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24K 397 22
by maginary

All rights reserved © with ensuring No part of this book is reproduced and or
transmitted in any other forms such as photocopying or any other mechanical way
without the permission of the Publisher, except obviously in the form of quotes.
? Please Note:
This is a FICTION book
All characters, names, businesses, places, events, incidents and behaviours are from
my imagination and used with no intention of hurting anyone; Any resemblance to any
actual living thing or dead is by coincidence and I sincerely apologise.
Sofie Delan didn't expect her father to go and arrange her marriage to a complete stranger but she
knew better then to disagree with her fathers decision. So what is she going to do when she is
thrown into a tornado of situation where being Mrs. Adam Blake Larsen was more than a nuisance.
This is a journey where both are too stubborn to confess and to agree to their mistakes.

Will their organs beat names of each other or will they just be another tumour in the brain?
Nothing can be said when it's Arrange by Force

WARNING: This book is rated mature which means it'll have explicit scenes and is
erotica. If you do not like such books then please DO NOT READ this book.
# especially if you think every erotic book is 50 shades of grey.


???? I read orgasm instead of organs????

P 1-1
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I sighed loudly as I entered my apartment. Today, had been a tiring Monday at the office with
never ending files. Plus complains from My secretary, Alessia Greene on how my dear mother
kept calling to talk to me about something " exciting" and waste my precious office time. Her
exciting meant discussing about the latest fashion and mentioning the best, news breaking gossip
which was on the top of the lists.

I decided to go and have a warm bath and soak my body before I talked with my father ,William
Delan, to tell him a report on today's sales. My father had retired from work but that did not stop
him from having an iron fist on the business. He traveled to our other steel- making companies
in California to personally see whether or not the steel was satisfactory and meeting the Delan

He was very strict on how his company ran. If it wasn't for my mothers constant nagging on how
he hardly
took her for a holiday, then he'd still be sitting on his leather black chair, stare down at all the employees

with deadly eyes. Not that I was any less , but compared to him, I was much more approachable.

After all, no one really knew me as William Delans daughter. I was in fact his businesses'
temporary owner as he worded it in the Time magazine. When the world got a whiff of how he
was leaving the company , reporters and paparazzi had an annoying infatuation with him. They
folllowed him everywhere. Having enough of their nagging one morning, he told them that he
hadn't sold the business but rather asked , Sophie D Alice Aka me, to take care of it. That was
about 2 years ago.

After showering and eating dinner , I watched as the clock struck 9 and I picked the vibrating
phone from the table. That was the exact time my father would call me everyday from Monday to
Saturday and never in the whole 2 years of me operating the business, has he ever been even a
minute late.

P 2-1
"Today, Simon once again came to offer about investing in his petroleum exporting and offered 35% of his
Without wasting any time on compliments, I went straight to the main points,
shares" and I continued as I told him the other offers we got.
"35 is still too less! Sophie, I see no hard work from your side. Make it 45 , no less and tell him if
he does, we will deposit the money the very same day. " He lowly spoke through the phone just
showing how angry he was with me.
If he would be here in New York, he'd have come to the office the next day, shout at me in front of
all the other employees and would say how much of a mistake it was to hand me the business.

I still did not understand why he was not happy with a 35. I had increased it from 15 to 35 but still
he wanted to get more.
What he wants, no one will ever know.

Cutting the call after getting semi shouted, I exhaled loudly as I viewed the New York City from
my balcony. I was beyond exhausted but the thought of my fathers disappointed face flashed in
front of my eyes

I lived in a 2 room apartment that was a 5 minute walk from the office and thus I walked it to and
fro daily to work. My father had very ' nicely' told me when I asked him about wanting to buy a car
. He told me it was a waste of money and the better option was to rather get me even a sardine
sized house closer to work.

My lounge room had a lucky door that lead to the balcony I stood on. I watched the busy traffic
and called it a
night . I tried to forget my fathers words and I went to sleep with a deep slumber , for definitely, I was not

prepared for what was to come the next day.

Surely it was not going to be sunshine and rainbows in my life.


P 2-2
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Well i would definitely quit and search for a new job,nobody disrespect me father or not Yeah our life like a weather..
No one can predict it accurately.. Unexpected

P 2-3
15.9K 501
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Dressed in loose black pants with a cream button up shirt tucked in, I walked with my coffee in my
hands and my laptop in the other, greeting everyone by nodding in their direction.
Reaching Alessia's desk, I watched as she stuttered and said a good
morning. What had happened to her now?
Ignoring her nervousness, I entered my office door to notice the cold, stiff body of my father
standing afore the window, overlooking the passerbys . Why wasn't I surprised?

" Good morning" I said quickly composing my expression to alert.

"How was your flight? " I asked, trying to have a normal conversation with my father but to no
avail, we did not do normal. Not anymore.

"This is no time for useless questions." Came his blatant reply," tell me whether you have contacted Simon
I was sure that he came with the first flight he caught , especially after last nights

conversation. yet" and that was my father for you, he breathed and lived work.

" No" I replied back immediately and I watched as he grunted and shook his head in

" I want to talk to you about something else as well" My father said without turning to look at me,
and without waiting for any response he continued talking,
"I have been given a proposal which includes your consent" he began and I raised my eyebrows as
I waited for him to finish talking,
"...there seems to be a condition with the Larsen project" My father said.
I caught my breath as I thought of all the many scenarios of what the leeches had come up with.
They were insatiable with no matter how much they got and they always multiplied what they had
in the flicker of their fingers.

P 3-1
Father had decided to ask them to join us and assist us with exporting steel to Africa, but the money thirsty
men wanted at least 50 % of the shares. My father being the ' typical, hot-headed man, not going
back from his decision' man decided to agree to all their freaking wishes without even discussing
with me.
Looking at him and waiting to hear another stupid demand of theirs , I did not expect my father to
say, "They asked your hand in marriage and your mother has agreed" he said as he finally turned
to look at me with his darkened green eyes .

I gasped silently to avoid him from hearing me as his crazy words rang in my ears,

they asked your hand in marriage and your mother agreed.

My eyes widened for a split second before I met his again. He held the don't-you-dare- deny-me
expression on his face and I felt my heart clench as I thought of how ,yet again, my parents made a
decision without ever thinking of what I'd feel.

Standing straighter and putting aside my shock, I looked at him as he continued talking,
"You'll meet the guy next week if he's free and your mother wants you to come for dinner
tomorrow" he said monotonous, like as if we were simply talking about the weather and not my
near future.

I gingerly nodded my head and watched as he strode out of my office without even saying anything further
even saying a small good bye. I closed my door and slumped on my office door as I thought of the
devastating news my father told me. I noticed a blue folder on my table and read the word Larsen
written in bold atop it. I read the terms and conditions of the agreement and saw the third point
which stood out from the others,

3) To continue with said agreement Mr William Delan must agree to give a 50 % share
of his business and the hand of his daughter , Sophie Alice Delan , who is to marry son
of Mr Ashton Larsen, Mr Adam Blake Larson, CEO of Larsen companies.
Setting aside the file, I thought of all the benefits the company would get and felt my heart ache, If
we did not get the Larsen company, our reputation would definitely get tarnished in the market and
no one would want to do business with us. We'd have great losses and our employees would have a
stained resumes as well . Thinking of all the negative things that were going to arise if we did not
proceed with the agreement, I got a headache.

P 3-2
On one side was the lives of hundreds working under us and on the other hand was me. The
decision was already made for me and I knew I'd rather have my life sacrificed then let others
starve to death. For surely, I wasn't a selfish, spoilt rich brat.


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pls father or not i would have slapped his ass to mars i said haw dare you i ain't marrying anyone for anything are
you the one that's gonna walk down that isle no!? don't act like we're talking about your life i have my own
decisions what if i want to become a freaking nun will God ask you for my hand in marriage Well is the mother
getting married?? I don't think so, so you have no say in this.

P 3-3
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I was busy reading through the resume of a potentially new employee ,when my work phone rang.
Without seeing the name, I bought it to my ears,
"Sophie D-Alice speaking" I said my usual greeting when my mothers squeaky voice, annoyingly
rang in my ear,
"Yes! finally, I talk to the woman who's so busy to talk to the lady who gave birth to her, her very
own mother" and there started my mothers melodrama.
I bought my left hand and massaged my temples as I put the phone on loudspeaker and turned the
page of the resume.
"You lady, are in trouble! You are meant to be here in 20 minutes and if I don't see you, trust me, I
will not eat a morsel of food" she said stubbornly.
Ah! I had forgotten it was Tuesday today. I
was meant to go for dinner at my parents
house which I must say who exactly was she

"I'd like to see that happen mother" I said nonchalantly as I continued reading the resume of the
next head of production.
"What! What did you just say? Look at her audacity William! She wants her mother to starve!" I
sighed as I heard her complain to my father.
The clever woman had called from my fathers phone definitely knowing I'd reply to him. What she
didn't know was my father didn't call me any time before 9 and it was just going to be nearly 6.

" Tell her to leave the office this instant William. I don't want to have dinner without her and I'm
serious when I say I won't" I heard my whining mother as she continued ranting to my father.
How was she 48 years old?
She acted like as if she was still 5. " Sophie" grunted my father.
Oh so she forced my father to talk to me. Knowing how awkward he might be feeling ,I sat up
straight and

P 4-1
took the phone to my ear and said,
"I can't make it to dinner, there's a meeting in ten with the HR on the development of the iron
sheets and it'll take long."
That's all I had to tell him before I knew he'd convey to my mother that I was not coming. I'd rather
let him speak to his wife than I, after all no amount of reasons would convince my stubborn mother
that I could not come and my father would rather me die then miss a meeting . Hearing his silent
breathing, I knew he had nothing else to say and he was getting impatient, so I quickly cut the
phone call and put it on silent.

Freshening a bit by washing my face, I walked out of my office into the meeting room to great the
3 managers of the HR and their secretaries to hear what they had to say. After about an hour, I
noticed Alessia and Zoey, another secretory, both kept yawning and looking at their wristwatches.

Looking at the huge clock on the wall, I read the time , it was quarter past 7 and they looked like
they'd fall asleep any moment, whilst the others were busy fidgeting in their chairs thinking I
hadn't noticed .

Wrapping the meeting in fifteen minutes, I asked the guards to bring Chinese takeaway for
everyone . I watched their delighted expressions as they all got happy about the fact of not going
home to cook.

I gave them a small nod as they thanked me a dozen times, but their gratitude was only going to be
short lived
for I knew my father would have my head for keeping the employees till this late and also buying
dinner for
I waited till everyone was gone then said goodbye to the two guards and walked down the street
towards my apartment.
I hoped the down tenant, Ms Wilkins, hadn't led her kitchen window open. Her nosy cat would
venture like a boss into my house and claim the only couch I had. I hurried across the zebra crossing
and tightened my grip on my laptop bag.
Finally reaching my house, I couldn't stop but notice, thankfully, the down window was
closed. I scurried to my room and headed for a quick warm bath. I still had to finish another
report and it was already 8.
Whilst in the middle of a sentence ,I lifted my vibrating phone and started narrating todays story
once again to my father . He had forgotten about the Larsen deal and I was grateful for that.
" How was the meeting" he asked the only question I didn't want him to.

P 4-2
"It was fine, Zoey suggested painting the iron sheets before bringing them here" I said as I waited
for him to
Quickly fixing my black pyjamas , I opened the door to see my fathers chauffeur , Alzer ,standing with a food
ask me what time it finished but I was saved by my door bell ringing. box in his hands . I raised an eyebrow a
him as he smiled and handed me the box saying my mother sent it.

Thanking him , I placed the box on the table and put the phone back on my ear but it was long cut. I
walked by the balcony door and caught a glimpse of the silhouette of my father as Alzer drove them
away , so much for bringing a take away for me and so much for being his daughter.


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you're using "then" both times here, but its supposed to be "than" I don't like her parents

P 4-3
??4 ??
14.3K 457
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Answering the call, hoping it to be Alessia asking me which latte I wanted , I didn't expect to hear
my fathers voice.
" We'll be going to the Larsen office at 2. Don't take a lunch break ,we'll be gone for a while" and
the phone line cut before I could even utter a word.

It had been almost a month since my father had mentioned about my so called marriage. I was so
engrossed in work that I had forgotten all about it and neither my father had mentioned it. But I'm
sure more than I, he was bothered by the fact that we could not meet my so called fiancé.
I saw the clock on the wall as it read 12:25 and I grunted. I had only an hour to complete reading the reports. T
Larsen company was fifteen minutes from our office and if my father said 2 , that means at 2 on the dot,
should be entering the office. I increased my working pace until I was disturbed by Alessia informing me of
father waiting downstairs. I grabbed my phone in my hand and walked into the elevator quickly. I entered
fathers car and quickly took out my pumps as I sat in the car.
My father had a strict policy of not wearing any shoes in his car. No matter how clean they were or
no matter how sick you were, if you sat in any of his car, you had to take your shoes out and sit. He
was very weary about dirt.
I glanced in his direction to see him dressed in his navy suit. He always wore one whenever an
important occasion was going on. He caught my eyes and noticed my outfit,
"What are you wearing ?" he grunted , disgusted with my black pants, peach formal top and low
bun. I looked decent and there were no pen marks on me , then why was he disgusted with me?
Ignoring him, I sat comfortably on the leather seat as I sat in his Audi after ages. Reaching the
office, I took my black pumps and wore them before placing my feet on the gravel. I thanked
Alzer as I walked to my fathers side and we both entered the 50 storey building.

Busy people walked in all directions with sleek phones and apple tabs in their hands. Women were
dressed with branded skirts and silk shirts and men were dressed classy and decent.
No wonder my father looked down at me. After greeting the blonde receptionist, I followed my father i
golden elevator as we were lead up to the 58th floor. We walked out to a well lit lobby which had a cosy loo
lounge area and another pretty red head who was the secretory sitting in the corner of the wide room ,

P 5-1
" Hello , we have an appointment with Mr Larson" I told the red head whose name was Rose as I
told her our name. She asked us to have a seat as she went to inform the boss about our arrival.
Rose came back a bit flustered and asked us to go right in without any further information.We
strode towards the glass door as a skimpy red dressed, tall model sauntered with clicking heels
from the same direction with lipstick smeared and hair messed. I raised my eyebrow as I caught the
woman's eye but instead of being embarrassed, the woman had the nerve to smirk.
Leaving my face blank, we entered the glass room where I saw a tall, a very tall man, with his
muscular back facing us , busy fixing his buttons.
The first time I meet my fiancé and he's busy with sexual
activities. Wow ! Absolutely Perfect
I moved my eyes to look at my fathers reaction but his face ,like mine, was blank. I wondered what
was running through his mind.
Finally the 6'5 muscular man turned around to greet us with a clenched jaw and his long fingers
busy closing the cufflinks of his tailored Armani black shirt. He was gorgeous with words
inadequate to describe him . His features were sharp and straight with eyes grey like a storm and
brows perfectly shaped . His shoulders straight and his chest broad with a slim waist and thighs,
muscular and thick.
" Good afternoon Adam " my father greeted him as he shock his hands and as his grey eyes turned
to greet
me, I just nodded my head somehow too stunned to talk to such a good looking specimen. As
tempted as I was , there was No way I was going to touch his hands
God knows what not he had touched.
Now I was definitely disgusted with him.
But as he continued studying me with those intense grey eyes of his , I could not help but feel the
power and dangerous aura he was radiating , spreading through my body like burning fire.
He narrowed his stormy eyes in my direction and in his deep voice he asked us to sit. Sitting on
the white couches, I marvelled at the large book wall on the side. It had well covered books
which shone in the afternoon light.
"I assume you were not informed of our arrival Adam" my father said sarcastically looking at the
guy as he came to sit across us.
" I was Mr Delan, " he said smirking, before he continued talking, " we all know how busy we can
be at lunch time" .
Cocky much.
My hatred levels for him were rising pretty quickly.
" I see you are well acquainted with Melanie Robert" my father said referring to the skimpy model
who we
Melanie Robert was the most dirty woman ever in the business world. She flattered every man to get what
saw. Ah so she was Melanie Robert. Finally I put a face to the name.

P 5-2
she wanted and no one could resist her charms. she was very pretty and it looks like my fiancé has
more than a friendly relationship with her. She was a successful slut in my opinion but for my
father who always compared me to him, she was the perfect child.
Rolling me eyes to how dumb men are, I kept quiet as Adam said , " we are not here for useless
banter. I suggest we get straight to the point and start signing the papers" he said with finality in
his voice.
Arrogant arse
He handed me a file and asked me to read it. Quickly skimming through it and reading every point
super fast ,I made sure to count how long the file was as well. Exactly 5 pages.
Business Men were very sneaky. They took signatures from you regarding something different and
after a while ,they added a clause of their own changes and claim that you agreed to it.
" Are you satisfied with it Miss Delan?" Adam said staring intently at me. I looked up at his stormy
eyes and nodded my head before pulling out a pen from my pocket and signing 5 years of my life
to the cocky man in front of me.

Hope I have the strength to stay strong during the next 1827 days.


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I would've just left Same

P 5-3
13.6K 508
83 by


" We shall get going now" my father said after he went through the file and I saw how satisfied
he was. I still wondered how he could not stop me from getting married to a man who was
already cheating before marriage. Did it not once cross his mind that he should not proceed with
the marriage or even ask for my opinion?

Bidding farewell to Mr Larsen, I stood up from my seat as I noticed the tick on my fathers face. He
was angry, rather furious, but about what?
Just as we reached the glass door, Mr Larsen spoke in his deep voice,
"May I have a word with you Miss Delan?"

Giving my father a look, I turned back to see Adam as he motioned for me to come closer.
" Are you mute, Miss Delan" He said looking at me with his head tilted to the side and his eyes
narrowed . I looked at him with my eyebrows raised, whatever caused him to think that.
"You haven't spoke a word since you've entered." He said once again studying me with those
intense X-ray eyes.
"Oh so if a person doesn't say anything he's mute, nice thinking Mr Larsen. " I said sarcastically
looking at him with my head held high, "Now if you don't have anything else absurd to say, I
shall take your leave. Goodbye! " I said bitterly as I slammed the door and quickly walked to my
father who was waiting in the elevator for me.

I couldn't wait to get back to the office and shrink in eating a burger in between my meetings.
{ Adam}
It was a typical Tuesday afternoon as I read through some of the expansion theories for my
Company. I was the heir of the Larsen Company and tripling the size of our company was now in
my hands. I had been running the company for 8 years and I knew every nock and dirt of every
business men in the whole of New York.
P 6-1
I stroked my scruff on my chin as I watched Melanie make her way to my office. She was dressed
in a short red dress trying to once again arouse me. The women was a pain, but she ensured relief
as well.
" I see you were waiting for me " Melanie said in a voice which sounded almost sexy. We were
what you called fuck buddies but that's all. She sauntered her way, swaying her hips a little extra as
she made her way to my chair and settled her self on my lap.
" You are always busy baby. It's lunch , take a break" she said as her manicured long nails ventured
down my chest.
Holding her wrist I asked her why she was here,
"Oh I was passing by so I came to say hi" she said smiling sweetly bending further down showing
me more of her cleavage.

"Not today Melanie. I'm busy. I'll call you" I said dismissing her and wanting her to go as soon as
possible. I knew once I paid any attention to her, the files will remain unattended for the next few

I watched as she pouted her red lips and muttered a small okay. As she lifted her self from my lap, I gave her
a peck on her lips to satisfy her but the woman made a peck turn out to be a whole heated kiss. I
pinched her ass and pulled her hair as she rubbed her heat on my groin. She moaned quietly as I bit
her lips and moved my head away from her tempting ones.

"See you later Melanie" I told ignoring her .

The damn woman had already unbuttoned my first two buttons. As she fixed herself, I heard Sarah
knock and peep her head in , she saw the scene and flushed as she told me about my next
appointment. Telling her to let the people in, I turned away from the door as I fixed my shirt.
"Good afternoon Adam" said a voice and as I turned , I met the last man I was expecting to see, Mr
William Delan. He was a good businessman who was successful and did not have a single criminal
record on him.

I replied back to his greeting before I turned to look at the tall woman who stood confidently next
to him.
Dressed in light colours she looked like an elegant flower. Her curves were peaking through her

P 6-2
itching to touch.
showing how tempting she was. Her black hair was twisted in a reserved low bun with her soft
creamy skin and full pink lips , dark brown eyes with wide hips. And lastly, perfect breasts which
my fingers were
I couldn't help but keep staring at the beautiful women as I handed her the file which held our
agreement . She was not what I expected her to be. When my father told me about getting married
to Delans daughter, I was expecting to meet a daddy's little girl who was spoilt rotten and who wore
clothes that were twice smaller then the actual . I was all ready not to proceed with the agreement
but staring at the gorgeous lady in front of me, My groin was stirring, awakening the beast in me.

She was the complete opposite of my thoughts and she was a tempter. I wanted to shake her hand
and feel how soft she was for my own sick satisfaction but the smart woman didn't stretch her
No worries I'm going to touch you all I want little vixen
. Soon . Very soon.

I watched the firm grip she had on the pen as she signed her life away to me. My thoughts were
running wild cause of the women in front of me. I couldn't wait to have her gasping and writhing
under me. I watched her plump ass as she turned to leave the office but I wanted to hear her voice,
wanted to calm the beast who was raging to hear her whimper.

Tilting my head to the side, I asked the most dumbest question,

"Are you mute Miss Delan" I watched as she raised her eyebrow and I couldn't wait to see them
furrowed as I pleasured her, the vision too pleasing to my beast.

" Oh so if a person doesn't talk they mute. Nice thinking Mr. Larsen " she said, full of fury making my beast
roar, he wanted to pacify her at any cost now,
"if you don't have anything else absurd to say , I'll take your leave. Goodbye" she said in that fury,
making my slacks tighten further.

And as I watched her swaying hips move, my mouth went dry and I had to clench my jaw from
licking my lips. I couldn't wait to claim her and mark every inch of that creamy skin.

I couldn't wait to make her Mrs.Adam Larsen and she was all MINE.

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I entered the bathroom that was connected to my office because I wanted to freshen up for a
meeting. Today, we were going to announce about the new owners. I just hoped everything went
as planned and we succeeded in this partnership .

After tightening my bun, I exited the wash room only to bump into a solid chest. Confused , I
looked up to meet stormy grey eyes clashing with mine.
"Hello Miss Delan " spoke Adam in that low voice of his which was doing wonders to my body.
My body heated up as I noticed how his muscular left arm was wrapped protectively, just below
my breasts, causing them to be placed chest to chest with his.
" Did I hurt you?" He asked, this time whispering so close to my ear, making an involuntary shiver
pass through my heated body.
What the hell was happening to me? and what was I doing?

Pushing away from his arms and ignoring his greeting, I asked him what he was doing here. It had been
two days since I last saw him but It felt like ages since I was under the observation of those intense
greys of his .

"Why? I can't come to see my fiancé?" He spoke mockingly as he smirked and looked around my
office with ,was that disgust? Now my fury just skyrocketed. First, he came to MY office without
any notice and then he's disgusted with MY work place . The nerve of this arse.

" Who let you in?" I asked letting venom spit with every word I said.

"Oh that pretty brunette sitting outside, what's her name again, Al... Alessia " he said casually like
as if he already forgot her name.
But a person like Adam , who has bees swarming around him 24/7 would definitely forget names.
I'm sure he doesn't even know my first name.
What a romantic fiancé no? " Anything you wanted?" I asked talking in the most unaffected, professional
I turned away from him and went to my desk as I placed my phone in my pocket.
P 7-1
" Make yourself comfortable" I spoke quietly as I continued ,"I have a meeting I have to go to and
I see you don't have anything worthwhile to say, so... " I spoke sarcastically with an innocent face
to sound not so bitter as I motioned towards the couch in the corner.

I left him in the office as I walked to the door and headed towards the meeting room. It was
overwhelming being in such a small space with him especially with that cologne of his. Spicy
with a hint of sandalwood, fully intoxicating and sexy.

My steps slowed down as I noticed people around me with mouths opened, eyes widened and
eyebrows raised in awe.
Huh! What's up with everyone?
They were staring at me like as if seeing me for the first time. That's when I realised they weren't
looking at me in but rather something behind me.

I turned around to see Adam as he strode confidently, his left hand to his ear speaking fluently in a
foreign language. His silky brown hair were perfectly styled and his black shirt sleeves were rolled
to his elbows. Today, he was dressed in a dark grey Armani suit, with his black vest buttoned up
and a pale grey tie. He looked like a model walking down the runway and his eyes were set on me,
burning me.

My breath hitched as he obviously caught me checking him out. I clenched my jaw and turned around as I
reminded myself of the annoying fact of him being in my office. I narrowed my eyes in warning to
all those who caught my sight and watched as they turned to do they work embarrassed.

I entered the meeting room and told Alessia to call everyone. Unlike other CEO's , I liked being
first for the meeting rather than last. It promoted coming to work on time and showed seriousness.
I bent to switch the projector off as it was not needed. In so doing, I didn't hear the meeting room
door open and a presence coming in. By the burning heat that spread from the intense stare of his,
I knew who it was before even confirming with my eyes.

" What exactly are you doing here?" I said turning around showing him how annoyed I was. He
was invading my thoughts more than I liked and I was not prepared for him. He had now moved to
stand just in front of me and if it wasn't for the door to swing open, I'm sure he'd even come
closer. I moved away from him as I waited for everyone to enter.

" Good Morning everyone. Hope you are all doing well. " I took a quick pause before I continued speaking,
I greeted everyone after they all settled down,

"Today we've all been gathered here as I want to tell all of you something important."

P 7-2
I moved my head to look at everyone as I spoke,
"I'd like to introduce you all to the new owner, Mr Larsen " I introduced Adam as everyone,
instead of paying attention to me, were busing ogling him. I didn't blame them though, he stood
out uniquely amongst everyone in the room.
Shocked gasps and excited mummers soon filled the hall. I raised my hand and quietened the room
as I finished speaking,
"Delan Steel makers and Larsen company have formed a partnership. To celebrate all of your hard
work and efforts, we shall have a party on Saturday, Alessia will email you all the details . Now
you can get back to work. Hope you have a great day."
Everyone stood up and started clapping as I dismissed them. Everyone was aware of how my
father wanted the deal as he made them toil day and night, sweat and pant until they collapsed.
They deserved a night of enjoyment and relaxation after working so hard for 5 months.

I waited till everyone was gone out and then I walked back to my office. I didn't realise Adam was
behind me as well.
What was up with him and following me?
I looked at him with raised eyebrows. I was tired of asking the same question again and again but I
was itching to know what he was doing here.

Ignoring me and without asking like the arrogant man he was, he walked passed me and went and
himself comfortable on my couch. Sighing and taking deep breaths to calm my raising temper, I turned and s
on my office chair. If he wants to ignore me, So can I. Two can play the game.
I completely forgot about him as I continued signing papers and reading reports. I was so
engrossed in my work that I hadn't even looked up when Alessia knocked. Adam answered it for
me and took a paper bag from her hand. I was confused and intrigued as I watched the two of
them talk on the door like old best friends and Alessia giggling like a school girl.

Rolling my eyes at them, I turned my attention back to the papers in front of me and got back to
work, shaking my head. How appropriate of him to flirt in front of me?

I listened to Adams footsteps as he came and placed the bag on my desk,

"that's for you" he said before he turned around and walked out of the door just
like that. What had I ever done to deserve a man like this? Wow, just wow!

P 7-3
12.5K 428
19 by


Coffee in my hand, jacket draped on the other and black rimmed glasses firm on my nose, I walked
with confusion as I saw strange men walking all around the lobby . They were dressed in orange
jumpsuits and were busy taking measurements around the lobby.

I walked to the elevator to see it occupied with 3 strange men busy talking jargon. They also
ignored me as I asked them what was going on. I was clueless and I hated it. My father must've
called them to fix the elevator.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I walked quickly to my office to see no sign of Alessia as well. It
was 8:05 and everyone in the office arrived at 8, five minutes had passed yet there was no sign
of any employee of mine. Deciding to dump my now cold coffee and my suit jacket on my desk,
I walked towards my office. Seems
like I'd just have to call Alessia and ask her what was happening.

Upon entering my office, my jaw dropped down, my eyes widened to their maximum , my lips
parted and I was in partial shock as I saw the scene in front of me.

More people with hammers and wood pieces worked about destroying my office, picking my
floral vases and dumping them like waste. Oh my precious cosy office.

What the hell was happening and who the hell was in charge? I looked from one end of the room to
the other before my eyes zeroed on my target, none other
than my freaking fiancé,

P 8-1
With steam coming out from my ears and eyes narrowed to slits, I walked with fury towards him. I

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him with my index finger as I spoke with clenched teeth ,
"What the hell is going on? ".
The arrogant arse done his signature smirk before he spoke,
"Oh love, I was waiting just for you," he said love with such sweetness that I felt sick to my
Wrapping his arm around me, he bent and kissed my cheek .Pushing away from his fake embrace
and rubbing out any trace of him from my check , I fisted my left hand at his relaxed posture.
After seeing my clenched jaw, the arrogant arse spoke with
humour, "As you can see, renovations are going on love" he
This guy has got to be kidding me,
" renovations for what?" I spoke in the most deadliest voice I had,
"Well your office had paint which was scraping off, the elevators were old and slow and the worst,
your office was nasty, especially the cream walls. They resembled a paint job ruined" he spoke of
my office with not even once considering my feelings , "...and it doesn't match the Larsen
standards " he said nonchalantly. This annoying piece of shit!

"Who gave you the right to come and renovate without my approval " I moved closer to him as my
temper skyrocketed. I was pissed with the man.
Who the hell does he think he is to barge in my life for not even a week and make changes so drastic
like this. How could he already invade my office space? I poked his chest once again, trying to move
his stupid muscular body but he didn't even move an inch.

He gripped my arm and pulled me harshly until I was under his nose as he whispered
menacingly, " Let's not forget who is owner as well" his grip tightened making me wince,
as he continued,

P 8-2
"and if you want to know about approval, go ask your dad" he said bitterly.

His words were a slap to the face. Every single word pierced my heart bit by bit. My father agreed
to him. He gave more importance to a man then his own daughter.

The cream walls Adam spoke so ill of was my grandfathers favourite colour. And he spoke of the
elevators being old and noisy, yes, even I had wanted to fix them but my father had refused saying
we could not afford it.
What had happened to the expenses now? Was impressing his new partners so important to him
that he didn't care about the money anymore.

My heart squeezed in agony thinking of how once again my dear father ignored me and done
things to his likings . I felt so useless and low right now .

Still feeling the iron grip of Adam, I scratched and peeled off his fingers . I looked him in the eyes before

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pushed my glasses back in place and moved far from him. I quickly surveyed the room before
turning around and heading off to the my house.
If he wanted to really renovate my office he should continue all he wants, the egoistic arrogant, fed
with a golden spoon fool was free to do what he wants and I wasn't going to waste my time with


P 8-3
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Girl, you're surrounded by a bunch of bastards, I'm sorry Aww why do I feel so hurt for her


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P 8-4
13.1K 473
26 by


It had been two days since I had had that stupid encounter with that annoying arse. For two whole
days, I sat starring at the white walls of my house being too stubborn to go and see how the office
was getting upgraded. If he wanted to proceed without my consent and knowledge , then he should
even finish it without me. No ways was I going to follow his ways like a love sick puppy.

The most shocking thing about these two days was the fact that my father didn't call me, not at all,
not even to ask about the days report like usual. The first night he didn't call, I couldn't fall asleep. I
don't know why but i was still in shock. I couldn't believe he didn't call me!

When I had called Alessia , she very animatedly and with full on giggling when she told me that
My Larsen gave all the employees a long weekend. He told them to relax and pamper themselves
before the party which
was tomorrow. The man was already ruling my employees, Wow!

I decided to go and shop for a dress today. Yes I know last minute things but when you are in
charge of a business, having time for yourself is a luxury. Dressed in another pair of black pants
and a green shirt , I locked my door as I hurried out of my house. It was already 3 pm and I was
hoping to lather my body in oil and soap when I came back at six.

I walked from shop to shop with my soles complaining. I knew I didn't have to wear my work
pumps but I was too lazy to go look for another pair of comfortable shoes. In all the malls I went, I
didn't find any nice dress. Some were too short while others were too flashy .
Finally deciding to check at Layla's, I entered the store exhausted. I checked rack and rack until my
hand stopped on a soft fabric. Pulling it out, all my tiredness vanished as I looked at it. It was a
floor length black dress with an A-line scoop neck. It had a beading sequinned bow that tightened
at the waist and then flared out. It was soft, sexy and perfect for the evening.
P 9-1
and paid for them before heading home. I was so looking forward for the bubble bath now.

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Feeling content with my choice, I grabbed a pair of red strapped heels which would go perfect with
the dress
After spending a good hour in the tub waxing, cleansing and relaxing, I came out all ready for bed.
I had to do all the pampering to my body today because tomorrow was going to be a hectic day. I
had to oversee and make sure everything was decorated fine, the food was ready , the drinks were
adequate and the accounts were settled with everyone. I was the person in charge and I had to
make sure it was perfect to my fathers liking.

I walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before going to bed. It was still 8pm but I was
planning to read a good novel before sleeping. It had been quite a long time since I had last read
a book. Walking back to my room, my doorbell rang. Huh who could it be?

Thinking it was Mrs. Wilkins asking about her cat, I opened the door as I looked for the sly cat in
the lounge room,
" He's not here" I said sighing in relief before I turned to look at....
Mr.Larsen, what was he doing here?

" Who's not here, Miss Delan?" An angry Adam asked as his serious grey eyes raked over my
whole body before he self-invited himself. He strode closer to me, the whole time not losing eye
contact with me. He stopped inches apart from me before he pulled the towel from my hair and as
my wet hair tumbled down, did I finally realise what I was dressed in, a white bathrobe only!

Embarrassed with my attire, I looked down as his chest covered the inches which separated us. Gasping


P 9-2
looking back at his now catastrophic eyes which darkened further, I could only stutter as I was so
close to him. His arm wrapped protectively around me and held my head right in line with his as he
asked once again in a dangerous tone,
"Who's not here Miss Delan?"

His perfect red lips moved slowly as he spoke. making my ears deaf to his voice. His lips were
enchanting me in a spell, holding me captive in its grasp,
"Miss Delan!" He spoke but I didn't reply, I couldn't. I was too lost in my thought wondering or not
whether he applied lipstick. Some men did apply but I'm sure he didn't .

I was watching his lips intently until he pulled me closer to him, if that was even possible, and then
his lips disappeared from my view. I was disappointed until I felt them tease the shell of my ear.

" Miss Delan" he whispered so huskily making warmth travel southwards.

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What was he doing to me? ,
" Who?" He rasped in that deep voice of his. Now, his tongue was licking my ear and instead of
being grossed out, I was enjoying the warmth of his mouth,
"The..." I gasped as he moved his lips down to my throat, "". I found such difficulty in
uttering these two words.
His lips travelled just a little down until they settled on my sweet spot below my ear. He hummed
as he bit, sucked and kissed the area making me moan. His hand that was holding my head
ventured into my wet locks massaging my sculpt gently while the other settled on my waist. His
index was rubbing small lazy circles. I moaned louder and I arched my neck as his lips now moved
down the length of my neck stopping at my jugular, kissing and sucking it.
He moved back to my ear as he whispered huskily, making shivers run down my body,
"Can I kiss you Miss Delan?" His warm minty breath tickled my ear as He asked like a gentlemen
but I knew he was far from one , especially the way he was teasing my ear, biting the lobe and
sucking it.

I moaned and arched my chest into his. This man was making all my thoughts jumble. I couldn't
think properly,
" Can I?" He asked again and being in an almost intoxicated state, I spoke
raspy, "y-yes" and that was all he needed to hear before his lips descended on
mine slowly. Bliss, absolute bliss.
P 9-3
I closed my eyes enjoying this foreign feeling spreading throughout my body when the kiss turned
to hot and passionate.Instead of now moving his lips slow, he moved them fast, hard almost
punishing me and all I
could do was moan in his mouth. The hand that was on my waist moved to one of my thighs and
lifted it to his waist and he pinched my ass cheek making me gasp and skilfully entering his tongue
into my mouth. Our
tongues were doing a tango together, moving in fast sync and he was exploring every corner of my mouth.

He tasted of fresh mint and dark chocolate.This was insanity and I was surely going to die. My
lungs were constricting but this man was making me hopeless. I raised my hand to his soft
brown hair and pulled them roughly to tell him to let go, but the man growled and kissed me
harder. How on earth was he so addictive?
He finally let me breath but just for a second as he turned his attention back to my neck. He kissed
the same spot below my neck before pulling apart. Still intoxicated with his kiss, I realised how
weak my knees were.
I lowered my left leg from his waist and moved away from him turning around and showing him
my back. What had I done?
Oh Lord, I just made out with the arrogant arse.
Still showing him my back, I stiffened as he toke a step closer before he stopped,
"I bought you a present" he said and just as he was going to elaborate more , his phone rang. Seeing the calle
"See you tomorrow . I'll pick you at 7pm, be ready" he spoke angrily before he walked out of my

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de he swore loudly before he said,

slamming the door shut and I couldn't help but think,
What was up with him and controlling my life?


P 9-4
To all the silent readers out there please Vote and Comment.

Loving it Fix your book What's up with the repeating sentences It's annoying


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P 9-5
12.8K 436
29 by

{Sophie's PoV}

Today I had woken up late. The whole night I kept tossing and turning cause of the burning
sensation on my lips. And when I finally fell asleep, it was around 3 in the night, super late in my
books. Now I had a dull throb at the back of my head. Curse that stupid arrogant arse!

I groaned at my appearance in the mirror. I had dark bags under my eyes , making my pale skin look
paler and since I went to sleep with my wet hair, they were all fizzy and not ready to set. I combed
my hair anyhow and left my house without any breakfast. I was late and I had many things on my
hands today.

After sweating for 5 hours; running to and from the venue since the prawns my father wanted to
include in the menu were not available, I had to go and find another restaurant which served
special Mexican spiced cheesy Prawns. It was just causing my annoying headache to increase in
size. I had to roam around many streets until I found a small restaurant that sold them. I was
exhausted and I was for the first time in my life glad about the fact that tomorrow was going to be
a Sunday.

I was currently standing in the hall room where around 800 people were going to come. I overlooked all


decorations, tables and chairs before I went to taste the dessert. I am a dessert person and which
sane person can resist anything sweet. I had to taste the dreamy chocolate cake.
I moaned at the softness of the chocolate cake as it melted in the heat of my mouth, spreading all
the creaminess to all corners. Resisting from eating another piece, I grabbed my purse and walked
out of the hall. There was only 3 hours left for the party and i didn't want to look disastrous .

P 10-1
I quickly rushed home and went for a quick shower to get rid of all the sweat. I walked out of my
room to notice the white bag which Adam gave me on the side table. I still hadn't opened it yet, I
was contemplating what was going to be in there. Knowing Adam, he'd even put a fake snake in
there and scare the shit out of me. Putting aside my stupid fears, I warily held the bag as I took the
black box out of it. I placed my hands on the
sides of the box as I mentally prepared myself to get disappointed. Lifting the cover, I put it on

my bed and held the box properly before I opened it to see the most unexpected thing, there

occupying most of the box I took it out to have a better look at it, It was an elegant long floor

length dress with a one shoulder and

was a silky gossamer red dress. Wattpad

Converter de ruffles. I lifted it to my chest and notic
slit that went all the way to the top of my thigh and the back of the dress having a diamond shape cut on it
dress was so soft and it screamed seductress. It was just Wow, but I couldn't wear it, It was just too revealin
my liking.

Putting it back in its box I left it aside as I wore a nude strapless bra and my underwear. I sat on
my dresser as I done my hair in an elegant Updo with a braid on the side of my head. Then, I
dressed up in the black dress which I bought yesterday. The softness of my black dress was
nothing compared to the gossamer one but I just couldn't get myself to wear the revealing red
dress. The black dress pooled by my ankles and I wore my red strap heels and a thin silver
wristwatch which resembled a bracelet. Perfect! I was good to go.

It was just a few a minutes to seven as I waited for Alzer to come pick me up, I decided to eat a
few grapes to fill my empty stomach. Just as I put one grape in my mouth, the doorbell rang. Alzer
was early today. Reluctantly, I left the green juicy grapes in the fridge and took my clutch and
headed to the door, but who I didn't expect was Adam. A very good looking, panty dropping Adam
to be standing there dressed in a tailor made Armani black suit from top to bottom, well polished,
expensive shoes and a red handkerchief the only other colour on his body. What's up with him and
what is he doing here?

" Why didn't you wear the dress I gave? " came his deep angry voice, no greeting whatsoever. How
gentlemen like and what dress was he even talking about?

P 10-2
That's when the memory of what happened last night flooded back into my brain. I was so
immersed in finding the prawns the whole morning that I forgot all about going with him to the
party and that burning kiss

which was a mistake.

Looking at him surveying my body, I remembered about the beautiful but revealing dress he gave,
My eyes narrowed to slits as I thought of how he wanted me to expose all my skin and be like one
of the fake bimbos he always goes out with.
The nerve of this disgusting man.

Not wanting to give him any explanation of my actions, I shrugged as I said,"it was a size larger".
I didn't invite him in as I came out and locked the door. If he wanted to be rude with me I wasn't
going to say anything to him. As I turned around to head to the car, Adam still stood on the same
spot as he was before. I raised an eyebrow at him and he narrowed his eyes at me.
Oh, so we were playing opposite facial expressions with our eyes.

He moved closer to me until my back hit the closed door. He lifted his hands to my head caging
me in . He
was such a giant that I had to lift my head to look at him and felt his short breaths on my face. He

much closer to me and I held my breath.

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What was he doing? we were going to be late.

He moved his lips to my ear and whispered dangerously low,

"that's impossible" his lips moved slowly teasing my ear , making me shudder, "I know your a 36
and that's the dress size. Think of a better excuse next time" he said as he moved away from me
and turned to his car. My eyes widened a fraction, how the hell did he know I was a 36.
P 10-3
Composing myself, I moved from the door and walked behind him. Deep in thought of how he
knew my bra size I didn't realise when I reached his sleek midnight black car. He stood like a
model by the passenger side holding the door open waiting for me patiently. What a perfect,
picture pose!

I looked at him as his eyes trailed down my body once again lingering on my rising and falling
chest, And I couldn't help but wonder,
What exactly is your problem, Mr Adam Larsen?


It's getting more juicy

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Don't you mean 3 in the morning ever heard of small boobs or short legs?????


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P 10-4
13.5K 431
56 by

{Sophie's PoV}

I tied the seatbelt as I sat on the comfortable car seat, It was so soft and plush that I just sank into
it. I'm sure this car must have cost him a fortune but it's just a status show off , to have the best of
I placed my clutch on my side and sat on the car waiting for Adam. After closing my door, god
knows where he went. I folded my hands as the seconds were ticking, finally after 5 minutes 55
seconds , yes I counted ,he entered. He had his sleek phone on his ear and spoke ,I think it was
German, so fluently in that deep low voice of his. He sounded so deadly and fierce, I actually felt
sorry for the person who he was talking to. After barking a few more orders, he cut the phone and
started the car .

I couldn't help but notice the stiffness of him. His left grip on the steering wheel was so tight his
knuckles were turning pink and white and the right hand was fisted. Damn, his hands were so big
and wide. I was so busy admiring his muscular thighs and hands that I hadn't realised we reached.
The car came to a sudden stop which I was not prepared for and I bounced off with my hands
flying, one to hold the window and the other, his fisted hand. Thank goodness, I had my seat belt
on or else I'm sure I'd have the perfect bump on my forehead.

" If you wanted to hold my hand so bad you just had to tell me Miss. Delans," Adam spoke with his red


curved in his signature smirk. I glared at him as I pulled my hand from him like as if I was
burnt, the arrogance of this arse.
Turning away from his mocking greys, I turned to look in front of me, shit there was paparazzi
swarming everywhere like annoying bees.

P 11-1
Oh lord, I was dreading passing through them, especially with the arrogant man sitting besides me.
I suddenly felt sick to my stomach, why did I have to come with him?
I'm sure I was just going to look like the many other bimbos who hang from his arm as he'll pose
confidently with his nose held high acting all bossy.

Just as the picture was becoming more clear in my head, Adam drove the car and turned
around. huh, what was he doing?

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him, questioning his actions, Wattpad

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" I hate Gossipers" he spoke as we reached the back entrance.
"Come on" he said as he parked the car and before he could come open my door , I got out. No
need for him to act all chivalrous when he was anything but , and as it is, there was no one around
Clutching my purse, I strolled as fast as I could in my heels to get as far as I could. I was so in a
hurry to get away from him, I didn't even realise when he silently came behind me and wrapped his
muscular hand around my waist , spreading the goosebumps down my body. His lips found my
ear once again,
" Walk slow meine Verführerin," he gritted lowly, pulling my body closer to his and he continued
talking in the foreign language,
".,,du bringst mich um" he spoke so fast making me confused on what he was
saying. Was he ... insulting me?
Oh,I'm definitely sure he was.
He moved closer to my back, tightening his hold on me and if it wasn't for his phone ringing I don't
know what else he'd do. I was relieved that his phone rang, I pushed his hands away and entered
the kitchen area. The smell of all the foods hit my nose, making me cringe, it was too much to
inhale at once. Blocking my nose with two fingers, I quickly walked out and headed to the hall. It
was already 7 :25 pm. I'm sure my dad would have my head for coming so late.


P 11-2
{Adam's PoV} haunted me the whole time not letting me concentrate at work as well. I was just busy

reminiscing the

It was 6:50 and I was already heading towards Miss Delans door , i know I told her 7pm but I dint
care whether or not I was early. I wanted to see her, feel her and punish her cause of those
luscious lips of hers previous night over and over in my head like at the moment.
I couldn't help but have a sense of deja vu as I walked up the stairs, this is how I had climbed the
stairs last night and knocked on her door hoping she didn't act stubborn and accept the gift I got
her. I personally picked it and hoped for her to wear it for the party. I knocked on her door only
for her to open the door dressed in a white fluffy bathrobe which reached her knees and her
cleavage peaking out teasingly, her pale skin was looking so tempting and her slender neck was
exposed more as she turned her head towards something behind her and spoke in that sweet voice
of hers " he's not here" she was relieved but her words sparked my anger, who the fuck wasn't
here? And HE, a fucking male in her fucking house when she was Mine. My beast roared, his fury
skyrocketing as unwanted thoughts flashed through my mind.
In a calm yet deadly voice I asked her who was not here , she gasped loudly and her eyes widened,
fuck the way she was looking at me with those brown eyes of hers widened and her mouth agape.
she wasn't expecting me to be here and the way her eyes widened said it all. I moved closer to hers
not stoping as my anger rolled of me in waves," Who Miss Delans?" I asked again but she was so
lost in her thoughts that she
did not even move as I stood so close to her that her soft perky breasts pressed against my chest ,
making me groan out her name, " Miss delans".

Still no response.

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I couldn't resist it now, my mouth descended on her neck and I breathed her smell through my
nose, I left a

P 11-3
wet kiss there but when she moaned, my hunger to taste more of her increased. I moved to the area
between her neck and collarbone and began sucking it . She gasped and moaned and a wicked
thought entered my mind,
Make her moan out who it was.
" Who?" I asked as I moved to under her ear and began sucking there and after more gasps and
moan which were driving my beast crazy, she finally spoke " the" she moaned as I bite on her pale
skin making it a bright red , my beast roaring at her Pleasure, " cat" . Just those two words made
my whole body relieved, I wouldn't be able to control my beast if I saw another male in her house.
Relieved and a still a bit angry , I watched her face as she shut her eyes and bit her lips from
moaning. Her lips were bright red from all her biting and I wanted to suck them badly. I pulled her
sexy body closer to me , tightening my hold on her as I asked her if I could kiss her, I was fighting
control with my beast who wanted to just claim her without asking but I knew she'd hate me more
if I kissed her without her permission.
" Can I kiss you Miss delans?" I asked her as I continued sucking ,licking and then biting the area
under her ear, she moaned but no reply, I asked again and when she uttered the words yes I wasted
to time in attacking those luscious lips of hers. A high pitched whimper came from her as I
groaned at the feel of her, i moved my lips against her hungrily and possessively, she was so soft
and sweet , I wanted more of her. I lifted her left leg to my waist and pinched her plump ass and as
she gasped , my tongue entered in the warmth of her mouth exploring every bit of it, she tasted
fucking delicious with her own enticing taste and a faint taste of chocolate.
Her tiny hand ventured into my hair pulling aggressively making me groan. The woman was
deadly. She met
my tongue head on , fighting fiercely trying to show her dominance, oh I loved the challenge. I
nipped on her


lips and continued fighting with her tongue till she gave up. I moved to her neck not letting go of
her yet and just before I could continue down the path of her neck, my phone interrupted our
passionate moment.

I moved away from her to see who was calling.

P 11-4
Answering it, my father told me to go see him immediately , agreeing reluctantly I turned around
to see Miss Delans but she had her back to me.
Was she embarrassed? Or ashamed? I moved closer to her but she flinched.
" I bought something for you" I told her before I put the white bag in her table and left her to her
thoughts last night and now , here I was again standing in-front of her door as I rang the bell.
I wanted to see her face again and hopefully catch her blush, but who was I even talking of, Miss
Delans was no ordinary woman and when she opened the door dressed in a sexy long black dress ,
she just proved it right.


du Wattpad
bringst mich um -Your Killing me

Converter de
meine Verführerin - My seductress

Vote and Comment.

"My beast roared" - wtf? ?? walk slow my seductive (?) are killing me.. (google translate)

P 11-5

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P 11-6
13.2K 448
43 by

This Chapter is dedicated to hemyadams and kaymaii for being the first ones to vote
and Comment. I can't express the excitement I felt when I saw the comments and votes
. Thank you sooo much for supporting this book??
{Sophie's PoV}
I matched my step in step with a waiter as I tried to avoid my fathers gaze. His glass clad eyes
were narrowed and he kept lifting his wrist to see the time. I could see the smoke coming out of
his ears and his nose flaring. Fuck!

I quickly grabbed a glass of apple juice and chugged down half to make it look like I had come
earlier. I didn't want to add more fuel to the blazing fire. I straightened up, fixed the creases from
my dress and approached my father from behind,

P 12-1
" Father" I nodded my head in acknowledgment and lifted my half empty glass to my mouth, hopefully he

fell www.ebook-

converter for the lie.

" I really like your punctuality Sophie" he spoke sarcastically," and how old are you to be drinking
apple juice" I bit my tongue from responding to him. My fathers negativity can never end.

I lowered my glass and faced more people as they came. Soft melodies played in the background,
cream drapes added to the elegance and fresh white and purple lilies brightened the room. Woman
dressed in all types of designer clothing moved sexily with Jewels shining on their necks, rings on
their thin fingers and men walked proudly in Armani, Gucci and Ralph Lauren Suits and ties.

A blur of bright green ran up to me and engulfed me in a tight hug. If it wasn't for the familiar
extensive use of the Hugo boss scent, I would have never recognised my mother.
" Oh Sophie , you look gorgeous" she said smiling from ear to ear holding me in her short arms .

P 12-2
"Why lying Blair ?" my father spoke harshly before I could even say anything, "she looks like a cheap,

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de bells blared loudly in my ears, my parents never complimented me and I mean it .

budgeted person dressed in this frumpy dress of hers" he said rudely before he walked away from
my mother and I .
I raised an eyebrow and turned to look at my mother who squirmed embarrassingly in front of me
before she even scurried of after my father.
See what I meant.
I shrugged my shoulder, their opinion didn't matter to me, as it is every mans thoughts differs from

I continued sipping my glass before I settled on my assigned seat. While everyone was enjoying, I
was bored out of my mind, I really wanted to take my phone out and read some emails but that would
look stupid and being Co-Owner of the company , it looked utterly rude. I swear if we didn't live life
depending on people's opinions, we'd be so much happier.

I tipped my glass till the last drop fell and then put it on the table, now what? I didn't want to talk
to business associates and fake compliment their wives. I had no choice but to head to the ladies
bathroom. I thought I could kill some time but as I soon as I entered the bathroom, I regretted it

Two blonde bimbos coated their lips with more red lipstick and puckered their lips as they
talked about getting laid tonight. " Oh did you see that guy in black?" Bimbo One said to
bimbo two,

P 12-3
, " fucking hot!".

" Who, the one with the pretty grey eyes? " bimbo two replied as they then looked at each other

and screamed Oh, my poor ears.

I winced as I tried to remember Who there were but I couldn't remember, " must be the make up" , I
muttered to myself as I walked out of the bathroom and headed to my seat. The starters were being
served and I was starving. I thanked the waiter and placed the napkin on my lap and just as I was
going to put the crispy chicken lollipops in my mouth, my hand was grabbed by none other than
Adam. I even forget about him being here,

" What?" I asked him as my stomach was now rumbling.

" Why are you sitting here?" He asked still holding my right wrist. I rolled my eyes as I told him it
was my seat.

precious chicken lollipop on the table as he dragged me towards his table,

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" Your not sitting here, you'll sit with me" he said before he pulled me out of my chair, making me
drop my

" Leave my hand Mr Larsen?" I spoke through clenched teeth , no one comes in between me and
my food. I
twisted my hand trying to make him let go but the arse wasn't letting me go.

" Mr. Larsen!" I spoke lowly as I tried not to make a scene in front of all the people who were
looking at us two.
stupid nosy people .
P 12-4
But Adam tightened his hold on me, his fingers digging in my skin painfully.I was so annoyed with
him. I lifted my left hand and pinched his bicep but to no avail, the guy was all muscle and I'm
sure He didn't even feel anything.

I pressed my weight to the ground to get him to stop moving but he only stopped when he got to his
table. The table which consisted of my parents and other people who I didn't even know. My father
raised an eyebrow at me wordlessly asking me what I was doing on their table.

I never sat with my family in parties. My father hadn't told anyone about the fact that I was his
Daughter, I was just Co-owner, that's it. I wasn't meant to sit with them. I was shocked when he
even told the Larsens, No one except my secretary knew and that also she had to sign a document
stating she won't tell anyone.

" Mum, Dad , this is Sophie Delans " Adams voice broke the staring contest between my father and
turned to look at who he addressed, I saw a pretty lady who sat in front of me grinning with her
white teeth
shining , cheeks glowing and grey eyes twinkling.

Wow she definitely knew how to take care of her self.
I said a quick greeting to her and I turned to look at an older carbon copy of Adam but with brown
eyes . He sat with a gigantic friendly smile on his face and when I nodded in his direction , it just
got bigger. How on the planet earth is the arrogant arse their son?

I clenched my teeth as I thought about how I'd have to eat dinner with proper etiquettes and
perfectness in front of my parents. I quickly tried to eat dinner without sparing a glance at anyone
on the table as they all made small talk amongst themselves. I was in no mood to talk with anyone
on anything lame. Especially when then were talking about something as stupid as weather,
" Yes you know in this summer heat, my skin just gets too red and blotchy and I can't even bear it.
I have to sit with the AC on all the time" spoke a plump lady who sat next to my mother.

P 12-5
an exception,
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I kept filling my mouth with food so no one could talk to me but obviously, Adams mother, Olivia
had to be

" So how did you two meet?" She asked as she gazed at me and Adam expectantly. She stared at us

P 12-6
adoration and amazement like as if Adam and I being together was unbelievable. It actually was
because if it wasn't for the business agreement , I would have never even blinked in his direction.
I looked at him and I raised an eyebrow in his direction.
Wow his mother didn't know anything concerning our arrangement.
Perfect, I thought as Adam gave me his signature smirk and his grey eyes twinkled with mischief,
" We met in a gym" he said, out of all the places a freaking gym. I raised an eyebrow waiting for
him to finish his ridiculous story,
" She couldn't carry a weight of 50 kg, she was struggling to put it down. I helped her and in
gratitude, she asked me out for dinner and now , here we are" he spoke nonchalantly with zero
emotion. He shrugged his shoulder and continued eating the freaking olives from his salad.

How typical of him to make me look like a damsel in distress, desperate and needy , and make
himself look generous and great.
"I always knew my Adam was a gentlemen" Olivia spoke praising her son for no apparent reason ,
boosting his Mexico sized ego even more.

So Freaking perfect ! I thought as I stabbed my chicken piece with my fork, venting my anger out
on it. I couldn't wait for this night

to end .


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P 12-7
Don't forget to Vote , comment and share!

What a rude biotch Just realised there is a arse in his second name. Was it intentional author? :P

??12 ??
11.4K 402
46 by

{ Sophie's PoV}

After thoroughly washing my hands and drying them, I headed for the desserts. I was still furious
with Adam and the only universal solution to any problem is Chocolate.

I piled my plate with chocolate covered strawberries , extra gooey looking brownies and chocolate
cake. Everything looked just so delicious and my once-full stomach was now empty , although it
had been 10 minutes since I was munching down dinner.

" Isn't that too much?" Came a manly voice from behind me. Ignoring whoever it was, I walked
towards the cookies and placed two in my plate.
Perfect! I was going to spoil my self today, fuck having to look professional.

Shrugging my shoulder, I placed the chocolate chip cookie in my mouth and planned to sit on a
table far , far

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" How aren't you fat?" The same annoying man spoke before I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

away from my parents and the Larsens.
What is up with everyone and judging?

I looked at the guy, gave him a sickly sweet fake smile before I took two cupcakes from behind
and placed them on his plate," enjoy!" I spoke sarcastically before I left him. I soon found a place
well hidden behind a thick draped pole and eagerly placed the strawberry in my mouth. The taste
was so rich and juicy, it melted in my mouth . I continued eating my berries as the chandelier
lights dimmed and classical melodies played louder.While love sick couples headed to the dance
floor, I sunk my teeth into the brownies. Oh delish! Who was foolish enough to choose dance
over dessert?

I closed my eyes to enjoy the burst of chocolate sauce in my mouth. When I opened them, my eyes
went straight to a familiar muscular man whose hand was draped around a blonde's waist and the
both of them were dancing hand in hand and chuckling. Narrowing my eyes, I realised it was none
other then my so called Fiancé blatantly flirting with a blonde bimbo.

I raised an eyebrow in his direction,

what a man whore!
I shook my head at his whorish ways and continued eating my desserts. Let him do whatever he
wants. I was better off eating my desserts without him pestering me.
After finishing almost half of my heavenly plate, my stomach started protesting. I was so
disappointed that I could no longer eat. I reluctantly left my spoon and saw the time, unfortunately
it was only 10 pm. The party was going to continue for a few more hours and I had to deal with

I stood up form my seat , planning to go enjoy the garden view from the balcony but my stomach
rumbled and an ache soon spread out. I clutched my stomach as the pain increased until it was
almost unbearable.
Was it cramps?

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No wonder I was freaking craving for chocolate so much and ate like a savage.
Bloody hell!

Taking in a few deep breaths and drinking cold water I waited for awhile. Mustering some courage,
I stood up and started looking around for my father. I had to tell him that I was going home. I know
he'll flip but I had to go before the pain got worse. I so badly wanted to lie on my stomach. Oh god!

I clutched my stomach tighter , my eyes getting blurry due to the pain and my fingers were
wrinkling the dress in the process but who cared. I groaned lowly as I continued looking for my

Giving up on finding him. I walked to the emergency exit. Hopefully no one saw me and I hurried as fast as

I www.ebook-

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P 13-10
converter could with one hand on my stomach and the other holding

my phone.

I looked for Alzer and when I spotted him , I all but ran and collapsed in the
leather seats, " Please hurry home Alzer" I moaned in pain as I saw his bald head
shake quickly.

"Should I stop at the pharmacy Miss?" He asked with a panic filled voice but I couldn't answer.
The pain was so fucking much. No I shook my head in response. I did not want to go anywhere
except my bed. That's what happens when you get your periods after 3 months! I gritted my teeth.
who ever said being a girl was easy.

" Don't tell Father about this" I told Alzer before I walked away from the Car. Oh it was

heavenly as I sprawled across my comfy bed , not even bothering to change my clothes. ~~~

I woke up to bright light streaming through my open windows. Urgh I forgot to close the curtains
last night. I grumbled under my breath as I pushed the covers from my body, unfortunately now
that I was awake, I couldn't go back to my precious sleep. I was still wearing the dress from last
night. I'm sure my makeup must've smudged around my whole face , making it almost impossible
to scrub out. I entered my bathroom and filled the tub with warm water. It was time for a relaxing,
bubble bath.

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P 13-11
I walked out of the tub only after the water got cold and my stomach rumbled in hunger. I switched
on the television to listen to the headlines as I arranged my breakfast. I took out the ingredients for
a perfect, healthy peanut butter and jam sandwich and just when I went to take a bite of it, I heard
the worst news ever. My blood boiled in anger and my appetite got lost as I heard the news.

" Another ball, Another bimbo . NYC's major heartthrob once again seen with another woman
but however this time, he entered with one and left with another" said an over enthusiastic , caked
up blonde who turned to look at her male co-host , who continued talking.

" oh oh oh what do I see ? This young billionaire is really breaking hearts by taking in a different woman an
another out . Although both women wore a black dress , you definitely can't fool us." The guy chuckled befo
he continued , " Here is a glimpse of the dashing heartbreaker at yet another ball " "Pick me up in five" I sai
before I cut the phone and clenched my palm, I couldn't wait to meet the arse


I gritted my teeth and clenched my jaw, my blood was boiling and I was furious, I picked my
phone and dialled Alzer.

give him what he deserves.

A tight slap.


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P 13-12
Oh shiiii what's Sophie going to do now? And who's the
heartthrobs? Obv who except Adam!!!!

Vote and Comment.

The shit we have to go through and we still have to deal with life and people?? Same


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P 13-13
12.1K 426
20 by

{Sophie's PoV}
I stormed out of the car as my blood boiled more.The butler who worked here had to act like
an over obedient staff member and did not open the gate until he asked for confirmation and
after almost thirty minutes , his British voice spoke suspiciously " You May come in Ma'am".

Apparently there was no any " Sophie Dalice" written any where in Mr Larsens book and it was
dangerous to let any stranger in the yard. The moment the car drove on the long pathway , which
had beautiful palm trees aligned on the sides, I could feel a billion eyes on me. I made a huge
mistake by rolling down my window. Rolling my eyes , I stayed mute. It was like as if we were
talking about the president and not a freaking business man.

Alzer slowed down as we came to the parking area and that's when I noticed the house he was
living in. I'd say a Glass Mansion because for a single man, it was enormous. It was another cliche,
out of the magazine house , just like my parents. Not wasting time to admire the scenery , I strode
up the pavement and rang the bell repeatedly.
Let me annoy the hell out of them.

After ringing the bell five times , did a tall, thin butler answer the door. He had the name badge

written elegantly on his suit,

How typica l!
"Where's Mr .Larsen" I asked with no compliments whatsoever. I was seething and I'm sure he
realised that as he stuttered and said fifth floor while pointing at the elevator. Wow even a freaking
elevator in the house, definitely a golden spoon fed billionaire .
I strode to the golden elevator and punched in 5. The elevator had golden mirrors where I couldn't
help but notice my attire. I was dressed in my Sunday casual clothes, which consisted of an extra
P 14-1
loose golf white shirt and grey leggings. My hair were tied in a ponytail and the waist length of it
started annoying me more. Just 5 more minutes and I'd see that arsehole, I clenched my palm to
calm down my anger.

However, I wasn't expecting to find the fifth floor to be an entire pool area with lush green grass
surrounding the pool and a half naked, boxer clad Adam doing laps smoothly. His strong arms
emerged from the water
and before I could even admire the tats that were on them, he unfortunately disappeared under the
water once again. He was quickly finishing the laps like a professional and I couldn't even keep up
with how many he in frustration ,
had already done. I stomped my foot twice to gain his attention but still he didn't notice me. I closed my

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de Didn't the freaking butler inform him of my arrival?

Taking in a few deep breaths, I calmed my self down before I opened my brown eyes only to clash
with dark grey ones. Adam now floated on the corner of the pool with a flute of champagne in his
hand and his 8 pec glistening in the sunlight, staring at me.
" How can I help you Miss Delan?" he spoke mockingly in that deep voice of his.
" No time for pleasantries Mr Larsen" I spoke back sarcastically, "Lets get straight to the point
Shall we?" I spoke as I watched his grey eyes scan me from top to bottom and his dark red lips
curve in his signature smirk, he remained silent waiting for me to speak.
" Where's your fuck buddy?" I asked with a clenched Jaw and gritted teeth.
"Are we Jealous , Miss Delan?" His stupid smirk grew bigger and I could feel his ego boost.
" Actually No! I came to talk to her" his perfectly shaped eyebrow rose and his grey eyes sparkled
with amusement.
"I wanted to apologise to her, " I spoke as I walked around the pool and got closer to his side,
"You see , she was indirectly,nationally mocked for walking out with a man whore and labelled a
slut. I wanted to give her my condolences".
It was my time to smirk as I looked at Adam, but the arrogant arse just kept smirking before he
grabbed hold of the edges of the pool and pulled his muscular body out of the pool. His biceps
flexing and his 8 pecs
P 14-2
became more prominent. He stood proud and tall in front of me with water dripping from his silky


brown hair down his chest and disappearing down his well defined V. I quickly turned my gaze to
look at the flowers.I didn't want him to see me checking him out , then definitely his ego wouldn't
even fit in his head,
" Where's your fucker Miss delans?" Adam asked me sounding angry but his eyes held a mixture
of amusement, anger and curiosity.
" Excuse me!" I spoke shocked.
what did he just ask?
" Let's be honest Miss Delans," he spoke lowly coming closer to me.
" After dinner, you just disappeared in thin air after talking to that bastard by the desserts." Two
more steps and we'll breathe the same air but thankfully he stopped,
" If you so wanted to not let daddy dearest know, you didn't have to wear the fuckers shirt" he
spoke so rudely , jumping to conclusions .
I couldn't control my anger now. It exploded and I covered the distance between us by lifting my
palm to slap him, but the despicable arrogant arse caught my hand and pushed it behind my back
making my covered chest
touch his wet torso. He pulled me closer and I raised my face to show him the anger swimming in
the depth

I started squirming to move away from him,

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of my orbs. His face was so close to mine, I could actually see the dark blue strands in his grey

P 14-3
"Leave me!" I spoke with frustration , the guy had an iron grip on me.
" Stop moving" he answered back with a clenched jaw but I was not going to let him have the
satisfaction of making me lose. I kept moving my wrist , trying to get him to let go but the guy now
trapped me in both arms and spoke low in my ear.
" Stop fucking moving," I wouldn't have stopped if it wasn't for the touch of his manhood poking
me in the stomach, freezing me . Adam breathed down on my neck trying to maintain his control
but his cool breath was making shivers run down my body. And the way he tightened his hold on
my hip , confirmed he knew. Especially with the way my nipples were tight buds , pressing
shamelessly on his cool chest.
I took in some breaths before I spoke hesitantly,
" Adam?" He let go of my arm and moved his left hand on my neck and his right hand on my
waist. I placed both arms on his chest trying to make as much distance as possible between our
faces but no use, I involuntary moved against him, making him groan.
" Fuck!" He spoke dangerously low before his tightly shut eyes opened to show stormy grey ones
which went completely black. And his dangerous beast broke control as he didn't ask for any
permission before his left hand tightened on my neck and his lips captured mine.
A burst of energy spread through my body,heating my insides, making me sink my nails into his chest. He groan
in my mouth and he bit my lips, trying to make me open my mouth, but this time I wasn't going to let him. I w
furious with him but the way his hand was pulling on my hair and the way his other hand was roaming arou
my body, was spreading heat wherever it went. He moved his hand under my shirt and moved it straight to
breast pinching it. It was so unexpected that I gasped and his talented tongue ventured in my mouth, explor
every inch, claiming my mouth. my scalp and his teeth were biting my skin, I had never felt such pleasure befo

I moaned out his name www.ebook-

His lips moved to my cheek then down my throat making me moan uncontrollably. He moved to
the spot under my ear and he sucked the area, biting the skin there until I'm sure it's bruised. His
hand was massaging

when he bit hard," Adam!" but the insatiable man wasn't done. He came back to my lips and bit
them more until they were swollen.
Finally he left my lips. I breathed in thankfulness and looked at him with half hooded eyes. He
moved away from me and turned his back to me with his palms clenched tightly in a fist.
"Nice bra" he spoke mockingly before he disappeared into the changing room in the corner and
that's when I realised what the guy had done. The stupid arrogant arse made my entire white shirt
wet , making it cling to my body and making my hot pink bra show.
P 14-4
How fucking annoying!


Haha who was expecting a heated make out session between the two?

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Next chapter in Adams PoV....
keep voting and commenting peeps.
If you think he’s so annoying than why did you give in!?! That's pretty unhealthy lol

P 14-5

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P 14-6
12.3K 406
43 by

{ Adams PoV}

I turned my back away from the seductress who stood behind me. She looked so fucking tempting
with her lips swollen, eyes half hooded and her bra playing peekaboo. She was playing with my
body in an unhealthy way and my beast was in overdrive ever since he heard she was on the door.

Yes, I had heard the first time she rang the bell,. I told Alfred to make her wait but I was definitely
not expecting her to barge into the pool area looking all angry and red, trying to look intimidating.
Like a little tigress

I walked to the changing chambre, it pained me to leave her behind but I had to. It was too soon to
do anything on her especially when she was just a virgin. But Fuck the way she was so responsive.
My beast loved listening to her sweet moans and how she gasped for air. I was the one to make her
breathless and my beast had a show off smirk on his face. I was the only fucking one to make her
feel like that. I was the only

one to get her aroused and give her her release.

I quickly climbed into the shower, had an icy cold shower and wore my sweat pants. I grabbed a
shirt to wear it when I remembered how Sophie's gaze was transfixed on my body. Her eyes
feasting on me made me proud of all the hard work gone in making the perfect body. I chuckled
lowly as I thought to trouble her more, I walked out to see her lost holding her phone to her still
red ear talking to someone. Her hickey was a bright red and I was glad I had marked her. I couldn't
wait to put more on her body.

I watched her talk on the phone. Her eyebrows would furrow every now and then and she'd even
raise her left one before she rolled her eyes and spoke sarcastically. Her swollen red lips
P 15-1
straightened before she cut the phone and when she looked at me, her eyebrow was still raised. Her
eyes done a thorough check on me before she turned around and walked to the elevator swaying
her hips seductively. I liked having those eyes of hers on me. I growled lowly as I followed her
plump ass into the elevator.

The sexual tension in the elevator was so strong. I just wanted to push her on each and every wall
and have
my dirty way with her. Especially after seeing the way she was staring at my abbs through the
mirrored elevator door. She thought I didn't know she was looking at me but I very well knew. I was
enjoying seeing soon came to a stop which I was grateful for, if she continued staring at me, my
control would break and then
her squirm. I flexed my bicep and I watched her eyes dilate as she tried to see the tat on my arm. The

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de there was no coming back. I was already fucking hard even though I just showered.

I lowered my hand to the small of her back and bent down to her ear.
" Lets go have some breakfast Miss Delans" I spoke lowly and close to her ear, making sure my
tongue teased the shell of her ear. I smirked as I felt her shiver against my body and her,
unconsciously move closer to me. I tightened my hold on her and guided her to the kitchen.

I watched how her eyes made a quick assessment of the kitchen. Her eyes reflected the
appreciation she had for it. Her lips nearly lifted to a smile when she saw the glass refrigerator
which was full of chocolates. Ah I was so close in seeing that precious smile of hers.
"Please have a seat" I told her and watched her brown eyes blink at me before she settled on my
favourite bar stool. It was the perfect picture.
Her sitting in my kitchen on my stool, waiting for breakfast to eat. I shook the thought
away. What the fuck! she was messing with my thoughts now.

I took out all the ingredients for making the thing I knew would impress her the most. I took the
non-stick pan and switched on the oven before I washed a few ripe strawberries. I mixed the
pancake batter and poured some on the pan. I could feel her gaze follow my every move. I turned

P 15-2
hoping to catch her and make fun of the situation but then she was in some deep thought, still
staring at the oven. Her eyes had glazed and the slight anger that she had earlier on was replaced
with another emotion, sadness.

I quickly took the pancakes out before they turned cold and walked in front of her. She broke from her


and watched me as I cut some strawberries and poured a little of chocolate sauce for her. I know
how woman were over conscious of their health and they were over concerned regarding even an
ounce of fat.
" Put more!" Her irritated voice cut the silence of the kitchen. I poured a few more chocolate drops
thinking she'd be satisfied but her eyebrows furrowed. The anger returned before she roughly
pulled the bottle from my hand and covered the entire pancake with chocolate.
" That's more like it!" She smiled to herself as she placed a bite in her mouth. I watched intently
as her eyes closed in Pleasure and a delicious moan came out from her mouth. "This is" moan "...
sooo" another moan," .....good". Fuck!
She moaned more than thrice in just one sentence. I was getting more fucking aroused just
listening to her.

Adjusting my pants, I settled in front of her and continued watching her, she opened her eyes which were spark
with pleasure. " This is amazing" she said and I smirked in her direction before I dug in mine too. We

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breakfast in a comfortable silence and I placed the dishes in the sink.
" Who's going to wash that Mister?" Sophie asked me with her eyebrows raised and a hand on her
" The maid," I told her before wiping my hands with a towel and giving her a blank look.
"Are you kidding me? Just for two plates and a pan you're going to trouble someone!" She looked
at me incredulously.
" Yes!" I told her but She shook her head at me and stormed out of the
kitchen. She was angry again!
Why are Women so difficult to understand?

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Adam making those pancakes??


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Peeka peeka boo??? Where's the 8 pac

P 15-4
12.4K 443
19 by

100 votes!!! I'm screaming!
Thank you so much to all of you who voted and
commented. Thank you.
{ Sophie's PoV}

I angrily walked out from the kitchen.How obnoxious and arrogant was he? Just because he was a
billionaire, he couldn't wash his own plate. All rich men I have met are arrogant, egoistic and self
centred assholes who think that the world runs on their fingers.

I picked my phone and gave Alzer a call. I wanted to get out of Adams house as soon as possible.
His house was bringing ugly memories of my past and I was feeling uneasy remembering those
awful moments. Especially when Adam was flipping those pancakes for me, I had a trip down
memory lane and I couldn't deal with that right now. I was fine with everything around me and I
didn't want to stress myself.

" Your mother messaged me" I told Adam as I put my phone to my ear. Alzer was not freaking answering


call and a shirtless Adam was the last thing I wanted to see. He folded his arms making those
biceps flex as he leaned against the wall, posing like a model, looking at me with an eyebrow
I clenched my teeth before I opened the chat with his mother , " Let me read out what she said,"
I took in a deep breath , gave him an irritated look before I read what she said.

P 16-1
" what's up with you not going home with my son? Doesn't he satisfy you anymore? Oh! you just
another gold digging bitch who's after my sons wealth? " I told him as I used a sweet fake voice to
talk like his mother. He was going to say something but I stopped him by raising a hand, " there's
more," I said before I continued talking.

" listen here gold digging bitch, just cause you want some fame and money, doesn't mean you
should go and attack my son, there plenty of fish out there so go find another one!" .
He had now moved behind me and read with me.I turned around and gave him my phone, letting
him read for himself and verify the contact number.

I distanced myself from him. He was too close to my liking and his body heat was doing something to me,

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" I don't know what your mum is talking about but I will not tolerate being called a gold digger" I
told him as

" Either you tell her the truth or clear this mess up. I don't care what you do but I don't want my
face to be up on the internet as one of your hookups. We are keeping our relationship low at the
moment and I prefer it like that"
Adam handed me back my phone and gave me a blank look.I was sure he was used to his mother
messaging the girls he slept with and this message was not even a surprise for him. I wonder where
she must've got my number from.
" I'll see to it" he told me gruffly before he turned and walked away from
me. Wow what a perfect manner to bid farewell to your guests!
I scrawled in his direction before I walked in the opposite direction towards the
door. The further I was from him ,the better it'll be for me.

Monday morning I returned to work but with a full headache. I had entered the company feeling
like a stranger, the whole building had been transformed and renovated: new tiles, polished desks,
plush chairs, cushioned sofas and flower Pots were everywhere.The walls were shining and the
elevator was obviously the trademark gold colour. It didn't feel like the company I was in before. It
was now the Larsens Company and I didn't know how to feel about it.

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P 16-2
I entered my office and it was completely changed too. The windows were made with black glass , the walls w
a light peach colour and the dark brown desk was shining which I'm sure was definitely imported from Afric
rolled my eyes, it was my own office but I wasn't comfortable in it . it was my desk. Apparently it was a fres
cut pine tree and the smell was going to stay for a few da


I sat on my black seat and started working on my files, trying to ignore the busy world but a strong
aromatic smell was causing my headache to increase. I called Alessia to ask her what the smell was
when she told me

rubbed my temples to get rid of the headache. I was heading to make myself a bitter sweet cup of
coffee when my phone rang, seeing my fathers number flash I sighed before I answered it. Why
was he calling me now ? Had I done something wrong?

" Rearrange your schedule and push all your meetings to me, you'll be going to Maldives for a
week with Adam" my father spoke quickly through the phone. What? Maldives?

I so wanted to ask why I was going but he didn't like getting interrupted when he was talking so I
remained shut.
"Your flight will be leaving in an hour so pack the files you are doing" he spoke like a robot ,
narrating all the commands without any emotion.
Nodding my head I took the creamer out, "Did you understand Sophie!" My fathers frustrated
voice spoke. ah the only emotion he shows.
That's when I realised I didn't agree to
him, " Yes Father" and he cut the call.
Sighing loudly, I packed all the files that I had to work on today and a few more in my laptop bag.
If I was going to go with Adam, I rather be busy then be bored. I closed my blinds and locked my
office door before I headed to my house. I still had to pack and I wanted to even grab a white
cream latte from Starbucks.

I rushed through the zebra crossing being extra careful not to bump into anyone, I didn't want my
precious coffee going to a waste. I reached home only to see Alzer standing against my fathers
Audi and my mother sitting comfortably inside the car sipping what seemed to be an iced tea.

P 16-3
" Darling, I've been waiting for you," my mother spoke taking her head out of the opened door.
" Come sit I need to talk to you" she said before she shifted to sit on the other side. I gave Alzer a
look to ask what was happening but he just shrugged. We were talking about my mother, I'm sure
she must be wanting to talk about the most silliest things.

I groaned mentally before I knocked on the window. I rather just talk to her from outside then go
all the way in and get comfortable. She frowned before she rolled the window down, " Come in
" No mother I'm in a hurry, I need to pack" I told her but then I realised what a big mistake I
made. Packing was my mother's favourite hobby,
" Oh where you going?" She asked with her eyes sparkling and her smile stretching. better, but I never budge
Her dressing style consisted of wearing bright colours with skin showing


" Just some business Mother," I told her slowly letting the fact that it was just something to do with
work sink in. She like my father found my dressing style too bland and she tried at every
opportunity to get me to dress

everywhere and the clothes clinging like a second skin. I rather wear clothes which are loose and
comfortable and not clothes that are choking my entire body,
" Where Sophie?" She asked again and I had to tell her.
" Maldives" I raised my coffee to my mouth and watched her frown deepen, she detested coffee
with a passion.
" Oh yes! your father told me," she said with a megawatt
smile. Uh ugh no, I knew where this was heading.
" I'm glad he asked me to pack for him because I packed for you as
well" Urgh!

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P 16-4
Somebody save me please! " Fathers not coming mother" I told her trying to maintain my cool. My
headache was returning with full force

especially with the way I was clenching my teeth.

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" Oh then he must have cancelled last minute." She said smiling at me and opening the door.
" No problem darling at least you don't have to worry about packing. Come on in , you need to get
going to the airport right"
This sly woman. she already knew but still wanted to know. I gave Alzer a look before I entered
the car. There was only 15 minutes for me to reach the airport and I knew this trip was definitely
not going to be worthwhile!


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Too be honest, I’m both. I like clothes that are short, like skirts for example, I like wearing skirts that reach
higher than my knees, otherwise I feel constricted. I also like wearing crop tops because theyre light and I can
breathe in them. But I’m also all about comfort, I like smooth fabrics. Too

P 16-5
11.7K 409
47 by

{Sophie's POV}

We reached the airport pretty quickly.My mother handed me a side bag which had all my passport
and other things and an extra big, blue suitcase.I eyed the suitcase warily,
" Mother what's in here?" I asked her trying to not shout and control my frustration,
" Obviously clothes Sophie! Now go hurry, Adam's waiting for you" She nudged me and
frantically waved at a busy Adam.

I was so not prepared to see him especially after yesterday. Today his choice of attire was a dark grey suit wi
a black undershirt clinging to every muscle of his body. You could easily see the outline of his pecs. His brow
hair were tousled as he ran his fingers through them and his catastrophic eyes were thankfully not in my
direction, they were hidden behind black aviators . I purposely walked slowly to not reach him but the arse
knew, he knew I wanted to annoy him and that signature smirk of his just said it all. opposite direction.I was
confused as to what he was doing, I read the time it was 11:56 am and we


I nodded at him and was heading to the check in, when he roughly grabbed my wrist and dragged
me in the

only 4 minutes before the plane would take off.

what the hell was he doing?
"Mr Larsen!" I said trying to gain his attention but the arse ignored me.What was up with him and
dragging me? Oh yeah, he doesn't have the courtesy to ask and he knows I will not follow him on
my own.

P 17-1
I put all my weight on my feet as we passed through a metal walled corridor, guards stood in a line
and nodded at us, more precisely Adam, as we passed them. Finally, we came to a stop in front of a
big white jet that had the name Larsens written in big bold letters.
How could I forget my fake fiancé was a freaking billionaire? That also a Larsen? I sighed, how
hard would it for him to just tell me we were not flying in economy but in his Majesty's plane.
I pulled my wrist from his loosened grip and tied my hair in a bun, all the dragging made my
hair fall out. I climbed the ladder behind Adam and I watched the way his suit pants were
clinging to his derrière. How interesting, even his ass cheeks had muscles. I wanted to laugh
loudly but I controlled myself.

Adam introduced me to the Pilot, Benjamin who flushed pink when I shook hands with him and called

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Ben.his ears turned red and in his British accent he said" Yes Ma'am" . It was so cute that I couldn't
control the smile that spread on my cheeks. However, Adam did not find it amusing and he glared
at our intertwined hands though his shades.I could feel the storm brewing in his eyes and I felt his
muscular arm wrap tightly around my waist as he said,
" Meet my fiancé, Sophie Delans" the way he said Sophie made an involuntary shiver run down
my body.
When Ben realised who I was, he quickly left my hand like as if I burnt him and apologised
before he scurried away. Adam smirked in my direction. I swear he purposely took me to
meet the air hostess, Rebecca, who blatantly flirted with Adam in front of me. I rolled my
eyes at him, Did he really think I was going to get jealous?

I ignored them and walked to the lounge area in his plane. I tied my seat belt on, removed my work
shoes and placed my laptop bag on the seat next to mine, "Well if you two are done flirting, can we
leave?" I told the two of them, that's when Adam realised I was not next to him and was already
well settled in my seat. Rebecca blushed embarrassed and nodded her head before she went to tell
Ben to take off.

Adam clenched his jaw before he settled on the seat opposite to mine.

P 17-2
" What's the WiFi password?" I asked Adam internally smirking, he thought I'd get affected but I
wasn't. He was a walking, smoking, hot piece of steak who bitches couldn't help but get attracted
to and I didn't blame them as well, he was every woman's wet dream.

" There's no password." he spoke lowly in that deep voice of his. I nodded at him before I started
doing my own work. It was quite interesting, none of us talked and the both of us were busy
clicking letters on our
laptops. I lifted my gaze to look at the MacBook he had, it was the latest and looked so sleek in its

black www.ebook-

converter colour just like its owner. I envied his laptop once more

before I continued reading my file.

I cleared my throat, it had been three hours since we took off and my bum had gotten sore. I placed
the laptop away and stood up to stretch. Adam watched me intensely ,without blinking his eyes
once as I bent to touch my toes and twisted my back. I raised an eyebrow in his direction but
instead of being ashamed, he smirked. Stupid arse!

P 17-3
" So why are we going Maldives?" I finally asked the question that was itching me the whole time.
" Your father didn't tell you?" Adam asked me surprised.
" Nope now tell me," I told him before I walked to the small refrigerator in front of me.I was
starving and I wasn't going to wait for Rebecca to come. I opened the fridge and saw heavenly
goodies in front of me, different types of chocolate bars were arranged according to size. I grinned
as I found my favourite Sneaker
bar as well. However, I wasn't craving chocolate at the moment and so decided to grab the whole grape

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de and settled Indian style on the plush plane seat.

Adam shook his head at me,

" well we're going there to see a site. I am planning to open a factory there where we can
manufacture the steel parts so it can be a lot more easier to transport to Africa and also Asia, in the
future." He spoke so effortlessly in that deep voice of his. I couldn't help but get drawn to the way
his red lips were moving as he spoke.

P 17-4
" Well its a busy tourist attraction, don't you think the government will object to let a steel making
company in. Especially , if we taking about all the emissions and pollution that's going to happen?"
I asked him thinking about how tourism was the main foreign exchange factor for Maldives.
" Don't worry about that Miss delans" Adam told me as his smirk stretched and he continued doing
his work completely ignoring me. Wow just wow!

The rest of the plane ride I didn't know what to do. How I wished I had taken a book with me. I
spent some time staring at the passing clouds but after a while it got boring so I just stared at
Adam. I watched the way his eyebrows scrunched as he read something he didn't like or how his
lips straightened when he read something irrelevant I guess, he soon lifted his grey eyes to question
me but I was to embarrassed to even look at him. I just turned my head, reclined my seat and off
I went to sleep in a deep slumber.

I woke up to Adam carrying me bridal style so close to his muscular chest and my head in the
crook of his neck.
" We reached?" I asked dumbly trying to adjust my eyes to the bright light. holding me carefully to his chest
like as if I was something fragile and his grey eyes were intensely staring


" Yes, now go back to sleep" He commanded me but all thought of sleeping flew out of my head
when I realised how close we were to each other. My breasts were tightly pressed to his chest, his
arms were

my brown eyes. I was so close to him that I could actually see the dark blue strands in his eyes. My
breath hitched in my throat and I quickly turned my gaze away.
What was he doing to me?
And why was my heart beating so fast?


P 17-5
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I don't wanna sound creepy but I kinda guessed he had a nice ass???????? I canttttt????

P 17-6
12K 408 29
by maginary

{ Sophie's PoV}
" You can put me down you know" I told Adam trying to get him to let me go. I didn't like his
body heat so close to mine and the weather wasn't even helping, I was sweating like crazy.
" How much do you weigh Miss Delans?" He asked me looking at me intensely . There you go, he
asked me the question almost every guy asks, now I'll answer him and then he'll mock me about
my weight , telling me how fat I was and how stupid I was for wearing black from top to bottom
in this heat. I rolled my eyes as I replied to him, " Why?"
" You do that quite often" Adam spoke saying the word often while pronouncing the " T". I really
wanted to
correct him but the way he said it melted my insides, " You answer a question with a question"
I felt my cheeks go red. It's definitely the heat Sophie and not cause of Adam staring down at you.
I turned my head away from him and saw him heading towards a helicopter, how didn't I notice
it before. " I'm sure you weight 56 Kgs Miss Delans. There's nothing to be embarrassed about
and I wouldn't mock you" he said with that deep Italian accent of his before he placed me on the
seat of the helicopter. How did he know what I was thinking?

before wearing the ear plugs , ignoring him and tying my seat belt. We soon were many kilometres above.


" I'm not embarrassed about my weight Mr. larsen" I told him stubbornly, "....and I weigh 58" I
told him

was mesmerised as we flew over the clear blue waters, I could see tiny people walking around on
the beach and some people even paragliding. It looked like so much fun and I was getting
energised just by looking at them.
I smiled down at them and I could feel Adams eyes on me, " First time here?" He mouthed, I
laughed as I nodded. It was so pretty from on top here and I was enjoying it. The air was blowing

P 18-1
my hair all around and unfortunately my hair tie flew away. I watched open mouthed as my black
hair tie was carried away by the winds. I huffed as I tried to get my hair to settle down but the wind
was too strong. After attempting for the third time I left it.

After a few minutes, the helicopter finally came to a stop on a helipad, Adam untied his belt and came out of
seat and disappeared to god knows where. I looked around me to see no sign of living things except for me an
Ben. " Where are we Ben?" I asked Ben who was waiting for the blades of the helicopter to come to a

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" We are at Mr. Larsens Island Ma'am" He said taking off his ear muffs,
" He has an island!" I voiced out my thoughts.
" 3 actually Ma'am, but this one is his favourite" Ben told me smiling.
How freaking rich was Adam? 3 islands? Damn! No wonder he wasn't worried about the
government. Stupid arse, if he just told me what would go of his?
I nodded in Bens direction as I fumbled with my seatbelt. it was so easy to close but why wasn't
it opening now. I groaned as I tried to read the instructions but guess what, they were written in a
foreign language, " Can I help you Ma'am?" Ben asked.
Oh thank goodness he was still in here with me otherwise I'd be
stuck. " Please do" I told him smiling.
Ben returned my smile as he unbuckled himself and was just coming to untie my seatbelt when
instead an irritated Adam stood next to me.
" If you don't know how to use such things, why do you act over smart Miss Delans?" He spoke
rudely in my ear before he pushed his body closer to mine and moved a muscular arm close to my
breasts. I wanted to reply back to him but his arm rubbed against the side of my breast, it was so
unexpected that I gasped. Adam pinned me with his grey eyes and I watched as they slowly
darkened in colour until they turned fully black, I turned away from him. It was too much for me.
No, he was too much for me.

After he untied the belt, I waited for him to move before I stood up. It felt great to stretch my legs
and I just wanted to go and lie down on a bed. Adam guided me to another golden elevator which
led us down to a
P 18-2
lounge area,

me. Huge windows overlooked an infinity circular pool which had a background of the light blue water


"Welcome to the Seeblick house" Adam whispered in my ears and I was captivated by what was in
front of

they clashed against each other. Fresh salty air comforted us and huge palm trees were on the sides
of the pool. All I wanted to do was go and dive into the water. It looked so magical.
This house was one of the many massive mansions that belonged to Adam. He led me upstairs to
my room which had two glass walls with another epic view of the ocean and a balcony which had
couches in it. " Freshen up Miss. Delans we have to go somewhere," Adam told me as he pointed
towards the bathroom and he walked out. A shower is just what I needed to get the grime out. I
saw my blue suitcase in the corner of the room and I groaned, hopefully my mother put appropriate
clothes in it.

Who was I kidding? My mother put the most skimpiest clothes and the most revealing bikinis for
me, she knew very well that I don't wear bikinis but the sly lady.
Why the fuck did she have to pack?
I took all the clothes out of the suitcase just so that I would find something decent to wear but no,
nothing to even covers my freaking knees. I groaned out loud. What the hell was I supposed to

I put all the clothes back in slowly when I saw a green and beige summer dress, I unfolded it and saw

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reached a little above my ankles. Okay this would do. I took the dress and rummaged through my
suitcase for at least one decent cardigan, I found a see through cream lace cardigan and paired

P 18-3
them together. Perfect, I can wear this for today and hopefully buy something from the town for

I entered the tiled bathroom and was shocked to see the massive size, even in the freaking bathroom
there was a tub which had a view of the beach. I couldn't wait to see the night view from the bath.
I had a quick cool shower as I was too excited to explore more of the town. I quickly got dressed.
I was wearing clothes which I don't usually wear but I guess I looked fine. I tied my hair in a pony
and I grabbed my purse and put my credit card and phone.

I walked out of my room and stoped. Urgh I didn't even know the directions to go down. Should I
go Left or right? Deciding to go right, I walked a few steps before I came to a big door, oh no I'm
going to waste so much time finding a way out. I closed my eyes and shook my head. How stupid
of me to not see the way when Adam was walking. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and
they landed on a muscled white chest. Urgh what was up with me always bumping into him?

" Sorry" I murmured begrudgingly before I moved away from him. He was dressed in a white
fitting cotton top and light grey sweats.
Why would he wear such thick pants in this heat? I rolled my eyes at his dumbness.
" Please lead the way Mr Larsen" I told him fake smiling and I moved a little at the back, I just
hope he doesn't be an extra obnoxious arse during this week.


It's just the beginning of all the spicy, saucy, juicy drama that's going to
happen. And If you enjoying this book please Don't forget to Vote,
comment and share!!
Dude your totally wrong, you pronounce the letter "T" in often its not silent Damn what century does she live in?
She is in the Maldives and puts dress to her ankle. How is she not hot in that?

P 18-4
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P 18-5
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52 by

{ Sophie's PoV}

We walked down so many passages that my heels were aching and just as I was going to whine out
loud, Adam stopped in front of a door. He opened it and like the very gentlemen he was, a choking
cough before he asked me to walk down the stairs. I groaned mentally ,another set of stairs to go
I raised an eyebrow in his direction before I walked down with him trailing behind me. I grabbed
the railing as some sort of support for my tired self and walked absentmindedly. However, after
awhile, I noticed that with each step I was going lower, it was getting dimmer and dimmer and I
couldn't even hear Adams heavy footsteps behind me.

I paused on the last step to wait and feel Adams body heat but I couldn't sense anything, nor was
there any heat or any sound except for my heavy breaths.
" Mr Larsen?" I spoke in the dead silence but there was no response. It was so quiet that my voice
and I cringed at how worried my voice sounded. I gulped as my heart beat started beating fast and
the small hair on my neck stood pin straight, I lifted my side purse to my chest to get my phone out
to switch the flash
light on but my darn fingers were shaking so much that I couldn't even twist the purse lock.

I heard a distinct thud and I turned in that direction, I mentally cursed Adam, he was such a bastard
to just leave me alone in a dark room.
What if he left me in the attic? An attic which hasn't been cleaned in ages and is populated with a
bunch of giant lizards and spiders . After all we were talking about a beach right, who'd even come
and clean here? My thoughts were going to the wildest end and I could actually feel sweat drip
down my back. I heard a louder sound behind me and I turned so quickly that my pony hit the side
of my face but what I felt scared the shit out of me that I screamed bloody murder.

P 19-1

{ Adam' s PoV}

I smirked as I saw Sophie's tired expression, I purposefully took the longest way just so that I could hear

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complain but the strong headed woman kept her troubles to her self. I heard her sigh and decided it
was enough torture for her, I opened the door to my favourite room and asked her to walk in front
of me.
I didn't want her walking behind me and miss the view of her swaying hips again. She rolled her
eyes at me but she agreed to walk in front of me. Thankfully, We weren't arguing as much as
before and hopefully she didn't hate me as much.
Who you lying to Adam, she calls you an Arse!

Oh well at least she called me something other than Mr. Larsen. I hated her calling me that name.
It made me feel like an old man and my beast craved to hear her say my name Adam. Just then a
wicked thought entered my mind, I stopped walking behind Sophie and watched as her steps
slowed down but I stayed mute.

I moved silently closer to the railing and jumped quietly down to the ground floor. By the time I
was down, Sophie was looking around like a lost puppy. I lightly hit my foot against the banister
and watched as her eyes dilated and she turned scared towards the other direction. I moved closer
to her back and clapped my hands, lights immediately filled the dark room and I watched Sophie as
she closed her eyes shut and scream so loudly that I wanted to chuckle.

I smirked as I moved much closer to her. I could feel her fear turn to anger and her palms clench.
I could actually imagine her teeth clenching before she turned so fast and faced me with those
brown orbs of hers which were widened to the max. If that is how they looked when she was
angry, how hypnotic would they look when filled with pleasure? " What the Hell?" Her angry
voice boomed in the room but I cared less about her question. I was getting

P 19-2
turned on by the way her cheeks and nose were turning red with anger and my beast was getting satisfied


having all her attention on him. She narrowed her eyes before she moved closer to me,
" Why would you do that Adam?" She said and my heart beat accelerated and all my blood moved
towards my hardening member. The way my name Adam rolled of her tongue made me want to
record her voice and listen to it forever.

" Say it again" I told her and covered the distance between us. I fisted my hands not wanting to
touch her smooth skin for I know the moment I touch her, there is no way I'd be able to stop.
" Say What again?" She spoke frustrated and she tried to move back but I didn't want her to go away
from me. I was a selfish, double minded bastard. I didn't want to hold her one minute and the next I
wanted to. That's what she's done to me, she is toxic and she is my fucking infatuation, a desire I
want to satisfy to the brim. And I definitely will!

I quickly moved my hand and got a hold of her. I bought her so close to me that she had no choice
but to look up at me. That way I could see her brown eyes perfectly without her shielding them
"Say my name again?" I told her moving my head closer to her face. Her breath hitched in her throat and

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de " What's up with you?" She said and an irritated look passed over her.
froze. I loved the reaction I had on her, she was so damn responsive and no matter how strong she
tried to
act, she was still an innocent lamb in front of me.
I tightened my hold on her and I could feel Her heartbeat increase. Her soft breasts were so close to
mine that I could feel the thump against my chest and I could feel the slowly Hardening tips.

P 19-3
Fuck, my cock got harder and pressed against her warm stomach. She gasped as she felt it and I
just wanted to punish those red lips of hers. I moved to the junction of her neck and breathed her
scent in. She smelt so addictive of vanilla and pomegranate mixed together.
" Sophie" I said her name huskily , closer to her ear and teasing the lobe. I groaned at the way she
unconsciously squeezed her hands on my chest and her eyes dazed as I tightened my hold on her.
Fuck I wished she wore a shirt today so I could easily just touch those luscious breasts of hers.
I enjoyed her warm softness on my muscles body for a few moments before I painfully decided to
let her go when I saw the time. We were going to be late for our reservation and I didn't want her
to starve. I moved to her ear and spoke,

" Lets go Miss Delans. We don't want you making us late, do we?" What an ass I was for putting
all the blame on her but I rather have her angry with me than have those brown eyes of hers filled
with lust. Then definitely the beast will be unleashed and there will be no way she'll be able to
walk for a week straight.

She pushed her body away from me and showed me the finger with eyes filled with so much pent
up frustration.
I smirked in her direction, " Very soon Sophie" I said and I watched her body shudder at my promise. " Let's
now" I said and pointed to the cars in front of me.

I watched as her mouth drop open as she took in all the cars in front of her. Her eyes widened as
she looked at the BMW's, Mercedes and Sorento In front of her.
" Like it!" I told her and she absentmindedly nodded before she realised she was angry with me
and then she rolled her eyes. She whispered something like arrogant arsehole under her breath and
I chuckled.
" Come on My Lady" I told her and placed an arm on her back and lead her to my favourite car. I
clicked the button and opened the door for her and watched as she bent her juicy ass as she entered.
I groaned and fixed my pants before I entered the drivers seat. I placed my aviators on my eyes and
saw Sophie gaze at me. I didn't turn my head towards her because I wanted her to continue staring
at me.
However, as she kept trailing her eyes down my torso I realised how unfortunate it was going to
be for me. I was going to have painful, blue balls and a hardened cock for the whole week!

P 19-4
Oh fuck, May Sophie have mercy on me!

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I thought as I reversed out of the garage and drove towards the favourite part of my town, Das


Dun Dun Dun....

Another chapter where Adam is an arse haha...
Who's PoV do you guys prefer?
Don't forget to Vote, comment and Share!
Adam's Adam

P 19-5
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P 19-6
12K 368 33
by maginary

After much procrastinating,

{Sophie's PoV}
The car ride was totally silent, uncomfortable and excruciating long . Adam kept smirking at me
and I'm very much sure those grey eyes of his had amusement in them but cause of those darn
aviators he wore, I couldn't see. And obviously , the obnoxious arse had to choose the most
expensive car he had in his garage and now every single soul turned their heads towards us. It was
so fucking annoying and I just wanted to get out of his Laferrari and consider walking to our

I couldn't help but stare at him with the corner of my eyes. I was transfixed with the way his white
shirt clung to his pecs, What I'd do to trail my fingers on each one of them.
What the hell! Where did that thought come from. Behave Sophie .
I mentally scolded myself and turned to look at the people who were waving at us from the
sidelines. Definitely,they must be knowing it was none other then The Adam Larsen . Obviously,
because who else, other than an egotistical, rich arsehole would drive a LaFerrari on an island.

I rolled my eyes and turned to watch the pedestrians we were passing. There were plump pretty

P 20-1
selling all kinds of exotic fruits on the side of the roadway and my mouth watered. I hadn't even seen some

of www.ebook-

converter them and I was craving to eat the fresh, non injected fruits

Finally after ten minutes, we came to a stop in front of a luxurious hotel. It was Cream with elegant
designs of navy blue and a lush green garden, it had balconies on each and every floor and I'm sure
the views from them must be magical. Adam drove the car to a private car park and I got out of the
car as soon as it stopped. We walked into a sophisticated reception area which had beautifully
designed chandelier hanging . The marbled floor was cleaned to reflect everything and the cool air
from the air conditioner calmed my burning skin. The smell of sea water with a mixture of fresh
flowers was light in the air and many comfortable lounge seats and wooden coffee tables were
placed all around. It looked like an executive suite made specially for the beach.

I saw a pepper haired man approach us with the biggest smile on his face as he welcomed us.
"Afternoon Sir, Ma'am. Please Come in Mr Larsen. it's so good to see you. How was your trip Sir?
. Your table is where you requested it to be?" The maitre D' spoke everything in one breath and I
raised an eyebrow in his direction.

P 20-2
his greeting.
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" Steven, We'll go by ourselves" Adam spoke not even batting an eyelash in his direction or even

replying to What a fucking ass!

No wonder I hated him. I watched as Stevens mouth changed to a grimace but he just nodded at
Adam, he must be used to Adams rudeness.
I looked at him and thanked him with a genuine smile, his eyes widened a fraction before he
smiled back at me, his megawatt smile returning back to his face.
" If you done with your flirting, can we go Miss Delans?" Adam spoke lowly, I could see the vein
on his neck popping out and I lifted an eyebrow.
How is smiling at someone considered flirting? I rolled my eyes at him before I walked behind

He lead us towards a huge swimming area that overlooked the beach . He walked towards a private
table and instead of pulling out a chair for me, the ass actually ignored me and walked away
somewhere. I cursed him in my head and sat on the chair, I don't even know whether or not this
was our table but well, whatever who cares. I placed my head on my hand and sat bored out of my
mind, my stomach was rumbling and my long hair were flying all around cause of the fresh wind. I
waited for an eternity and when I couldn't control my hunger anymore I called the waitress.

The bitch saw me but she just ignored me and continued flirting with a blonde haired guy who
looked like a typical player. I clenched my teeth and decided to go and give my order at the
restaurant myself . Just as I was going to stand up, Adam strode proudly like the sexy Model he
was, gaining everyone's attention even though he wasn't in his usual suits, he still looked so
immaculate. I watched his powerful stride for a few seconds before my eyes landed on the 3 waiters
trailing behind him, oh finally food!

P 20-3
I ignored Adams and thanked the waiters as they placed the trays down. My mouth watered at all the


laid in front of me. There was cheesy Shrimps, crispy chips, sizzling sausages, pizza, Chinese rice
and what looked like butter chicken and butter naan. I wanted to devour everything and I was glad
I was starving. I dished out almost everything on my plate and started munching not caring how I

I took a bite of the cheesy pizza and I moaned out loud.

Oh it had been ages since I last ate pizza and I was going to attack it like there was no tomorrow.
I was on my second slice when I felt those intense grey eyes on me, why does he have to look at
me like that? I ignored the clenching of my stomach and looked at him with an eyebrow up and
the pizza in my mouth. I didn't want to talk to him but Adams eyes, dark and deep, stormy and
filled with an unknown sinister emotion stared down at me intently and I felt a chill down my
spine and my stomach tightening more.

I turned my eyes away from his and looked around the pool area. Almost all the males had their
mouths opened and eyes widened, even the blonde by the bitchy waitress was looking at something
and the bitch herself was trying to gain his attention.
I moved my eyes around before they zeroed on none other than Melanie Roberts walking out of the pool in

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de What were they looking at?

2 piece neon green lingerie walking each stair extra slowly and swaying her hips. Oh so it was her
who everyone was looking at, I rolled my eyes before I continued eating my pizza. Definitely my
food was more precious than her fakeness.

" Adam Baby!" A voice screeched from above me and when I looked up I saw Melanie lounging
herself on Adam, she pouted her lips before she kissed him on his cheek.
" What are you doing here?" She said as she draped her arms around him.
P 20-4
I continued chewing watching their interaction. Wow, Adam didn't even have an annoyed or
embarrassed expression on his face regarding the bimbo sitting on his lap with water dripping
down her body and his fiancé sitting in front of him.
" Business" Adam replied gruffly and removed her hands from his body, she pouted those fake lips
of hers again before she turned to look at me.
"Oh Hello! I didn't see you" She said in that sweetly fake voice of hers. What a liar! How could she
not see me sitting here? Was she expecting Adam to sit all alone by a pool area and eat all the food
which was on the table.
I nodded to her greeting before I continued eating my food, my pizza was much more important
than a hello to her. She frowned at my food and to annoy her more, I moaned out loud, " this is soo
good!". Her frown deepened and she looked at me with disgust.
" Why don't you have some.." I looked at her waiting for her to complete my sentence by saying her name. "I
Melanie Roberts" she said fake smiling, obviously embarrassed before she stretched her hand out.


Her eyebrows rose and she looked at me bewildered. What? Was she expecting the whole world to
know who she was?

placed my half eaten pizza on my plate and shook her hand with the same hand that held my pizza a
few seconds ago. I held her hand in a tight grip and her face contorted to shock, then pure disgust
and finally fear. Seriously? Was she afraid of getting fat just by touching my hand?

" Sophie D- Alice " I said and she just nodded in my direction trying to get rid of our handshake. I
controlled my laughter at her and watched as she uttered an I'll see you guys later and when she
scrambled away, I burst out laughing. I was laughing so hard at her expressions that tears came to
my eyes.
I only sobered when I saw the clenched jaw of Adam, oh oh looks like someone didn't like me acting
rude to their fuck buddy. Whatever, I rolled my eyes and picked my pizza. Finally, I finished eating
it but just as I put it in my mouth, Adam spoke,

P 20-5
" Dalice? Wasn't your surname Delans?" His grey eyes narrowed and I felt my eyes widened, Oh Fuck No!

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Cliff hanger haha
Who else noticed the different
surnames? Don't forget to Vote,
Comment and Share


Arsehole Side note I love butter chicken and naan.

P 20-6
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P 20-7
11.5K 389
49 by

This chapter is dedicated to HGstyles . Thank you hun for your votes and comments. To
all Harry Styles fans , Check out her book peeps.
{ Sophie's PoV } o

I gulped - a loud , visible audible gulp as I stared at his narrowed eyes. Why couldn't I just control
my stupid mouth and remain shut. I didn't know how I was going to explain it to him and I really
didn't want to go down memory lane and remember all those awful moments again.
" Urm..." I began, " Well it's a" , I cleared the lump in my throat, but still involuntarily bits of the
past flashed before my eyes.
I lowered my gaze as I spoke trying to ignore the memory,
" it's a combination of my middle name, Alice and surname, so D-Alice ," I nodded in his
direction and turned my attention back to my plate of food, i didn't want to look at him and
answer the million questions that were about to follow.

I noticed Adam and his jaw clench, he lifted a napkin to his mouth and wiped those sinister red lips
of his as he spoke,
" Get used to saying Larsen." I lifted my eyes to look at his , " Mrs Sophie Larsen" , he said and
when I

years , why do I have to change my surname?

heard those words my eyes popped opened, my hand stopped midway and mouth stayed agape, Im
sure I looked pathetic staring at him , but was he really serious. It's just a business partnership
which will end in 5

" It's more realistic that way Mrs. Delans" Adam spoke answering my thoughts. I just clenched my
teeth and nodded in his direction, not like my protests would even be heard, I continued chewing
when I realised the arse still called me Delans .
P 21-1
After , me, really munching almost all the delicious lunch and Adam just staring at me, Adam left
me all alone and went to attend a meeting in one of the conference hall of the Hotel. He asked me
if I wanted to go with him but I didn't want to spend more time with his judging self so I simply
refused, he just clenched his jaw and walked out of the pool area without any other word, leaving
me to fend for myself. Whatever, not like I was a five year old toddler?

I walked to the reception area and sat in one of the comfortable lounge seats, whoever's hotel this is
, the person had really spent a fortune in making it. I was busy reading a few emails when Steven
placed a
lemonade on the coffee table for me, I thanked him and continued reading my mails while sipping the

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After answering a few mails, I got tired of staring at my phone screen for so long. I placed it back
in my
purse and watched the large reception clock strike 6 pm and I felt my exhaustion deep in my
bones. I had yawned for about the third time when Steven came,
" Good Evening Ma'am" He smiled at me and I didn't even have the strength to return his smile, I
just nodded in his direction and shifted to get a little more comfortable in my seat.
It was almost 3 hours done but there was no sign of Adam. I really wanted to go home, why was
the meeting taking so long?
" Ma'am, If your tired, you can go relax in Mr. Larsens Condo," Steven said looking at me with a
worried expression on his face,
" Condo?" I looked at Steven incredulously.
" Yes Ma'am." Steven said fidgeting on his toes, "It is his hotel ma'am" and my eyes just
widened. How fucking rich is my fiancé ?
Nodding at him, I stood up from my seat and walked towards another golden elevator. Urgh, I was
seriously getting tired of seeing these golden elevators everywhere, it was just another awful
remainder of being apart of the Larsens. He lead me to the top most floor which was specifically
reserved for his Majesty and obviously it had to have a password to unlock it.
" What about the code?" I said looking at the strange card, it was a thin sleek black card with the
name Larsen written in gold across it.

P 21-2
" It's already unlocked for you ma'am" he said and the elevator door closed, I swiped the card on the door and
walked into one of the most beautiful suites I've ever seen in my life. I removed my sandals and set to explor
left was the most beautiful glass kitchen I've ever seen. All the cabinets , table and barstools were made


Black, silver and grey were the dominant colours of the wide Condo. The door lead to an open
spacious lounge area with a wall sized television and a balcony with a wooden set of sofas and a
coffee table. On the

spectacular designed glass pieces and , Finally on the far right was the bedroom. The walls of the
room were a navy blue colour with glass windows on the ceiling and also an entire glass wall letting
the evening light in. I walked towards the most cosy looking, king sized bed with black silky sheets
and a toe sinking carpet surrounding it.

I removed my cardigan, placed it on the lounge which looked at the sea before I slowly slipped
into the bed. I moaned at the softness of the silk sheets and the cool duvet. I placed my hand under
my head and while watching the sun set from the glass wall , I fell in a deep slumber.
I woke up after a few hours, and still half unconscious, to Adam moving closer to me. He lifted the duvet a
rush of cool air caressed my skin making me shiver. I opened my mouth to protest but Adam shushed me and
me to fall asleep. He wrapped one of his arm tightly around me and with the other, he started to gently mas
my hair, all thoughts of protest flew out of my mind and off I went to sleep again with Adam spooning me.
couldn't move. What the hell? I opened my eyes fully and tried moving my hand again but to no a

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I woke up to bright light streaming into my eyes, I groaned out loud and tried to lift my arm to
cover my eyes

weight was holding my down. I pushed the duvet off my body to see what it was and my eyes landed
on a muscular arm which was wrapped on my midsection. I followed the arm to the face of Adam
and nearly had a stroke.
What the fuck was I doing sleeping with Adam?
I attempted to lift his bulky arm from my body and almost growled, What exactly did he eat to get
such strength even while sleeping? I looked at his calm face and I narrowed my eyes, how peaceful
he looked while sleeping but I wasn't going to let him enjoy his sleep. After wriggling a few times,
I finally managed to get one of my hand out.
P 21-3
Thank goodness, I looked at the Innocent looking devil before I smirked. What a big mistake you
done by sleeping in the same bed as me Mr Larsen. I picked a thin strand of hair, twisted it a bit
and tickled him in the ear. The first time I placed my hair in his ear, He twitched his eye, I
controlled my laughter as I put it the second time, he used his shoulder to get it out but I was still
too persistent so he had no other choice than to lift his hand from my waist and swat the area with
his hand, furrowing his eyebrows when he only found empty air. I lost control and I giggled at him
My laughter must have woken him up because his grey eyes looked at me wondering what mischief
I was up to. I just looked back at him still lying against the pillow with his perfect bed hair , I tsked
in his direction before I scrambled out of the bed and entered the massive bathroom.
The bathroom was phenomenal and was made up of more glass walls. There was a hot tube which looked at t
light blue sea water. I filled the tub with lukewarm water and picked a scented ,bubble forming soap and
dropped it in the tub. I played with the water until the bubbles formed and then finally took my dress out. I fe
gross wearing the sweaty thing. Just as I settled fully in the relaxing tub, Adams voice rang in the room,

the hell?

" Mind if I join?" He asked smirking that sinister smirk of his and looking at me with those
darkened orbs,

How had he come in?

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P 21-4
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LEAVE Hell no bish

P 21-5
11.5K 425
55 by

For saauuu123 for always voting and commenting and loving Adam, This one is for
you hun xx {Adams PoV}
I finally walked out of the conference hall to the elevator, it was already 11 pm. The online
meeting had unintentionally gone longer than expected. The South African 89 year old billionaire
only knew how to speak Xhosa and a translator was needed for the conversion. The man was a
stubborn rich bastard who hadn't learnt any other language than his cultural one and to rise my
temper even further, in every sentence I said, the man doubted I was swearing at him. If the old
man wouldn't agree to sell his shares to me then I'd definitely would.
I was already angry at the fact that Melanie disturbed my lunch with Sophie and Sophie, not
wanting to accompany me to the meeting. I didn't want Sophie to be far away from me
especially in the hotel where leeches were lurking every corner but the woman had to refuse to
come with me and now even this old bastard had infuriated me.

When I entered my Condo, it was dark and there was no sign of Sophie. I walked to the room and
there she was lying peacefully on my bed. Her black hair were loose ,just like how I liked it, and
sprawled all across
my pillow. The duvet was just under her breasts and I couldn't control my eyes as they watched the
slow rising of those luscious globes. I resisted the temptation to touch her and Like a sick fuck, I
watched her for

five minutes before I had a quick shower.

I wanted to sleep of my fatigue but since Sophie was fast asleep on my bed, I didn't want to disturb
her. My beast smirked as I decided to join her in the bed and sleep with her, definitely she'll have a
fit in the morning but who cared, after all the bed was Mine in the end and who was she to say no.
I climbed in next to her and adjusted her so that she slept on one of my arm ,as close to my chest as
possible, and so that I could play with her hair for a while. They were so soft and silky. I wrapped
them loosely in my fist and couldn't wait for the day when I'd fuck her and had them wrapped

P 22-1
around my hand in the same way. I played with her hair for a while and while listening to her short
breaths like a lullaby, I fell off to sleep with her in my arms.

I woke up at 6 in the morning. It was just the crack of dawn and the rays slowly spread out lighting
the whole room. I watched amazed as the warm sunlight shone on Sophie lighting her black hair to
a beautiful dark
brown colour. I tucked the hair under her ear and She unconsciously moved closer to me throwing
a leg over mine and hiding her face in the crook of my neck. Her lips were on my neck and her
shallow breaths were without even intending to.
caressing my skin, she raised an arm and wrapped it around me. If only she knew, how she was sedu

me Converte
de I pressed the button to close the curtains and enjoyed her embrace for a few seconds before
off to sleep again. I woke up at 10am. to see Sophie far away to the left from me. I frowned, Wasn't she slee
next to me? I pulled her back to me and tightened my hold on her. It was a beautiful day outside and I didn't
to waste it by sleeping so I opened the curtains and watched as she started stirring . I closed my eyes just as
flickered opened. I waited for the scream to come but she shocked me.
She turned her front to me and with great difficulty tried to lift my arm. Having pity on her I made
it easier for her by moving my arm a bit so I wasn't caging her much, however I was surprised as I
watched her scoot closer to me .
What was this woman planning to do?
She moved right under my ear and tickled me there. I furrowed my eyebrow, what was it? She
giggled and placed the thing again in my ear making me shrug my shoulder that's when I
realised , it was her hair. This sly woman! She wanted escape from me in a very clever way.

She put the strand of hair again in my ear and that's when I lifted my arm off her acting like I was
swatting a fly. Her laugher filled the silent room and I acted like I just woke up. I watched the way
her eyes squinted and her nose scrunched as she laughed.
How could someone be beautiful?
What the fuck? I've never taken into detail how someone's laughter is, I didn't even like laughing?
what was this woman doing to me?

P 22-2
She walked out of the bed walking to the bathroom with her hips swaying side to side and her laughter


echoing in the room. I felt my groin stir and I resisted the urge to groan. I couldn't wait to make her
fully mine.

I got out of the bed and called for room service. Remembering how she had a sweet tooth, I asked
for chocolate chip cookies to be sent with cold milk . I walked to the bath to tell Sophie about
breakfast arriving in ten minutes but when I knocked loudly on the door, the door pushed opened .
Fuck, she forgot to lock the door.

The door opened fully to show the bare back of Sophie slide in to the bubbles in the tub. Her hair
were in a high bun showing the high cheekbones and slim neck she had and I wanted to suck on
her neck again. Blood rushed to my groin tightening my boxers, making me painfully hard, this
woman was such a temptress.
" Mind if I join ?" I asked my voice sounding husky. Sophie gasped and turned to face to me, I
smirked at her widened eyes and opened mouth. I watched the gears turning in her head and her
teeth clenching, oh How i

enjoyed a furious Sophie! Wattpad

Converter de " Mr Larsen!" She began, oh so she
extremely pissed and I'm sure she had her palms fisted , " have you got no knowledge on how to give pe
privacy?" She asked shooting daggers with her brown eyes at me. I wanted to chuckle at her expression, she d
look scary at all.
" Well in my own condo, " I said leaning against the side of the door, " No ", widening my smirk
further as I watched her close her eyes trying to control her anger. The nerve on her neck popped
and she took calm breaths before her enchanting voice filled the bath again.

P 22-3
" Could you be kind enough to let me enjoy a bath for 5 minutes" she asked calmly, all her anger
vanished but her eyes still remained dark with her anger.
" No" I said and the fury returned making her eyes narrow and her jaw clench, she swore under her
breath and called me an arrogant arse once again before she said ,
" Please " with so much fury and sarcasm, almost trying to mock me. I smirked in her direction and
leaned better on the door. Her eyes followed my move stopping on my bulge for a few seconds
before meeting my grey ones again. Red tinted her neck and cheeks and I wondered if it was cause
of her anger or was she blushing?
" On one Condition" I said and she raised that left eyebrow of hers, tilting her head a little to the
right looking absolutely innocent.
" I get to shower as well" and I pointed towards the glassed shower that was right in front of the tub . Her e
followed mine to the shower and her face turned to horror, her eyes widened to the max before she screamed o
" What!" She said not believing a word I was saying. At first I was just joking about showering wh


bathed, just wanting to gouge her reaction but now, the beast in me wanted to , he was grinning
from ear to ear. If I couldn't bath with her just yet, I could at least be close to her while she did.
" and what If i say No?" The angry woman gripped the edge of the tub and looked at me dead in
the eyes showing me how much hatred she had for me, this woman had just too much spunk in her.
" Then I'll watch you bath." I said smirking at her and lifted my arm to rest against the door and
crossed my leg over the other relaxing against it, showing her I was not going to move any time
soon and she had no other choice than to chose, either I watched her or showered with her still in
the bath.

" Fine," she spoke with clenched teeth, "go have your shower arsehole!" and she turned her back to
me. I grinned evilly and locked the door loudly, taking my shorts out on my way. I walked to the
shower in my boxers watching her eyes glued to my ass and when I turned to look at her, she
turned her face away from me.

P 22-4
I moved my hand to my boxers and slowly pushed them down and watched Sophie's reaction. She still

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her head turned away from me but I knew she was watching me from the corner of her eyes. A red
blush tinted her cheeks and her Adam's apple bobbed in her throat as I lowered my boxers
completely .
I have never had anyone react to me with their head turned away from me rather than staring at my
body. She was just too innocent to look at me directly, I chuckled lowly and turned around to enter
the shower,
She was My innocent virgin lamb!


Ohh who was expecting Adam to be so notorious!

Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

Ayyyyyyyeeeeeeee my mom speaks that and Zulu and Afrikaans. She likes to cuss at me in it all the time Good question
how did e know dat

P 22-5

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P 22-6
11.9K 423
62 by

*WARNING- mature scene ahead (but not like you are going to listen so
whateves proceed) { Sophie's PoV}

I was seething, my blood was boiling and my jaw was hurting from over clenching it. The
obnoxious arsehole actually wanted to shower while I bathed, And even worse watch me bath?
What kind of options were those?
Annoying fucking arsehole!
At first ,When he was at the door, I had had a mini heart attack. I have never shown any man my
naked body and nor did I ever intend to but the arsehole had to change everything. I sank in to the
water until the bubbles reached my chin but to no avail, he still wanted to shower while I did!

The arsehole stood behind me fumbling with the door, why the fuck didn't I lock the door?
Obviously it was no big deal for him, he must be bathing with his bimbos all the time, how was I
any different ?
I was so lost in my thoughts that when Adam strode to the shower in just his black silk boxers, I felt
my blood pump faster and all the blood rush to my cheeks. Oh goodness, why was this happening?

going to let him affect me, I gulped the lump that formed in my mouth and continued watching the sea


I watched from the side of my eyes as he looked directly at my face watching my expression but I
was not

Ignorance shall be my bitter solution.

The arsehole had the nerve to chuckle before his hand moved to his boxers and started to lower
them slowly, my breath hitched in my throat as he dragged it down and just before he exposed all
his male glory, he thankfully turned. He entered the shower and I released the breath I was
holding. This man will surely give me a heart attack!
P 23-1
The shower was made of glass and steel that covered his lower region from me. I could just imagine how Ad
would react if the shower was full glass, obnoxious, arrogant and obviously show off all his male assets. I sat
five minutes watching what he done. His back was faced towards me as he fumbled with some switches in th
shower before water started streaming in from all corners of the shower. Adam turned around and smirked in
direction and I scrawled , I showed him the middle finger and his smirk just widened further as he mouthed
"soon". smouldering gaze was heating my body and making me clench my thighs. I opened my eyes frustrate

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I raised an eyebrow in his direction before I decided to settle comfortably in the tub . I closed my
eyes trying to enjoy the soak just as much as I would have without his intense stare but that was
almost impossible. His could he have an effect on me with just his eyes? I grabbed the towel that
was on the side of the tub , I'll have to bath later when I no longer have his presence so close to me.

I kept my eyes on Adams back as I carefully wrapped the towel around me. I bent to unplug the
water and cautiously walked to the door looking at Adam every now and then. Just as I placed my
hand on the door handle, the beast opened his stormy eyes which clashed dangerously with my
widened brown ones. I moved my hand slowly to push the handle down , I blinked my eyes and in
that span of time, a strong palm fisted my arm and pulled me harshly to a wet chest and then
pushed me against the door knocking the air out of my body.

I opened my eyes in shock as I stared at an angry Adam. His arm tightened around my waist and
pulled me closer to his chest. My grip on my towel loosened and it dropped to my stomach. I gasped
as I realised now my bare breasts pressed against his naked chest. " What.." I stuttered as I stared
at the brooding man, " What are you doing Adam?" I lifted my arms and pushed against his chest,
adrenaline pumping through my body.
I was angry with his persistent brooding presence.
Having enough of my pushing, Adam pressed me closer to the door and raised my arms up, I
breathed heavily and looked into his black eyes. Water from his wet locks dropped on my bare
breasts and I shivered. Adam noticed my shudder and He moved extremely close to me before his
soft lips met mine.

At first it started as a soft gentle kiss but then it soon turned to a hot punishing kiss with Adam biting
my lips. I moaned in protest and raised my leg to hit his groin but the man gripped my leg and raised
my knees up and moved in between them. I was left with no choice except to tighten my thighs
around his wide waist. He gripped my hips tighter and his other hand moved down my back. He

P 23-2
pulled my bottom lip with his teeth , quickly slipping his warm tongue into my mouth. I moaned in
his mouth and pulled on his hair with my hands.

" Adam" I moaned as I arched my neck more making him groan. His naked member pressed on my


throbbing and hard and I moaned out louder. His strong hands roamed around my whole body
heating it up and his torturous lips moved slowly down the length of my neck before they reached
the valley of my neck, he kept kissing down the valley and returning back to my neck not paying
any attention to my pointed nipples.

Desire was coursing through my body as Adam was making me hot and needy,
" Adam!" I whimpered pathetically when his hands once again ignored my breasts , he hummed in
my direction and ignored me, still sucking under my ear and my heart was slamming in my chest, I
tried to calm my breathing as I whimpered once again.
" Please," He knew what I wanted but just wanted me to beg,
" what?" He lifted his face to mine and looked at me with his lustrous eyes,
" Please" I said and reached for his hands and placed them on my breast, he hissed at the contact
before He tightened his fingers around my breasts and I couldn't control the moan , pleasure
spread throughout my body as he touched my breasts again,
" tell me Sophie, has anyone ever touched you here?" Adam asked his hot breath caressing my
naked breasts.
" I.. no, no one" I whispered back still lost deep in the pleasure, against his hardness, Adam groaned roughly

You belong to me" before he done the unexpected.

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" Good,"Adam said before his thumb pinched the swollen nub and I moaned lowly , "Adam,"
Why did it have to feel so good? He pinched my other swollen nub hardly and my hips bucked

P 23-3
He moved his hot mouth and covered my breast in his mouth. He sucked the tightened nubs and I
arched my
back pushing more of my breast in to his mouth. his teeth bit into my nipples making me moan
louder and grip his shoulders harshly,
" Stop" I cried loudly. The pleasure was too much to withstand, Adam growled before he tightened
his hold on me and sucked more of my breast,
" Adam please!" I cried once again afraid of what would happen if he wouldn't but the possessive
man just growled loudly and attacked my other one. I bucked my hips on his stomach once again
and pushed his face closer to my breasts, his hot tongue was toying with my nub sucking and biting
it, sending heat waves right to my core.
Adam moved his hand to my other breast and kneaded it while he continued sucking. I screamed
and pulled on Adams hair making him moan on my breast, " Please Stop," I pathetically moaned
out again knowing very well he wouldn't.

" Is that what you truly want?" Adam asked moving his face away from my breast but still
kneading the other one, I nodded my head at him before I moaned out loud as he pinched my nub,
"No ," he said before he once again moved to devour my breasts, I screamed as the pleasure
became intense and tears from clenching my eyes too tightly were on the verge of falling.
" Please Adam" I cried pulling on his hair, he finally moved away from my breast and crushed his mouth to
mine. I arched my back pushing my breasts into his hands and a jolt of heat spread down my body. Without
thinking, I slipped my tongue into his mouth and I moaned at his addictive taste. Adam growled dangerously
and moved his hands to hold my backside sinking his fingers into the flesh. Never had I ever tasted somethin
so dangerously addictive. ache settled in the pit of my stomach. Waves of pleasure traveled to my core and I

buckled my hips too.

I moaned in his mouth and he pulled me closer to himself pressing his hardness more against me.
He skilfully slipped his tongue in my mouth and bucked his hips against my bare stomach. I
whimpered in his mouth as an

He groaned and bucked his hips faster on my stomach, he moved his lips away from mine and I
protested, I wanted more of him, What was this man doing to me? " you're killing me Sophie"
Adams rough voice spoke next to my ear, I whimpered in response not having the energy to reply
" I just want to fuck you raw right now" , Adam kissed my neck and tucked a piece of hair behind
my ear, " but I don't want your first time to be in a bathroom" Adam said placing his forehead on
P 23-4
mine, both of us breathing hard and fast. I nodded in understanding and removed my arms from
his neck, I didn't even know how they reached there. Adam removed my legs from his waist all
the time staring intently at my face but I looked down at my feet, embarrassed and shocked with
my behaviour.

My legs were wobbly and I was a bit unstable.

Adam held my arm to support me and wrapped the towel around me, he waited for a few seconds
until he saw I was fine before he spoke, " You can shower if you want to" Adam said kissing my
forehead gently before striding our of the bathroom stark naked. I turned to look at his retracting
back and my eyes wondered down to his ass,

what an amazing ass the asshole had?

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Ohh lusty action going on in that a long chapter,

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That's my girl ???????? Not even your doctor?

P 23-5

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Dedicated to MalaKuna for voting, commenting and being an amazing friend .

{ Sophie's PoV}
I wore the bathrobe that was on the corner and emerged from the bath, a delicious aroma assaulted
my senses urging me to have a quick shower and came out. I entered the room and saw a black
suited confident Adam talking on the phone and a trolley with breakfast opposite him. I walked to
the couch and mentally squealed, there were chocolate chip cookies and flapjacks with Nutella
smeared on them, one of my favourite calorie intake.
I sat down and filled my plate with the flapjacks not caring how savage-like I looked. Although I
came from a rich family I wasn't so conscious on how I ate, I preferred eating food with my fingers
rather than forks and knife and I didn't really care whether I messed my chin or lap. I rolled a flap
and quickly devoured it not even batting an eyelash at Adam who kept staring at me while talking
on the phone,

" Will you join me or not?" I asked after swallowing a piece and instead of answering me, Adam
just came and stood next to me. He gripped my wrist and turned the fork to his mouth feeding
himself the piece I just cut. I looked at him annoyed, why does he have to always come in between
me and my food?Adam just ignored me and continued listening to whoever was on the other side.

at him raising a brow and he just nodded at my plate. What? Did he want me to feed him again? Why was


I watched his jaw transfixed as he chewed but I was again interrupted by him nudging my
shoulder, I looked

feeling like I was a part of those romantic couples who have picnics outdoor in a garden with the
girl feeding the guy, I mentally gagged at the thought, I'd never would want to be a cliche girl like
that and never would I ever dream of feeding the arrogant arse. I pulled his hand towards me with

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his palm facing upwards and placed my plate on his hand, I fake smiled in his direction and picked
my cup of milk. Time to attack these cookies.

Adam loudly dropped the plate back on the metal trolley, the sound resonating in the whole room
and I looked up at his angry face, seriously, he was angry cause I gave him the plate so he should
feed himself? His jaw was clenched and his eyes were darker, I just swallowed and turned back to
dipping my cookie in the milk.
" Can you eat faster Miss.Delans?" Adam spoke rudely, " we don't have all day."
I turned back to him giving the most deadliest look, " if you hadn't caused all the shower fiasco I'd
be done by
now" I told him sarcastically clenching my teeth, I hated people who put the blame on others just to save

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ass and to look good,
" Are you saying it was my fault Miss Delans?," Adam asked narrowing his eyes at me and moving
closer to me, I just raised my chin , not backing down, he and I, we both very well knew whose
fault it was, I stared him straight in his eyes, my brown eyes clashing against his catastrophic grey
ones. We stared at each other for a few seconds before his voice cut the tension in the room,
" at least have the decency to dress modestly Miss Delans," Adam spoke menacingly, " you are not
in your own room to be roaming around dressed like that," he said pointing at the white robe I was
dressed in,
" Excuse me," I spoke my blood boiling and my pressure rising, " if it weren't for your so called lame
excuse of a meeting then I'd be in my room with my clothes with me," I replied back angrily, " oh
I'm sure you just lied about going for a meeting and instead went to fuck your sex buddy, what was
her name again? oh yes Melanie" I said spitting venom with every word coming out of my mouth
not caring whether I sounded absurd or not,
" Are you jealous Miss Delans" Adam asked smirking dangerously, his eyes darkened further and
the vein on his palm was prominent from how tight he had his palms fisted,
" Never was and never will be, " I told him watching as he carefully took his suit jacket out and
placed it on the arm of the couch. He then went to take his shirt out and I watched his long fingers
as they unbuttoned his shirt, he removed the black shirt from his body and I wondered what he was
doing, was he planning on having a fist fight with me? No problem , I was ready to kick his ass, all
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those long nights and painful cuts while learning kickboxing and Krav Maga were not going to go
for a waste.
I cracked my knuckles and spread my legs, right now it was no time for me to be thinking of how under dres
I was, when fighting nothing mattered except making your opponent lose and I planned on whopping Adams a
I narrowed my eyes watching Adam like a hawk and was just readying my stance when Adam spoke, back
him, What? Wasn't he planning on a fight? I looked at his outstretched hand with doub


" Wear this shirt, " he said holding out his shirt to me, my eyes quickly darted to the shirt before
they settled

" Miss Delans!" Adam spoke lowly, " Benjamin is waiting for us at the helipad. You need to hurry"
he said placing the shirt on the couch and walking out of the room giving me a glance before
leaving me in my own thoughts.

I walked tentatively to the shirt and grabbed it, it was still warm from Adams body heat and
smelled like his masculine self, I kept an eye on the door as I slowly dropped the bath robe and I
quickly buttoned the shirt. Just as I reached the second last button , Adam knocked on the door, oh
so he did have some manners.
" Wear these pants as well" he said handing me a pair of grey sweats, I gave him a sceptical look, in
this heat was he honestly expecting me to wear those thick woollen pants, " No," I shook my head
looking at him, "I'm not wearing them,"

" Stop being difficult Miss Delans," Adam spoke his nose flaring,
" How am I being difficult," I looked at him confused, now? The shirt reached my knees and it was black, it

would already trap in a lot of heat and with those

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" Do you want to go to a building site wearing a shirt that covers just your stomach," Was he

serious right sweats, I'd die.

" Yes I don't mind" I told him crossing my legs at the ankles and glaring back at him,
" and get scratched and bleed, No" Adams voice boomed and a crazed look overcame him, " you
are going to wear these pants and not going to argue, "
I went to protest but his stormy eyes flashed back at me making me flinch, it wasn't wise to defy
his orders so I just pulled the pants from his hands and walked while swearing profanities under
my breath towards the bathroom. I wore the pants and tied the string extra tight, I folded the extra
length of the pants at the bottom and made a knot on the shirt as well. I looked hilarious but
whatever, any clothing that covered my body was better than then the ones I bought. Thinking of
the clothes my mother packed, I groaned, I better buy clothes today.

I tied my hair in a high bun and walked out to see Adam dressed in another black shirt all ready and
looking like the sexy man he was. I ignored him and walked to the lounge area to wear my sandals,
I wore them with Adam staring at me. I had become so accustomed to his staring now that I didn't
even question him. I stood up and walked to the door and together we entered the elevator.
There was a tense silence in the elevator and a controlled temper which was ready to lash out on
anyone. I walked quickly matching the long strides of Adam not wanting to make the beast further
angry, we sat in the helicopter and he didn't even look at me. Not even when I was struggling to tie
the seatbelt. Why were my fingers shaking so much? I looked at his clenched jaw and popping veins
and decided to just stay shut, it was better for me not to provoke the beast further much.

We were flying in no time and soon reached a small island, We landed on a flat area and Adam
himself and remained seated looking straight ahead in the distance. Ben looked at me through the
Mirror, he nodded in my direction and didn't even smile, even he sensed his boss was angry. I tried
to unbuckle my seat,

failing as my fingers still shook.

What was happening to me? Adam shot me an icy glare and moved his upper body towards mine
fumbling with the belt, I controlled my breathing as his body heat warmed mine, his fingers moved
along my hips and I jerked moving closer to him. His face was so close to my crotch that I could
actually feel his hot breaths . He raised his stormy eyes to My widened ones and watched my
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reaction as he moved his fingers much slowly across my thighs. I gasped out loud and he moved
his face to mine. He grabbed my hips and pulled me to his lap.
" Adam?" I protested but he placed his index on my lips and wrapped his arms around my waist, he
pulled me extremely close to his chest and he pressed his nose to my hair inhaling deeply. I felt so
uncomfortable and like a midget sitting on his wide muscular thighs but I just remained quiet.
Hesitantly, I raised my arms and wrapped them around his neck.
I lifted one hand and placed it on his head massaging his sculpt, combing through his silky brown
hair . He groaned lowly and moved his face to nuzzle my neck, he warm breath tickling me and I
almost giggled. What exactly were we doing? What was this warm feeling I was getting? I don't
know but what I noticed was
my shaking body had calmed and I could feel the tension leave Adams body as I continued playing with

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I love it when couples sit like this it’s so cute ????????????


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{ Adams PoV}
I was pissed and I wanted to punch someone right now. What was I thinking while dry humphing
Sophie in the middle of a fucking shower. I knew I didn't have to enter the bath with her but I let my
dick do all the thinking and I had enjoyed every moment of it. Especially when I feasted on her
succulent breasts. The heavy globes filled my palms fully and I didn't want to stop touching, sucking
and licking the softness.

I was getting addicted to her and it was deadly. She both, infuriated and soothed me , as well. Like
right now, I had to hold her in my arms to calm the beast in me. I inhaled the light lavender smell
coming from her tied hair. Why did she have to put her hair in a bun? I wanted to let them lose
and let my fingers glide through the silkiness. Resisting the urge to do just that, I pulled her closer
to me, nuzzling my nose in her luscious hair.
I trailed my nose slowly to her jaw then to her neck, breathing her in, smelling every inch of her
body. I moved my lips to her neck lightly kissing under her ear before moving them down the
length of her slender neck, her hold tightened around my neck, making her nails into my skin and
she moved her body much more closer to mine, I growled and sucked on her neck possessively,
darkening the hickey I made before,
" Adam" she moaned breathless and my groin shot hard, I groaned on her neck tightening my hold
on her waist, letting my fingers bruise her. The more marks she had of mine on her body, the

beast, my dick was craving to sink into her tight hole and feel the warmness, I blew air on her wet


" Your killing me Sophie" I whispered huskily in her ear, I just wanted to fuck her raw and satisfy

my inner making shivers run down her spine,

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" let me go" Sophie said agitated, trying to untangle herself from me. I growled in her ear and
pulled her closer to me, " Adam please" she whimpered making me groan , my beast was losing
control and wanted to just fuck her here, but no, I wish to deflower her in my room back at my
penthouse in New York. I want her to feel special and wanted when she loses her dignity and I
want to continuously fuck her, all night long till the next night. She won't get a break , not also for
an hour.
I held her tightly and tucked her head under my chin, still not wanting to let her go. I lifted her
and bent my head as I walked out of the helicopter. I wrapped her legs tightly around my waist
and went to grab her ass but the fucking crazy woman sank her teeth in my neck and bit me hard,
I growled and pulled on her hair, moving her face to mine, glaring at her with angry, lustful eyes,

" What was that for?" I looked at her, assessing her ticked jaw and furrowed eyebrows,

" Let me down" She fidgeted in my arms and I just held her closer. I grabbed a handful of her ass

making her gasp out loud, she was unintentionally making me sexually frustrated and my dick

was painfully hard, if she " you...despicable, annoying man" she shouted and I ignored her useless

attempts at punching me and just

moved a little lower, she'd feel it against her ass, Wattpad

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my bicep and I ignored her again , she pulled my ear and I spanked her ass lightly, that shut her up but just
few minutes before I noticed the evil glint in her eyes, she raised her index and thumb finger to my chest
pinched my male nipple, pain and pleasure travelled in large waves to my dick , I groaned in pleasure and th
her face to mine, I controlled all the pent up sexual frustration before I talked to her, letting my dark, husky, b
voice out,
" don't fucking start things you can't end" before I placed her down carefully, making sure she didn't
see my erection and I walked away, leaving her behind me to trail.She was a temptress together
with being a virgin, the most deadly mixture to ever find in a woman.

{Sophie's PoV}
If there is any man for who swears are not adequate enough to describe them, it would be none
other than Adam fucking Larsen. The arrogant son of a bitch just walked off ignoring me like I
was a problem, who told him to bring me with him if he was just going to carry me around and not
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let me use the legs I was gifted with? I grumbled and swore profanities at him and hurried behind
All around us were tall trees with no sign of any living being, it was so silent that my steps were echoing. I
surveyed the area looking at the trees which hid the sea , there were a few gaps here and there which allowed
my curios eyes to get a glimpse of the still ocean view till the horizon. It was like as if we were in the middle
nowhere, walking across the knee length grass. I looked at Adams stiff back and I wondered what he was
thinking, foot partially stepped on it, making my ankle twist with an odd angle and me, losing balance. I

screamed an

" Walk faster Miss. Delans" his annoying voice echoed through the silence, think of the devil and
he shall speak, I rolled my eyes at his muscular back and in so doing , I wasn't prepared to step on
a jagged rock, my

involuntary ouch and landed on my derrière, scratching my palms on the rough stones and dirtying
my grey pants as I landed. I lifted my palms surveying my hands and saw a few scratches and
cuts, I knew wearing sandals to a site was a poor idea but where was I going to find sneakers in a

I was mumbling to myself and cursing at my misfortune when arms wrapped around my knees and
waist. I almost screamed but Adams masculine cologne tickled my nostrils shutting me up
instantly, he hoisted me up making it look like as if i was weightless.
" next time, don't act stupid and act like a stubborn toddler when I carry you" he said with finality
in his voice. I avoided any eye contact with him and just folded my dangling arms, no where was I
going to hold him when he called me a toddler. I just looked at the same calm surroundings again
until we reached a small house. Adam gently placed me down on the step and held my ankle. He
took my sandal out, placing it on the ground and his long thin fingers gently inspected my now red
ankle. He held my bruised leg carefully in his large hands and rotated it around slowly, heat from
his hot hand was making a warm feeling spread through

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I winced when he cracked it back to place and he raised his eyes to mine, those darkened orbs of his,

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de my body, travelling straight to my centre,making it throb. What was this man doing to me?
anger, worry and concern stitched to them and just before I could question them with my own, they
veiled back to nothingness, being empty with no emotions .Was this beautiful specimen worried
about me? Or was I just hallucinating?

He stood up and was going to walk away but I held his pants. He halted and looked at me, raising a
brow in my direction . I held my scratched palm out to him, his intense greys moved to my palm
and then back to my eyes before he pulled me up. He used so much force that my pointy nose
bumped into his muscular chest, I groaned in pain and I saw Adams lips twitch, this annoying arse
was actually finding something funny. His fingers rubbed on my palm gently making the ache go
away but his face held the signature smirk. I scrawled at his handsome face and pulled my hands
away from his,
" lead the way Mr Larsen," I told him grumbling, he stared at me for a few seconds before he
finally chuckled a deep, low laughter warming my insides, I looked away from his amused eyes
and I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks, my eyes widened in fear and shock and I gulped
Was I seriously,fucking, blushing over Adam, the arrogant arse? Two days with him and I was
already going insane.


Happy Holi everyone.

#don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share

To all the silent readers out there, please vote and Comment. I get really happy when I see yo

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and it pleases me immensely.

MaLE NiPplE?? You are seriously a great writer.

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{ Sophie's PoV }
Adam draped an arm around my waist and walked extra slowly being mindful of my leg. We
entered a brightly lit room with a big wooden desk and chairs splattered all around. In the middle
sat a brunette male dressed in a tight white vest highlighting his lean body and tattoo that covered
most of his arm. He lifted his finger to his lips smoking a cigar and smiling ear to ear.
" Hermano!" The man said loudly, standing to his impressive 6'2 height, " you didn't tell me you
were bringing a lady with you," he said rounding the table and walking towards us, "I'd have
dressed better hermano" he said looking at Adam disappointed before he stood in front of him
and gave him a rigid, short hug. They muttered something in each other's ears and I felt Adams
form stiffen.

The man moved away from Adam and introduced himself to me,
" Nice to meet you Preciosa" he said grabbing my hand that was on my side, " the name's Lorenzo"
he said lifting my hand towards his mouth and just before he could take my hand anywhere near
his face , I tugged and pulled my hand free . I was very conscious on who touched me, especially if
they were male.
" Likewise" I said muttering, giving him a tight lipped smile. Lorenzo chuckled before muttering
something in a foreign language to Adam and Adam smirked, tightening his hold on me. I looked
at the both of them and
just rolled my eyes. I wish I magically knew what they said, just to get the satisfaction of mocking them


answering them back in the same language but obviously it wasn't going to happen.
" So are you ready to see the site Preciosa" Lorenzo asked looking at me with a devilish glint in his
grey eyes. I raised an eyebrow in his direction and corrected my name,

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" Miss Dalice , and yes let's proceed" I told him moving away from Adams hold. Adam shoot me an
icy glare before he turned and walked to another door on the far left. I watched his reatreating back
for a few seconds until Lorenzo bent down to my ear and whispered loudly ,
" let's not keep the big man waiting, should we?" He said and even he walked ahead of me leaving
me alone. What happened to chivalry? I pursued my lips and walked slowly behind them making
sure to not put a lot of pressure on my ankle.

I walked on the dry land for a few minutes and swore loudly, my leg was hurting like a bitch and
the men were walking too fast. I could only see a blur of Adam . Thankfully I could still hear
Lorenzo whistling and the choking smell of his cigar. I bent to my knees and took heavy breaths,
who knew walking would be such a hard job. After settling my breath, I looked up to see Adam
had disappeared and Lorenzo walking away as
well. I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted Lorenzos name as loud as I could, after a

few tries he finally stopped and looked at me grinning. He covered the distance between us by

running exceptionally fast " Yes Preciosa"he smiled showing his teeth,

and stood in front of me smiling cheekily.

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" Miss Dalice" i corrected him and he

" Yes Miss Dalice!" He said emphasising the Dalice so much it made me
cringe, "I need your help,"
" Yes I'm all ears," he said cutting me off and I glared at him but he returned the glare with a
smile. What was up with this guy and smiling? It was so irritating.
"My ankle is hurt and I can't walk" I said clenching my jaw, I was feeling so uneasy asking him
to help me when a few minutes ago, I didn't even want him to touch me, desperate times surely
call for desperate measures.
" Okay Preciosa, lets go" he said hooking his arm with mine, I groaned looking at his mischievous
face, and we walked through the grass until we reached a back door. Lorenzo opened the door
which lead to a big warehouse and done a courtesy bow, bringing his left hand to his stomach, my
eyes zeroed to his ring finger and I voiced out My thoughts,
" you're married?"
" Yes Preciosa!" He said proudly and his eyes glazing over in love, most probably remembering his
wife. He stood frozen on his spot with a silly smile on his face. I mentally groaned looking at his
love sick expression, Oh lord, why did I ask him such a question?
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" Took you long enough!" Adams angry voice broke Lorenzos reverie and he gave me an embarrassing sm
before he moved away, I gave Adam a grateful look but his intense grey eyes threw daggers at me, not blink
even once, his eyes were slowly darkening to black and he lifted his phone to his ear muttering someth
dangerously low, not moving his eyes away from mine. What did I do now? looked at Adams clenched jaw a
kept shut, I turned to Lorenzo thanking him and walked slow


" We're going" Adams voice boomed in the silence and Lorenzo, sensing the upcoming storm,
didn't even say anything except for nodding. I furrowed my eyebrows , we hadn't even seen the
sight and already leaving. I

Adam but he walked with fast strides meeting me midway and scooping me in his arms, I squealed
loudly , not at all prepared for him.
What was up with him and acting like a caveman?

{ Adams PoV}
The moment I saw my cousins arm hooked with Sophie's, I saw red. My blood boiled and my
anger flared like never before, I fisted my arm making even my short clipped nails dig into my
palm drawing blood but nothing mattered, nothing except the fact that Sophie was getting cosy
with my cousin. Heck she hadn't even want me to carry her and now look at her, talking to a
married man like well known acquaintances . My temperature raised when I saw Lorenzo doing a
bow and that's when I interrupted their little bubble, not caring whether or not I was disturbing

from my suit pocket and called Benjamin, all the while staring at

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Sophie gave me a thankful look but I was too deep in my rage to decipher the meaning, I grabbed
my phone

" We leaving in five to SeeBlick " I spoke and cut the phone, I looked at Sophie and Lorenzo and
them about our departure as well. Lorenzo just nodded but Sophie ,like as if she hadn't made me
angry enough, turned towards my cousin and thanked him. I walked towards their direction, ready
to pull Sophie to me and far away from Lorenzo. I picked her up and carried her not caring
whether or not she protested and walked towards the helicopter which now descended in front of
She winced as I settled her across my laps and fixed the belt but still she remained shut, it was for
her own good though, If she opened her mouth, I'd definitely loose control over my beast and lash
out on her not caring whether I hurt her or not. I tightened my hold on her waist and she looked up
at me, questioning my actions but I ignored looking into her brown orbs . I'd deal with her at my
Villa where they won't be anyone to interrupt us.

After long twenty minutes ,we arrived at the SeeBlick Villa. I walked out of the helicopter still
holding her in my arms, I knew Sophie wanted to stretch herself so I put her feet down slowly.
Sophie signed in relief as we returned back home but no, she was not going to be enjoying anything
at the moment.Stopping her mid stretch, I grabbed her arm and pulled her with me into the elevator.
She pushed and probed on my fingers but I wasn't done with her, I hadn't even started yet.

" What's up with you Adam!" She shouted pulling on each finger of mine but I dug my fingers
further into her skin, making her wince.
"You're hurting me Adam!" She moaned in pain, I nearly lifted my palm off her but I remembered
she had to learn a lesson, a lesson on who she belonged to. I loosened my grip on her arm and pulled
her all the way till my room, throwing her on my bed carefully, making sure she didn't hurt herself

I locked my room door before I turned to her, making her cower at the predatory look I was giving
her. I
unbuttoned my suit jacket all the while staring her down, her eyes followed the action of my
fingers before She sat up properly and looked at me, her brown orbs clashing against my stormy
ones, trying to show she quick breath she took and her jugular vein was prominent.

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wasn't scared but I knew better. Her breathing was jagged, her luscious breasts rising and falling with


" What...what are you doing Adam?" She asked moving slowly at the back, my eyes narrowed on
her movement and she stopped abruptly, I placed my jacket on the couch and headed in her
" You're asking me what I'm doing?" I asked her dangerously low, my voice echoing in the silence
of the room along with her fast breaths,
" What were you doing? Flirting with a married man! Throwing yourself on him like a slut!" My
anger returning in full waves making her wince at every word I said,
" What? no clarification?" I told her now standing right in front of her, the clever woman knew not to anger m
further and remained seated on the same spot frozen, she stared up at me with widened eyes and I gripped he
jaw, " let me tell you something Sophie," I said moving my lips to her ears, whispering lowly, making sure to
tease her, " You belong to me," I said moving a hand to grip her shoulders and moving her chest to mine, " Y
are mine !" before I claimed her mouth with mine in a punishing, mouth hungry kiss. I bit her bottom lip hard

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and only

I moved my other hand to grip her hair and thrust her face to mine, " You heard, you are MINE!"
I told her

stopped until i got a metallic taste of her blood. Sophie whined in pain but it soon changed to pleasure
as I deepened the kiss by slipping my tongue into her mouth, exploring every inch of hers with my
tongue but still it was not enough. I wanted more and I was going to make sure I got more.
I gently pushed Sophie's back on the bed still kissing her, my hands venturing into her shirt feeling
her soft warm skin as she moaned . I kissed down her cheek to her neck all the while leaving
behind a wet trail, Sophie dug her nails into my shoulders as I bit on her neck and I groaned at the
sting. I moved down her neck stopping at the base of her neck but her shirt was still covering her
breasts from me, I grabbed hold of the shirt and tugged on it hard tearing it in the middle. Sophie

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gasped at the torn shirt but her gasp soon turned to a moan when I sucked Her tight bud through
her bra.
Her hand pulled on my hair and she arched her back pushing more of her covered breast in to my
mouth, I moved my hand to her back and unclasped the bra and when her breasts were bare, I lifted
my gaze to her lust filled eyes. She observed my every move and watched my tongue as it flicked
on her bud. She shut her eyes and moaned out loud making my growing erection painfully hard.
Ignoring my erection, I held her breasts in my palms, kneading one while I sucked on the other,
biting it and teasing her. I moved my teeth to the top of her breast and sucked on her creamy skin
till it became a dark red, satisfied with having another of my bite on her skin I moved my lips
down the her breasts to her flat stomach.
I kissed her belly button and moved my fingers to her pants, I hooked my fingers around the pants
and looked at her priceless reaction as I throw her pants away as well. Her breath hitched in her
throat and when I lowered my eyes to her waist, I groaned out loud.
The seductress didn't have any underwear on and my control was on the verge of slipping off


Preciosa - beautiful
Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!
Just came from undeniable attraction ?? WHY U JUMPING BITCH U AINT NO KANGAROO

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For all the little pervs who messaged me to update, this one is for you.
WARNING: you already know there's a Mature scene ahead .....

{Sophies PoV}

Adam slowly kissed my belly button spreading the wet trail he formed, my stomach tightened in
anticipation wanting to know what he was going to do next. He moved his fingers to my pants and
looked at my widened list filled ones, his dark grey eyes smouldering with desire heated my body
with its intensity. My breath hitched in my throat when he hooked his fingers around my pants and
skilfully took it out and threw it away. I hadn't worn any underwear and now I was all naked.I gasped
loudly at the thought and Adam smirked sinfully before he looked down, and when he saw my fully
naked state, he groaned out loud. I squirmed as that sexy sound of his went directly to my core.
Adam looked me in the eyes as his large warm hand covered my thighs and parted them.

"What a naughty girl you are, not wearing underwear," he tsked as his hands caressed my skin
slowly moving higher and higher, massaging gently but firmly, digging his fingers into my flesh
until his hands were in level with my crotch. I stiffened and attempted to close my legs,
embarrassed and ashamed with myself, no man
"I'm not going to fuck you until you say !" His husky voice laced with anger spoke, " I just want to see


on my knees, stopping me,
had ever seen me there before, but Adam tightened his ho

his dark grey eyes conveying he was indeed telling the truth.
I shakily nodded at Adam and he pushed my legs wider apart, leaving my crotch open to his stormy
greys, I turned my head to the side, pushing my face into the mattress, now regretting the decision
of letting him see my most private part but when his thumb caressed the outer folds of my sex ,a
ball of unexplainable heat sparked in my stomach making my hips rock forward and my juices
gush out.

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" Look at you," his husky whisper echoed in the room, " all wet and needy," he said looking at my
sex in what must have been admiration but I couldn't see him in the eye,
" Adam," I moaned in frustration and pleasure, arching my back, seeking more from him
" the way you say my name," he groaned, " Tell me Sophie, do you want my fingers fucking your
tight virgin hole?" He asked.
The pleasure coursing through my body was so intense that I couldn't even decipher what he was
asking, the
only thing I could utter was his name,
"Adam please!" I moaned, clutching his hair, pulling them, trying to get him to

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He groaned lowly before his long fingers parted my folds, moving them extra slow ,torturing me. I
pulled his
hair desperate for more and that's when his fingers finally slipped in my wet opening. Pleasure shot
through my body making me thrust my hips at the new sensations passing through my body.
" Your skin is so soft," Adams lust filled voice rumbled sounding almost animalistic, " and your
hole is so tight," he pushed his finger in deeper, spreading more pleasure through my body in its
" Ohh" I moaned, parting my legs wider, wanting his finger to go further but his finger remained
still and not moving , I thrust my hips up trying to get him to move but it wasn't enough, he wasn't
" Adam please," I begged like a desperate woman,
" Do you want me to move?" He grumbled curling his finger a little, the slight movement was
enough for me to moan loudly and grip his hair tightly .
Taking that as an answer, Adam moved his finger. At first, he moved it slowly but even that
wasn't enough for the itch to go.
" Adam!" I protested, crying for something I didn't even know, but he knew, he increased the
speed of his finger, thrusting into my hole hard , again and again stretching me deliciously ,
making ripples of pleasure spread throughout my body.

P 27-2
I rocked my hips in rhythm with his finger, making the both of us moan and then he added another
finger making me clench around his fingers, he groaned out loud and I arched my back, overcome
with the pleasure,
" Adam please don't stop," I cried, desperate to get the itch out of my body, Adam swore loudly
and he pushed his face in my inner thighs , groaning out loud as his fingers continued to thrust in
me. I clenched
I screamed, my head falling back, my hips lifting up and my back arching as I exploded w


converter around them again and Adam growled before his warm mo
bit into my inner thigh. His sharp teeth sinking into my flesh, making pain and pleasure, both explode in
cumming continuously. I squirmed and trashed trying to get the pleasure to stop but it wasn't, I
cried Adams name as I clenched around his fingers tightly not letting them move out. Not until I
could come back down from my high.
" Adam, why isn't it stopping?" I cried, the pleasure making my heart ready to burst out.

" Do you want it to stop?" Adam asked moving his finger a little bit, but even that made my
juices gush out, " Yes please!" I sobbed, frustrated tears building behind my shut eyes.
Adam gave a beast like growl before his tongue gave a slow torturous lick in between my legs, the
moment his warm tongue touched my clit, I bucked my hips, crying out loud,
" Adam!"I screamed opening my eyes, letting him see the unshed tears in my eyes. He took his
glistening fingers out of my hole and like a caveman, he lifted them to his mouth, sucking my juice
clean off his fingers .
" I'm going to fucking eat you out!" He said before his face dipped down into my sex and his tongue

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de I gasped and he groaned before he rumbled out,

P 27-3
his fingers. The warmness of his mouth and the thrusting of his tongue made me writhe and gasp.
Adam moved his fingers to my derrière, holding me down and continued sipping and lapping on
me like a thirsty man and I could do nothing but moan and cry.

{ Adams PoV}

Sofie cried out the moment my tongue touched her tight clit
slowly, Her taste was so exquisite!
I needed to taste more of her and I couldn't help but lap on her slick heat greedily. Her small virgin
body squirmed and her hips bucked up making me groan as I got to taste more of her. I moved my
fingers to her ass, sinking my fingers in the soft flesh and holding her still. Her fingers pulled on
my hair and I moaned on her sex, making her clench tightly around my tongue.
She was so fucking tight, how was she going to feel wrapped around my dick? My cock jerked in
my pants, making me aware of how painfully hard I was.
Ignoring myself, I sank my fingers further into Sophie's ass pushing her more into my face. I bit on
her clit and she groaned, making my dick twitch , I sucked on her clit hard and moved my hand to
pinch her nipples. I held the tightened nub between my fingers and pinched it at the same time I bit
on her swollen nub, with a loud sob Sophie's leg parted more, her hips bucked violently and she
orgasmed. I groaned as I got a taste of her fresh juice. My sweet Sophie liked me eating her, I
sucked greedily on her sex until she pulled my hair.
" Adam please stop!" She cried as more juices gushed out of her dripping sex and like the thirsty
man I was, I continued devouring her, not listening to her protests. Not until she started trembling
and the hands that were in my hair stopped pulling. That's when I stopped.

more of her, but clearly she was tired. She breathed a sigh of relief and mumbled a low thank you. I fixed


I moved my face away and looked at Sophie's half hooded eyes. She was so addictive and I
wanted to eat

pants, all the time looking intensely at her half closed eyes, she had bought me to so close to
cumming in my pants that my seed was right up my shaft ready for release. If she would have
continued moaning those addictive sounds she made , then like a teenage boy, I would have really.

P 27-4
How could a single woman make me so responsive just to her sounds and cum? I wanted her
badly, I wanted to be inside her warmness and feel her wrapped tightly around me.
I was sickly satisfied with the fact that no one except me had tasted her deliciousness. She is so
dangerously delicate that I'm going to make sure no one other than me will ever get to touch her.
No one except I, will get to make her cum and no one except I, will give her pleasure. There is no
lies when I say I'm going to have her, take her virginity from her because She is mine. Mine to
keep and mine to possess.

I walked to my bathroom, unbuttoned my dress shirt and took my slacks out ignoring my erection.
Finding a
dry hand towel, I wet it with cold water and walked to my bed where Sophie snored lowly. I
cleaned her up and chuckled at her,did she know that she snored? Or was she going to be like
those reluctant women who
believe they didn't ? I shook away my thoughts and entered the covers pulling her body closer to mine

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just before the darkness engulfed me, I smiled for the first time in years, satisfied with the fact that
I was one step closer to claiming what was mine

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Mmmmmmmmm nice MY KINDA SCENE

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P 27-6
11.1K 391
53 by

{ Sophie's PoV}

I had woken around 3am in the night, my stomach was grumbling, overwhelming heat was
surrounding my body and I found myself naked like the day I was born. I had a heavy, bare leg
crushing down on my own and a lazy arm resting on my waist. I looked at the sleeping form of
Adam and I cursed at myself. How foolish could I be to fall for the ways of this obnoxious, arrogant
man and once again, sleep with him on his bed?

I detached myself from his peacefully, sleeping warm body and groggily stood on my wobbly feet.
Last night had been amazing, I had felt intense pleasure, pleasure like never before. I shook my
head embarrassed as I remembered what had happened last night, Who knew orgasms could affect
women like this? I stumbled in the darkness to the bathroom and switched the light on. I was greeted
with the sight of hickeys and finger prints all over my body, even on my freaking breasts!

What the hell!

I entered the shower , swearing curses at myself. How could I let a manwhore get so close to my
body? But what can I do, every time those desire filled eyes meet mine, I'm lured into them like a
moth attracted to a flame although I know the fire can kill me with its heat but I never pay heed. I
scrubbed and scratched my body, trying to get rid of the stupid marks, but instead my body just got
redder. The next time Adam uses his mouth on me, I should make sure I flip him around and punch
him in the gut. I scrawled at my thoughts, Next time! there shouldn't be any next time.

P 28-1
I tied my hair in a bun and draped a towel around my body. I closed the bathroom door slowly, I
didn't want to wake the beast as I flee to my room and I definitely didn't wish to have a repeat of
last time. I tiptoed to the door watching Adam extra cautiously. I bumped the coffee table in the
dark and Adam moved a bit , fuck! He's going to wake up . I stood frozen, still on my tiptoes,
breathing slowly to make sure I didn't make any noise. When I didn't hear any other movement
from the bed, I relaxed and walked to the door. That was a close shave.

around the room better. I held the door knob between my two fingers and I turned to look at Adams

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The dark skies lightened to a shade lighter helping my escape plan, although it was still dark, I

could walk muscular chest, he was definitely a warm body to sleep with but I rather not, especially

now that I didn't know how I was going to face him. I pushed the door knob down and tried to

open the door as quietly as possible to not make any noise but when I pulled the door to open it , I

realised , the fucking, conniving bastard had locked the fucking door!

The arsehole !
How on planet earth did that annoying ass know that the first thing I'd do when I'd wake up is run
away from him?

Urgh I wanted to break the door open, but obviously I wasn't going to do that, I was dressed in a
towel only and I wanted to wear something warm quickly. Deciding to look for the key, I walked
back to the dresser, if the door was locked then definitely the key was bound to be somewhere
close. I opened the drawers quietly, with great struggle even pushed the heavy vase and checked
under it, and also the carpet but it was no fucking where.
Where has he kept it? I was sweating after doing all the searching and the sun was almost out.
After searching even in the bathroom I gave up, the man was a pain and deserved to have a taste of
his own medicine.

Deciding to at least cover my body with one of Adams shirt ,I walked towards his closet and
pressed the button to open the sliding doors to a huge U-shaped walk-in closet filled with designer
P 28-2
clothes screaming from all angles. Black, Navy Blue and Grey suits hung side to side next to
expensive black and white cotton shirts . On the right, were elegantly rolled ties in black, navy blue
and almost all shades of grey. Did this guy only know three colours? I sat on the centre couch and
looked at the closet in amazement. One entire wall was made of shiny, black leather shoes and a
glass rack of Classic Black Armani and Apple watches. Everything in here was branded and
expensive, heck even a sophisticated smell was lingering in the air.

enjoying my sleep.

Shaking my head at there not being even a speck of dirt, I carefully grabbed a black shirt. I
buttoned up the shirt quickly all the time swearing profanities at Adam. If only I hadn't come to
this trip then I'd be at home

I walked out of the closet to see Adam sleeping comfortably.

Throwing him a glance, I looked at the inviting space next to him on the bed but I ignored the call
of sleep and walked to watch the sky. It was so beautiful as it gradually changed colours to a dark
purple than a beautiful pink and as the fiery ball emerged, it turned to a bright orange. I was so lost
in nature's beauty that I didn't even know Adam was awake, not until an arm wrapped around my
waist and a hot, moist tongue attacked my neck. I arched my back and nearly moaned at the
unexpected pleasure when I remembered what the asshole had done. I nudged his head with my
shoulder, not letting him continue with his assault but the annoying man, growled in my ear and
tightened his hold on me.
I pushed on his fingers and untangled my body from his. I moved far away from him until we were
standing opposite to each other. He was almost naked and was only dressed in his boxers,
reminding me of what we had done yesterday and how wrong it was.

argued or he distracted me with his kisses but today, I was going to voice my thoughts.

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" Stop it Adam!" I told him angry. All the time instead of conversing like normal human beings,
we either
P 28-3
" What is it Sophie?" Adam asked in a tone of anger but there was a small hint of worry as well.
Is he worried? Or am I just assuming it?
"We can't have a repeat of last night," I told him going straight to the point. I hated going around
the bush and preferred being blunt at all times.
" Why?" He asked with an almost bored look. He and I both knew that if he advanced towards me
right now and kissed me, I'd be putty in his arms within seconds, that was the effect he already had
on me, but he must have noticed the serious, no nonsensical face of mine, so he just arched a brow.
" Because it's not good," I told him, almost raising my voice before I calmed down.
" Why?" He asked again and I nearly lost my temper,
" Why? Because we aren't married for fucks sake!" I told him not caring if I swore in front of him
and didn't act like a proper lady,
" You're still like a stranger to me, I don't even know anything about you other than the fact that
you're a rich bastard and own more than 3 islands. Heck! I didn't even know the hotel we were
staying in was yours!" I told him seething with my palms clenched on my side.
" If the island is mine, wouldn't the hotel be mine too Sophie?" Adam asked in a low, calm voice.
His calmness made me more angry, how was he still maintaining his cool?
" Did you ever, even once tell me the island is yours?" I told him glaring at him, " No! I knew only
after Ben told me."
" Now You know, isn't it?" Adam asked me with his eyes narrowed , " and I shouldn't see you talk
" No way am I going to stop talking to him! You have no right to tell me who to or not to talk to, especially


converter Benjamin again!"

you are just my freaking fiancé!" I told Adam, our eyes staring intently at each other's, both filled
with anger and changed to a shade darker. The tension in the room had risen so quickly that it could
easily be cut with a knife. Adam remained silent for a few minutes, comprehending the words I just
said before he filled the silence with his gruff voice,
" If that's the case," he said, his eyes turning blank and inexpressive, " then pack your bags." I
looked at him narrowing my eyes, waiting intently for him to finish what he was saying, " We're

P 28-4
getting married tomorrow" were his last parting words before he turned his back on me and walked
out of the room.

I stood shocked on my spot,

What the fuck just happened?

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Who was expecting that to happen?

Stay tuned to know what happens next
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I love Adam hahahahahahahah Cheers to adam???????????? Wtf for sophie?????? ??????

P 28-5

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P 28-6
10.7K 330
44 by

{ Sophie's PoV}

Adam didn't even wait for me before he walked out of his black Mercedes and strolled into a
building I didn't even know existed before. He was still brooding and the whole plane ride back to
New York , he didn't even utter a word to me. Heck, he didn't even spare me a glance, It was like
as if I was non-existent and not sitting on the seat opposite him, he was full on ignoring me and I
don't know whether I'm supposed to be happy or sad with the fact that he was no longer staring at
me with those intense greys.
I hurried behind Adam as quickly as I could with my work shoes. I had dressed in the clothes which
I wore when I left from work on Monday morning, my black pants with my black button up shirt
and my work shoes because obviously, these clothes were better then the ones my mother packed.

I walked in the marble floored lobby of the classy building to see the receptionist busy on the
phone and no sign of Adam anywhere close by. I looked around the hall searching for his tall
muscular back before my orbs clashed with his, obviously, his Majesty was already settled in an
elevator. And what colour elevator
was it?
Great! another building that he owns which I have absolutely no idea of.

A fucking gold one!

I walked to the elevator slowly, not caring whether or not I pissed His majesty more, I was tired
of seeing those darn elevators everywhere and anywhere I go, like was it seriously necessary to
put them in every building of theirs!
I settled next to Adam, putting enough distance between us and Adam ,angry as ever, he punched
the 12th floor button bitterly. The whole elevator ride was tensed, full of anger and I was dull . I was
going to take such an important step in my life and I was feeling empty and emotionless. Wasn't I

P 29-1
meant to feel happy and excited, after all I was getting married, but obviously no, it was a court
marriage that was arranged by Force.

" Let's go," Adams voice broke the silence when we reached. We walked in a deserted, brown carpeted lobby
with no one in view. My heels clicked against the wooden flooring and we could hear the echo loud and clea
We reached a steel door and just as Adam raised a palm to knock on the door, the door pulled open and a sho
slender woman threw herself on Adam, shocking me with her blatant behaviour, a little, ah so he finally show
another emotion other than anger. Who was this special woman who

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" Hermano!" She screeched and I mentally cringed at her ecstasy. She looked so tiny hugging
Adam and soon she peppered kisses on his cheeks, oh god! I looked at Adam to assess his reaction
and I saw his lips curled got His Majesty to smile?

" I have been waiting for you since 20 minutes, the cinnamon buns have gotten cold, now, come on."
She said dragging Adam without even looking at me or even introducing herself to me. Wow, what
a way to treat a guest!
Ignoring her rudeness, I entered her office and cringed, the whole office was full of different
bright green colours, reflecting the sunlight and potted plants were placed everywhere, looking
more like a greenhouse than an office.
Adam was well settled on a couch and the crazy woman was no where to be seen, I stood like a sore
thumb by the door, lost and confused, not knowing whether I should make myself comfortable or
not? What were we even doing here in the first place ?

I watched as the woman emerged from a room holding a baking tray, talking animatedly,
" the coffee cookies are sweet this time so don't complain," she spoke looking at Adam with so
much love and respect,
" We're not here for tea Roxy," Adam spoke to the woman, " I'm in a hurry, bring the papers," the
Roxy woman just frowned and walked to get said papers. Oh so she was the lawyer who was going
to conduct our marriage. Soon Adam stood up and walked to the opposite door, leaving me all
alone on the office. I walked closer to the couch as the cookies lured me towards them. Who can
ignore cookies and with the smell they were emitting, I couldn't help but glance at them. I smirked
as I recognised the brown goodies, she had made coconut coffee cookies, no wonder she was
telling Adam they'd be sweet.

P 29-2
" Why are you dressed like a widow?" A feminine voice startled me, breaking my cookie thoughts
" Excuse me!" I looked at the short woman. She reached my chest and looked like a midget
standing next to me. she was assessing me from top to bottom and I rolled my eyes.

Typical rich woman behaviour!

" Your getting married and you came dressed in all black! Ridiculous!" Roxy spoke looking at me
incredulously, before her expression soon turned to disgust.
"So," I raised an eyebrow as I spoke, " you want me to wear a 10 metre gown dress trailing behind
me with flowers in my hand and sign a paper in this office ," I told her sarcastically, looking at her
before I made myself comfortable on the seat, my legs were still sore from the plane ride and I
wasn't going to wait for her to tell me to sit
" Anyone can tell your going to be the bitch in the wedding," Roxy said shaking her head at me.
I gave her a deadly look before i spoke,
" I rather be a bitch than a fucking obedient slave!" The moment I said that, she shut up and I felt
my blood pressure rise, I hated people who judged others especially when they didn't know any
thing about them. This woman, she didn't even know my name and was already calling me a bitch!
Insolent brat!

the papers out of Roxy's hand,

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Adam came out of the room to meet my angry face, he looked at me than at a vexed Roxy before
he plucked
" Here sign them," he said handing me the marriage contract. I read through the papers and rolled
my eyes, one of the clauses actually included me not having another partner while I was in this
P 29-3
I gave Adam an annoyed look and signed my life away to him.
May the lord have mercy on me and protect me from this arrogant man!
He grabbed the pen from my hand and even signed the paper. I stood up and looked at Roxy who
gave me a crazed smirk , " I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Adam Larsen," her smirk just spread
wider as she spoke, "You May kiss your bride Hermano,".

I gave her a killer look, she was getting on my nerves and rubbing salt on my wounds, " there's no
need," I told her giving her a fake smile," we have other things to be doing rather then spend our
time kissing in here," I said giving her office a disgusted look. Adam looked at me with narrowed
eyes before he wrapped his arm around me and he nodded in her direction.
We walked to the door and Roxy's voice stopped Adam just as we reached the door ,
"ella se ve muy familiar hermano," Adam stiffened as he heard those words, "ten cuidado y deja
tus ojos abiertos".
He turned towards her and the both of them exchanged looks with their eyes and before I could even
decipher the meaning of that short eye contact, we walked out of the office. Adam rushed us towards
the elevator and I nearly tripped as my heel got stuck to the carpet, I looked up to tell Adam to slow
down, when I saw him m lost in his thoughts, not even realising I had nearly fallen.

What did the bitch tell him that got him so worked up?

It was definitely about me, but What exactly?

Now I really wanted to know....

???????????????????????????? Hermano - brother ella se ve

muy familiar hermano - She looks oddly familiar

ten cuidado y deja tus ojos abiertos - be careful and leave your eyes open.
P 29-4
Ohhhhhh dramas on its way...

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forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

Converter de .

Get you a man that speaks as many languages as this gorgeous man. Well damn


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P 29-6
10.3K 357
45 by

{ Sophie's PoV}

Adam was even tensed the whole car ride. He dropped me off to my house and didn't even wait for
me to reach the door before he drove off. I looked at his disappearing car and shock my head, he
knew something that I needed to know. However, I couldn't be more than relieved when I entered
my house for definitely home is where the heart is. Heck I was even happy to see Mrs. Wilkins cat
who meowed at me and wagged her tail. I chuckled in her direction and collapsed straight on my
bed. It had been a long, yet exciting, crazy 4 days trip I had with Adam and now I just wanted to

I woke up to the incessant knocking on my door. I groggily woke up and walked to the door, I
looked through the peephole to see none other than my mother . Oh god! I was seriously not in the
mood to deal with her.
" Sophie Alice Delans!" Her voice screamed amidst the knocks , "do not act childish and open the
door this instant!" I mentally groaned listening to her voice.
Why did I have to be blessed with an over enthusiastic mother and a stone-hearted father? Couldn't
I just have a typical American family?

" Mother, I was sleeping," I told her giving her a dead pan


I waited for 2 more annoying knocks before I finally opened the door,

" Oh god, I was imagining the worst things! I got a feeling of Deja Vu, " my mother told me
looking all serious and scared, her worried eyes met mine and I regretted not opening the door

P 30-1
earlier. I looked at my mother's grief stricken face and I cursed, shit, the topic had resurfaced after
months, How was I even going to handle my mother's breakdown?
" Come on in," I told her trying to distract her thoughts but in reality, my thoughts them self were
going down memory lane to that dreadful night, the night when many relationships ended, fights
started and tears flowed non stop. My mother's eyes were all moistened up and I could foresee the
waterworks that were on the verge of falling.

" I'm ordering pizza, would you like to eat something else?" I told her grabbing my phone checking
the time, it was just 6:15 pm but I was starving and what distraction was the best other than food?
" Oh no honey, I didn't come here for eating" she said and I cringed at the endearment, " I just
came to ask you
"It was fine, how did you even know I was back?" I told her settling next to her on the only couch I

had, Wattpad Converter

de how your trip was?" My mother looked at me, her eyes now twinkling in excitement. turning

face her.

" Oh I was passing by Becca's store and I saw Adam walking past, goodness you had to see Becca's
reaction when she saw him!" My Mother exclaimed looking at me with wide eyes, the eyes which
conveyed of a annoying, boring story on its way.
Oh goodness, please save me,
I mentally groaned as my mother started her lame story,
" she was so flattered by Adams looks and she was like ohh I'm going to tell Mira to hit him up . I
gave her the stink eye and told her straight on the face, too late my Sophie is already with him,"
my mother said rolling her eyes and straightening her lips.
" Interesting" I muttered, hoping I was anywhere other than here. Heck I wouldn't even mind being
with Adam or worse in my fathers presence.
" Yes very interesting," my mother said sarcastically,
" now you young woman, tell me what happened on the trip because Adam was all tensed up,
looking all deadly, " My mother narrowed her eyes at me as she talked, " imagine he didn't even
P 30-2
turn to say A small Hi to me," and there goes the sulking, How does she even manage to have so
many mood changes?
" Mother, you're concerned with a greeting," I told her with a straight face.

" Yeah so what? We always great each other and he always compliments me whenever we see
each other," My mother said shrugging her shoulders. Why do I have to deal with such? "
Mother," with all the courage I had, I spoke in a calm voice to my mother, " You were inside the

How was he even going to see you?"

" Obviously I screamed his name!" My mother said giving me a duh expression.
" You done what?" I looked at my mother raising a brow, how was she even 48 and screaming
around in busy Streets?, " You know what, I don't even want to know. Like seriously!" I told my
mother standing up from my seat to grab a few almonds to munch on.
" Why don't you ever listen to me Sophie!" My mother wailed from her seat, her eyes watery and
her lips set in a frown. In no time her entire face will turn red and she'll start blowing her nose like
she's suffering from the Flu.
Oh crap!
" Mother it's not that," I said trying to control the situation before it could get any more worse and
she reached my father looking like a damsel,
" it's just there's a lot going on today especially with Adam, the signing of the marriage contract ,
the plane ride ..." and before I could even finish the sentence my mother screeched,
" What! You got married!" . Urgh fuck, now my mother was definitely not going to leave me until
I spilled all

P 30-3
" Yes. Adam and I decided it'll be best we get legally married before we continue with out relationship"

I Wattpad Converter
de the beans. told her, giving her a tight smile, awaiting her all time judging.

" Okay that's fine. But you had to at least let me or your father know," my mother said furrowing
her perfectly shaped eyebrows and I almost scoffed out loud, my father and attending something
for me, like as if I hadn't embarrassed him enough that he would come to my fake marriage.

I was saved from further questions by my mother's annoying ringtone blaring in the room.
Thankfully, it was one of her many kitty party friends who once she started gossiping with , she
completely ignored me and started animatedly talking to the bored woman on the other hand. If
this is what woman do after marriage, then definitely I was not prepared for the married life.
The doorbell rang and I happily opened the door , The pizza delivery guy gave me my pizza and
his gaze moved to my mother who was talking loudly a few metres from the door. He looked at my
poker face and he laughed at my misery, chuckling until he disappeared, even he knew how I was
I placed the pizza on my 2- seat coffee table and went to take the plates but when I returned my
mother was all packed and ready to go. Finally!

We're not done with the conversation. I'll come again to talk about it.
My mother mouthed to me and I nodded my head in her direction. No ways was I going to repeat
the same mistake and talk to her about anything concerning me. Once , the words spilled and that
was more than enough.

P 30-4
I closed the door after bidding farewell to my mother and finally got a chance to eat the cheesy,


crispy pizza.
I was munching the second slice when my phone rang, looking at the the name, Private number, i
warily answered the phone,
" Hello.?" I spoke on the phone waiting for the other person to utter something.
" Mrs Larsen," and my voice hitched in my throat as I heard his deep, Sexy voice. I was so not
prepared to hear him call me that and my grip on the phone tightened before I answered.
" Mr Larsen." I spoke back to him in a monotone, not showing him how my heart warmed up
hearing his voice, " How can I Help you?"
" Oh there's nothing you can help me with." came Adams cocky reply, " Though I called to tell you
I clenched my teeth as I spoke, " Yes, what?" paused, listening to my slow intake of breaths before he continu

"because once I'm back, there'll be no

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" I'm leaving for Dubai in a bit." Adam said, his voice having a mocking edge to it, "and ill be back
in a week. That's all the time I'll give you to prepare yourself, settle in my house and get
comfortable," Adam stupid excuse holding me back from taking what's mine," Adam talked
dangerously low in the phone making me gasp as I registered his words.

His words heated my body unknowingly, and before I could even utter another embarrassing sound,
he spoke, " Take care of yourself Mrs Larsen, The clock is ticking, I'll see you in 7 days," Adam
said before the line went dead.

P 30-5
I held my phone in my hand and swallowed audibly,
Was I thankful that I wasn't going to see Adam for a whole
week or was I eager to know what was going to happen after
seven long days?


Haha , who else is waiting for all the steaminess that's going to happen next?

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Meeee!!! ???? There's nothing holdin me back

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68 by

{ Sophie's PoV}

It had been almost 4 days since I had last talked to Adam and although I didn't want to accept it ,I
was thinking of him more than I wanted to, especially when I used those darn golden elevators
whenever I was at work. I waited for his calls to ask whether or not I shifted to his house but alas,
there was no phone call from him.

I kept remembering his brooding self and his never faltering gaze but somehow I was glad I was
away from him. We definitely needed the break and I had to clear all the jumbled up thoughts he
was causing me to have. Like right now, I felt a small pinch in my gut as I thought of how we had
gotten married in such a haste with no proper reason or negotiation.

The Friday morning when I got back to work , My father himself was mildly surprised when he got
to know I had already married and my father asked me the worst question on planet earth,
"Did you already cheat on him before the marriage?" He asked me looking at me with accusing
be legally married to each other with no extravagant


I had almost rolled my eyes but I controlled the movement before I gave a vague reply like how we
wanted to

My father mumbled something along the lines of Me being the reason behind the rushed
wedding and I couldn't help but wonder, Was it really my fault?

P 31-1
Today, it being a Monday, I wanted to get rid of all the negative thoughts hunting me and have a
new start with no more regrets and annoying, dirty thoughts on Adam with his sexy presence. I
woke up extra early and spent half an hour meditating and the other time, I jogged to the nearest
park before I returned, feeling better and fitter.
I had a weird warm feeling in my heart and for the first time in my entire 2 years of working, I
didn't wear my typical black work pants, rather, I dressed in waistline beige pants with my black
shirt tucked in and instead of doing my all time low bun, I opted for doing high bun. I felt energetic
and fresh, hopefully nothing went
When I entered the office, almost everyone stared at me in wonder, I really hated all the attention I

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de wrong today.
getting and I just wanted to go and enter my office but obviously that wasn't going to happen
because just
before I entered the elevator, i heard my name being called. I turned to see none other than
my father approaching me, looking at my dressing style with disapproval. Was he ever
content with what I wore?
" Sophie," my father grunted as he got close to me, "there's a shareholders meeting at 4 today and
tell your lazy secretary to inform all the managers," I nodded in my fathers direction somehow
startled, Why was there a shareholder meeting out of the blue?
"Now get in, we don't have all day!" My father said referring to the elevator, I entered the elevator
and hurried to my office, I wanted to finish all the files for the day before the clock struck 1 pm. I
wanted to have a long lunch where I could relax before I attempted the boring meeting with all the
old men who had no other job then show off who had more wealth.
At 1:11 pm I finished my files and I sighed in contentment, it was such a relief to be done and have
more time on my hands. I stood from my chair and slumped against the glass window, which
overlooked the busy streets, with a cup of coffee in my hands. Everyone seemed to be in a rush to
get somewhere and I, I stood still, watching it all happen before my eyes, that's when I felt it. The
tiny hair on the back of my neck stood to attention and my back warmed at the intense heat spreading
it till my toes, no way was it real.
I refused to turn around to see for myself, It was just my imagination messing with my brains again
and nothing else. I pacified myself , not bothering to turn but I wished I had indeed turned.

P 31-2
{ Adams PoV # cue all the fan girls squealing } pants which clung to her delicious derrière and My lingerin

eyes were glued to them before they trailed

Staring at the seductress standing with her back to me, I almost growled out loud. She was wearing

down the length of her delicate body. I felt all my blood rush to my groin and this was just cause of
the amazing sight of her glorious ass.
I looked at the stubborn woman and almost chuckled. She had straightened her posture as though
she could feel my stare, yet she still didn't turn to look at me. Was my little vixen still ignoring
Approaching her from behind, I pressed my body against her back, wrapping an arm protectively
around her waist and pushing her body more into mine. She gasped in surprise and I mentally
groaned at the sound. My lips descended to the nape of her neck wanting to taste her delicious skin.
I kissed her neck, leaving a wet trail all the way till I reached her earlobe,

" Adam!" She moaned softly and I tightened my hold on her, taking her lobe into my mouth and
biting it. The bite made her arch her neck more, exposing more of her slender neck and I growled
in her ear before I moved my nose to breathe in her feminine, soft addictive smell. Wanting more
of her, I moved my mouth back

to my favourite spot, the junction between her shoulder and neck.

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I bit hard into her junction and she cried out almost breathless, pushing her head back to my
shoulder. I smirked as her desire-filled, brown eyes met mine and I leaned in and sucked her
bottom lip. Her arms wrapped around my neck and pulled on my lower hair and I turned her face
fully to mine, kissing her deeply and having her lips on mine after 4 long days. I groaned at her
delicious taste which had a faint hint of coffee as I explored every curve of her mouth.
Soon Sophie pulled my hair tighter, trying to get me to let her go but I wasn't going to let her. I was
having a taste of her after four fucking days, and I hadn't even had enough. I moved my hand to
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her hips, then to her flat stomach and finally her luscious breast. I squeezed her globe tightly
before my fingers found her nipple. I held it between my index and thumb and pinched it hard,
making her gasp and moan loudly at the pain and pleasure. She arched her back pushing more of
her ass into my erection and I groaned painfully , finally leaving the assault on her lips and letting
her breath.
I pressed my arousal more against her ass, letting her know the effect her moans were having on
me and the sly woman, she actually rubbed her ass slowly against my erection, making me groan
out loud.
Damn seductress,
" Sophie if you don't stop rubbing your ass against me, then I'm going to bend you over and fuck
your brains out right here" I growled in her ear, tightening my hold on her stomach. The damn vixen
just moaned out loud and she arched her neck, pushing her head back to my chest. God, she was
going to kill me with her innocent ways.

I stilled her movement by pushing my hips away from hers and I moved my lips to her neck, sucking, biting
and licking the hickey I left on her neck. This woman was so fucking addictive that every time I'm around he
my brain stops functioning and my dick gets painfully hard. All I want to do is carry her in my arms, throw h
on my bed and have my dirty way with her but I can't do that, not until she shifts to my house and not until th
stupid meeting ends. and I couldn't help but stare at the beauty in front of me, she was shocked, aroused and

afraid all at the same

Placing one last kiss to her neck, I turned Sophie around to see her eyes were still half hooded, her
hair were out of the tight bun she had done and the hickey on her neck was a bright pink. I smirked
at her widened eyes time.
" Adam you're back!" She rasped our breathless, not believing I was here and my smirk widened
more, Looks like my beautiful vixen missed me quite a lot.


P 31-4
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I'm one of them No??????


P 31-5
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P 31-6
10.9K 395
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{ Sophie's PoV}
" Adam you're back," I spoke almost breathless, not believing the 6'5 ft, handsome man was really
standing in front of me,
" Yes, meine Verführerin," He said with his signature smirk, " I can kiss you again to show you
how real I am," he said cockily, moving closer to me, placing his hands against the glass, caging
me in.
I placed a hand on his hard chest, trying to push him away, because I know , If he kisses me again,
then there is surely no going back and when I glanced at the time, I realised it was already ten to
I shook my head no as I spoke, "we have a meeting to attend," I said, still catching my breath and
still trying to get him to move,
" So?" Adam said pushing his chest against mine, my aroused buds pressing shamelessly against
" Someone will see us!" I said, pushing against his chest but he held my wrists in his palms and he
inched closer and closer, this time pushing his hips against mine and I gasped when I felt his
aroused manhood press
" So," he replied and I wanted to scream, out of pleasure or frustration, I don't know. I gave Adam


converter against my thigh.

frustrated look and he said, " I'll move only on one condition." Our faces were so close to each
other that with every word he uttered, his lips touched mine teasingly. I stared into his dark stormy
eyes and debated before I nodded my head.
A sinister smirk spread on his lips and his eyes lit up in mischief as he spoke, and I regretted my
decision when I heard him say ,"You'll go out for dinner with me,"

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I raised a brow and I looked at him, hoping he was joking but to prove his point, he moved a little
closer, pressing his hard erection more on my thigh and I quickly nodded my head, not wanting him
to get any closer than he already was. He finally budged and moved away from me , letting me
calm my racing heart.

I fixed my hair and cursed, my fingers were actually shaking as Adam kept staring at me with that
dark look of his, his eyes claustrophobic and expressionless and his lips set in a straight line,
" Let me" Adam said when I failed for the second time and without waiting for my consent, he just
turned me
around and untied my hair, letting them fall loosely on my back. His fingers slowly combed through my

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and my breath hitched in my throat when he gently massaged my sculpt. It felt so good and just as
I was getting comfortable, the annoying man fisted my hair in his hand and done a low bun,
muttering a low, "We'll be late," in my ear before he left me alone.

I turned to look at his retreating back and I cursed, how could a single, arrogant arse make me feel
this way? I followed Adam towards the Conference hall and I rolled my eyes, almost all the male
employees we passed, stared at him in awe and all the women stared at him with open lust, some
even squealed as he walked by.
I shook my head and just increased my pace. When I entered the conference hall, I saw all the
shareholders already seated, with pin-drop silence surrounding them, conveying no pleasant words
were exchanged between them. My father shot me an icy glare and I just ignored him, being a
minute late doesn't really matter.
" Hello honey!" Said a man and I turned to look at Mr. Leonine Larsen, Adams father, who had a
megawatt grin on his face,
Well, at least someone was excited to be here today!
I gave him a small smile and settled on the seat between my fathers And the senior Larsen. I looked
up at Adam as he stood confidently in front of everyone. I didn't know he was going to be in charge
of the meeting today, but What was I expecting? when THE Adam Larsen was in the room , who
will have the courage to talk in front of him?
" Welcome gentleman ," spoke Adam in an authoritative, drool worthy voice before he continued
as he looked at me, "and ladies. Today, we are gathered here to discuss the expansion on the steel-

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making in Asia," Adam spoke so confidently yet, at the same time, his face was unreadable that he
just emitted power, you had no better option then to pay attention to him.

I listened carefully to his words and when he uttered the word " often", I couldn't control my eyes
as they dropped to look at the way his dark red lips moved . I watched every movement of his lips
transfixed that

his words no longer mattered to me.

I felt a faint touch on my shoulder but I just ignored it, I felt it again and on the third time, when
I had had enough of it, I turned to look at what was bothering me and I faced none other than a
grinning Mr Leonine who bent towards my ear,
" Enough with the stare honey," he whispered lowly in my ear, " he's more than hard," The senior
Larsen spoke amused as he pointed towards a very prominent erection that Adam was sporting. I
raised my eyes to Adams dark ones and I could clearly point out the promise of untameable
pleasure his eyes had.

{ Adams PoV}
" ...and that is how we can pursuit our objective successfully. It was great to have you all, Good
Evening ," I said finalising the end of the meeting. This had been by far the worst meeting I had
attended and it was all because of the way Sophie stared at me, with her eyes just on me reflecting
her desire for me..

Soon, very soon.

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My dick was still hard and throbbing and I wanted nothing but to sink in to her tight virgin hole,

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I promised myself as I watched the way she professionally shook hands with the remaining man.
She had
already composed herself but what she didn't know what she had a dark, red hickey on her neck
exposed to everyone.
My dad then hugged Sophie and he whispered something in her ear that made a tinge of pink
spread on her cheeks, she straightened her lips showing how embarrassed she was but my father
chuckled loudly before he placed a kiss on her cheek and I had to control myself as I watched
their interaction. My father and her were on more friendly levels than her and I. It'll soon change.

I smirked as I walked towards her, wrapping an arm around her waist and I bent to kiss her other
cheek, she gasped and everyones attention was now on us. The other men stared surprised but I
didn't give a fuck, at least now they knew who she belonged to.
" Gentlemen, how about we go for some tea and leave this lovely couple alone?" My father
announces and walked out of the room but not before sending a wink our way.
" What was that?" Sophie exclaimed angry as she moved away from me,
" What was what?"I asked back acting oblivious when all I wanted to do was laugh at my little

" You clearly know what I'm talking about Adam!" She said and I groaned lowly , fuck, I loved
the way she said my name. We stared in each other's eyes before, I smirked in her direction and
her eyes narrowed, " Let's get going Verführerin, we don't want to be late for our dinner, do we?"
I said wrapping my arm
around her waist again. She scrawled in my direction and pinched my arm, trying to get away from me and


chuckled. I bent to her ear and said, " do you rather fancy me to carry you?" and those words were
enough to let her get away from my hold and walk away from me.
I watched her swaying hips move and my slacks tightened, soon had to be closer than expected.

P 32-4
meine Verführerin - my seductress
Fellow wattpadians, See you next time on the dinner date....
Meanwhile, Dont forget to Vote, Comment and Share.

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His dad?????????????? His father's name were ashton......

P 32-5

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P 32-6
11.4K 383
65 by

{ Sophie's PoV}

I walked with my head high as I passed through all the snobby rich people who stared at me like as
if I was a different species because I had dressed in cropped sweatpants, a cream shirt and a navy
blue blazer. It looked like I was going for a meeting than a dinner at a sophisticated, elegant
restaurant but unfortunately for them as I wasn't going to get affected by their fake richness ,half
bankrupt selves .

Adam hadn't yet finished his work and thus I had a chauffeur drop me here. I had entered all alone
with the Maitre D' acting all enthusiastic and excited with me, causing heads to turn in my
direction and multiple eyes scrutinising my outfit, neck and wrist in search of shining jewels . The
urge to lift the middle finger to them was so high but I had to be professional.

The Maitre D' guided me to a secluded private area which had large windows overlooking the
night sky.
A beautifully carved wooden table was set for two in the centre and a male violinist played a soft
melody in

the corner of the room.

Interesting !
The Maitre D' reluctantly left my side after much convincing from my side and I hadn't even
placed my derrière on the seat, when a waiter was already standing in front of me, Creepy.
" Would you like to have a beverage as you wait Madame?" The brown haired, teenage waiter
asked me and I politely declined his offer.

P 33-1
" Oh no Madame! you need to order something. How are you going to enjoy Roberto without having
any glass to act like a sophisticated, rich woman?" He asked looking shocked then embarrassed as
he realised what he just said.
" Sorry for that comment Mrs. Larsen." The teenager said and I controlled the chuckle that was
ready to spill out.
" well," I said looking at him amused, " since you do know who I am, it'll be fair enough if you tell
" The name is Ronald, Madame," he said, correcting his posture and I smiled,

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" Ronald, as of now I'm not really thirsty, but maybe if you'd like, we could grab some coffee
together when
you're done," I said using a serious face and Ronald gaped in my direction, standing with his
mouth open, shocked for a few seconds,
" Ronald?" I asked, my stoic face nearly slipping.
" Are you serious?" Ronald ask with widened eyes and when I nodded, a gigantic smile broke out
on his face and a pink blush appeared on his cheeks. He looked absolutely adorable and I laughed.
" I'd love to Madame, but I'm only 17 and I don't want to be on the bad side of Mr Larsen." He said
looking at me all guilty and I chuckled before I nodded a farewell in his direction. He was going to
break the heart of many people when he's older.
I turned to look at Roberto play a sad tune and I sighed, how long before Adam came?

{ Adam's PoV}

I strolled through the back door of O Requintado and I nodded at all the employees who greeted
me. I wanted to quickly reach Sophie. I was almost 25 minutes late and I was sure she'd be
starving. However, while I was expecting to meet an angry, ready to explode woman, I found the
exact opposite.
Sophie was standing next to a window and unlike other women who wore short revealing dresses,
she was
dressed in black sweatpants with a navy blue blazer. The cool breeze was playing with her tied
hair and her
P 33-2
gaze was transfixed on the night sky.

Fucking beautiful
She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realise when I clicked a picture of her and
approached her, wanting to take the beauty in my arms, and just as I was behind her, she turned
around to face me,
" Great Punctuality Mr Larsen!" She said sarcastically with a hint of amusement present in her eyes
and I wondered why she was so happy.
" Well Mrs Larsen, meetings can get lengthy sometimes." I told her as I pushed the chair she sat
on, in.
I nodded at the waiters and the food was soon served. Sophie's eyes lit up as she looked at all the
food laid in front of her. She filled her plate up and she moaned loudly , chewing the saucy chicken
and looking at me with eyes filled with delight.
" It's Portuguese cuisine ," I told her while cutting the steak I was eating. She nodded in my
direction before we both continued eating in a comfortable silence, with me staring at her and her,
eating with all the excitement in the world, the woman absolutely loved eating!
We finished the main course with the two of us passing comments here and there, and after the
table was cleared, I watched Sophie as she ate some weird pudding she chose from the menu
herself. Sophie offered

me some and I refused and she rolled her eyes.

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at the violinist and a small smile spread on her face.
" Isn't he amazing?" Sophie asked, loo

" Yes He is." I said gruffly, not liking her attention being on someone other than me.
She raised an eyebrow at me and mischief filled her eyes as she asked,

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" How about a dance Mr Larsen?" I narrowed my eyes in her direction before I nodded. I had been
wanting to take her in my arms the whole evening and if she was willing to do so herself then, why
I curtsied her and then took a hold of her hips by placing my hand on her lower back, close to her
plump ass and Sophie placed her hands on my chest. She smirked in my direction as she recognised
the tango dance position and I smirked right back.

I moved my right leg forward and she moved her left leg back, the violinist started playing a soft
sensual piece and while in each other's hold, we moved round clockwise, all the while gazing in
each other's eyes. I then took hold of Sophie's hands, placing teasing small kisses on her hand from
her wrist till her fingers watching her every reaction. She narrowed her eyes in my direction before
she moved her body into mine, chest against chest, wrapping an arm loosely around my waist and
she lifted her left leg up, rubbing it against mine, venturing up slowly, seductively.
My eyes darkened in desire and I wrapped an arm on her back too, pulling her body closer to mine.
I slowly moved my palm down her back till I grabbed her left ass cheek, pinching it before moving
my hand to lift her left leg up, wrapping it around my waist. She looked me in the eyes before she
bent backwards and in so doing, she pressed more of her warm centre against my hard erection and
I groaned lowly. I trailed my nose
on her arched chest, moving my nose in between the valley of her breasts until she lifted her head back


and we faced each other.
Her desire filled orbs stared deeply into my dark grey ones and both our breaths were laboured. I
moved my lips to her jaw,breathing her in, before I trailed my nose down the length of her neck
making her moan and tighten her leg around my waist. I growled lowly in her ear before I moved
my lips to hers, kissing her lips lightly, biting her lower lips to get her to open her mouth and she
moaned in protest. I bit her lip harder and that's when she finally opened her mouth, I slipped my
tongue in her mouth and I moved my hand to hold her head as I deepened the kiss to a possessive,
desperate one.
Sophie moaned in my mouth and she moved her hands to wrap around my head, her hands
venturing through my locks and her hips bucking against mine. Every soft inch of her body was
pressing against mine and my dick was painfully erect. I thrust against her warm, now moist centre
and she moaned in response, throwing her head back as I continues thrusting against her, the only
thing separating the two of us were the pieces of our clothing . I moved my lips to her neck and I
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breathed her scent in before I stilled her hip movement, the little vixen didn't know what she was
doing and if she continued then I'd loose all control.
" Adam!" She gasped and I looked into her confused, desire filled eyes. " Why'd you stop?" She
asked and I

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" Sophie if I don't, I'll fuck you right now!" I told her growling lowly close to her ear, showing her
my dark stormy eyes and being the little seductress she was, she thrust her hips against my erection
and we both moaned lowly before she spoke
" Then fuck me," those three words echoed in my ear before I stared in her eyes which conveyed
her seriousness along with her desire.
" Are you sure?" I asked her moving my hand to unwrap her leg from my waist,
" Yes!" She answered and that was all the verification I needed before I claimed her tonight. I
wrapped an arm around her and guided her to my car, tonight she was going to become fully Mine.


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P 33-5
I didn't know she's a cougar ?? BABY GIRL IS YOU



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P 33-6
12.5K 360
103 by

Do NOT read further if you don't like erotica.
{ Sophie's PoV}
The car ride had been one of the longest, full with sexual tension and most uncomfortable ride of
my life and it was all because of Adam and his teasing. He had kept his warm hand on my thigh, so
close to my crotch and kept tightening his hold on my thigh and after a while, slowly, very gently
he would message my inner thigh . I bit my lips each time to control the moans and for the first
time ever, I had wished I wasn't wearing pants.

I was more than grateful when we reached Adams Mansion. I didn't wait for him to open the door
and I just walked towards the entrance. He walked behind me and when I turned to look at him, his
eyes were fixed on my derrière. I cleared my throat and Adam raised his dark, grey eyes to meet
mine before his lips curved in a smirk.
" Eager are we Mrs Larsen?" He asked in a deep husky voice which made shudders run down my
body, and instead of answering his obvious question, I opted for covering the distance between us
and kissing his addictive red lips.

pulled him down and traced his lips with my tongue. Adam groaned in my mouth before he moved his


This was the first time I had initiated the kiss and I put my everything in it, I tangled my hands in

his hair, away from mine, I opened my mouth to protest but Adam shushed me by placing his

index on my lips,

" Not here," He said huskily . Remembering how we were still in the driveway, I nodded and
moved away from him.
P 34-1
Adam firmly gripped my upper arm, then dragged his fingers slowly down the length of my arm,
spreading heat throughout my body before his fingers held mine and he guided me inside the
house. Even in the elevator, he still held my hand and Adam only let go when we entered his

I had no time to marvel at how manly his room was because Adam left me in the centre of the
room and he strolled toward the black couch opposite me. I turned to look at him, partly confused,
as he sat with his knees wide apart not caring about how the outline of his aroused bulge was so
He looked me in the eyes with a dangerous, lust filled gaze and he growled,
" Strip."

I looked at him and shook my head

Converter de No, I wasn't going to strip in front of him

raised a brow in at me
before he spoke dangerously low,
" You either remove your clothes or let me."
I narrowed my eyes at him and his greys clashed with mine, not blinking at all, conveying how
serious he was.
" Sophie!" Adam said warningly.
And thus I lifted my fingers to remove my blazer, Adam smirked sinfully as he watched me obey
him and place the blazer on the ground next to my feet. My fingers then moved to work on the
buttons of my blouse. My fingers shook as I worked on getting them undone whilst Adam
watched my every move, his eyes narrowed and a finger stroking his chin.
I was left in my cotton bra and when I looked at Adam, he nodded his head pointing at my pants. I
bit my lips as I unzipped the pants from the side, I hooked my thumbs on the waistline before I
slowly dragged them down. Adam groaned loudly and when I looked at him from my bent position,
I found his eyes fixated on my bra clad chest. I removed the pants and I mentally smirked at the
effect I had on Adam.
I stood upright to my full length and if it was possible, Adams eyes got darker as he stared at me in
just my cotton bra and underwear.
P 34-2
" Untie you hair," Adam rumbled and I lifted my hand and removed my hair tie, letting my hair
cascade down my back and now it was my turn to tilt my head on the side. Adam drank every inch
of mine lustfully before his desire filled eyes met mine and he spoke,
" Turn around." Adam all but growled and when I faced my back to him, he swore loudly as he eyes
trailed over every inch of my body. Heat pooled at my centre as he kept cussing out loud. I shut my
eyes as the pleasure coursing through my body was so strong, and this was just by his stare, What
would happen when he would touch me?

around my bare waist, pushing my body closer to his muscled, naked chest.

My dirty thoughts were soon answered when I felt Adams body heat against my back and a naked
arm wrap

When had he removed his shirt?

I whimpered when I felt him trace all the exposed skin of my body before his fingers skimmed
over my covered breast, he cupped my breasts in both hand, massaging them slowly,
" Adam!" I moaned arching my back against his chest, pushing more of my breasts in his hands.
Adam growled lowly in my ear before he moved his fingers to the centre of of my bra and just like
that he tore it away from my chest. I opened my eyes at the slight sting I felt and before I could
utter a word, Adams fingers pinched my aroused buds. I moaned loudly, arching my neck, inviting
Adams lips.
His teeth scraped against my neck, causing both pain and pleasure, and my stomach twisted with
arousal. He then sucked, licked and nipped on my neck making me cry out his name,

" Adam please!" I whimpered, my voice so thick.

" Please what?" He asked making his lips tease the shell of my ear, erection and he groaned before his fingers

trailed down my stomach heading southwards.

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" Please!" I whimpered, not sure of what I myself wanted. I unintentionally rubbed my ass against
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His fingers skilfully parted my thighs and slipped inside my underwear. His fingers adjusted
themselves until his middle one touched the bundle of nerves and I moaned out loud, grabbing the
hand which was exploring my inner folds. The unbearable ball was growing faster with each touch
of Adam and I wanted to get the itch out . Adam knowing my inner turmoil, entered a finger in my
sleek heat and that was the push I needed before I clenched his fingers tight and orgasmed.
I moaned at the pleasure and Adam groaned in my ear before he roughly turned me around and
attacked my lips, all the time with his finger still in me. He bit my lips hard, drawing blood and I
whimpered at the small sting while opening my mouth. Adam moved his hands to my ass and he
gripped my thighs, lifting my legs up to wrap around his waist.
He carried me to the bed, lying me gently on it before he untangled himself from me and he stood
on the foot of the bed,
" Are you sure about this Sophie?" Adam asked once again, his eyes darkened with lust and his
erection painfully hard yet he still thought of asking me .
" Yes Adam I am." Getting up on my elbows, I spoke,
" Now stop wasting time and strip," and it was my turn to smirk as Adam groaned out loud.
His long fingers unbuckled the leather belt first, throwing it somewhere in the room before they
moved to unbutton his slacks. He quickly dragged his zipper down and removed his pants and
when he was just in his silk boxers, he raised his gaze at me. He smirked arrogantly as he moved
the boxers down, exposing all 11 inches of his proud erection.


My breath faltered as I laid eyes on the massive, aroused dick of Adam standing erect against his
abbs . It was veiny, wide and had a few drops of precum glistening on the head. He was so big to
fit in my virgin

Adam bent to my level and met me eye to eye, his hands went to my shoulders rubbing my arms. I
lifted my face to him, somehow afraid to ask him the question, but when I opened my mouth, no
words came out. Adam pushed my back down on the bed and climbed on top of me, I stiffened and
he moved his lips to my ears, speaking softly.

P 34-4
" just try and relax" he whispered soothingly in my ear and I slowly nodded my head. To distract
me, Adam moved his lips to my jaw kissing me slowly, trailing his lips all the way to my chin. I
gasped out loud and flattened my palms against his chest, moving my hands slowly across his chest
feeling the bumps of every muscle on his abdomen. I moved my fingers back up towards his male
nipples and I pinched them making him groan loudly.
Adams lips eagerly descended on mine, kissing me passionately and desperately. I moaned in his
mouth, moving my hands to his neck and wrapping my legs around his waist. I arched my back
when Adam pinched my nipple and his erection pressed against my still panty covered, moist heat,
making the both of us moan.

Fuck, He was driving me crazy!

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Adam growled loudly, wrapping his palms against my thighs , pulling my legs apart and getting
more comfortable between the V of my legs.
" I can't control no more Sophie," he growled loudly,
" Im going to fuck You hard." His warning made me arch my back, pressing his erection more on
my heat.

Adam growled one more time before he tore the underwear like the cave men he was and I could

do nothing but whimper loudly. { Adams PoV}

I didn't have the patience to remove Sophie's panties and so without wasting any time, I ripped
them apart. The sight of her glistening folds made me want to slam right in to her but I had to get
her prepared for me.
I moved my hips forward and slipped my dick against her wet folds. Sophie made a low sound of
pleasure and I groaned before I continued coating my dick with her flowing wetness.
I opened her thighs wider and my dick pressed against her opening making her shut her eyes,
" Look at me Sophie," I growled, moving my dick away from her opening, making her whimper, "
I want you to watch the first time I enter you."
She moaned a response and opened her brown eyes to focus on my dick and I completely lost it. I
moved my hips forward and pressed my erection against her slick heat which held the throbbing
head of my dick in a tight grip. I clenched my teeth, resisting the urge to sink right it to her steamy

P 34-5
I moved another inch in and Sophie moaned making me grunt at the pleasure. I stayed still for a
while, letting
her adjust to my size but then Sophie rolled her hips, attempting to take me deeper and I shut my eyes, I


want to hurt her,
" Sophie." I gave her a warning but then her fingers moved to my neck and her nails dug in my
skin, she arched her back, pushing her luscious soft breasts against my chest and that's when I lost
it. I snapped my hips forward, breaking through her hymen and burying myself in her virgin hole
till all 11 inches of mine were inside her.

I throw my head back and grunted

loudly, Her body was so... tight and
Sophie clenched around my dick and I groaned before I opened my eyes to see her expression . She
had felt the immense pleasure too, a high whimper escaped her parted lips with her head thrown
back and her face was full of ecstasy.

I marvelled at the beauty in front of me before I moved my hips a little and we both moaned, I watched the F

How much tighter was she going to get?

Converter de
movement of her lush breasts sway side to side with every thrust and I lowered my mouth to taste
them. I sucked on her breasts making her moan and clench tighter around me.
" Ahh!" Sophie moaned as I increased the speed of my sucking and started thrusting my hips harder,
Sophie's hand gripped my head and she arched her back, pushing more of her breast in my mouth. I
bit the taut bud and she clenched my dick in a death grip and she exploded, coating my dick with
her warm juices.
P 34-6
I lifted her hips up and thrust in her tight hole from another angle, sinking my fingers in her ass
cheeks. Sophie moved her head to rest against my shoulder and I moved my lips to her neck. I
continued to thrust hard and fast while she was still orgasming and when I pinched her nipple,
another orgasm joined the first. She clenched my dick so tightly and bit my neck unconsciously
that my seed rose up my dick, my balls tightened and just before I released in her warm hole, I
moved my dick out and marked her thighs and stomach with my cum.
The sight of my cum on her skin made my inner beast howl with happiness. I was still hard and I
wanted to fuck Sophie again, I moved my hips in Sophie's heat and she moaned lowly. I looked at
her half hooded eyes and almost came with the intensity of the desire in her eyes. She looked tired
but I wasn't done. I was still rock hard and I wanted more
I entered her warm cunt and moved my hips slowly watching all her facial expressions, her lips
were parted, her jaw was tense and her eyebrows furrowed, I thrust against her sweet spot and she
shut her eyes tight as she clenched around my dick and orgasmed. Her orgasm made me empty my
seed in her and I felt complete . She was now officially Mine .
Sophie collapsed against the body and I lowered myself to kiss her lips. She groaned against my
lips as I removed my dick from her tender flesh. I rolled to the side and pulled her in my arms,
letting her sleep for a while before we went for round 3.



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{ Sophie's PoV}

I opened my eyes groggily and groaned, each and every muscle in my body was painfully sore. My
body ached as I tried to adjust my position and there was a dull throbbing between my legs.
Fucking hell.
I lifted my head and moved my eyes to find a peacefully sleeping Adam on the curve of my lower
back. My ass was pressing against his chest and his large palm was close to my crotch with his
breathe caressing my skin. A small smile spread on my lips, My body was wrecked and although it
was sore, I felt thoroughly satisfied.
Three times Adam had woken me up during the night and pulled me in his arms before he thrust
into me gently, not letting go of me until after I orgasmed twice with him deep inside me. His
stamina was so high and he didn't stop, not even when I moaned in exhaustion.

A finger caressed my inner thigh and broke my train of hot thoughts. I turned my head to look at a
"Does it hurt?" Adam asked worried as his fingers gingerly touched the red markings on my thighs.

Adam as he placed a kiss on my inner thigh.
I shock my head No in reply, somehow feeling shy and somewhat embarrassed as to how I already
slept with the arse.
Didn't I hate him?

" Are you sure?" Adam asked and I winced a little as Adam added a little pressure on one of the
mark. I turned my gaze away from his and looked at the navy blue wall. Last night had been fucking
amazing, but how was I supposed to tell him that without sounding desperate.
Adam spread my legs apart and climbed in between the V of my legs, covering my body with his
until he was face to face with me. He moved his hands to touch my sensitive breasts and I almost
whimpered, my breasts were even sore and were covered with red markings.

P 35-1
" I hurt you." Adam whispered to himself as worry spread on his face. He pulled his body up
attempting to move his body away from me. Gathering all the strength I had, I lifted my hand and
wrapped it around his
" You were perfect," I told him brushing my fingers through his lower hair. His lips split into a cocky

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de neck, pulling his body back on mine,

and his eyes lit in amusement,
" Perfect eh?" His early morning, raspy voice said, making an uncontrollable blush spread on my
neck. I turned my face away from his and his fingers gripped my chin raising my face back to his.
He was so close to me that I could actually count the black specks in his grey eyes.

" No need to be shy meine Verführerin ," Adam said placing a light kiss on my nose , just that small
touch of his send heat to my core. I tried to clench my thighs close but Adam was between them,
his already aroused manhood pressing against my stomach, thankfully it was covered.

My breathing picked and my eyes met Adams darkening ones . Damn I hated those intense eyes of
his which lured me in. I licked my lips and my eyes automatically moved to his addictive lips.

" You need a warm soak," I barely heard him as my eyes watched the movement of those sinister
Adam lowered his body closer to mine until his erection pressed directly on my crotch,
" Do you feel how hard I am for you?" Adam rasped as he thrust his manhood against my wet
This man had my body tingling in pleasure, my back arched and I gripped Adams
shoulders, " Fuck!" I moaned as Adam increased his speed.
" I want to. But not now, you need to get rid of all your soreness first," Adam said against my ear, his lips teas
my shell with every word he uttered. I bit back the moan that was ready to spill and nodded in his direction,
was right, I needed a good soaking. my eyes wonder around the pure masculine room.It was full of over-si

P 35-2
furniture made of dark mahogany www.ebook-
Adam placed a kiss on my cheek before he moved away from me walking towards the ensuite
bathroom. It hadn't even been 5 minutes and I was already missing his body warmth, I frowned at
my thoughts before I let

wood and navy blue painted walls. I turned my eyes to the bedside table and my eyes popped out
of their sockets when I read the time, it was 11:15 am!
How the fuck was I still sleeping? It was a Friday and my father was going to have my neck for
being this late.

I threw the covers away from my body and I scrambled from the bed. Every muscle in my body
was screaming in agony and my legs were wobbly but I couldn't think of anything other than my
fathers angry face.
I searched around the room for my panties and almost cried when I saw them
torn . How could I forget Adam fucking tore them last night?

I looked around the room for my shirt but I only saw my blazer. Where the fuck did I threw it last
night? I was hyperventilating and I was desperately hoping my father wasn't at work today. An arm
wrapped around my waist and Adam pulled me to his chest,
" I need to get to Work." I told him hastily, trying to get out of his hold, I had to make sure I reached the

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de " shh calm down, What happened?" Adam asked soothingly in a low voice.
before lunch. Just thinking of lunch made my stomach growl in hunger but I had no time to eat, I
had to rush to
work even if it was in the previous days clothes.
Adam turned me around and held me at an arms length, "It's fine, I already talked to your father,"
he said before pulling me closer to his naked torso.

P 35-3
" What...What did you tell him?" I asked shocked, My eyes widened as I realised what he said,
" nothing except that you're accompanying me to some work this weekend," Adam said rubbing his
palms on my arm. I breathed a sigh of relief and placed my head on Adams chest, closing my eyes.
Thank Fucking Goodness!

I squealed in surprise as Adams hands wrapped around my knees and the other underneath my
naked bare breasts before he carried me to his master bath. He placed me on the countertop and
braced both his hands next to my thighs. Adam leaned down to my face,
"Wait a minute ," he said before he walked away to the massive bathtub, checking the temperature
of the water.
My eyes watched his every movement and the way his pecs flexed with every motion. I couldn't
stop my eyes as they trailed down his muscular chest to those sculpted abs of his and finally to his
straining erection.

My cheeks burned as Adam caught me staring at his body. Adam smirked in my direction as he returned back
to me. He hooked my legs around his waist and pulled my body to his, making my lips crash straight into his
chest and his fingers trailed over my body, spreading desire with his every small touch.

His lips nipped on my lower lip teasingly before I felt him lower the both of our bodies in the tub. I
moaned in his mouth as I felt the warm water embrace me. Adam tightened his hold on me, pulling
me closer to his

I moved my lips away from his and arched my back as his palms gently massaged my back. I
ground my hips against his and the two of us groaned. He was igniting pleasure on my body and
heat was pooling on my centre. I thrust my hips against his still covered erection and moaned at the
sensations spreading through my body,

" You're driving me crazy, " Adam growled," I want to fuck you right now."

Goodness, I could feel the pulsing of his manhood on my core, hard and big, ready to thrust right in my he
sunk my nails in Adams shoulders and ground my core against his manhood. I wanted him to fuck me too
make me feel immense pleasure. Adams arm wrapped around my waist and he hauled me much closer to his b
" Stop tempting me Sophie," Adam rasped in my ear as his hands stopped the motion of my hips, ma

P 35-4
me Converte
de moan in protest.

I looked straight at his lust filled eyes and I smirked evilly at him. My fingers traced over every
contour of
his body, touching him slowly across his broad chest and well sculpted abdomen. I moved my
hand lower under the water to Adams inner thighs before I wrapped my fingers lightly around his
" Sophie!" Adam shouted as I pressed on his dick a little harder, I mentally grinned and gave Adam
an innocent look,
It was time I got him to lose control.



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converter ?? SHAWNNNNNN Some idiot he is

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33 by

{Sophie's PoV}
" Sophie!" Adam shouted as I pressed on his dick a little harder, I mentally grinned and gave
Adam an innocent look, tilting my head to the side with a doe-eyes expression. It was time I
got him to lose control.
I wrapped my fingers around his girth and
Adam tensed under my hold as I squeezed him once again. His heavy lidded eyes clashes
dangerously around mine as I moved my hand down the length of his manhood, slowly yet firmly,
his eyes not breaking the contact with mine.
I felt some sticky wetness on the head of his manhood and being the rebel I was, I rubbed my thumb
over the tip. Adam bucked his hips up and growled lowly before his strong fingers clasped around
my wrist, stopping my action,

" Careful Sophie," Adam warned as his eyes darkened and his hold on my hips tightened painfully,
" if you don't, you'll be on all fours with your mouth full." His beauteous eyes conveying how
serious he was

I stared deep in those stormy greys of his and I felt a shudder travel down the length of my spine.
Inwardly, I was smirking with the effect I had on him but I was even somewhat afraid. I knew from
past experiences turned out to be last night, and although the idea was tempting, right now I wasn't
Adam definitely done what he said. For instance he said he'd fuck me

converter soon and I don't even know how soon
Sensing the reluctance displayed in my eyes, Adam readjusted my position so that my back pressed
against his hard chest. I stretched my legs out and moaned as the hot water lapped around me. I
closed my eyes and sighed lowly.

P 36-1
It felt amazing.
I opened an eye when I heard the shaking of a paper bag. I tilted my head to the side to find Adam
tossing some Epsom salt in the bath. I gave him a small grateful smile before I relaxed further onto
his body causing every inch of his hard body to press further against mine. Especially, his erect
manhood which was nestled in between my ass cheeks.
Adam fingers soon massaged my tensed shoulders before they spread to the side of my ribs,
kneading gently. His fingers, along with the salted water was eradicating the knots of my body.
I moaned as Adams hands cupped my aching breasts, lathering them with his shower gel. His fingers

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de How could the touch of such a patronising man be so soft?

circling the areoles, making me moan at the sensations racing through my body. I arched my back
as he pinched the tip, making me release a moan.
Adam gathered more soap in his hands before he teasingly moved his large warm hands to my
inner thighs. His fingers slowly travelled down the length of my inner thighs before his fingers
found my core. His thumb caressed my sensitive core and I bucked my hips down, causing Adams
erection to press further against my ass.
I waited in anticipation as Adams fingers parted my folds. His fingers paying attention everywhere
except my throbbing clit.
" Please!" I begged when his finger just flicked over the bundle of nerves before moving away.
" Adam!" I cried, not caring how desperate I sounded.
I let out a small whimper as Adam touched my clit, making me see stars. I bucked my hips up,
wanting more from him and when he pinched my clit, a moan ripped out of my throat as an orgasm
rocked through my body. Adam continued rubbing my slit, making me release moan after moan.

{ Adams PoV}
Sophie's continued moaning as I rubbed her clit, her ass was rocking against my hard dick and I
wanted nothing more than to sink right in her tight centre.
" Adam," Sophie moaned arching her back further, The tip of my dick now pressed against her
opening, making her tight hole wrap around the head of my dick and I groaned.

P 36-2
Fuck, she was unconsciously provoking me and as much as I just wanted to sink right in, I didn't want to hurt
everywhere around her neck and I felt satisfied looking at them. No cloth or foundation would be able


converter her.
I moved my lips down to her jaw and I placed small kisses behind her ear . Dark red hickeys were

cover my claim on her. Feeling more possessive, I moved my lips to the place her shoulder and
neck met, just along the line of her collar bone before I sunk my teeth in her soft flesh. Sophie
bucked her lips up, letting all her juices gush against my dick and my dick strained to the max.
" Adam!" Sophie screeched, digging her nails in my forearms and I knew I had to have her again,
even if she was sore, I had to sink in her cunt.
" How sore are you?" I rasped in Sophie's ear, holding her hips firmly. She moaned lowly, arching
her hips up, rubbing her wetness against my aroused dick.
" Sophie!" I growled in her ear, tightening my hold on her waist.
" Adam please!" Sophie whimpered, grasping my forearms harder.
" Please what?" I asked,I wanted to her sweet voice begging me.

her legs at her knees, I pulled her face down and caught her lips in a demanding kiss. I threading my

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" Fuck me please!" She mewled and that's all I needed to hear before I spun her around in my arms.

Bending through her hair, pulling on the long caresses.

P 36-3
Sophie coiled her arms around my neck,moaning softly in my mouth. I pulled her hips closer to my
mine letting my dick slide against her slit teasingly. Sophie sunk he short nails in my neck and before
She could retrieve them back, I sunk my erection fully inside her. Sophie screamed in my mouth as
I thrust deeper in her cunt and I groaned,
Fuck, she was so tight around me.

I went a few inches in, then out before continuing to thrust deeper in her warm cunt. I moved at a
tender pace letting her accommodate to my size. She was gasping and moaning as I stroked deeper
and deeper. Sophie clenched my dick in a vice grip and she screamed my name as she orgasmed. A
possession like no other took over my beast when I saw her pleasured state and my hips thrust
faster in her heat.
" My new home!" I growl in Sophie's ear thrusting deeply and brutally. My hand reached up and
fisted her hair and with my other hand, I tightened my grip on her waist as I continue to thrust into
her. Sophie opened her mouth releasing breathless moans and within seconds, she orgasmed again.
I didn't stop though, I continued pounding into her and when her tight hole constricted around my
dick once again, I was left with no better choice than to empty my load, deep in her womb.

Sophie moaned tiredly before she collapsed on my chest. Noticing her worn out self, I removed
my semihard dick from her cunt making her groan. Bastard! Check at what you've done to her
But I couldn't help it, every time I was around her, my dick lost all signs of respect and wanted
nothing more than to sink in her tight, cunt.

Thinking of her warm sleek hole, my dick shot hard and I groaned lowly, the woman was surely going to


the death of me.
I lifted her sleepy self from the tub, drying her with a soft towel. She shivered and wrapped her
arms around my waist as I applied soothing cool cream on her body to get rid of all her soreness. I
dressed her in one of my work shirts before I gently laid her body on my couch. I changed the
Covers of my bed, purely satisfied when I saw the stains of blood on the blue linens.
She was Mine and no man on earth would ever dare to take what was claimed by Me.
I placed her on my bed covering her body with the duvet. My phone pinged and I grabbed it to see
who it was,

P 36-4
" Hermano, you need to see this ..." Cole messaged and when I opened the file he sent, my
blood boiled and the grip on my phone tightened,

Looks like a certain sleeping beauty was hiding some deep, dirty secrets.


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What does that mean? fuckin rabbit ??????

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9.9K 319 18
by maginary

{ Sophie's PoV}

I rolled my eyes impatiently as I waited in the golden walls of the elevator. I was starving and I
couldn't wait to eat something. The gold metal rolled open and I stood facing a massive, white tiled
kitchen. Every inch of steel in the kitchen shone in the afternoon light, glistening and glimmering
like as if it was just newly bought.

" Hello," I lowly mumbled, but my voice echoed back making me cringe.
There was no sign of anyone around and not even a single sound could be heard except for the
sound of my shallow breathing. I looked around the stainless kitchen before my eyes caught sight
of the steam coming out of the freshly prepared food. My stomach grumbled in anticipation and I
all but rushed to eat.
It was around 3 pm when I woke up and felt no warm body holding me down and no sign of
Adam. I had thought I would wake up to Adam using one of his many sexual ways, kissing or
cuddling me with his large palms on my body, but I was surely not expecting to find myself in the
middle of his bed, all alone with cold covers.
Ignoring the slight pinch on my gut, I adjusted myself on the king sized bed, curling into a foetus


converter How oddly strange!

enjoying the cold sheets on my body and wanting to fall asleep again when, out of nowhere, a
voice filled the silence of the huge room,
" Good Afternoon Mrs Larsen. Hope you're finally awake. If you are then could you please press
the green button next to the bed so I can prepare some food for you. If not then..." a feminine
voice spoke kindly yet tiredly before mumbling something lowly.

The mention of food made me realise just how much I was starving and I cringed as I reluctantly
pressed the green button,I still wanted to sleep but food was more important. I stood up from the
bed, stretching my body and I sighed in contentment, the Epsom salt had really done some
P 37-1
wonders to my body and it was a lot less sore. If I wouldn't have encouraged Adam for another
endeavour in the bath, then definitely I'd be fine. Ignoring the slight throbbing of my core, I
walked into the elevator wanting to devour food.
And now, I sat in front of a large bowl of homemade pasta made by someone who I didn't even
know. I
picked the fork up and inhaled the smell of the herbs before I dug in. I had a bite of the sweet,
cheesy pasta

and moaned, It was so freaking delicious!

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Whoever made it, was definitely a master chief!

I was enjoying my second serving when the elevator opened and in strolled a handsome, suited
Adam. I
looked in his direction and gave him a small smile, but he completely ignored me and walked
towards the fridge. I raised a brow in his direction, watching his muscular back flex before I
picked my fork up and lifted some pasta to my mouth. I wanted to finish eating , but I could feel
Adams eyes glaring straight at me. I couldn't help myself and I looked up at him again, What was
up with him?
And voicing out my thoughts I asked him just that,
" What's up?" and I mentally cringed. What's up, seriously! where we some high school
I curiously followed his motion as he walked calmly back but I could feel the thunder in his iris
rise, the upcoming storm hanging low. He settled in the seat in front of me yet still didn't lift his
face to look me in the eye, not until I said his name,

" Adam?"
He raised his thunderous eyes to mine and I nearly gasped at the intensity of them. They were dark,
dangerous and pinned me to my seat.
" What?" He almost . and I scrunched my face in confusion. Wasn't I supposed to be the one angry
with him? He had left me to wake up all alone, making me feel cheap and low . But no, the way his
eyes were staring, no rather glaring at me, it looked like it was all my fault.

P 37-2
I stared back deep in his eyes, not blinking, his raging eyes were clashing fiercely against mine
but I wasn't going to back down, If he wanted to be a mean arse so could I. I took in a deep breath
and controlled my rising temper before I spoke in a calm voice,

" Where were you?"

He scoffed, moving his gaze away from mine,
" Wouldn't you want to know?" He said dangerously low.
" Excuse me!" I whispered shocked.
Why was he giving me the cold shoulder ?
I gave him an incredulous look and I watched as he breathed in deeply and closed his eyes, making
the furrow in between his eyes disappear partially and after a few deep breaths he finally spoke,
"I had to attend an unexpected meeting okay " Adam spoke angrily. I looked in his direction
expectantly and he groaned before he continued, " it wasn't successful and tomorrow, I have to
meet him again."
I nodded in Adams direction in understanding before I picked my fork up. My pasta was getting
cold and definitely it was more important than some stranger. And also, I wanted to finish eating
quickly so I could watch some tv like a lazy potato for once, but just as I went to lift my fork to
my mouth, long fingers wrapped around the bowl.

I raised a brow to Adam and he sinisterly smirked in my direction before he attempted to pull the
bowl closer to him. I wasn't going to let him have my food and so I tightened my grip on the fork,
adding more

pressure to the centre of the bowl, pushing it further down on the table. Wattpad
Converter de " Get your own," I told Adam narrowin
eyes at him, no one ate my food especially when said person was being a mean arsehole a few minutes ago.

P 37-3
" But I want this one. " Adam said, pulling the bowl closer to him and I pulled it
back to me, " But it's mine!" I stubbornly told him,
" And you're mine so it's even mine!" Adams lips stretched to a slight grin and his eyes twinkled in
achievement and my breath caught in my throat, how the fuck was he so utterly handsome?
When I finally registered his words, a slight blush rose to my cheeks and my hold on the fork faltered
making Adam pull the bowl toward him. I looked up at Adam in a surprise and he winked in my
direction standing up from his seat with MY bowl of pasta.
" oh and tomorrow you'll accompany me to the meeting," Adam said caging me in just before he
left the room, he placed a light kiss on my neck and I swore mentally,
What the fuck just happened? And why was my heart beating so fast but more importantly, I
wished I had turned to look at the dangerous possessive look that Adam had in his eyes.
If only I had, I would have been slightly prepared of what was going to happen tomorrow.


#Dont forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

The are so cute ???? Ohh Adam! ????

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9.9K 317 24
by maginary

{ Adam's PoV}

I turned to look at a sleeping Sophie as I tied my cuff links, she looked so peaceful and beautiful
lying on my bed. The sunlight was adorning her pale skin, drawing my attention to the red
markings on her neck and I smirked. However, to make matters worse, the first few buttons of her
shirt were undone and as her chest heaved up and down with every breath, her breasts pushed out,
begging me to come and fondle with them.

Sophie stretched a little and changed her sleeping position to her back , making the shirt ride a little
higher up her thigh and I swore.
My dick was instantly hard.
Last night, I hadn't fucked her. She was still recovering and I was still seething, so with a small kiss on her
forehead, I had told her to sleep and now, I was fucking regretting it. I was insatiable concerning her. "Adam

Sophie whimpered, making me abruptly stop.

Giving her a last, longing glance, I headed towards the door when her sweet voice echoed in my

" Adam," she said my name again and I turned to look at her. Her eyes were still shut tight and her
eyebrows were furrowed, making me chuckle. My little vixen was having a dirty, wet dream about

Sophie moaned again and I smirked, a wicked idea on my mind. I went closer to her and I carefully
pulled the blanket away from her body. Sophie was lying on her back so unbuttoning her shirt
wasn't difficult. The sight of her full, pale breasts and her pink nipples made me groan. I couldn't

P 38-1
help but bend my head a little, sucking the prominent tip in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around
the peak and Sophie moaned loudly. I continued sucking and kneading her breasts till a hand
pulled on the bottom of my hair and I smirked, my seductress was finally awake!
I lifted my head up to Sophie's half hooded ones and after giving her a predatory look, I trailed my
lips down her slightly curvy stomach till I reached her hip bone,
" You slept without an underwear, naughty girl," I tsked, placing my hands on her thighs, revealing
the glistening folds of her centre to me. I groaned as her juices leaked from her centre and I cupped
her sex,
rubbing my finger around her slick pussy. Sophie moaned, her hips lifting up.

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" Do you want me to finger you Sophie?" I grunted and she moaned as I spread her folds.
" Yes Please!" She mewled and that was my cue to dip my finger in her sleek heat. She was wet,
so fucking wet. Sophie moaned and I added another finger, her pussy clenching around my
fingers in a tight grip. Fuck!
" Adam!" She moaned, lifting her hips up, taking more of my fingers in. At first I was being gentle,
stroking every inch of her slit and then I increased my speed, being brutal, making sure to curve my
fingers every now and then so that I thrusted against her sweet spot.

" Oh Fuck! Adam!" Sophie swore and her hands clutched the sheets, her legs parting more open.
I felt her coming close to an orgasm, her wetness coating my fingers and just when she was on the
verge of orgasming, I pulled my fingers away.
"No!" Sophie whined, opening her lust filled eyes.
" What happened meine Verführerin?" I smirked, my beast extremely pleased seeing her aroused
" Adam please!" She keened, closing her eyes to control the frustrated tears that were ready to
I bent my head lower and flicked my tongue against her dripping core leading to Sophie releasing
a throaty moan and me groaning. Her taste was so exquisite! I hummed against her core, loving her
addicted taste as I feasted on her, having my breakfast. I plunged my tongue in her tight little hole
and Sophies nails sunk in my neck and just before she could reach her ecstasy, I reluctantly moved
my mouth away from her cunt.

" Adam!" Sophie sobbed, bucking her hips up and I pushed them back down.

P 38-2
direction before I headed back to the door,

" I'll be late to work if I continue." Her eyes widened in shock, the tears glistening in her brown
orbs and I smirked in her direction as I stood back up. I sucked her juices clean off my fingers and
winked in her

She got what she deserved,

a sensual, painful

{ Sophie's PoV}

I huffed out loud as once again my bun didn't want to corporate with me. My hair kept falling out of the bun I m
with every step I took and I could do nothing except swear at Adam. That despicable, arrogant man! Just thin
of what that annoying arse done made my blood boil more, he bought me right to the edge of euphoria and b
the dick he was, he didn't let me cum and because of him now I was fucking pi

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Oh, I was definitely going to get back at him.
He kept calling me Seductress right, today I was going to show him just how much of a seductress
I was.
I wore black slim pants that hugged my ass tightly and a plunging white shirt, showing a little of
my cleavage and to draw more attention to my breasts, I tucked the blouse in. I wore stripped black
heels and applied maroon lipstick. I hoped my father wouldn't see me.

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P 38-3
I decided to just do a high ponytail and after looking at my reflection in the mirror, I smirked. After
Adam left me in such a vulnerable position, I called an Uber and quickly got home. No way was I
going to embarrass myself by calling Alzer to pick me up, I could just imagine how awkward the
ride would be, me in Adam's large shirt and him throwing knowing glances at me.

I picked my phone up to see where the meeting was going to be held at and I scoffed. It was at the
Meditarian Palace, a seven star hotel.
Why was I even surprised?

I picked my phone and called Alzer. He was surprised to hear from me but after confirming a
billion times that he should pick me up from MY house and not Adams, did he finally arrive at my
doorstep. The moment he saw me, his eyes widened and he blinked a few times. I really wanted to
laugh out loud but that would be so rude so I just settled for a smile,

" You look very Pretty Mrs," Alzer said whilst opening the car door. After mumbling a small thank
you to him, I smirked, I couldn't wait for Adam to see me.

The car ride was rather a long one and by the time we reached the place, I was kind of hungry. I had


eaten an apple at Adams house and when Adam sent me a message reminding me of the meeting
I was supposed to attend with him, I dashed out of his house straight to mine. I had no clothes
at Adams and if I wanted to make it on time, I had to make sure I was all showered and ready.

I said a farewell to Alzer and walked up the stairs of the flawless, elegant restaurant. I thanked the
receptionist as she gave me directions to the Orient restaurant and headed towards the restaurant .
Beautifully crafted ceramics decorated the hallways and royal blue silk embellished with golden
patterns draped the large windows, giving an enticing view of the outdoor gardens.

I was so lost marvelling at the different flowers that I didn't see the person walking in front of me,
making me bump straight into him . And like a repetition of old history, I lifted my head to apologise
but when I saw his familiar, striking face, I couldn't help but gasp.
P 38-4
What the fuck was he doing here?

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P 38-5

Oh oh, who's he? Any guesses?

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????Adam apple Yes slay his ass????

9.4K 340 60
by maginary

{ Sophie's PoV}

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P 38-6
What the fuck was he doing in New York
City? Was he fucking crazy?
" Ethan!" I questioned and when a slow sinister, smile stretched on his lips, I couldn't help but gasp
audibly . I could not believe he really was standing in front of me.
Questions were running wildly through my mind.

" Soph!" He said, smiling a megawatt smile showing those dimples of his . I couldn't explain the
feelings coursing through my body, he was freaking alive!

" And here I thought you'd hug and kiss me" Ethan said, coming closer to me. I was still in a state
of shock
and instead of going into his warm embrace, I moved back. Ethan flinched at my bold coldness and
his smile faltered.

Never, never had I ever rejected his hugs.

More like I attacked him for them.

" You do know people are lurking around still looking for you." I spoke in my professional voice,
not caring whether or not I hurt him. He had done enough damage to me already. But still I couldn't
help and be thankful. He was breathing, standing on his two feet, heck, even talking in front of me
when men were breathing down my neck, watching my every action.

" No wonder I'm dressed in this attire babes!" He winked and that's when my eyes skimmed over
his body. He looked dashing with the grey suit and black tie with his hair cropped short . He
looked almost like a professional business man.

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P 39-7
" What have you done to yourself ?" I spoke surprised . His ear no longer had the diamond piercing
I liked and his signature chain was not hanging from his neck . His ear length hair had even been
cut short and he looked more matured than his 24 years of age. This was definitely not him .

" I've changed babes," he smiled bitterly, his eyes holding a blanket of pain with a thousand other
emotions well hidden.

I felt a pinch in my heart, " I'm sorry." I apologised, turning my head away from him. It was my
doing that lead him to keep running with his face behind his shoulder at all times.

"Stop feeling guilty," Ethan flicked my nose," after all change is good, is it not?" He said,
making me return his bitter smile. He was still the same old, funny guy. But I was not the same. I
had changed, no rather, I was forced to change.

" Damn Soph, look at you! Who's life are you making miserable?" he whistled, his eyes surveying
me from top to bottom. His facial expression changing from awe to surprise.

" No one," I muttered and I hoped the stupid hickeys were well covered by my blazer. I had
already applied foundation to conceal them but you could never trust the heat.

he raised his cocky eyebrow and I rolled my eyes. He knew me more than anyone, what was I thinking


" Nah Soph! You only put red lipstick on an important mission, so there really is something up

your sleeve," to him.

" My fiancé," I muttered lowly, hoping he wouldn't make me repeat.But, this was Ethan we were
talking about. Like the maniac he was, he bent his head right next to my ear and made me repeat
my sentence again.

P 39-8
" Whaaaa fiancé!" He screeched and I almost died of embarrassment, every passerby turned to look
at us, giving us the WTF look.

" Yes now shut up!" I whisper yelled before I turned, planning to leave him and walk to the
restaurant, but like a drama queen, he grabbed my arm and started blabbering nonsense.

" You can't leave me alone Baby!" He screeched. I narrowed my eyes and gave him a deadly glare. What the
was he up to? " what about us? Are you going to throw our relationship away because of our argument on wh

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ate your

de Yet that affected him not, cause he winked in my direction before he continued,
cookie?" His voice raising with every word he uttered and as much as I wished no one heard, I

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P 39-9
actually feel the gossipers advance closer to us.
Nosy people!

What the actual fuck was he doing? Why the hell was he still acting so immature? Oh how could I
forget, Ethan loved the attention. He was known for being the centre of attraction all through high
school and of course he still was. And just as I was going to retaliate, a short woman squeaked,
making the both of us turn in her direction.
"'Mr Roberto" the woman sounded breathless . They had a weird communication with their eyes
and Ethan nodded in her direction.
" I gotta go Soph. I'll see you soon,". He said placing a small kiss on my cheek before he rushed
somewhere. I watched his parting back and couldn't help but get a sense of Deja vu. I blinked away
the tears from my eyes and intended to head back to the restaurant, but instead my watery eyes
clashed with Adams catastrophic ones and I knew, I was doomed.

{ Adams POV}
I had finished the business meeting with the Canadian man early. I wanted to have a good lunch
with Sophie before I made her spill the beans. I knew she was hiding some major part of her past
and that was what was
made me anxious . Nonetheless, what made me more fucking furious was the fact that she had the

contraception in the morning.

How had she even gotten access to the morning after-pill?

I walked towards the restaurant with my thoughts all on Sophie. I was walking in the lobby when I
heard an overly faux voice,
" You can't leave me alone baby." A pathetic, attention seeking man said. I was going to ignore
him but when I heard a feminine voice, I stopped on my tracks. It sounded almost like Sophie.
I turned my head in their direction and what I saw made my blood boil. A sexy Sophie stood at arms
distance from a man, talking in more than a friendly way. The blonde guy bent to kiss MY Sophie's
cheek and I almost lost it.
P 39-3
It was none other than that bastard.

Sophie watched the bastard go and when she turned back around, her eyes met mine. Her mouth
opened in shock but I cared not, I wasn't going to wait for her to spill the beans, I was gonna
fucking do it on my own. I
took long strides towards her. I clasped her arm in my palm and dragged her into the private lunch
room I reserved. I throw her by the table. I put my hands in my pocket removing the Manila
envelope and pushed the

paper in her hands,

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" You better start talking," I growled and she flinched but I cared not,
When it came to my girl, I wanted, no needed, to know all.

{ Sophie's PoV}

Adam dragged me like a rag doll to a private area and he throw me just like one. I saved myself just
by a few inches from crushing into the table. Adam angrily strolled to me and he thrust an envelope
in my hand, " You better start talking," he growled furiously.
I was clueless. What was up with him? What happened to the meeting? And why was he so angry?
The envelope seemed to have all the answers to my question and with curiosity, I pulled opened
the contents but I wished I didn't.
In my hands, I had around ten different pictures of kisses, hugs and smiles of Ethan and a girl. A
girl who's smile was gigantic and who's eyes twinkled. A girl who was not me yet looked
exactly like me.

But how was I going to explain to Adam that the girl who was in the pictures was not me but rather
another girl.

P 39-4
The girl who went by the name, Reya Alice Delans. and is My Twin.


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Now I get it . The way dad acted with her.???? excellent

P 39-5

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P 39-6
9.6K 373 45
by maginary

Longggg chapter ahead.

{ Sophie's POV}

I hesitantly nodded in Adams direction as he made himself comfortable on the chair opposite me,
staring me down with his stormy eyes . I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, I had to tell
him everything, How long was I going to hide the truth for?

" My mum and dad were high school sweethearts," I began, my voice coming out raspy. I cleared
my throat before I continued,
" They got married straight after finishing University. After many trials of not conceiving children,
my parents opted for IVF." I walked to the window and watched the leaves sway in the breeze
before I continued talking

as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion . His reaction just made me smile, it was no surprise. Hardly


" and like many IVF cases, my mother gave birth to twins, My sister, Reyah and I." I turned to look

at Adam knew about William Delans children.

"Smart, talented Reyah was the one born with my fathers dark green eyes ," I said jutting my chin in
the direction of the pictures sprawled on the table ,"and I was born with my mothers brown ones ."
Adam lifted a picture and surveyed it, realising that the eye colours were different.

P 40-1
He looked at me, tilting his head a little to the left, staring intently in my eyes before he nodded his
head, telling me to continue.

" My father was ecstatic to have the intelligent daughter look like him ," I chuckled bitterly, " But
still the both of us were musketeers. We pulled pranks on people, made my mother sob in
helplessness and made teachers pull their hair in frustration." A smile lit my face as I remembered
all the good old memories.

" However, things went downhill when we were thirteen years old. Both Reyah and I had competitions

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who pulled the better prank . I wanted to win that year as the previous two years, Reyah had won.
So I pulled a prank on the Principal, completely forgetting that my father and Him were good
friends." I could feel
Adams stare burn holes on my back as I talked but I wasn't going to face him, especially when I
talked about my life.

" Princiapal Stevens directly approached my father and complained about all the pranks my sister
and I done. My father was angry. He was embarrassed to know his thirteen year old daughters used
words like Fuck, sex and bitch. He called the two of us in his office and lectured us on how wrong
it was for the daughters from such a prestigious family use such vulgar language and carry out
childish actions." I snorted loudly, even then all he cared about was his reputation .

Shaking my head I continued,

" Reyah was a Papas Little Princess and so she went and blabbered everything to my father. She
put all the blame on me saying I forced her to do things and that she was innocent."
I looked at Adam and his jaw was clenched, wow even he was pissed,
"Bitch move I know, but what do you expect from thirteen year olds" I said, shrugging my
shoulders. After all, it was half true, I'd encourage Reyah to do my pranks with me.

P 40-2
" My father told me to write an apology letter to Principal Stevens but I didn't listen. I was a
stubborn teenager and I didn't write . Reyah, wanting to make it back in my good books, wrote the
letter on my behalf
and even went and gave it to Principal Stevens. My father got a copy of the letter and seeing the
vocabulary used, my father knew straight away Reyah had written it. As a punishment to the both
of us, my father sent us one was going to tell me what to do " I smiled as I spoke,
to two different boarding schools to teach us on how to behave. But I cared not. I was a stubborn girl and


" Even in the boarding school I made sure I caused mischief with none other than my guy best
friend , Ethan Roberto ." I said directly looking at Adam. His jaw clenched tighter and I could just
imagine how tight his teeth must be grinding against each other. Why was he so pissed off?

Shrugging my shoulders I continued, "Both Ethan and I were crazy teenagers. We were always in
No one wanted their associated with us and so I became friends with Ethan." I smiled as I thought
of how Ethan had asked me to be his friend but that was a story for another time,
" After spending two years without meeting any of my family members , I got the greatest news on earth, hat
toward any kind of noise or ill behaviour. She scolded me for the pettiest things such as leaving

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Reyah was starting the same boarding as mine. I was ecstatic. I was going to see my twin after so
many days . But to my shock , when she came, she was no longer crazy and wild, she had became
a proper lady with

window opened and or not changing my brush every month."

I heard some shuffling behind me but I didn't turn to see what Adam was doing, I just talked. I
wanted to
P 40-3
express to someone, take it all out.

".....and she absolutely detested Ethan. They'd fight every day with her acting like his mother and
him, like a five year old insolent child. I'd get so frustrated with their behaviour so I'd just walk out
of our dorm room. Then one day, when we were returning back home for Christmas Eve, I was
entering my dorm to see the two of them kissing each other angrily. My eyes were shocked, I couldn't
believe it. They were opposites! Instead of saying anything to them I just kept shut. I wanted them
to tell me if something was going on between them. Though they didn't. They'd touch each other
when they thought I wasn't looking and rumours soon spread around the whole school saying one of
the Delans girl was dating the troublemaker. My father called us home as soon as he got a whiff of
the news. He didn't shout at Reyah or I, No! he approached Ethan direct ."

I shifted on my toes and clenched my fists, now, the most difficult bit to say. I swallowed the dry
lump in my throat as I spoke,
" Ethan knew my fathers and I's relationship wasn't so great and to protect Reyah from my fathers wrath, Eth
told my father I was dating him. That evening, My father screamed at me telling me I was an embarrassment
for him for dating a garage owners son. He said all sorts of things to me saying I was a slut and what not but
stayed mute, as long as my sister and best friend were happy so was I. Reyah stood sobbing behind the office
door, listening to everything my father said and her heart broke." I fisted my palm as I remembered Reyahs
teary face, my teeth clenching as I continued talking, mother and Reyah weren't allowed to give any food to m
because my father made sure there was no


"My father took us out of the boarding school and made us private candidates yet still Ethan found
a way or another to meet Reyah. And each time my father found out, he'd punish me by not letting
me have dinner. My but I was okay with that. I already had junk piled up in my closet..,."

" .....then on my eighteenth birthday, my mother somehow convinced my father to let us go out.
We had the fun of our lives partying and dancing.
And Then 3 months down the line, Reyah and I were having breakfast when all of a sudden Reyah
runs to the toilet. For a few days, it continued and when I approached her she said it was nothing.
But I knew it was far from nothing. I caught her crying to Ethan on the phone telling him she was
pregnant. I was shocked! Reyah had lost her virginity, was 3 months pregnant and was only
P 40-4
eighteen years old! When I told her I knew, she cried in my arms. She didn't want to abort the
child. But we both knew, if my father found out , he'd kill Ethan. After all Reyah was his baby ."
My throat tightened as I recalled the most dreadful night. walked to Reyahs room to talk to her only to find it

empty. I knocked on the bathroom door and when I got no

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" Reyahs bump was starting to get more visible and her appetite was getting larger. Our cook asked
me if everything was well with Reyah but I somehow convinced her by putting the blame on
periods. That day, I

response, I broke in. I found it vacant too. I rushed to open the cupboards and saw them all emptied
. I ran to my room and with trembling fingers tried calling her but it was inaccessible. I found a
note on my bed and when I opened it, it was Reyyahs note. She ran away from home cause she
wanted a fresh start with her child and Ethan , and if she stayed at home, she knew she wouldn't be
allowed to. I lifelessly walked to my parents room and handed my mother the note. My mother
froze and my father was emotionless. He was blank. I could see how betrayed he felt . He stood up
and looked at me, "did you know" he asked and I replied honestly, " yes I did," and my father since
then ignored me,"
Tears welled in my eyes as I remembered what exactly my father had said, but I wasn't going to say
them out loud . I couldn't. They caused me so much pain to hear, I could never voice our the words
which always repeat in my head,

" You knew yet you told no one. If only you opened your goddam mouth then my daughter would be here.
She wouldn't have been running around with your boyfriend and she'd be happy. You are pathetic!
Today I didn't only lose one daughter Blair, I also disowned the other." My father roared making
me cower. My mother gasped and a tear rolled down my cheek as what he said finally sunk in.

"...... I had crossed all boundaries by keeping such a big secret from him and since Reyah ran away,
I had no other choice than to take care of the business even though I had no interest in it. Now here
I am, still trying to get my father talk to me normally but I know it'll never happen. His wound is cut
way too deep for it to easily get fixed." I felt arms encircle me and I shut my eyes. I wasn't going to
let Adam see me crying.

He pressed a small kiss on the side of my neck before he pressed his nose to my hair. I felt
goosebumps on
P 40-5
my skin as a shiver passed down my spine. His body heat felt amazing. He inhaled my smell in and

He was here for me.

appreciated his warmth. No words were spoken between us and I was glad. For definitely, no
words could speak louder than actions. Him holding me in his arms just said it all, But for how
long, I'd never know.


Finally,her past is out.

I laughed like crazy when I read you guys comments on who Ethan was. Though
@Xtainted_onesX was close.

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forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

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P 40-6
WTF HOW COULD ETHAN AND REYAH DO THAT TO HER I hate Reyah and Ethan sofuckiy much


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P 40-7
11.1K 371
52 by

{ Adams PoV}
I moved my hand over Sophie's palm, unclenching her small fist . I had never imagined her to
have a twin sister but being in the business field I've learnt how sly and secretive people can
be. Who would've guess William's daughter ran away?

But as selfish as I may sound, I was somehow glad her sister ran away, if not I would've never met
the seductress in my arms.
" Sophie" I whispered in her ear, making sure my lips teased her. I knew she was upset. I didn't want her foul
mood to spoil our evening and so I was going to do what I was best at, Seducing my seductress. " Hmm" she

mumbled after a while still lost in her thoughts.

I tightened my hold on her waist pulling her closer to me, her ass grinded against my dick and I
" Why are you dressed so provocative?" I asked slowly thrusting my hips against hers as my
palms roamed over her front. Sophie moaned and arched her back, pushing her breasts out but I
wasn't going to touch them, not until she answered, " Why?" I asked again.
"Cause," She said like the stubborn woman she still was but I wasn't going to let her go. Not until
she told me the real reason.

" Wrong answer" I tsked in her ear.I moved my hands to her thighs, roaming over her inner thighs,
so close to her core and her delicious moans filled the room,
P 41-1
" Adam!" She keened in protest. My other hand moved to clasp against her covered breast and how I

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we were at my house. I moved my lips to Sophie's neck and I smirked . The sly woman tried to
hide my marks but the red hickeys still showed, a little less dull but nonetheless still visible. I was
going to darken them anyway. I sucked her sweet spot and Sophie gasped, grinding her ass against
my dick. Fuck, this woman was killling me.

I bit hard on her neck and she gasped,

" I'll ask for the last time Sophie, Why?"
" I," She moaned and I licked my bite, "....wanted to" another moan and another push against
my erection, "...get back ahh!" She moaned as I sucked on her jaw. I hummed in her ear
encouraging her to finish her sentence ".... for this morning" she said gasping. Ah, the little
vixen wanted revenge.

" Well you should be happy cause it really did work. I'm rock hard and all I want to do is fuck you
here right now." I groaned in her ear and she gasped at my bluntness. I pushed her hips back and I
thrust my hips forward making her feel the hardness of my dick. She moaned loudly, throwing her
head back.

" Let's eat first," I moved away from her, instantly missing her presence. I held her hand and
guided her to the table. Her eyes were filled with desire as she stared back at me and I gave her
back a promising look, I was going to fuck her, hard.

P 41-2

converter Sophie's PoV}

Instead of eating the food in front of us, Adam kept staring at me with lustful eyes making me more
wet then I already was. My stomach was tightening and I wanted to just get out of this forsaken
place but I knew Adam would stand up only when I finished eating.

I chewed slowly and I watched as Adams eyes watched my throat as I swallowed. His eyes
lingered on my low lying blouse and my buds tightened, fuck I wanted his lips to be on them.

" Urm I don't think I'll eat dessert," I said trying to make small talk and get rid of the sexual
For the first time in my life, I was refusing to eat something so delicious and I couldn't help but
think about how I became so sex craved?

" Are you sure?" Adam asked huskily.

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" Yes" I mumbled, " You can eat if you want," I said turning my gaze away from his intense greys.
" I'll eat in my room ." Adam said huskily making shivers run down my body. His words were enough
to make me cum. I dabbed a napkin around my mouth and meekly nodded in Adams direction. He
smirked at me and I could feel a blush colour my cheeks. He knew, he fucking knew the effect his
words had on me.

Adam pulled my chair out and wrapped an arm around my waist, just under my aching breasts and
I couldn't control the gasp. I desperately wanted his hands to touch me,
" Adam," I moved my palm over his fingers, trying to tighten his hold on me,
P 41-3
" Just a few more minutes Preciosa," he rasped in my ears . I reluctantly moved from his hold and
put a few inches of space between us. If I stayed another minute next to his dominating presence,
I'll definitely lose all shyness and attack him.

Adam opened the car door for me and when I bent to enter, I felt him pinch my ass.
I turned to him surprised and he just winked in my direction before he went and sat on his
seat. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes and I smirked, Two could play the game.
I waited for him to get on the highway before I placed my index finger on his thick hard thigh,
moving it slowly up. Adam tensed in his seat as my finger inched closer to his erection. He took
a sharp breath in, anticipating my next move but I was going to tease him , just like he had done
to me. I let my hand linger by his erection and I moved my lips to his ear.

" Adam" I whispered letting my tongue touch his ear. His hold on the steering tightened and he groaned out


low yes.
" How long will it be?" I asked , my palm now flattening on half of his wide muscular thigh. I
moved my tongue out, teasing the shell of his ear and then nipped on his jaw.
" Fuck!" I heard him groan and I smirked. My eyes moved down to his rising bulge and I almost
" Stop teasing me Sophie!" He growled and stopped the movement of my hand.
" Why Adam?" I asked acting clueless and the look he gave me made my laughter nearly spill.
" You forgot what I said the last time you were teasing me?" He asked dangerously low.
My eyes moved back to his bulge and just like that I remembered what he had said. Did I want to
be on all fours with my mouth full? I guess no I didn't. I gave his jaw a last kiss before I moved
back to my seat and I heard him whisper a low " sly woman"

P 41-4
I bit my lips and sat still in my seat while Adams dark eyes kept darting to me. I pulled the mirror down

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de as innocently as I could, I removed my hair tie. I pushed my ass and breasts out and I tied my

bun. Adam

watched me and he tightened his hold on the steering wheel until his knuckle turned a light pink.
After I was done, I turned to look at him, still continuing the innocent act,
" Better?" I asked him with my breasts still pushed out and he clenched his jaw and nodded.
He drove like a maniac and before I could even step out of the car. He pulled open the door and
grabbed my hips, wrapping my legs around his waist. His red addictive lips captured mine
hungrily. He bit my lips hard and I moaned in his mouth as I felt the slight sting. He walked with
me in his arms, still continuing his assault on my lips until he finally dropped me on his bed.

" Time to get back on all your teasing," Adam growled.

P 41-5
" Adam.." That was all I could say before his fingers ripped the blouse off my body. My poor bra
following it too.
Adam hovered over me. My chest heaving up and down and his eyes were transfixed on the two
globes. He slowly descended towards the tip of one and when his warm, wet tongue licked the
sensitive nub, I moaned out loud. His eyes met mine and with a predatory look deep within them, he
bit hard on my breast making my hips thrust up, my back arch and a cry escape from my lips. I had
truly angered the arrogant arse!
Adam sucked and nipped on my breast, making me gasp and clutch the sheets. His lips moved to
my other breast, giving it the same treatment while kneading the other. I was moaning
uncontrollably. My stomach was tightening and I could feel the ball of pleasure increase.

" As much as I want to eat you out," Adam rasped in my ear, " I want your first orgasm to be around


dick." He said sucking my neck .
He lifted his body away from mine. I felt his palms move over my hips, spreading desire with his
touch until he reached my pants. He hooked his fingers around the waistline and he shot me a lust
full gaze before he pulled them down. I didn't even gasp before he tore my panties away and I was
left bare naked to his intense stare.

" Fuck Sophie. I'll try to be as gentle as I can" he groaned before he positioned himself between my
legs. His muscular thighs enveloped mine and his chest pushed down on mine. I raised my eyes to
look at his and I nodded for him to continue.

He moved the head of his dick inside my wet entrance, stretching me and I moaned in pain. I was
still somehow sore yet I still wanted him to fuck him.

P 41-6
Fuck, He was too much! too big! too wide!

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" Ssh." Adam whispered and he moved his lips to mine, placing a gentle kiss on them. He moved
two inches more and I gasped, throwing my hands to clutch his shoulders.
His lips moved to my cheek, trailing down to my jaw as he let me adjust to his size. He thrust in
slowly and I groaned. I could feel every vein on his dick and I could feel him throbbing. I could
just imagine how hard he must be trying to control and so I pushed my hips up telling him to
continue. Adam sunk his whole dick in me and I moaned at the fullness.
" You are only Mine," Adam whispered on my lips before he pulled out and thrust right back in.He
began to thrust harder and deeper. My stomach tightening with each stroke of his. I moaned at the
pleasure coursing through my body increased with his strokes.

Adam thrust brutally against my sweet spot and my stomach tensed. One more thrust and I came
undone. The ball of pleasure exploded in my body, my walls constricted around Adam but he
stopped not. He continued pounding into me as I cummed, having no mercy on me. His fingers
pinched my clit and within seconds, another orgasm rocked my body. My walls tightened around
Adam. Adam groaned and I moaned as his load filled my womb.

And once again, without using protection, we had had sex.


Early update cause of all the Votes and comments on the previous chapter.

#Dont forget to Vote, Comment and Share!
P 41-7
?????????????????? Sis are you ovulating cause if so.... get ready??

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P 41-8
9.9K 352 45
by maginary

{ Sophie's PoV}

Adam had woken me up with hot kisses littered all over my body, making me a moaning, writhing
mess. Like the annoying tease he was, instead of satisfying my sexual desire, he left me to get
showered alone. Though, I was glad he hadn't shower with me. Instead of a twenty minute shower,
he'd make us be in the bath for more than two hours.
Satisfying the both of us

I came down to a whole table full of food and a sexy Adam in his boxers, showing off those pecs
of his and a smirk on his face,
"Guten Appetit, meine Verführerin" He said, rounding the table and kissing the top of my
knuckles. He pulled a barstool out for me and helped me settle down with his hands on my hips.
The heat spreading from his large palms made me want to clench my thighs. He winked in my
direction and I couldn't help the chuckle. He was acting all gentleman-like and I was liking it.

Like usual, he watched me eat. His dark grey eyes watching me from the moment my lips wrapped around


fork till I swallowed every morsel on my plate.
" Eat more." He said as he moved his eyes to the now empty plate. I raised a brow in confusion.
" You'll need the energy for tonight," Adam said whilst leaning back on his chair. He said it so
casually that a blush spread to my cheeks and dirty thoughts filled my mind. He truly was insatiable!

" It's fine, there's still a lot of time." I told Adam as I stood up from my seat, washing my hands and
plate in the sink.

P 42-1
" Well, with the way your sauntering around with only my shirt on your body, It'll be much
sooner," Adam said, his hand wrapping around my waist,pushing his erection into my ass. How
the fuck is he so silent? I didn't even hear him moving.

I ground my ass against his dick making him groan.

His mouth moved to my ear, nibbling on the shell, teasing me. I wrapped my hand around his neck as his

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de "Who tells you to tear all my clothes?" I asked back playfully.

moved down to my neck, playing a rhythm. Biting, sucking then licking and repeat. He was adding
to the hickeys I already had.

Stupid caveman!

" I'll buy you more," Adam huskily whispered, moving his lips to my cheeks. Shivers travelled
down my spine and I clutched on his neck tighter. His hand ventured under my shirt, up my inner
thigh and just when he was going to touch me, his phone had to fucking ring. I unwrapped my
hand from him and tried to make some distance between us but the prodigious arse, he let his hand
continue the venture while he answered the phone with the other.
" Adam." I gasped as his hand touched my clit. He was talking on the phone normally like as if he
wasn't pleasuring me and I didn't know whether to curse or salute at his sneakiness. His finger
skilfully entered my wet cunt and my knees buckled. The pleasure coursing through my body was
intense, just like the man causing it.

"Ahh," I moaned as another finger entered me. Adam gripped my hips tighter and I bucked back
my ass against his dick harder. My stomach was tightening with each of his thrusts and moans
spilled from my lips uncontrollably.

" Adaaamm" I cried in ecstasy, my nails sinking into his forearm. Fuck I was blinded with pleasure
as the orgasm rocked my body. Adam continued thrusting his fingers into me making me almost
sob. As much as I wanted him to fuck me I was still sore from last night. He had woken me up at
random times before sinking into me, making me have orgasm after orgasm. And then now again.
I was still basking in the pleasure of the orgasm as I slouched against Adam, closing my eyes. I
was so fucking tired.

P 42-2
" I told you to eat more" Adam angrily groaned in my ear as I relaxed further against him. He slowly took


fingers out of my body making me groan. He gently scooted me in his arms before he lead us to his
lounge room placing me on the cool leather sofa.
" I'll be back in a bit Preciosa. I'll even get you some clothes" Adam whispered, placing a kiss on
my head but I was too tired to reply so I just nodded and fell off to sleep.

{ Adams PoV}

It had been only few hours and I was fucking missing Sophie. I wished she was here so I could
steal a kiss or
two but I knew she was exhausted. It was all my fault. But my dick never gets enough of her. Like right now,
thinking of her sweet moans, her sweet taste and those luscious breasts of hers.

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Fuck, I was getting painfully hard.
She was like sweet poison, tasty yet deadly at the same time.
I parked my car in the parking lot and walked into one of the malls that was closest to my work
place. It was 3 pm and I wanted to be home early for dinner and surprise Sophie. I had ordered
clothes for her from online already. But concerning her lingerie, no I wanted to personally choose
it. I wanted it to be the best of materials, the most expensive silk and the most easiest to get rid of.

I entered the mall and cursed, paparazzi were littered like pests everywhere and fake bimbo bitches
kept staring at me like I was a meal. I would actually enjoy their attention if I actually liked it but
who would want a woman just to look at you cause of your deep pockets.

P 42-3
I entered Nichole De Carle and smirked when I saw the one and only famous store owner ,
" My my, look who had decided to come to my store today," Nichole spoke with her British accent
and I gave her my signature smirk. It was no lie that I never personally came to buy from her shop.
I'd just order online and get them delivered but no, we were talking about Sophie, and My Sophie
deserved the best.
" What are you looking for honey," She said acting all professional and I was glad she wasn't
" Thank you beautiful. But I'll just explore on my own," I said bending to place a kiss on her cheek.
A blush spread on her face and I smirked.
Sadly even older woman couldn't resist my charm.

My eyes skimmed over all the different styles around the store. There were so many to choose
from. No
wonder women took forever whilst shopping but I knew exactly what I wanted. I walked further in
the store, to the section of the lacy bras and picked the most comfortable yet sexy ones. Knowing
Sophie, she wouldn't
even wear it but I knew how to convince her very well.

I was heading back to the counter to pay when I thought I saw the side profile of Sophie's face. I was
thinking of Sophie way too much. I shook my head and turned to continue to walk but then there
right in front of me was none other than My woman.
The sly seductress, I didn't know she came to shop at Nicole's place.

I sneaked behind her, making sure she didn't see me and when she was at arms length, I caught her.
" Gotcha Preciosa," I pulled her closer to me but something was off. Something very weird. Instead
of smelling like the familiar pomegranate and vanilla smell, I could smell fresh apples. I pulled her
closer to get a better smell of her when the woman screamed in my arms and in seconds, she turned
around and nearly slapped me but I had fast reflexes and caught her wrist.

P 42-4
{ Sophie's PoV} As soon as I read Adams urgent message, I rushed out. Adam sent me a message around 4

telling me to Wattpad Converter

de reach his office as soon as I could due to something very important. I hurriedly reached my h


changed into something descent. I seriously had to shift my clothes to Adams, it was getting
annoying coming back to get my clothes.

It was still 5 pm and I just wished I wasn't too late. I called on Adams phone but it didn't reach.
My anxiety was increasing .I didn't even know anyone in his office who I could call and ask. I
payed the Uber and quickly entered the reception. Everyone was looking at me crazy but I cared
not, I just wished Adam was fine.

I bumped into a parting Rose and I couldn't help and ask if Adam was fine. She looked at me like
as if I was a ghost and instead of answering me she kept gaping. What the fuck happened?

I stormed into Adams office, my heart racing in my chest and it only calmed down when I saw
Adam sitting on his leather chair.
" You're fine!" a sigh of relief left my lips as I approached Adam. I stood right in front of his
desk when I noticed his expression. His face was serious and more intense, a dangerous gleam
was in his eyes and his jaw was clenched. He was angry, no furious.
Just as I opened my mouth to ask what happened, a voice interrupted me,
" Hello Little sister," a mild British voice squeaked. When I turned around, my eyes widened, my

P 42-5

dropped opened and I was rendered speechless as there in front of me stood a carbon copy of
me. There stood none other than my twin sister,


The more the votes and comments, the more I'm encouraged to update
earlier so Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

Nice ???? please stop speaking german

Wattpad Converter

P 42-6
8.9K 332 43
by maginary

For all the people who voted and commented, thank you so much lovelies.
{Sophie's PoV}

I stared in shock at my reflection.

How and what was she doing here?
She still looked like the same beautiful, confident woman I could remember. Her eyes still
glimmered in the evening light and her hair still shone a beautiful brown.

" Should I go?" Adam gently asked me, blocking the view of my sister. I looked up at him blank. I
didn't know what to feel.
Was I supposed to cry or smile in happiness?
Was I supposed to go and slap her or hug her tight and feel her warmth again?


was so lost. He pulled me close to his
I muttered wordless, my words were caught up in my throat.

chest and I breathed his familiar sandalwood smell. At least. My nerves calmed down a bit.

A throat cleared, interrupting my peace and I clenched my eyes tight.

God, did I want to talk to her?
Yes! I had to find out why she carried out such a drastic step without even consulting me.

I pulled away from Adams embrace and placed a kiss on his cheek,
" It'll be just a few minutes," I said. His eyes looked deep into my soul asking me if I was sure
and I just nodded in his direction. I needed to know the truth.
P 43-1
I detached myself from Adam and watched his retreating back. The moment he left, the room was
in an uncomfortable silence. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked back at my sister and
asked the
question that was on the tip of my tongue,
" Why?" I asked my voice coming out much more colder than I expected it to.

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" Why what?" Reyah asked dumbly and I rolled my eyes at her.
When she realised, her face grimaced as she talked,
" I...I don't know where to start Soph," she said stuttering, her voice coming out muffled but I
wasn't going to fall for her cries.

" Start from where it all began," I said and she gasped at my coldness.
Her leaving had affected me in more ways than she could have imagined. Surely I wasn't going to
hug and kiss her now that she was here after 5 years, I was going to treat her like a stranger.
She looked me in the eyes, begging me to not say the story but I wasn't giving up. I wanted to
know the truth. After a few minutes of staring at each other, She looked away from my stubborn
stare before She cleared her throat as she spoke,
" You already knew how much I hated Ethan," she began and I nodded, encouraging her to

"I couldn't tolerate him and he didn't like me too. But then when we were leaving for the Christmas
Vacancy, I had taunted him more than usual, even mentioning something about his family which
really pissed him off. The next thing I knew was that I was being pushed against the wall and my
first kiss was stolen. I slapped him hard and kneed him, telling him I'd tell you what he done,"

She looked at me and I looked right back at her. I was somehow proud of the fact that she had hit
Ethan on his balls but I wasn't going to speak, not until she finished.
" He was afraid that you two's friendship would be affected and so he asked for forgiveness. It was
the first
mature act he had done and so I forgave him. But I was wrong, the pest would hold my hands on
purpose and would kiss me on the cheek in public, making me so angry at him. Then one day he
randomly asked me for a

P 43-2
date as a gift for his birthday. He pleaded and begged me and so I agreed."

Reyahs lips were pulled up in a silly smile as she spoke and I looked at her marvelled. I had missed
listening to her rants and her annoying complaints on what Ethan had done.
Feeling my stare on her, Reyah looked up at me but I maintained my cold expression. Seeing as
she was still standing, I gestured her to sit on the couch. She gave me a small smile but I didn't
return it back.

" That day Ethan had made me feel like the most luckiest girl on the earth. He took me to watch the
sunset at the beach, made me taste some fried crispy prawns and even a healthy carrot pudding. It
was such an amazing day."
" and you couldn't tell me?" I said raising an eyebrow at her. Now I felt more betrayed. Even Ethan
didn't tell me he was on a date with Reyah and instead he kept ignoring my calls.

" I knew you hated the thought of dating so we decided not to tell you, " she said, looking away from me. to
fucking know!" I spoke angrily,my voice raising with every word I said. All the pent up anger

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" For fucks sake Reyah, you are my twin and you were dating my best friend, Didn't you think I

had the right frustration were ready to spill.

" I wanted to tell you Soph,I really wanted to ...."

" But you didn't," I cut her off looking away from her, facing my back to her. I could feel a painful
ache in my chest , even my own twin couldn't speak to me freely, no wonder she was my fathers
favourite .
" Soph I'm so sorry, " she hiccuped.

P 43-3
" Sorry isn't going to change anything Reyah." I told her harshly, making her gasp, " Tell me how
you got pregnant," I said going straight to the point.

She controlled her breathing before she spoke,

"We went partying and I saw Ethan after 3 whole weeks. I was so ecstatic Soph. But Ethan, he
wasn't looking well. Bags covered his eyes and he had lost so much weight. I took him to a private
area and scolded him. I remember the two of us confessing our love to each other, crying in each
other's arms and then we slept with each other. And when I realised we hadn't used a condom, it
was too late." Reyahs stopped talking and looked at me.
" I was broken Soph, I was only eighteen and was pregnant already" She sobbed and I remembered
the day I heard her telling Ethan she was pregnant, she was crying uncontrollably on the phone.
" I went to the hospital to ask for an abortion but when the doctor placed the machine on my
stomach, I heard a faint heartbeat. Soph, when I heard my baby's heart, I was overjoyed. How was
I ever going to destroy the symbol of mine and Ethan's love? And so I decided to come home and
tell Papa and mama as quick as I could. But then Mrs Sanders, mamas friend saw me there. She
asked me what I was doing there and her eyes
went straight to my bump. I tried to scurry away but then I saw her call Mama. I was so scared
Soph, What would Papa do?He'd have definitely killed Ethan and my baby. My innocent Keyan
wouldn't be alive." She

cried in her hands.

My sister had gone through all this and yet she didn't utter a word to me. I felt bad that I couldn't
be there for her.

" Keyan, is that what my nephew is named?" I asked trying to break the tense silence which was
filled with Reyahs sobs.
" Yeah," She rasped, " he's absolutely gone on you, that naughty musketeer, he doesn't
listen to me." I turned around to her amused, my nephew had gone on me, definitely I had
to meet him now.

" Oh is it, what does he do?" I asked walking closer to her, handing her the glass of water.
" You do not want to know. Ask me what he doesn't do. This one time he actually...." and I zoned
out as I
P 43-4
matured a few years more.

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stared at my sister.Motherhood had changed her life so much. She was like another Reyah I was
witnessing, her everything was different. Her dressing style, her talking methods, her posture, in
short, HER. She had
" You do know Papas still looking for you," I told her sitting across from her.
"I know," she smiled sadly as she talked, " I miss him a lot. How is he?" She asked and I chuckled.
How was I supposed to answer how my cold hearted father was? Was I meant to tell her how my
father ignored my presence and how he blamed me for everything. Or should I tell her how he
disowned me and how I used the surname D' Alice?
It's no longer D'Alice Soph, it's Larsen now.

" He's fine. He retired." I said briefly, turning away from her inquisitive face.
" Oh! Who's taking care of the business then?" Reyah asked, confusion written all over her face
and I cringed.

" I used to but now we've sold half the shares to the Larsens," I didn't even get the chance to finish
my sentence and I heard her screech,
" Whaaat! You were taking care of the business? Are you crazy? How do you still have a roof over
your head?" I gave her the finger, rolling my eyes at her. We both knew how I hated my fathers
business field and how I wanted to be a Vet to take care of animals my father hated.

Reyah placed her hand on mine and I looked at her, she silently apologised and I just gave her a
tight lipped smile.

I removed my hand from under hers and nodded,

P 43-5
" The Larsens, is that the guy who was here?" Reyah asked after a while.

" Yes, Father arranged my marriage to him," and Reyah gasp.

" So Ethan wasn't lying when he said you're engaged?" She gasped out loud again.
" Married actually. I'm already married to him." I told her getting comfortable on the couch and her
eyes widened.
"I really fucked things up for you sis!" Reyah said and I simply nodded. What else could I do? She
was 5 years late to change anything.

She was going to say something when an alarm went off. Reyah picked her phone up
and cursed, " I'm so sorry Soph but I need to go get Keyan from school. " Reyah spoke
hurriedly. " School?" I spoke confused.

scurried out.
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" Oh yeah I forget to tell you, we've shifted back here." She said placing a kiss on my cheek before
And I couldn't help but think,
My life was officially fucked.


So is the hatred for Reyah still there?

P 43-6
#Don't forget to Vote,Comment and Share!

Yes, you did you imbecile! Fucck yeh


Wattpad Converter
P 43-7
9.1K 340 59
by maginary

{ Sophie's PoV}

I sipped a cup of coffee as I watched the fiery ball set from one of the large windows in Adams
lounge area. It had been three days since I meet Reyah and I still hadn't gotten over my shock. I
wanted to ask her so many questions but I didn't want to call her.
I still wasn't ready to meet her again.
With her returning back, I know something disastrous was going to happen.

" You still thinking about Saturday." Adams arms engulfed me, breaking my train of thoughts.

I relaxed against his suited chest, making shivers run down my body. During the past three days,
Adam hadn't left me alone. He held me in his arms when I panicked and made me forget
everything by giving me intense pleasure. He dint even let me go shower alone. Today, too, he
didn't want to leave for work and I had to force him.

my breasts. They were covered with red marks everywhere!

Teeth scraped across my neck and I arched my back. My entire body was full of hickeys, but the
worst were

" Adam" I gasped as his teeth nibbled on my ear. Heat was pooling in my centre and his hard
erection was pressing against my ass. The insatiable Man!
" Hmm," he murmured against my ear. The words I missed you were on the tip of my tongue but I
controlled myself before I blurted them out.
Was I getting too attached to
him? I hoped not.
If Reyah was back for good, surely my father would hand the business to her. I'll no longer be co-
owner and I don't know if this agreement with Adam will still be viable or not.

P 44-1
" You've been blanking a lot Preciosa," Adam said his hold tightening
around me. If only he knew what I was thinking about.

now my chest pressed against his. I placed my palm on his jaw and looked at his stormy greys.

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" I was just going to ask you what you want to eat for dinner?" I asked Adam, turning around in his
arms so

Goodness, his eyes were gorgeous.

" You," Adam murmured, returning back to placing hickeys on my neck and pulling me tighter
against he chest.
" Adam" I groaned pushing his chest, "I'm being serious!" My voice came out muffled against his
" So am I." Adam lifted his head to give me a blank look before his face moved back down to my
upper chest.
Stupid man!
I pushed myself away from his hold and raised an eyebrow at him,
" I'm starving, if you don't want to eat anything than I'm making chicken rolls" I told him

" I already told you what I wanted to eat ," Adam said coming closer to me but I was quick to
move to the side, moving closer to the couch.

" Uh uh mister, I am not on the menu." I told him placing a hand out in front of me as Adam kept
advancing towards me.

" Who said?" Adam asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

" I said," I narrowed my eyes at him and just as I went to take a step back, Adam launched forward.

P 44-2
I screeched as a handsome suited Adam ran after me. He was right behind me and I could feel his body


so close to mine. In the last minute, I found a coffee table and pushed it behind, blocking his path.
But that still didn't stop him. He still was right behind me and I sought protection behind the sofa.
Now a smirking Adam stood a few inches in front of me with the wall behind and the elevator on
my right. But if I ran towards it, Adam would easily catch me.
Heck, I was already breathing heavy and he was fine.

I stared him down and he winked at me. His eyes moved down to my heaving chest and his eyes
darkened a bit.
Looks like someone was enjoying the chase.
" Adam " I said warningly and he just smirked.
Arrogant arse!
I took a step closer to the elevator, no harm in trying right? But Adam noticed. His eyes darkened
and I scurried quickly running towards my escape. I was just a step from the elevator when strong
arms engulfed me, pulling me against a hard chest. Adams fingers found my side and the arrogant
arse started tickling me.

Wattpad Converter

de Adams PoV}

Sophie's giggles filled the silence of the lounge room and I couldn't help and grin. Her laughter was
echoing in the room and ringing like a sweet melody in my ears. But what mattered most was she
was laughing.

P 44-3
" enouggghhh," Sophie gasped as I tickled her again. I didn't want her to go back to thinking about
her coward sister, so I tickled her a little bit more.
"Aaa....dam," She cried and I finally stopped, letting her breath. I pulled her closer to me and took
her intoxicating smell in. I never get tired of her smell. It's addictive, just like her.

Sophie relaxed against my chest and I couldn't help but grin. Our relationship had escalated so
much since we met and now, I was fucking ecstatic to be the person she could rely on.

" Adam let me go ," Sophie whined in my arms but I just tightened my hold.
"I want to make dinner Adam," she sighed tiredly and I just groaned , I didn't want to let her out of
my arms.

" Martha can make it," I grumbled in her ear, nibbling on the shell, teasing her. Sophie gasped and
all my blood travelled downwards, hardening my dick further.
" Don't you ever want to try food made by me?" the sly woman commented as she grounded her ass against "
you continue doing that I'll fuck you instead," I growled in her ear," so stop teasing me. And I


converter me.
would like to taste your food," I told her as I bought her palm up and kissed her fingers before I
moved away from her.
I wasn't lying when I said I'd fuck her.

Sophie placed her hands on my biceps, tip toed and placed a delicate, light kiss on my cheek,
making my heart beat faster.
What the fuck was I feeling?

I watched her retreating ass and groaned, I couldn't wait for dinner to finish so I could finally have
her again.
I returned to my office to work on a few files but my thoughts kept straying to Sophie.
How was she cooking?

P 44-4
Was she humming along a song? Or were they out loose, moving with her swaying hips?

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And was she swaying those hips of hers whilst listening?
Were her hair tied up in that annoying bun of hers?
I resisted the urge to go see myself for I know when I enter the kitchen, they'll be less cooking and
more moaning.

A knock cut my thoughts and I looked up to see my seductress. She was wearing one of the knee
length, dark blue night gowns I ordered and her hair were tied in a high ponytail. How I wouldn't
mind ripping that off her body.

" You look beautiful," I told her, standing from my seat and taking her palm in my hands. I kissed
the back of her hand and frowned at how bare it was.

" Thank you," Sophie blushed and I smirked.

"Why don't you just refresh and change your clothes and I'll re-heat the food okay?" She said
smiling at me and I couldn't help but notice the slight twinkle in her eyes. Looks like my
seductress was up to something.

I nodded and kissed her forehead before I walked to the shower. After a quick bath, I wore low
hanging sweat pants and left our room without any shirt on. If she wanted to seduce me so was

P 44-5
Fucking hell!

I walked to the kitchen and the way her pupils dilated when she saw me, made me groan. She took
my whole half naked state in and her eyes darkened in desire.

The oven dinged and then only, did her eyes move away from my chest. I looked at her and Sophie
blushed as she realised she was caught staring, but I didn't mind having her eyes on me. I watched
Sophie wear an oven glove and bend down , fuck, my groin tightened against my pants. It was so
difficult to be around Sophie without wanting to fuck her.

" Bonne Appetite!" Sophie smiled a megawatt smile as she placed two large chicken rolls in front
of me. I looked at her to thank her but the woman had already settled herself in the seat, placed
some tomato ketchup in her plate and her roll was already on its way to her mouth. Damn this
woman and her love for food!
Her lips wrapped around the roll and her eyes shut as she slowly chewed on the bite. She savoured every bi
her food, whilst I savoured every moment of watching her. Feeling my stare in her, Sophie opened her eyes to

at me and she awkwardly put her roll down. Wattpad

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" Oh my bad!" She said embarrassed ," why don't you eat first and let me know what you think?"

I chuckled at her and watched her embarrassed blush spread on her

cheeks, Was I ever going to get enough of you Mrs Larsen?

P 44-6

# Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

I THINK MY HEART IS MELTING He's going to buy her a ring!!! I



P 44-7
Wattpad Converter

P 44-8
9.1K 355 77
by maginary

I'm so happy!!!!
This book has reached 100k+ reads!

{ Sophie's PoV}

I chuckled embarrassed as Adam gave me an amused

look, Way to go Sophie, make yourself look more like a

I watched nervously as Adam took hold of the Chicken roll. Although the food I made was edible,
I didn't want to hear any negative remarks from Adam. Especially cause he was such a good cook .

I watched as he lifted the roll to his mouth and finally took a big bite. And as his mouth shut, my
eyes shut
too. Hopefully it wasn't too spicy or too salty and he liked
it. He continued eating and I sighed mentally.

At least, he hadn't commented anything.

converter Yet
I was a food lover but when it came to actually making it, I wasn't very confident. Especially
because once I had decided to bake cookies and instead of adding sugar, I added a whole lot of
salt. And what did I do? I made my mother try the cookies first, making her choke like crazy,
leading to an angry father who scolded at me, banning me from ever entering his kitchen. Every
since then I've avoided letting people taste my food.

P 45-1
" It's nice, I liked it." Adam said as he finally finished eating both the rolls.
Was he being serious or was he just saying that cause he didn't want to offend me.

"....Though I'm still very hungry." He continued talking, looking at me with those assessing grey
eyes of his.
" Should I make you another one?" I asked him, moving my eyes down to my plate, picking my roll . I

looked Wattpad Converter

de Why does he always have to stare so deep into my eyes? back up at him and he shook his hea


" Would you like to eat something else?" I asked, confused. Definitely, my food wasn't to his
" Yes," he growled and I clenched my thighs tight.

" What?" I asked dumbfounded and as his eyes darkened in desire and a predatory look took

over him, I knew just what he wanted, ME.

{Adams PoV}

I stalked towards my vixen and towered over her, watching the way her chest rose up and down.
I held her hair in a fist and pushed her face closer to mine, capturing her lips with my teeth. I let
my tongue enter her mouth, exploring every inch of her as I went in between her legs.
Fuck she tasted delicious .
A mix of her irresistible taste with a hint of the chicken roll.

P 45-2
I bit her lips hard drawing blood and she moaned at the sting, sinking her nails in my neck, making me groan
took hold of her hips and wrapped her legs around me, the dishes could be done later. I wanted her NOW.

I moved my lips down her soft cheeks, to her jaw and finally to the junction between her shoulder
and neck. I bite hard onto my favourite spot, loving the sound of the moans spilling from her lips.

" Aaadam," Sophie moaned as I thrust my erection against her wetness.

I groaned in her ear and pushed her against the wall. My hands trailed down the length of her spine
to her waist. My lips moved down the valley of her breasts, her pink, hickey covered breasts. I
smirked as I saw my marks on her. I moved my teeth over the bites again, darkening them. I was
going to make sure they never faded.

An annoying ringtone interrupted the sweet moans of Sophie. I ignored my phone but Sophie
pushed against my chest,

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" Adam, answer your phone first!" she said looking at me with anger, yet her eyes were still
blazed with
" I don't want to," I spoke against her chest, enjoying the way the small bumps raised on her skin as
my lips trailed further down her body. I gripped her night gown, ready to rip it apart but then
Sophie hit my chest again, making me groan.

" It can be someone important....Adddaaammm," Sophie keened. I bit onto her pointed tip still not
listening to her. I pulled my phone out with my lips still wrapped around her soft breast. I bought
the phone to eye level and when I saw who was calling, I gave one last suck to her breast before I
answered the call.

P 45-3
" Good evening." I heard Sophie's mother say and I returned her greeting, not caring how husky
my voice sounded.
" How are you Blair?" I asked watching Sophie arch an
eyebrow. My Curios woman.

" Oh I'm good, actually great! ." Sophie's mother spoke over enthusiastically, " Is Sophie around? I
want to talk to her."

I handed Sophie the phone and she scrunched her eyebrows. Both her and I found the phone call
very weird. Why would her mother call me instead of Sophie? " Mother" Sophie said and I could
feel her reserve herself , once again reminding me of how she was not so

close to her parents.

" Oh Sophie, I finally get to talk to you! I called to invite you over for dinner tonight ," Blair said
We both remained silent as we heard what her mother said,
" Right now!" Sophie asked, confused, her eyebrows furrowing more.

" Yes!" Her mother screamed and I cringed. The woman was overly happy about something.

" Mother I've already eaten." Sophie said rolling her eyes.

" It's fine. You can at least be here for dessert. Come on I'm waiting for you and Adam, hurry." Blair said be
she cut the line. get out of my grip and I let her down. O wasn't going to anger her when already was. Plus

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didn't want to Wattpad Converte
Sophie clenched her jaw. I knew she hated it when her parents commanded her to do things. She

attempted to go but she knew she had no other choice.

" I'll be five minutes" Sophie said so calmly before she turned and walked out of the door.

Hopefully, this sudden invite wasn't the last tick before the storm unleashed.

{ Sophie's PoV}

I unfastened my seat belt and walked out of the car. My legs were a little sore from the car ride.
The drive from Adams mansion to my parents was an hour and a half and although the car was
freaking comfortable, the car ride was in a tensed silence. Low music played in the background but
I was in no mood to talk. Thanks to my mother who interrupted my evening

I rang the doorbell and stood next to Adam. Adam wrapped an arm around me, engulfing me in his
heat and I couldn't be more thankful. It was kind of chilly as it was already 8:30 pm.

Ella, my Parents butler, opened the door and the megawatt smile on her face just made me curious. I


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really her favourite so the smile was definitely not for me. I thanked her and after asking Ella
where my parents were, I guided Adam towards the lounge area.

As we approached towards the door, low laughter could be heard. The faint crackle Of wood
could even be heard and the lights of all the chandeliers were lit. What was happening?

My curiosity was answered as I stepped into the seating area. There on one of the couches sat
my mother with Reyah and my father with Ethan, all of them chuckling whilst looking at
something on the carpet. I moved my eyes down to see none other than my sisters son, Keyan.

And all I could think about was,

When the fuck did this happen?


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kinda an early update as Its still 11:30 pm where I'm from...
Where are all my readers are from?

# Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

P 45-6
This guy either has a vampire or werewolf in his lineage he is always drawing blood???? I WANT TO KILL THE SON


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P 45-7
8K 307 112
by maginary

Sorry for the late update.

{ReYahs PoV} # surprise!

I rushed out of the office, clutching my bag tighter against my chest. I had only fifteen minutes
before I reached Keyan's Saturday daycare learning classes .

Whilst in a hurry, I bumped into an angry Adam.

" If she's crying, I'm not going to spare
you," he spoke menacingly, towering over
His harsh piercing eyes were glaring at me. He surely was a handsome fellow yet with a cold heart and a basta
attitude. He made me shiver in fear but I wasn't going to let him know , I raised my chin and looked up at h
straight in those dark eyes. I wonder how Sophie deals with him.

What had become of her?
She was so bitter and distant, no longer the crazy, mannerless freak I remembered from five
years ago. She had changed drastically. Her hair were longer, her dressing style more
professional and her behaviour, more mannered.
The most hurtful thing was, she acted like as if we didn't even know each other.
And what was the reason other than me?
What a pathetic excuse of a twin I was.
But I was going to make sure it all changed. I was going to make things right.

I walked along the sidelines, trying to hail a cab but I wasn't in luck today. I hated New York for
the same reason, there were just too many cars on the road.

P 46-1
I kept flailing my palm out when an oddly familiar car stopped by. I walked a few steps away, ignoring the ca

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Never trust tinted black cars.
" Stop wasting time and get in the car Sophie," A cold detached voice spoke and I cringed.

Who would call me Sophie?
I turned around to see just who and I saw none other than my father. I gasped out loud, my eyes
widened and I felt my heart constrict. Fuck!

I wasn't ready for a second confrontation, especially after witnessing Sophie's reaction. But I knew
I couldn't escape the situation because the worst thing was, he thought I was Sophie. He hasn't
seen my eyes yet, when he does I'll be doomed. Fuuuuccckkk!

" Sophie!" My papa said angrily and I shut my eyes. What was I supposed to do now? He thinks
I'm Sophie and knowing how persistent he is, he won't go until I'm settled in the car.
I took a deep breath to calm myself before I turned around and faced him, better to get over and
done with. I'll have to cope with whatever reaction he has. But then shockingly, My father didn't
even turn to look in my direction as I settled in the seat. Strange.
Nonetheless, it was better for me. The more time I have to prepare myself before he realises it's his
other daughter. I settled better in the seat, taking a deep sigh of relief.
" Should I remind you to take your shoes out?" Papa said, finally turning to look at me and like a
cat caught
My fathers eyes widened a fraction as his eyes stared at mine. His similar eyes didn't blink at all as


shocked for a few seconds.
drinking milk, I looked up at him with my mouth opened,

looked directly into mine before his eyes traced my whole face, returning back to my green ones.

P 46-2
" Reyah!" My father exclaimed before his strong arms engulfed me in a
hug. How I missed my papas comforting bear hugs.

" Oh Reyah, My apple pie!" my father said. Happiness was etched on his face whilst he held my
face in his hands. He pulled me in for another hug, kissing my forehead on the process. Tears
prickled the corner of my eyes, my father and the silly nickname he called me with.

" My princess, I've been looking for you everywhere." My father said his voice full
of grief, " ...and you were right here in New York." My father ranted with relief and

hadn't aged since the last time I saw him.

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" Ulzer," My father said to the old driver,
"look who it is? My Apple pie!" The driver turned around and He gave me a familiar megawatt
smile. He
" I want you to hurry home," my father held my hand in his, smiling at me with tears in his eyes, "
We should surprise Blair too."
" Urhh Papa" I interrupted my fathers happy speech and I hated myself for it, but I had to stop him.
" Yes apple pie ?" He looked at me, giving me all his attention.
" I need to get dropped off at 13th Kenlie Street." I said nervously.
" 13th Kenlie street? Why would you want to go there?" Papa asked in confusion . That street was
where most of the educational institutes were and without thinking I muttered,
" I have to pick Keyan up," and that's when realisation dawned on him.
He pulled back the hand which was holding mine and the green eyes which were just filled with
happiness now became cold. I could feel the hate, the fury and the betrayal he felt, radiating off of
P 46-3
He remained silent, staring at me, silently asking Why and when I didn't reply, he turned his gaze
away from me, disappointed . My eyes filled with tears and my lips set in a frown, I hoped he'd
forgive me but I was wrong. I kept staring at him but he gave me the silent treatment.
Ulzer cleared his throat and I turned my teary gaze at him,
" Ma'am we're here." He said and just as he finished talking, a bouncing, happy Keyan came
running down the stairs towards the car.
No no no, he isn't supposed to meet my family yet! I hurried to get out of the door but a hand held mine down

turned to look at my father and he narrowed his

eyes at me before he went back to staring out the window. Damn I hated the narrowed eyes, it
meant we have to seriously talk.
" Momma!" My Little Prince said and my face lit up. He was truly the joy of my life.
" Hello Little Man," I grabbed his bag, putting it by my legs before carrying him on my laps. He
was old to be carried around but I loved holding him close to my heart.
" How was school?" I asked him shutting the door. I watched amused at the way he animatedly
talked about how much fun he had had in his art room. I felt my fathers stare on us but I didn't turn
to look at him.
" Momma Who is this man?" The smart toddler asked me and I cringed.
How was I supposed to introduce my 4 year old son to his grandfather? How was he even going to understan
was exactly like his aunt. He ignored my fathers outstretched palm and instead looked at me.

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" Hello Son?" My father stretched out his hand, holding his palm out, "I'm William Delans,

Your grandfather," Papa said and my boy scrunched his nose, looking exactly like Sophie. The

Little musketeer " Grandfather? Is that why we have the same eyes," Keyan said, tilting his head
to get a better look at my father. I held my breath as I awaited my father's response

P 46-4
" Yes son." My father said, puffing out his chest a little and I stared at him in wonderment, wasn't
he just angry with me a few minutes ago?
" Oh really so then..." and I watched the way my son shook hands with my father. Both had silly
smiles on their faces as they continued talking. At least meeting with my father was not as horrible
as with Sophie's.
I told Ulzer the location to my house and didn't miss the emotion in my fathers face. I grabbed
Keyans bag and held his hand,
" Good bye Papa." I told my father. I gave him one last glance and turned to leave but my fathers
voice halted me,
" Reyah don't think you're forgiven." My father said bitterly , " We still have to talk." I nodded in
his direction and watched until he left the street.
At least 2 were done now one more left,
Hopefully my mothers reaction is less hurtful and I could amend the damages.


Short chapter..., I wanted to include Reyahs Point of view and how she felt. Especially since qu

a lot of people wanted www.ebook-

converter to know her feelings.

Just a few more chapters left before the book comes to an end.
Let me know what you think will be the end of the story....
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# Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

What an asshole yea because you ruined everything for her

P 46-6
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P 46-7
8.2K 311
136 by

Sorry for the late update guys Though

Updates will be slower now .
I'm busy with my exams and don't have much time for
writing Peacex
{ Adams PoV}

Sophie stiffened in my arms as she took the sight of her family. Her coward sister and her useless
boyfriend were sitting happily, chatting amongst themselves, whilst looking at their child.

The little boy was the first one to notice us. He looked at Sophie in confusion before turning back
to look at his mother, than back to Sophie, than back to the bitch. He done that once again before
he stuttered out,
" Momma?" In confusion whilst staring at Sophie.
Sophie tensed further in my arms and I clenched my jaw. I didn't like that she was uncomfortable.

There was silence in the room as Sophie's family finally realised we were here. Awkward glances

passed www.ebook-

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converter amongst the seated people and I just got more angry, they

were acting like Sophie and I were strangers.

" Sophie! Adam!" Blair, Sophies mother had to speak, the woman was always enthusiastic.

" Adam, I'd like you to meet my other daughter, Reyah and my son in law, Ethan," the short woman
spoke joyfully, gesturing at them as she looked at me. Her eyes were filled with contentment and
her lips curved to the max.

I nodded in her direction,

" I know, I've met them before." I briefly spoke , not caring whether or not I sounded rude . I didn't
like them and I wasn't going to sugarcoat my actions for them.

" Oh you have!" Blair said, sounding confused but I didn't give a fuck. I just nodded in her
direction not

wanting to elaborate further.

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" Adam, it's good to have you here. Please have a seat," William Delan spoke and I clenched my
If only they weren't related to Sophie, they wouldn't even be worth wasting time on.

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Feeling my clenched palm on her waist, Sophie clasped her own around mine and looked at me,
it's fine, she nodded her head but it wasn't. I was fucking pissed , Only Adam.
No one had even fucking acknowledged Sophie.
I sat right next to Sophie, not caring whether I offended anyone. I wasn't leaving my woman alone
with these useless people.
" Excuse me Miss but who are you?" The young boy said, scrunching his nose and furrowing his
eyes. He looked exactly like the stiff older man in front of me. No wonder the old bastard liked
him, the child had the same green eyes and black hair.

Sophie raised an eyebrow and I knew she was controlling herself from saying anything crude.
" Uh She's your aunty," Reyah said, clearing her throat.
I glared at her with my angry eyes. She was the complete opposite of My Sophie.
While my Sophie was confident and sophisticated, Reyah was a stuttering fool and a back-
stabbing bitch. I was so lucky that Sophie didn't get the green eyes like the bitch.

Sophie chuckled, a cold, unhumored chuckle, "I'll rectify that Reyah," She said her voice distant, her eyes
shielded, "Hello Keyan, you can call me Sophie." She said gently, turning her gaze to the little boy.

The boy smiled back at Sophie and I could relate the mischievous smile so much to Sophie's.
She returned his smile with a straight lipped one and I knew She was uncomfortable . If only we
hadn't have come.

"Let's have some dessert now, shall we?" Blair said walking in with a bowl and some side plates .
The smell hit my nostrils and I almost cringed, Apple crusted pie.
I tapped Sophie's thigh, asking her to come closer to me and that's when I breathed better.
Goodness, her smell was my cure!

" Would you like to eat some Adam?" Blair asked and I was ready to leave the house at that instant
only. These fuckers were obsessed more about me then Sophie.

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" No!" I said harshly, " I'm allergic to anything related to apples," I indirectly hinted at the bitch and the

gasp Wattpad Converter

de that followed was precious .

Sophie pinched my thigh and when I looked at her, she glared , behave she said whilst widening her
eyes and narrowing her brows but I wasn't going to listen. When did I ever.

" I love apples," the little boy said, gaining back everyone's attention.

" Come on Keyan, lets go to sleep. Its past your bed time," Ethan said.
" I'll take him," William said, Carrying the boy in his arms away from us.
Yeah, the best option to run from an awkward confrontation from Sophie and I.

I was curios and I'm sure even Sophie must've been on how they already settled here

P 47-4
We were silent for a few more minutes and it was boring as fuck. The bitch and that Ethan dude
just kept staring at My Sophie.
" If you're done with your staring, you can explain" Sophie spoke, breaking the tensed silence of
the room. The couple exchanged looks with each other before Reyah spoke.
" Urm.. I bumped into Papa outside your office. ," she began talking, clearing her throat for the
millionth time.


converter .

"....He thought I was you, and dropped me home." Sophie raised an eyebrow, listening to Reyah
"Then Mama got to know from Papa and she came to my house and forced me to come back
here," She finished talking and I clenched my jaw.
What was she thinking?
Just because she looked like Sophie, she behaved like her too.
No fucking way,
Sophie was far better than her.

" Interesting," Sophie muttered and I smirked at the sarcastic answer.

My seductress could not only kill with her looks, but also with her words.

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de Sophie's PoV}

"Interesting," I muttered as I looked at my sister. I knew my words hurt her but I cared not. The
hurt she gave me was far more than what a few words were.
Just 3 days and my elder sister is already back in the
house. Was I surprised?
Obviously no , I knew the moment she stepped foot in Adams office, my father would know and
he'd turn the world upside down before he'd get his princess. It was just a matter of time before
she'd reach here.

I wonder how different my life would be if Reyah didn't suffer from Von WilleBrand. I turned my
gaze to the crackling wood and watched the slow flames.
Would our lives be the same?
Or would they be better?
Or worse?

Yes, Reyah suffers from VWB .

She suffers from a disorder where her blood cannot clot. Her blood lacks the proteins which closes
a wound and therefore the chances of her bleeding to death is high. No wonder my parents love
her too much.
Am I jealous?
Absolutely Not! After actually witnessing what had happened, I don't think I'd ever want to be in
place of my twin.
It was an unforgettable incident which my father blamed himself for.

P 47-6
BMW car. We sipped on some fruit juice and sat with oversized hats. We were bothering our father


It happened when we were six years old . Reyah and I, the naughty kids, were helping my father
fix his old

laughing in the afternoon sun.

Those were the times when we weren't rich, the times when we were Happy.

We were annoying our father so much that when he had had enough, he told us to help him get a
spanner from the store room. In the dark, Reyah bumped over a few boxes and tripped, not realising
the cut she had on her inner thigh.
Then after that it was all chaos.
I remember Reyah complaining she was feeling sick, her turning a pale colour and the next thing,
she fell down cold .

We rushed her to the hospital whilst her blood kept gushing. My mother covered her leg with a
bandage but the blood stopped not. In fact, her pale blue shorts had turned red and blood kept
dripping down her leg.

My parents and I were so clueless and scared. We hadn't even known she had Von WilleBrande until

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Doctor Wiliam explained to us. My parents since then have been extra cautious with Reyah.
"Should we go now?" Adam asked , breaking my train of thoughts. I turned to look at him and I
saw the discomfort in his eyes, I felt sorry for him.

P 47-7
I nodded in his direction and stood up. I looked at Reyah and Ethan and felt my gut clench. Once
upon a time, they were the reason behind my happiness but now, they were the pain. It's right
when they say best friends stab your back harder than anyone else.

I nodded at both of them, too tired to make an effort, and walked along with Adam to the door. I
wanted to get home as soon as possible.
" I hate the fact that you had to experience that," Adam growled, fisting his palm as we walked out
of the door.
" It wasn't bad." I told him, giving him a small smile. I was going to experience the
unfortunate meeting, eventually on a today or a tomorrow so I'm glad I got it over and done
with. Better sooner than later.
" Yes! It was fucking awful." Adam groaned and I laughed. We just took a step down a stair and I
heard Reyahs voice,

" Sophie! Soph!" I turned around at her screaming.

" Could you please wait a moment?" She asked breathless and I felt a little bad. She had

desperation written all over her face and feeling guilty for making her run, I nodded in her

direction. confusion.
" I'm coming in a sec." I told Reyah before turning to look at Adam, who had his eyebrows furrowed


" I think I'll have to stay the night." I told Adam nervously. I watched his nose flare and his eyes
turn a darker shade. His eyes pinning me down with his intense stormy eyes.

" No you won't!" He growled, taking a step closer to me and I moved a step back, I wasn't going to
listen to him.
" I have to." I told him, raising my chin

P 47-8
" I'm not going to leave you with a bunch of pathetic people," he said talking lowly. Venom spit
from his every word but I had to stay.

I narrowed my eyes and stared back right at him.

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" Too bad cause I want to ." I told him before turning and heading back to the house.
I had some unfinished business to deal with and if he was around, I'll never get round to doing it.

I felt his intense glare on my back but I wasn't going to turn to look back at him. I continued walking
and sighed in relief when I didn't hear his footsteps. And just before I held the door handle, long
fingers wrapped around my upper arm, pulling me back and angry lips crashed against mine.

Adan assaulted my lips yet I didn't open my mouth. That just pissed Adam further. He bit my
upper lip hard but my mouth stayed shut. I wasn't going to let him win,
" Consider this your first and last time," he growled lowly in my ear, accepting defeat , "..then
you'll never return to this hell hole."
I looked at him, his grey eyes were filled with blazing anger. I nodded in his direction and his lips
once again descended on mine. His fingers found their way to my hair pulling the band out and just
before I could get more hot and bothered, I moved away.
" Go." I told him and he clenched his jaw. I watched his angry strides out until he drove out of the
yard, furious and hasty.
I shock my head, looking at the night sky, hopefully, I made the right decision to stay.



P 47-9
we finally get to know why exactly Reyah is everyone's favourite now.

#dont forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

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WILL YOU BE THE FATHER OF MY CHILDREN I hate her family so much

P 47-10
7.8K 323
110 by

{ Sophie's PoV}
I entered the dim lit hallway and walked back to the lounge. Reyah was nervously walking from
side to side and stopped when I entered.
" Lets go in the balcony," I told her, heading towards the double glass doors. I wanted to watch the
starry night to avoid the awkwardness.
I felt Reyah settle next to me and there was an odd silence between us. Once upon a time, we'd
never cease our talking and now, we couldn't even start.

" How have you been all these years Soph?" Reyah asked, holding the banister. Her pale bony
fingers looked weird wrapped around the black metal

" I've been fine." I shrugged my shoulder still watching the stars.

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Tonight the moon was a whole round, illuminating the clouds nearby, just conveying what a horrifying

night www.ebook-

converter it was.

" You definitely aren't" Reyah said turning to look

at me, " talk to me Sophie." She stared at me but I
didn't turn " Please." She pleaded.

But I remained silent. Then out of nowhere, my father answered.

" She's fine Reyah. Can't you see? She's enjoying her life after ruining yours," My father spoke
harshly, his words ringing in my ears but I didn't turn to look at him. How Typical of him to put
the blame on me.

P 48-2
" Papa!" Reyah screeched, "...Please do not interfere," she said talking angrily "... and she didn't ruin

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" Oh don't lie now Reyah." My father retorted ,
" She didn't only make your life miserable, but also your mamma's and mine. And after seeing how
was tonight, I'm sure even his . "
" What are you indirectly implying by saying that Father?" I turned to look at Him . His words
made me fucking furious.
" If I really did make mothers life miserable than why was I invited for dessert tonight?" I coldly
spoke,not giving a shit when he narrowed his eyes. I hardly spoke back at him but now, I have had
" ...and worse, why am I still working in your business?"

" Sophie!" Reyah angrily said but I cared not. It was time I let it all out.
" Don't ' Sophie' me Reyah." I looked at Reyah. Her eyes were pleading me not to say anything to
worsen the situation, but I was furious .
" You want to know how I've been right?" I told her, my voice lowering as I spoke angrily ,
"well I've been fucking tired and depressed." I turned to face her as I spoke,
" For the past five years, I've been working my ass out from 8 to 6, only to come back home to a
father who doesn't give a fuck on my opinion and only wants his way." I clenched my palm as I
" ....I meet my mother in 2 months because she's so fucking obsessed with clothes and gossip."
Reyah gasped but I continued talking.

P 48-3
" I hardly have any friends cause the ones I had were cowards and foolish enough to run away." I


hinting at her and Ethan making her eyes filled with unshed tears.
" ... and you must be wondering about Adam. Even he is cause of your father only," I said
gesturing to my father who looked at me with his jaw clenched,
"I go to work one morning and know I'm supposed to get married to a stranger." I took deep
breaths controlling my anger

" tell me now Reyah who's ruined who's life? Have I ruined yours? or have you mine?". My
nails were digging into my palms, drawing blood but I ignored the pain.

" Oh and the most important thing," I told her chuckling bitterly, " you're the only child of the man
over there," Reyah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. My father maintained his blank
expression on his stoic face and I wanted to laugh loudly.

" What do you mean?" Reyah asked confused and I smiled.

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a crazy, broken smile.

" Your Papa,"I bitterly said the word papa as I spoke ," ... has disowned me." Reyahs eyes
widened, a gasp
escaping her lips as she heard what I said.
" So congratulations to you for you're the only heir to the Delan fortune," I continued talking

P 48-4
Reyah stared me in the eyes. Her eyes displayed disbelief while mine conveyed the bitter truth. She
shook her head slowly, still in a shook,
" noo ," She cried ," yoo..uu didn't !" Reyah stuttered. My father turned his head away
guiltily and I scoffed.
How pathetic
Reyah kept looking at my father for confirmation but he didn't turn to look back at her.

" So Yes, Reyah, apparently I've been more than fine. " I said with venom. I looked at her one last
time before heading back to the door. I wanted to get out of this house as soon as possible.

" Oh and Reyah," I stopped by the door as I spoke,

" My humble applogies if I interrupted your family's evening" I said sarcastically before heading
out of the door.
My father would deal with Reyah himself, I wasn't going to stay to get more insulted.


converter Reyah's PoV}

My heart had an indescribable pain, like someone was squeezing it with so much force.

Your papa has disowned me,

Sophie words rang in my ears. Words I couldn't believe. My brain couldn't process any thoughts
except for what Sophie said.

" Papa," I wiped my tears and called him. He still had his back on me telling me what Sophie said,
was indeed true.
"How could you do that?" I rasped, my voice thick from the tears rolling down my
eyes. How could my mother let him?

P 48-5
He remained silent for a few seconds, before speaking, " People do things
in the fit of an anger," My father said and my fury skyrocketed.

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" Yeah but not fucking disowning their own children," I screamed and swore, not caring how
disrespectful I

My father turned to look at me with shock written all over his face but I was livid.

What had my baby sister gone through all these years?

" Reyah! Don't raise your voice at me" My father spoke, clenching his palm.

" And why should I not papa?" I asked him sarcastically.

" oh wait! I don't think I should even call you Papa, if my sister has lost that right so have I." I said
before I walked away.
"Reyah!" My father gasped, halting my movement by holding my upper arm.
" Don't father!" I told him whilst I untangled my arm from his hold. I wiped the tears that flowed
down my cheeks and rushed out of the balcony,

My cowardliness had affected my sister the most.

{ Sophie's PoV}

" Ulzer Stop right here." I told Ulzer as I approached my destination.

After walking out of my parents house, I called Ulzer to drop me. I felt bad to wake him up so late
but I had no choice, I wanted to come here.
" Ma'....amm" Ulzer stuttered, " I don't think that's a wise idea." He said as he surveyed where we
P 48-6
" Nothing's going to happen Ulzer." I told him rolling my eyes.

" It's not you I'm worried about ma'am" Ulzer spoke still looking at the darkness surrounding us, "
I'm afraid of what Mr, Delan will do." He said turning to look at me.
" What he doesn't know won't harm him," I said unbuckling the belt,
" But Miss!" He spoke still scared.
" It's fine Ulzer, I'll be okay." I told him, giving him a small smile, trying to calm his nerves.

" Oh and do me a favour," I said closing the door and crouching down to talk at him through
the window, " if anyone asks about me, you don't know." He widened his eyes and I raised an
eyebrow. He swallowed audibly and nodded his head. " Great, see you later!" I told him before
turning and walking in the darkness, getting closer to the

camouflaged house.

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I turned to watch Ulzer fade in the distance before I took a deep breath. I turned towards the door
and I raised my fist to knock.
I kept knocking on the door and abruptly the door pulled open,
" Who the fuck is dis..." the gruff masculine voice said before those dark orbs widened when they
saw me, " Alice?" He questioned with his eyebrows furrowed.

I gave him a small, genuine smile, before I

said " Hello!"

A smile lit his face, before strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me in a
hug. Oh how I missed him.

P 48-7

Hehehe I love putting cliffhangers.... # Don't forget to Vote, Comment a


i’m crying MY POOR BABY

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P 48-8
8.4K 370 69
by maginary

Quick reminder: Sophie's fathers name is William and her mothers name is Blair

{ Sophie's PoV}

" My Baby is here," He said, tightening his warm embrace. His familiar smell making me feel at

I chuckled at his words,

" Pa! I'm no longer a baby." I told him as I moved away from his chest, placing a kiss on his cheek.

" Nah uh, you'll always be my little Alice." My grandpa said using my middle name. He held me in
a side
embrace and walked the two of us to the sitting room.

" So tell me, my dear Alice, what did my fucker of son do this time ?" Pa said as he sat on a sofa,
pulling a cigar out of his pocket.

I raised an eyebrow,
"how do you know father done something?" I asked
amused. The old man predicts correctly all the time.

"I know my fucker of a son too well," Pa said, moving his head to the side and blowing some air

P 49-1
" and for what other reason would my granddaughter ever come to meet her old, dying Pa."
Grandpa said, placing a hand on his chest, acting his usual dramatic self.

seat. I hadn't come to visit him in about 6 months , a lot of time I know, but I was occupied.

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" Pa, stop acting like you don't know How busy I am," I told him, making myself more comfortable
against the
" Yeah busy working in that fuckers business." Pa scoffed, " I've told you a billion times leave the
bastard to himself, that's when he'll learn a lesson."
I gave him an incredulous look, shaking my
head " You're calling him a bastard,".

" Yeah when hasn't he been one?" Pa asked sarcastically and I mentally face palmed.
My grandpa lived the life of swearing. Almost every sentence of his, had to have a
swear. And, also he held grudges forever, if he hated you, he'll hate you for forever.

" What were you doing up so late?" I asked changing the topic. I didn't want to continue talking
about my father and spoil my mood further.

" Nah uh smart lady," Pa said, shaking his head,

" you're not gonna get away this time. Tell me what's been happening in your life? I heard you got
fucking married?" Pa looked at me with accusing eyes.

I cleared my throat before answering, this was going to be difficult to explain, "Yeah, Father
arranged the marriage," " ... and you fucking agreed!" Pa said, looking at me like I stole his
favourite cookie. His eyes widened his
mouth furrowed and his nose scrunched in anger.

" For the business, I had to Pa," I told him bring my legs higher on the sofa. He kept staring at me
without blinking making me fidget.

P 49-2
" You fucking got married to a Larsen for the business. Why would you go for the leeches?" Pa
asked angrily.

" Adam is not like that," I told Pa defending Adam. Definitely he oozes that vibe but personally he
was a great guy.
Oh really Sophie
" Adam!What the fuck! Wasn't it just a business deal!"
Pa said looking at me with narrowed eyes,
" For fucks sake Alice, don't you dare get all fucking crazy over him like your sister, I won't be
able to deal with that shit then." Pat said semi-shouting and I flinched.

See exactly why Pa was my favourite. He was the only sane one in my family and the only man who I

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relate and confess to.
" No pa, I've seen enough mistakes to know better," I gave him a small smile and when he realised
what I
was talking about his eyes watered. I gave him a gentle comforting smile and he turned his head

" Smiling that way just makes it harder to forget," Pa said, turning back to me and I gave him a
confused look.

" Have you ever wondered why your father dislikes you so much and I love you more?" Pa asked
and I gave him a curios look.
He smiled in my direction before he started talking,
" Your eyes," He said and I gave him an incredulous look.
" How can my eyes be the reason Pa?"
" Your eyes are just like my Alice's" Pa said and I looked at him more confused.

P 49-3
" Alice was your grandmas name." Pa said smiling and I was shocked. Hardly anyone talked about
my grandma cause of a major fight that had happened.
" She had the same expressive eyes like yours," Pa said, looking into space, " so dark yet so

".....William and my wife were very close. They were almost inseparable. Heck your father didn't
even go to
College just so that he would stay closer to your granny and help her in the farm," Pa looked back at me befo
continuing to talk, and even gave me the silent treatment so I could force your father too.With much

convincing, your father did

" Then one day, he got accepted in NYC SU, America's best University. Your grandma convinced
him to go

go but to return back with a woman wearing a short sundress, an oversized hat, black sunglasses

and stiletto heels who was walking on our farm like as if it was fucking harmful and full of shit."
" Was that woman mother?" I asked inquisitive.

" the one and only devil,"

Pa said shaking his head and I rolled my eyes. Even in her youth my mother was obsessed over
clothes. Pa continued telling me the story,
"She walked on your grandmas pawn and that was the rise Of the hatred towards her. William
surprised us and Alice wasn't prepared. So For lunch, there was some bean stew, rice and bread.
When Blair saw the food, she whined at William and William argued with his mother, telling her
to prepare some meat."

P 49-4
She was left feeling remorseful. Her one and only son didn't even stay back to say bye to her. After a

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"...Oh then after that arguments did not stop. In two days time, William fled from home and your

grandma, of that incident, William came back home miserable. We couldn't afford the fee for the

school it was way to expensive for us. Then your grandma decided to sell the farm," Pa looked at

me and I moved closer to him,

" During their fight, William said he'd just marry Blair and ask her to borrow some money and
your grandma refused. She cared about her dignity far too much to ask a rich spoilt brat for money.
Your grandma told him that if he married Blair then she'd never talk to him but William didn't
listen, he got married to the bitch." Pa shook his head as he talked.

" Your grandma had a stroke when she got to know that. She was in shock. She couldn't believe
it. In the hospital all she asked for was William but the fucker was busy in his honeymoon.
When he came back, he found his mother, frail and sick, lying in the hospital bed. Alice was
still fucking happy to see him, nonetheless, she hugged him and kissed him, apologising to him
for being so rude and then in his arms, she breathed her last breaths." Pa said with a thick voice
and my eyes watered, What? How?
" Since that day, your father, William wasn't the same. He became stoic and hard, not caring about
anyone or anything. Not until one day when two children were born, one with green eyes and the
other, with the innocent looking brown ones, the one my Alice had and when I held the child in my
arms, I named her Sophie Alice." Pa said looking at me with watery eyes and a tear trailed down
my cheek.
" Your father looked at your eyes and he felt angry at himself for causing his mother pain and now
look at him, still a coward and still hurting my Sophie Alice."

P 49-5
" Ah look at silly ole me, I got you all crying," Pa said chuckling , "I'm supposed to make you feel better


sad, come on child let me make you some Tasty farm hot chocolate ," pa said holding my hand and
I pulled my pa in a hug.
He was so strong he be living without his wife.

I settled on the wooden stool in Pa's kitchen and watched him do some weird things with the sugar,
powdered chocolate and water. He added some milk and finally gave me a steaming cup. I bought
the cup to my lips and moaned lowly, it was perfect. It had the right amount of sugar, an end taste
of bitter cocoa and loads of cream.
" This is amazing Pa!" I told him sipping more of the goodness.
" Thank you, thank you!" Pa said tipping an imaginary hat making me chuckle.

was 2 am in the morning.

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" Pa I don't think it's a wise idea of having so much sugar right now," I told him after checking the
time. It

Too late in my books for Pa to be having high sugar contents.

" Oh hush child," Pa said, " you drink your cup nicely than we can watch a movie together and
then sleep. You're not going home today," Pa said as he walked out of the kitchen making me
watch his retreating back in amusement.
He was right.
I was going to enjoy this bonding session with him, fuck going to work tomorrow.
P 49-6

As promised.....

#Dont forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

So he treats Sophie like shît because he’s a pussy Yes girl!


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P 49-7
8.5K 400 80
by maginary

{ Sophie's PoV}

It was 7 pm and I returned back to my apartment. I placed the key on the counter top in the
kitchen and walked into the siting room to find none other than a sexy, Adam on my couch. His
coat was draped on the sofa arm and the first two buttons of his shirt were undone. He looked
so peacefully handsome. Did I even want to know how he entered my apartment?

I shook my head at how he still had his shoes on and walked to my room, quietly taking my blanket.
I placed it on Adam but the man was so huge that the blanket didn't even fit. After trying to adjust
it a few times, I just gave up. I placed it anyhow on his body and decided to go have a quick shower.
I was still in last night's clothes and that irked me.

I bent down to place a kiss on Adam's nose. And just as I turned, a palm wrapped around my wrist

how did he already wake up?

me back. I squeaked as I was pulled against a hard chest.
What the hell!

Arms tightened around my waist and Adam fisted my hair in his palm, pushing my head up,
" Where the fuck have you been?" He growled. His eyes a dangerous grey, almost black.

P 50-1
I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat before
answering, " Somewhere."
He was so angry. The fury was radiating off of him and my answer just pissed him off more.
" Obviously you were fucking somewhere," he tightened his hold on my waist, " but where exactly
were you?" He narrowed his eyes and I gulped once again.
I knew it wasn't a good idea to chill with Pa for so long but the old persistent man just wasn't
letting me go.

his eyes and pushed my chest further against his.

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" I was at my grandpa's house," I told him nervously, trying to distant myself from him but he just

" You've got a grandfather!" Adam retorted and I cringed.

" Yes," I gingerly nodded and watched Adam's face. I'm sure He must be thinking of what a fucked
up family I belong to.

" Your father is one discreet bastard." Adam said and I couldn't help but agree with him.
My father definitely was.
Hardly anyone knew of the Delan family, all they knew were my mother and my father.
"Why couldn't you just come back home?" Adam asked with a brow raised.
I winced, shit, there was no escaping from the devils hold, not until I spilt all the beans.
" Can we please talk later," I told him and he narrowed his eyes, staring at me
dangerously, "I want to have a shower first." I told him, pleading silently with my
The familiar mischievous glint filled those intense eyes of his,
" We could shower together." Adam smirked, bending his nose to my neck,
inhaling me. His nose slowly trailed down in a teasing manner.

P 50-2
I pushed against his chest, halting his movements,
" No, we can not shower together,"I said and he gave me an Are you daring me look.

" and why will we not?" He questioned mockingly. Both him and I knew he'd still shower with me, even thou

I said no, but there was no harm in trying. www.ebook-

converter And which sane woman could ever resist his charm?

" Because I am hungry," I smiled in his direction,

" and like the good husband you are, you will make food for your wife." I told him, placing a quick
kiss on his cheek. I unwrapped myself from him, dashing straight to the bathroom.

" Make sure the food is done in ten honey," I told him screaming happily along my way, "I won't
be long," I said and entered the bath.

And All through out the shower, I couldn't help and think of how hard it would be to tell him my
future intentions.

I had a quick shower and wore some comfortable sweatpants and a long sleeved loose shirt before I

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Adam. He was assembling all the contents of the Saucy Spaghetti and I couldn't help but feel my
mouth water. It looked so delicious.

P 50-3
" Dig right in Preciosa," Adam huskily whispered in my ear and I couldn't help the shivers that ran
down my
body. I thanked him before dishing a bowlful. I ate the soft noodles and couldn't help and moan,
damn it tasted heavenly.

" You like it," Adam bent to give my cheek a kiss whilst I was chewing. I gave him an annoyed
look but the unbelievable man started peppering my whole face with kisses.

" Adaaammm," I grumbled, I wanted to eat in peace but He just wasn't letting me. He hummed in
my direction and I pinched his thigh. Goodness, I couldn't even get hold of any fat, it was all just

Adam moved his lips to my neck,

" why are you so covered up Preciosa?" Adam asked, trying to push my shirt down only for it to
move back up.

I smirked in his direction, giving him a victory look and what Adam did next was unbelievable. He
turned my stool around, grabbed my hips and lifted me up and put me on down his laps with his
hard chest against my back.

" Seriously! Adam let me eat peacefully," I told him, scrawling in his direction. Adam
winked in my direction and bent his lips back to my neck, sucking under my ear. Insatiable

It was so difficult for me to eat when all Adam did was suck, bite and kiss my neck whilst his hands


under my shirt. I moaned and arched my back when he pinched my pointed tips. His hard
erection was pressing against my ass cheeks and his other hand was skilfully heading
southwards. Heat was spreading throughout my body and I regretted wearing the woolen thick

P 50-4
" Adaamm," I gasped and He growled in my ear.
" As much as you want to cum," Adam rasped in my ear, " I'm not going to let you. Not until you
tell me what happened," he said and I groaned in displeasure.
Did I want to repeat the incidents of last night?
No I wasn't in the mood to, especially not when I was hungry and horny. " Please Adam,"I keened but he did

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" Preciosa," Adam groaned in my ear, " You need to tell me."
I nodded against his chest, arching my neck letting his lips venture further down, " Okay."
He continued sucking on my neck before he spoke,
" Im going for a shower preciosa, finish eating quickly then we'll talk." Adam placed one last
lingering kiss on my cheek before he placed me back down on my seat.
The moment he went, I missed his warmth.
I picked my bowl of spaghetti and frowned, it had also gone cold. Putting it in the microwave, I
waited for it to heat up as I thought Of How I'll tell Adam the truth.

{ Adam's PoV}

I had a quick cold shower as I wanted to go and hold my vixen.

Fuck, one night without her and I was so restless. I couldn't sleep because I was missing her

First thing after work, I rushed to pick her up only to find out she was not at her parents. I called
her phone but it wasn't ringing . I was worried scared.
What would have happened to her?
Where could she have been?

P 50-5
Only for to me find out she was at her fucking grandfathers house. How many secrets was the bastard of


father hiding?
I walked out of Sophie's room in sweats only. I walked to the lounge area and found her in the
small balcony. She was watching the busy New York traffic and I engulfed her in a hug. Her
alluring smell filled my nose, making me groan. She was so addictive.

"What you thinking bout?" I asked, pulling her body against mine. She stiffened in my arms and I
knew she was worried about something.

" Life." She replied briefly. She was thinking deep about something and I'm sure her fucked up
family was the reason. I remained silent for a minute, letting her get comfortable.

" My father has disowned me, my mother just tolerates me cause I'm her daughter and my sister, I don't

even Wattpad Converter

de " Im so messed up," she said after a few moments of silence. know what to think about her."

ranted lowly. Her voice so bitter yet filled with so much pain.

"Adam," she called me and I hummed lowly, letting her know I was listening to her sweet voice.

P 50-6
" now that my sister is here, I'm resigning from my position." Her words echoed in my ears and I
went rigid,
" the company is in her name and with the two of us being here, I don't think the company can
succeed." She continued to mutter slowly, letting me absorb every word of hers,

" It'll be better I resign rather than my father telling me I'm no longer in charge. That way it'll be
less hurtful." Her voice broke and I knew how hard it must have been for her to say that to me. I
clenched my jaw and stayed silent, letting her finish talking.

" I don't know if this deal will still exist, after all I'm no longer going to be Co-owner. I guess you'll
just have to take a larger share maybe 75% or something..."

I cut her mid sentence,

"I'm not interested in getting more."
She gasped at how harsh I sounded but it was true. No amount of money or wealth would be
equivalent to her.
" but Adam you need to understand," she tried reasoning but I still interrupted her,

" I don't want anymore." I gritted through clenched teeth.

" Stop being ridiculous. If you want you can even take 80% ...."
" Sophie why don't you fucking understand I don't want more,"
" Why don't you fucking understand Adam, " she snapped, turning around to face me, "... I'm not
going to fucking be here. I am going away ." She said and I felt her words stab my chest.

" What the fuck do you mean by you're going away," I growled, holding her thin arms in my

" Adam..." She moaned in pain, pushing against my fingers but I wasn't letting her out of my hold.
Her eyes held tears of pain and anger but I too was furious . Too fucking furious .
She was thinking of leaving me. She was planning to go away, Away from Me. No fucking way
was I going to let her. Never!

P 50-7
She stared me in the eyes. Her beautiful brown orbs full of tears were looking directly in mine. No one

had Wattpad Converter

de the balls to ever look me straight in the eye, but no, My Sophie, she was an exception. She

always looked,

even when my eyes were darkened to that of my beast.

"Adam," She sobbed, throwing her head against my chest, " you don't understand....... I'm so
fucking tired. I'm tired of all the drama and pain I'm going through. I just want it to all go away."
She sobbed in my chest, sinking her nails in my bare chest. Her tears flowed down my chest and
my anger disappeared. She was so broken, so hurt.

I pulled her in a hug and rubbed my arms down her back. My beautiful vixen was hurting and I
hurt her even more.

P 50-8
" I'm so sorry," I apologised profusely in her ears, listening to her hiccups and that's when I
decided I was going to make sure today was the last day she ever cried.

Never will she ever visit her

parents, never will she ever cry and
never will she ever leave me alone.


And cause of all my precious readers who want me to write another book, I've published


converter Ahem ahem, this book is coming to an end.

Upcoming Stories," book.

{ it'll be up shortly}

I've written blurbs for stories which I plan to write and have left it upon you readers to
choose which one you would like to read first, so go crazy and comment and vote on the
book you want to read most.
# the one with the most will be published first.

#Dont forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

P 50-9
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Nooooooooooo -sobs- this makes so sad oml tears

P 50-10
8.5K 365
159 by

{ Sophie's PoV}

Adam kissed the tears from my cheeks and I felt angry at myself.
How could I portray myself as being weak?
How could I cry?
But it felt so good to let it all out. I felt a little lighter.
The burden, the hatred, the anger, it had all piled up, making me more bitter and as the tears flowed
down my cheeks, I felt sort of relieved.

" Come on, lets go in," Adam whispered lowly, lifting me in his arms. I curled against his side,
burying my face in the crook of his neck as he walked us to the sofa. Adam sat down with me
straddling his laps. His fingers removed my hair from the bun and combed through the long
tresses, calming me down . It felt so fucking good.

" Do you want to drink some hot chocolate?" Adam asked, breaking the comfortable silence. I muttered a


yes and reluctantly let Adam go. He returned back after long fifteen minutes with two steaming
cups and I felt my spirits lift higher when the chocolate goodness ran down my throat.

" Thank you Adam," I said, looking at him directly in the eyes, not only thanking him for the
cup of hot chocolate but also showing him my gratitude for being there for me, being with a
stubborn, hot headed person like me.

P 51-1
" It's my pleasure preciosa," He said in that deep voice of his which I liked immensely as he
continued sipping his milk. His red lips looking more tempting with wetness around them.
" No Adam, I'm serious," I told him, moving my eyes away from his distracting lips,

" Thank you for being here with me especially when I'm all emotional, angry and stubborn. Thank
you for tolerating me." I stared deep in his eyes letting him see how serious I was. I swallowed the
lump in my throat

and looked away at my empty cup.

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Why did I have to finish drinking already?
Now it was awkward.
Fingers gripped my chin as Adam pushed my head up, letting his greys clash against my brown,
" Preciosa, I don't tolerate you," Adam muttered lowly, " You don't know how lucky I am to have
you....." he spoke,
He was lucky! Ha I found myself lucky. Thank goodness I wasn't forced to marry an old man who
was twice my age or even worse a short, fat man. I was the one fucking lucky cause I won a golden
lottery to a hot, sexy, multi billionaire who could make me cream my pants just by his gaze.

Adams fingers caressed the side of my jaw, drawing me closer to him letting my thoughts go in a
frenzy, his lips were just centimetres away from mine when he whispered words, words strong
enough to let my heart stop beating,
" ruhik li w milakk " his lips brushed against mine as he spoke. My eyes widened as I deciphered
the meaning.
My heartbeat could be heard, loud and clear, in my ears and I could feel blood rushing through my
body. I sat frozen. And when soft, sweet lips pressed fully against mine, I felt the beat faster. Joy,
pleasure and contentment spread throughout all the veins of my body.
He said them. Words which were not the three magical ones, but words which were far more
treasured and valuable.
Your soul is mine, and mine is yours, to keep.

P 51-2
Those words echoed in my ears and a pleasure like never before ignited stronger in my body making me


him closer to my body and kissing him with all my heart.
I may have not return his confession, but we knew, we both knew how fucking inseparable we
were from each other and as scary as that thought was, it was the truth.

The End......

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P 51-3

Hahaha jk,

# I can imagine all the swears being thrown at me..... lol

{ Sophie's PoV}
I felt my self drifting off to and from consciousness.
I opened my eyes again, yet everything around me was blurred. I could just make the faint images
of green and blue, loads and loads of blue around.

P 51-4
Where was I?

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I looked up to see the familiar grey eyes, they were filled with worry and relief both at the same
times, those intense grey eyes got closer to me until all I saw was blackness.

What was happening to me!

Where was I?
Where was Adam carrying me to?
Were my last thoughts before consciousness abandoned me yet again.

Cool breeze caressed my bare leg and I curled myself in the soft duvet. The silk linen sheets were
cold against my skin and I grumbled annoyed when I couldn't find a warm spot.
Why was it so cold in my room?
Wait Cold!
Up in my apartment there was hardly any wind so where the hell was the breeze coming from?

I woke up, squinting my eyes. There was so much light steaming in the room not letting me see
clearly. I stood on shaky legs and rushed towards the window to close the curtains only for me to
wake up fully when I saw the sight in front of me.

Tall, high canopy trees stood in front of me filling acres and acres of land, meeting with the blue
sky at the horizon.
What the hell!

and a huge master bed stood in front of me. Where the fuck was I?

P 51-5
I turned back to survey the room to see a complete strange one . Light brown walls, a cream rug
and couches

I furrowed my eyebrows. I heard the door knob turn and looked up to see a sexy casually dressed
Adam enter the room with a tray of breakfast in his hands.

" I see your finally awake Preciosa" Adam said as he placed the tray on the couch.

" What do you mean by finally? And where the fuck are we? God, I have such a bad headache." I
asked placing a hand to my forehead.

" You've been sleeping for the last ten hours," Adam said approaching me, " and we're in Bali." He
said nonchalantly.
My mouth dropped open and I turned to look at him shocked, " Bali! As in Indonesia?"
" Well, is there any other Bali in the world?" He asked sassily, arching a b

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" Asshole" I grumbled under my breath but he heard, " Wait, when the fuck did we come to Bali?" I asked, sho
and surprised.

" Last night." Adam muttered as he placed his watch on the vanity desk.
Thats when realisation dawned on me,
"You asshole!" I spoke in disbelief, " You fucking drugged me. You put something in that hot
chocolate. You stupid piece of arrogant...." Adam turned to look at me with a bored expression and
that just pissed me off even further.

"It was just sleeping pills, no big deal" he said so casually and I saw red.

" No big deal! If you fucking asked me like a normal person, would I've said fucking No," I throw
my hands in the air, " Oh but I forget, the mighty, rich Adam Larsen doesn't have the fucking
curtesy to."

I just finished the sentence and I felt his raging body stride towards mine, I moved back and nearly slipped
of the huge window if it weren't for Adams hand gripping mine. Adam slammed my body to his and he bent

P 51-6
head lower to mine, his grey eyes stormed up and his veins popped. But so was I. Who takes a person to anot
country without their freaking permission? return back home in the evening," Adam angrily said, moving aw

from my body before he walked out of the www.ebook-

" I wanted to fucking tell you," Adam said his grip tightening around my arms but I didn't wince
out loud, "but you were upset and crying so I didn't say anything. Now just enjoy your stay here
and if not, you can door.

And when he did, I felt guilty.

Was I too rude to him ?


wasn't ok e just wanted to take her away from all the trouble she was passing through Hello my indonesian buddies

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de # Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

The truth is that if he had asked her wen she was crying she sure would have said no because she was ready to leave and
again what e did

P 51-7
6.8K 329 57
by maginary

{ Sophie's PoV}

After munching the breakfast Adam bought, I walked out of the room. Yet again, I was in one of
Adam's massive mansion.
How many houses did he even have?
This house , though, was more homey. It had different shades of brown coloured walls and
beautiful white lilies in vases scattered in the corridors.
I walked down the long railing to a sitting area and decided to watch tv. I wanted to explore more
of the house but I didn't want to get lost. And plus, I couldn't find my phone anywhere so I was
stuck with watching some documentary on Al Jazeera.

Adam came back after three long hours. I watched his sexy self stride in the house, his intoxicating
filling the atmosphere, slowly teasing me. He looked so hot and handsome with a tick on his jaw and his

eyes www.ebook-

P 52-1
converter stormy. He glanced at me for a second before turning bac

to typing on his phone.

" There's a formal dinner tonight at 7 ," he spoke with his attention away from me, and I hated it.
I hated it so freaking much,
"If you want to come, wear any of these dresses." He said, placing a big bag on the cream couch
and he walked out of the room without waiting for my reply.
Rude much!
But he was still pissed with me and so was I.

I looked at the bag and turned my attention back to the television, I'd rather not go to the dinner to
avoid any more bitter conversations with him and I didn't want to spend my evening with rich
snobby people who had no better job then show off. However, after being bored watching the
documentary for another two hours , I couldn't resist the temptation

and opened the bag.

Converter de
There, inside were two gorgeous dresses, a dark blue floor length dress with a thigh slit and a dark
green backless, skin hugging dress.
Whoever had done the shopping sure had some great taste.
Both dresses were daring and seductive but I opted for the navy blue dark one.. There were some
nude strap heels in a box and also smaller bag of make up essentials.
P 52-2
I walked to a random room in the house, not wanting another encounter with a pissed off Adam.
This room was massive, just like the previous one, but had walls which were ombré and white. The
bath was huge with a circular bath tub and as much as I wanted a good soak, I just had a quick
shower. I moistened my body with one of the bottles on the shelf and readied myself. I applied
some eyeliner, dark red lipstick and left my hair loose. I wanted to enjoy my trip and I wasn't going
to hold back just because of Adam.

When the clock struck half six, I walked out of the room. Adam hadn't specified what time exactly
we were going to leave so I waited for it to be last six before walking out. I came downstairs to a
perfectly suited Adam clasping a branded watch around his wrist. He was suited in another black
Armani suit with a navy blue undershirt which clung to his body, letting the outline of his muscular
chest show. He lifted his head up when he heard the click of my heels and when those intense grey
eyes of his met my own, I felt a shudder down my body.

His eyes slowly looked me up and down lingering more on the thigh that was exposed, making
heat course through my body. His eyes darkened to that of a storm and I clenched my thighs.
" Let's go," came his raspy voice and I tentatively nodded.

When I reached the last stair I remembered I forgot to wear something on my hand,
" Go ahead, I'll meet you by the car," I told Adam rushing back to the room. I wanted to add an
accessory to my bare hands and out of all the glimmering ones , I quickly choose a plain bracelet
before I hurried back down.

When I exited the house, I saw Adam already settled in the back seat of a sleek, black limousine
and my lips lifted to an evil smirk as I walked towards the car.

P 52-3
{ Adams PoV} swaying hips of my sexy vixen caught my attention. I regretted choosing the dress for her, s

Wattpad Converter
looked so

" Yes I'll send one of my representatives over next week ." I said talking to one of my clients when

the fucking tempting, I didn't want to attend the dinner and just wished to have my dirty way with


She entered the car and I noticed the smirk on her face as she sauntered closer to me. She gently
placed her palms on my shoulder followed by her knees on either sides of my legs until she was
straddling me.

" What are you doing Sophie?" I asked curios as I fought the urge to hold her hips.

" I'm getting comfortable," she said innocently but I knew better. She moved closer to me until her
heat was directly over my dick. I arched a brow in her direction and she just shrugged.

I ignored the seductress in my lap and continued talking to the client but what a big mistake it was.
Soft, delicate lips pressed against the side of my jaw, moving torturously slow. Sophie's hands
traveled down my chest along with her teasing lips. I clenched my jaw, stopping the groans from
escaping but the vixen moved her lips to my neck, sinking her teeth in the flesh before she started to
French kiss my neck. Fuck!

All the blood in my body rushed to my dick which was pressing against Sophie's wet core. Sophie
started to grind her hips against mine, making me painfully hard.

P 52-4
just fuck her.

I stilled her movement, and bent my head down,
" What are you doing Preciosa?" I groaned in her ear, desire was coursing through my body and I
wanted to

Her fingers held my jaw , lifting my head up until my lustful dark grey eyes were looking straight
at her blazing brown ones,

" Claiming Whats Mine." She said possessively before her lips descended on mine. Her soft
sweet lips attacked mine making me groan out loud. She was so fucking delicious.

My hand moved to her thighs, tracing over the smooth exposed skin as we both fought for dominance. Sophi
my bottom lip making me groan frustrated. I moved my other hand to her ass and pinched it, making her s
moans fill my ears but the stubborn woman still didn't open her mouth. chest further against mine and she m

her lips to my ear, our hearts syncing in beat. Wattpad

Converter de
And just when I got her to open her mouth, Sophie moved away from my lips breathless. She
pressed her

P 52-5
" Next time Mr Larsen." She said smirking, placing a kiss on my cheek before she stood up from
my lap and headed towards the other seat. I held her retreating hand, stopping her movement and
pulled her back to my lap,

" Not so soon Mrs Larsen," I growled in her ear, tightening my hold around her waist. I wrapped
her long hair in my palm before I worked on deepening the hickey in her neck. She moaned and
writhed in my arms and I was so close in fucking her if it weren't for the driver announcing our

" Don't think you're spared Mrs Larsen, " I rasped huskily in Sophie's ear. I placed her on the seat

opposite mine, letting her fix herself and just before we walked out of the car, I bent down to her

ear and said, " We'll finish what you started." ????????????????????????

Team Sophie?

or Team Adam?

#Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share.
That was his intention he wanted you to enjoy yourself Team Sophie

Wattpad Converter de
P 52-6
8.1K 365 30
by maginary

Double update!!!

{ Sophie's PoV}

I walked across the red carpet with Adams hand draped around my waist. Paparazzi were on the
sidelines and I tried not to cringe as the clicks buzzed in my ear. Questions upon questions were
fired at Adam asking him who I was and to answer them all, just before we entered, Adam pulled
me closer to him and bent down to give me a passionate kiss.

That just made me more hot and bothered and I wanted to desperately go home. Especially after
what Adam said about finishing what we started. " This is the one and only, Mrs Larsen." Adam
rumbled and gasps spilled and instant clicks were heard as
Adam and I walked away. We walked in to a huge, classic ballroom which had soft melodies
playing in the background. Small groups of people were scattered around chatting and when Adam
entered, all eyes shifted

to us before smiles broke on everyone's face.

I was feeling so awkward.
Who were this people?
And why we here?
I looked up to ask Adam only to see him having that rare, killer smile of his too. I felt so stupid for
not asking Adam before coming and now I was a lost case.

" Hermano!" A tall man approached us, engulfing Adam in a hug. They exchanged a few words
before their attention shifted to me,
P 53-7
" So I finally see the woman who has my Hermano whipped?" The stranger said and I gave him a
polite smile as I greeted him. He introduced himself before he went to attend another group.

" What exactly is this dinner for?" I asked Adam quickly before another person could gain his attention.

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" Oh Preciosa, this is our company reunion." Adam said as he nodded to a couple, " A few
shareholders and
I are meeting after two years so this is just like a small get together." Adam said.
A small get together!
Psht, The ball was so massive that I'm sure they must've been around a thousand people.

I was going to tell Adam my opinion when an old friendly-looking man came and started a
conversation with Adam. This continued for the whole of the night, Adam and I hadn't even gotten
more than ten minutes in solace before another person came and talked with him, not even when
we were eating dinner. A few of them even engaged in conversation with me but after a few minutes,
it was awkward.

" Adam, I'm going to the washroom." I told him, finally getting out of his hold. He looked warily
in my direction before he continued talking to another client. I was feeling tired and my legs were
aching with all the walking around. I had earlier asked Adam to let me relax by the bar area but he
refused saying he didn't want to lose me.

I found a chair and settled down, removing the heels from my legs.
Goodness, it felt so good to get rid of them!

" If your tired we could head home." Adams husky voice said from above and I looked up at him.

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P 53-8
" No, I'll be fine," I told him. I could see how content everyone was with Adams presence, Adam

himself www.ebook-

converter was relaxed yet still looked intimidating and I didn't want

ruin the night for the people.

Adam bent down to my legs and lifted my feet up. His jaw clenched as he examined my feet and
noticed the red marks where the straps of my heels were. He pulled his phone out of his pocket,
calling someone before he spoke to me,
" Let's go we're going,"

" But..." I couldn't even finish my sentence because he shot me an icy glare.
I shut my mouth and reluctantly stood up. Adam held my heels in one hand and the other, he
wrapped it around my waist before we walked out and I swear, I wanted to chuckle. I could just
imagine how strange it must've been seeing the great heir of the Larsen company walking out with
nude coloured heels in his hands.

P 53-9
{ Adams PoV}
"What's so funny Mrs Larsen?" I asked Sophie as we walked through the back door. I could see her
megawatt smile and I was curios to know what amused her so much.
" Oh nothing," She giggled before looking at me and once again a beautiful smile lit her face.
" No My Lady," I told her pressing her body closer to mine, " I want to know."
" Oh you know, it's just hilarious," she started, looking at me with a fake serious face, "... how my
husband is walking with my shoes in his hands whilst he's dressed in an expensive suit."
" So what's so funny it that?" I asked her stopping our walk, " I don't think it's hilarious." I told her
placing a small kiss on her nose before my hands draped around her knees carrying her up. She
squealed loudly and I chuckled at her surprise.

" Mr Larsen! Put me down this instant!" She said embarrassed as a few passerbys looked out way.
I shook my head no and She scrawled in my direction before her arms snaked around my neck and
I smirked victorious in her direction,
" It's just so that I don't fall." She grumbled and my smirk just widened,
" Whatever you say Mrs Larsen." I muttered and I laughed at the embarrassed blush on her cheeks.

~~~~~~ bright red and I was grateful blisters hadn't formed yet.

I gave Sophie one of my dress shirts to wear for the night as I searched for some soothing cream. I
had already changed into shorts and I was just waiting for Sophie to emerge from the bathroom.
Her feet were a

" Perciosa hurry," I said as I closed the curtains. I turned around to see my little vixen walking
towards the bed, braiding her hair. I waited for her to get comfortable before I applied the cream.

" Let me know if it burns," I told her as I put some on my finger and smeared the cream
everywhere around the redness. I could feel Sophie's gaze on me and I felt content, I loved having
her undivided attention.

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P 53-10
" There you go all done," I told her and She smiled in my direction placing a kiss on my cheek, she
muttered a low thank you in my ear and was heading to the pillows when I stopped her. She arched
a brow in my direction and I bent down to get a taste of her addictive lips.
One taste of those sinful lips of hers and I was gone. All blood rushed to my dick reminding me of
our earlier encounter in the car and I couldn't stop the desire pumping in my veins. I wrapped
Sophie's legs around my

waist, kissing her hard and fast, loving the sounds of her moans. Wattpad
Converter de I moved us to the pillows before I g
placed Sophie down. My lips moved down to her throat, kissing and leaving a wet trail as my fingers worke
getting rid of the buttons on the shirt. Halfway though, I just ripped off the shirt. She hadn't worn a bra and
luscious breasts spilled out as the shirt was thrown away. I groaned at the sight of her aroused nipples before
lips descended on them.

" Adam.." Sophie cried as my hands traveled down her body. Her hands pulled on my shorts and I
took it off, letting her hands explore my body too.

" Please..." Sophie keened and I moved my lips to hers as I removed my boxers and whilst my
tongue entered her mouth, so did my dick enter her core. She moaned in my mouth, arching her
back with her nails sinking in my back as I continued to thrust in her. I continued thrusting in her
till she climaxed with me and then only I let her sleep.

I covered her naked body with the duvet and watched her slow breaths, she was just so perfect and
she was all mine.


P 53-11
# Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

How is she not pregnant yet man, you really cant control yourself, can you.

Wattpad Converter de
P 53-12
6.6K 304 25
by maginary

{ Sophie's PoV}

The gentle breeze caressed my skin and bright light streamed in the room. I groaned and snuggled
against the hard warmness. I didn't want to wake up just yet.

" Preciosa," Adam whispered gently, his fingers tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I groaned
once again and moved closer to him. His chest vibrated as he chuckled.

" You need to wake up preciosa," he rubbed his nose against mine in an Eskimo kiss, making mine
scrunch in response.
" We have a flight to catch," Adam said whilst he done the complete opposite, he tucked my head
under his chin and drew lazy circles on my back. I groaned in protest, making him chuckle more.

" Hmm Since when have you become so lazy?" Adam asked his nose trailing down my neck, making

shudders www.ebook-

P 54-1
converter travel down my body. But I still didn't reply, too tired and

already on the brink of sleep.

I woke up again to see a boxer clad Adam standing by the window talking fluently in Arabic.
How many languages did the guy even know? I personally only knew three namely Arabic,
English and French but definitely Adam knew more.

I stood up from the bed and grabbed the shirt only to find it ripped. Adam seriously needed to learn
how to be patient.

I walked towards him and hugged his muscular back. His arms covered mine and I relaxed against
his back. It felt so right being here, next to him, waking up in his arms and having al my worries
disappear. He was my

relief, my pleasure and the source of my happiness.

Converter de
We boarded Adams plane after having a heavy brunch. I moved the block of ice around my tongue
and hissed making Adam look at me with an I told you so face . I had insisted on eating some
Indonesian food and I ordered Mie Goreng. Adam asked me to try another dish but I was too
stubborn, I wanted to try the noodled dish. . It was full of cheesy prawns and saucy, One of the most
delicious food I've ever tasted but also the most spiciest. And now I was stuck with my mouth
P 54-2
" How long is the flight?" I asked Adam whilst biting the ice. I wanted to eat chocolate but all of
the ones in Adams fridge were dark chocolate, and as much as it was healthy, it was way too bitter
for my liking.

" 16 hours." He replied briefly, still reading the mails on his phone. The guy was such a
workaholic, no wonder he was one of the richest man in NYC.

I borrowed Adams laptop and logged into my email account. The both of us worked in silence,
occasionally glancing at each other before returning to work. When my fingers hurt from all the
typing, I put the laptop away but there was still 9 hours left. Why was time going so slow?

A pretty air hostess bought in some snacks for us and we had a light conversation whilst we ate.
It was comfortable. I got to know more of Adam. He had 9 freaking houses. 9! Whilst hundreds of
children in
the world don't have any roof over their heads, he had 9. I asked him what he done with so many
and he told me he rented them out. At least, they were being put to use. Also, he told me he knew 5
other languages, confused with what word belonged to what language?
Arabic, German, Spanish, French and Italian. I looked at him with widened eyes. How the hell didn't he


The trip, although short, was fun. I had forgotten all about what had happened with my father. But
the harsh reality slapped me when we were in Adams car, returning back home. He got a call and
his relaxed, carefree self had stiffened.

" Preciosa," Adam's spoke, his voice controlled with a temper.

" Is everything okay Adam?" I asked. We had reached home and I was just unbuckling my seat
when he called out to me. His face was blank with his eyes emotionless.

P 54-3
" There's an emergency. Don't Wait for me, go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow morning." I nodded in

his Wattpad Converter

de direction, worried myself. What happened that he had to rush immediately?

I couldn't sleep no mater how comfortable the bed was. I kept tossing and turning. I hadn't gotten
any call from Adam and my calls to him kept going to voicemail. I was curios and worried about
Adam especially when he came back at 5 in the morning.

" Adam." I called out to him in the dark yet he didn't hear. He just kept striding towards our room
and I rushed behind him.

" Adam.." I whispered as I entered the room. Adam was filling a glass with champagne and when
he heard my voice, he looked up at me. His eyes were black and his jaw was tensed, a crazed look
was on his face and for the first time, I felt scared, scared to talk to the beast who stood in front of

P 54-4
" What's wrong Adam? " I asked, trying not to stutter. I blinked my eyes and when I opened them,
Adam was already in front of me, grasping my arms in a deathly grip, before he pulled me towards
him. He bent his face down and attacked my lips in a passionate, punishing kiss. I tried to match his
lips but after awhile I just gave up and enjoyed the taste of him. When we parted from each other,
My heart was thumping in my chest and my brain was trying to process what actually happened.

After a few minutes, I mustered the courage to ask him and he growled in my ear, before
answering me.

"My cousin brother is in coma." He growled in my ear and I gasped out loud. I tried to get out of his grip


see his face but he didn't let me. I felt a lump form in my throat as Adam continued talking,
" He got hit by a drunk driver and now chances of him surviving are 40%. The fucking accident
happened three weeks ago and I only got to know today. The girlfriend is a desperate bitch and
behind his back she's being a whore." I gasped as I heard his words,
" she called me telling me it was urgent and when I went to their house, I find her in a skimpy dress
trying to seduce me. Fucking bitch."

The lump in my throat even got larger and I felt a strange emotion settle at the pit of my gut as I
asked the next question,
" What did you do then?" Adam moved away from me as he removed his tie and shoes.

" I fucking threw money on her face. I had warned David that he deserved better than that slut but
the fucker was blinded by her beauty and now look at what she's doing when he's in his death bed."

P 54-5
I felt sort of relieved when I heard his words. I knew he was angry and upset, and as much as I wanted

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know more, I didn't ask any more questions.
Instead I walked towards Adams closet and gave Adam a pair of pants he could wear for the night.
I waited

P 54-6
for him to return back from the bathroom whilst I laid on the bed. He entered the covers and pull
me towards his self. He bent his nose towards my neck and sleep too embraced me when I was
safe, secured and content that Adam was here with me and was very much still loyal to me.


# Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

U should bring some indomie to ur home honey Omg who else talking Arabic here ?? Me


Wattpad Converter de
P 54-7
7.8K 324 37
by maginary

{ Sophie's PoV}

It had been a week since we got news on Adams cousin, David. His cousin was none other than
the Faverly heir. The Faverly were the owners of Power&Co, a company which provided more
than 70% of hydroelectricity to around ten different states of America. He was the only maternal
cousin of Adam thus I hadn't heard much of him.

During this week, Adam had been stressed and he overworked himself. He hardly slept for more
than five hours before rushing back to work and then run errands for David. They wanted the news
of David to be as discreet as possible and it was difficult as already a month had passed.

Adam had refused me to go to the office too. The Paparazzi had gotten crazy and were desperate to get as ma
pictures of me as possible. The kissing picture of Adam and I went viral on the internet and mainly


E-News and New York's Time News. The world could still not believe that the Adam Larsen and I
were married. Especially due to the fact that I didn't have any ring around my finger.

However, today being Sunday, Adam was home. He still was dressed in a professional attire, dark
grey slacks and a black buttoned up shirt with his coat on the couch. I walked up to him and gave

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P 55-8
him a cup of tea. He was negotiating with someone in a foreign language and with the way his
fingers were clenched in a fist, I knew it wasn't going well. I rubbed small circles around his palm,
trying to calm him down.

When Adam cut the line, he kept swearing profanities in the foreign
language. "What happened Adam?" I asked concerned.

Adam took deep breaths before he asked me to sit down on the couch. I arched a brow in his direction as I se
down. What happened now? Hopefully nothing bad. But you have to always expect the unexpected for surely

you can never be prepared

Converter de for What life has to slap you with next.

Definitely I wasn't.

{ Adam's PoV}

I asked Sophie to have a seat. I was so fucking angry. I walked across the room, clenching and
unclenching my palm.
How the fuck was I going to explain to Sophie?
How the fuck was I going to even live without her? And How the fuck was I even going to adjust
in a new place?

" Adam!" Sophie called me, her eyebrow still raised. I took a deep breath before I spoke. Better to
just let her know before it was too late.

" I was talking to David's Lawyer," I told her as I settled next to her. Her exotic smell calming my
nerves down. There was nothing in the world which could calm me more than her addictive smell
and her soothing touch, fuck how was I going to leave her?

P 55-9
" And..?" She asked impatiently as I kept staring at the wall in front of me . Fuck, this was harder
than I thought.

I cleared my throat before I spoke, funds. I own 40% of Power&Co so the lawyer is telling me to sign on

David's behalf."

" He was telling me of a contract David has agreed to. It was supposed to start two weeks ago and
David hasn't fulfilled part of his deal. The shareholders are getting impatient and are planning to
take back their

" Yes, so why don't you ?" My sweet Sophie asked confused, her eyebrows furrowing. I took a
deep breath before I answered,
" In order for me to sign the deal, I have to stay in Washington for more than three months." A
shocked gasped followed my voice and I felt my gut twist but I continued talking,
"The deal consists the construction of a chain of restaurants across Washington and I need to be
present to sign government papers and all." I said.
Sophie nodded at me but I could see her try to mask her emotions, her tears and fear were so raw in
those beautiful brown eyes that my heart clenched painfully when she hid her emotions away from

{ Sophie's PoV}
I couldn't digest what Adam said. How many days did he exactly mean when he said more than 3
months, 100 days? 120? Or more?
How the fuck was I going to stay without him? I couldn't sleep at night without his arms wrapped
around me, How was I going to survive three whole months?

Wattpad Converter de
P 55-10
I cleared the lump from my throat. I had to act mature and not be selfish. His cousin was in coma
and as much as I wanted him to stay with me, he also had other, much more important priorities to
attend to.

" Well, that's okay." I said, my voice coming out low. I cleared my throat before talking,
" It's good actually." Adam looked at me with narrowed eyebrows as I talked,
" I wanted to talk to you about something too." Adam nodded at me, asking me to continue. This
was the only time for me to voice out my thoughts before he got whisked away by work. I
swallowed the lump and spoke,
" We've been having unprotected sex. I know I have the morning after pill but I don't want to take a
risk. My periods are already abnormal and by taking the pill, I don't want to make it worse. "
I turned away from Adams burning gaze and looked at the backyard. As embarrassing as my words
were, I had to let him know.

" The reason I'm telling you this is because I know you'd like to have children Adam." I said going
straight to
the point , and Adam looked at me shocked. Yes, I knew Adam wanted children, especially when I

no condoms were ever used.

"...But before any children come into the picture, I'd like the two of us to make the most memories.
Adam, I want to know more of you. We've been what; married for around 5 months, and although
I've been living with you, I don't know you fully. I want to know the father of my children
beforehand. I want to know you better than you know yourself." I said, my heart was beating so
rapidly with my confession but it was true. I loved Adam with whole my heart but I didn't know him
wholly, not yet.

The room was silent again. Two bombs had been dropped and the ticking of the grandfather clock
was echoing in my ears.
" You're right Sophie." Adam said and I shut my eyes as he continued talking emotionless,

P 55-11
"Thank you for letting me know for even I'd like to know more of you before we consider a child."
Adam said in such a professional voice that my heart ached.
" And I think the first step would be with you
For the first time ever, Adam asked me whether or not I wanted to join him and as much as I was supposed

Wattpad Converter

attending this Washington trip, that's only if you'd like to" Adam said and I felt a punch to m

be happy, I wasn't. Adam Larsen never asked, he done what pleased him and all my past
experiences of
travelling with him, were proof enough.

I gingerly nodded in Adams direction and watched him leave the house and along with him, I felt a
piece of my heart tear.

I just hoped this rough phase of ours was over before we went to Washington.


Who else also agrees with Sophie?

And Was Adam right to be so emotionless in the end?

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P 55-12
#Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!


He was being a total asshole Why was he being emotionless?

P 55-13
8.1K 378 40
by maginary

{Sophie's PoV}
"Father, I'd like to have a word with you." I told my father as I knocked on his office door. My
father glanced up at me wth narrowed eyes and nodded at me to enter as he talked on the phone.

Today was a Monday afternoon and after sneaking, with a lot of hiding from the paparazzi , could I
finally get out of the house. Adam and I were still not on good talking terms. This morning, he
briefly just told me he was going to talk to my father about the shifting plans. I volunteered to do it
myself as I didn't want to burden Adam more. He was already busy running errands and I didn't
want him to squeeze in some time to come and tell my father the news.

" So you finally decided to grace us with your presence." Came my fathers harsh voice as he cut
the call and looked at me.

P 56-1
" Not like I wasn't coming on purpose father." I retorted back, narrowing my eyes, " know how

the www.ebook-

converter paparazzi are."

" Obviously if you do such a bold move, you're going to find yourself stuck." My father said,
putting all the blame on me. For my father, I'm always going to be on the wrong so no point in ever
trying to justifying myself.

" Just go straight to the point and don't waste my time," My father spoke rudely, "tell me why are
you doing here, I have a meeting to attend in twenty minutes." He said looking at his wristwatch
before looking at me impatiently.

I looked him straight in the eyes as I opened my mouth to talk, Coma for the past month."

Wattpad Converter de P 56-2

" David Faverly is in Coma." I said and I watched as his eyes widened slightly in shock, ".....He's
been in
" Why don't I know anything about it?" My father said as his fingers already starting working on
his phone, no doubt calling the elder Faverly.

"They're keeping it discreet father." I said in a hurry, wanting him to cut the line, "....they don't
want anyone to know." My fathers eyebrows scrunched as he cut the phone and kept it aside.

"Then How do you know?" My father asked curios.

" Adam told me." My father nodded in my direction, still looking

suspicious, " That's what I'm here to discuss about." I said, piquing his
interest again.

" David had signed a deal which was supposed to have started two weeks ago. Due to the

unfortunate incident, it's still in a halt. Thus Adam has to go and complete all the requirements

in David's absence." " And?" My father asked looking bored.

I cleared my throat before I broke the news to him, "I'm joining him too."

" Okay why are you telling me this?" My father asked, standing up from his seat and adjusting his

" It's going to take more than 3 months." I said and my fathers movement halted. He looked up at
me surprised.

" And what about the business Sophie?" My father asked, his eyes ablaze.

" Father now that Reyah is here, she can take her rightful place as owner." I said, staring him
straight in the eyes as I spoke.
P 56-3
" She doesn't know how the firm works Sophie!" My father said as he threw his hands up, his voice
raising with wary and anger.

" She can always learn Father," I said unsure of why my father was in such disbelief. "Reyah is a

fast Wattpad Converter

de learner"

" Yes so stay back and teach her?" My father said and I felt my heart getting pierced. Obviously,
my father would want that, he'd want me to stay back, not to spend quality time with me, but just
so that I taught his little apple pie the correct ropes.

" I can't do that." I said as I stood up from my seat too, now standing right in front of him.

" Why can you not?" My father shot me a glare as he narrowed his eyes.

P 56-4
" Adam wants me to go together with him." I said, not caring whether I lied or not. I , myself
wanted to accompany Adam the next day.
" We'll be leaving tomorrow." My father gave me a sour look filled with fury and shock.

" I just came to inform you that. I'll finish working on the current files I have and If Reyah has any
queries she can always feel free to call me." I said checking my wrist watch.

" Your meeting will be starting in two minutes Father, I'll take your leave now." I said nodding in
his direction and I turned to walk out the door.

It felt so good to see the shock on his face. I'm sure my grandfather would be ecstatic to know the news of


leaving the company. Although, it was just temporary. It was a major step close to me getting out
of my fathers hair, once and for all.

I picked my phone and called the man who was the sole reason for my short resignation, my sexy

"Hello." I said answering the hundredth call Of the day. I was so fucking tired and it was just 12
noon. The day David wakes up, I'm going to make sure I punch the hell out of that asshole.

P 56-5
" Hello Adam." Came the voice of my preciosa and I sighed. It felt good to hear her voice after

Wattpad Converter

strenuous 5 hours
" What you doing?" She asked like the curios woman She was.
" hmm let's see." I assessed all the files in front of me before I spoke, "I'm signing all the
documents that need
my signature while reading all the details of the deal, Im giving advise to Kaden, my younger
cousin, who'll be taking over the business for a while. And I'm talking to my preciosa and swearing
at David." I said and Kaden chuckled at me.

" That's ...." My preciosa said as she thought of the perfect word to say. She always done that, she'd
wait for a few seconds before she said a word. It was like her mind would go blank for a moment
as she thought too deep just for a simple word.

"...sad I know." I said finishing the sentence for her.

" No, great multitasking skills you have." She said and I smirked.
" Oh is it?" I asked, pulling her leg.

" Yes! Now stop acting all cocky, get back to work and come home early. We need to have a good
nights sleep before tomorrow" She said and I felt content. She was my home and I was so glad she
was coming with me.

" Yes Mrs Larsen. I'll see you in a bit." I told her before cutting the line. I wanted to talk more with
her but

P 56-6
time wasn't in my grasp to waste, every minute was valuable.

I reached home at 11 pm. If Kaden wouldn't have complained about how tired he was and couldn't
learn more, I'd still be at the office.

"Adam!" Sophie said as I walked in the room. She was lying on my bed with her hair all sprawled
and a Novel in her hand . She looked so beautiful in her simplicity. I couldn't help but go collapse
next to her and bury my face in her soft breasts, making myself comfortable.

I closed my eyes and just before I could relax, Sophie flicked my nose.
" Nah uh mister. Go have a shower and eat some food before you sleep. And move from me,
you're so heavy!" She huffed as she tried to push me but instead I wrapped my arm tighter around
her waist, adding more of my weight on her.

" I think I'm fine." I told her as I closed my eyes once again.

" No you're not, you're stinking." She said blocking her nose. I knew she wasn't joking and so with

much Wattpad Converter

P 56-7
de reluctance, I got up and had a quick shower. I hurriedly joined my preciosa back in bed and

pulled her in my

arms, letting her soft body press tightly against mine, before I fell asleep for tomorrow was going
to be another tiring day. or so I thought.


# Don't forget to Vote, Comment your thoughts and Share. And once again, check out
my " Upcoming Stories" and comment on the book you want to read next, His
Inamorato has so far gotten the most comments, I'm so excited to start writing it.

P 56-8
I like it bellissima storia


Wattpad Converter

P 56-9
7.2K 344 29
by maginary

{ Sophie's PoV}

I sighed loudly as I heard the ringtone of my phone. It was just the second day since Adam and I
shifted to Washington and the calls from my family never stopped. It was just 9 a.m and my
mother was calling already me.

" Mother." I replied curtly. I just wanted to get over with this conversation, I had so much
unpacking to do.

"Sophie, I know I'm been calling you a lot lately," my mother said and I rolled my eyes. A lot was
an understatement, my entire call log was just full of her calls.

"....but Sophie I'm worried." My mother said and I sighed again.

How many times had I heard that statement in the past 36 hours?

" Mother, there's nothing to worry about." I told her, putting the phone on loudspeaker and I
returned back to unpacking.

" It's just, you went away so sudden without even telling me...." my mother spoke exasperated.

" Well I had come home." I said cutting my mother mid sentence.
After my meeting with my father, I had gone to my parents house. I wanted to inform my mother
about my departure but she had yet again gone to another shopping spree of hers. Then I just
went away back to my apartment and packed all my essentials.

P 57-1
me and when they did, it was weird.

Converter de
" About that honey..." I cringed when I heard the word honey. My parents hardly used any
endearments with
".... I'm really sorry, but you know Jessica's daughter just came back from Paris...." my mother kept
talking about a Jessica I didn't even give a shit about and I ignored her rants and kept doing my

" Yes so it was fun. Are you even listening to me Sophie?" My mother asked annoyed.
Why was she even annoyed?
I should be the one irritated with her, she just called to rant to me.

" Honestly speaking, No mother." I said and the sigh my mother gave could not be anymore

" Sophie!" My mother sighed.

" Mother!" I said back sarcastically.

"Just tell me why you're there. Is it cause of Reyah?"

" No Mother. Father already knows the reason and I think it's best if you don't know yet." I said.
My mother
could not stomach anything. Telling her about David would be like broadcasting it to the whole
world, so My

P 57-2
father and I hadn't told the exact reason to her .

" It is because of her I know. Your father gave her the business and that's why you went

away ..." " Mother, I'm the one who told father to give it to Reyah." I once again cut her


I closed my eyes and rubbed my temple, I could feel the throb in my head increasing. When I
opened my eyes back, Adam strolled in from the bathroom. He was dressed in just dark blue sweat
pants and his right hand rubbed a towel against his brown hair, making all his muscles flex. Why
was he so drool worthy?

He winked in my direction and I rolled my eyes, I was so not in the mood for his teasing. His eyes lit up with
mischievous glint before he spoke, " Baby! Why you still in my shirt? Get dressed Baby , we gotta go to wor

He semi screamed. making it Wattpad

Converter de look like he was talking form far. I glar

in his direction but my mother on the other side squealed,

" Ohhhh whats Adam saying?" She said in a teasing voice and I was grateful she didn't hear him.

P 57-3
" Nothing important. Listen, I need to go mother. I'll talk to you later." And I finally cut the call.
Goodness! I was going to cherish the minutes I had before my mother decided to call again.

Arms circled my waist and Adam pulled me to his chest. He bent his head to my neck and talked in
my ear,
" Who were you talking to?" But I didn't reply. I was so exhausted. The jet lag from the flight
hadn't gone yet and I couldn't sleep properly. The bed was comfortable but it was still foreign to
my body. I was so accustomed to Adams bed that falling asleep on the new one here,l was very

" Whats wrong Preciosa?" Adam asked as his fingers worked on my shoulders, making me almost
moan. It felt so good to have him massage me.

" Jet lag ." I muttered. I was so close to falling asleep when Adam stopped. I moaned a protest and
opened my eyes to look back at him. He was reading a message and the way his brows were
furrowed, conveyed he was needed for some work.

Adam had decided to take the day off and make me comfortable in this house. We were staying in


spare apartment. Adam used to come spend his summer breaks with David so he didn't feel
uncomfortable but I, I felt so odd here. The atmosphere, the ambiance , the surroundings, each and
everything was so different compared to NY. But nonetheless, I was trying to adapt. It was
difficult but I had to cope.

Adam had his jaw clenched and he wasn't happy with whatever he was reading. But I knew It
was next to impossible to get him to stay at home, especially with so much work weighing down
on him. I placed my hand on his jaw.

" It's fine Adam, you can go." I said, giving him a small smile. His grey eyes were darkened and he
was angry.
P 57-4
" But Preciosa...."

" It's fine." I cut his sentence, "Go early so you can come back early." I told him, placing a small kiss on

his Wattpad Converter

de lips. His lips moved back against mine slowly and just before it could turn passionate, I move


Adam left shortly and I finished unpacking all my bags. And when I finished, I collapsed on the
bed, so exhausted that I fell asleep straight away.


P 57-5
It had been a week for out shift here and I was feeling much better now. Adam , as well, was more
relaxed as the situation with David's work was being handled well. Today, I had waken up early. I
was dying of boredom just sitting in the apartment and staring at the walls talking to my mother the
whole time. I was a working woman and I wasn't used to having so much spare time in my hands.

Last night, I forced Adam to take me with him to do something and after a lot of convincing, he
agreed. He bought me to the finance and Sales department of Power&Co. Adam knew I was good
with figures so he told me to check whether or not the accounts were balancing and all.

The F&S department was an impressive ten storey building next to all the other departments of
Power&Co. Employees who were bold and loud walked around dressed in the most casual,
colourful clothes, making me feel like a sore thumb with my black pants and grey buttoned up

Adam and I walked towards an elevator and I saw the darn gold colour again. It was the insignia of


Larsens and I was getting annoyed of seeing the same colour everywhere.

We came out at the tenth floor to a spacious office. The whole floor had been turned into an
extravagant office. In the corner sat a short, brunette who was listening to music with headsets and
her legs popped up on her desk. She had her eyes closed so she didn't see us approaching but when
we reached her desk, Adam knocked on the desk, startling the woman.

" Oh my god! Mr Larsen! don't you ever do that again." The woman said and the way she spoke
without stuttering to Adam conveyed they knew each other well enough.
" Yes don't sleep next time then." Adam said
" Who said I was sleeping..." the woman began but Adam cut her off with introducing me.

P 57-6
" Elise, this is my wife, Sophie Larsen" The woman stared at me for a few seconds before she came

round Wattpad Converter

de the table and pulled me down to her height. The woman hugged me like we've known each o

for ages.

" Oh Mah my... you're the one who stole the heart of this brute. Wow, man wow! Just look at you,
all tall and pretty and professional and..." Elise kept ranting but Adam cut her off once again.

" Elise." And an embarrassed blush coloured her cheeks as she muttered a low apology. I chuckled
in her direction.

" I'll be going now Preciosa," Adam bent to my ear and spoke,

P 57-7
" If you need anything just call okay." I nodded in his direction and just before he left, he placed a
kiss on my lips making Elise sigh loudly. I looked at her and she was swooning at us, her blue eyes
filled with awe making me chuckle more.

Looks like I was finally going to enjoy my stay here.

However, I've got a little surprise in the next chapter and it's full of cuteness overload

I apologise for the late update guys but I was so busy with studying I couldn't write a chapter.

#Don't Forget to Vote, Comment And Share.

i need more please!!!!!! Thanks ??????

Converter de
P 57-8
6.6K 279 45
by maginary

{Adams PoV}
" Sir where should we place this." The headmen, Charles said. I looked at what was in his hands
and sighed. Where would be the best place to put a small box?

" Why don't you just place it on the couch." I told Charles before getting back to my papers.
Clauses, rules and doing signatures was so monotonous for me, How does David even deal with all
this shit?

And to make matters worse, David had done a campaign to ask people about how his services
were and now, there were a thousand plus responses. How the fuck were we supposed to go
through each and every feedback? More than Half the papers were notes from the female
population who had a crush on him. And filtering through them was going to be a job and a half.

" Sir we're done here." Charles said and when I looked at the office I smirked. It had truly been transformed t
my liking. It looked elegant and simple, not too extravagant yet still have that sophisticated look to it.

After thanking Charles and the men who helped him, I rushed to my car and drove towards the
F&S department.
I had truly hurt Sophie with my reaction when she told me she wanted to wait until we had a child.
With all the drama going on with her sister and David, I had been way too harsh with her. I was
glad we were away from her family. I had let her think she was leaving her fathers company
temporarily, but no, she was never going to return to that bastards business.
And I had Let her bastard father and sister know. At first they were shocked and refusing, but they
had no other choice then to agree.

I think it was time to rectify my mistakes and make my preciosa feel like the Queen She was.

P 58-1
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de Sophie's PoV}

After Adam left, Elise explained everything to me. Her craziness disappeared and she acted like a
professional as she talked about the activities of the firm. I was surprised with how serious she
took her job, considering how she was acting a few hours ago.

At lunch time, Elise dragged me down to the cafeteria, telling me how I had to taste the incredible
pasta. There were no lines or queues formed at the food table which I found surprising. However, I
realised why when Elise handed me a plastic bag. The bag had a container of pasta, some boxed
chocolate cake and a bottle of water.

We sat on a table which was on a corner overlooking the busy street. Apparently, every employee
had a table reserved so we didn't have any trouble with finding a seat. Elise eagerly told me to taste
the food. I was wary because I thought she was just exaggerating but when I had a bite, my taste
buds went crazy. The cheesy pasta just melted in my mouth.

" This is so good." I moaned to Elise as I took another forkful.

" Told ya it's incredible!" Elise said, " The food comes from Mr Faverly's restaurant. It's literally
set up just

P 58-2
for his employees meals." Elise said and my eyes widened. How many employees did the Faverly have that

a www.ebook-

converter whole restaurant was dedicated just for them?

I was having another mouthful of pasta when my phone rang. I saw the caller ID and answered,
thankfully it was Adam and not my mother. My mother had reduced the number of times she
called but nonetheless She called, she wanted to talk for hours.

" Hello Preciosa." I heard Adams deep voice but I hummed as I was still chewing my food.

Adam chuckled at me before he spoke,

"I'm waiting for you downstairs come quickly."

I muttered an okay and cut the phone. I looked at my half eaten pasta and frowned, I wasn't going
to finish this

P 58-3
goodness. Seeing my fallen face Elise asked what happened.

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" Adams waiting for me downstairs." I told her giving her a tight lipped smile and just before I
stood up, Elise closed the box hard and threw it in my direction. Luckily, I caught it. I shot her a
glare but she just clicked her tongue and told me to go before Adam got angry.

And so I scurried downstairs to find Adam with his black aviators on and his phone by his ear. He
was leaning against the hood of the car with his legs crossed on his ankles looking so fucking sexy.
He turned his gaze at me and I smiled embarrassed.
Why did he have to always catch me staring at him?

We settled in the car and Adam started driving somewhere. I couldn't ask Him where we were
going as he was busy on the phone. He kept the phone on loudspeaker and kept talking in one of
the foreign languages he spoke. Adam drove back to our apartment and I turned to look at him in
confusion. Why had we come back home?

Adam talked for a few more seconds before cutting the line.
" Sorry about that Preciosa," Adam said, turning to look at me,
" It was one of the man I was going to meet back in New York and he was disappointed knowing I
wasn't there." I gave Adam a pitied look and he shook his head. He had no choice.

P 58-4
" Well, why are we here?" I asked Adam turning to look at our apartment. Adam followed my gaze

and www.ebook-

converter answered,

" Oh preciosa, there's a brown file I need. Could you please take it from my office?" Adam asked
and seeing how tired he was, I agreed to go.
" Sure no problem." I said unbuckling my seatbelt and that's when Adam noticed the container. He
saw the pasta inside and he smirked,

" I see you couldn't even resist the Faverly Pasta." Adam said and I gave him a cheeky smile. He
knew my love for food so I wasn't going to explain myself.
And just before I could get out of the car, Adam pulled my head towards his kissing my lips
passionately. His tongue tracing over my lips before plunging in. After a few heated seconds he let

" Hmm still the same addictive taste I remember." Adam said and I blushed not knowing what he
was talking about,
P 58-5
Me or the pasta?

Converter de
I unlocked the apartment door and quickly rushed up the flight of stairs. I didn't want to waste
more of Adams time. I pushed the door of the office open and felt something fall on me. I looked
up and watched tiny little glittery stuff falling all around me. I squealed in surprise and happiness
as the little flakes touched my skin.

I turned my gaze down and found the whole house office transformed. A soft romantic melody
played from a radio and a beautifully decorated wooden table ,set for two, was placed in the centre.
The curtains were wide opened letting the afternoon light stream in and the windows let a cool
gentle breeze in. I raised an eyebrow, curios with what Adam was up to.

I walked further in the room watching the smoke on the ground part to reveal a red carpet. When
and how had Adam set all this up?

I felt his burning gaze on my back and I knew he was here. I turned to look at him with a raised
brow, silently asking what was going on. Adam didn't respond but rather walked to me and guided
me towards the couch.

I sat down and Adam settled in between my legs.

" Preciosa." He muttered and I looked at him giving him all my attention.

P 58-6
" I know you're confused about all this but I had to do all this before I gave you this box." Adam
said handing me a black shoe-sized box. My brows scrunched in confusion as I held it, What could
possibly be in here? be continued.
Ring I think he is talking about you. Maybe the pasta.

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P 58-7
??57. pt 2??
7.3K 369
118 by

#advice- read this part slowly

I sat down and Adam settled in between my legs.

" Preciosa." He muttered and I looked at him giving him all my attention.
" I know you're confused about all this but I had to do all this before I gave you this box."
Adam said handing me a black shoe sized box. My brows scrunched in confusion as I held it,
What could possibly be in here?

Feeding my curiosity, I opened it and found a covered globe placed in the centre of red cushion. I
lifted the
glass ball and uncovered it. A thousand glimmers emerged from where the sunlight hit the golden
glass and I was awed at the sight. Adams hand covered mine distracting me from looking at the
precious ball in my hand

and I looked at him, somehow annoyed

" Sophie, l know we didn't start on good terms, We had our marriage arranged and didn't even like
each other in the beginning ." Adam began, why was he saying all this?

P 59-1
" Like you said before, it's only been five months for us to know each other, but these five months
have been the most joyful time for me. I have felt emotions I didn't even know existed," Adam said
smiling kindly at me,

"....and best, I discovered love. You made me fall in love with you and your stubbornness, and now, your
presence has become my everything. " still want to touch you, smell your intoxicating smell and kiss you

goodnight and then , have you wake up in

Converter de
" I love you Sophie Larsen and I always will. Even when your hair turns grey and my skin turns

wrinkled, I my arms....."

"Preciosa, I came in your life by accident and I want to stay on purpose for eternity, so Will you do
me a favour and marry me once again?" Adam said and he held my hand and opened the globe to
reveal a beautiful, silver- diamond, banded ring sitting delicately in the middle, making me gasp.

" Ad-damm." I stuttered, tears prickling the corner of my eyes. His speech had touched my heart
and I could feel my eyes getting blurry.
Sophie, this is not the time to cry!

"Preciosa." He gently said, cupping my face with his left palm, his thumb caressing my cheek.

" But we're already married and you didn't have to get me such an expensive ring." I said, the ring
shining when light rays fell on it.

" Well the marriage we had doesn't really qualify as one. Heck, I hadn't even asked you nicely, I
just acted on my anger." Adam said cupping my face with both his hands,

P 59-2
" If you want we can have an official reception and invite everyone. But that will only be possible next ye
Adam said and I chuckled. Adam had tried not to cringe whilst saying that but I could sense the reluctan

he www.ebook-
converter had towards the idea.

" No I don't want one." I was content with just the two of us being on our own, far away from the
prying world. And I don't think I could handle the hustle a wedding had, especially dealing with my
mothers whines on how everything should be perfect. I shuddered just thinking of that.

I held Adams hand and tightened my grip as I done something I sucked at,
Confessing .

" Adam," I cleared the lump from my throat as I talked, " you've seen what a broken person I am. I
have a family which is fucked up and an attitude many people detest. Yet, you're still here with all
possessiveness and your sexy self loving me. But Mr Adam Larsen, I want you to know, I love you
more and I don't think I'll ever stop. So yes, I guess you can make me your wife once again." I
chuckled in the end and

the way Adams eyes twinkled with joy, made my heart skip a beat. Wattpad
Converter de He looked so ecstatic as he took the rin
and made me wear it. And when he saw the ring on my finger, he was in awe and kissed all over my palm, ma
me giggle with a traitor tear escaping from my eye.

P 59-3
I lifted Adams head, pulling him into a kiss. His lips parted mine and his tongue entered my mouth
making me moan. When I was out of breath, only then did Adam let go. Adam placed his forehead
against mine and he stared deep into my eyes.

"You had no other choice then saying a Yes Preciosa," Adam said, placing a kiss on my forehead
before he moved away. I raised a brow in his direction and he shot me his signature smirk.

"And what if I said no?" I asked Adam, challenging him back and also curios with what he was
going to say.

His fingers moved to my bun and pulled the tie, making my hair tumble down.

" Well then I'd fuck a yes out of you." Adam growled before he gave me a deep punishing kiss and
I couldn't help and smile against his lips.

After all, He was my insatiable, possessive man who I'll never be able to live without. I moved
away from Adams addictive lips and whispered in his ear.

" Prove it." I said seductively.

His hand trailed down my hair, pushing my head up so once again, I gazed directly at his desire
filled eyes. " Consider it done." He growled and attacked my neck, no doubt placing hickeys
before he proceeded to prove it to me, making me moan a yes each time I orgasmed. And even
when that wasn't enough for him, he still woke me up and made me moan a Yes in exhaustion
every time he thrust in me.

And whilst we lay in the covers with his body curled around mine, he tightly held onto me. Like as
if I'd ever run away, he was the love of my life, and now, my heart had learnt how to beat for him
only. Our marriage may have been arranged but the moments we had were priceless and I'd never
change them for anything.

For it was for the very same moments which made me realise,
P 59-4
Wattpad Converter
de Everyone has hope and love,
all you have to do is wait for the perfect time. ??????????????????????????

#Don't forget to Vote Comment and Share!

?????? That was sooooooo awesome


P 59-5
Wattpad Converter

P 59-6
6.6K 320 68
by maginary

{Blair's PoV}

I checked the time on my phone and sighed. It was 7:45 pm, Was it fine if I called Sophie? No it
definitely wasn't. I had already talked to her in the afternoon and she'd get annoyed with me.
But was it really wrong for a parent to want to talk to their child?
She just went away to Washington without telling me. And neither her or my husband were willing
to tell me the reason as to why. Deciding to ask William again, I walked to our room.
"What you thinking of?" I asked William as I approached him. Lately, he had been much quieter
than usual. He was seated on the balcony swing, staring at the stars. He was once a countryman
and his love for nature had never ceased.

" The company." He muttered and I sighed, sitting next to him.

" When aren't you thinking about the company?" I rolled my eyes as I talked, in a world full of vile people a
now, he had a name of his own. A name I couldn't help but be proud of.

"Now it's no longer your responsibility. You've already retired, I don't understand why you still
stress over it." I asked William. His entire life was dedicated to the company. He built it from the
base, being a newbie

" I can't help but stress Blair. Reyah doesn't understand a single thing about working, she hardly
knows any businessman. And today, when I asked her what the currency of dollar to yen was, she
didn't know." William said, frustration clearly evident in his voice,
"Can you imagine she didn't know something as simple as how many yen are equivalent to a dollar."
William said and I sighed. Even I wouldn't have known that, but my husband had a weird habit of
randomly asking exchange rates and by now, I had learnt a few.

" Is that all you're stressed about?" I asked , turning my head to look at the stars.

P 60-1
" Yes, What else is there to be worried about?" He asked looking at me.

" Oh!" I didn't turn to look at him as I continued speaking, "I thought you'd be worried about Sophie."

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" Why would I worry about Sophie, Blair?" My husband asked, sighing annoyed.
" Well, with the way she suddenly shifted and all, I thought maybe..." I said, stopping my sentence.

" She's happy with her husband so let her be." William scoffed, " Adam came to the company a
few days back saying we shouldn't bother about Sophie cause they won't come back. " William
said and I gasped, Adam said that!

"....and now she's a Larsen, she won't be working for Delan Steel Makers anymore. " William
finished saying and I sighed. I could totally understand why Adam said that.

" He doesn't like the way you treat Sophie." I muttered softly.

" Yes, but who the fuck is he to tell me how to treat my daughter?" William seethed, his jaw
clenched in anger.

" Hadn't you disowned her?" I asked my angry husband, scoffing at him, "...and he's her husband
for God's sake, The husband you chose for her." I told him and that shut him up.

We were quiet for a few minutes before I spoke again,

" William, you've been harsh on Sophie since Reyah left. No lie but you were an asshole. Always
telling her what to do, when to do and how to do it and she followed you wordlessly. Never
questioning you. Heck, she even married the man you chose for her, she didn't go for a love
marriage but an arranged."

P 60-2
"....Can you imagine your father getting you married to someone. Would you have married her?" I
said and my heart clenched.

I couldn't imagine William marrying someone else. We had had so many complications during our
marriage. My father disagreed because we were still young and studying. Whilst Williams mother
had disagreed because she wanted her son to take care of their farm. Just thinking of living in the
farm made me shudder. I was a city girl and living amongst cattle was a horror for me. Who would
want to wake up to chickens and the smell of cow dung?

" It's the twenty-first century William. The century where people are advancing, hardly anyone does

what Wattpad Converter

de their parents want, but she has. William she left her career for you, everything she done for y

but you still

P 60-3
act like an ass to her."

" I can't help but act like one Blair." My husband said, "Have you seen her. She's stubborn, short
tempered, hot headed and does whatever she wants..."
I cut William off, " she's no longer fourteen William!"
"No Blair, you don't see what I do." William said lowly and I looked at him, waiting for him to
talk. " She's another me."

It was absolutely true. Sophie had gotten all her fathers characteristics . She was an angry woman
driven by work. I'd see her once in two months or even worse, four. And the way she'd talk, so
briefly and professional. She hated everything girly. she detested gossip and dresses, always
wearing dark pants. And just like her father, she also loved animals.

"And have you seen those eyes of hers Blair." William said painfully, shutting his eyes,
" Do you know how hard it is for me to talk to her. Every fucking single time I look at her, I see
my mother Blair. My mother being in my arms, smiling at me one second and the next, her life
drawn out of her, making those eyes empty." My heart hurt and I placed my palm over Williams.

Williams mother hadn't liked me and refused William to marry me. So We cut our honeymoon
short to go
meet her. William was sure his mother would forgive him and accept our Marriage. But when we went


P 60-4
converter their house, we got to know she was at the hospital where

she breathed her last moments in Williams arms.

" That still doesn't mean you should act the way you should William. Reyahs running away had
nothing to do with Sophie. Reyah confessed it too Yet you still blame her." I spoke quietly after a

" She is at fault too Blair. Why couldn't she just tell me that it wasn't her who was dating Ethan but
rather Reyah?" William said angrily.

" Only if you talked nicely to the girl William." I clenched my jaw. Once Sophie and Reyah
became adolescents, William became distant with us. He was so busy with work and got vexed
with the smallest of
things. And so we all strayed from angering him but Sophie, Sophie was a crazy teen. She'd always
get in

trouble resulting to her father always shouting at her.

Converter de
" Just like how you forgave Reyah, Call Sophie and apologise William." William grumbled and I

P 60-5
"After all these years she deserves an apology William."

" What action of mine should I apologise for Blair?" William asked, looking at me with those
angry green eyes of his, " and why should I even apologise? She hates me and I prefer it that way."

"....Now it's too late, I'm going to sleep. Don't stay out for too long, you'll get sick." William said
placing a kiss on my head before he walked back to our room. He was a stubborn mule and he'd
never accept his mistakes.

I picked my phone up and called the person who'd help me, looks like it was time I made things


Eid Mubarak to everyone!

#Don't forget to Vote Comment and Share!

5.8K 321 27
by maginary

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P 60-6
Reminder: Reyahs suffers from a disease Called Von WilleBrande (VWB).
In brief, It's a disease where the person suffering from it lacks proteins which clot blood.
So the person has chances of bleeding to death. But than with proper care and medical
diagnosis, they can be saved. The patient gets injected with clothing proteins which act
naturally and so stopping the blood flow.


{Sophie's PoV}

I woke up to the ringing of my phone. I groaned as I picked it up. It was 7:30 in the morning, who
would call this early? .

Seeing five missed calls from my mother, I called her back.

" Hello." I spoke sleepy.

" Sophie!" My mothers worried voice spoke, "Reyah..... Sophie, Reyahs in the

hospital." " What do you mean by hospital?" I asked, all my sleep disappearing.

" I I.... don't know. Her diagnosis didn't work and she started her menses. And now there's just too
much bleeding....Sophie," my mother broke down in tears and I felt my heart ache.

" She's been in the ward, " my mother hiccuped as she talked, ".. for an hour, there's no news and
they're not letting me see her." My mother cried.

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P 61-7
" Where's Father?" I asked, worry settling in the pit of my stomach.

" He.. he left for Chicago at 6 in the morning." My mother sobbed

" Okay mother take deep breaths." I said slowly, "Breathe in, breathe out. Good. I'll be there
shortly okay.
Don't worry."

I told my mother not to worry whilst I, myself was worried. No one was with my mother and she
was freaking out. If she didn't calm down now, she'd have a panic attack.

Adam was wearing his suit jacket when he saw me sitting on the edge of the bed. I wanted to skip
work today and just lazy around. Adam had worn me out last night but after my mothers call, that
was going to be impossible.

" What happened Preciosa ?" Adam asked approaching me. He bent to my height, placing a kiss on
my cheek.

" My mother called. Reyah's in the hospital. Adam, I need to go." I told Him. I looked calm but I
surely wasn't. Anxiety and worry were coursing through my veins.

Adam tensed when he heard me but I couldn't do anything. No one was there with my mother.
We'd need my fathers signature to write a cheque and since he wasn't there, I had to sign. Only
then could we able to cash out. I could just imagine the dilemma my mother was in. The hospitals
of NYC only functioned when they saw the money on the table. They didn't care how famous you
were, money talked.

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P 61-8
" Let me call Benjamin. Get ready Okay " Adam said placing a small kiss on my forehead before he


his phone and walked out of the door.

I quickly had a short shower, dressed in my work clothes before I walked out of the room. Adam
had made scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast.

" Adam, I'm not hungry." I told him. All I wanted to do was go to my sister.
" Preciosa." Adam cupped my face, " Eat some." He held my hips in his hands, the heat from his
palms seeping through my pants.

"Don't worry Preciosa. My driver will pick you up and Ben will be waiting for you at the airport
okay." Adam caressed my cheek, calming my nerves.
"Whenever you want to leave, you can." I nodded at him and gave him a small smile. I sat down
and quickly ate a toast to make him happy, although my stomach churned.

Wattpad Converter de
P 61-9
Adam drove me to his plane. Throughout the ride, he rubbed soothing circles on the back of my hand
but I couldn't stop worrying. When we arrived at the jet, Adam waited till I seated comfortably. I so
wanted him to accompany me but I knew it was impossible.
He was needed here, he couldn't just abruptly leave all the work.

I waved at him and settled in my seat. One hour passed agonisingly slow. I was relieved when I
stepped on land but it was short lived. I was still not prepared to meet a crying mother and my
admitted sister. It was deja Vu and I felt like I was once again 6 years old.

I called my mother to ask the hospital she was in and asked Adams driver to take me there. The
hospital was a different one than our family one. This one was specially for people who were
haemophiliac and or suffered from VWD. I saw the time on my wristwatch, it was half nine. More
than three hours were done for Reyah to enter the emergency room, hopefully she was out now.
I met the receptionist and handed her the cheque. She smiled at me and I asked her where my sister
was. She told me the directions and I followed them to see my slouched mother sitting on one of
the seats.

" Mother." I said as I went closer to her. Tears were dried on her face and she was dressed in green
pyjamas with a black shawl wrapped around her. For the first time in ages, I saw my mother dressed
casually outside our house.

P 61-3
" Oh Sophie!" My mother wailed as she lounged her self at me. I awkwardly rubbed her back as more

tears www.ebook-

converter flowed down her cheeks.

" I'm here mother." I cleared my throat as I talked. "Go home, freshen up and come back. Reyah
wouldn't want to see you like this." I said. I was stressed enough and having my mothers crying
self with me, was going to give me more of a headache.

My mother nodded gingerly before she left. I sighed as I sat on one of the stools.
How long before someone would come out?
My mother said the nurses had given her a nasal spray to reduce the bleeding but they were waiting for the
doctor. And the doctor had only arrived at 8 am. What kind of fucked up hospital was this? In cases of
emergencies, how can the doctor come an hour late? slow minute. I heard rushed footsteps and when I looked

P 61-4
up, it was none other than my father.

Converter de
I tapped my foot against the floor, hating the silence that enveloped me. I was feeling more
stressed with each
" Father!" I said shocked, "Weren't you supposed to be in Chicago?" I voiced out my thoughts.
" