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DATE: 6TH – 10TH MAY, 2019


In the twenty first century, religion has been commercialized for the vital interests of the few

people in the world and the end point of it being felt by all. They use religion for their purpose,

not to unite people but to disunite them. This unhealthy attitude of religious flavor (leaders),

gives room for serious concern. Pertinent to note, this commercialization of religion is found in

every part of the world and Nigeria is not an exception. Note that Christianity as a religion

founded by Jesus Christ is losing its roots because of adherents interests especially on the side of

those regarded as men of God. Unfortunately, in Nigeria today the so called men of God are busy

exploiting and manipulating the members of their churches in the name of religion. On the above

note, this paper is focusing on the impact commercialization of religion has on church growth in

Nigeria. It explored the technical meaning of the terms, “commercialization and religion”. It

analyzed the various forms by which religion is commercialized in Nigeria. It also x-rayed the

place of church growth in our contemporary society. Consequent upon this, this paper contended

to portray the various causes of this commercialization of religion, and its impact on the growth

of churches in Nigeria was examined. Finally, some recommendations were made to help in

curbing and minimizing the negative effects the commercialization of religion has on church


Key words: commercialization, religion, church growth and Nigeria



Religion is a given phenomenon that raises dust in its discussion, preaching and practice

by the adherents and otherwise. In a society overrun by commercial clutter, religion has become

yet another product readily sold in the consumer marketplace. Commenting on this, Nardella,

(2014) opines that the mixture of faith and business has become increasingly evident in our

society. On the one hand, religious organizations employ sophisticated marketing techniques to

attract various resources, including members, volunteers, funds, and public supports. Hence, the

business world appropriates religious and spiritual content to publicize and sell its products and

services. The relationship between religion and commercialization is an object of study that

reveals its presence in the society and it is of a great ongoing change. A growing number of

academics are examining this relationship, as witnessed by the intellectual work that has been

developed over the last two decades and that has seen a rapid expansion in recent years

(Nardella, 2014). But we stand to say that the commercialization of religion in this modern era

has taken different shape disheartening to mention. For instance Sales of elements like holy

water, emblem, and anointed oil, payment for spiritual consultation, payment for deliverance and

counseling, overemphasis on tithe and offering, presenting the gospel as gospel of prosperity and

preaching of materialism has taken deep root in our society.

Consequently on the above, the church growth in the modern time has witnessed an

accelerated increase in the number of denominations in Nigeria. The numerical growth of church

is at its peak. But we kept on asking, why is it that in spite of the numerical strength of churches,

ministries, prayer houses etc evil still perpetrates the country at highest order? Today people are

breaking out from their foundation and venture into the business of opening a church, prayer

house, ministry thereby commercializing just for them to only earn a living, and by so doing

move away from the teachings of Christ, which invariably has resulted to unwanted acts in God’s

vineyard. They want to make money by all means. This increase in the growth of churches has

given rise to false preachers, prophets, prophetess, prayer warriors, monopolization and

exploitation of natural resources, religious intolerance etc that we do wonder where we are to go

from here. No wonder we referred to those championing this act as “self acclaimed ministers”.

The idea of explaining some passages of the scripture to suite ones whims and caprices are felt

today in our society because everyone wants to fell belonging. The principles of hermeneutics

are no longer appreciated in interpreting the scripture, perhaps people think that since they can

read and write, they can read and interprets the scripture as well.. Intolerance is now a

cankerworm worm eating deep of our religious practices. I am Christian and he is Muslim, by

denomination, I am a catholic and he is an Anglican etc has found its way in our religious sphere

following multiplication and growth of churches championed by the singular act of

commercialization of religion. This Commercialization of Christian religion in Nigeria has

produced a curious pattern of spirituality characterized as “fellowship and business with religion

sprinkled to add flavor” (Kukah, 2007). Hence this paper sought to examine in details the impact

of commercialization of religion on church growth in Nigeria.



Commercialization is a relative term. Commercialization simply put is the process of

introducing a new product or production method into commerce, thereby making it available on

the market. Similarly, it is the process of introducing new product or service to the general

market. It takes into account production, distribution, marketing, sales, and customer support

required to achieve the commercial success of the new product or service. In agreement to this

Rana and Abida (2011), views commercialization as an integral part of the capitalist society to

increase the profit through cosmetic and gaudy advertisement/marketing in the process of

introducing or launching any product. It usually enhances the value of the product. The quality

of advertisement/marketing may damage the value of the same. In this work commercialization

implies the marketing strategies put in place in other to excel in the provision, supply and

distribution of religious goods and services.


