3] A No problem . They all look the same .
b O] A Excuse me, but I think that's my coat.
e 0 .mi_Watch or listen to Part 2 and
c 111
B Is it? l'm so sorry. 1took the wrong one .
check your answers in ld.
d l1l
A Don 't worry. The seat numbers are hard to read.
e [ll B Oh dear. l'm very sorry. 1thought this was number 35.
f 0 .mi Watch or listen to Part 2 again. f O] A Excuse me, but I think this is my seat. ·
Underline the correct answers.
l Annie ~ booked a seat. h 0 6' In pairs, practise the two conversations in 2g.
2 ~ / Leo didn 't check the seat numbers.
3 ~ Leo takes a different seat.

:-·= t~~

UNIT 7~ .. · -~

Emphasising what we say a 0 4' Work in pairs. Use the dialogue map to make a
a 0 n¡n Listen to the sentences in 2e. Notice th ~ conversation in a café. Take turns being A and B.
stress on the underlined words. A B
1 l'm so sorry I wa lked into you. Say helio
2 l'm rea lly sorry l'm late. ~ , Say h ello.l
3 l'm sorry I did n't answe r. Say sorry that you're late
4 l'm sorry I didn't come. ~ Respond
5 l'm very sorry I broke your rug. Say you're late because
you gota P __h_o_ne_ c_a_11 _ : : , ~how intérest .J
b Why are so,
very and real/y stressed? Choose-thé
best answer. Say the phone call was about ......._.,. Show interest and
1 We don't wa nt the other person to hear sorry clearly. a new job. You got the job. offer congratulations
® We wa nt to sound more sorry. ----------- ✓
3 We want tci speak loudly. Offer to buy B coffee
......._.. Thank A J

e 0 4' Practise saying the sentences in 3a .

b 0 6' In pairs, practise conversations like the
one in 5a but with different reasons for being
late. Take turns being A and B.
Showing interest
a 0 .mi Watch or listen to Part 3.
Are the sentences true or false? CHECK YOUR PROGRESS
1 Annie an d Leo are both on their way
to Bristol. F You can now do the Unit Progress Test.
2 Annie is visiting a fri end in Bristol. P
3 Leo went to uhiversity in Read ing. T

b Look at these parts of the conversation from

Part 3 . Two words aren't correct. Replace
them with the words in the box.

Great! · Really?

ANNIE Are you on your way to Bristol?

LEO No, Read ing. 1we nt to university there.
ANNIE ,R-igfíl.~ \ ~l,
ANNIE My mum lives th ere. 1go to see her
every month.
LEO ,.Qn. 6 tect+ !
0 .mi Listen again arid check your answers.
e Why do they say Great and Real/y?
1 to say something is true
@ to show thet are interested
d 0 1E'l Pronunciation Listen to the sound of
the marked letters and answer the questions.
Greati . Really?

1 Do the letters ma ke the sa me sou nd in

both word s? ¡00 1 .\--h-ec.\ ~ 1~
2 Are the sounds long or 'st1ort? 1ºí\t} sw'(\.~
Skills for Writing
lt really is hard to choose


a O.t You want to stay with a homestay
family. What kind of family would you
like to stay with? Tick (✓) th ree ideas
and tell a part ner.
1 O qu iet and friendly 5 ¡;z] lives near a bus/tra in station
2 [Z] friendly and fun 6 Ol ives in the city centre
3 []] with young children 7 GZ] has wi-fi _
4 D with no child ren 8 D has no TV

b 06' Read the profi les of two Sydney NAME Peter and Sharon Conway
homestay families. Which family CHILDREN away from home
would you like to stay with? Why? PETS 5am, our old cat
LIKES gardening, going for walks,
e 0 .m:i Ahm ed talks toan Australi an
watching ali sports
friend , Finn , about wh ic h family to
_ LOCATION near city centre - you can
stay with in Sydney. Does Finn tell
Ahmed which fami ly ;,~ , walk to school
to c hoose? ~el, r,0-r,
SU'§ Ahr,,QcJ IS -l-1--t
C:W\\c(¡ ore w'ru coY'IJedcJe_ .
d 0 .mJ Liste n again. Tick( ✓ ) the
activities that are true for Ahmed .
1 O enjoys garden ing
2 GI] likes watching sport
3 El] likes listeni ng to music
4 D wants to play rugby NAME Joe and Annie Philips
5 O laves going to the beach CHILDREN Kate (6) and Jacob (4)
6 [] wants to study hard PETS no pets
7 [Z] likes playing football LIKES swimming, surfing, going to

8 wants to have fun the cinema, listening to music
LOCATION near a train station
e 06' Which family is good
for Ahmed? Why?

1think the
Philips family are good
because they like doing

a<" ::· --
ÜNIT 7~ .


. Linking1deas with after, when and while
a Ahmed decided to stay with the Conways.
Read his email to them. Tick( ✓) the ma in a Underline the word in each sentence that's different fr?m
reason he writes to them. Ahmed's email.
1 D to ask abo ut th eir house 1 Thank you for offerin g to be my homestay family ~ l'm in Sydney.
2 D to tell them about ali the sports he likes 2 1 wa nt to become a marine biol ogist wh en I fini sh university.
3 [1] to tell them aboÚt himse lf 3 l'm looking forwa rd to meeting you afte r I arri ve .
4 D to explain how mu ch he wants to study 4 When l'm in Syd ney, 1 really wa nt to study hard.

b Read the email again : Number the b Look at the sentences in 3a and complete the rules with the
i nformation in the order you find it. words in the box.
0J his future plans ~ his hobbies
~ -his family's jobs 5]his hometown after beginning while

1 We use when and wh 1\,Q, to join two activities that happen at

· Dulfai · · · , the sa me time.
Dear Mr and Mrs Conway 2 We use when and 1
to join two acti vities that ha ppen at
different ti mes. \
My name is Ahmed Al Mansouri and
3 lf the linki ng word is at thP @ Í \\N (\e,\ Qf the sentence, we use a
1 come from Dubai in the United Arab u
comma ( , ) betwee n the two parts.
u .
Emirates. Thank you far offering to
be my homestay family when l'm
in Sydney. 1 e Underline the correct words. There is more than one
possible answer.
1 am 23 years old and study biology at
l After / When'/ While I finish my English course, l'd li ke to go to
university. 1 live with my family in Dubai.
~aTc;; holiday.
My father is a businessman and my
2 l'd like to go skiing in the mountaiíls after I when I~while l'm on
mother is a doctor. l've got one brother
holiday. . .
and one sister. They're university
3 1 often play bas~etba ll with my colleague ~ ~ whi/e 1
students too.
fin ish work.
In my free time, l like playing football 4 After / When / Whi{e I watch a game of football, 1 usually want to
(1 thinkyou say 'soccer' in Australia!) play a game myself. .
and meeting my friends: 1 like 5 My English improved after ~ I whi/e I was in Sydney.
watching different kinds of sports
with them .
While l'm in Sydney, 1 rea_lly want to 11 SPEAKING AND WRITING
study hard and improve my English
because I want to become a marine a Make a list of English-speaking countries you know.
biologist after I finish university.
l'd really like to work in a country b0~ Which co-untry in 4a would you like to visit? Why ?
like Australia. /

l' m looking forward to meeting you

when I arrive. places.
Best wishes
e Plan an email about yourself to a homestay
family in that country. Make notes about:
' .
• yo ur age • free-time interests
• study / job • • fa mily
• what you'd like to do in that cou ntry .

d Write your emai 1. Tick ( ✓) each box.

D Start the letter with Oear
0 Say tha nk you
0 Say who you are
' , [2ÍTalk about study / work / free time
[2] Talk about your family
O Say what you wa nt to do in the country
~ lnclude /'m !ooking forward ...
0 Finish th e letter with Best wishes
[Z] Use after, when -and while to link your ideas
e 0~ Swap emails with ánother student and
check the ideas in 4d . ~IIIIIIIIIIÍI
UNIT 7 a
1-5 with
Review and extension Match questions
1 Is Bella still single?
answers a-e.
a Thanks. 1'11 phone you
2 What's the best way to go when I get home.
to the city centre? Yes, please. Cou ld you
D GRAMMAR 3 Have a good journey. get sorne from the fridge?
4 Do you want milk in She's fine. 1got an email
a Complete the text with the past simple positive or you r coffee 7 from her last n ight.
negative form of the verbs in brackets. 5 How's Susie? No. She got married
Paul 1 c.o.l\eJ 't
(call) a taxi , but it :t.Á\C\0 c.?tc;'~e) so he - last year.
~ (take) a, b~s to the airport. The plane 4 U:C~ (be) e You can get the bus.
late, so he 5 W:-1i +«-1 (wait) for three hours at the airport. The
weather 6 W QS (be) bad so the plane 7 Dt'(klcl. (land) in a 1 b Match the word get in a-e in 3a with meanings 1-5
different city. He so.H(W (arrive) at his hotel at 10 pm . The below. '
receptionist 9 ~ID (ask) him, 'Good journey?'·'No, 1 1 become e\ 3 travel on e,_ 5 take or bring b
10 dicli\'\'.\-Yl%~\ie) a good journey. lt was terrible .' 2 receive e,, 4 arrive q_

b Write questions about a trip to Mumbai to match the e Read the story and answer the questions.
1 When? 1went there last November. Next morning, Richard ªgot another email from the
When did y ou go there? woman called Blanca. lt said, bGet $3,000 from your
2tt2owJ 1¿ oJ ~a ~elled b~ ir India from London. bank, put it in a black bag, and then cget the bus to
3 ~~ood ti Me? Yes, _fW'a~ a ve?fr' i~ tiril~ /,CA'¿ Morton Street. When you dget there walk towards
1.r.:l.~ 'f'o\r{' o. "-b::)d. -r11·~1)
4 w hf~ 'c\(J O
l's~~e,~ in a hotel by the sea . the church and leave the bag on the steps. Do as I
How lon g? '¡j ~<r orí11íl/!ª1.'ed a week. Then I Delhi. say or things could eget very bad ~or you.' Rich~d
i t~ qiu jeú },,..,.e 7
~~ ,-\- \-.oVl_e , 1t was about 35 .
knew this wasn't a joke - in fact, rt was very senous.

e O.t Work in pairs. Choose a place you've visited

and ask and answer the questions in lb. Ask more 1 What do you think happened next? Hr 1oc{~ tho t!»j-t-O
questions. 2 R1~ tfi'J't;¡ord get in the story (a-e) to meanings 1-5 in 3b.

d Write sentences about what Ciare likes doing. Use the d Match the phrases in the box with a similar phrase in
words in the box anc:J a verb + -ing. 1-5 below.

~ likes doesn't mind doesn't like hates get a phone call 2 get a taxi J get an email z....
get old 1 get better1 get to the airport ¿..\-
1 'Chinese food is fantasticl' get a glass of wate6 get the trai l13 get to school '9-
Ciare loves eating Chinese food.
2 'I never listen to Mozart.' c..\oV(.&Q~'t l1[1JJ (,!:.-lec.•~ -foNcil0-1r 1 get angry 4 get to work
3 ',l_sometimesLtake th_~ m _ etro. lt's OK but it's not great.' 2 get a letter 5 get your coat
C..u"<:e dd~• -r. f<''~ , jc1\ÚC'\:::j J:\'>e ~-ei'(C)
4 ~•1dori't want to watch' the feotball e irs boring.' 3 get the bus
'- 1C\rt' 'r-~--\'{>S. wcxlch,"':-1 -\"--t too-r.oe.1\I
5 'I speak good French -it's a mee language.'
C.\vrt. ' \,IXJ;J::, J?Qo\,c,r,~ r~h e Write four sentences about your life. Use phrases
from 3d.
El VOCABULARY 1never get a ta xi to the airport.

a Complete the transport words.

f O.t Tell a partner your sentences in 3e. How similar
1 4 h J:.. _L i -5:- ~ 2. ter are you?
2 tr..Q,.i n 5 e Q_Q. ch
3 shL f 6 se Q o ter

-b Change the adjectives into their opposites so that the

sentences are correct.
1 The tram was almost ful/. There were only three people
How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
on it. empty ,\ l'f~
2 1don't like the metro beca use the stations ar~ o c1'ean. for each objective.
3 1couldn't sleep on the train. lt wail,.~a_M"rfüb'rtab~ ~.n 3 = very well 2 =
well 1 =
not so well
4 The new train to the airport is very1s'hlw- only 15 minutes.
00.1',<'IQ~O~ . k . h
He's a very sa,e anver. He never loo s 1n t
J~(;Se 1CAN ...
6 $100 for a ten -minute journeyi That's very ctteapr Talk about past travel journeys □
Talk about what you like and dislike about transport D
- - -
Say excuse me and sorry
- - -- -- □
Write an email about yourself. □
a 0~ Look at the picture and answer the
1 What country do you think these women are in?
2 How often do they play football?
3 Is the game for fun or for a competition?
4 Who do you think took this photo? Why?

b What other sports and exercise would these

women like? Make a list.

C Ü~ In pairs, share your list. Have you got

any of the same sports and exercise?

79 -
a 0 4' Ask and answer the questions. can I can't, could / couldn't for ability
1 What famcius sport events do you know? ~PQ\( · a Complete the sentences from the text. Check your answers.
2 Wl ich sportsmen and 1 omen_do you like? Why? f
v'1ov S.o ói ~, 1-('\€\o\ ct-h.c, .»<:f<'e l'\ \5e.C!J.:-& \ elcn 1.¡ -'é
dd\'t 1He m!iru n around with the other children any more.
3 Loo at tne nran on me left 1n tne p1cture and ' 2 Only 18 months after he lost his leg, he c_u,Y'\run , swim and play
answer the questions. L (\,\'\QÍ football again.
a What sport does he do? l'\'Q S o...1r,'~J~ 3 Sorne of the athletes in the Paralympics ~ alk. \
b Where's he from? heJ; 0°W' Q_~(YI ,. -- n.. ( . 4 But in their sports, they C~ do things that most people CO'í'_'t
c i[le¿_e is he in the picture? Y\QS ce+- f ne ¡u(o.. ~ f!\~trj 5 Qm. you run that fast?
," :'f-J lr.\ 1-Ci1 L · ·
d hat would you like to know about him?
'\ .'¼~~ t~~ue~¡iofJel of./{!,~ +he fcsrGtl~t<'~J Complete the rules with the words in the box.
'2.-W\S ll:- J.,~'\\.,'->() t<XI hilo' 2_
b Read the text and check your answers. Does past question present
it answer your questions?

e · A th t·
Rea d th e t ex_t aga1n. nswer e ques 1ons. !di Id , f h ,.1-
To talk about ability, we use can/ can'tfor the and
~ cou cou n t or t e 170.0, .
i his life like until he was five?\-.Q \o'l{ld o l.,
1 'tl,~ g tªs To make a '\:~ºV\ , we change You can ___ to Can you _.. ?
2) ~11w d1 his life c;han~,when he was five? f'Q. b-GCWQ ~,v.
\JlU '--"'' h '.{(\~'"~ lS \J
3 Why were his docto¡; 1-friends and Rarents "-' ·e Look at the question. Which two answers are correct?
surprised? ~.QC.Q0S e. ,e co\.lld <lo So r<\üc
4 What does the text say about sorne of the Can you run th ªt faSt ? ~ ,
Paralympic athletes? J -~ fer d,isc:.bL-Q.C\ o-\--~\ t~el a Yes, 1 do. @ Yes, 1 can. (9
No, 1 can t. d No, 1 don't.
5 Why is Jonnie famous? "'AA~ ~e_
-l¼. \\t\.sr, ,2,,e:1,\_'2. . r.Ql1o\8lv''fn'C....'i
Wól"' o, c:,icl
d d 0m Pronunciation Listen to the sentences in 2a and answer
d Underline the parts of the text that surprise th e queSt i0 ns.
you. Tell a partner. 1 One word has a long sound. Which is it7
a can b can't c cou/d d couldn 't
e 0 4' Are there any famous Paralympic 2 Can you hear a /1/ sound in cou/d and cou/dn't?
~a .
athletes from your country?
e i. Now go to Grammar Focus 8A on p. 150

"'\'1 'fhen Jonnie Peacock was five, he was like most small
VV boys from his hometown of Cambridge - he loved to play
sports. Then suddenly his life changed when he became very
sick with meningitis. Jonnie's parents took him to hospital and
he nearly died. Toe doctors saved his life, but they couldn't save
his right leg. He couldn't run around with the other children
any more and he couldn' t play football, his favourite sport. In
fact, he couldn't do any sports at all.
But the doctors gave him a new, artificial leg. He could walk
again, but he wanted to do more than that, so he started dancing
and doing other sports. His doctors, his friends and his parents
were ali surprised that he could do so much. Only 18
months after he lost his leg, he could run, swim and play
football again, but running was his best sport.
In 2010, Jonnie started to practise a lot. He wanted to
go to the.London 2012 Paralympics, the Olympic Games
for disabled athletes. Sorne of the athletes in the Paralympics
can' t walk, sorne can't see at all or can' t see very well. But in
their sports, they can do things that most people can't.
Jonnie Péacock won gold at the London 2012 Paralympic
Games when he was only 19 years old. He ran the 100 metres
in a time of 10.90 seconds!
UNIT a"""

a 0~ How do you think the Olympics can help a city e Read the sentences. Put them in order from good (1)
and its people? Tick( ✓) the sentences you think are to bad (4).
true. Say why. a DI can play baseball quite well.
1 D The city has better transport. b DI can't play baseball very well.
2 D People have new places to do sport. c DI can play baseball really
3 D The city gets more money. d DI can't play baseba:J all .
4 D People want to do more sport.
d O~ Ask and answer questions about the activities
b 0m Read the information and then listen to the in 4a.
1 Which ideas in 3a does Liv talk about?
2 Which cities does she talk about?

CHANGE A CITY? a Think about sports or other free-time activities.
Beijing, London, Rio de Write sentences about:
Janeiro, Pyeongchang .. . • one thing you can do well
The Olympics don't only 1 can ...
make cities famous. They
• one thing you can't do at ali, but you'd like to learn
also help the people who
1 can't ...
live there.
Sports journalist Liv • one thing you could do well when you were a child
1 could ...
Oldman tells us why. /
• one thing you couldn't do very well as a child
1 couldn't ...

e 0m Listen again and answer the questions. b 0 ~ Ask other students if they can or could do the
1 What is the Water Cube 7 What can you do there? same things.
2 When is Sochi good for a holiday? Why?
Can you dance
3 _Why did children in Britain do more sport after 2012?
the samba?

d 0 ~ Do you think Liv Oldman is right? Can the

Olympics also be bad for cities? How?

·El VOCABULARY Sport and exercise e Ó~ Who can or could do the same things? Who
would like to do the same things?
a Match the words in the ~ox with the pictures a-f.

do yoga play badminton a bike dance skate ski yoga quite well .

, b • Now go to Vocabu l.ary Focus 8A on p. 166 for Sport

and exercise col locations
How easy is it to Leam to talk about the body andgetting fit l¡
0 haue to / don't haue to
get fit? (!) Parts of the body; Appearance t

0 READING e ÜJt Talk about the questions.

1 Would you like to try HIT? Why / Why not?
a ÜJt Ask and answer the questions. 2 Do you think it works? Why / Why not?
1 What do you think are good ways of getting fit?
2 What exercise do you do?
3 Would you like to do more or less exercise? Why?
lfJI GRAMMAR haue to/ don't haue to
a Complete the sentences from the text with the words in the box.
b Read the first paragraph of the text.
Use sorne words more than once.
Answer the questions in the text.
have don't to
e ÜJt What do you think the new type of
exercise is? Read the rest of the text to find 1 You _ _ _ _ cycle really hard.
out. Were you correct? 2 You _ _ _ _ _ _ spend hours and hours in the gym.
3 What do you _ _ _ _ do?
d Complete the HIT Fact sheet.
b Sentences a-e talk about the sentences in 2a. Underline the
correct answers.
a In sentence 1 you need to/ don't need to cycle hard .
b In sentence 2 you need to/ don 't need to spend hou rs in the gym .
e Sentence 3 asks what you need to/ don't need to do .

. . . and you can get fit!

~ HOW EASY IS IT TO GET FIT? Do you think it's difficult to do enough
~ exerclse? Is having enough time to exercise a problem? Think you
~ know the answers to these questions? Well, think again because a
~ new type of exercise is here and it could change your life.
~ WHAT IS IT? This new, popular form of exercise is called High lntensity
~ Training (HIT) and it means you don't have to spend hours and hours in the
~ gym. A few minutes a day doing hard exercise is all you need. You can choose to
~ do floor exercises, run or cycle.

i WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO DO? Let's take the

~ example of cycling: you begin with a short
~ warm up then you have to cycle really hard for
~ 20 to 30 seconds and then rest. You repeat the
~ routine twice and that's all you have to do!
~ .SO, HOW DOES HIT WORK? No one is sure
~ of the answer to this question. However, sorne
~ sports scientists in Ganada, Norway and the UK
~ think that when we exercise hard, we use a lot
~ more muscles than we do with normal exercise.
~ This helps us get fit, which could also mean we

1, and heart disease.

~ don't get sick so easily from things like diabetes

e 0m Pronunciation Listen to sentences 1 and 2 in e 0m Listen again . Are the sentences true or
2a and answer the questions. false? Correct the false sentences.
1 How does the speaker say v in have: /v/ or /f /? 1 Stella thinks yoga is good fo r everyone. '
2 How does the speaker say to - is it stressed or unstressed? 2 Her favourite yoga exercise is easy to do.
/ 3 She practised doing thi s exercise for a long time. ·
d• Now go to Grammar Focus 88 on p.150 4 Mari ana thinks beginn er yoga is easy.
5 She has to think carefull y when she does yoga .
e Work on your own. Think about things you have to do 6 She doesn't like th e end of each yoga lesson.
in your life . Write four sentences. Think about:
• da ily routine • work • study • fa mily • pets d 06' Do you do yoga? lf yes, do you like it?
Why do you do it? lf no, would you like to try it?
1have to take our fami ly dog for a wa lk every morn ing.
Why / Why not?

f 06' Tell a_partner about things you have to do.

Ask more questions. ID VOCABULARY Parts of the body
Doyou have
a Match the words in the box with the parts of the
to clean all the
body in the picture.
rooms? '-
leg back . foot head neck
stomach acrm hand finger toe

a 06' Look at pictures a
and b and answer the
questions with a partner.
1 Wh at kind of exercise is this7 .,_ __
b 0m
2 Do yo u think it's easy or difficult?

Listen to Stella and then Mariana

talking about exercise. Match the
speakers with pictures a and b.

b 06' Talk about the questions.

1 Whi ch parts of the body can you break?
2 Which parts of the body often give people problems?

C • Now go to Vocabulary Focus 88 on p.167 for

Appearance vocabulary

a Look at activities 1-5 and choose one. Think of
things people have to do and have to have if they
want to do this activity. Make notes. ·
1 ru n a marath on
go run ning every day have strong legs
2 clim b a mou ntain
3 swim a long way
4 da nce for 24 hours
5. rid e a bike a long the Silk Road

b 0 6' Tel I your partner what people have to do to get

ready for your activity and what they have to have .
. Don't tell them
what your activity
is. Can your
partner guess?
Talking about health and how you feel
a O.- Answer the questions about the
pictures. a Complete the mini-conversations. Use the words and phrases
1 Where are Dan and Leo? in the box.
2 How do you think Dan feels7
3 Which picture do you think is last7 the matter feel well look well feel a bit tired all right
4 Imagine the conversation in picture b.
MARTINA Are you 1 7
DAN 1think so.
b 0 .mi Watch or listen to Part l.
What does Martina tell Dan to do? MARTINA You don't 2
DAN Yes, 13
e 0 .mi Watch or listen to Part 2 and
answer the questions.
MARTINA What's 4 ?
DAN l'm not sure. 1don't 5
1 What's Dan's problem7
a He's got a headache.
b His back hurts. b 0 HhliM• Watch or listen to Parts 1 and 2 again and check your
e He needs to eat sorne food. answers in 2a.
d He's gota temperature.
2 What do you think Dan wants to do 7 e Look at sorne ways to say how you fee 1.
a go to the aerobics class with Leo 1feel tired. l've gota headache. My back hurts.
b go home with Martina
Which of the words in the box can you use instead of the marked
e go on the running machine again

stomach ache a cold sick hungry arm

ill foot toothache a temperature

d Ü Jt In pairs, take turns asking about health and saying how you
feel. Use the phrases from 2a and 2c.

a 0 Da Listen to the sound of t he marked letters in
these sentences. Then read the sentence below and
u nderl i ne the correct words.
1 Co me and sit down . 3 You don't look well.
2 1fee l a bit ti red. 4 Good to see you.

The sound joins / doesn 't join onto the next word ,
and there's a/ no pa use.

b O.t In paírs, take turns sayíng the sentences ín 4a

and giving a reply.

Expressing sympathy a • Communication BC Student A look at the informatíon
below. Student B go to p.13 3 .
a Complete what Martina says with the words in
the box.
Conversation 1. Read you fírst card. Think about what you
want to say. Then start the conversation wíth Student B.
poor thing dear
Student B doesn't look well. Ask him/her what's the matter.
DAN Actually, 1 feel awful . When he/she tells you , show sympathy using expressions
MARTINA Oh 1_ _ _ Come and sit down. like Oh dear! or Poor you!
MARTINA You poor 2_ _ _ What's the matter? Then ask if he/s he has a temperature. Tell him/her what to
DAN l'm not sure. do, e.g. See a doctor. Go to bed.

MARTINA So nothing to eat all day7

DAN 1 •• • well ... um ... no. lt was a busy day. b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card. Think about
MARTINA 3_ _ yo u_. Well, l'm not surprised you what you want to say. Then listen to Student B and reply.
don't feel well.
• You're not feeling very well. You've got stomach ache and your
b What do Martina's phrases in 3a mean? eyes hurt. You don't feel .hungry. When Student B asks you , tell
1 1 feel sorry for you . 2 1 don't feel sorry for you. him/her what's the matter.

C 0 .mi Listen to the phrases in 3a. Answer the

1 Which word has the main stress· in each phrase7
a the first word b the last word
2 Does the tone go up 71 or down ~ at the end7

d O.t In pairs, take turns saying these sentences

and gívíng sympathy usíng phrases from 3a.
1 l've gota cold. 4 1 feel really ill.
You can now do the Unit Progress Test.
2 l'm so tired . 5 l lost all my money.
3 My back hurts. 6 No one laves me.

Skills for Writing
D However, 1improved quickly


a 06' Ask and answer the questions.
1 Which of these free-time activities are popular in your country?
Which aren't popular in your country? Why not?
• playing chess • playing computer games
• going dancing • looking for interesting insects
• cycling • hiking
2 What other activities are popular in your coLJ_ntry?

b Read the email Andy and Gina get at work and - · · . · Our ·staff blog · - ·
answer the questions.
From: The management team
1 What's the problem with the company blog at the moment7 To: Ali staff
a There's too much information.
Subject: Our staff blog
b lt's a bit boring.
2 What kind of information can staff put in their article? We want to try to make the
a information about their free time company blog more interesting.
b information about their day at work We would like to find out more
about you, the people who work
e ®D!:I Andy talks to Gina about his free-time activity. far this company. We'd love to
Listen and answer the questions. hear about what you do in your
1 Which activity in la does Andy talk about? free time. Write a short article and
2 Does he want to write an article about it? send it to us with a photo so we
can put it on the blog
d ®D!:I Listen again. Match 1-6 with a- f .
1 A yea r ago, ... e Think of something you do in your free time.
2 Two weeks after his fi rst bike ride, ... Make notes. Use the questions to help you.
3 A couple of months ago, ... 1 When did you start doing this activity7
4 Last weekend, ... 2 What's something important you did when you started?
5 Almost every day, ... 3 What do you normally do?
6 You always ... 4 What is someth ing interesting you did recently 7
a he bought a bike .
b a ca r hit hi m. f 0 6' Ask and answer questions about your activities.
c he goes cycling.
d he rode in the hills for two days. 1 bought a chess set
e have to be ca reful in traffic. after two months.
f a friend invited him for a bike ride.

1found a very unusual

stamp last month.
UNIT 8""(


a Read Dylan 's article for the company blog.
Linking ideas with howeuer;
Tick(✓) what's the same about Dylan's and Andy's adverbs of manner
activities .
a Notice the underlined word that links the ideas in
1 D th ey do their free-time activiti es outd oors two sentences together.
2 D they do their free-time activities every day
3 D th ey get fit doing their free-time activiti es 1 didn't say yes immediately beca use it didn't sound very

4 D they hurt their foot recentl y interestin g. However, 1 decided it could be good exercise
fo r me so I went a long.
b Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Is the idea in the second sentence surprising after
Correct the false sentences. reading the idea in the first sentence?
1 Three yea rs ago, Dylan was lonely.
2 He li ked t he idea of hiking im med iately. b Underline three more sentences in Dylan 's article
3 Hiking was a bit diffic ult at first. linked by however. What punctuation do we use
4 He met his wife on a hike. after this word?
5 lt's very difficult to learn how to go hiking.
e Match the sentences. Link each pair with however.
1 1 ca n only do ve ry sim ple exe rcises.
2 1 started doing yoga about six years ago .
3 1 fe ll off my bi ke and hurt my leg.

a I didn 't stop riding.

b I can't do the difficult positions.
e I fee l rea lly fit.

d Notice the underlined adverb of manner in the

sentence. Does it tell us what Dylan did or how he
Three years ago, 1 carne to work for this company. 1 didn't did it?
know anyone in the area so I decided to do sorne exercise
1 tri ed doing different kin ds of sports, but I did them all
to meet new people. However, 1 felt really unfit. 1 tried .doing
different kinds of sports , but I did them ali badly. 1 found an bad ly.
answer to ali my problems by going for a walk.
e Circle the adverbs in Dylan's article that go with
A colleague of mine invited me to go on a walk in the
these verbs.
mounta ins. 1 didn 't say yes immediately because it didn 't
sound very interesting. However, 1decided it could be good 1 wa lk (x2) 2 improve
exercise fo r me so I went along. This was the beginning of
my lave of hiking. f We make most adverbs of manner by adding -/yto
At first, 1 had to walk slowly because I wasn't very fit.
an adjective.
However, 1 improved quickly and now I can walk quite fast clea r + -ly = clea rly
for hours. 1 began to feel so much better. While I was on
Which adverb in Dylan 's article is different?
a hike with a group of people one weekend , 1 met Marina .
She 's now my wife . We go hi king once or twice a month and
we love it.
You don 't have to do anything special to
start hi king. You on ly have to know a Plan an article about your free-time activity. Use
how to wal k and most peo ple· can
your ideas in le. Think of:
do that. However, you have to buy
special boots so you don't hurt • an interesting way to begin your article
your feet. Hiking is a great way • something you have to or don't have to do with your
to enjoy our beautiful country. hobby
And you never know - perhaps
you can find true b Write your article. Use adverbs of manner.
love too!
C Swap arti cles with another student and check that:
D the begin ning is interesting
D there's useful informatiGm about the hobby
D the article uses adverbs of manner
UNIT 8. a

Review and extension Match sentences 1-3 with pictures a-e.

1 My grandmother told us stories when we were children.
2 What did you say to me? 1 didn't hear you.

D VOCABULARY 3 Say helio to your parents when you get there.

a Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

yoga dance bike badminton baseball ski

1 When I went to the USA, 1 learnt to play _ _ __

1wasn't very good at it beca use I could never hit the ball.
2 On my last winter holiday I went to the mountains and
learnt how to _ _ _ _ _lt was great fun.
3 At the weekend , my favourite form of exercise is to get on b Notice the marked words in the sentences in 3a.
my _ _ _ _ and go for a ride in the country. Complete the phrases with say or tell.
4 1 often meet my friend for a game of _ _ __
1 _ _ helio/ goodbye / thank you / sorry
We always play indoors.
2 _ _ a story / the truth / a joke
5 l'd like to join a _ _ _ _ class and learn the waltz and
the tango. lt's a fun way to keep fit and make friends.
6 The strange thing about _ _ _ _ is that you have to
e Complete the sentences with to if it's possible.
1 She told _ _ me she doesn't feel well.
stay in the same position for a long time.
2 They said _ _ me that they come from Argentina.
Complete the words for parts of the body. 3 l'm sure he told _ _ the truth.
4 We said thank you ___ them when we left.
0 5 Can you tell _ _ the time?

d Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

truth you sorry thanks me story

1 Could you please tell the children a .bedtime _ _?

2 My wife told _ _ she likes living here.

1 h_ _ andn _ _ t 3
1 don't think that's right. He didn't tell us the _ _ _

1 just want to say _ _ fara lovely dinner last night.

2 ª--, h_ _ and f_ _
5 Please say _ _ to Julia far not going to her party.
3 l_ _ ,f_ _ andt___
6 Yesterday I told _ _ to arrive on time, but you 're half
an hour late.
e Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
a Complete the text with can, can't, cou/d or couldn't. 1 When I was a child , _ _ told me stories about ...
In my family we love playing sport 1 1_ _ play badminton 2 The last person I said sorry to was ___ beca use ...
well and my sister 2_ _ ski well. When we were children 3 1 always say thank you to ...
we 3_ _ both play football very well, but we;re both a bit 4 ... tells really funny / bad jokes.
too slow now. The only sport 1 4_ _ do is swimming. 1
didn't learn to swim. My sister did and she 5_ _ swim very f Ü Jt Tell a partner your ideas from 3e.
fast - 50 metres in about 40 seconds. We also tried to learn
musical instruments. 1 studied the guitar, but 1 6_ _ play
well at ali. 1 was always too busy playing sport.

b Complete the sentences with the correct form of

have to.
1 lf you want to go running, you _ _ _ _ _ _ buy How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
comfortable running shoes. for each objective.
2 You _ _ _ _ _ _ go to the gym every day - three 3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well
times a week is enough.
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ use the same 1CAN ...
machines every time I go to the gym? talk about past and present abilities □
4 You _ _ _ _ _ _ take a small towel with you when
you go to the gym.
talk about sport and exercise
-- -- - ----- - - □
5 He _ _ _ _ _ _ be careful on his bike. Last year he
talk about the body and getting fit □
had a bad accident. talk about health and how I feel □
write an article. □
a O.t Look at the picture and answer the
1 Who's the girl talking to?
2 What things does she say 7 What answers does
she get7
3 Do you think this girl enjoys shopping?

b O.t Where's the best place to go shopping

in your town or city for ... ?
• food
• clothes
• a present for someone
a Match pi ctures 1-6 with the words in the box. d Where can these people go in the shopping
S a chemist Ei a department store 3 a fast food resta urant 1 'My son needs new jeans.'
'2-ª bookshop &\-a cloth es shopi a café '2-'-bet's get a new sofa.'
~~ ~ wai something to read o the train .'
\\,JG.,9~Wh ich SNip
o¡f Jhese sho sis your favourite? Why?
ta\\Ci('iQ ~lo:ii<::.Sh()f) I 1 ~I ~ lo\!{)_
OJJ"i 1
____ 1 / 4 'f~ got áJ~e~~ac e. ~ n~ a sorne aspirin.'
,oQ"' -te, ~ . a.,_ f' ll'(O.C\:1-
~ 5 'Can you'take he st'lüpp1ng to th e car? '
b Look at the plan of the shopping mall. Match the words ,u 6. : ~J,º~ fl!j ng~~ 1J;.ei d ~J !?Jl', ~J.0\ifuYrt-
with a-f in the plan. 03/"'• naven't gb~ ally mor\~
1 -~ '
~ c..or- ¿)º -\-O 0-- ~ Caj h {'(v,ch , re
stairs entra nce ca r park bus stop information des k e• Now go to Vocabulary Focus 9A on p.162
cash machine (or ATM) for Money and prices

e 0 DFJ Pronunciation Listen to the words. Which word is

stressed : the first word or the second word?
• clothes shop • depa rtment store • car pa rk
• information desk • bus stop • cash machi ne


El LISTENING D GRAMMAR Present continuous

a O.t When you meet friends in town, what a 0 .mi Match the questions and the answers from the
do you usually do? Here are sorne ideas: conversations. Listen and check your answers.
• go shopping • go to a café 1 Where are you? l'm standing by the entrance.
• go to the cinema • go for a walk 2 Are you having a coffee7 l'm just getting sorne cash.
3 Where are you waiting for us2 E: No, we aren't buying anything.
b A group of friends want to go to the cinema 4 Are you buying furniture 7 · No, l'm just buying that new book.
together. Look at the shopping mall.
Where is a good place to meet? b Choose the correct words to complete the rule.

e 0 .Dl'l Listen to Conversation 1. Where We use be+ verb + -ingto talk about: a now b ali the time.
does Simon want to meet Susie? What do
you think will happen? í h.Qt
-\-¼e SVIO'flf ..,~ '('Ñ.J.. _
¡,/'QQ~- ~1P ºb Complete the tables with' the correct form of the verbs in the box.
d 0 .mi Listen to the next two phone talk wait read park drink
conversations. Underl i ne the correct
Positive (+) Negative (-)
Conversation 2
1 Simon is in t h ~ I in the café. l'm ,v,,p,
l'm not , dí _co ffee.
2 Susie is at the bus stop fin the car park. We're We aren t r,_ 1 )'_ 111 yi.0
. :-r~i-t •---f!Qit the entrance.
He's / She's He / Sh e 1sn .
Conversation 3
3 Amy is in the clothes shop I in the
department store. Yes/No questions (?)
4 Sandeep is at the information desk /
Are you Po.~~ rth~
at the cash machine. Is he/ she --v e car.7

e O.- Look at the pictures and answer the

questions with a partner. d 0 .mi Pronunciation Listen to the sentences and notice the
1 ~@"~l{_~j¡e"_k Simon is running?eGcuuS,º ~e .s s5 ess.
1 _2 Hciw qo yóu think Susje feels? Why 7§¼~·dS_
·_ .c~n-i''i l'm standing by the entrance. 4 Are you having a coffee?
r.ii¿co.<-3,Q "'Í(\fl'·j-' te ~ &,n'd ..\o '\;Q. ~ -\--\~1'-" té:~Q
2 We're waiting for you 5 Where are you waiting for us?
f 0 .mi Listen to· Conversation 4 and check!YWl-l?J 3 we aren-:---;-t- illJYlng
b . ·th·
ªny 1ng.
your answers.
When is the word are stressed? Choose the correct answer.
a in positive sentences c1 in Yes/Noquestions
b in negative sentences d in Wh- questions

e• Now go to Grammar Focus 9A on p.152

f Work on your own.

1 Think of three places in your town or city, but don't tell your partner.
2 Write a sentence to say what you are doirig in each place.

g O.t Listen to your partner's sentences. Guess where he/she is.

Are you in a fast

food restaurant?

a • Communication 9A Student Agoto p.130 .
Student B go to p.134.

91~ .
1 i-.
Everyone's dancing
B in the streets

a 0 4' Talk about when you shop for food,
clothes and other things.
• befare work/study • at lunchtime LUCAS Message posted: 18:36
• at night • at th e weekend j Hi everyone! l'm really enjoying life here in Shanghai :
l My new job is quite busy, but my colleagues are very
b Lucas is from France and Diana is from
the U K. Read Friends abroad and answer ..
the questions. Write Lucas (L) , Diana (D)
i friendly and they all speak English to me. In my free
time I sometimes study Mandarín and relax. 1often go
shopping because this is a popular 'hobby' here.
or both (B). 1usually meet friends at a shopping mall. At the
moment it's Chinese New Year here. My friends
Wh o writes about ... 7
told me there's a great street party this evening - 1
a study e work really want to go.
b small shops d shopping malls 1
e Read Friends abroad again. Are the DIANA Message posted: 12:23 Send Diana a message •

sentences true or false? Correct the false Helio to all my friends. 1love it here in Venice!
sentences. lt's ~o beautiful - even in the winter time. 1
have to spend a lot of time on my art history
1 Lucas only speaks Ma ndariri at work.
course, but at the weekends I get sorne
2 The Ch in ese people he kn ows li ke shopping.
free time. 1usually walk around and look at ·
-3 Lu cas would like to go to a party. the old buildings, or when it is cold, 1go to
4 Diana doesn't like Ven ice in th e winter. museums. There are so many interesting little
5 She li kes the shops in Ven ice. shops here too - it's great. lt's very different
6 lt's very quiet in Veni ce at th e moment. from going to a mall. This week it's Carnevale
and the whole city is like one big party.
d Read t he messages below. Whi ch one is Yesterday my friends invited me to a big party in a piazza
(that's ltalian for a town square). lt's tonight and I have to
Lucas' and which one is Diana 's?
wear a long dress and mask. 1need to go shopping! ~

e 0 4' Tal k about the questions.

1 Which festiva l would you like to go to? Why?
2 Do you have festivals like these in your
country? What do people do?
UNIT 9""4.

El GRAMMAR b 0 11n Listen again and tick( ✓) the clothes words

you hear. Which words do they not talk about?
Present simple or present continuous
a Read the sentences from Lucas' online post and
message. Match them with meaning a or b.
1 1 usually meet friends ata shopping mall .
2 We're watching a big, beautiful dragan.
a Lucas' normal routine b Happen ing to Lu cas now

b Complete the rule with the correct tense.

present continuous present simple

We use the _____ to talk about things we

usua lly do.
We use the _____ to talk about things that Diana
happen right now.

e Under.line more examples of the present simple

and present continuous in Diana 's online post
, and message.

d• Now go to Grammar Focus 9B on p.152

e 0 1Bl Complete the conversation with the correct

Jorm of the verbs in brackets. Listen and check.

LUCAS Heli o?
JOHANNES Hi, Lucas 1 Are you busy7
e Pronunciation The words in the table all have the letter
o but have a different sound . Write shoe in the correct
' LUCAS Hi! Yes, 1 1_ _ _ _ _ (get) ready to go out to a
street party.
JOHANNES Oh, sorry. 1 can ca ll back.
Sou nd 1 /o/ Sound 2 /u:/ Sound 3 IA/ Sound 4 /au/
L!JCAS OK, thanks. 1 usually 2_ _ _ _ _ (not go) out
much during the week, but it's New Year. sock boot glove coat
JOHANNES Of course.
LUCAS Sorry, Johannes. My friends 3_ _ _ __

(a rri ve). 1 have to go now. We can speak later.

d 0.IIB Write these words in the table in 3c. Listen
and check your answers.
come coffee know mother group box phone two
a 0 11n Tina read Lucas' message ap d called him. Pete
read Diana 's message and called her. Listen to the
conversations. Why are Tina and Pete surprised?
e• Now go to Vocabulary Focus 9B on p.1 67

1 Ti na thi nks that Lucas elóesn't li ke:

a pa rties b wearing red c going out at night D SPEAKING
2 Pete thinks that Diana doesn't like: ·
a going out far dinner a Think of someone in your family ora friend .that you
b being in photos saw earlier today. What's this person wearing today?
c wea ring dresses. What colour are their clothes? Make notes.

b Ü Jt Tell your partner what this person is wearing.

He's wearing black trousers and

an orange shirt. He's also wearing .
black shoes.
Everyday English
lt looks really good on you


a 0 4' Ask and answer the questions.
a Match 1-4 with a-d .
1 How often do you buy clothes?
2 Wh ich sentence a-c descri bes you best? 1 What are you looking for7 a In trousers? 32.
a I love buying clothes. 1 buy something 2 What size are you? b Oh, 1 don't know. Something dark?
new every week. 3 What colou r would you li ke 7 c A shirt and trousers.
b I only buy clothes if I rea lly need them. 4 Why don't you try them on? d OK. Excuse me, where are the
c I don't often buy clothes, but I li ke looking·· fitti ng rooms?
ro und clothes shops.
b 0 DH Watch or listen to Part 2 again and check your answers
b 0 DD Watch or listen to Part l. Who in 2a.
wants to buy clothes: Dan , Annie or both?
C Ü Jt In pairs, practise saying the questions and answers in 2a.
e 0 DD Change three incorrect things in
the text below. Watch or listen to Part 1 d Ü 4' Take turns helping your partner choose clothes.
again to check your answers. A You wa nt a jacket. B You wa nt a pair of jea ns.

lll~ ll~ l~~~~~~Afifi~~~rN~/\ftfffffr~

••••jJoo1•i•-jiUUd u••
Dan's meeting Martina to go to
a concert. He wants to wear new a 0 .mi Watch or listen to Part 3
clothes as a surprise. Annie says and answer the questions. NO RMAN 'S
she'II meet Dan at 5 pm. She isn't 1 Does Annie like the clothes FOR CLOTHES
very happy about it. Dan tries on? -========= ========------------
2 What does Annie think about ITEM NO. PRICE
----- ----------- -----------
the last set of clothes Dan. SHOES 1 f. _ _
d 0 DH Watch or listen to Part 2 and comes out in?
SHIRT 1 f.25 . 99
answer the questions.
f. _ _
1 What clothes does Dan want to buy? b 0 .mi Watch or Iisten to TROUSERS 1
2 What size does Dan wear 7 Part 3 again and complete --- ------- -- ------------------
f. _ _
3 Do you thin k Dan enjoys shopping7 Dan 's rece i pt. Total
========== -- -------- ----------
e 0 4' Do you ever ask friends or family to THA NK YO U
help you buy clothes? Who do you ask
and why?
UNIT 9~·


Paying far clothes
a ®lEl Listen to the sentences. Notice the
a ®.mi Listen and correcta mistake in each marked words. Is there a pause between them?.
sentence. 1 Can I help you?
1 1 take them . 2 What size are you 7
2 How much they are? 3 Can I try them on?
3 Can I pay with card? 4 How much are they 7
5 The fitting rooms are over there.
b Read this conversation in a clothes shop,
Add one word in each gap, b Notice how the marked words in 6a are joined.
In 1--4, the consonant sound moves to the start of the
A Caíl 'I 1_ _ you 7 next word:
B Yes, how 2_ _ are these sunglasses 7 1 Can 1 ➔ Ca ni
A They're :S29.99. 2 size are ➔ si zare
B OK, 1'11 3_ _ them . Can I pay by credit 4_ _ ? 3 them on ➔ the mon
A No sohy, only cash. But there's a cash machi ne just 4 much are ➔ mu chare
over there.
In 5, we add the sound /r/ to join the words:
B OK, thanks. 1'11 be right back.
5 are over ➔ are rover

e o.. In pairs, practise the conversation in 4b, but e o.. In pairs, take turns sayi ng thé'sentences in 6a
with different clothes. Take turns being A and B. and giving a reply, Try to link the marked words.

Saying something nice
a Read what Annie says, Add a verb to both
1 That _ _ great a Look at this dialogue map, Make notes about what
2 lt _ _ really good on you. you want to say,
Shop assistant Customer
b Wh ich sentence cou Id we use . ,, ?
a about anything we see Offer to help.
b only about something someone's wearing

e 06' Say someth i ng

1like your
nice about what your Show sorne jeans.
glasses. They
partner's weari ng. ....,,,......,......,.........,,.,,.,""""'~· .......... . Ask to try them on .J
look really Thanks! ✓ "'"'-'·<,. •;; ,.,"J,"L,.. ,..,. '-'""''''''''d"•-•M>>>""¿ .,.,~,: 1
good on you . Say they look great! .......__.

~ , Ask how much.
.,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!ll' • Y·'
Say the price. ..........
...._ Buy them . Credit card?
" ' " ' ' ' " " ' ' " ' "' ' " m m, _ , M H m j ,-H - ~ .. J(4, , , .. '"'" . .. g
b o.. Work in pairs. Use the dialogue map and your
notes in 7a to make a conversation in a clothes shop.
Take turns being the shop assistant and customer.

e o.. In pairs, practise conversations like the one in

7a but. with different clothes. Take.turns being the
shop assistant and customer.


_ You can now do the Unit Progress Test.

95~ ·
Skills for Writing
D Thank you far the lovely present


a O~ Look at the p icture and answer the questions with a partner. e 0 &n Who are these sentences about?
1 Which presents would you like to get? Listen again to check.
2 Which wouldn't you like? Why? 1 They always buy t heir own presents .
Bob's children
b 0 &n Which presents from the pi cture do you think these 2 He doesn't need many things.
people give? Listen and check.
3 They don't get expe nsive presents.

4 She loves expensive presents.

5 They go out fo r a mea l on birthdays.

d 0 ~ Talk about the questions .

1 Who do you give presents to 7
• a ch ild in your fam ily
• someone you visit
• grandpa rents
• someone who is hospital
• a coll eague

2 How do you thank people for presents?

• write an ema il
• se nd a text
• write a letter
• phone
My husband doesn't
think clothes or computers
are important.
UNIT 9"'4


Writing formal and informal emails
a lt was Axel 's 30 th birthday last week and Molly gave
him a present. Cómplete a-e in his thank-you email a Sentences 1-4 all say thank you. Add one word to
with sentences 1-5.
each sentence to make it correct.
· · · · Mail · · · · · ,.. ·· . ©
To: mol@worldwide 1
Thank'4or the lovely present.
a Subject: _ _ _ __
b ----- 2
l'd just like to say thank you very for the beautiful flowers.
3Many for the chocolates. They're delicious!

1 Hi, Molly Thank you the socks. They're a lovely colour.
2 Love, Axel
3 Thanks very much for the cinema tickets. They're a really b Which sentence in 3a is more formal than the
great present! others?
4 Birthday present
5 There's a film I wa nt to see, so 1'11 use them this weekend. e Which of these phrases can you use in an email to
someone you know well (1) orto someone you don't
b Read the email again in 2a. Answer the questions. · know wel 1 (2)?
1 Who is Molly? Beginning Ending
a Axel's sister b a colleague,at work D Helio, Mrs Finch O Love
2 How do you know? · O Hi there! D Thanks
O Hi, Marie O Best wishes
e Read Molly's email to Mr Lewis and answer the O Dear Mr Parker, D Regards
questions. O See you
1 Who is Mr Lewis?
a someone she worked with b a friend
2 Why did he give her a present?
a lt's her birthday. b She's leaving the compa ny. a Think of a present for someone chocolates
in the class. Write the word on a
d Read Molly's email again. Answer the questions. piece of paper, then give them
1 How is her email different from Axel 's email in 2a? Think the 'present'.
• how she begins b Plan a thank-you emai I for the present.
• how she ends
Thin k of:
• how she says thank you
• how to begin the email
2 Why do you think it's different?
• how to end the email
• what to say about the present.

Subject: Thank you e Write your email. Use the email in 2a to help you.

Dear Mr Lewis,
d 0 4' Swap emails with another student and check:
1just want to say thank you very
much for the book you gave me on ~ O the beginning
my last day. lt's a very nice present. O the sentence saying thank you
1really enjoyed working for you D the ending
and I wish you ali the best.
Regards , e Write another email to someone you don't know
Molly wel l. What's d ifferent about it?
Review and extension
a Write questions and answers for the people in
the picture.

1 2.. 3.
Write the correct clothes word next to the picture.

·-.. 51 6

a Look at the marked phrases in sentences 1-5.

Match the phrases with meanings a-e.
1 You ca n save time by shopping online.
2 lt takes time to learn a second language.
3 l'd like to work less .so I can spend time with my family
4 How do you find time to look after four children and work?
5 She always wastes time playing computer games when
she really needs to study.
1 What's he doing? He's listening to music. a have time together with people
b do things in a short time
b Complete the conversation with the correct form of c use time badly
the present continuous or present simple. d you need a lot of time
e have enough time
• SHARON Hi, Jasan. How are you? What 1_ _ _ _ _ (do)7
JASON Right now 2_ _ _ _ _ (cook) dinner.
1 b Read the conversations. Underline the adjectives
· SHARON , Really? But you never 3_ _ _ _ _ (cook) . that you can change with spare and good.
JÁSON We(l'm a bit bored with the mea Is at the student 1 A See you later. l'm on my way to the cinema.
café. 1 4_ _ _ _ _ (make) spaghetti with B OK. Have a nice time .
tomato sauce. 2 A What do you like doing in your free time 7
SHARON Very good. Usually when 1 5_ _ _ _ _ (make) B I really love-reading.
it 1 6_ _ _ _ _ (put) in lots of pepper.
JASON Pepper? OK 1 7_ _ _ _ _ (add) it now. e Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
SHARON But not too much. Jason 7 Jasan? What's that 1 lt takes time to ... ·
noise? Are you there7 2 1 save time by .. .
JASON Sorry, 1 dropped the phone. 1 8_ _ _ _ _ (try) 3 1 can never find the time to ...
to cook and-talk to you at th e same time. 4 1 had a good time when 1 . . .
5 1 sometimes waste time when 1 ...

fJ VOCABULARY . d 04' Tell a partner your sentences in 3d. How similar

a Read the sentences. Which place in a shopping mall are you?
is it?
1 Not feeling too well?
2 Want something new to wear 7
3 Feeling hungry?
How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
4 Read the best new books!
for each objective.
5 We have 20 kinds of tea!
3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well
6 We have everything for your home!
1CAN ...
say where I am and what l'm doing D
talk about the clothes I wear at different times D
shop for clothes □
f ... ., write a thank-you email. □
a O~ Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1 Who do you think these people are? Where are they?
2 Who are the men talkirig to?
3 What is the woman thinking?
4 What happened befare this picture? What happens later?
b 0 6' Which sentences are true for you?
1 1 always have my mobile phone with me.
2 lf someone cal Is me on my mobile, 1 always talk to them.
3 1 never phone people during meals.
4 1 have my mobile beside me when I sleep.
a O_. Ask and answer the questions. HDTLINE
1 How popular are smartphones and IT ADVICE
tablets in your country 7 FORUMS NEWS HELPROOM
2 What do peo ple use them for?
Noelle, from lreland, sent us this message:
b Read the posts about smartphones Hi everyone . l'd like sorne advice. 1already have a laptop and a phone ,
and tablets on the Online Hotline. but they're both quite old now. l've got sorne extra money this month ,
What do they talk about? so it's time far something new. l'd like to buy either a smartphone or a
a different things you can do with them tablet. What's the difference? Is a tablet just bigger than a smartphone?
b differences between them Do they do the same things? 1work in an office , but sometimes I have to
c different apps you ca n have on them travel around lreland far my job. Thanks far your help!

e Read the posts again. Find the

person who: We asked our website r eaders t o help her decide!
1 uses a tablet in their job Size is everything! Which is bigger?
2 is happy they bought a tablet Sabine Easy! A tablet is bigger than a phone.
3 takes thei r smartph one when they go Hussein Everyone thinks they know the Tab let 82%
out . answer here, but these days a lot
4 uses th eir tablet in their free time. of new smartphones aren't smaller Smartphone
than sorne of the mini tablets you L.---------,-
d O_. Which is better for Noelle, a see in shops. So maybe there's no difference!
smartphone or a tablet?
How about the price? Which is cheaper?
Susanna A tablet is more expensive than
a smartphone. Well , my phone Tablet
was free, in fact! But I have to pay
quite a lot of money every month Smartphone _ _ _ _ sso/o

to the phone company.

Can I carry it around easily? Which is lighter?

Sabine Of course a tablet is heavier than
a phone, but that's because it's Tablet 29%

bigger. The only good thing about a

phone is that I can put it in all my Smartphone ,- - - - - 71 o/o
small handbags!
Hussein A smartphone is lighter than a tablet, so this means it's easy to take it
with me when I go out with my friends.

Tell me about the screen. Which is clearer?

Sabine Smartphone screens are too small.
For me, the tablet screen is a lot Tablet i - -91 %

clearer than the one on my phone.

Smartphone ~
l like to download and watch films,
so this is really important for me.
Susanna l'm a teacher so I use my tablet to read and work on documents. The
screen on the tablet is bigger and better for my work than the phone's
small one.

Which is better?
Tablet 57%
Hussein I think a smartphone is better than a
tablet. lt's cheaper, it's smaller, so 1 5mar1phone
can take it everywhere without any ,- - -
problems, and, importantly, you can .___ _ _ _ __
make calls on a phone. 1can't easily do that on a tablet.
Sabine The tablet's the clear winner. Yes, it's expensive, but I think it's worth it.
Tablets are the future.
Susanna I can't choose -1 like them both.
,., 00
UNIT 10""11111

fJ GRAMMAR Comparative adjectives El VOCABULARY IT collocations

a Look at the bar charts on the On/ine Hotline. a 0lllll Complete the phrases from the podcast with
Complete the sentences. the correct verbs. Listen and check your answers.
Most people think: 1 s___ the Web 2 e____ emails 3 m ·cal Is
1 a _____ is heavier than a _ _ _ __
2 a _____ is better than a _ _ _ __ b Match verbs 1-5 with nouns a-e. Sometimes more
3 a is bigger than a _ _ _ __ than one answer is possible.
4 a _____ is more expensive than a _ _ _ __ 1 download a a website
5 a is lighter than a _ _ _ __ 2 click on b a document
3 visit e a file
b Underline the comparative adjectives in the 4 lag on to d a link
sentences in 2a. Tben circle the correct words 5 save e a computer
to complete the rule.
e O~ Ask and answer questions using the phrases in
The adjectives tell us how the smartphone and the tablet 4a and 4b.
are the same / different.

e Look at the sentences in 2a. Complete the rules and

the examples.

1 Short adjectives (e.g. light) add _ __

hard ➔ ---"'
2 Write _ _ _ before long adjectives (e.g. expensive)
interesting ➔ _ _ _ interesting a Choose idea 1 or 2.
3 Sorne adjectives are irregular (e .g. good, bad)
1 something new you have compared to something old you
good ➔ --
had (e.g. smartphone / mobile phone)
bad ➔ wor se
2 . two things that you use and are similar (e.g. desktop
computer / laptop computer)
d 01Ei Complete the sentences. Listen and check
your answers. -
b Make notes about the two things.
a My new smartphone is bigger _ _ the old one I had.
• Is one better than the other? How?
b Sorne tablets are more expensive _ _ computers.
bigger, easier to carry around ...
• What can you do with each thing 7
e 01Ei Pronunciation Listen again. Is the missing word
surfthe Web, take photos ...
in 2d stressed or not?
C 0~ Talk about the two things. Ask each other
f • Now go to Grammar Focus 1 OA on p.154

g • Communication 1OA Student A go to p.131 .

Student B go to p . 135 .

a 01m Noelle also listens to a podcast to help her
decide. Listen to the podcast. Does it talk about the
same ideas as the Online Hotline posts?

b 01m Listen again. Choose the correct answer.

1 Pocketability is about:
á the size of phones and tablets .
b how phones and tablets feel when you use them.
2 Eatability is about:
a using phones and tablets in restaurants.
b using phones and tablets whe'n you 're eating.

C 0~ Talk about the questions.

1 Do you think the ideas in the podcast are
useful or not? Why / Why not?
2 Go to page 135 and find out what Noelle decided to buy.

What's the most beautiful

Lenrn to talk ilboutlunguagos ·,

0 Supürlá_tive ndJócitlve~ · :-·:

language in the world?
· - . • 1 · ..•_•
· . "

fj Hígh rfürnberél

D LISTENING IEI GRAMMAR Superlative adjectives

a O.- Ask and answer the questions. a 011H Complete the sentences with the words in
1 Which languages can you speak? the box. Listen and check your answers.
2 Which languages would you like to learn?
_3 Look at the languages in the box. Where do people speak best easiest musical biggest hardest
these languages? 1 Signara Monti was the _ _ _ _ _ teacher at my
Greek ltalian English French Arabic Basque school.
Japanese Mandarin Chinese, Russian Spanish 2 ltalian is the most _ _ _ _ _ language I know.
3 The language to learn is Basque.
4 Spanish is the language to learn .
b ®Dll Listen to Professor Ryan Hunter talking about 5 China has the population in the world.
languages on the radio. Tick( ✓) the languages in la that
he tal ks about. b Read the sentences below and put the languages
in arder (1 = very easy, 4 = very difficult).
e 0 Dll Match sentences 1-4 with the-languages
Prdiessor Hunt)i!r talks about. Listen and check your
Far me, French is easier than Japanese. But people say
answers. ..\
that Spanish is the easiest language in the world and
1 He thinks it's a very beautiful language. Basque is the most difficult.
2 lt's a difficult language far Engli~h speakers, but not far
Mandarín Chinese speakers. C Think about your own language. What number do
3 Many people think it's very easy. you think it has (l= very easy, 4 = very difficult)?
4 Over 900 mi Ilion people speak it.
d Look at the sentences in 2a. Then complete the
d ®Dll Listen again and answer the questions. rules and the examples.
1 What was the first language Professbr, Hunter learned?
2 How many languages can he speak? 1 Short adjectives (e.g. hard) add _ _
3 Where do people speak Basque? small ➔ _ _

4 How much of the world's population speak Mandarin Chinese 7 2 Write _ _ befare long adjectives (e.g. musica{)
expensive ➔ _ _ expensive
e O.- Choose one thing Professor Hunter said which you 3 Sorne adjectives are irregular (e.g. good, bad)
think is: good ➔ the _ _
a interesting b surprising. bad ➔ the worst

e• Now go to Grammar Focus 10B on p. 154

f ®mi Pronunciation Listen to these phrases.

Notice how the words are stressed.
the ruggest the easiest the hardest

g 0.HE Listen to these questions. Where's the

main stress: on most or on the adjective?
What's the most b~autiful language in the world 7
What's the most useful language to speak?
What's the most difficult language in the world 7

h O.- Ask and answer the questions in 2g with

other students.

UNIT 10~

a 0 ~ Ask and answer the questions.
1 Do you read any blogs online7 What are they about?
2 Do you use any language websites?
3 What do you thi nk LinguaB/og is abo ut?

b Read LinguaB/og and chec k your answer to question

3 in 3a .

C Complete LinguaB!og with the superlative forms of

the adjectives in the box. One Harold Williams was
one of 1_ _ language learners ever.
difficult (x2) fast heavy big long old short He spoke 58 different la~guages.
expensive good 'lwo Fran Capo of New York is
_ _ talker in the world. She can
say 603 words in 54 seconds.
d Read LinguaB/og again. Who or what are these
people talking about? Three The Tamil language, from
Southern India, is probably one of
1 'He could speak to people from many diffe rent countries.' 3_ _ languages in the world that
2 ' lt's a very old language.' people still speak today.
3 'lt takes a long time to learn the alphabet. ' ·
4 'l'd love to have thi s book, ·but it costs too much.' Four With over 600,000 words, the
5 'S he speaks too qui ckl y! 1 can't understand her.'
Oxford Eng!ish Dictionary is one of the world's
4_ _ dictionaries. lt costs about (1 ,000. Is this
6 'I ca n say the words but I never kn ow how to write t hem 5 _ _ dictiona~ in the world? lt's certainly 6 _ _
- it has 20 books and weighs 62 kilogrammes!

e 0 4' Talk about the questions. Five R'otokas, a language in the Solomon ~ lands,
only has 12 letters, sp it has 7_ _ alphabet in the
1 Which fa ct do you think is th e most interestin g7 Why?
worl<;I . Khmer, the language of Cambodia, has
2 Do you kn ow any oth er la nguage facts7 8_- _· _ alphabet. lt has 74 letters.
Six Many people say
El VOCABULARY High numbers English is 9_ _ language
for spelling. Sorne of
a Find these numbers in le and LinguaB/og. What do 10_ _ . _ words to spell

they refer to?. are: neighbour, foreign and

three thousa nd
nine hundred million
six hundred and three
six hundred thousa nd

b i. Now go to Vocabulary Focus 10B on p. 162 for

more High numbers.

C 0 4' Write down a high number for your partner to say.

a Complete the questions with the superlative forms of b 0 4' Ask and answer the questions in 5a with other
the adjectives. students.
Wh at or who is ... ?
1 _ _ (nice) word you know in English
1think the nicest
2 _ _ (bea utifu l) word in your language
word in English is e/bow.
3 _ _ (good) language lea rn er you know
1 like the sound of it.
4 _ _ (ugly) word in your language Who is the best
5 _ _ (long) word you can think of in your language language learner you
6 _ _ (ha rd) word to pronounce in English know?
7 _ _ (difficult) word to spell in you r language
8 _ _ (interesti ng) book you've got

103~ . .
a 0 4' Ask and answer the questions.
1 Are you good at lea rn ing how to use new thi ngs?
Why / Why not?
2 You have a problem with something that you ca n't
fi x. What do you do? Why?
a Read th e instru cti ons.
b Ask so meone in your fam ily ora fri end fax help.
c Ta ke it to a shop for help.
d Watch a video about it on th e Internet.

b ®Bí.i Annie needs help with her tablet. Watch

or listen to Part 1 and answer the questions.
1 Wh o does Annie wa nt to help her at first?
2 Wh o ca n help her in the end?

e ®Bí.i Watch or listen to Part 1 again and

answer the questions.
1 Wh y ca n't Dan help Annie?
2 What do Annie and Leo decide to do?


Asking for help Main stress and tone
a 0 HD Look at the different ways to ask for a 0 HD Listen for the question below and notice the
help. Which ones does Annie use? Listen and main stress .
check your answers. Do you min d showing me?
1 Could you help me?
2 Can yo u help me? b What kind of word has the main stress when we ask
3 Wou ld yo u mind showing me? for help?
4 Do you mind showing me?
e 0 HD Listen again. Does the tone go up 71 or
b ®!El Tick (✓) the correct sentences. down ~ ?
Correct the wrong sentences. Listen and
checkyouranswe~. d 0 ~ In pairs, practise saying the sentences in 2b
1 D Can you explain that? and 3a.
2 0 Would you mind tell me?
e Think of a small problem you have with studying
3 D Do you mind explaining it to me? English. Think of a question to ask your partner for
4 D Could you showing me? help.
5 D Wou ld you mind helping me 7

e Match the questions with the correct

f 0 4' Take turns practising asking for help and agreeing
to help each other. Use questions from 2a.
answers. One answer is correct for both
1 Could you help me?
2 Do you mind helping me?

a No problem. 1don't understand

b Yes, of co urse . this word. Would you mind
c No, not at all. explaining it to me? No problem.

UNIT 10"'1111

a 0 .IE!l Annie and Leo have lun ch together. Watch b 0 .IE!l Watch or listen to Part 2 again. Leo tells Annie
or I isten to Part 2 and answer the q uestions. to do these things. Put them in the correct arder.
1 What is Annie having problems with on her tablet? a O Open a new screen.
2 Does Leo help her with the problem? b D Touch this button.
e D Get into th e email.
d D Touch the 'Yes' box.


Checking instructions
a • Communication 1OC Student A go to 6b below.
a Look at the sentences from the conversation. Student B go to p.133. Do Conversation l.
Who says them: Annie (A) or Leo (L)?
Conversation 1. Read your first card.Think about
1 So first I touch this button?
what you want to say. Then start the conversat ion
2 And it takes me to a new screen. Like this?
with Student B.
3 And I touch 'Yes' . Is that right?

b Why does Annie ask these questions? • You bought a new phone, but you ca n't receive
text messages on it. Ask Student B for help.
a She wa nts to be sure she understands the instructions.
Check the instructions he/she gives you.
b She wa nts Leo to repeat the instructions.
"" - .

C Look at the the marked words in 5a. Wh ich expression

b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card.
Think about what you want to say. Then listen to
does Annie use when she 's doing something?
Student B and reply.
d Put the instructions in the correct arder.
Student B bought a new mouse far his/her
a O And next go to a new screen. com puter, but it isn't working. Whe n he/she asks
b O And in the end save the photos here. far help, explain how th e mouse works. Here are
. e O Touch th e word 'Open' here. the instructions:
• Turn on the mouse and wa it far the green lig_ ht.
e Ü~ In pairs, take turns practising giving and • Double click on the mouse.
checking instructions. Use the instructions in 5d and • Wa it ten seconds and cl ick again . The mouse
these phrases. There is no correct answer. is working now.
So first Is that right? Like this?

Touch the word

'Open' here. So first I touch the
word 'Open'?


You can now do the Unit Progress Test.


a 0 4' Ask and answer the questions. ( )1 Take off not ti// 7:30, so
1 Do you se íl d messages Oíl your phoíl e aíld ~ home /ater than ¡ thought.
Oíl social íl etworkiílg sites7 Maybe around l O. /'/1 text
2 lf you do, wheíl do you seíld th em1 again when we /and.
• Oíl holiday ✓✓
• wheíl you're travelliílg
• at work
• wheíl you go out
Why do you seíld them 1
3 lf ílot, why íl OF How do you coíltact people7

b Match messages a-d with pictures 1-4. Where are

the people and what are they doing?

C 0 BD Listen to three people talking about text

i í'.í~~;;y!A~ything for •,,A'

dinner? Train gets in 6:35.

messages. Which of texts a-d do you think they sent?
See you in a bit;-)
d 0 BD Listen again and complete the table. Delivered

Seílds texts to Prefers to Why?

Spea ker 1
Speaker 2
@bob 16Aug
Spea ker 3 Where are you ? We' re by
the fountain. Can't see you.
e 0 4' Which speaker's opinion is most 1 minute

similar to yours? In what way?

UNIT 10~


Linking ideas with also, too,
a Read the posts on the Things I hate discussion board.
Tick(✓) who sometimes get annoyed by people who
andas well
use their phones.
a Look at the sentences and answer the question.
D Genji D MadMax D Lars2
MADMAX Sorne people also send texts while you're
D Meepe 0 AdamB D Rainbows
talking to them.
b Read the posts again. Who thinks these things? MEEPE l've also gota friend who's like that.
RAINBOWS lt can be useful if you want to meet a
friend. Also, my friends send really funny
1 2
People who send 1t can be good fun 3
People shouldn't texts .
texts often have to send texts to send texts when Where does the word a/so come in each sentence?
nothing to say. they're eating with
Underline the correct answer.
other people.
l befare/ affer a ma in verb (get, send, live .. .)
1t's rude not to look at 2 befare/ after an auxiliary verb (be, have, can ... )
someone when they're 3 at the beginning / end of a new sentence.
talking to you.
b Look at the sentences below and underline
words or phrases that mean the same as a/so.
C Underline all the adjectives in the posts. Which five Then answer the question.
are negative? 1 ADAMB Yes, my sister does that too .
2 LARS2 Yes, 1 feel the same way. And texting is so
d Look at the posts again and find: boring as well.
1 three ways to agree
Where do they come in the sentence: at the
2 one way to disagree.
beginning, in the middle or at the end?

e Add a/so, too or as we/1 to these sentences.

1 l've gota new PC and l've gota new laptop.
2 We hada satnav in the car and we took a street
3 She works far a mobile phone company and she
knows a lot about computers.
4 Tablets are very light to carry. They have a large

o Genji
1 hate it when people look at their phone when they're
talking to you. lt's quite clear that if you're talking to
somebody, they should look at you, not at their phone.
screen so they are easy toread.


lt's the worst thing you can do if you're with someone.
l've gota friend who does that.
a Plan a post about something that annoys you.

o Meepe
Yes, 1 agree. l've also got a friend who's like that. You're
talking to him and he starts surfing the Internet on his
phone! lt's so annoying.
Use these ideas or your own. Make notes.
• another form of technology (not phones)
• people's bad habits
• an activity you hate doing.

o MadMax
Yes, you're right, it's·really rude. People go online in the
middle of a conversation, and sorne people also send
texts while you're talking to them. 1 hate that.
b Write your post. Use the ones on the discussion
board to help you. Give your post to another

o AdamB
Yes, my sister does that too. We're having dinner and
she starts sending texts to all her friends. lt's awful.
C Agree or disagree with another student's post,
and try to add a sentence with a/so, too or as

o Lars2
Yes, 1 feel the same way. And texting is so boring as
well. People say the most boring things when they text
- they never say anything important. lt's like 'l'm on the
bus. What are y9 u doing?' or 'l'm at home' .
we/1. Then pass your post to the next student.

Check the linking words in other students'

posts. Did they use a/so, too and as we/1

o Rainbows
1 c:lon't
agree. lt can be useful if you want to meet a
friend. Also, my friends send really funny texts, so we
have a good laugh.
e Ü~ Compare posts. Which do you think is the
most interesting? Why?

UNIT 10 a
Review and extension Read the text and answer the questions.
1 Which four languages does th e fa mily spea k?
2 Whi ch language does th e writer prefer speaking7 Which

D GRAMMAR does her moth er prefer speaking? Why?

a Complete the conversation with the comparative

forms of the adjectives in brackets. My mother is Mexican, my father is from
Germany, we spent ten years in England
and now we live in Ita/y. So we speak four
languages in our family!
Most of the people we know here are ltalian, so
when people come to our house we speak ltalian 2most of
the time, but 3most of them understand English too so we
sometimes speak English and ltalian together. 1 like speaking
English 4 most of ali because I was at school in London and
NEIL Which laptop is 1 better (good)? also because it's an international language and 5most people
ASSISTANT Well , th e Alba is 2_ _ (powerful ) th an the speak it. But with my parents I usually speak Spanish or
Plexus, it has 3 .5 Gigabytes of RAM . lt also German. My mother always prefers to speak Spanish with us -
has a 3_ _ _ (big) screen. But it's 4_ __ she says it's 6the most beautiful language in the world.

(expensive) than the Plexus - it's El ,000 more.

NEIL Which one is 5_ _ (heavy)? The Al ba? b Look at the phrases with most in the text in 3a.
ASSISTANT Yes. The Plexus is 6_ _ (light) and 7_ _ Which of phrases 1-6 mean ... ?
(thi n) th an the Alba. So th e Plexus is a 8_ _ a more than all the others
(practica /) laptop if you're travelling. An d it's a b nea rly ali (or about 70-80 %)
bit 9_ _ (fa st) th an the Al ba too .
e Look at the phrases most of the people and most
b Complete the questions with one word from each box. people in the text. Which is about ... ?
Use the superlative form of the adjectives. a people in general
b a parti cular group of people
long big expensive hot good
d Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
footballer country hotel room river place
people of the way
1 A What's ª in the worl d? of the evening of my friend s
B Death Valley in Californ ia. The highest temperature was
56ºC. 1 1 spent most ___ ata frien d's flat, th en I went home.
2 A What's b in Afr ica ? 2 Most _ _ in the USA spea k English, but there a/so 35
B The Ni/e. lt's 6,695 kil ometres long. mil/ion Span ish speakers.
3 A What's e in th e world? 3 lt's a lovely wa lk. You go a long a river most - - -·
B One in the President Wil son Hotel in Geneva . lt costs 4 l'm nea rly 70 and most ___ don't work now.
$ 118,000 fo r two nights .
4 A Who's d football er ever? e Write two sentences about your life. Choose two
B Many people say it's Pelé fro m Brazil . He scored over phrases.
1,000 goa ls and won the World Cup three times. most of th e ti me most of al i
5 A Wh at's e in th e world? . most of my fri ends most days
B That's easy - Ru ssia. lt's 17 mi l/i on km 2 .
f O~ Tell a partner your sentences and ask and
El VOCABULARY answer quest ions. How similar are you?
······ ········· ········· ···· ······· ··· ···· ·· ····················· ·· ········ ··· ·········· ····
a Underline the correct words .
1 Don't forget to c/ick on / save th e document when you
e/ose it. You don't want to lose it.
2 He visits / surfs the Web fa r hours eve ry evening. He just
How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
goes from one document / website to the next.
for each objective.
3 How ca n 1 /og into / c/ick on your com puter? 1 wa nt to
3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well
visit / check my ema ils.
4 Click on / Visit this link to download the file / computer. 1CAN ...
b Write the numbers as words . compare and talk about things I have □- - -
1 50,000,000 3 256 5 200,000 talk about languages
--- □
2 2003 4 1,500 6 2,655 ask for help □- - -

a 0~ Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1 What do you think these ch ildren are watch ing7 Here are sorne ideas:
• a play • a ca rtoon
• someone playing music • a magic show
2 Look at each child. How you do think he or she feels?
Here are more ideas:
• afraid • exc ited • upset
• angry • surpri sed • worrried
b O~ Talk about what you enjoyed when you were a child.
Say why.
l've heard she's
really funny

a O.- Look at the pictures of the
three actresses. What do you
think they have in comrnon?
a They went to the same school.
b They all lived in Australia.
e They were models before they
beca me actresses.
d They are married to film ~\~· Isla Fislier
directors. !::,
b Read the fact files. Find the CHILDHOOD: AUSTRALIA & SCOTLAND
answer to la.

e O.- Read the quiz questions

about the actresses. Guess
the answers.

(\, Is Hollywood
all thev hove '?
in common.
...~ Rose By1·ne
l• ~•
.,_~ IJ'lia Wasikowska

Which actress: . •• ?
1 has been in a mal<e-up
2 can dance well
3 lil<es to use her camera a lot
4 trained in France sla Fisher, Rose Byrne and Mio However, outside of acting, they've
5 enjoys helping people
is also a writer 1 Wasikowska are three famous
actresses who work in Hollywood,
and they hove many things in
done sorne interesting and unusual
things. Isla isn't only interested in
films. She studied theatre in France
common. when she was younger and she's
AII three come from Australia and written two novels. Rose has worked
d Read the Film internationa! befare going to Hollywood their very far UNICEF in Australia. She's also a
article and find out the first acting jobs were in Austral ion TV model and has done TV work far the
answers to the quiz. dramas and soap operas. They've famol.fs make-up company, Max
acted in sorne very popular films. Factor. Mio. the youngest of the three,
e 0 6' Talk about the qúestions. Isla was in Wedding Crashers and trained as a dancer at school. but
The Great Gatsby, Rose was in now she redlly laves taking photos
1 Who do you think is the most and has won a _national prize in
Bridesmaids and X-Men: First C/ass
interesting actress? Why7 Australia far one of her photos.
and Mio was in A/ice in Wonderland
2 Do you know any other
and Jane Eyre. They've all won Isla, Rose and Mio aren't just three
famous Australian actors
and actresses7
awards in the USA and Australia far
their acting. .. ..-
amazing actresses, they're three

,.11 O
UNIT 11~

lfJ GRAMMAR Present perfect: positive El GRAMMAR

Present perfect: negative and
a Complete the sentences. Check your answers in the text.
1 They _ _ _ _ in sorne very popular film s.
questions '"
2 She _ _ _ _ two novels.
3 Mia _ ._ _ _ a national prize far one of her photos.
a 0 .11:E Complete the sentences from the
conversation with the words in the box. Listen
and check your answers.
b Do we know when in the past the actresses did these things?
ever never seen
e Complete the rule with the correct verb.
1 1 haven 't _ _ any of her film s.
/ / you / we / they + ____ ('ve)
+ past participle (e.g. worked) 2 l've _ _ seen a film with Mia Wasikowska.
he/ she I it + ____ ('s)
3 Have you _ _ seen any of her films?

b Complete the rules with the words befare or

. D LISTENING after.
a 0 .mi Maggie and Stephen answer the magazine quiz about 1 When we use not, ever and never, they
the actresses:-'- Listen and answer the questions. come _ _ have in the present perfect.
1 Did they both guess ali the correct answers? 2 When we make a question in the present
2 Tick (✓) the films they talk about: perfect, have comes _ _ the subject.
a D Wedding Crashers d D X-Men.- First Class
b D The Great Gatsby e D A/ice in Wonderland e 0 ffi:i Pronunciation Listen again to the
c D Bridesmaids f D Jane Eyre sentences in 5a. Do we stress have or the
past participle?
b 0 .mi Listen again. Tick( ✓) if they've seen this actress. Then
write the letter (a-f) of the film in 3a they've seen her in. d• Now go to Grammar Focus l lA on p.156

Isla Fisher Rose Byrne Mia Wasikowska e 0 .mi Complete the conversation with the
Maggie correct form of the verbs in brackets. Listen
and check your answers.
Stephen ✓ b
A 1_ _ (see) The Hobbitfi lm s?
B Yes, 1 have. What about you?
e What did Maggie and Stephen think about the actresses in the A 1 2_ _ (see) the first film, but 1 3_ _ (not see)
films they've seen? the others. 4_ _ (read) the book 7
B No, 1 5_ _ (read) The Hobbit, but 1
6_ _ (read) The Lord ofthe Rings.
El VOCABULARY Irregular past participles
a 0 .mi Complete the sentences from the conversation with the
words in the box. Listen and check your answers.

read heard written

¡ ,
1 How did you know Isla Fisher has _ _ _ _ _ novels 7 Have you
_ _ _ _ _ them 7 . -
2 l've never _ _ _ _ _ a film with Mia Wasikowska.
3 l've she's really funny in Bridesmaids.
Do the verbs end in -ed?
b• Go to Vocabulary Focus l lA on p. 163
a Think of sorne popular films, TV programmes
and books. Write six questions about these
things. Look at the questions in 5e to help you.

b Ü Jt Ask other students your questions from 6a.

Have you watched Yes, 1

NC/SonTV? No, 1haven't. Is ita like it.
good programm_e?

Did you know Buenos Aires is one of the world's top
cities for music? And it isn't only tango orchestras you
can hear, but ali kinds of music.


lt's easy to find good classical music in Buenos Aires. Top orchestras from
ali over the world play in the Teatro Colón and you can also see first-class
operas. lt's not cheap, but you pay less if you get a ticket for a whole season.
0 READING Buenos Aires is full of jazz clübs, but the most interesting is probably Jazz y
Pop. lt's in a tiny room in a basement and the musicians play in the middle
of the room. And not only jazz - they also play rock, pop and folk music.
a Ü~ Look at picture a. What kind of dance
Musicians come from ali over the world to play there for free, so you might
are they doing? ·
see someone famous!

b Look at Buenos Aires: City of music. Or if you like drums, visit the Konex Cultural Centre. A band called La
Do you think it is about: Bomba da Tiempo play drums there every Monday night. They play dance
music from Africa and Latin America. Tourists and local people come
1 famous Argentinean bands
together to enjoy the party and dance ali night long. _l't
2 places to hear music
3 tango dancing? Then there's The Roxy. lt has two stages, one for live
rock music and the other for dance music with DJs.
Read the text and check your ideas .
Go there late - the bands don't start playing until
e Read Buenos Aires: City of music again and 2 am and the crowds start arriving around 3.
answer the questions. Drinks are expensive!

1 Which of the marked places do you think the TANGO IN THE STREET
people in pictures a-d are in? Go to the San Telmo district. lt's full of great
2 Which is the most expensive place to go? cafés and shops, and also musicians and
3 Where can you hear more than one type singers. On a warm summer evening you
of music 7 can see tango dancers in the street. There's
4 What's the best time to go to The Roxy? a space for dancing in every café. lt's
5 Which place(s) do you think are popular with free so bring your dancing shoes!
both visitors and people who live in
the city?

d0~ You're in Buenos Aires.

Choose one place you'd like
to go to, and one place you
wouldn't like to go to. Why /
Why not?
UNIT 11~

Present perfect or past simple
a 0.mi Match the questions with the answers. Listen
arid check your answers.
1 Have you ever been to a Yes, 1 h_ave actually. 1 went there
Jazz y Pop? last year.

2 Where's The Roxy? b Yes, of course I have. We ali

Have you been there? went there far Antonia's birthday.

3 1bet you've never been c Yes, 1 went there two weeks ago.
to the Teatro Colón. They had really good music.

b Answer the questions about 4a.

1 Which two tenses do the speakers use?
a present simple c present continuous
b past simple d present perfect
fJ VOCABULARY Music 2 Which tense do we use ... ?
a if we don't say when someth ing happened
a 0.m.i Underline words in the text for: b if we say when something happened
1 kinds of music: tango, ... 3 Which tense do we use with ... ?
2 people who play music, sing or dance: a ever and never
an orchestra, ... b time expressions (last weekend, a month ago)

Listen and check your answers.

e• Now go to Grammar Focus 11B on p.156
b 0ffl!l Pronunciation Listen to these words
again. Circle the number of syllables. d 0.:m1 Put the conversation in the correct arder.
U nderl i ne the stressed syl lable in each word. Listen and check your answers.

dancer 1 ® 3 orchestra 1 2 3
A O Who did you go with?
musician 1 2 3 opera 1 2 3
A O Did you enjoy it?
classical 1 . 2 3
A O] Have you ever been to a music festival?
C 0H:n Listen to five pieces of music. What A O Where was it?
kind of music are they? B D lt was in Novi Sad, in Serbia - the EXIT festival.
B D I went with a group of friends from university~
d 0~ Which kinds of music do you often listen B D Yes, we all had a great time .
to? Which kinds do you never listen to? B D Yes, 1 have. 1 went to one last summer.

e 0~ Practise the conversation in 4d.

a 0.mi Kurt and Bea are students in Buenos El SPEAKING
Aires. Listen to their conversation about
Buenos Aires: City of music. Tick ( ✓) the a Think of two things you've seen or places you've
places they téilk about. been to in your town or city. Here are sorne ideas:

D • a concert or music event

Teatro Colón D Th e Roxy
D • a film or play
Jazz y Pop D San Telmo
D Konex Cultural Centre • a cinema, theatre or club

Which pJaces have they each been to? Make notes .

Theatre Royal - Macbeth
b 0.mi Complete the table about Bea. footbal l stadium - Jay-Z concert
Listen and check your answers.
b Think of two things you haven't seen or places you
Where? When? Did she Iike it? haven't been to , but would like to. Make notes.
1 Jazz y Pop
C 0~ Ask other students about the things and places
2 in 5a and 5b. Ask for more information.
Have you
When did you
been to Mombo's?
go there?

Everyday English
1thought they were quite good


a ÜA Ask and answer the questions. Asking for and expressing
1 When you go out in the evening, do you ... ? opinions
• drive • walk • take a bus • take a taxi • other
2 When was the last time you too.k a taxi? Where did you go? a 01nl Listen and put the conversation in the correct
b 06' Look at pictures a and b. Write what you think
Dan's saying.
a D Did you enjoy it?
b D How about you?
e D I really liked it.
e 01m Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your d D So what did you think of it?
answers in 1 b. Then choose the correct answers e D Yeah, it was a good concert.
below. D Yeah, me too.
1 Dan and Martina are going out/ on their way home.
2 Their address is 50 Windsor Road / 15 Windsor Road. b 06' In pairs, practise the mini-conversation in 2a.

d 0.BD Dan and Martina are in the taxi. Watch or e Now look at these ways to express an opinion. Match
listen to Part 2 and answer the questions. opinions 1-3 with reasons a-c.
1 Where hav.e they been? 1 1 really liked the first band.
2 Do they have the same opinion about what they saw? 2 1 didn't like the first band very much .
3 1 didn't like the first band at ali .
e 0.BD Read the sentences and write Martina (M),
a I thought they were terrible.
Dan (D) or both (B). Watch or listen again to check
b I thought the singer was great.
your answers.
e I thought they played quite well, but their songs were
Who thinks ... ? boring.
1 the concert was good 3 the first band was good
2 not all the bands were 4 Atlantis are a good band
good 5 Atlantis were too loud

Main stress and tone
a 0 .Da Listen to these replies. Notice' that both
words are stressed in each one.
1 Do you? 2 Did you 7 3 Me neither. 4 Me too.

b 0 .Da Listen again and answer the questions.

1 Does the tone go up 71 or down ~ at the end of
each reply?
2 In 1 and 2, do you think the speaker sounds ... ?
a angry b surprised e happy7

e 0 .Da Listen again and repeat.

d o.. In pairs, take turns responding to these

D LISTENING opinions. You can agree or disagree.
1 thought the concert was boring· - - - - - ~

0 .m.i What do you think's happening in picture c? How 2 didn't enjoy the concert.

does Martina feel? Watch or listen to Part 3 to check. 3 1 think the band play very

interesting music.
4 1 thought the concert was too long.
5 1 think she's a fantastic singer.
Responding to an opinion
a Read the mini-conversations. Which replies
mean ... ? a O.- Look at picture d. Answer the
a 1 agree. b I don 't really agree. questions with a partner.

1 MARTINA 1didn 't like all the bands. 1 Where do you think Dan and Martina are now?
DAN No, me neither. 2 What do you think Dan says?

2 MARTINA 1 really liked it, how about you?

DAN Yeah, me too.

3 MARTINA 1 thought they were quite good.

DAN Did you?

4 DAN Really great music.

MARTINA Do you think so?
5 MARTINA They were too loud .
DAN Yeah, maybe.
b 0DB Watch or listen to Part 4 and check
your answers in 6a.
b Complete the table with do or did.

Present Past 11 SPEAKING

A 1 think they're good. A 1 thought they were good.
B Do you? B 1_ _ you? a• Communication 11 e Student A go to
p . 131. Student B go to p . 133 .
A Their music is A The concert was boring.
interesting. B Did you think so?
B 2_ _ you think so7

e o.. In pairs, practise the mini-conversations in

4b. Take turns being A and B.


You can now do the Unit Progress Test.

Skills for Writing
Leam to write a review
@ Structtiring areview
lt was an interesting film


a ÜJt Ask and answer the questions. a Read Melissa and Robin's reviews again. Write the numbers
1 Have you seen any of the films on these pages? of the sentences that answer the questions below.
2 Have you ever watched a film more than once 7 a @] Who are the actors and are they good?
b O When did you see the film 7
b 0.mi Melissa and Robin talk about a film. Listen e O Did you like it?
and answer the questions. d O Do you recommend it7
1 What film are they talking about? e O Who wrote or directed it?
2 Did Robin like it? Did Melissa like it?
b Look at sorne more comments about films.
C 0.mi Listen again. Write Robin (R) or Melissa Which questions in 3a do they answer?
(M). Who ... ? 1 lloved it!
1 thinks James Bond films are always the same 2 1 heard it was good so I went to see it at the weekend.
2 thinks James Bond films are just far fun 3 1 thought the story was quite interesting.

3 thinks the special effects were good 4 Leonardo DiCaprio is brilliant

4 is going to see the film again 5 lt's by Spanish director, Pedro Almodóvar.
6 Don't go to see it lt's terrible!
d Choose a film you've seen and a film you 7 1 thought it was a very funny film. 1 laughed a lot.

haven't seen. Make notes. Think of:

• why you liked or didn't like fhe film
• why you'd like to see the other film.

e ÜJt Talk about the two films from ld.

1 Have other students seen them?
2 What did they think of them?
REVIEWS **** -
a Melissa downloaded the film lnception. ' ' 1THOUGHT IT WAS AN
Read her review. Is it positive or
b Read Melissa's review again and answer
the questions. 1saw lnception at the cinema a month ago and I decided to
1 How many times has she watched the film? download it so I could see it again. 2 l've watched it three times now
2 What is the best way to watch it? and it gets better every time. 3 lt's by British director Christopher
Nolan and it's a brilliant story. 4 Ali the actors are excellent, but 1
e Robin went to see /nception at the liked Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy the best. They play Cobb
cinema. Read his review. Is it positive or and Eames, part of a team trying to put ideas in another man's
negative? head. lt's a good idea to watch this film on a big screen because
it has great special effects. 5 1thought it was an interesting and
d Read Robin's review again and answer exciting film, so try to see it if you can!
. the q uestions.
1 Why did he go to see it?
2 What are the good and bad
things he says about the film?
3 Does he think it's a good
idea far other people to. see
or buy the film?

UNIT '11~

e Look at the reviews again. How are sentences 1-3 11 WRITING AND SPEAKING
different from the ones in the reviews?
1 1 saw lnception at the cinema a month ago and I decided a Plan a review of a film you've seen. Make notes,
to download lnception so I could see lnception again. using the questions in 3a and the comments in 3b to
2 1 liked Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy the best. help you.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy play Cobb and
Eames ... b Write your review. Use Melissa and Robin's reviews to
3 saw lnception last week. My friend Charlie told me
1 help you.
lnception was good .
e Swap reviews with another student and check. Does
d 04' Answer the questions with a partner. your partner's review answer the questions in 3a?
1 How many times did Melissa and Robin write the name of
the film in their reviews? d 04' Read other students' reviews. Which film would
2 What words did they use in place of the film names? you like to see?





lnception last week. 2 My friend Charlie told me it was good. He
1 saw
usually likes the films l like so I went to see it, but I didn't enjoy it very
much. 3 Christopher Nolan, who made the Batman films, wrote and
directed it. 4 There are a lot of well-known actors in the film (Joseph
Gordon-Levitt is excellent in the role of Arthur), but I thought the sto(y was
quite difficult to understand and also too long. 5 See it if you have aspare
two and a half hours ...

UNIT 1l a

Review and extension Match 1-6 with a-f to make conversations.

1 Sorry, Mike, l've gota meeting now.
2 Here's my photo ID.
3 Are you from London?
D VOCABULARY 4 Here's a very nice shirt in blue.
5 You're looking a bit ti red .
a Underline the correct words.
6 l've got nothing to do this evening.
1 1 don't like ali c/assic / classical music.
a Yes, 1think I need to lie down far a while .
2 He likes old rock/ rockermusic like the Rolling Stones.
b Well, 1 was born in Manchester, but I grew up here.
3 After years of playing the violin, he finally gota job with an
c That's OK. 1can call you back this afternoon .
orchestral / orchestra.
d Well, would you like to come round far dinner?
4 In my opinion, Madonna is the mostfamous popular/ pop
e Thank you. Now can you fill this farm in, please?
music singer in the world.
f Could I try it on?
5 Bill only plays his guitaron the street for money. But listen
to him - he's a very good musician / musical.
6 Would you like to come and see Cosl fan tutte? lt's a very
b Match the marked multi-word verbs in 3a with
meanings 1-6.
famous opera/ operatic by Mozart.
1 return a phone call
b Write the past participle of the verbs. 2 put on clothes and check the size is right
3 complete
1 be 5 read
4 have a rest on a sofa or bed
2 do 6 see
3 go 7 win
5 visita person's home
6 go from being a child toan adult
4 hear 8 write

e Complete the sentences with the correct form of a

fJGRAMMAR multi-word verb from 3a.
1 She never wants to _ _ things ___ in the shop
a Write sentences and questions with the correct form and often gets the wrong size.
of the present perfect. 2 You need this farm at the airport. Can you _ _
1 1 / be to Sciuth Africa twice. _ _ your details here?
2 She / meet a lot of famous actors. 3 l've always lived in Sydney. 1_ _ _ _ here.
3 you / see the latest James Bond film? 4 She finally _ _ me _ _ this morning and told me
4 He/ not / work in an office befare. she was away ali last week.
5 We / never / win Lotto. 5 Why don't you _ _ _ _ and read your book? 4
6 they / read ali the Harry Potter books7 6 My brother _ _ _ _ last night and brought a cake
7 1 / not / hear a lot of jazz music. far my birthday.
b Tick ( ✓) the correct sentences. Change the verb form d 0~ Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
in the sentences that are not correct. 1 How often do friends or family come round to your place 7
1 We've been to Australia only once. 2 Do you sometimes farget to call people back?
2 He's read a book in English last week . 3 Where did you grow up?
3 1never saw an X-Men film . 4 Do you usually try on clothes befare you buy them 7
4 They've won a pop music competition two years ago. 5 What was the last farm you had to fill in?
5 1saw three films at the weekend. 6 Do you sometimes lie down in the day?
6 She's never been to Argentina. ····· ············ ·· ······· ······· ······· ·········· ············· ····· ·· ······· ······ ········
7 1didn't read a book by Dan Brown.

e Complete the conversation with the correct present

perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
A 1_ _ (you/be) to Australia?
B No, 1 haven't, but 12_ _ (be) to New Zealand.
A Have you? 3_ _ (never/be) there, but I would lave to

go. How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1

B We 4_ _ (go) about faur years ago in the summer. for each objective.
A How long 5_ _ (ybu/stay)? 3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well
B About three weeks, but it 6_ _ (not be) long enough.
A 17_ _ (do) a bungee jump when 1 8_ _ (be) there. 1CAN ...
9 _ _ (you/ever/try) anything like that?
ask and answer about entertainment experiences D
B No. l'm too afraidl --------- -- - -----
talk about events l've been to D
- - - - ·- - - - - · - - - - - - - - -□- -
express opinions about things l've seen

write a review. □
"'11 8
a O~ Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1 Where do you think these people are on holiday7 Why7
2 Who are the people in the photo: friends or family 7
3 What other things have they planned to do here?

b 0~ In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

1 Do you take photos of friends and family on holidays
or other special days?
2 What other things do you photograph?
3 What do you do with your photos after you've
taken them?
4 What's your favourite photograph?
What are you Leam to talk about holiday plans
(D going to
going to do? 0 Geography

a Match words 1-10 with pictures a-j .
1 island 6 desert
2 mountain 7 lake
3 forest 8 glacier
4 waterfall 9 rainforest
5 beach 10 river

b ®.mi Pronunciation Listen and check your answers in la.

Then answer the questions.
1 Which two words have only one syllable?
2 Which syllable is stressed in all the other words?

e ÜJt Work in pairs. Look at pictures a-j and answer the questions.
1 Which places would you like to live near?
2 Have you been to any of these places?
3 Which place.would you like to go on holiday to? Why?
What are Work Around the World
d• Now go to Vocabulary Focus 12A on p.165 (WAW) holidays?
for more Geography vocabulary They're holidays where you work for a few hours every
doy and you get your accommodation and food free.
fJ READING Why go on a Work Around the World
(WAW) holiday?
a 0Jt What's important for you when you're
on hol iday? Why? Because it's fun, you help other people and
you also make a lot of interesting new friends .
• nothing - just relax • understand a new
• meet new people culture Here are sorne examples of great Work Around
• do lots of • try a new sport the World holidays.
sightseeing • eat local food
. . ..
. . . . . . ..
- '-
b Read the WAWwebsite. Which ideas in
2a can you do on Work Around the World -
holidays? •• • • • •
e Read the website again. What is a good job
for someone who likes ... ?
• swimming and dancing
• drawing
• outdoor sports

d 0Jt Talk about the questions.

1 .Would you like to do one of these jobs? Why /
Why not?
2 Order the three jobs from hard work (1) to not
very hard work (3). Say why.

· ~~);~~--- ~,,..:_:_~it~t.fí:t~ ·-.

I,'-. .•

UNIT 12"'1111 .· . ,


a ®mi Listen to two conversations about a 0 .mi Complete the sentences from the conversations.
holiday plans. Which Work Around the World Listen and check your answers.
holidays are Emily and Chloe interested in? 1 l'm _ _ _ _ _ to email and ask about it.
2 l'm _ _ _ _ _ to leave this job.
b ®mi Listen again to the two conversations.
Answer the questions. b Look at the sentences in 4a. Underl i ne the correct words to
Conversation 1 complete the rule.
1 Why doesn't Emily want to go to university?
2 What does she like about the job she is interested We use be+ going to+ infinitive when we want to describe a
in? future plan/ a present action.
3 Why doesn't Zoe want her to go?
e 0 D.D Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
Conversation 2 going to and the verbs in brackets. Listen and check your
1 Why does Chloe want to leave her job? answers.
2 What does she like about the job she is interested
+ (find out) more about it.
1 __
- (not go) to university next year.
1 __
3 Does Frank think it's a good job for Ch loe?
? What _ _ (do)?
e 0 6' Talk about the questions.
d 0 D.D Pronunciation Listen to the sentences in 4c again.
1 Do you think it's a good idea for Emily and Chloe Which is stressed, going or the main verb?
to do a Work Around the World holiday? Why /
Why not? e i. Now go to Grammar Focus 12A on p. 158
2 What are the good things and the bad things
about going on one of these holidays? f 0 .Em Complete the conversation with going to and the
verbs in brackets. Listen and check your answers.

A 1 1_ '· _ _ _ _
(spend) six months travelling and working next
B Great. Where are you 2_ _ _ _ _ (go)?
A 1 3_ _ _ _ _ (travel) around South Africa.
B What jobs 4_ _ _ _ _ (do)?
A Cleaning, cooking, working in restaurants - things like that.
1 _ _ _ _ _ (not do) anything too difficult.

B And what about after your trip?

A 6_ _ _ _ _ (look) far a job at home.

A Mexican family is looking for

a young person to work in their a i. Communication 12A Student A go to p.13 1. Student B go
home in Acapulco on the Pacific to p. 135.
• Jobs include looking after b 0 6' Talk about which of the two working holidays you would
children an_d teaching English . like to do.
• Great beaches and nightlife -
lots of fun.

Come and live in an artists' village in the

South lsland of New Zealand.
• Jobs include helping in the local shop
and cleaning.
• Clase to amazing scenery: rainforest,
mountains and glaciers.
You should live like
2B the local people

D READING El VOCABULARY Travel collocations

a o.. Ask and answer the questions. a Match pairs of verbs 1-6 with a word or phrase in the
Would you like to live in a different country? Why / Why not7 box. Use the texts in lb to help you.
lf yes, wh ich cou ntry would you choose?
a hotel a bag home abroad plans a hol iday
b Read the texts and match the people with pictures
1 make / change _ _ 4 plan/ have _ _
2 travel / live _ _ 5 book / stay in _ _
3 stay at / go back _ _ 6 pack / unpack _ _
C Read the sentences. Who do you think wrote _each one:
Troy rn, Oliver and Kirsten (OK) or Cerys (C)? b 0.mi Six people talk about travelling and holidays.
1 Saw sorne beautiful fish yesterday. Fantastic 1 Complete the sentences with verbs in 2a. Listen and
2 We've gota job taking photos far a local newspaper. check your answers.
3 1 think they liked the music I played last night. 1 1 always _ _ _ my holidays carefull y. 1 read about the
4 l'm going to work on Koh Tao lsland - the sea is so place befare I go there.
clear there. 2 1 don't want to _ _ _ abroad. lt's better to go on holiday
5 We're going to find a local school far our daughter next week. in my own country.
3 1 never _ _ _ a hotel. 1 wa nt to see my room befare 1
d o.. Would you like to go travelling and never stop? decide to stay there.
Why / Why not? 4 1 usual/y _ _ _ my bags about an hour befare I go on

holiday. hate doing itl


5 After a week away l'm always happy to _ _ _ home and

Why notgo see my family again.
6 When l'm on holiday I never _ _ _ plans. 1 just see

travelling e
what happens when I get there.

o.. Which speakers in 2b do you agree with?

.... and never stop? Why / Why not?

In 2003 Troy sold everything, packed a small bag and left his Oliver and Kirsten Foster left the UK in 2009. In three years
home in Australia to travel abroad. He was 30. Ten years and they travelled to Mexico, Peru, the USA, Thailand , China,
15 countries later, he's still travelling and he says he isn't Dubai and Germany befare arriving at their latest home
ever going to go back home. Last year he arrived in Portugal. in Egypt. They're both photographers, so they can work
To earn money, Troy works as an English teacher. He's also a anywhere in the world. They now have a three-year-old
DJ in sorne local nightclubs. daughter, Liana, so they have to make plans more carefully.
But they don't want to change their lives. Next year they are
~ 11.c;p Énglish in most places. but
going to live in Ecuador and then South Africa.
~ local language too.

Like many students, Cerys finished university in her home

town of Swansea in Wales and decided to hav~ a long
holiday. She stayed in cheap hotels and with friends in
different countries. Five years later she is still enjoying that
holiday. When she was in Australia, she learned how to dive.
She loved it and she decided to do a course and learn to
teach other people how to dive. Now she works all over the
world teaching tourists to dive.

UNIT 12"'1111


a Look at the sentences. Underline the correct words. a What do you think th ese people mean?
Then check in the texts.
1 You shou/d / shouldn'ttry to learn the local language too.
l'm not
2 You shou/d / shouldn'tforget your family back home.
really a city
3 You shou/d / shouldn't live like the loca l people.

b Choose the correct answer to complete the rules.

You should mea ns:
a you have to do it b it's a good idea . O.- What about you and other students? Are you the
After shou/d and shouldn 'twe use: same?
a to+ infinitive b infinitive without to.
b O.- Quickly read the texts again about Troy and
e 0 .DD Pronunciation Listen to sentences 2 and 3 in Cerys. Whi ch things below do you think Troy likes and
3a. which do you think Cerys likes? Why? Write T(Troy)
or C (Cerys) .
1 Is th ere a /1/ sound in should and shou/dn't?
2 Is th e vowel long or short? D big citi es D noise D museu ms
D cafés D dancing D the sea
d • Now go to Grammar Focus 12B on p.158 D sport D music D concerts
D shoppi ng D the countryside D beaches
e Read the advice about living abroad. Change the
verbs in blue by adding shou/d or shouldn 't. e 0 .mi Listen to Troy and Cerys. Check your answers
in 4b .

WOULD YOU LIKE TO UVE ABROAD? d 0 .- Troy and Cerys are going to visit your country.
Talk about where they should and shouldn't go, what
TAKE OUR ADVICE! they should do and why.
Don't stay at home all the time .
Go out and meet people. e 0 .- work with a student you don 't know very well.
You shouldn't stay at home ali the time. You should ... Find out what they like and don 't like doing on
2 Try to visita new place every weekend . holiday.
Don't wait until the last few weeks of your stay.
3 Read about the country before you go there. f O~ Give your partner sorne advice about what to do
4 Don't gel angry when things go wrong . and what not to do in a city you know.

S Remember that things work differently in other

You shouldn't
go to the National
Museum. lt's very
Everyday English Leam language for travel and tourism
0 S~owing surprise
Is breakfast included? Q Ccmsonant groups

a 0 Jt Ask and answer the questions.
1 When you go on holiday, where do you usually stay? Choose one
or more places.
• hotel • hostel • camping in a tent
• apartment / house • with friends • another place
2 Why do you like staying in this / these place(s)?

b 0 ml Watch or listen to Part 1 and answer the questions. Dear 1_ _ _ __

1 Who has won a competition? Congratulations! You have won a weekend for
2 Can Dan and Martina use the prize? 2
----- people in the city of
_ _ _ _ _ _ All your travel and hotel
e 0 mi Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Complete the email. expenses are included in the prize.
Puta word or number in each gap.
You can only use your prize on the weekend of
- - - - - s_ _ _ _ _ July. Enjoy!


a Look at the conversation. Underline the two d 0 nn Pronunciation Listen
ways that Dan shows surprise. again. Does the tone in a-d in 2c
MARTINA l've won a competition. go up 71 a little ora lot?
DAN Have you? Fanta stic. What's the prize?
MARTINA A weekend for two in Bath .. . e Think of two surprising things.
DAN Really? That's great. They don't have to be true! Make
b Which question in 2a can you use to reply to any news?
f Ü Jt In pairs, take turns telling
e 0 nn Match 1-4 with a-d. Listen and check each other your surprising things
your answers. and showing surprise . Use
1 l'm getting married. a Do you? expressions from 2a and 2c.
2 1 really like grammar. b Have you?
3 went to New York for the weekend.
1 e Are you?
4 l've eaten an insect. d Did you?

a 0 Dn Whodo Welcome to the
you think Dan and
Martina gave the
prize to? Watch or Your room number is
1isten to Part 2 and
check. b eakfast in
Please join us for r
b 0 Dn Watch or
the dining room from
listen to Part 2 2 to - ·
again. Complete the Your check out u·meis
guest information

UNIT 12~


Checking in ata hotel a ®,illlll Watch or listen to Part 3. Complete the
information on city bus tours.
a Below are useful expressions for hotel guests.
Which two expressions did Annie use?
1 l've gota reservation for a double room fo r
Leaves from 1_ _ _ __
two nights.
Price 2_ _ _ __
2 Is there a ca r park?
3 Is breakfast included? Buy tickets at 3_ _ _ __
4 Is there wi-fi in the room7 Pay by cash or 4_ _ _ _ _ ,
5 What ti me is check out?
6 Is there a safe in the roo m?

b Which four questions in 4a do we use to ask

about th i ngs hotels can offer?
b o.. After the bus tou r Annie goes to a museum. What
do you think happens next?

C 0.D!D Complete the conversation between a C 0ml Watch or listen to Part 4 and check your answer
guest and a hotel recept ionist with sentences to 6b. Then answer the questions.
from 4a. Listen and check your answers.
1 Did Dan and Martina tell Annie their plan?
2 Why do you think they did / didn'F
RECEPTIONIST Helio, how ca n I help you?
GUEST Helio. 1 1_ _ _ __
RECEPTIONIST A double room? Your name, please? 11 USEFUL LANGUAGE
GUEST Morton.
RECEPTIONIST Thank you. So, that's two nights?
Asking for tourist information
GUEST Yes. Is 2_ _ _ _ _ 7
a 0.mi Match 1-5 with a- e to complete the questions.
RECEPTIONIST Yes, it's from 6:30 am until 9:30 am
Listen and check your answers.
in the din ing room.
GUEST Is 3_ _ _ _ _? 1 Can you a for a ticket?
RECEPTIONIST Yes, there is. 2 Is there a city bus tour b a ticket, please.
GUEST And what 4_ _ _ _ ? ,, 3 How much is it c help me 7
RECEPTIONIST lt's 11 o'clock on the day you leave. 4 Can I buy ' d I ca n go on7
5 1'11 have e tickets here7

b You are on IÍoliday and go to a Tourist lnformation

El PRONUNCIATION Office to ask about an interesting museum to visit.
Answer the questions.
Consonant groups 1 Can you use all th e questions in 7a7
2 Which one(s) do you have to chánge?
a 0DB Listen to these sentences. Notice how 3 Write a new question for the example(s) you need to change.
the marked consonant groups with !ti are
pronounced. e o.. Work in pairs. Use your answers in 7b to make a
1 l've got a reservation for a double room for conversation at the Tourist lnformation Office about
two nights. visiting a museum. Take turns being the tourist and an
2 So, that's two nightsc assistant who works in the office.
3 Is breakfast included?
4 lt's from 6:30 am until 9:30 am.
b 01m Listen to these sentences below.
Underline consonant groups with !ti. a • Communication 12C Student Agoto p.1 31.
1 We're away next weekend. Student B go to p. 13 5 .
2 l'd like sorn e touri st information.
3 Th e bath room is on you r left.
4 Can I buy two tickets, please7

C o.. In pairs, practise conversations like the

one in 4c. Use your own name and change
sorne of the questions about things in the CHECK YOUR PROGRESS
hotel. Take turns being the receptionist
and guest. You can now do the Unit Progress Test.
Skills far Writing
2D You should go to the Royal Palace


a 0 ~ How much do you plan your holidays before you
leave? Choose an answer and say why.
1 1 like to plan everything as much as possible so I know

what l'm going to do.

2 1 pla n my travel and accommodation , but nothing else .
3 1 on ly buy tickets. 1 orga nise everything else when
1 arrive.

b 0 ~ Look at the pictures of places in

Sweden and answer the questions.
1 What do you know about Sweden?
2 What can you see in the pictures?

e 0 ml Elliot tells Louise about a holiday

he's planned . Listen and underline the
correct answers.
1 Elliot booked his holiday online / ata travel
2 He's going to Stockholm for a weekend/ week.
3 He's going to stay in a 3-star / 4-star hotel.
4 Elliot's going to go in March / May.
5 Louise / Elliot has a friend ca lled Karin in Stockholm.

d 0 ~ You want to visit Stockholm. What questions

could you ask Karin?

. .. ,. ,.
Thanks for your email. 2 1'm very happy to help you plan
your holiday in Stockholm. 3 1'm pleased you're going
fJ READING in Stockholm?
to spend sorne time in my home town! 4 You asked me
about the three top tourist things to do in Stockholm,
a Elliot sent an email to Kari n. Read Karin's reply.
so here are sorne ideas. 5 First, you should visit Gamla
What doesn 't she t alk about?
Stan (which means 'the old town'). 6You can see a lot of
a places to visit b the hotel e the weather history in this part of Stockholm and it's very beautiful.
There are also sorne great cafés in Gamla Stan.
b Read Karin's ema il again and complete the ta ble. 8
Secondly, you should go to the Royal Palace. 9This is
where our king and queen live, but you can visit sorne
Reason to visit of the rooms and see sorne amazing things. 10 Finally,
historie, 1_ _ , the third place that you should go to is Skansen. 11 lt's
excellent 2_ _ an outdoor museum and the zoo is there. 12There's also
a lovely park nearby. 13You said you are going to come
the home of the 3_ _ ,
at the end of May. 14That's good because the weather
rooms with 4_ _ things
is better then. 15There are a lot of outdoor things to do
outdoor museum and _ _, in Stockholm so there's more to do when the weather
clase to a 6_ _ is warm. 16 1 hope my ideas help you. 17 Perhaps we can
n:,eet when you come to visit.
Best wishes
UNIT 12"'1111

11 WRITING SKILLS Paragraph writing

a Read Karin's email on page 126 again. Make four
Paragraph 1 talks about Elliot's email: sentences 1 to_·_
Paragraph 2 talks about things to do: sentences _ to 12
Paragraph 3 talks about the weather: sentences 13 to_
Paragraph 4 finishes the message: sentences _ t o _

b Look at Paragraph 2. Underline three linking words

that order the i nformation.

e Read the email from Alice to you and answer the

1 What is she going to do?
2 What does she want to know?

Hi there
My name is Alice and l'm going to visit your home
town soon. 2A friend told me that you can give me
useful information, so I have sorne questions if that's
OK. 3 1would like to do sorne sightseeing. 4What
are sorne interesting things to see? 5 1'd also like to
do sorne kind of sports activity. 6What are sorne
interesting things to do? 7 1 hope you can help me!
Kind regards

d Make three paragraphs in Al ice's emai I in 3c.

a Plan an email to Alice.
• answer both her questions
• use paragraphs for different 'parts of your message
• use linking words to order your ideas.

b Write your email. Use Karin's email on page 126 to

help you.

Swap emails with another student and check.

D Are the paragraphs clear?
D Are there good ideas of things to see and do?
D Are there linking words to order ideas?

127..... . . .
UNIT 12 a
Review and extension Match sentences 1-6 with pictures a-f. What do you
think the people are talking about?
1 You can take the number 23.
2 Please take carel
0 GRAMMAR 3 lt will only take five minutes.
4 Then you take the first left.
a Complete the sentences with the correct form of
going to and a verb from the box. 5
travel move wear have

1 He's 30 next week. He _ _ _ _ _ a big party.

2 When we're older, we to a cottage in the
country. __
3 1 _ _ _ _ _ my new suit and a tie for my interview.
4 She's got two month's holiday befare she starts university,
so she _ _ _ _ _ around Europe with a friend.

b Write the conversation using the prompts with the

correct form of going to.
PETRA What / you / do after university?
b Match the sentences in 3a with the uses of take a-f.
What are you going to do after university?
NADIA 2 1 / go to New York. a to give street di rections
PETRA New York 7 Sounds great. 3 What / you / do there? b to talk about time
NADIA Well, my brother lives there. c to tell someone to be careful
PETRA Oh right, 4you / stay / with / him? d to talk about using transport
NADIA Yes. He says 5 he / find /me/ a job. e to talk about medicine
PETRA Oh, yes? 6 How long/ you / stay 7 f to talk about carrying something
NADIA Justa month . But 7 1 not / book my flight back. 0.mi Listen to the conversations and check.
Who knows 7 lf I find a good job, 1 may stay longer!
C Complete the sentences with take and a word or
C Read the travel advice to people going to Kenya in ph rase in the box.
East Africa. Complete the text with you shou!d or
you shou!dn't. a taxi the first left hours
my medicine my laptop care
lt's very pofin Kenya, so 1_ _ _ _ stay in the sun for too
long and~2_ _ _ _ drink lots of water. 3_ _ _ _ buy 1 l've got two essays to write. lt will _ _ to finish my
bottled ;ater and 4_ _ _ _ drink water from lakes or rivers . homework.
Mosl people speak English, but 5_ _ _ _ try to learn a few 2 There aren't any buses. Why don 't we _ _ ?
words of Swahili, the local language. 3 Have a lovely walking holiday and - -·
4 Go along till you come to a supermarket, then - - ·
5 1'11 carry the bags, but could you _ _ ?
fJ VOCABULARY 6 Oh, it's 6 o'clock. Time t o - - ·
a U nderl i ne the correct words. .d Choose two of the uses of take in 3b. Write a short
1 We went to a Greek is/and / mountain. We just sat on the conversation using examples of both uses.
forest / beach and swam in the sea. lt was very relaxing.
2 went across the Gobi Desert / Lake on a camel.
1 e o.. Practise your conversations in 3d.
3 watched birds in the Brazilian desert / rainforest.
····· ·· ····· ······ ··· ··· ···· ····· ···· ······ ········ ····· ····· ········· ··· ·········· ·· ··· ·· ·
4 The lguazu Falls are big waterfa/1s / mountains between
Argentina and Brazil.
5 climbed rivers / mountains in Norway and we crossed a

glacier / beach. lt was very cold on the ice.

How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
b Put the words in the correct order to make q uestions. for each objective.
1 you / abroad / lived / ever / have? 3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well
2 you / planned / your next holiday / have?
3 in a hotel/ last / stay / you / did / when?
1CAN ...
4 always / you / your own bags / pack /do/ for a holiday? □
·talk about holiday plans
5 this weekend/ you / at home/ are/ staying? give advice □
e o.. Ask and answer the questions in 2b. talk about travel □
use language for travel and tourism D
write an email with travel advice. D
1A Student A 4A Student A
a Read this web profile . Answer Student B's questions a Conversation 1.Look at the picture. Answer Studént
about Roberto . B's questions about what's on yóur stall. Look at the

Hi! My name's Roberto . l'm from Cancún. lt's a
nice city by the sea in the south of Mexi co.
l'm a student at Mary land University in the USA.

b Ask Student B your questions. Write their answers.

1 What's her name 7 L r
2 What's her nati ona lity7 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 What's her home town ? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Wh ere is she now? _ _ _ _ _ _ __

e• Now go back to p.11

2A Student A
a Read about the job . Complete the sentences with
the correct forms of the verbs.

Shop assistant
1 She _ _ _ (start) work at 8:00 am.
2 She (not work) on Sunday.
3 She (like) her job because she
l'rn sorry, 1haven't
_ _ _ (meet) people.
4 She _ _ _ (not wear) a uniform. got any pears.
5 People (buy) things from her.
6 She (work) in a small shop in the town centre. b Conversation 2. You want to buy food to cook dinner.
You visit Student B's market stall. Ask about the
b Read out your sentences. Student B tries to guess the things in the box. Look at the examples.
job after each sentence.
lamb eggs one lemon fruit tomatoes mushrooms
e Listen to Student B's sentences and guess the job. cheese pears vegetables bread one onion apples
d• Now go back to p.21

1e Student A
a Conversation 1. Read your first card . Th i nk about what l'd like sorne
rnushroorns, please.
you want to say. Then start the conversation with
Student B.

You wa nt to ask about beginner guitar lessons.

2C Student A
Talk to the rece pt ioni st at t he music school. a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Think about what
• Say wh at you would like to do. you want to say. Then start the conversation with
• Ask when th e first lesso n is. Student B.
• Ask where the lesson is.
• Book a place . You're at Student B's home fo r the weeke nd . You 'd
like to do the fo llowing thi ngs:
• have something to eat
b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card . • use your fri end 's computer
Listen to Student B and reply. • watc h TV

You 're a recepti onist in a language school. Here's

b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card.
sorne inform ati on abo ut an English cou rse:
Listen to Student B and reply.
• Time: 6:20 pm next Tuesday

• Place: Room 12 Student B's at your home for the weekend . You're
• To book a place, you need th e stu dent's na me. good friends but you don 't like it when other people
use your thi ngs, especia lly your new phone.

5A Student A 6C Student A
a Look at your pi ctu re. Student B has a similar pi cture. Ask a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Think about
and answer questions to find si x differences. what you want to say. Then call Student C.

• Think of a reason to ph one Student C.

• You call Student C but he/she isn't
there. Leave a message with Student B.
• Student C ca lls you bac k. Have a conversation.

b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card.

Listen to Student C and reply.

• You return home. Student C has a message far

you from Stud ent B.
• Ca ll Student B back. Have a conversation.

e Conversation 3. Now look at your third card.

Start the conversation with Student C.

• Student C ca lls and you answer the phone.

• He/S he wa nts to spea k to Stu dent B, who isn't
there. Take a message.
• Student B returns. Give him/her Student C's
b• Now go back to p.51
9A Student A
a Look at your picture for two minutes. What are the people doing? Make notes.

b Student B has a similar picture. Ask and answer questions to find five differences.

Is Ken drinking
coffee in your picture? Yes, he is. / No,
he isn't. He's ...

7A Student A
a You went on a trip from Cape Town in South Africa to Cairo in Egypt. b Student B went on a journey in South
Use the information below to answer Student B's questions about America. Write sorne questions to ask
your tri p. ~~~ \ \ i 11 l 1!i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~'V'{'{'{'~",."l'tí;º,.9.9.'ff:fffff'f'¡ him/her. Think about:
• countri es he/she visited
countries visited South Africa, Botswana, • tra nsport he/she used
Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, • his/her opinion
Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt Look at the questions in 5e on
transport used t ruck, motorcycle, ferry, train page 71 to help you.

transport not used plane e Start the conversation with Student B.

opinion saw fantastic anima Is, met d• Now go back to p.71

? ome amazing people
._ ~,

Communication Plus~

5C Student A 11 e Student A
a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Think about what
Student A you want to say. Then listen to Student B and reply
about the concert.

i You went with Student B to a concert last night.

You thought the band were really good. You like their
music and you thought the singer was good .

b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card.

Think about what you want to say. Then start a
conversation about your meal with Student B.

a Conversation 1. Read your first card . Think about what

You went with Student B to La Bodega, an ltalian
you want to say. Then start the conversation with restaurant, last weekend. You didn't like it. You had fish,
Student B. but it wasn't good and it was expensive. You thought the
waiters were unfriendly.
You're at the station with your friend, Student B.
The map on your phone isn't clear. You need to go to:
• the supermarket • Dash Café .12A Student A
Student B's map is clear. Ask him/her how to get a You're going to go on a working holiday. Look at
to these places. Someone told you Dash Café is in your plans.
James Street, but you're not sure.
Notes (±)
b Conversation 2.Now look at your second card. Think 28 Nov 15.46

about what you want to say. Then listen to Student B

Where: Australia and Pacific islands
and reply.
Wh : see beautiful beaches desert in Australia
How long: three months
You're at the station with your friend, Student B.
Possible "obs:·hotels and restaurants
The map on his/her phone isn't clear. You want to go to:
• the art gallery • FoodArt Restaurant
Befare tri : look on the Internet far j=ob~s~ - - - -
After tri : stud at universit
Use your map to tell Student B how you can get there.
A lot of people think that FoodArt Restaurant is on the
comer of Sutton Place and West Street, but this isn't
correct. b Student B is planning his/her own working holiday.
Write questions you can ask him/her about the trip.
Use 4f on page 121 to help you.
12C Student A e Have a conversation with Student B about his/her
a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Think about what hol iday.
you want to say. Then start the conversation with
Student B. d Listen to Student B's questions about your holiday
and reply.
You're a guest ata hotel. You've gota reservation
e• Now go back to p . l 2 1
far a double room for two nights. Check with the
receptionist about:
1OA Student A
• the breakfast time • wi-fi in the room
a Ask Student B about his/her
Ask about this tourist information:
smartphone. You can use
• interesting local markets near the hotel
these q uestions:
How long is your smartphone?
b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card. Then How wide is your smartphone?
1isten to Student B and reply. How b(g is the screen?
How much does it weigh?
You're a hotel receptionist. Check the guest's name and
let him/her know they have a booking. Here is other b Look at the picture of your
information you need: new smartphone. Compare
• check out 10:30 am your phone with Student B's.
• safe in the room
• free box of chocolates in the room
Sorne important tourist information about Central Park:
• on the same road as the hotel
e• Now go back to p.10 1
• only half a kilometre away from the hotel
• large and beautiful park

1A Student B 4A Student B
a Read this web profile. Answer Student A's questions a Conversation 1. You want to buy food to cook dinner.
about Lora . You visit Student A's market stall . Ask about the
things in the box. Look at the examples.

Hi, my name's Lora. l'm from Berlin, in Germany,
but now l'm in England with my family. l' m a ham one lemon beans fruit tomatoes mushrooms
teacher in London . cheese pears vegetables bread one onion apples

Have you got any l'd like sorne

b Ask Student A your questions. Write their answers. pears, please.
apples on your stall?
1 What's his name? Roberto
2 What's his nationality7 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 What's his home town? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ b Conversation 2. Look at the picture. Answer Student
4 Where is he now7 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ A's questions about what 's on your stall. Look at the
e• Now go back to p.11

2A Student B
a Read about the job. Complete the sentences with the
correct forms of the verbs.

1 He sometimes _ _ _ (work) at night.
2 He _ _ _ (not make) a lot of money.
3 He _ _ _ (wear) a uniform at work.
4 He _ _ _ (like) his job because he
_ _ _ (help) people.
5 He _ _ _ (give) people medicine.
6 He _ _ _ (work) in a big hospital in
the dty centre.

b Listen to Student A's sentences and guess the job.

e Read out your sentences. Student A tries to guess the Have you got any
job after each sentence. eggs on your stall?

d• Now go back to p.21

1e ·Student B l'd like sorne

a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Think about what mushrooms, please.
you want to say. Listen to Student A and reply.

You 're a reception ist in a music school. Here is sorne

information about begin ner guitar lessons:
• Time: 6:30 pm next Thursday 2C Student B
• Place: Room 2
a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Think about what
• To book a place, you need the student's full name.
you want to say. Listen to Student A and reply.

b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card. • Student A's at you r home for the weekend. You 're
Think about what you want to say. Then start the good friends but you don't like it when other people
conversation with Student A. use your things, especially your computer.
- - -~
You want to ask abo ut English lessons. Talk to the
reception ist at th e language school. b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card.
• Say what you would li ke to do . Think about what you want to say. Then start the
• Ask when the first lesson is conversation with Student A.
• Ask where the lesson is
You' re at Student A's home fo r the weekend. You'd
• Book a place
li ke to do the fol lowing th ings:
• have a drin k
• use you r friend's phone
• have a shower
Communication Plus""IIIIIII

5C Student B 8C Student B
a Conversation 1.

Read your first card. Think about what
you want to say. Then I isten to Student A and reply.

James Street • You're not feeling very well. You're very tired and yol:lr
back hurts. You haven't gota temperature. When
Student A asks you, tell him/her what's the matter.

b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card.

Think about what you want to say. Then start the
conversation with Student A.

Student A doesn't look well. Ask him/her what's the

a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Think about what matter. When he/she tells you, show sympathy using
yoLi want to say. Then I isten to Student A and reply. expressions like Oh dear1 or Poor you!
Then ask if he/she feels hungry. Tell him/her what to do,
You're at the station with your friend , Student A. The e.g. See a doctor. Have an aspirin!some soup.
map on his/her phone isn 't clear. You need to go to:
• the supermarket • Dash Café
Use your map to tell Student A how you can get there . A .1OC Student B
lot of people think that Dash Café is in James Street, but a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Think about what
th is isn 't correct. you want to say. Then listen to Student A and reply.

b Conversation 2. Now look at your secbnd card. Student A bought a new phone, but he/she can't receive
Think about what you want to say. Then start the any text messages on it. When he/she asks far help,
conversation with Student A. explain how it works . Here are the instructions:
• Touch the box that says Messages.
You're at the station with your friend, Student A. The • Wait far a blue screen .
map on your phone isn't clear. You want to go to: • Touch the box that says Receive. lt can receive
• the art gallery • FoodArt Restaurant messages now.
Student A's map's clear. Ask him/her how to get to these
places. Someone told you that FoodArt Restaurant is on b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card.
the comer of Sutton Place and West Street, but you're Think about what you want to say. Then start the
not sure. conversation with Student A.

You bought a new mouse far your computer, but it isn't

JC Student B working. Ask Student A far help. Ch,eck the instructions
a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Listen to Student he/she gives you .
A and reply.

• You aren't free this Saturday beca use you work at the 11 e Student B
weekends . You'd like to go out on Friday, to the cinema .
- -
a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Think about
what you want to say. Start a conversation about the
b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card. concert with Student A.
Think about what you want to say. Then start the
conversation with Student A. • You went with Student A to a concert last night. You
didn't like the band very much. You thought they played
You want to meet Student A far a coffee. You think badly and the music was boring.
next Friday after work/school is a good time . Decide
the fallowing and invite Student A: b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card. Think
• where to have coffee about what you want to say. Then listen to Student A
• what time and reply about your meal.
• something to do after

You went with Student A to La Bodega, an ltalian
e• Now go back to 5c on p .35 restaurant, last weekend. You liked it. You had a very
good pizza and you thought the faod was delicious and
not too expensive .
5A Student B 6C Student B
a Look at your picture. Student A has a similar picture. Ask a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Start the
and answer questions to find six differences. conversation with Student A.

• Stud ent A calls and you answer the phone .

• He/Sh e wants to speak to Student C, who isn 't
there. Take a message .
• Student C return s. Give him/her Student A's

b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card.

Think about what you want to say. Then call
Student A.

Think of a rea son to phone Student A.

• You call Student A but he/she isn't
there. Leave a message with Student C.
• Student A cal Is you bac k. Have a conversation.

Conversation 3. Now look at your third card .

Listen to Student A and reply.

• • You return home . Student A has a message far

b i. Now go back to p.51 you from Student B.
• Call Student C back. Have a conversation.

9A Student B
a Look at your picture for two minutes. What are the people doing? Make notes.

b Student A has a similar picture. Ask and answer questions to find five differences.

Yes, he is. / No,

he isn't. He's ...

7A Student B
a Student A went on a b Start the conversation with
journey in Africa . Write countries Ecuado r, Pe r u, Bo livia, Brazil, Student A.
sorne questions to ask visit ed Pa rag uay, A rgentina
e You went on a trip from Quito in
him/her. Think about: transport plane, ferry, horse, coach Ecuador to Santiago in Chile. Use
• countries he/s he visited used the information below to answer
• tra nsport he/s he used Student A's questions about your
t ransport train
• his/her opinion tri p.
not used
Look at the questions in
opinion met lots of interesting peo ple, d i. Now go back to p.71
5e on page 71 to help
saw some bea ut íful places
Communication Plus'IIIIIII

1OA Student B 12C Student B

a Ask Student A about h is/her a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Then I isten to
smartphone. You can use Student A and reply.
these q uestions:
How long is your smartphone.7
You're a hotel receptionist. Check the guest's na me and
How wide is your smartphone?
[et him/her know they have a booking. Here is other
How big is the screen?
infarmation you need :
How much does it weigh?
• breakfast 7-9:30 am • free wi-fi in the room
• free dinner at the hotel tomorrow night
b Look at the picture of your
Sorne important tourist infarmation about a local market:
new smartphone. Compare
• in a car park opposite the hotel
your phone with Student A's.
My screen is wider • biggest market in town
e• Now go back to p.101 than yours. • clothes, paintings, old furniture

b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card .

1OA Listening Je Think about what you want to say. Then start the
Noelle conversation with Student A.

Thanks to everyone for your advice! 1 thought about it a You're a guest ata hotel. You've g_ot a reservation far a
lot, but in the end I decided to buy a new tablet. 1 can single room far three nights. Check with the receptionist
use it to do online shopping . Also , 1 have to do a lot of about:
work when l'm travelling, so it's easier on the tablet. • check-out time • safe in the room
Ask about this tourist infarmation :
• nice parks and gardens to visit near the hotel
12A Student B
a You're going to go on a working holiday. Look at
your plans.
4B Speaking 5c
Healthy food
Notes (±) Every day you can eat these food quantities:
18 Dec 15:46 bread - 4 pieces rice or pasta - 2 cups
vegeta bles - 5 pieces fruit - 2 pieces
Where: South America
cheese - 2 pieces meat/fish - 1 piece
Why: see rai nforests, old Maya/I nca/ Azt ec buildings
How long: fou r mont hs
Possible jobs: looki na after children t our auide
6C Student C
Before trio: send emai ls t o friends a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Then listen to
After trip: -And a new iob Student B and reply.

• • You return home. Student B has a message far you

from Student A.
b Student A is planning his/her own working holiday. • Cal[ Student A back. Have a conversation.
Write questions you can ask him/her about the trip.
Use 4f on page 121 to help you.
e Listen to Student A's questions about your holiday
and reply.

b Conversation 2. Now look at your second card. Start
the conversation with Student B.

Student B cal Is and you answer the phone.

d Have a conversation with Student A about his/her
• He/She wants to speak to Student A, who isn't there.
Take a message.
e • Nowgobackto p.12 1 • Student A returns. Give him/her Student B's message.

e Conversation 3. Now look at your third card. Think

about what you want to say. Then call Student B.

Think of a reason to phone Student B.
You cal[ Student B but he/she isn't there. Leave a
message with Student A.
Student B cal Is you back. Have a conversation .

135 -
1Abe: positive and negative
Positive (+)
Full form Contraction 0 .m.
I am a student. l'm a student.
You are a good cook. You're a good cook.
He is my friend. He's my friend.
She is Spanish. She's Spanish.
lt is sunny lt's sunny
We are sisters. We're sisters.
They are from Japan. They're from Japan.
Negative (-)
Full form Contraction
I am nota student. l'm nota student.
You are nota good cook. You aren't a good cook.
He is not my friend. He isn't my friend.
She is not Spanish. She isn't Spanish.
lt is not sunny lt isn't sunny
We are not sisters. We aren't sisters.
They are not from Japan. They aren't from Japan.

Remember to use the verb be to give infarmation with a noun,

adjective, preposition or adverb.
My name's Hamid. NOT My name Hamid.
My teacher is nice. NOT My teacher 11iee. We use contractions to help us speak quickly. In contractions,
l'm from China. NOT / frsm Chi11a. the apostrophe (') shows a letter is missing:
We are here. NOT We hefe. You are not old. ➔ You aren't old.
Always use a noun ora pronoun befare positive and negative be: There are two different contractions far is not and are not.
He's my teacher. NOT Is my teacher. is not ➔ isn'tl '.s not He isn't = He's not
They're Spanish. NOT A;:e Spanish. are not ➔ aren'tl 're not We aren't = We're not

Tip Tip
you is the same when we talk to one person or two or more We can use '.s after one name but we don 't use 're after two
people. names:
You're a good cook. = one person Tom is my friend. ➔ Tom's my friend.
You 're good cooks. = two or more people Tom and Jo are my friends. NOT Tom and Js';,e my friends.

1B be: questions and short answers

In questions with the verb be, we change the word order: In Wh- questions, we use a question word befare be.
They are Russían. ➔ Are they Russían? Where are you from?
Our teacher is from Berlín. ➔ Is our teacher from Berlín? What is your name?
0 Jm Tip
Yes/No questions Short answers With positive short answers, we don't use contractions:
Yes, I am. Yes, I am. Yes, he is. Yes, we are.
1 Ami late?
No, l'm not. (NOT \0s, /'m. \0s, he's. \0s, we 're.)
Yes, you are.
you / we / they Areyou ready?
No, you aren't. Tip
Yes, it is. We can use the contra ction of is with qu estion words:
he/ she /it Is ít cold?
No, ít isn't. What is your name? ➔ What's your name 7
Where is he from? ➔ Where's he from ?

Grammar Focus

1Abe: positive and negative

a Write the correct form of be (am / is/ are) in these e Complete the sentences with the correct positive (+) or
sentences. negative (-) form of be. Use contractions if possible.
1 We are very happy. 1 We 're (+)ata concert.
2 My father a taxi driver. 2 She isn't (-) Japanese .
3 My parents not old. 3 1 _ _ _ _ _ (+) from Moscow.

4 Carl and Michael brothers. 4 He _ _ _ _ _ (-) at home.

5 1 nota good driver. 5 lt _ _ _ _ _ (+)a big hotel.
6 She at work today. 6 Lena and Thomas _ _ _ _ _ (-) friends.
7 Cambridge not a big city. 7 My city (+) very beautiful.
8 Our cats hungry. 8 Hi, my name (+) Michael.
9 My parents (-) at the match .
b Write the sentence again with positive and negative 10 You (+) very nice.
d Write the correct sentences.
1 She is Brazilian. 4 They are ata party.
She's Brazilian. 1 ~ ➔ French

She isn't Brazilian. She's Russian. She isn't Russian . She's French.
2 lt is a bea utifu I city. 5 1 am tired . 2 a doctor ➔ a student
He's a doctor. - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - -
3 brothers ➔ friends
They're my brothers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 We are from Berlin . 6 You are right.
4 -b8fiBOO ➔ Rome
We're from London . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 good cool< ➔ very bad cook
l'm a good cook. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

e• Now go back to p. 1 1

1B be: questions and short answers

a Put the words in the correct arder to make q uestions. e Complete the conversations with the correct
1 her/ what / name / 's? What's her na me? form of be. Use contractions if possible.
2 from / are / you / where 7 1 A Hi, l _'m_ Manuel.
3 American/ are/ you 7 B Hi , Manuel. Where _ _ you from7
4 she / popular/ is 7 A l _ _ from Lima, in Peru .
5 na mes/ are/ what / your 7
2 A See that footballer. What _ _ his name?
6 friends / you / are 7
B He_·_ _ Philip Lahm.
7 is/ cold / it / very ?
A Where _ _ he from?
8 from /he/ is/ France?
B He _ _ from Germany.
b Match questions 1-7 with short answers a-g. 3 A Excuse me, where _ _ you from?
B We _ _ from Japan. We _ _ here for
1 wJ Is she ltalian? a No, he isn't.
the World Cup.
□ Are you teachers? b No, they aren 't.
□ Are Robert and Helen here today? c No, you aren't. 4 A Hi, my name _ _ Al ice, and this _ _ my
□ Is ita beautiful city? d Yes, she is. sister, Marta.
□ Am l late7 e No, l'm not. B Hi, Alice. Hi, Marta . _ _ you from England?
□ Is he on holiday? f Yes, we are. A No, we - -· We _ _ American . We
□ Are you from England? g Yes, it is. _ _ from New York.
B Oh really 7 My cousins _ _ from New York.

• Now go back to p.13

2A ·-
Present simple: positive and negative
We use the present simple to talk about things that are generally true Be careful with the verbs do, go and have after singular
in daily life: nouns (e.g. London, my teacher) and he/ she / it:
• habits and routines do ➔ does go ➔ goes have ➔ has
/ drive to work every morning. My sister doesn't eat breakfast. He does his homework every evening.
• facts and fee lings The train goes to London.
They have a fast car. The children don't like coffee. She has a fast car.
0 .JE:a Tip
+ -
Don't add -s to the verb in negative sentences:
I / you / we / they / work. We don't work. He doesn't work hard. (NOT He doesn't werks hard.)
he/ she / it She works. lt doesn't work. SPELLING: verb + -s
start-+ starts
most verbs
work ➔ works
➔ add -s
play-+ p/ays
tt.'5 not foir. 1 worl<
verb ends in consonant + -y try ➔ tries
rea 11~ tiord P"4t I don' t. rnuch rnone.!:j. l-le ➔ change -yto -ithen add -es study ➔ studies
doe$f\'t. worK harG\ Qt verb ends in -sh, -ch, -x, -ss wash ➔ washes
ali, ar'ld. he rnakes
➔ add -es catch ➔ catches

28 Present simple: questions and short answers

0 .lli:El
Yes/No questions Short answers
Yes, / do.
I / you / we / they Doyou study?
No, I don't.
Yes, she does.
he/ she / it Does she work?
No, she doesn't.

Wh- questions
I / you / we / they Where doyou work?
he/ she lit Where does she work?

Don't add -s to the verb in questions:
Ooes he work hard?(NOT Does he werks harcP)


Grammar Focus

2A Present simple: positive and negative

a Write the -s form of each verb. e Complete the sentences with the correct
1 fly -Aíes present simple form of the verb in brackets .
6 miss
2 finish 7 say 1 Allan doesn't líke
(not like) his job:
3 relax 8 teach 2 My parents _ _ _ _ _ _ (not drive) fast.
4 buy 9 worry 3 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ (not cook) at home.

5 want 10 watch 4 She _ _ _ _ _ _ (not have) a car.

5 We (not worry) about work.
b Complete the sentences with the correct present simple form 6 The bus (not gol to my house.
of the verb in brackets. The verbs are al I positive. 7 ·You (not do) the housework.
1 1 work (work) in an office. I _ _ _ _ _ (sta rt) work at
9 o'clock . d Correct one mistake in each sentence .
2 Lisa _ _ _ _ _ (finish) school at 5 o'clock every day. She 1 1 5fü€l-+es every evening. stud~
_ _ _ _ _ (do) her homework on the bus. 2 Eva don't work in a hospita l.
3 Phil _ _ _ _ _ (gol to work by train. The train _ _ _ __ 3 My brother gos to college .
(leave) at 8:35am . 4 Tom haves a very big house.
4 Marta (watch) TV in the even ing. She 5 We no like this book.
(try) to go to bed befare eleven. 6 1 am lave animals.

5 My parents (get) up very early. My father

(make) the breakfast. e • Now go back to p.2 1
6 My brother (have) a fast ca r. He
(lave) it.
7 We (study) English after work. We
(enjoy) our classes.

28 Present simple: questions and short answers

a Put the words in order to complete the questions. e Use the words in brackets to write complete present
1 like / she / does simple questions.
Does she líke this class 7 1 A Where do ~ou líve ? (you / live)
2 you /do/ go B 1 live in Alabama.
shopping at weekends? 2 A What 7 (she / study)

3 want / does / he B Frenc h.and ltalian .

a new computer? 3 A What time ? (the shop / open)
4 where / you / play/ do B At 10.00am.
football? 4 A What for lunch? (you / want)
5 they / what /do/ wear B 1 want a sandwich.

for school? 5 A Where ? (the bus/ gol

6 they / lunch/ what time / do / have B The bus goes to the city centre.
? 6 A How many times a week 7 (you / go

to the gym)
b Complete the sentences with do, does, don 't or B We go to the gym every day.
doesn't. 7 A How many hours a day ? (they /
1 What do you do in your free time 7 work)
2 Anne study hard for exams? B They work seve n hours a day.
3 Yes, she . She studies very hard.
4 students at your school have a lot of d • Now go back to p. 23
5 No, they . They just have one big exam at
the end of the year.
6 Where you study 7
7 Patrick listen to music while he studies?
8 No, he . He prefers to study quietly.
3A Position of adverbs of frequency
We often use adverbs of frequency with the present Adverbs of frequency usually go befare other main verbs.
simple. Adverbs of frequency tell us how often I always arrive at 8.45am.
something happens. Do you often cal/ your parents?
In negatives the adverbs go between don 't / doesn't and the main verb.
a l w a y s ~ - - - - - -~
I don't usual/y get up early
usually We can ask questions with H
_ ow often:
How often do you come here?
How often is the bus late?
sometimes 0 .mi
Statements with the verb be Questions
never --J<-- - - - - - - - 4
0% 100%
/'m sometimes late far work. How often do you go to
/'m always tired. · the cinema 7
Adverbs of frequency go after the verb be. Statements with other verbs When do you usual/y
/'m never late. see your friends?
/ often play tennis in the morning.
She isn't always happy
I usual/y go shopping in the afternoon.
Are they usual/y at home?
/ never do any sport in the evening.

1oft:en p!Q~ tennis in I &ISualli:, 90 shoppíng in I never do ony sport inthe

the momi119. the afternoon. eveni119. l'rn alw~ tired.

38 have got
have got mea ns have. 0 Im
/'ve gota new phone. = I have a new phone. -
lt hasn't gota camera. = lt doesn't have a camera.
1/ you / we / they
We can use have gotto talk about possessions, !'ve gota car. They haven't gota car.
have got
appearance and work:
We haven't gota big house. he/ she / it
She's gota car. He hasn't gota car.
/'ve got b!ue eyes. has got
He's gota lot of homework this week. The full form of 've is have.
We don 't use have gotfor actions : The full form of 'sis has.
/ have a shower befare work. Yes/No questions Short answers
NOT / have get a shower befare worlc 1/ you / we / they Yes, I have.
/ a!ways have breakfast with my family Have you gota car 7
have got No, I haven't.
NOT / always have get breaMast 1•Ath my family
he/ she lit Yes, she has.
Has she gota car?
has got No, she hasn't.

l 1ve goi: "great: new Ff,one.

lt!:s onl~ 5'cm lon9. lt!s 9ot a
camera. lt.'S got the intemeC.
lt:.'s e.ven got. a satrki!V se,
1 never get. lost.
Grammar Focus

3A Position of adverbs of frequency

a Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct places in C Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
each sentence. Use them in the order given. 1 often / how / cinema / do/ you / to / go / the ?
never How often do you ,;¡o to the cinema?
1 Vmiss a visit to my parents at the weekend - 1 go and see 2 to work /do/ walk / you / usually?
them. (Re'o'ef, always)
3 always /are/ ti red/ you / why?
2 l'm late for work, but my boss gets angry.
(sometimes, never) 4 you / where / usually / at weekends / go / do 7

3 He comes here for a coffee at 10 o'clock - he's late. 5 football / do / how / they /play/ often ?
(usually, never)
6 often / is / late / for work / he ?
4 We have lunch together and talk. lt's good to see him.
(often, always) 7 me / you / never /do/ write / to / why ?

5 They're away on holiday - they're at home. (never, always)

d• Now go back to p. 30

b Write sentences using the information in the table and adverbs of frequency. always = ✓✓✓✓✓, never =XX X X X

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Paul / have breakfast ✓ ✓ X ✓ ✓

My parents / eat in a restaurant X ✓ ' ✓ X X

1 / play ten nis ✓ X ✓ X ✓

Natasha / late for work X X X X X

We / watch TV in the evening ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

1 Paul usually has breakfast. 4

2 5

38 haue got
a Correct one mistake in each sentence. C Complete the conversations with the correct form of
1 Ha"o'e she gota laptop? have got. Use the words in brackets to help you. ·
Has she ,;;¡ot a laptop? TOM Have you 0ot (you) a laptop7
2 Do you have got the Internet on your phone7 EMILY No, we 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ But we
3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a tablet computer.

3 We not gota car. TOM Oh cool! We 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a tablet

computer, but I rea lly want one .
4 They got a TV but they haven't got a DVD player. EMILY .Yes, it's a great computer. lt 5_·_ _ _ _ _ __
.the Internet, digital camera, everything.
6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you) lots of good
5 My brother haven't gota digital camera. TOM
games on your computer?
6 My parents haven't a printer. EMILY Yes, we 7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , But I never
play games. My brother plays games ali the time.
He 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lots of computer
b Use the words to write questions and short answers. games. ~
1 you / a fast car LEO What car 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (your parents) 7
Have you 0ot a fast car? No, 1haven't. ROB They 10 (not) a car.
2 your grandparents / a digital camera They don't need a ca r. My mum
11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a bike - she rides to
3 your mum / a tablet computer work every day.
No LEO What about your dad? 12_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 your teacher / blue eyes (he) a bike7
No he ROB No, he 13_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ He travels by bus.
5 your dad / a satnav
Yes d• Now go back to p.33
6 you / a lot of homework
4A Countable and uncountable nouns: a / an, some / any
Countable and uncountable nouns somel any
We can count sorne things (e.g. one feman, We use sorne/ any with plural and uncountable nouns. We use
eight grapes). These things (e.g. feman, some / anywhen we do not need to say the exact arnount.
grape) a r e ~ nouns. They can be We use sorne in positive sentences;

singular (e .g. feman) or plural (e.g. lemons) .

We can't count sorne things (e .g. cheese

l'd like some potátoes.
We use any in negat ive sentences and questions:
We haven't got any potatoes.
NOT ene cheese; pasta NOT two pastas).
These things (e .g. chcese, pasta) are Have you got any potatoes?
uncountable nouns. They can on ly be
singular (e .g. chccse), not plura l (chcescs) .
al an
al an singular !'ve gota feman.
We use a/ an with singu lar nouns. a/ an rneans Of?f:. We can't I don't need an onion.
use thern with plúrals or uncountable nouns. Countable
somel any
We use a before a consonant sound:
plural We'd like some grapes.
a feman, a patato We don't want any potatoes.
We use an before a vowel sound (a , e, i, o, u):
an onion, an egg somel any
Uncountable They've got some pasta.
Do you want any cheese?

These cornrnon nouns are uncountable:

money music hair furniture fruit water cheese

buffer bread rice meat chicken = rneat fish = rneat

48 Quantifiers: much, many, a Iot of

How much? I How many? a lot of I much / many
We use How much? / How many? to ask about quantities. We use a !ot of / much / manyto talk about large
0 .Pm qua ntities.
We use How many?with countable nouns: We use a lot of in pos itive sentences:
How many eggs have we got? I need a lot of potatoes.
We use How much?with uncountable nouns: We often use much / many in negative sentences
How much milk have we got? and questions:
When we ask about a price, we can just ask How much? : We haven't got many potatoes.
How much does it cost? / don 't eat much chocolate.
Have you got many potatoes? ·
Large and small quantities
Do you eat much chocolate?
0 .Dr:I
Countable Uncountable Tip
Only use a /ot ofbefore a noun (e.g. chocolate) ora
Large alotof ._. a lot of pronoun (e .g. it). Use a !otat the end of a sentence.
quantity ! buy a lot of grapes. I eat a lot of chocolate.
I eat a lot of it.
Medium quite a lot of • I eat a lot. (NOT / eat a /et ef.)
quite a lot of
quantity ! eat quite a lot of grapes. I eat quite a lot of pasta .

afew • alittle
Small I eat a few grapes every evening. !'ve gota little pasta.
not many notmuch
We haven't got many grapes. I haven't got much pasta.

One atan ~
Would you like a grape?

Zero notany
quantity .
notany I dofl't. eot much dloc:olate -
We haven't got any grapes. I haven't got any pasta. - j1,45t; a little after eVet.!::fm~I.
Grammar Focus

4A Countable and uncountable nouns: a / an, sorne / any

a Are these things countable (C) or uncouAtable (U)? e Correct one mistake in each sentence.
1 bread U 6 furniture _ _ __ 1 haven 't got sorne tomatoes.

2 ca rrot _ _ __ 7 lemon _ _ __ 1 haven't ¡J0t any tomatoes.

3 cheese _ _ __ 8 moneY--~- 2 He hasn't got furnitures.
4 choco late _ _ __ 9 egg _ _ __
5 fruit _ _ __ 10 meat _ _ __ 3 Have you got any moneys?

b Complete the conversation between a customer and a 4 l'd like a onion and a carrot, please.
shop assistant with a, an, sorne or any.
CUSTOMER Helio, have you got 1 any fruit? 5 We need a cheese.
ASSISTANT Yes, of course . Th is is 2_ __ _ shop and I sell
fruit. 6 1 don't wa nt sorne meat.
CUSTOMER Oh good. l'd like 3_ _ __ grapes, please.
ASSISTANT Ah, sorry, we haven't got 4_ _ _ _ grapes. 7 She's got long hairs.
CUSTOMER Really? OK, l'd like 5_ _ _ _ orange.
ASSISTANT Just one 7 8 Do you-wa nt any apple 7
CUSTOMER Yes, please, and 6_ _ _ _ lemon.
ASSISTANT Er .. . no, sorry, we haven't got
7_ _ _ _ lemons. But we've got d• Now go back to p.4 1
ª~--- lovely bananas.
CUSTOMER But I don't want 9_ _ _ _ bananas.
Well , that's ali then, thank you.
ASSISTANT OK, so one orange. That's 15p, please.
CUSTOMER Oh, no 1 Sorry, 1 haven't got 10_ _ _ _ money.

4B Quantifiers: much, many, a Iot of

a Complete the sentences about the pictures. b Complete the questions with much or many.
1 How many ca rrots do you wa nF
2 How _ _ _ _ _ money has she got?
3 How _ _ _ _ _ does that car cost?
4 How _ _ _ _ _ tomatoes do you want?
5 How _ _ _ _ _ cheese do we need?
6 How _ _ _ _ _ glasses have you goF
7 How _ _ _ _ _ do postcards cosF
1 We've got a lot of 2 We've gota 8 How _ _ _ _ _ salt do you eat?
apples. lemons.
C U nderl i ne the correct answers.
1 1 don't eat many / much chocolate .

2 How many / much butter do we need 7

3 How many / much onions do you want?
4 1 just need a few / a /ittle salt.

5 She hasn't got many / much money.

6 He eats quite a lotofl a /otvegetables.
3 We've on ly gota 4 We haven't got
7 Do you drink many / much coffee?
_ _ _ _ _ milk. _ _ _ _ _ butter.
8 We have a few! a littlegood restaurants in mytown.

d• Now go back to p.43

5 We've got quite 6 That's _ _ _ __

_ _ _ _ _ pasta. · sugar! ·

5A there is / there are
We use there is/ there are to say that something
exists in a place.
We often use there is/ there are with a / an, sorne + -
and any. Singular There's a river. There isn't a theatre.
We use some and anywith uncountable nouns and Plural There are some restaurants. There aren't any cafés.
plural nouns.
We use some in positive sentences and any in Yes/No questions Short answers
negative sentences and questions. Yes, there is.
Singular Is there a square?
No, there isn't.
Hellc - Yes, there are.
lsthere et Plural Are there any shops?
No, there aren't.
o:>ricert hall
Wh- questions
Countable Howmany people are there?
Uncountable Howmuch pasta is there?

Use There's (NOT Thero are) to talk about a list of singular things:
There's a book, a phone anda laptop on the table.

5B Possessive pronouns and possessive -:S

Possessive pronouns
E-xcuse me? !llo; ít'.s not
Subject Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun Whose hot ii. this? mine. 1 think
0 .mi ls ít. lJCU"5? it'5 hers.
my mine
Those are my shoes. Those are mine.
your yours
These are your pens. These are yours.
his his
This is his shirt. This is his.
her hers
That's her bag. That's hers.
it -
Those are its wheels.
our ours
They're our cats. They're ours.
Possessive 's 0 Dn
their theirs We add an apostrophe (') + sto a singular noun ora name to
They aren't their cats. They aren't theirs. show possession:
My sister has a car. lt's my sister's car.
0 ml lf a plural noun already ends in -s, we just add an apostrophe
We use possessive adjectives (e.g. my, your) befare nouns:
Is this your hat? after the -s:
We use possessive pronouns (e.g . mine, yours) in the place of My grandparents have a house. lt's my grandparents' house.
a possessive adjective anda noun: Other uses of 's
Is this yours 7 • We also use 's as a contraction of is or has:
We can ask about possession with the word whose: He's (= He is) very lucky. He's (= He has) got four brothers.
Whose hat is this? I Whose is this hat?

• Be careful with it's (= it is / it has) and its (= possessive
• Be careful with who's (= who is/ who has) and whose.

Grammar Focus

5A there is / there are

a Write sentences about a small town using the b Write questions and short answers about the town , using
information in the table. the information in the table.
1 Is there an airport in the town? No there isn't.
airport X parks fo ur
2 Howman
ca fés six sc hoo ls not many 3
stad ium ri ver ✓ (one) 4
5 Howman
shops a lot bridges two 6
1 There isn't an airport.
8 Howman
3 e Write sentences about the things in the tables of
4 information about the town in a that are true for your town.
1 There isn't an airport.
2 There aren't a lot of cafés.

d• Now go back to p .5 1

5B Possessive pronouns and possessive ~

a Complete the sentences with the correct b U nder l i ne the correct words .
possessive pronouns. 1 Excuse me. Is this your / vours?
1 lt's my pen. 4 lt's his hat. 2 lts / lt's a very interesting book.
3 Our / Ours apa rtm ent is quite sma ll .
4 That's my parent's / paren ts' room.
5 Don't touch that lamp - it's my / mine 1
lt's _ _ _ __ 6 Whose I Who's book is this?
lt's mine
7 Anita's / Anitas house is in th e city centre.
8 What colou r are your / yours curtains?
5 lt's ou r car.
2 Th e ~ s
~~-,- !'i>', -,,_., e Underline the 's in the conversation. Write P (possessive)
•"' or C (contraction). Then write the full form of the
. .0-". _(I)
~ . --- contractions.
They're _ _ _ __ lt's _ _ _ __ p
ROSIE Hel io. think I know you . You're in my brother~ class

at sc hool.
3 lt's their ba ll . 6 He's your dog.
NADIA What's yo ur brother's nam e?

lt's _ _ _ __ He's _ _ _ __

Pau l.
NADIA Pau l? Yea h, he's in my class. So, you're Paul 's sister.
That's right. Well , in fa ct, Paul 's got two sisters.
NADIA Ah, yes, 1 remember. My name's Nadia. What's your
ROSIE l'm Rosie.
NADIA Hi , Ros ie. lt's ni ce to meet you.

d• Now go back to p .53

6A Past simple: be
We use was / were to talk about the past.
was / were are the past form s of am / is / are.
We often use past time expressions with was / were, e.g. yesterday, last year,
in 2012.
0 .mi
+ -
at home at home
I / he / she lit I was He wasn't
yesterday yesterday
at home at home
you / we / they They were We weren't
yesterday yesterday

Yes/No questions Short answers

Yes, she was.
1/ he / she lit Wasshe at home yesterday?
No, she wasn't.
Yes, we were.
you / we / they Wereyou at home yesterday?
No, we weren't.

Wh- questions
1/ he / she / it Where washe yesterday?
you / we / they Where wereyou yesterday?
We can also use there was / there were:
There was a computer on the table.
There were sorne chairs in the garden.

68 Past simple: positive

Past simple Regular and irregular verbs
We use the past simple to describe completed actions in the Past simple verbs are the same far al l persons: I / you / we /
past. they I he I she / it.
We often use past time expressions with the past simple, e.g. I worked. She worked. They worked.
yesterday, last week, when I was a child. You went. He went. We went.
0 .ffl.i Sorne verbs are regular. We add -ed to make the past simple:
I arrived last night. work ➔ worked help ➔ helped
I bought a new car last week. Sorne verbs are irregular and you will need to learn their past
I often visited my grandmother when I was a child. forms:
I sometimes went to the theatre when l lived in London. meet ➔ met buy ➔ bought
I liked sweets a lot when I was young. There is a list of irregular verbs on p.176.
I had a lot of friends at school.
SPELLING: regular verbs
start ➔ started
most verbs ➔ add -ed
watch ➔ watched
live ➔ lived
verb ends in -e ➔ add -d
die ➔ died
verb ends in consonant + -y ➔ change -y try ➔ tried
to -ithen add -ed cry ➔ cried
verb ends in one vowel (a, e, i, o, u) and
stop ➔ stopped
one consonant (g, n, t, etc.) ➔ double
plan ➔ planned
the consonant and add -ed
never double the consonants w, x or show ➔ showed
y➔ add -ed only play ➔ played

fv'I~ ~rent.5 botAQht nie CA ~ui~r when

I WAS 12 . I loved. it.

Grammar Focus

6A Past simple: be
a U nderl i ne the correct word. e Put the words in the correct order to make
1 le@)' were on holiday last week. questions.
2 Where were / was you born? 1 born / you / where / were ?
3 Wasn't / Weren'tthere any eggs in the fridge? Where were y:ou born'?
4 1 wasn'tl weren'tat college yesterday; 1 was ill in bed. 2 good / film / was / the ?
5 There were / was a lot of peo ple in the q ueue.
6 Why was / were your friends late? 3 a lot of / there / party / were / people / at / the ?
7 Was / Were there a laptop on the desk?
8 When was / were your children born? 4 grandmother's / was / name / your / what 7

b Rewrite the sentences so that they are about the past. 5 school / at / were / yesterday / you ?
1 My father's a manager. My: father was a mana~er.
2 They aren 't friends. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6 was / your hotel / a pool / at / there ?
3 A Is your grandfather rich? B No, he isn 't.

4 We're at school together. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ d• Now go back to p.6 1

5. lt's a beautiful day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 My teacher's name's Miss Smith. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 She isn't at home. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8 There are 20 people in my class. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
9 l'm not ti red. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
10 A Are you happy7 B Yes, 1 am. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

68 Past simple: positive

a Write R (regular) or / (irregular) after each verb. e Complete the sentences with the past simple forms of
Use the list on page 176 to help you. the verbs in brackets.
1 arrive 11 have 1 When I was a child, we had an old computer.
2 become 12 like (have)
3 buy 13 plan 2 They good friends in 1976 and they stayed
4 come 14 play friends for many years. (become)
5 cook 15 spend 3 1 lost my phone for about a week, but then 1
6 decide 16 tell it under my bed! (find)
7 enjoy 17 try 4 She mean amazing story about Steve
8 find 18 win Jobs. (tell)
9 finish 19 work 5 lt was a very difficult match, but in the end we
10 go 20 write . (win)
6 My uncl e was a famous writer. He _ _ _ _ _ books
b Write the past.simple forms of the regular verbs in a. for children. (write)
Be careful with spelling! 7 1 _ _ _ _ _ my first computer in 1995. (buy)
1 arrived 8 _ _ _ _ _ for a walk yesterday. (go)
2 9 When 1 _ _ _ _ home, 1 checked my emails. (get)
4 d Correct one spelling mistake in each sentence.
5 1 He plaied volleyball when he was young.
6 play:ed
7 2 1 buyed a new bed yesterday and it cost f:450.
9 3 1 really liket the concert on Saturday.
4 She eated a piece of cake with her coffee.

5 They gotten an email about the new course.

6 We dicide to stay at home last weekend.

e• Now go back to p.63

7A Past simple: negatives and questions Did you hove
a 9oocltrip?
0 mi
+ -
1/ he / she / it/ / 1 enjoyed the trip. He dídn't I enjoy the trip.
you / we / they I took the train . He dídn't take the train.

Yes/No questions Short answers

1/ he / she / it/ Oíd they I enjoy the trip? Yes, 1 they díd.
you / we / they Oíd they take the train? No, they dídn't.

Wh- questions
1/ he / she lit/
Where 1 dídyou 1 go?
you / we / they

Remember, don't change the main verb in questions and negatives:
1didn't enjoy it. (NOT I didn't enjeyed it.)
Did you enjoy it? (NOT Did you enjeyed it?)

78 Ioue / like / don't mind / hate +

verb + -ing SPELLING: verb + -íng

0 mt watch ➔ watchíng
most verbs ➔ add -íng go ➔ goíng
©©© / /ove driving! see➔ seeíng

© l like driving. verb ends in consonant (g, n, t, etc.) + drive ➔ drivíng

-e ➔ take away th'e -e then add -íng use ➔ usíng
G I don't mínd driving.
verb ends in one vowel (a, e, í, o, u) and
® I don't líke driving.
one consonant (g, n, t, etc.) ➔ double
run ➔ runníng
®®® I hate driving1
the consonant and add -íng
sít ➔ sittíng

After like, !ove, hate and don't mind, we can use a noun ora never double the consonants w, x or y know ➔ knowíng
verb + -ing. ➔ add -íng only play ➔playíng
I /ove my car. I !ove drívíng.

Grammar Focus

7A Past simple: negative and questions e Complete the questions and answers.
1 A Did you <JO (go) through
a Complete the sentences with the past simple forms of the Central Asia?
verbs in brackets. B Yes, 1 did
2 A _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ (start) your
1 We didn't travel (not travel) by plane to Den mark - we
journey in Turkey?
took trains.
B No,I _ _ _ __
2 1_ _ _ _ _ _ (not take) an umbrella today, so I got wet.
3 A _ _ _ _ _ he _ _ _ _ _ (enjoy) his trip?
3 Marion and Nei l _ _ _ _ _ _ (not want) a big wedding.
B No, he _ _ _ __
4 He (not answer) the telephone, beca use he
4 A _ _ _ _ _ they _ _ _ _ _ (travel) by
was busy.
tra in?
5 When I was a ch ild , 1_ _ _ _ _ _ (not like) chocolate .
B Yes, they _ _ _ __
6 We (not see) any wild animals when we
went to Egypt.
7 She _ _ _ _ _ _ (not get) back home on time , so I was
d Write the questions to complete the conversation.
A 1 How did you travel'?
really worried.
b Change the positive past simple verbs to negative verb B We travelled by train.
forms in these sentences. A2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(how much)
1 We went by tram.
B The journey cost USO.
We didn't ,;¡o by tram.
A3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 They travelled along the Silk Road.
(how many)
B We visited five countries.
3 We had a good time.
A4 ________________
4 The tickets cost a lot of money. ,;
B We stayed in hotels.
A5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 She visited China.
B We arrived home yesterday.
6 They stayed in hotels.

7 The people spoke English , so I understood them .

e• Now go back to p. 71

78 loue / like / hate + verb + -ing

a Write the -ing form of the verbs. e Circle the correct symbols and write sentences
1 wait waitin,;¡ 9 speak that are true far you.
2 drive 10 sit 1 wait for buses
3 walk 11 stand © © © I © 1@ 1@/ @@@
4 get 12 stay 1 don't mind waitin,;;J for buses.
5 fly 13 run 2 sit in traffic
6 relax 14 try ©©© l © I Q l @I @@®
7 be 15 use
8 have 16 agree 3 play computer games
©©© 1© 1Q 1® 1®®®
b Write sentences about Jamie and Lisa.
4 fly in aeroplanes
eat in cook get pizza try new
restaurants food
©©© 1© 1Q 1® 1®®®
Jamie ® Q Q ©©© 5 cook the dinner
Lisa © ®®® ® ©©© ©©© l © I Q l ® I ®@®
1 Jamie _ ____.d""o""e""sn:.c_'t!<..JIW,ike-"'
""' ea""t""'in..!>,;¡µiLLn.ure..,.s"""taa!ud!.r..a
anwt,;.s"---._ __
He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d .• Now go back to p.73

2 Lisa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8A can/ can't, could / couldn't for ability
We use can/ can 'tto talk about present abilities:
I can read English, but I can't speak it.
We use could / couldn'tto talk about past abilities:
When / was young, I cou/d dance, but / cou/dn't sing.

+ - . Tip
I / he / she / it / you / Present I can run fast. They can't run fast. There is no -son can far
we /they Past He could run fast. We couldn't run fast. he/ she / it :
He can swim.
Yes/No questions Short answers
(NOT /ale eans swim.)
Yes, I can.
Present Can you run fast?
I / he / she / it / you / -- No, I can't.
we /they Yes, I could.
Past Couldyou run fast?
No, I couldn't.

Welf, when I wc:¡s

Tip a be,y, I could ru.n
The full form of can't is cannot. quite fast,but ....

-= .. '.,, ~....-- •·· ·

88 haue to/ don't haue to

We use have to+ infinitive to talk about things we need to do:
/ have to drink a lot of water when I go running. ft Tip
She has to get up at six every day Sometimes, you means everybodyor people generally.
We can use have to to talk about ru les: A Do you have to be fit to runa marathon?
We have to take off our shoes befare we go inside. (= Do peop/e have to be fit .. . ?)
We have to get to school by nine. B Yes, you do. (NOT Yes, Ido.)
don't have to mea ns we don't need to do something.
/ don't have to pay far my lunch at work. (My lunch is free.)
Our teacher doesn't have to wear a suit. (There is no rule.)

+ -
1/you /we / have to have to
I I don't ·
they work hard. work hard.
has to work have to
he/ she / it She He doesn't
hard. work hard.

Yes/No questions Short answers

1/you /we / have to Yes, Ido.
they work hard? No, I don't.
have to Yes, he does.
he/ she / it Ooes he lf !f>U'<etired ,~o"" clor"l't hovetQ run
work hard? No, he doesn't.
ao~more. '<ou con W<:1lk.
Grammar Focus

8A can/ can't, could / couldn't for ability

a Complete the sentences with b Write sentences about what Rob cou/d / couldn 't do in the past and what he
can/ can 't, cou/d / couldn 't. can / can 't do now.
1 1 can play the guitar.
want to learn the drums next.
when he was a boy now ,
2 1 _ _ _ _ _ drive last year swim 1,000 metres X swim 1,000 metres ✓
but I passed my test six weeks cook a meal X cook a meal ✓
ride a bike ✓ ride a bike X
3 She _ _ _ _ _ cook really
well. Her faod is always great. run 25 km X run 25 km✓
4 He isn 't on the faotball team, speak Spanish X speak Spanish ✓
beca use he _ _ _ _ _ run
very fast. 1 Rob couldn't swim 1.000 metres when he was a boy. He can swim 1.000 metres now.
5 When I was at school , 1 2
_ _ _ _ _ do maths . But 3
now l'm much better. 4
6 My husband _ _ _ __ 5
speak French, Spanish and
Portuguese. lt's useful when we C Find and correcta mistake in each sentence.
travel 1 1 1 don't can play the guitar. 1 can't play the ~uita r.
7 1 _____ climb trees 2 She cans speak faur languages. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
when I was a child but l'm too 3 How fast you can swim? _ _ _ _ _ __
old now. 4 1 could ran very fast when I was a child. - - ~ - - - -
5 1 didn't could understand what he said. _ _ _ _ _ __
6 A Does he can cook? B Yes, he can . _ _ _ _ _ __
7 A Could he walk befare his accident7 B Yes, he did. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

d • Now go back to p.81

88 haue to/ don't have to

a Match questions 1-8 with answers a-h.
1 wJ Do we have to take our shoes off? a Beca use you have to stay fit.
2 D How much do you have to pay far a ticket? b No, 1 don't. My parents do everything.
3 D Do you have to be a member to use the swimming pool? c Yes, 1 do. Every day.
4 D Does she have to walk home? d No, you don't. You can keep them on.
5 D Do you have to walk the dog every day? e At 8 o'clock.
6 D Do you have to help in the kitchen? Nothing. lt's free.
7 D I want to stay at home . Why do I have to go far a walk? g No, you don't. lt's open to everybody.
8 D What time do you have to leave far work? h No, she doesn't. She's got enough money far a taxi.

b Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to or e Put a tick (✓) or a cross ()() next to each activity
a short answer. and write sentences that are true for you.
1 In a kitchen, --.;.-'Yº='u~h~a~ve~
t o~w~o=r~k _ _ (you / work) very 1 1/ study far three hours every evening ✓
carefully. 1 have to study for three hours every evenin~.

2 A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you / buy) any new clothes far 2 1/ cook dinner every night
your new job?
B Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 1/ do a lot of homework
· 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1 / not / pay) rent at the moment,
beca use l'm staying with my parents. 4 My teacher / help me with grammar
4 1 usually wear jea ns and a T-shirt, but at work

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1 / wear) a suit. 5 My best friend / sometimes / wait far me

5 A What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (we / do) befare we start
the game 7 6 . My father / go to work at 8 o'clock
B I don't know. Read the instructions.
6 A Do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1 / take) them a present?
B No, - - - - - - - - - - · But it's a nice idea. d • Now go back to p.83
7 My son would like to see this film . How old
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (he/ be)?
8 To get fit, 1 think _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you / walk) far at
least half an hour a day.

9A Present continuous
We use the present continuous to describe an activity now or at
the moment of speaking. The activity started in the past and will
finish in the future .
0 mi
+ -
1 l'm waiting. l'mnot waiting.
you / we / they You're waiting. We aren't waiting.
he/ she / it He's waiting. lt isn't waiting.
Full forms: am waiting, are waiting, is waiting; am not waiting, are
not waiting, is not waiting

Yes/No questions Short answers

Yes, 1am. What am I c:loin9?
1 Ami waiting?
No, l'm not. l'm tall<.ins to ~OLA
or1 the phone !
Yes, you are.
you / we / they Areyou waiting?
No, you aren't.
Yes, he is.
he/ she / it Is he waiting?
No, he isn't.

Wh- questions
1 Why am I waiting? Past Now Future
you / we / they Where are you waiting 7
he/ she / it Who is he waiting for 7

98 Present simple or present continuous

The present simple is about things that are normally true . We use it to
describe habits, routines , facts and feelings:
I usual/y wear trousers. He /oves cars. We don't use have for possession in continuous
The present continuous is about now. We use it to describe what is
I have a new car NOT i'm having a new car.
happening now / today / this week etc.:
She has red hair NOT She's having red hair.
Today l'm wearing a dress. l'm studying hard this week.
We can use have for actions in continuous
There are sorne verbs which we don't usually use in the present continuous: sentences :
We're having dinner nght now.
/ike /ove hate not mind wani know
l'm not having fun .
need understand remember forget

I want to go home. (NOT i'm wanting ta ge home.)

11AS1Ac::1lly wear
tro1.1ser-s . ., t,1,1t
toda!:j l'm weorin9 tv\e Me t:he da~
Q dre5SÍ toroorrow after tomorrow
1 / /

" 1s2
Grammar Focus

9A Present continuous
a Write about the pictures using the b Complete the conversations usi ng the present con ti n uous and the
Present continuous. verbs in brackets. Use short answers where possible.
1 A Who are you waitinQ (wait) for 7
B 1 'm waitinQ (wait) for you.
2 A Why _ _ _ _ she _ _ _ _ (smile)?
B 1 don 't know. Maybe she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (feel) happy.
3 A _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ (sleep)?
B No, I_ _ _ _ _ _ __
he/ drink / coffee 1 /do/ a grammar exercise 4 A Where _ _ _ _ they _ _ _ _ (stand)?
1 He's drinkinQ coffee. 4 B They (not stand). They're sitting ata table.
5 A _ _ _ _ your brother _ _ _ _ (play) football today 7
B No, h e - - - - · He (play) basketball.

e Complete the telephone conversation using the present

continuous forms of the words in brackets .
A What 1 are you doinQ (you / do)?
B 2_ _ _ _ _ _ (1 / shop) in the city centre . Where are you 7
they / talk she / not / wear / shoes A 3_ _ _ _ _ _ (We / look) for a parking space. 4 _ _ _ _ __
2 5
(we / drive) past the museum.
B Really? 5_ _ _ _ _ _ (1 / stand) outside the museum right now!
A I can't see you . What 6_ _ _ _ _ _ (you / wear)?
B 7_ _ _ _ _ _ (1 / wear) a red t-shirt.
A OK I can see you now, but 8_ _ _ _ _ _ (we / not stop) . The traffic
is too busy!

he/ not / ride / a horse they / play/ ten nis d• Now go back to p.91
3 ______ 6

98 Present simple or present continuous

a Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. e Choose the options that are true for you and
1 She usuallv / todaywears black clothes. write sentences.
2 She's wearing bright colours usual/y/ today. 1 wear bright colours usually(Z) X now✓ 0
3 They never! are notvisit museums. They don't like them . 1 usua lly
wear briQht colours.
4 My parents aren't at home. They are visiting a museum l'm not wearinQ briQht colou rs now.
sometimes / this morning. 2 feel happy usually ✓ X now✓ X
5 Wow! Look 1 Tom dances/ 's dancing He doesn't usually dance.
6 1 enjoy / 'm enjoyingthe party. Thanks for inviting me!
7 1 always watch the football at weekends / at the moment. 3 listen to music
' 8 We don't go out now / often. when I study usually ✓ X now✓ X

b Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs

in brackets. Use th·e present simple or the present continuous . 4 wear a watch usually ✓ X now✓ X
1 A What are you doinQ (you / do) 7
B _ _ _ _ _ _ (we / get) ready to go out. Would you like to
come with us? 5 use a computer
A Not really, no . _ _ _ _ _ _ (1 / watch) a film. lt's really when I study usually ✓ X now ✓ X
2 A What's that noise?
B Sorry, it's my friend Harry. ~ - - - - - ( h e / sing). 6 study in my
A Wow 1 He's quite good. bedroom usually ✓ X now✓ X
B Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ (he/ sing) in a band every weekend.
_ _ _ _ _ _ (They / often / play) concerts .
3 A _ _ _ _ _ _ (you / play) that computer game again?
B No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1 /try) to sell my d• Now go back to p.93
guitar on the Internet.
A Really 7 Why _ _ _ _ _ _ (you / do) thaF

1OA Comparative adjectives
0 .mi
We use a comparative adjective + than to compare two or more things , people, etc.
My new smartphone is bigger than my old one. My phone is more expensive than my sister's.
My tablet is heavier than my phone. Your laptop is better than mine.

One syllable End in -y Two or more syllables

adjective + -er adjective - -y+ -ier more+ adjective
old ➔ older heavy ➔ heavier useful ➔ more useful
cheap ➔ cheaper easy ➔ easier expensive ➔ more expensive
light ➔ lighter pretty ➔ prettier difficult ➔ more difficult

4I Tip
good and bad are irregular:
good ➔ better bad ➔ worse

SPELLING: adjective + -er

short ➔ shorter
most adjectives ➔ add -er
clean ➔ c!eaner
large ➔ larger
adjective ends in -e ➔ add -r
nice ➔ nicer
adjective ends in consonant + -y dry ➔ drier
➔ change -yto -ithen add -er easy ➔ easier
adjective ends in one vowel (a, e, i, o, u)
hot ➔ hotter
and one consonant (g, n, t, etc.) ➔ double
thin ➔ thinner
the consonant and add -er

10B Superlative adjectives

We use the superlative form of adjectives to talk about extremes.
We usually use the befare superlatives . Tip
0 mi We don 't use the with words like my, your, etc.
The most useful language is English. She's my best friend (NOT She's my the best friend .)
The easiest language is Spanish.
What's the hardest language in the world?
The best language practice is speaking.

One syllable End in -y Two or more syllables

the + adjective + -est the + adjective - -y+ -iest the most + adjective
old ➔ the oldest heavy ➔ the heaviest useful ➔ the most useful
cheap ➔ the cheapest easy ➔ the easiest expensive ➔ the most expensive
light ➔ the lightest pretty ➔ the prettiest difficult ➔ the most difficult

good and bad are irregular:
good ➔ the best bad ➔ the worst

SPELLING: adjective + -est

short ➔ shortest
most adjectives ➔ add -est
clean ➔ c!eanest
large ➔ largest
adjective ends in -e ➔ add -st
nice ➔ nicest
adjective ends in consonant + -y dry ➔ driest
➔ change -yto -ithen add -est easy ➔ easiest
adjective ends in one vowel (a, e, i, o, u)
hot ➔ hottest
and one consonant (g, n, t, etc.) ➔
thin ➔ thinnest
double the consonant and add -est

Grammar Focus

1OA Comparative adjectives

a Write the comparative form of the adjectives. e Correct one mistake in each sentence.
angry an¡:¡rier 11 modern 1 She quicker than me. She always finishes first.
bad 12 noisy
clean 13 old 2 The book is good than the film. _ _ _ __
cold 14 popular 3 My marks are always worser than yours.
comfortable 15 sad
crowded 16 strange 4 This dress is prettyer than that one.
fast 17 strong
8 fat 18 thin 5 The English weather is weter than the weather
9 good 19 wet in Spain. _ _ _ __
10 interesting 20 wide 6 Their family is more big than mine.

b Write sentences using the present simple of be and 7 My new teacher is most interesting than my old
comparative adjectives. teacher. _ _ _ __
1 my new phone / cheap / my old phone 8 Is your Internet faster mine? _ _ _ __
My new phone is cheaper than my old phone.
2 the film/ interesting / the book d• Now go back to p. 1 0 1

3 her children / noisy / my children

4 she / a good cook / my dad

5 Dubai / modern / Dublin

6 this hotel/ comfortable / the last hotel

7 my friends / fit / me

10B Superlative adjectives

a Write the superlative form of the adjectives. b Complete the sentences using the
1 tidy the tidiest 8 good superlative form of the adjectives in
2 fit ______ 9 big brackets.
3 funny 10 nice 1 One of the lon¡:¡est (long) words in
4 dry 11 safe English is f!occinaucinihilipilification. But I don 't
5 pretty 12 exciting know what it mea ns!
6 bad 13 tiring 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ (short) words in English are
7 friendly 14 hot a and /.
3 In spoken English, one of _ _ _ _ __
(popular) words is 1 - beca use we think we're
_ _ _ _ _ _ (interesting) tapie in the
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ (useful) noun in English is
time. We use it all the time'
5 _ _ _ _ _ _ (fast) way to learn a
language is to go and live in a different country.
6 Sorne peo ple think _ _ _ _ _ (im portant)
thing for language learners is speaking.
7 1 think _ _ _ _ _ _ (good) way to

improve your English is to learn lots of words - 1

try to learn ten new words every day.

8 When you're reading in English ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ (bad) thing you can do is
check all the words in a dictionary. lt takes· too
long and it's not much fun 1

e• Now go back to p . 102

11 A Present perfect
see the film We often use the present perfect to talk about experiences:
/'ve seen the film once. (in my lifetime)
She's met him three times. (in her lifetime)
born Now When we ask a question about experiences, we often use
We use the present perfect to talk about past actions in a time period the word ever.
which starts in the past and continues now, for example: today, this Have you ever read this book?= Have you read this book in
week, this year, your lifetime . your lifetime?
!'ve seen that film four times (in my life). We use never with the present perfect to say there is no
I haven't hada coffee today. experience.
Have you been to the gym this week 7 !'ve never read her book. = 1haven't read her book in my
We make the present perfect from the verb have + the past participle lifetime.
of the main verb. Tip
For regular verbs, the past participle is the same as thé- past form : The past participle of go is gane. But we often use the
I wa/ked to work yesterday past participle of be (been) instead of gane.
!'ve wa/ked to work three times this week. !'ve been to France. (= l'm not there now.)
C!aire 's gane to Scot!and. (= she's still there now.)
For irregular verbs, the past participle is usually different. You have to
learn the different forms. (See page 176 for a list of irregular verbs.) Yes/No questions Short answers
/ drove to work yesterday
1/you / seen the Yes, ! have.
/'ve driven to work three times this week. Haveyou
we /they film? No, I haven't.
seen the Yes, he has.
he/ she / it Has he
+ film 7 No, he hasn't.
I / you / we / they /'ve seen the film 400 times.
he/ she / it He's seen the film 400 times.

I / you / we / they They haven't seen the film.
he/ she / it She hasn't seen the film .

11 B Present perfect or past simple

We use the present perfect to talk about the past ®mi
experiences in our life, but we don't say when exactly. A Have you ever been to Argentina? Focus: my / your lite
!'ve been to Buenos Aires. (We don't know when.) B Yes, I have. !'ve been there three times. } Tense: present perfect

We use the Past simple to say when soi-nething A /'ve been there too, / went there /ast year. } Focus: a visit last year
happened (e.g. /ast year, yesterday, in 2012). B Real/y? Which cities did you visit? Tense: past simple
! went to the theatre last week. (NOT l've been to the
theatFe last weelc) go to Argentina

We often start a conversation by asking about or

describing an event using the present perfect, and then last year Now
change to the past simple to ask about or describe the
details of the event.

Grammar Focus

11 APresent perfect
a Write the irregular past participles . Use the list e Complete the conversations with present perfect verb forms
on page 176 to help you. of the words in brackets.
1 see seen 6 do 1
2 write 7 dri ve A Have :)IOU ever seen (yo u / eve r / see) Star Wars?
3 swim 8 rid e B Yes, (1 / see) it many times. lt's my
4 have 9 run fa vo urite film.
5 brin g 10 be A Rea lly7 (1/ never / see) it.
b Complete the sentences with the present A (you / ever / meet) a fa mous person?
perfect forms of the verbs in brackets. B Yes , (1/ meet) Bill Gates.
1 1 have read (read) this book twice. A Wow! (he/ visit) Ca mbridge7
2 We _ _ _ _ _ (visit) th is museu m three times B Yes, he (he/ be) here many times.
this year.
3 He _ _ _ _ _ (not borrow) my car today. d • Now go back to p.111
4 We _ _ _ _ _ (never eat) at that restaurant.
5 1 (walk) down this street many
6 She _ _ _ _ _ (play) for England in three
Olympic Games.
7 They _ _ _ _ _ (not do) the housework this
8 This country _ _ _ _ _ (have) five big storm s
th is winter. .,

11 B Present perfect or past simple

a Underline the correct words. e Complete the conversation using the correct
l Have you been / Oíd vou go out last night? present perfect or past simple form of the verbs
2 !'ve never seen / / never saw an ope ra. in brackets.
3 We went / We've been to a rock concert on Saturday. A Have :)IO U ever been (yo u / ever / go) to a jazz
4 Have you ever danced / Oíd you ever dance the tango 7 club?
5 She's a fantastic actres~ but she never won / she's never won an B Yes, 1 2
3 (1 / go) to a few.
Osea r.
6 We 've vísíted / We vísitedthe theatre when we were in Buenos My favourite is Jazz Ce/lar.
Ai res last year. (1 / go) there hundreds of
7 1 dídn't eat / 've never eaten sheep's milk cheese in my life. times.
8 Oíd he wín / Has he won the 100m at the 2012 Olympic Games? A Yes, 1 think 5 ( 1 / go) there
too. ( 1 / go) there last year.
b Match questions 1-8 with short answers a-h. B 7 (you / 1i ke) it?
1 [ill Did she go out? a Yes, we were. A Yes, 1 8
(it / be) great. There
□ Have you ever been to Chile? b Yes , we did.
(be) a brilliant singer -
□ Was it a good concert? e No, 1 haven't.
her name 11 (be) Erica
□ Has she been in any bad films? d No, they didn 't.
□ Were you tired when you got home? e Yes, it was .
B Erica Sousa. 12 (1 / see)
□ Did they help you? f No, they haven't.
her a few times. She's amazing. In fact,
□ Have they ever visited Tokyo? g No, she didn 't.
(she / play) a concert
□ Did you have a good time? h Yes, she has.
there last week .
A (you / go) to that concert?
B No, 1 15
(1 / want) to go but
1 had a meeting at work and
(1 / finish) late.

d • Now go back to p.113

12A going to
We use going to when we have a plan for the future:

0 .mi
+ -
going to travel the going to work
1 /'m l'm not
world next year. in an office.
going to travel the going to work
you / we / they They're You aren't
world next year. in an office.
going to travel the going to work
he/ she / it She's He isn't
world next year. in an office.

Yes/No questions Short answers

Yes, 1am.
1 Ami going to travel next year?
No, l'mnot.
-Yes, you are.
you / we / they Areyou going to trave/ next year 7
No, you aren't.
Yes, he is.
he/ she lit Is he going to travel next year?
No, he isn't. l'mnot9C>ingto 5tatoitlthisjw
m1,1w lofl0e:r.
l'rn ioi~ to -travel a...-o.,.na
Wh- questions theworla.
1 Who ami going to travel with?
travel the world
you / we / they Where are you going to go?
he/ she lit What 's he going to see 7 Now Future

12B should / shouldn't

We use should to give advice.
You shou/d learn the local language. (= lt's a good idea .)

0 mi
+ -
I / he / she / it / you / we / they I should 1 go. They .shouldn't 1 go.

Yes/No questions Short answers

Yes, 1 she shou/d.
I / he / she / it / you / we / they Shou/d she 1 go? No, she shou/dn't. Tip
We use the infinitive without to after should.
Wh- questions You shou/d take sun cream with you.
1/ he / she / it / you / we / they When I should we 1 go? (NOT You sheutd #8 take .. .)

Hmm111 .. .. Yov shouldn 't What? Shculd / leave

take too rnc:1tl.!;j bags on ali frl~ ~oks a-t home.?
l:jOUr tnp.

Grammar Focus

12A going to
a Match questions 1-8 with answers a-h.
1 @ Where are you going to stay? a Not much. Justa few clothes.
b No, he isn 't. He's going to travel around the world first.
□ Are they going to visit us?
c Sorne of their friends.
3 □ When are you going to clean your room?
d No, l'm not. l'm just going to take a long holiday.
□ Is he going to get a job?
e In a hotel.
□ Who are they going to meet?
f About six months.
□ Are you going to leave your job?
g Tomorrow - promise.
□ What are you going to take with you? 1

h No, they aren't. They don't have time.

□ How long is he going to be away?

b Complete the sentences using the correct form of going to and the verb in brackets.
1 1 'm i,:1oíni,:1 t o travel (travel) to South Ame rica.
2 . My sister _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (get) married next year.
3 We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (do) lots of sightseeing on holiday this summer.
4 They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not / stay) in hotels this year.
5 My parents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (buy) a new house in the countryside.
6 1 __________ (go) to the cinema tonight. Do you want to come with me?
7 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not / gol to university after high school.
8 We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not / visit) big cities when we go to France.
9 We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (stay) in small towns.

e • Nowgobackto p.12 1

128 should / shouldn't

a Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets and e Read the conversation and find six mistakes
shou/d or shou!dn't. with shou/d.
1 A He feels tired all the time. A l'm going to Thailand next month . Have you ever been
B He should i,:1 0 (go) to the doctor. there?
2 You (drink) a lot of water when you run. B Yes I have.
3 You (bring) a lot of books. We're only A Where should I staying?
going for three days. B You should look for a hotel when you arrive. You don't
4 You (drive) ali night. Stop and get sorne should book before you go.
sleep. A Really? 1should go to Bangkok7
5 lt's going to be cold so you (take) sorne B You should to go to Bangkok for a few days. But, you
warm clothes. shouldn't stay long. You should visitan island .
6 The children (come) into the house - A What do I should do on an island?
it's getting dark. B Do you want to relax 7
7 We (pay) for the meal. The food was A Yes.
horrible. B You should go swimming every day. You should eat at
8 1 (say) sorry to him. 1broke his cup . restaurants on the beach .. . And you should leave your
mobile phone at home!
b Put the words in the correct order to make questions. A Should I take anything with me?
1 money / much / take / should /
1 / how? B Justa bit of money. You should not to worry about money
How much mane~ should I take? on holiday!
2 museum / we / go /a/ should /to?
d Correct the mistakes with shou/d in c.
3 clothes / should / what / wear / 1 ? 1 Where should I sta~?
4 1/ later /come/ should / back 7 3
5 we /local/ the / should / eat / food ? 5
6 we / should /time/ arrive / what? 7

7 we / where / stay / should ? e• Now go back to p.123

8 for / should / ask / who / we / advice?

1A Countries and nationalities
a 0110 Look at the map below. Write the correct number next to each country in the
table. Listen and check.

Country Nationality Country National ity

A (-ian) e (-ishJ
Argenti na /o:d3~mti:ng/ Argentinian /o:d3gntmign/ lreland /a1glgnd/ lrish /a1gnf/
Austral ia /ostredig/ Australian /ostrediw/ Poland /pgulgnd/ Polish /pgul!f/
Canada /krengdg/ Ca nad ian /bne1dign/ Turkey /t3:ki/ Turkish /t3:k1f/
Colomb ia /blombig/ Colombian /blo_ lJlbign/ (the) UK /ju:ke1/
British /bntrf/
lran /iro:n/ lra nian IIremign/ Brita in /brrtgn/
ltaly fitgli/ lta lian /itrelign/ D (-ese)
Nige ria /na1d31grjg/ Nigerian /na1d31grign/ Chi na /tfamg/ Chin ese /tfami:z/
E (-i}
Pakistan /po:k1sto:n/ Pakista ní /po:k1sto:ni/
B (-an) F (other)
Mexico /meks1kgu/ Mexican /meks1bn/ New Zea land /nju: zi:lgnd/ (a) New Zea lander
South Africa /sau0 refrrb/ South African /sau0 refnbn/ /nju: zi:lgndg/
(the) USA /ju:ese1/ American /gmenbn/ Saud i Arabia /saudi gre1big/ Sa udi /saudi/

b 0~ Talk about five countries you

want to visit.

l'd like to visit China

because I want to see the
Great Wall of China.

e Match the parts of the world 1-6 with a-f

on the map.
1 North America 4 Afri ca
2 As ia 5 Europe
3 Ce ntral and So uth America 6 Ocea nía

d ÜA Underline the different country

in each group below. Say why.
1 France , ltaly, Greece, Poland , China ,
Germany, lreland
2 Turkey, Saud i Arabia, Brazi l, lran
g 0Im Look at the nationalities in f again and answer the
questions. Listen again and check .
3 the USA, Russia, the U K, Austra lia, Nigeria
4 Arge ntina, Mexico , Colombia, Spa in 1 In A and in C, wh ich word has a different stress pattern?
2 In B, do the words have the same or a different stress pattern?
e Look at groups A-F in a. Match each
nationality from page 10 below to a group. h 0~ Student A: choose a new country anda nationality.
Tell your partner the part of the world . Then answer his/ her
1 Brazi lian 4 German
questions. Student B: ask questions to guess your partner's
2 Spa nish 5 Japanese
new cou ntry and national ity. Change roles and repeat.
3 Russian 6 French
_ 1·_
m_f_ro_m_ s_
ic-a._ ..........
f 0 Im Pronunciation Listen to the national ities Are you from Brazil?

in the table . Underline the stressed syllable in
each word.
-A 2 syllables Britlish, Ch dnese, Tur lki sh
No, l'm not.

Yes , l'm Colombian .


~ Are you from Colombia7

B 3 syllables Mex lilcan , Jap lanlese,

c 4 syllables Ausltra lldan, Palkil sta lni, 1lta1 lil an • Now go back to p. 11

,,. e- .
~ r

Vocabulary Focus

1B Adjectives
a 0m Listen to these sentences. Do the marked d 0 .mi Is the pronunciation of o in these words long
adjectives mean 'very good' or 'not very good'? or short? Listen and check. Listen again and repeat.
1 This wet and cold weather is terrible. 1 coffee 4 short
2 1 like our new teacher - she's wonderful. 2 often 5 hol iday
3 My new phone does so many new things - it's amazing. 3 more 6 door
4 This colour isn't very nice - it's horrible.
e Think of things you've got. Make notes. Have you got
b 0 ml Listen to these sentences. Make pairs of anything that's ... ?
opposites with the marked adjectives. • wonderful • horrible
1 My computer's quite old now. 1 need to buy a new one . • amazing • old
2 1 don't think he's gota lot of money - he's quite poor. • terrible • modern
3 Their new house is finished now and it's very modern.
4 He buys anything he wants so I think he's rich. f O~ Tell a partner about your things using your notes
in e.
e 0 lEI Pronunciation Is the pronunciation of o in
these words long (/'J:/) or short (/o/)? Listen and g• Now go back to p. 13
1 modern 2 poor 3 horrible

2A Jobs
a 0 .I!l:l Match the jobs in the box with pictures 1-9. Listen and check. ;

Listen again and repeat.

businessman /'b1zmsm;m/ businesswoman /'b1zmswum;m/ receptionist /n 'sepJ;m1st/

manager /'mremd3g/ chef /f ef/ actor /'rekt g/ tour guide /'tug gaid/
farmer /'fo:mg/ secretary /'sekrntgri/ mechanic /mg'kremk/

b n page 21 and in a. Read the sentences and write the correct job.
f I help people if they have a problem with their teeth .
b I work outside an enjoy showing people my beautiful city. g I help people if they have a problem with their car.
c I sometimes work i a theatre and I sometimes make films. h I fly people from one country to another.
d I drive people fro one place to another. i I am the first person people meet when they come to our hotel.
e I work in a kitchen and cook amazing food. 1 work outside in the country.

e 0 6' Talk about thr e jobs you would like to do and three jobs you wouldn't like to do.
Say why.

d• Now go back to. p.2 1

Numbers 9A Money and prices
28 Time a ®na Tick (✓) the correct way of saying each price a
or b. Listen and check. Listen again and repeat.
a ®llll Match the sentences with the times below.
Listen and check. 1 f:25 a twenty-five pounds b five pounds and twenty
1 lt's (a) quarter past four. or lt's four fifteen. 2 f:4.50 a four fifty pounds b four pounds fifty
3 60p a point six pounds b sixty p
2 lt's half past four. or lt's four thirty.
4 €7.40 a forty cents and seven euros b seven euros forty
3 lt's (a) q uarter to five. or lt's four forty-five.
5 €0.25 a twenty-five cents b quarter euros
4 lt's twenty past four. or lt's four twenty.
5 lt's ten to five. or lt's four fifty. 6 $28 a eight and twenty dollars b twenty-eight dollars
7 70c a seven oh cents b seventy cents
6 lt's five past four. or lt's four oh five.
8 $15.50 a fifteen dollars fifty b fifteen and half dollars
7 lt's twenty-five to five. or lt's four thirty-five.
8 lt's four minutes to five. or lt's four fifty-six.
9 lt's seven minutes past four. or lt's four oh seven.
b O.t Take turns to say these prices.
1 f:2 .70 5 $4.75 9 €55.90
2 $120 6 €0.60 10 f:9.99
3 €4.30 7 f:10.10
4 85p 8 $49.95

e• Now go back to p . 90

108 High numbers

b Write down five different times in numbers. Ask your a Match phrases 1-10 with numbers a-j.
partner to say your times. 1 a/ one hundred thousand
2 one million three hundred thousand
e• Now go back to p .23 .3 one hundred and twenty
4 a/ one million
5 one thousand one hundred
6A Years and dates 6 one hundred thousand two hundred
a ®.mi Put the months in the correct order. Listen 7 one hundred and thirty thousand
and check. Listen again and repeat. 8 one thousand one hundred and thirty
9 five million six hundred thousand
June /d3u:n/ September /sep'temba/ April /'erprnl/ 10 a/ one thousand and three
November /nau 'vemba/ January /'d3renjuri/
August /''J:gast/ February /'februari/ a 120 e 100,200 1,130
December /dr 'semba/ May /mer/ March /mo:tJ/ b 1,003 f 1,000,000 130,000
October /ok'tauba/ J uly /d3ul 'ar/ e 1,100 g 1,300,000
d 100,000 h 5,600,000

b ®mi Complete the sentences with in or on. Listen b 0 nm Look at these phrases. Add and to tour more
and check. · phrases (sometimes twice). Listen and check. Listen
1 We were in Australia _ _ 2012. again and repeat.
2 My birthday's _ _ the nineteenth of June. and
3 Our next holiday's _ _ May. 1 340 = three hundrecfforty
2 2,002 = two thousand two
e Correct the dates. Then write them in number form. 3 45,800 = forty-five thousand eight hundred
the 4 381,245 = three hundred eighty-one thousand two hundred
1 The next meeting's on"'twelfth of April. 12 April forty-five
2 Our party's on Saturday the twenty-one of February. 5 2,000,670 = two million six hundred seventy
3 We were in Canada in twenty oh seven. 6 15,680,430 = fifteen mi Ilion six hundred eighty thousand
4 Next Saturday's the seventh July. four hundred thirty
5 1 was at university until one thousand nine hundred and

ni nety-eight. e Write down a number between:

6 l'd like to reserve a single room on second of December. • 600 and 699 • 20,000 and 20,9991
• 3,001 and 3010 • l,OCJ0,000 and 1,499,999
d Think of two people in your family and two friends.
Write down their names. d Ask a partner to say your numbers.

e 0 .1 Tell a partner the birthdays of the tour people. e• Now go back to p . 103
Can they match the birthdays with the names?

f • Now go back to p.61

f ......

Vocabulary Focus

Verbs e 0ml Read the story and underline the correct verbs. Listen
and check.
3A Common verbs How 1 1won / /ost the lottery
a 0ml Match 1-7 with a-g. Listen and One day, 1went into town and 2 did / made sorne shopping. Then, on
check. the way home, 13 brought / bought a lottery ticket from a small shop by
1 How much are the bananas? the bus stop. lt had the number of my birthday: 241169.
2 Do you drink coffee in the morning? A beautiful woman 4 spent / so/d it to me. When she 5gave I took it to
3 Can I help you paint the kitchen? me, she smiled and said, 'Good luck. 1 hope you win.' 1 smiled back.
4 Where's your passport? A few days later, 1 opened the newspaper and 6gave / read the winning
5 Do you know where I can buy an English number: 2-4-1 ... That was the moment 1 7 decided / found out. My
newspaper? life completely changed and 1 8 became / came rich. 1 immediately
6 The film starts at 8:15, so let's meet outside 9 thought / told of the woman in the shop. 1 10 cost / cut sorne fresh

the cinema at 8:00 . flowers from my garden and went back to the shop to give them to her.
7 Do you want to go for a walk this evening? 'Is the woman who was here on Saturday in today 7' 1 asked . 'l 've got
sorne flowers for her.' But she wasn't there and I never saw her again .
a I think they sell them in the shop at the station .
b They're very cheap. They only cost €2 a kilo.
d O~ Cover the text jn c and practise telling the story from the
c No, 1 just want to stay at home and watch TV.
pictures. Read it again to check.
d OK . 1'11 try to be on time but I don't finish work
till 7:30.
e Yes, please! But I can't decide what colour :
blue or green.
Sometimes, but I prefer tea.
g I don't know. 1 can't find it. lt isn't in my bag.

b ®Ira Pronunciation Listen to the marked e• Now go back to p.63

sounds in these words and answer the
questions. Listen again and repeat.
buy find decide try stay 11 A Irregular past participles
1 Which word has a different sound? a 0.mi Look at these past participles. What are their infinitive
2 Are the two different sounds long or short? forms? Listen and check. ·

e In pairs ask and answer the questions. broken /'brnukan/ read /red/ been /bi:n/ caught /b:t/
written /'ntan/ seen /si:n/ had /ha:d/ eaten /'i:tan/
1 What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
bought /b:-,:t/ heard /h3:d/ flown /füun/
2 Think of a small shop near your home . What do
forgotten /fo 'gnt an/ fallen /'b:lan/ grown /grnun/
they sell7 What do you buy there 7
3 How much do these things cost in your courltry?
a a litre of petral b Complete the questions with past participles from a.
b a cup of coffee 1 Have you ever _ _ a fish? ft
c a loaf of bread 2 Have you ever _ _ an email in English? ~ ,¿,
'!!1,- ,\(
4 You decide to meet friends in town . Where do 3 Have you ever _ _ octopus? y-·
you meet7 4 Have you ever _ _ in a helicopter?
5 Where do you usually stay on holiday? 5 Have you ever _ _ to Paris?
6 Have you ever _ _ flowers for someone?
d • Now go back to p.3 1 7 Have you ever _ _ your own phone numbe~f:ilL •
8 Have you ever _ _ an English newspaper?
6B Past simple irregular verbs 9 Have you ever _ _ an elephant?
10 Have you ever _ _ African music?
a 0.mi Match the past simple forms in the 11 Have you ever _ _ your leg7
box with 1-11. Listen and check.
12 Have you ever _ _ breakfast in bed?
brought won lost found did cut 13 Have you ever _ _ down the stairs 7
read thought sold became gave 14 Have you ever _ _ vegeta bles?

1 do 5 bring 9 become e ®lm Pronunciation Listen to the marked sound in heard /3:/.
2 read 6 win 10 cut Which of these words have the same sound as heard?
3 give 7 lose 11 sell Listen and check.
4 think 8 find
girl hear learn nurse German work year
b 0.H:B Pronunciation Listen to these
d O~ In pairs ask and answer the questions in b.
sentences. Do the marked letters sound the
same or different? Why?
e• Now go back to p.111
• 1 read a newspaper every day.
• 1 read a wonderful book last month.

=-ood and containers
JA Food
0m Match pictures 1-10 with definitions a-j. Listen and check.

1 garlic 2 salad 3 burger 4 melon 5 cereal 6 yoghurt

/'go:hk/ /'srelgd/ /' b3:g;:i/ /'mel;:in/ /'srnrigl/ /' joggt/

48 Containers
a Match phrases 1-6 with pictures a-f.
1 a jar /d30:/ of honey
2 a bag /breg/ of potatoes
8 cola 9 crisps 10 curry 3 a can /kren/ (or tin /tm/) of tomatoes
/'kwh:i/ /knsps/ /' kAri/ 4 a bottle / 'botl/ of water
a People often eat it in India, wi th rice or naan bread. 5 a bar Iba:/ of chocolate
b lt's a large fruit which grows in hot cou ntries. lt's yellow, orange or green. 6 a packet /'p rek1t/ of biscuits
c lt's a quick, cheap mea l: meat and salad inside bread , sometimes
with cheese.
d lt's uncooked vegeta bles mixed together that you can have with a meal.
lt's good for you!
e lt's like onion and you can use it for cooking.
f lt's made from milk. People often have it for breakfast.
g lt's sweet and it's mad e from fruit. You can put it on bread.
h They're made from potatoes and usually come in sma ll bags. They
aren't very good for you!
lt's a drink, a bit li ke lemonade but it's brown.
Many people eat it for breakfast with mil k.

J 0m Pronunciation Listen to the marked sounds in these words.

Listen agai n and repeat.
/k/ cola crisps curry
/g/ garlic burger yoghurt

e 0m Which words do you hear, a or b? b 0 .mi Pronunciation Listen to the phrases

b glass in a. Which words are stressed? Listen
1 a could b good 3 a class
2 a cold b gold 4 a back b bag again and repeat.
1 the nouns 2 the article 'a'
~ 0 ~ Saya word from c for your partner to point to. 3 the preposition 'of'

e Complete the sentences. Use words from a and page 40. e Change the words in italics using phrases
1 What kind of meat do you want; c_ _ n, s_ _ k or l_ _ b? in a. Is more than one answer possible?
2 Let's have a s_ _ d. We've got tomatoes, o_ _ ns, c_ _ts,
green b_ _ ns and m_ _ ms. Yesterday I went shopping and
3 My wife has c_ _ l and milk fo r breakfast, but I li ke y_ _t with fruit 1bought 1sorne oíl, 2sorne jarn, 3 sorne
and then a piece of bread with butter and j_ _ · m. spaghetti, 4 sorne chocolate, 5 sorne tuna,
4 We've got lots of fruit: apples, p_ _ rs, g_pes and a m_ _ n. and 6sorne app/es.
5 Of course he's not fit. He always eats c_ _ ps and drinks c_ _a
between meals. 1 a bottle of oil 4 _ _ _ __
2 _ _ _ __ 5 _ _ _ __
0 ~ Look at all the words in a ande . Talk about: 3 _ _ _ __ 6 _ _ _ __
• things you eat or drink nearly every day
• things you eat or drink at least once a week d 06' Write a shopping list. Use the words
• things you don't ofte n eat or drink in 1 to help you. Tell a partner.
• th ings you never eat or drink.
e• Now go back to p .43
g• Now go back to p.41

Vocabulary Focus

5A Places in a city
a 0 Dn Match the places in the box with pictures 1-6. Listen and check.
post office /'p;mst 'ofis/ O sports centre /'sp:,:ts 'sentg/ O theatre / 181gt g/ O
poli ce station /pg'li:s st e1f;m/ O concert hall /'konsgt 'h:,:1/ O stadium /'st e1digm/ O

b Match the definitions with the places in a and on e 0 .HD Pronunciation Listen to the words. Are the
page 50. marked sounds weak or strong? Listen again and
a You go there to watch a sports game. repeat.
b This is a nice place to sit with trees and grass and flowers. building bridge park post office
c When you want to send a postcard, you go to this place.
d You walk on this from one side of a river to the other side. d o.. In pairs ask and answer the questions.
e You can see a play oran opera at this place .
1 Which of the places in b does / doesn't your city have?
f lf someone steals from you, you go to this place.
2 Which does / doesn't your city need?
g This is an open area in the centre of a town.
h You can listen to classical music in this place.
e• Now go back to p.51
i When you want to do sorne exercise , you go to this place.

12A Geography
a Read the emails. Notice the marked words and write them in the pictures. b 0 .mi Pronunciation Listen to the
words in a. Which words have more
than one syllable?

We have a holiday
house that we go to at
e o.. Underline the different word in
each group below. Say why.
the weekend. lt's on
the coast /bust/, but 1 lake, river, field, waterfall
behind us is a jungle 2 forest, hill, wood, jungle, rainforest
/' d3A1Jgl/ with lots of 3 island, mountain, coast, beach
very green trees. Next
to the house is a small
hill /h11/. You can walk
d o.. Think of the countryside in
your country. Talk about what there
to the top and the is and there isn't.
view is wonderful.

@ ~Th=e_ __ (:)Ma1I

We live outside
the city in the
/'kAntnsa1d/. There e• Now go back to p.120
are fields /fi:ldz/ all
around the house and
in the distance there is
a small wood /wud/. 1
like walking there. lt's
so quiet - 1 love it.


- 165 ■
7A Transport collocations BA Sport and exercise collocations
0 DD Read and listen to the text. Match pictures a Match the activities in the box with pictures 1-11.
1-6 with marked phrases a-f.
running golf judo sailing
CD ® football snowboarding volleyball
exercises fish i ng rugby hockey

® ®

Erik wo rks in the city centre and he ªtakes the train to work
every morning. He bgets on the train at Kings Park Station, b Write the activities in a in the correct column in the
near his home . Then he cchanges trains at Central Station in table.
. th e city centre and he dgets off the train at Riverside Station ,
near his office. go play do
He usua lly gets to Kings Park Station at 8:00 so he can runnin¡;:¡ ¡;:¡olf judo
ecatch the train at 8.05, but sometimes he's a few minutes late
and he !misses the train. Then he has to wait for the next train.

0 .Bil Underline the correct verbs. Listen and check.

1 There were no buses, so I decided to take / get on a ta xi.
2 lt's nearly 10:30. Leave now or you'II catch / miss th e bus.
3 Exc use me, 1 want to go to the City Museum . Where do 1
e Complete the rules with go, play or do. We use ...
take off/ get off the bus? 1 _ _ when we tal k about sports, games and music.
4 The concert fini shed at 9:30, so we just caught / changed 2 _ _ when we talk about activities that end with -ing.
th e last tram . 3 _ _ when we talk about other activities.
5 The train was expensive, so we take / took a night coach.
6 Quick 1 Let's get on Joff the bus and find a sea t! lt leaves in d 0 .m Pronunciation Listen to the marked sounds in
a few minutes! these words. Are they long or short?
football judo
0.mi Pronunciation Look at these verbs and answer
the questions. Listen and check. e 0m Are the marked sounds in these words long or
bought got saw too k short? Listen and check.
1 Which verbs have the same sound as caught /-J :/? 1 full 3 pool 5 food
2 Is ita long or short sound? 2 good 4 put 6 blue

0 4' In pairs, ask and answer the questions. f 0 4' Which activities in a do people do in your
1 When was the last time: cou ntry? Choose a sentence wh ich is true for each
• you caught a bus or train at the last minute? activity.
• you missed a bus or train 7 a lt's very popular.
Sorne people go
• · you changed trains? b Sorne people do it but not many.
snowboarding, but
2 How do you get from here to you r home7 What kinds of c lt's very un usua 1. not many.
transport can you take? Where do you get on and off? d You can't do this in my co untry.

• Now go back to p.71 g • Now go back to p.8 1

Vocabulary Focus

Appearance and clothes

8B Appearance 98 Clothes
a Match sentences 1-4 with four of pictures a-h. a 0 Dn Read and listen to the text. Match the marked
1 He's got short straight dark hair. words 1-8 with pictures a-h. Listen and check.
2 She's got long straight dark hair.
3 He's got short curly dark hair.
4 She's got long straight fair hair.

© o "

, ~

b Notice the arder of the adjectives in a. Which

adjective always comes first?
• She looked lovejy. She wore a red 1skirt /sk3 :t/ and a
C 0 .ma Write sentences about the other four people's white shirt and she hada blue and yellow 2 necklace
hair in a. Listen and check. /' neklas/.
• lt was a hot day, so he decided to wear a 3 T-shirt /'ti:f 3:t/,
4 shorts /f ::,:ts/ and 5trainers /' tremaz/ without socks.
d Write a sentence about your hair and one about a
partner's hair. • 1 never wear 6jewellery / 1d3u:alri/ - justa 7watch /wotf/,
of course , and my 8 ring /nTJ/.
e O.t Student A: choose a picture in a. Student B: ask
questions to guess your partner's picture. Change b 0 HD Pronunciation Listen to this word. Which letters
roles and repeat. don't you hear?

Is ita man or Has he got

a woman? long hair?
C 0 .Bm Cross out the letters you don't hear in these
words. Listen and check.
Aman . No.
1 vegetable 3 chocolate 5 comfortable
2 interesting 4 camera
Is it picture f?
Yes. d O.t Student A: look at Picture 1 for one minute.
Student B: look at Picture 2 for one minute. Try to
f Match 1-6 with a-f. remember everything the people are wearing. They
are ali words from a or page 93. Cover the picture
1 People always look at her. and say what you remember.
2 You can see he does a lot of sport.
3 Here's a photo of her at the age of five .
4 He always looks great in photos.
5 He should get more exercise.
6 1 don't think she eats enough.

a He looks very fit.

b He's getting quite fat.
e She's looking much too thin.
d She was a very pretty girl .
e She's a very attractive woman.
f He's very good-looking.

g 0 Dill Pronunciation Listen to these adjectives and

underline the stress. Listen again and repeat.
prettJy alttracltive good-lookling

h Ü Jt Talk about famous people who are:

• thin • attractive • good-look ing • fit
1, Now go back to p.83 e 1, Now go back to p.93

1 A Th is is my good friend Roman. He's real ly friendly. KATE Welcome to the course, very nice to see you all.
0 .IDI B Is he from Poland? l'm Kate, as you know, and this is Mike, we're your
Conversation 1 A Yes, he is. two teachers on the course and we're both from
A Helio. l'm Tony, and th is is my wife Joanna . 2 A These are my friend s Mia and Diego. They're London. So, first, can we all say our names and
B Helio. Nice to meet you. l'm Pierre. real ly great. where we're from? OK? Carla, you sta rt .
C Helio, Pierre. Nice to meet you. B Are they married? CARLA Yes, of course . Helio, l'm Carla and l'm from
A Yes, they are. ltaly. l'm a student in Milan. lt's my first time in
0 IDI B Are they Spanish7 London, so it's great to be here.
A No, they aren't. They're from Mexico. MASATO OK. Well, l'm Masato and I live in Kyoto in
Conversation 2 3 A This is my friend, Laura. She's rea lly cool. Japan. 1work in a hotel in Kyoto, so English is rea lly
A Hi, Nick. How are you? B Is she ltal ian 7 important for me.
B l'm fine, thanks. And you? A No, she isn't. She's from Spain. CARMEN Yes, l'm Carmen. l'm from Ba rcelona in
A l'm OK, thanks. Spain. l'm also a student, 1 study IT. lt's not my first

0 Ja 0l&.I -PART 1 time in England, 1 know London quite well, but it's
nice to be here again.
LEO OK, all fin ished. Ti me to go.
ORHAN l'm Orhan and l'm from Turkey. 1 live in
Conversation 3 DAN I want to fin ish this. You go. See you tomorrow.
London now with my fam ily. 1 work for a bank here.
A Hi. Can we pay, please? L AII this sitti ng. 1 need to do sorne exercise.
MARISA l'm Marisa and l'm a student in Recife in
B Yeah, sure. That's 13 euros, please. D Off to the gym?
Brazil. lt's my first time in London, too, but I have a
A 30 euros? For coffee and ice cream? L Yeah.
brother here, so I can stay with his fa mily.
B No, 13 euros. Six for the coffees and seven for the D Say helio to Martina when you see her. K OK, great, thank you. Well, er, to start off then 1
ice crea ms L Sure! ... Bye!
· th ink 1'11just explain what the course is all about.
A Ah, OK . ... There you are. 15. Keep the change. D Bye, Leo.
B Oh, thank you.

Unit 2
SONIA Hi. How can I help?
Conversation 4 LEO l'd like to do a fitness class. 0Im
A What's your name and address? S Your card, please? PETER 'Ice Road Truckers' is on this week. lt's a,really
B lt's Mike Kato, K-A-T-0 . L Sorry - it's at home. great programme.
A Kato, OK :.. S OK. No problem. What's you r name? KAREN Oh, 1 don't like 'I ce Road Truckers' at al i.
B 10 Kings Road, Ashley. L Leo. 1 th ink it's a terrible progra mrhe. The truckers only

A OK, 10 Kings Road . S Sorry, what's your surname? drive their trucks for money. And people watch them
B Ashley. L Seymour. because they want to see an accident, it's really bad.
A How do you spel l that? S Can you spell that, please? P Oh no, 1 think it's real ly good. 1 rea lly like 'Ice Road
B A-S-H-L-E-Y L S-E-Y-M-0-U -R. Truckers' and I always watch it. You know, a lot
A Right, OK. S Seymour - yes, here you are. And what's your of people thi nk it's a man's job to drive a truck,
address? but there's also a really interesting woman in the
0 im L 18 New Street. programme. Her name's Lisa Kelly.
S 18 New Street.
Conversation 5 L Yes, that's right.
K What! Is she a trucker? .
P Yes, she has a big truck and she drives it really wel l
A Ah, this is a nice photo. This is my wife and her S So, a fitness class? too. 1 like her - she's always happy. You can see she
brother. L Yes, what time's the next one7 laves her job.
B Oh yes. Is that your flat? S lt's at twenty past seven.
A Yes, that's our flat in London . L Sorry?
B Mm, it's very nice. S 720.
L And, is ita big group? JACK Umm, excuse me. Hi. Look, can I ask you a few
S No, only ten people. questions about your study routine?
Unit 1 L Great. Can I book a place?
S Of cou rse. There you go.
TANIA Sorry?
J Your study routine?
0Im L And where's the class? T Umm ... OK ... but l've gol to .
THOMAS Hi, there! My name's Thomas. What's your S lt's in Stud io l. J Great! So, first question, do you study full-ti me or
name? L So that's 7.20 in Studio 1? pa rt-time?
LENA l'm Lena. S That's right. T Part-time. 1 have a job - l'm a nurse and I have a
T Hi, Lena 1 Where are you from? Russia? L Thanks for your help. fami ly. l'm really busy.
L Yeah, you're righ t! l'm Russian . l'm from St S You're welcome. J OK ... and how many hours a week do you study?
Petersburg. T Well, at the university, about five hours. '
T Oh, yes! lt's a rea lly bea utiful city.
L Yes, 1 think so too. So, where are you from, Thomas?
0 Jm PART 3 J And at home?
T I don't know - maybe about ten hours.
MARTINA Leol - J ·Do you study in the morning or afternoon?
T Me? l'm from France. l'm French.
LEO Martina - hi 1 T I usually study early in the morning or late at night.
L Oh, the French team's really goodl
M Good to see you here. J When do you start studying each day?
T Of course, we're great!
L AII day at the computer - 1 need to do something. T Usually at half past eight or nine o'clock.
M Yes, well, tell my husband that. J Do you finish studying very late?
L Dan 's very busy. T Well, it changes every day.
LENA So where are you from? From Paris?
M And a bit lazy1 See you later! J Well, last night, for example.
THOMAS No, l'm not from Pa ris. l'm from a town
L See you later. T Hmm ... last night ... at quarter past eleven .
called Rouen.
L Hmm ... Where's that? J Wow, that's quite late1 And where do you study?
T Oh, it's a town near Paris. lt isn't very big. T Everywhere 1 On the bus, at work, at lunch time, in
L Oh, right. the kitchen, in the bedroom - everywhere!
T So are you here with friends? J And in your free time?
L Yes, we're a big group. We're ali from St Petersburg. T Free time?
T But they aren'! here. J Wnat do you do in your free time 7
L No, they're al l in the hotel. They say they're ti red! T I don't have any free time!
T Oh, right. Well, look, it's only 8:00, the match isn't on
yet. So, how about a coffee?
L Hmm, yea h, OK. Good idea 1

SAID Hi. My name is Said and l'm a dentist in Riyadh
in Saudi Arabia. Sometimes English speaking people 0 mi
JACK Are you the only student at home 7 come to my work, so I need to speak good English.
TANIA No, my daughter Ellie is a student too . This college is very good - the lesso ns are very
Conversation 1
INTERVIEWER So tel l me, Don, have you gol a
J Can I ask about her ... ? interesting and we do lots of different things in class.
T AII right, but look, 1really have to ... 1want to stay here for a term - unti l December.
D Yes, l've gol my daughter's phone. She's gota new
J Thank you so much. So, Ellie is i\7 Listening and spea king is OK far me, but I need to
phone, so ]'ve gol her old one.
T Yes. work hard at reading and writing. l'd like toread
1 Do you use it a lo\?
J How many hours a week does she study7 books in English - maybe even sorne books about
D No, never. Well, sometimes, but not very often .
. T She's a full-time student so she studies about 40 mywork.
1 Why no\?
ho urs a week. JUSTYNA Hel io , my name is Justyna and l'm a
D I don't know real ly. 11 l'm at home, 1use the house
J What time does she start each day? photographer for a newspaper in Warsaw in Poland.
phone. Um m ... 11 1go out, 1don't want to chal to
T l'm not sure. At about nine o'clock. In the future, l'd like to study ata university in the
people or send texts. 1just want to be quiet. So, no.
J Where does she study? U K so I need better Engl ish to do that. Our teacher,
In fact, 1usually leave my phone at home . 1don't
T Mostly at the university library and sometimes at Kate, is great. She is very friendly and she helps us
want to lose it.
home. a lot in class. Only one thing worries me a bit: the
J Does she study more befare an exam? marks I gel in tests. 1think my progress is OK and 1
T Yes, 1think so. Look, 1 really have no idea . l'm in a can speak better, but l'm not very good at tests and Conversation 2
hurry .. . 1must go. Goodbyei exams. But maybe I need to study grammar a bit 1 So, Bella, have you gol a computer7
J Please just one more qúestion . Maybe not. more too! BELLA Yes of course, in fact l've gol two, a PC anda
0 .IE!l PART 1 1 Do you use them both?

DAN What do you wan\7 B Oh, yes, ali the time. 1 use the PC far studying
KATE Hi, everyone. Befare we begin the lesson, 1just
mainly and also far downloading fi lms. And I use
LEO Oh, thanks. l'd like a latte. want to tell you about this competition we're having
the laptop when I go to university or when I study in
D Can I have a tea and a latte, please? here at school. lt's really good because you can win
the library.
SERVER Certainly. Small or la rge 7 an extra month of English lessons for free. That's
D A small tea and ... ? right - an extra month fo r nothing. So ali you need
L Large far me, please. is ... Well, you need to be a student at this school Conversation 3
S So, a la rge latte and a small tea? - and you ali are - and you need to complete this 1 Have you gol a digital camera 7
D Yes. And could I have a croissant as well, entry farm by hand - you know, you can'! use a C Yes, 1 have. 11 takes rea lly good photos, but I don't
please? So, we need to talk about the meeting on computer. But you also need to make sure that what use it very often, just far special photos. l've also gol
Wednesday. you write on the entry form is correct - no mistakes 1 a smartphone, of course, and usually I take photos
L Oh yes. Is it here or at their office 7 So if you want to enter, you can gel an entry farm on that, like hol iday photos or photos of friends - the
D At their office. Could we chat about it now7 from me or you·can also gel them from reception. photos are OK but they're noj fantastic .
L Sorry, 1 have another meeting in five minutes. lt's a really good competition - one more month of
study. So are there any questions ... 7
D OK, no problem. We can do it later. How much is
0 ml PART 1
S f:3.60 DAN Here's your coffee, Annie .
D Here you go .
S Thanks.
Unit 3 ANNIE Thanks, Dan!
D Martina .
L So, this meeting on Wednesday .
D Yeah . Oh! Could you pass the milk7 Thanks. (phone
0 Im MARTINA Thank you.
A My favourite programme's on in five minutes.
MARTIN Hey, Kath, l've got an idea.
rings) Annie! M The cooking one 7
KATHERINE Oh yeah, what's that? A Yeah, 1 lave it.
A Hi, Dan . Sorry to call you at work.
M l'd like us to have a family dinner together once a D Top Cook?
D That's OK. Don't worry.
A That's it - Top Cook. Can we watch i\7
K Oh, really? ... Why?
0 Im PART 2 M Well, our lives are so busy and we're always in a
M Sure! We always watch it too.
A Fantastic 1 Cooking, faod, restaurants. 1lave all that.
ANNIE Hi, Dan. Sorry to call you at work. hurry. You, me and the kids, we never have dinner
M So do we.
DAN That's OK. Don't worry. together these days. Spending sorne time together -
just one night - it feels like a nice idea.
A But you see, 1need ... well, l'd like sorne help.
D Sure - no problem. K OK, why no\? When do you want to do it? 0 Jm PART 2
A lt's about this online course I want to do. l'm not M When are you free? ANNIE Hey! 1know th is new restaurant - near my
sure which one .. . 1 mean, 1can't decide. K Most nights, but I go to my Spanish lesson once a office. Why don't we try it?
D So you want your big brother to help you ... 7 week. lt's usually on Wednesdays, so that's no good. MARTINA Yeah 1 That'd be great. For dinner?
A Yes, 1do. Could I come to your place ton ight7 M OK, so not Wednesday. What about Liz and Pete 7 A Yeah.
D Sorry, we're not at home tonight. K Well, Liz goes to volleyball training. DAN That's a good idea .
A Oh, that's a pity. M Of course. How often does she go? A How about next Wednesday?
D But, look, come on Friday-far dinner. K Twice a week - on Monday and Thursday. M Mmm, maybe. Let me see. l'm sorry I can't. 1 need
A' Friday7 M And Pete goes to band practice a lot. to work late next Wed nesday.
D Yes. K Yes, three times a week - on Monday, Thursday and A Are you free next Friday?
A For dinner7 Friday. M Mm, possibly. Friday's fine. Dan 7
D Yesl M OK. So that means . . Tuesday 1 Yes, Tuesday night D Friday? Sure, l'd lave to.
A Lovely1 we can ali have dinner together. Everyone's free A Greatl
D OK. See you then. Bye! then. D Mm, can I bring Leo? You know, the guy I work with.
A Byei K No, they're not. A Leo 7 Yeah, great idea. Look 1 My programme 1
D My sister 1 Always asking me to do things far her. . M What do you mean?
Eugh 1 Too much sugar 1 K I work late every Tuesday:
M Oh . But you said 'most nights are free' .
EMRAH l've gota large family and we all live in many
K Yeah, mas/ nights - not ali nights. You know I work
different countries . 1come from lzm ir in Turkey, but
late on Tuesday. 1don't need _to tell you that!
DANIELA My name is Daniela and l'm a police officer 1 live in England now with my parents. l've gota
M Sorry. Well, this is impossible!
in Mexico City - but just traffic poi ice . 1need to. brothe r and sister in Germany. My sister Ayda lives
speak English because sometimes tourists ask me in Munich and my brother Mustafa lives in Berl ín.
questions in English, far example, they ask me for Sorne of our family is still in Turkey, but l've also
directions or sorne tourist infarmation. 1like studying gol an uncle in France - he lives in Lyon with his
at this college. The limeta ble works well - we have family - and another uncle in Sweden. And l've also
a two-hour break in the middle of the day. 1want to gol family in ltaly, they live in Milan, but I don't know
improve my listening. 1find listening quite hard and them very well.
it's difficult to listen to something and make notes at
the same time. So I need to do sorne extra listening

We all stay in contact by Skype and email but we TOBY My mother is a fantastic cook. But isn't everyone's
. _don't often see each other, unfortunately. But we 0 .mi PART 1 mother a fantastic cook?! 1eat everything she make2
always gel together every five years and we spend DAN Is this it? and I always want more. 1really, really like the cakes
a long weekend together, and it's always in Turkey ANNIE This is it. and cookies she makes. My favourite is her pear cake -
because my grandmother is there and she's very old, LEO Great. 1lave eating it warm with chocolate sauce.
she's over 80 and she can't travel. We stay with family A lt's empty.
and we have a big party. lt's a great family occasion MARTINA Maybe it isn't open.
but we also invite friends, so there are usually about
50 people there. lt's a very nice way to keep in
WAITER Good even ing, good evening.
A Helio. Are you open?
Unit 5
contact, and we've always gol lots to talk about 1 W Yes, of course. Do you have a reservation? 0 ml
A No, we don't. Do we need a reservation 7
JIM So, what do you think of this room 7
W Erm, not really. lt's very early
R Mmm .. nice and big. l love that armchair.
Unit 4 A OK, then, we'd like a table far faur.
W Certainly.
J Yes, it's quite interesting.
R Is it yours?
0 DA A Can we have a table by the window7
W Yes. These two over here are both free.
J No, it's David's. He's my flatmate .
TOM We've gol almos! noth ing to eat far dinner. R I lave it. That mirror over there . Is that Mum and
D What do you think7 The one on the left7
MILLY OK. We can arder sorne food then. Dad's7
M Fine.
T Not again . J Well, yes, but really it's mine now.
L Sure.
M Well, it's the weekend - 1don'! really want to cook. R Well, no it isn't. lt comes from my old room. lt's
A What about the one on the righ t?
T AII right, fine. 1can cook. really mine.
D lf you prefer .
M OK. lf you want to. J Are you sure? 1don't remember it in your room. Well,
A Maybe not. The one on the left is fine .
T But you can come to the shops with me. it's Mum and Dad's, not ours.
W Of course. Th is way, please.
M Like I said - it's the weekend. 1don't cook and 1 R But it comes from my old room at their place .
don't go to the supermarket. J Yes, well, anyway - let's have a look at another room.
T We cango to the farmers' market then. lt's open 0 ml PART 2 ... So this is my favourite room, of course.
today. WAITER Are you ready to order7 R Love ly - it's nice and light and clean.
M OK, fine. What do we need? DAN Yes 7 J And it's a good size.
T Well, we've gol sorne potatoes, so we can have roas! MARTINA l'm ready. R Whose wardrobe is that? Is it Mum and Dad's?
potatoes maybe. But we haven't got any meat. LEO Fine. J Yeah, it's theirs. lt's from home. They said I can use
M Do you want to make that chicken and mushroom ANNIE I think so ... it.
dish -you know, the one you like to make? W What would you like far your starter7 R But that's from their bedroom.
T Yeah - good idea. Have we gol any mushrooms7 ~ M l'd like the mushroom soup, please . J They've gol a new one.
M No, 1don't th ink so. W And far your main course? R So it's all our parents' fumiture in here 7
T OK, we can gel sorne. And I need an onion anda M 1'11 have the lam b with roas! potatoes. J Well .. . 1guess ... sorne of it. The bed's mine.
chicken, of course. W And far you, madam 7 What would you like to eat7 R Are you sure?
M So, let's pul that on the shopping list - a chicken, A Oh, dear. lt's hard to decide. OK, far a starter 1'11
sorne mushrooms and an onion. Is that al l7
T Yeah, 1think so.
have the fish. No wait! 1'11have chicken salad and 0 1Ell PART 1
then ... yes ... l'd like the spaghetti far my main
DAN Come on, Leo. Th is meeting's really importan!.
M Oh and Tom ... 1haven't gol any money al the course.
We can't be late.
mamen!, so. W Very good. And far yo,ur starter, sir7
L OK. 1don't understand.
T AII right, Mi lly. 1can pay. D 1'1 1have chicken salad.
D What?
W Chicken salad.
L This says 'Bedford Street', but on my phone it says
D Then lamb with roast potatcies.
'Park Road '.
A Oh, lam b - that sounds nice. Can I change my
OLIVIA I want to try this recipe. D Are you sure it's here 7
HARRY Which one? L I think so.
W Of course.
O Ultimate mashed patato. D What street do we want?
A 1'1 1have the same - lam b far my main .
H Mashed potato 7 That's a bit boring. L Park Road.
W Certainly. And finally?
O But it says 'ultimate', you know, the best. D Are you certain 7
L l'd like the chicken curry.
H What's so special about it?. L Yes, South Street is off Park Road.
W Would you like rice with thaF
O Well, it says to use 300 grams of butter. D I don't want to be late far this meeting. Can I have a
L Yes, please. And far my starter l'd like the fish.
H 300 grams7 That's a lot of butter. look al your phone 7
A Fish . My first idea. Sorry, sorry ... 1'11have the same
O I know, that's why I want to try it. And then you boil
as Leo.
the potatoes once, let them gel cold and then boil
them again.
W So, that's the fish? 0 ml PART 2
·A Yes. DAN This map shows there's a bank on the comer of
H Twice 7
L Are you sure about that, Annie? Park Road and South Street. Excuse me, sorry. Is
O Yeah. 1don't know why. But l'm going to make it
A WhaF I think so. Yes. there a bank near here 7
today. Anyway, you look al Heston's book. Which
W And what would you like to drink? MAN A bank7 Yes. There's a bank down there. lt's
recipe do you want to try7
A To drink7 Umm ... about 50 metres away.
H Something sweet. Let's see ... oh yes, this one,
W Would you like a mamen! to think about that7 D Thanks very much. Let's go.
coffee and chocolate sauce. Sounds really good 1 1
can put it on ice cream .
O What's in iF 0 DE 0 lm PART3
H Well, sorne coffee beans, of course. JAKE l'm really badal cooking. 1eat a lot of fast food LEO Are you sure this is the right bank 7
O How many do you need7 and ready mea Is. l'm OK at making pasta - usually DAN I don't know ... th is is Henrietta Street, not South
H lt says you need 40. spaghetti with sauce. The one sauce I make is Street.
O Woahl That's a lot! And how much chocolate? !ornato and mushroom. lt's not very good, but I like L So, where's South Street7
H Only a little - 60 grams. But I need dark chocolate, itl So I eat a lot of pasta beca use it's easy to make. D Sometimes these maps aren'! very clear.
not mi lk chocolate. ROSIE My husband's a great cook and he does all L Excuse me.
O How many grams of butter7 the cooking at home. He can look in our fridge and WOMAN Yes7
H None - no butter al all, jusi water and sugar. lt looks find sorne vegetables and cheese and then make L Can you tell us how to gel to South Street7
real ly easy to make. 1jusi boil everything together. a dish from it that's wonderful to eat, like vegeta ble W South Street. Yes, sure. Go straight on, tum right al
O Once ar twice7 moussaka. 1don't know how he does it. But l'm. the comer.
H Only once with this recipe! Now, no more ta lking. lucky to have a husband like that 1 L lnto King Street7
l'm hungry 1 Let's gel cooking. JOHANNA My friends say l'm a good cook. l'm not W That's right. Then go along King Street until you
sure, but I enjoy cooking and if you enjoy something, come to Park Road.
you're often good al it. 1think it's fun to try new L Ahl So Park Road is further along?
dishes and I certainly like eating the things I make! W That's right, about 100 metres. Tum right into Park
Tonight I want to try a new fish dish. First you grill Road, go straight on and South Street is on your left.
the fish then you make a lemon sauce. 1think it'I I go D So, we tum right and then right again and it's on
well with a bean salad I often make. the left7
W That's it.
D Great, thanks. Let's run 1

G Yes, in fact they were married in 1962. They were
still students.
ANTONELLA Forme it's very importan! for a F Oh, so in this photo she was .. 24 and jusi married? EVA OK, well 1982 was a very importan! year forme.
neighbourhood to have lots of cales and restaurants. G Yes, that's right. 1 was born in that year 1 1 was born in a small town

l like an exciting neighbourhood. l like going out F Ah, that's so romantic. in the north of Colombia. My whole fam ily lived
and meeting my friends a lot. 1 like a neighbourhood there - my parents, my grandparents, uncles, aunts,
with lots of people in it. My neighbourhood is quite cousins, everyone. lt's a very nice place, ve;ry hot,
exciting. There's also a museum near my house, so tropical. 1 real ly loved it.
l'm real ly lucky. HANNAH My childhood hobby was sports. 1 loved it. 1
And then 1995 was a very importa ni year. Everythi ng
played anything and everything: basketba ll, ten nis,
DMITRY I think a good neighbourhood is a quiet one. changed. My parents moved to the USA, my father
swimming, footba ll. But I think my favourite was
So, for example, no clubs or restaurants - nothing gota job in Minnesota, so we went to live in the USA
te n nis - 1 played every summer. Every day of the
like that - only houses. My neighbourhood isn'l like and I went to school there, 1 learned English quite
week I went to sorne kind of sports activity or game.
that - there are lots of shops and restaurants. And quickly.
My parents, poor things, spent all the time driving In 2000, 1 got my first job. 1 was a school teacher, 1
there's a cinema clase to my house - 1 really don't
me to difieren! activities and games and things like taught small kids, six to ten years old. lt was great.
like that.
that. 1 never gol a tra in or bus. 1 think it wa ¡; really
JIA I think a good neighbourhood is a new one - new Then in 2007, 1 met Niko - he's my husband. He's
difficult for them! 1 don't play sports very much now German but we met in the USA, and then in 2010
houses and shops. 1 also like a neighbourhood
- 1 don't have the time.
that is clase to a shopping mal l. lt's good to have 1 moved to Germany to be near him, and we gol

lots of new shops near you - it's inleresting. In my

CHARLIE My hobby when I was a child was a bit married last year. And then I found a job, 1 teach
un usual I think. 1 really loved sweet things - cakes,
neighbourhood, there aren'! any shops - there's only English to business people, so here I am today.
biscuits - food like that. So, my hobby was baking.
a park. lt's a little bit boring.
Alter school and al the weekend I made ca kes and
biscuits and my friends carne to my place and ate
them. My parents bought all the things I needed. Unit 7
Unit 6 They told me it costa lot but they were always happy
0 ml
0 .mi to eat the thi ngs I made. 1 still bake biscuits and
cakes now. My wife laves it beca use she never needs KLARA My mum said you went on a Silk Road trip.
FRIEND What's this, Greg? to bake anything. HANS Yes, it was a wonderful trip - rea lly fantastic .
GREG Oh, it's my fam ily tree. You can download a K How did you travel 7
special programme to make it.
F That's really good. So are these your grandparents?
0lm PART 1 H By !rain of cou rse. The only way to go.
K Well, not the only way ... 1 went there las! year and 1

G That's right. Sally, she's my grandmother and DAN Helio , this is Dan Morton. 1 can't answer your travelled by Ira in, and by coach, and by bike!
that's my grandfather, Nathan. They're my mother's call al the moment. Please leave a message alter - H By bike 7 Wow!
parents. They've gol two children, a son anda the tone. K Yes, it was great. So where did you catch the !ra in
daughter. Michael's their son, he's my unc le, and ANNIE Hi, Dan - it's Annie. Can you call me back 7 from - Tu rkey7
they've gol a daughter, Mary, that's my mother. You can call me on my work number or my mobile. H No, no, from Russia - Moscow.
F And so, Sanjit's your father? Thanks. K Russia?
G That's right, yeah. They've gol three children - A Hi 1 lt's Annie. l'm not here 'right now. You know what H Yes, it's the best place to catch the !rain .
there's me, there 's my brother Rick and my sister to do alter the tone. Have a nice day! K But did you go through Central Asia?
Ella - that's her there. D Hi, Ann ie. 1 gol your message. l'm here at my desk H Oh yes - all those wonderful cities : Samarkand,
F Sanjit's an lndian name, right7 now. Could you call me back? Bye. Tash kent, Al maty.
G Yeah, it is, yeah. His parents, Arjun and Priya, are K And did you change trains?
fro m India, but he was born here in London. And 0 1nl PART 2 H No - the same trai n all the way.
his brother Ravi was born here too - so Ravi's my
DAN Would you like a coffee 7 K Was it comfortable7
other uncle.
LEO Yeah, that'd be great. Than ks, Dan .... Helio,
H Very. Just like a hotel on wheels - it had everything
F Right. So, he's married too. 1 needed.
Dan's phone.
G Yes, you can see here - he's married to my aun! K Great 1 And how much did it cost?
ANNIE Oh. Helio. Is Dan there 7
Alice. And they've gol two children, Karl and Kavita.
L Sorry, he's not here just now. He went to gel coffee. H I don'! re mem ber exactly. Not too much far a trip
They're my cousins. like tha t. About $25,000.
A Oh. lt's his sister, Annie. Can he call me back?
F So your grandparents in India have gol five K $25,0007
L Hi, Annie. lt's Leo.
grandchildren? H Well ... that was for everything. The train, the food,
A Leo? Oh ... Leo. Hi!
G Yes, they're very happy about it! everything 1 11 was a great tri p. And no bikes!
L Can you wait a minute 7 He'II be back soon.
A Sure ... So ... Leo. How are you?
L l'm ... l' m rea lly well. What about you?
FRIEND So, your grandparents are ali still alive7 A Oh, great - jusi great. ALEX Hi, Svetlana . Sorry l'm late. lt was the traffic. So
GREG Yes, they are. But we don'! see my grandparents L Oh, good. That's, erm .. great. how did yüu gel here 7
in Ind ia very much. A Yeah. SVETLANA On the metro, of course.
F You r grandmother, Sally- she looks nice and L He's back ... . lt's Annie. A Rea lly7 Do you use the metro?
friend ly. D Oh, good. Justa minute. S Yes I love going on the metro, it's so quick. 11 only
G She's lovely, yes, but she's very old now of course. L He's got coffeeror us. took hallan hour. Don't you use t he metro?
Lwk - here's a photo of her with my grandfather. 1 A Luc ky youi A No, 1 don'! like using the metro, it's so crowded.
think this is from about 1963, yeah, you can see that D There you are. And it isn't always very clean in the trains. And the
she was a very beautiful woman. L Bye, Annie . stations, they're terrible. So many people.
F Oh, yes. She rea lly was. So, when was she born? A Bye. S Oh, 1 love the stations. 1 thi nk they're beautifu l. So
G Um, she was born in 1939 1 th in k, l' m not sure. D Thanks.. Hi, Annie. lt's me. did you come by car7
But I know her birthday's the 16th of July. And my A Dan -finallyl A Yes, of course, 1 go everywhere by car. 1 like driving
grandfalher was born two years befare her. D You left a message. in Moscow.
F Mmm ... interesting. A Yes, that's right. 1 need your help with something. S You like it? But it's always so slow. How long did it
G Yes, my grandmother's a real ly inleresting woman. take you to get here 7
She was a doctor al the university hospital in A About an hour, maybe. The tra ffic was bad.
London, for about 40 years l think, until she was 65. S But it's always bad. 1 hate sitting in traffic, it's so
So, until 2004. boring.
F Wow, that's a long time. What about your A Oh, 1 don't mind it, it's not too bad. You can listen to
grandfather? Was he a doctor too 7 the radio, you can chal to people.
G Yes, he was. And they were al the same school S Well you must have a very nice car.
together. A 11 is quite a nice car, yes, it's very comfortab le and
F Really7 Were they in the same class? big inside.
G No, they weren'I. They weren't even friends al S Ah.
school. But then when they were university students,
they met again and of course then things were quite
F Ah, right.

~DlB PART 1 Unit 8 0 .mi PART 2
NNOUNCEMENT The !rain al platform 3 is the 11 :50
far Bristol.
0 1& MARTINA Here's sorne water.
DAN Thanks.
NN IE Oh, no! INTERVIEWER Welcome to Focus on Sport. Today Liv M You poor thing. What's the matter7
ASSENGER Watch outl Oldman is with us to talk about how the Olympics D l'm not sure. 1don't feel well.
l'm so sorry. can change the host city. Hi, Liv. M Have you gota headache?
That's all right. LIV Hi, thanks far having me. D No, 1haven't.
1 No problem. So, do you think the Olympics can
M Does you r back hurt?
change a city even alter the Ga mes finish?
~ml PART 2 L Oh, yes. lt ca n really change a city and it can also
D No, nothing like that.
M Your lace looks red , but that's probably from the
EO Excuse me. Excuse me, please .... Excuse me, help the people who live there. We see this happen exercise .... 1don't think you've gol a temperature.
but I think this is my seat. 1booked it on line. aga in and aga in. D No, l'm su re I haven't. 1don't feel well, that's all.
NNIE Oh. l'm very sorry. 1 Can you give us sorne examples?
LEO Are you OK, Dan?
Ann ie1 L Of course. A great example is the Beijing Olympics D Yes, fine.
Leo! l'm sorry I took your seat. 1jusi sal down. 1 in 2008. They built a fantastic new swimming centre L Is he OK?
didn't check. l'm real ly sorry. called the Water Cube, and now families from all M Yes, l'm su re he's fine ... . Did you have lunch?
No problem! over Beijing can use it. And not only for swi mming D No . 1didn't have time for lunch. 1had too much
Um. Your seat. - it's a popular place to spend the day. So it's real ly work to do.
No, no, you have the seat. made lile better in the city. That's jusi one small M What about breakfast?
But you booked it. example. -- D Jusi a coffee - 1was late far work, remember?
lt doesn't matter. lt's yours now. 1 A great example. But many people say the Olympics
M Oh, yes. So nothing to eat all day?
Thank you. costa lot of money, but can it also make money for D 1 ... well .. um ... no. lt was a busy day.
1can sil here. a city7 M Poor you . Well, l'm not surprised you don't feel wel l.
L Yes, it can. The Winter Olympics were in Sochi, in You have to work so hard you don't have time to eat!
!)DEl PART 3 the south of Russia, in 2014. Befare, tou rists always L That's right. Poor Dan. Are you OK?
went to Sochi in the summer, beca use there are D Yes, yes, l'm fine.
NNIE Are you on your way to Bristol7
sorne nice beaches there and you can swim in the L Are you sure you 're OK?
EO No, Read ing. 1went to university there.
sea. But alter 2014 people knew that you could D Yes, really!
also ski and do other wi nter sports there, so now it L Great! There's an aerobics class now. Let's go.
You 7
has tou rists all yea r. And tourists make money far M Come on. 1'11 take you home.
, Bristol. Far the weekend.
a city. You can ski and skate in the winter and go
To see ... a friend?
swim ming and cycl ing in the su mmer.
, A friend7 No, no, my mum lives there. 1go to see
1 What about children? How can the Olympics change
her every month.
a city far them? GINA Did you see the email about writing an article for
L The Olympics can really help children and young the company blog7
people. Alter the London Olympics in 2012, a lot of ANDY Yes, 1did.
!)ml school ch ildren in Bri tain sta rted a new sport. They G I suppose it's true. We don't know each other very
,HMED So here are the photos and the profiles of the saw ali these sports on TV, sports like badminton well. 1mea n, l've gol no idea if you have a hobby or
fa milies I can choose from. and basketbal l, and they thought yeah, 1ca n do that not. You seem lit so .. . 1don't know ... maybe you
INN Hmm, ok. So two very different kinds of famil ies. too. Befare the Olympics many of these children do sorne kind of sport?
, Yes, it's difficult to decide. preferred to play video games and watch TV. So it's A Yeah, you're righ t. About ayear ago, a friend of
Well, both families look very friendly. a big change. mine asked me to go cyc ling with him. 1laughed
, Yeah, they do. 1 Thank you, Liv. So, next time someone tells you the and said 'I can't do that - 1don'! have a bike'. 'No
And the Conways look very kind. Olympics cost too much and can't improve the life of problem,' he said. 'I can lend you one.' Well I went
, But maybe a bit quie\? a city, tell them to think again. Next up on Focus on and it was amazing. About two weeks later I bought
Mm maybe. Look, the Philips like doing sport - Sport, we talk to Olympic athlete Martín Fisher . my own bike.
swim ming, su rfing - that kind of th ing. G That's great!
1 Yea h, but I don't like going to _
prefer playing footba ll.
the beach much. 1 0 1D A Yeah I go cycling all the time - almos! every day
alter work. 1love it beca use it's a way of keeping lit
STELLA Yoga is a great way to be lit, strong and and being outdoors at the same time. 1could never
You mea n, soccer. In Australia we say soccer not
healthy and anyone can do it. My friends and I go to go to a gym!
yoga classes every week. My favourite yoga position G No, 1hale gyms too.
1 Oh, of cou rse, 1fargot.
is quite difficult, but it looks really good. You put your A Cycling can be a bit dangerous in the city, and you
· And, 1have to say, in Australia soccer isn't so
arms on the !loor, then you put your legs in the air always have to be careful in the traffic. A couple of
popular. Everyone laves rugby.
and try to touch your head with your toes . lt's not months ago a car sort of hit me.
1 But the Conways like watching any sport so maybe 1
easy but I love it. But, please, don't try it at home' 1 G Oh dear!
can watch soccer with them. That'd be nice.
needed years of practice to do that 1 A I wasn't hurt badly- 1just hurt my arm and my
· Yeah, that's true. But you like listen ing to musíc,
MARIANA I only started yoga three weeks ago. l'm very faot a bit. But I try to get out of the city into the
don'! you?
lazy, so I wanted to do sorne exercise that's easy. countryside. For example, last weekend I went for a
1 Yes, 1do.
But, you know, it's not so simple' You need to thin k two-day ride in the hills. There was almos! no one on
' And the Philips like listening to music too.
about how you move different parts of your body: the road. lt was amazing - 1couldn't believe it.
1 l'm not sure about children.
your stomach, arms and legs ... And sometimes you G Well, look, there's something I didn't know about.
' Children are fun .
don'! move at all - you jusi stand in one place far You could write an article about that.
1 Yes, but maybe not so quiet
two or three minutes. But my favou rite part is the A Me? Write an article? No, 1couldn't do that. 1haven't
: No, not if you want to study.
end of the class. We ali lie on the !loor and relax far gottime.
1 And I really want to study a lot.
five minutes. Can I tell you something7 Last class 1
: You also need to thin k about transport. lt's quite
was so ti red that I went to sleep on the floor in the
expensive in Sydney.
middle of the studio!
1 So I can save money if I stay at the Conways?
: Yeah, you probably can. You can walk everywhere.
Unit 9
1 lt rea lly is hard to choose. 0 Im PART 1 0 .mi
: lt sure is. But you're the only person who can LEO Right, the running machine next!
decide! MARTINA Hey, are you OK7 ... Are you ali right? Conversation 1
DAN Um, 1think so. SUSIE Hello 7
M Are you sure? You don't look wel l. SIMON Hey, Susie. lt's Simon. Do you want to go and
D Yes, 1feel a bit ti red. Actually, 1feel awful . see a fil m ton ight with Amy and Sandeep?
M Oh dear. Come and sit down. 1'11 gel you sorne SU Yeah, great idea, l'd love to.
water. SI Let's meet at the shopping mall at around seven.
SU Where? The mall's rea lly big!
SI Oh, 1don't know. 1'11 call you when we gel there
and we can find each other.

LEILA My husband doesn 't think clothes and
®mi 0 .Bn PART 1 computers are importan!. He doesn't need many
ANNIE Dan! Hi ! thi ngs, he doesn't like spend ing money on himself.
Conversation 2 DAN Hi, Ann ie, how are things7 But he reads lots of books and he likes films - so for
SIMON Hel lo7 A Fine. his birthday I usually buy him a book ora DVD. He's
SUSIE Simon! Hi! Where are you? Are you having a D Um , look. Are you free at lunchti me 7 very easy!
coffee? A Yes.
SI No, l'm jusi buying that new book I told you about. D Great. Cou ld we meet? 1 need help to buy sorne
What are you doing?
SU l'm just getting off the bus. So where do you wan t
clothes fo r this even ing.
A Yea h, sure. But what about Ma rti na? Can't she help?
Unit 1O
to meet? lt's nearly seven.
SI Let's meet al the entrance in five minutes.
D Well l'm meeti ng her this evening for dinner. She 0 .ml
always says I wear the same old clothes, so I want to
SU AII right. Ali the time people ask me "What's the best th ing to
get someth ing new. 1 wan t to surprise her.
SI And can you call Amy and Sandeep to tel l them buy - a phone or a tablet7" There's no easy answer to
A OK, sure. l'm free at 12:30.
where to meet7 that question because diffe rent people need different
SU Yeah, su re, no problem. Hurry upl thi ngs. And they can more or less do the same thi ngs
0 ml PART 2 - surf the Web, check ema ils, make cal Is. However,
ANNIE So what are you looking for7 there are sorne different ways of helping you decide.
Conversation 3 DAN I don't know rea lly. A shirt and trousers. Just And you can be sure these th ings are not talked
SANDEEP Helio? something casual. about in advertisements and onl ine information. To
SUSIE Sandeep, it's Susie. Where are you? A OK. What size are you 7 start with there's: 'pocketability'. 'Pocket-a-what' 7 1
SA Oh ! Hi, Susie. l'm just getti ng sorne cash. Amy's D In trousers. 32 .... OK, 34. hear you ask. 'Pocketability'. Let me explain. 'Pocket
looking at furn itu re . A Or 36? And proba bly a large for the sh irt? . .. ability' this mea ns how easy it is to gel the phone
SU Furniture 7 Are you buying furniture? D Yeah, 1 th ink so . or tablet into different pockets in your jacket, yciur
SA No, we aren'! buying anything. She's just looking. A What colou r would you like? jea ns - that kind of thi ng. And another real ly importan!
SU OK, well, can you meet Simon and me at the D Oh, 1 don't know. Something dark? thing to think about: 'eatability'. No, it doesn 't mean
entrance to the cinema in five minutes? A What about this? ... Why don't you try them on? you eat your phone. 'Eatability' is all about how easy
SA Yea h, sure. See you there1 D OK, excuse me, where are the fitting rooms7 it is to use the phone or ta blet and eat al the same
SHOP ASSISTANT The fitting rooms are j ust over time. You know, sometimes you want to have lunch
®mi there, sir. and read someth ing. So you see? Two new and very
importan! ways of thi nking about phones and tablets:
D Thanks.
Conversation 4 SA Thank you . pocketabi lity and eatabi lity. You decide!
SUSIE Hi, Amyl
SU Hi, Sandeepl
0 .mi PART 3
DAN What do you think 7 RADIO PRESENTER Good evening and welcome to
ANNIE No. the programme . Today, we're talking to Professor
SUSIE Great to see you!
D This one? Ryan Hunter. The Professor is well-known for his
SA Good to see you tool Where's Simon?
A Ugh . love of languages and has a new book in the shops
SU I don't know. He told me to meet him here. Let me
D And th is? tomorrow. Professor, welcome!
jusi call him.
A No. Try the next one. PROFESSOR Thank you. lt's great to be here!
SI Helio?
D How about this one? RP So let's start with my first question. Professor, in
SU Simon, where are you waiti ng for us?
A No, Dan ... That's it 1 That looks great. your opin ion, what's the most beautiful language in
SI l'm stand ing by the entrance - you aren't here!
D These are m ine 1 This is what I carne in! the world? ·
SU Yes, we are 1 We're waiting fa r you. 1 just bought
A Wel l, it looks really good on you ... P That's a very good question. Of cou rse, there is no
ou r tickets.
SHOP ASSISTANT Can I help you, sir? righ t or wrong answer here. l'm su re we ali have ou r
SI What7 ... Oh, no 1 l'm at the mai n entrance, not the
D Hi. There's no price on these shoes. How much are favour ites. But forme the answer is easy: ltalia·n.
cinema entrance.
they? lt was the fi rst language l learned. 1 still remem ber
SU Wha t? Qu ick, run! The fil m is about to start!
SA They're f:49.99. my teacher, Signora Monti. Signara Monti was
D Great. 1'11 take them . the best teacher at my school and she started my
®un A And these trousers and this sh irt, please . lave of languages. Now I can speak more than
20 languages well, but lta lian is the most musical
Conversation 1 SA Al i together that's f:115.97 please .
D Can I pay by card7 language I know. lt's the language of opera and lave.
LUCAS Hello7 RP Ok, next question . What's the most difficu lt
SA Yes, of course. Just enter you r PIN, please ... Shall
TINA Hi Lucas, it's 1ina. language in the world 7
1 put the receipt in the bag?
L Oh, 1ina - hi! P Hmm. That's an interesting question too. lt partly
D Yes - thanks.
T I jusi read your message. Sounds like you're having depends on your first language. For example, for a
SA There you go, sir.
fun. speaker of Engl ish, Japanese is very difficu lt, but
D Thank you .
L Yeah, it's great he re -1 lave it. far a speaker of Manda rí n Chinese it's much easier.
SA Than k you. Take care now.
T I can't believe you're wearing red . However, a few years ago, we did a project al my
A Bye .
L I know, 1 know. university and decided that the hardest language
T You hate red. to learn is Basque, a language fro m parts of Spa in
L Yes,- but it's Ch inese New Year - everyone's wearing and France. Last yea r we did another project on
red - l'm even wearing red socks and a red belt. And AXEL I always give my girlfriend an expensive bi rthday the Internet to find the easiest language to learn.
someone also gave me a red scarf. present. 1 don't give her flowers or chocolates. 1 often More than 3,000 people answered the question and
T I hope you're not wearing red shoes. give her jewell ery, maybe a necklace or earrings. the most popular answer was Spa nish. So perh aps
L No, no - l'm wearing black boots . Or maybe a beautiful dress. She loves expensive Spanish is the easiest language to learn . That's
clothes. But clothes are difficult because I don't probably beca use it's not very different from many
Conversation 2 know what she likes. So, she usual ly chooses them
and then we buy them together.
other Eu ropean languages.
DIANA Helio? RP And one final question, wha t's the most useful
BOB We don't buy presents. We give the ch ild ren language to spea k?
PETE Hi, Diana. lt's Pete.
sorne cash and then they always buy their own P That's easy - the language of the cou ntry where
D Oh hi, Pete! Than ks fo r ca lling!
presents. 1 thin k that's better beca use they know you live. But if you want to lea rn the most popular
P Thanks for the message and the photo .
what they wan t. And then we do something nice language in the world, then take lessons in Mandarín
D No problem. l'm having such a brill iant time heré.
together, maybe go out for a meal or go to the Chinese. More than 900 m illion people speak it.
P That doesn't look like you in the photo.
ci nema. That's nota surprise as Ch ina has the biggest
D Yeah that's me.
FERNANDA We buy small birthday presents far the population in the world. So with Mandarín Chi nese
P But you're wearing a dress. You never wea r dressesi
children - usually toys or clothes, something smal l, you can speak to about 14% of ali the people in the
And gloves too. You look so cool.
like a toy car or a T-shi rt maybe . Sorne people buy · world. That's pretty usefu l.
D Thanks. 1 wea r dresses someti mes you know.
thi ngs li ke a la ptop or a bi ke, but I don't like giving RP That's very useful, indeed 1 Wel l, Professor Hu nter,
P Yeah, but I normally see you in ju mpers and jeans.
expensive prese nts, 1 prefer to give small presents. thanks far talk ing wi th us today. l'm sure our
And you're wearing jewellery too - !hose are lovely
earrings. listeners enjoyed hea ring you r thoughts on languagei
D Well, this is special - it's Carneva le. l'm having so
much fun.

DíJ PART 1 Unit 11 0 1m PART3
NIE Hi, Leo.
1 Hi, Annie.
0 ml DAN l've gol sorne of their music on my phone . Here,
listen . This is one of their tracks. What do you think?
Nhere is he7 STEPHEN How many quiz answers did you gel right? MARTINA No, tha nks. l've heard enough of them
,orry, Annie. 1 mean, Dan says sorry. He had to go MAGGIE AII of them except for nu mbers one and five. already.
J a meeting. S I got question two and six wrong. How did you know
Nhat about our lunch7
1e didn't know about the meeting Someone called
Isla Fisher has written novels? Have you read them?
M No, 1 haven't - it was a guess. In fact, 1 haven't
seen any of her fi lms. What about you7 MARTINA Home al last. l'm tired.
,im about ten m inutes ago.
S l've seen The Great Gatsby. She's really good in it. DAN How about sorne music 7
wanted help with this.
l've never seen a film with Mia Wasikowska. M OK, but not Atlantis.
)h7 Right.
M Really7 Try Jane Eyre- she's fantastic in that. D OK, not Atlantis. Promise! .
_eo, could you help me?
: rm ... S What about Rose Byrne? Have you ever seen any of
íhere's something I don't know how to do. Do you her films7
nind showing me7 M No, 1 haven't, but l've heard she's really funny in
MELISSA Have you seen the new James Bond fi lm7
~o, not at all - if I can. Bridesmaids.
JDHN Yes, have you?
:;real, thanks. S Yes, l've seen that. She's a real laugh .
M Yes , l've seen it, yeah . Not very good, is it?
Nell, it is lunch ti me. 'ijould you like to have sorne J Oh, 1 don't agree. 1 real ly enjoyed it.
Jnch and ... 7 M Well, 1 thought it was boring. James Bond films are
.. and you could help me with my table!. KURT Look, have you seen this article? lt says Buenos always the same. James Bond is cool, he goes to
!es. Aires is one of the world's top cities for music. sorne beautifu l country and he meets a beautiful girl.
íhat would be lovely. 1 didn't know that. The bad guys all die at the end. You always know
BEA Well, there is a lot of good music. what's going to happen . 01 course the special effects
)ffll PART 2 K I haven't been to any of these places and l've lived were great, but that's about all.
here for years. Like Jazz y Pop, it says it's a fa mous J Well, it's not mean! to be too serious, you know.
l So ... you wanted sorne help.
jazz club, but l've never heard of it. Have you been 1 thought it was fun, 1 liked it.
NIE Oh yes - 1 almos! forgot. .. . Everything is fine -
to Jazz y Pop? M Did you really7
:'s great. But I don't know how to get into my email.
B Yes, 1 went there two weeks ago. They had rea lly J Yes, 1did. 1thought it was exciting. 11 was great to
:an you have a look7
good music. watch, the actors were great and James Bond was
3ure. OK - that's easy. You just need to change one
K Oh, right. And what about The Roxy? Where's The fantastic. l'm going to see it again this weekend. Do
.mall thing. OK. So what you do is .. touch this
Roxy7 Have you been there7 you want to come7
iutton here.
B Yes, of course I have. We all went there far Antonia's M What, again? No thanks, once was enough. l' m
birthday. We hada fantastic time, we didn't leave till going to see the new Tarantino film.
\ nd a new screen opens.
Oh yes. five in the morning. Didn't you come?
\nd now you just touch here where it says 'Yes'. K Antonia's birthday ... 7 Oh, 1 remember. 1 had exams,
Oh that's easy. OK. So first I touch this button7 1 couldn't go. OK, well I bel you've never been to the

Teatro Colón.
Unit 12
íha t's right.
And it takes me to a new screen - like this7 B Yes, 1 have actually. 1 went there last year. lt was my 0 ml
dad's 50th birthday, we went to the opera.
And I touch 'Yes'. Is that right7 K Oh, yeah. What did you see? Conversation 1
B I don't remember, something by Mozart. 1 didn't like ZOE So, about next year - what are you going to do7
fea h. Now you can check your email.
it much. EMILY I finally decided yesterday.
Great. Thanks, Leo. Thank you so much.
K You've been everywhere. Z And7
(ou're welcome.
B Yeah, well you should go out more, you spend too E Well, 1 don't really want to continue studying. l'd
Well, now I have to buy you another coffee.
much time studying. Look, it's a nice evening, why like to do sorne travell ing. So, l'm not going to go to
Mm, 1 think I have to gel back to work. l've gol a
don'! we go down to San Tel mo and sit in a café, and un iversity next year.
neeting with Dan in ten minutes.
watch the dancers7 Z Go travelling7 Nice idea - but that costs a lot of
Dan? Oh, don't worry about him. Let's have another
K Mm .. . Well, l'd lave to, actually l've never been money.
there. But l've gol this essay to write . E l've saved a bit of money. But you don't need a lot.
.Vell ... OK!
Look. 1 found this website: Work Around the World.

0 Bn PART 1 Z OK ...
E Well, you cango places and get free food and
1 sometimes send text messages, usua lly to my
DAN Taxi! ... Windsor Road - number 15, please. accommodation -you just have to do a bit of work.
iarents to say when l'm coming home, but I usually DRIVER 15 Windsor Road. Z I don't know ... 1 heard you work really hard on !hose
:hat on social networking siles. lt's easier if you're MARTINA That's better. things.
m line anyway - and it's cheaper 1 1 always have my D Tired? E But look al th is one. l'm going to ema il and ask
Jhone with me so I can see what my friends are
M Yeah, a bit. lt's nearly 12. Work tomorrow. about it. 11 looks so beautiful there clase to the
Joing. lt's really good to know what people are doing. mountains and I lave drawing and things so it's
chat to everybody all the time and we send each 0 1m PART2 perfect.
ither pictu res. DAN So, what did you think of it? Did you enjoy it7 Z But what about . what about al l our friends? 1
1 only really send text messages when l'm travelling. MARTINA Yeah, it was a good concert. 1 really liked it. mean, university starts next year.
text my family to tell them when I arrive somewhere How about you? E I know. Sorry. lt starts far everyone, but not fo rme.
1ew or tell them when 1'11 be back. lt's useful D Yeah, me too.
Jecause l'm often away on business trips and of
:ourse it's cheaper than phoning. But usual ly I don't
M But I didn't like all the bands. Conversation 2
D No, me neither. 1 did n't like the first band very CHLOE I want to do something different for a while. l'm
;end text messages. 1 prefer to talk to people on the much. going to leave this job.
Jhone. lt's easier and you can say more. M Really? Oh, 1 thought they were quite good. FRANK Get a new one?
1 don't really like texting much. 1 thi nk it's better to D Did you 7 But all the ir songs were the same. They C No, 1 want to go away and have sorne fun.
:alk on the phone. lt's friendlier. 1 sometimes send a really only had one song. F Ah, so a holiday.
:ext if l'm meeting a friend, but that's about all. M Yeah, but the singer was so good. She's gol an C Yes, a very long holiday. Look al this website ..
amazing voice. F Work Around the World holidays ...
D Yeah maybe. But I j usi thought they were a bit C There are sorne interesting things on it.
boring. And I don't real ly like that kind of pop music. F ... free accommodation and food ... But no pay.
M Well they aren't real ly pop, they're sort of folk rock. C No, but it doesn't matter. Look at this job I read
Anyway, 1 really liked them. about. l' m going to find out móre about it. lt's in such
D But the last band - Atlantis - 1 thought they were an amazing place. 1 cango to the beach every day.
really good. Really great music . F lt says you have to spend a lot of time with children.
M Do you think so 7 1 didn't rea lly like them. They were Do you even like children?
too loud . C Yeal) - 1 lave them.
D Yeah maybe. F And do you know how to teach?
C l'm sure I can learn.


TROY I grew up in Melbourne in Australia and l've ELLIOT Hi, Louise! Here's your coffee .
always lived in big cities. 1 love cities - 1 like going LOUISE Thanks, Elliot. When's ou r next meeting7
to cafés and I love shopping. Every city's difieren\. E In hallan hour.
l've been to London, París, Tokyo, Buenos Aires, L Good. You look happy today.
Lisbon ... and I love them ali. l'm never very happy E Well, yes, 1 fe el happy.
in the countryside. There's nothing to do there. 1 like L Oh - good news?
people and noise. E Yeah. l've decided to go on holiday1
In my free time I listen to m usic a lot - main ly L Rea lly? Where are you going to go?
dance music, but I like rock music too. 1 don't do E Stockholm. Yeah - a week's holiday in Sweden.
much sport, l've never rea lly liked sport ... wel l I like L Very nice.
dancing, but that's not rea lly a sport, is it? E Yes, our local travel agent was sel ling tickets and
CERYS I think l've always been a sporty person, 1 loved accommodation to Stockholm ata very good price .
sport at school. And I love wa ter sports of all kinds. L Lucky you!
1 go swimmi ng, su rfing, 1 love being in the water. 1 E Yes, we're going to stay in a fo ur star hotel wi th a
spend a lot of time on beaches, it's great to be by fitness centre, free wi-fi, indoor swi mming pool - it's
the sea. gol everythi ng.
l'm not real ly a 'city person', 1 don't real ly like big L So, when are you going to go?
cities and l'm not interested in shoppi ng, 1 only go E At the end of next month.
shopping if I need to buy someth ing, not for /un. And L End of May? OK, 1 think the weather is warmer then.
1 never go to museums or concerts. 1 feel ha ppier E Oh, real ly?
in the countryside' ... or on a beach by the sea L Yea h. Look, l've gota friend, Karin who lives in /
somewhere. 1 live in Swansea now and that's fine Stockho lm . You should email her for information so
beca use it's gol beautiful beaches. you can plan your hol iday. She won't mind helping
you. 1 can give you her email add ress.
0 ml PART 1 E That'd be great. Thanks, Louise!
L No problem.
DAN What7
M l've won a competition!
D Have you? Fantastic 1 What's the prize?
M A weekend for two in Bath. Train travel, hotel,
museum tickets .
D Real ly? That's great.
M But we have to use it the weekend alter next.
D So, that's Saturday the 20th?
M Yes .
D We have to go to John and Charlotte's wedding -
M Oh, no 1 1 forgot about that. Oh what a pity.
D OK, so, who do we know who could use the prize?

0~ PART2
RECEPTIONIST OK. So here's your keyca rd. That's
room 312 - a single room on the thi rd /loor. Turn left
as you come out of the lift.
ANNIE Is breakfast inc luded?
R Yes, it's from 7:00 am until 10:00 am in the dining
room - j ust over there.
A Great - thank you. And what time is chec k out?
R Check out is at 11:00 am.
A Thanks .

0 Bm PART3
RECEPTIONIST Good morn ing.
ANNIE Good morning. Can you hel p me? Is there a city
bus tou r I can go on 7
R Yes, there is . lt leaves from j ust outside the hotel.
A Great. And how much is it for a ticket?
R lt's f:15.
A Can I buy a ticket here 7
R .Yes, you can.
A And ca n I pay by ca rd 7
R No problem.
A OK. 1'11 have a ticket then please.

0 ml PART4
LEO Ann ie?
ANNIE Leo?! 1 don't believe it 1
L Wha t are you doing here?
A Wel l, Ma rtina won this prize - two nights in a hbtel.
She gave it to me.
L Óh, rea lly7 That's interesting. Dan wo n a prize - a
return trai n ticket. He gave it to me.
A And she also gave me a ticket to the museum tour
at ten o'clock.
L Hmm , Dan also gave me a ticket for the museum
tour at ten o'clock.
A Right. So .. . here we are.
L Yes ... here we are. Shall we go in then?
A Why no\?
.,. ,
Phonemic ~ymbols
/g/ /a:,/ /u/ /o/ /r/ /i/ /el /¡J
breakfast man put got ch ip . happy men shut

/3:/ /a: / /u:/ h :/ /i:/
sh irt part who walk cheap

Diphthongs-(two vowel sounds)

/eg/ /Jg/ /ug/ /-J¡/ /a1/ /e1/ fau/ /au/
hair ' near tour boy nine eight window now

/pi lb/ /f / /v/ /ti Id/ /k/ /g/
picnic book face very time dog cold go
/0/ lo/ NI /d3/ /si /z/ !JI /3/
think the cha ir job sea zoo shoe television
/mi /n/ /si /h/ /1/ /r/ lwl /y/
me now sing hot late red went yes

Irregular verbs
lnfinitive Past simple Past participle lnfinitive Past simple Past participle
be was / were been lose lost lost
become became become make made made
begin began begun meet met met
break broke broken pay paid paid
bring brought brought put put put ,

buy bought oought read read read

catch caught caught ride rode ridden
choose chose chosen ring rang rung
come carne come run ran run
cost cost cost say said sa id
cut cut cut see saw seen
do did done sell .sold sold
drink drank drunk send sent sent
drive drove driven (dri:v,pnJ sing sang sung
eat ate eaten sit sat sat
fa ll fell fa llen sleep slept slept
feel felt felt speak spoke spoken
find found found spell spe lled / spe lt spe lled / spelt
fly flew flown spend spent spe nt
forget forgot forgotten stand stood stood
get got got swim swam swum
give gave given take took taken
go went gane teach taught taught
grow grew grown tell told told
, "
have had had think thought thought
hear heard heard throw threw thrown
hold held held understand understood understood
know knew known wear wore worn
learn learned / learnt learned / learnt win won won
leave 1 left left write wrote written

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