Scholars tend to define the concept of religion from their individual perspectives.

Religion was, and still is, a close, personal, and satisfying relationship with the creator God.

Nevertheless, we see religion as the relationship between man and sacred. This is so because

what Mr A perceives as being sacred may be different from the perspective of Mr. B.

“Sacredness” to you may be God, and to others it may be “stone, river, and tree” etc. The above

idea agrees with the view of All about God (2018), when it states “Christianity has always

stressed a personal relationship with God as the touchstone of religion. In the practice of religion,

one of the important thing to note is that there is communion between the subject and the object.

The operational understanding of religion in this work is different denomination that has

different doctrine and religious belief, communes in adherence to such beliefs and doctrines.

Hence since the world began, man has demonstrated a natural inclination towards faith and

worship of anything he considered superior/difficult to understand. His religion consisted of

trying to appease and get favors from the Supreme Being he feared.

Christianity and Commercialization of Religion

Christian religion is the religion of our Lord Jesus Christ. He came down to the world to

preach salvation to mankind and to show them the way back to God the Creator. Unfortunately,

in Nigeria today the so called men of God are busy exploiting and manipulating the members of

their churches in the name of being men of God. Majority of Nigerian Christians can hardly

afford three square meals a day while some Nigerian men of God are busy counting billions and

cruising around with flashy cars and some even fly in private jets which is becoming order of the

day. Many of our church leaders consciously or unconsciously measure success in life in terms

of wealth, prestige and power. No wonder, in some churches, issues that concern the rich

received more attention by pastors while that of the poor are handled lackadaisically. Most of the

minister in the independent churches ‘(the self proclaimed evangelist, self-ordained Bishops,

Archbishop and General Overseers)’ is either a visionary or a miracle worker. But the truth is

that not all churches belong to Christ.

Thus, commercialization of religion is the process of introducing new church ideas,

products and service to the general public with sole aim of maximization of profit. It takes into

account, production (sacramental objects), distribution, marketing, sales and members support,

required to achieving the commercial success of the new church ideas, products and services. As

a strategy, commercialization requires a business to develop a marketing plan, determine the

supply of the product to the market, and the anticipate barriers to success. Commenting on the

commercialization of religions, Rana and Abida (2011), has this to say:

religion sustains the human beings in the time of distress and helplessness. Today,

religion is propagated as a disuniting force just to materialize commercial plans. The

ongoing war against terrorism is based on the commercialization of religion by the

developed world as well as developing world.


Church Growth

Referring to church growth, we don’t need to get rid of numbers. Numerical increase in

church growth and a numerically growing church is a wonderful thing. But it is not the only

thing. According to Carey (2018), to every time church growth surfaces as a subject, some

leaders are defensive. What is wrong with small churches? Why are so many people obsessed

with growth? Howard Culbertson (2019), Church growth is that science which investigates the

nature and function, planting and multiplication, health of Christian churches as they seek

specifically to effectively implement the Lord’s Great Commission to make disciples of all

nations peoples (Matthew 28:19-20). There are church growth handbooks, church growth

conferences, and even church growth consultants. But the question is what does men of God

actually meant when they say that they want their churches to grow? Repopulation or reaching

out; almost all churches say that they want to “reach the young people.” Depth or attendance?

Whether we mean to or not, people often get jealous of the mega church down the road. Drawing

thousands to worship every Sunday and exploding to multiple campuses intimidates most people

who do not lead or attend such large congregations. To this extent, people starts to think that

their mega church is successful and other smaller, local church is a failure.

There are countless church leaders who want their church to grow for great reasons

(because they love Jesus, believe people’s lives are changed by him) but are puzzled at why their

churches are not growing. Today in our contemporary society, we have the number of churches

increasing. Churches are now seen in every nook and crannies of our environment. As such, too

many religious flavor and church leaders are focused on their wants, preferences and perceived

needs. All the same, despite this numerous church around us, its primary task is failing the

society as its primary aim is now channeled to commercialization. Thus writing on focus on

church growth Carey (2011), posits that church leaders are more focused on growth than they are

on God. Some leaders get so jacked up about growth that they forget it is about God and his

mission. This is just a danger every motivated leader needs to keep in mind. We are leading

people to Jesus, not to ourselves or our awesome church. Keeping the focus on Christ ensure

genuine life-change happens and lasts.

Is commercialization of religion an ‘old time religion’?

Commercialization of religion seems to be as old as religion itself. If commercialization

of religion is recorded in the scripture, it is pertinent at this juncture; we point the cases of such

incidence out. Hence the brief history of Commercialization of religion in the New Testament

will help in understanding the trend of the contemporary time. From time immemorial, it appears

that religion has always been commercialized in human history. This event of commercializing

of religion featured prominently in the New Testament. This can be seen clearly in Matthew

21:12-13; Mark 11:15-18 and Luke 19:45-46. At the era of Jesus Christ as illustrated in the

above passages, Jesus Christ expressed his anger against people who were seriously busy

changing money and selling doves in the temple. Normally, every ardent Jew had to pay temple

tax of one half shekel a year. This tax had to be paid in one particular acceptable coinage which

means that the Jews that came from all over the world with all kinds of currencies had to change

their money with an exorbitant charge. This made the festive period a busy time for temple

authorities who were involved in the business of changing money rather than leading the people

in worship.

Also selling of doves became popular during the feast of Passover. Ordinarily, dove

could be bought cheaply outside the temple, but then the temple inspectors would be sure to find

something wrong with them. Because of that, worshippers were advised to buy them at the

temple stalls, though at an exorbitant price. The Jews themselves were aware of this abuse and

commercialization going in the temple, but then they were helpless. At this point, Jesus was

angry at the exploitation of the pilgrims by the temple authorities who were treating the pilgrims

not as worshippers, but as things to be exploited for their own end. Also, Jesus rebuked the

religious leaders for the desecration of God’s holy place. It is obvious that worshippers had lost

the sense of the presence of God in the temple as a result of commercial activities which was

carried out in full scale just the way it is going on in Christian churches in Nigeria today.

Forms of Commercialization of Religion

Commercialization of religion as seen in this work is the creation, marketing, and sale of

religious goods and services to the public by external providers (church hierarchy). Analysis of

religious labor reveals the material labor necessary for Christianity to sell a product. The

commercialization of church in our country Nigeria is taking different forms. I would want to

unequivocally succinctly comment on those forms:

1. Sales of objects like holy water, emblem, anointed oil, rings, chains, handkerchiefs,

clothes, calendars, olive oil, etc. Take for instance, the purpose of the holy water and anointed oil

is primarily for healing and protection from harm; the oil can also be used to pray for all the

blessings which the it represents; that is, all the riches which are ours in Jesus. Perhaps no other

element in the bible was used for such a wide variety of purposes as was oil. But today the aim is

commercialized. In other to make money, they are sold in different churches. Tune your

Television and see many ministries where these items are sold for profit making. In line with this

Obiora (1998), describes commercialization of religion as “Holy Deceit, the art of trading in

God’s name to maximize profit for their one’s own benefits and interest.

2. The merchants are commercializing Christian religion in the name of preaching the word

of God to people at market squares, buses and their churches to their own benefits and interest.

But what is very obvious in their preaching is that they preach the word of God both within and

outside the churches with emphasis on money; they always make use of certain words they

shouldn’t have used because they want money from the people.

3. Payment for spiritual consultation: Before some head of churches (general overseers)

could be seen, the member or visitor is expected to pay some amount of money as consultation

fee. Funny enough, people derive joy making such payments because they believe that when they

see him or her, there will be revelation upon them. It has gone viral in the internet as one has to

register online. For instance and to buttress this fact, we found this in the internet “We will send a

link for payment once you have booked your consultation. Please contact us to book your

appointment! Consultations are done over the phone, online or in person. Please indicate

preference when scheduling. (

session/). Back to the scripture, we have records of individuals who consulted Christ in the Bible

ie Zaecheus, Nicodemus, the woman with issue of blood to mention but a few, we know they

never paid. Where do we go from here? The procedure for religious consultations begins with the

scheduling of an appointment with our religious consultants who will then conduct a preliminary

interview to gather all pertinent information regarding the case; and not the other way round.

4. Payment for deliverance and counseling: Deliverance ministry is “an act of driving out of

demons”. Jesus did it, he trained his disciples to do it and he said that it would be one of the

signs to follow believers (Mark 16:17). Demonic spirits torment and oppress Christians that they

seek for a solution. Some religious leaders in their ministry specialized in inner healing and

deliverance. People do go to them from all over the country seeking release from hearing voices,

addictions, emotional trauma due to past hurts and abuses, and many other forms of spiritual

bondage. This is now perceived as an avenue of making money as one has to pay for the

deliverance and be issued with a receipt. Why should they not do so? After all, it is not

everybody that can even do the deliverance. Hence the primary aim of deliverance which is the

activity of cleansing a person of demons and evil spirits in order to address problems manifesting

in their life is losing its ground to commercialization.

5. Preaching of materialism: Tell those who are rich not to be proud and not to trust in their

money which will soon be gone. Tell them to use their money to do good. They should give

happily to those in needs; always being ready to share with others whatever God has given

them. By doing this they will be storing up real treasure for themselves in heaven. It is the only

safe investment for eternity!" 1 Tim. 6:17-19 (LB). Preaching’s like this are no longer heard in

churches and ministries because everyone want to make it. Materialism has become order of the

day in Christendom. Materialism is dangerous foe to the Christian. The deceitfulness of riches

can render the Christian fruitless Mt 13:22. Jesus reacting to materialism has this to say: Many

think of "the good life" in terms of material prosperity. There is more to life than material

possessions. Man's life does not consist in the abundance of possessions. Lk 12:15. The reverse

is the case today.

Causes of Commercialization of Christian Religion in Nigeria

It is appropriate at this juncture to consider the possible causes of commercialization of

Christian religion in Nigeria.

1. It should be said without mincing words that the main causes of commercialization of

Christian religion in Nigeria is excessive quest for wealth. Materialism coupled with status

consciousness and value orientations that have increased in the modern living have made jobless

young men seek means of economic survival through the establishment of churches. In

agreement to this Amucheazi (1986) reacted, the quest for material wealth has been one of the

key factors for commercialization of Christian religion in contemporary Nigeria. In support of

this view, Achunike (2004) confirms that “the flamboyant life of the prosperity preachers

inspires avidity for money”. They always want to live big, to drive big cars, build one of the

most beautify edifice, that is why their churches are architectural wonders. The aim here is to

attract people, particularly the rich class. In their bid to live big, they always make efforts to

acquire the resources with which to live big. This is definitely followed by employment of all

sorts of tricks to get more funds.

2. Another possible cause of commercialization of Christian religion in Nigeria is poverty.

The recent socio-economic situation of contemporary time has been felt in the life of every

Nigerian. Poverty has come upon our nation as a result of several factors such as over

population, bad government, inadequate healthcare, illiteracy, war, ethnic strife, drought and

corruption. So, this problem of Nigeria economic situation has made religion mainly to be seen

in Nigeria as a source of economic benefit. So, church opening has become a career to Nigerians.

Jowitt (2010) adds that; Criticism made of some churches include the fact that raising of funds

enable some leaders to live in a decidedly elitist style and some of the leaders preached a very

materialistic gospel, so encouraging poorer members to believe that through their membership

they would sooner join rank of the rich. The ignorant congregation are made to witness

organized miracles and made to hope on promises of their leaders.

3. Unemployment has contributed greatly to the commercialization of Christian religion in

Nigeria, especially as people try to find solution to their predicament. There are many cases of

well educated and hard-working young men and women who have graduated from various

universities for years and yet they have no job and the possibility of getting one is nil. It seems

obvious that some people go into pastoral work today not because they are genuinely called and

commissioned by God, but it is simply a means of livelihood. Consequently, some of them that

are well gifted in speech and administration end up starting a ministry which usually

metamorphose into church thereby becoming founder and general overseer within a very short

period of time. It is this matter that has led to proliferation of churches which has reached an

alarming rate in recent years. Churches spring up at an unprecedented rate in every available

space, shop, and uncompleted buildings particularly in our major cities.

4. Another possible cause of commercialization of Christian religion, which is still

connected with poverty, is the poor condition of service in many of the churches in the country.

In other words, ministers in several churches find it difficult to live on their monthly income.

Coupled with this fact is that several church members do not know how to appreciate the

services of their hard working pastors by taking good care of them. Therefore, some of these

poorly paid pastors fall into the temptation of commercialization of the gospel by introducing

various gimmicks into the worship services with the purpose of enhancing themselves


Impact of commercialization of religion on church growth in Nigeria.

The commercialization of religion has brought about increase in church population and

number. It has multiplied the number of churches we see to the extent that according to

Comedian Uche Ogbuagu, the English alphabets A-Z has a church name each alphabet can give

ie A-Anglican, B-Baptist Church, C-Catholic, D-Deeper Life, E-Evangelical movement…P-

Presbyterian, Z-Zoie Ministry. Yes we have increase in the growth of church numerically but the

expected rudiments of a true Christian church founded on Christ foundation are not felt. Hence

the impact of the commercialization of religion on church growth in Nigeria gives room for

concern. Hence the impact includes the following:

1. The commercialization of religion in relation to proliferation of churches in

contemporary Nigerian society has been an instrument of disintegration. Due to the existence of

some new religious movements some parents now find it very difficult to curb the religious zeal

of their children. In some families as the case may be, some children had decamped from their

parent’s churches. No one can doubt the fact that this is surely a sense of family disintegration in

our society. More worrisome is the fact that larger society is now polarized along denominational

lines. There is no gain saying the fact that Christians are now against fellow Christian in any

political or even socio-economic contest. What one gets in the society today is largely

determined by his/her religious cum denominational affiliation irrespective of his or her

qualification. Denominational divide even in the dominant Christian regions of the country is

only second to ethnicity such that the issue of ecumenism has degenerated to mere lip service

and this demands the urgent attention of the theologians and religious scholars especially now

that the Christians are expected to be united in the face of the current ethno-religious extremism

in the country.

2. The practice of “Holy spirit-told-me”: the commercialization of religion has given birth

to what we termed “holy spirit-told me. What does it mean? Often, we hear people say the Holy

Spirit told me to do this and to do that, whereas what parameter do we use to ascertain the ones

the Holy Spirit really told and vice versa? The idea of Holy Spirit told me is waxing and this is

because we have not taken out our time to ponder over some issues regarding it. Sometimes, the

ones claiming that Holy Spirit told them normally says so because probably they are targeting

peoples pocket. For instance a preacher who said that holy spirit told me to tell you to give out

the highest denomination in your pocket and then look out for your blessings. We then ask do we

really need to give the highest money in our pocket before our blessings comes out? Perhaps the

preachers are doing so to enrich their pocket.

3. Exploitation and monopolization of economic resource is another impact of

commercialization of religion on church growth in Nigeria. Churches are making establishment

like schools, hospitals, computer schools etc. permit us to humbly say that it is disheartening to

note that schools established by theses churches are not meant for low class citizens. This is so

because the schools fees are not affordable by the church members whose money were even used

in the establishment. The hospitals are not left behind. As the church is increasing day by day, so

their establishment is increasing for commercial purposes and they offer their services at

exorbitant rate. These services are rendered under the disguised umbrella of religion


4. Syncretism is seriously deepening the ground as a result of commercialization of religion.

The growth of church has led many religious leaders to read and interprets some portion of the

scripture to suit their demands and selfish interest. Syncretism relies on the whim of man, not the

standard of Scripture. The Bible makes it very clear what true religion is. Religious syncretism

often takes place when foreign beliefs are introduced to an indigenous belief system and the

teachings are blended for religious gain. Religious syncretism denies the absoluteness of the

faith. Since religion is now commercialized, syncretism is now showing its ugly and unwanted

face in our country Nigeria so as to enrich few.

5. There is issue of Intolerance (Intra-faith intolerance). This is so because the followers of

most religious groups feel that their beliefs are true and that the beliefs of other groups are, at

least to some degree, false. By itself, this stance is not dangerous to public order. However,

profound evil can result when they also oppress other religious groups, discriminate against

them, or disseminate hatred against them.


This work set out to explore the impact of commercialization of religion on church

growth in Nigeria. And when it comes to issues of commercialization however, Christians and

churches must be careful not to fall to the right or the left. Since religion in Nigeria is used for

legitimizing affluence therefore, it could be said that religion is commercialized in Nigeria by the

individuals and individual churches at large. One thing that is very much used in Nigeria

mistakenly is the connotation of “denomination.” It resulted to religious party. It exposes the

nature and objectives of the commercial form of the so called religious groups in Nigeria. This

nature of such people not only defamed Nigeria but also religiously engulfed it in corruption.

Obviously, the reader of this paper is going to understand that religion in Nigeria is

commercialized, certainly it is done but ultimately the commercial demagogue is geared towards

earning money. May the perfect will of God be done for there to be sanity in religious sphere.


1. Pastors, prophets, priests and evangelists who are in the business of religious

commercialization should have a rethink and come to their normal senses to understand that

neither Jesus nor any of his apostles commercialized religion during their time.

2. The government of Nigeria should do everything within its power to address the problem

of high level of poverty in Nigeria. Because our nation has given birth to several false prophets

who use religion to liberate themselves from poverty thereby resorting to the practice of

commercialization of religion to unjustifiably enrich themselves.


3. The adherents of Christian religion in Nigeria should learn how to appreciate the service

of their hard-working men of God who are poorly paid. This will help such pastors to work

faithfully without commercializing the gospel.

4. Men of God in Christian religion should not put much interest on material wealth. They

should be more heavenly and spiritually minded.


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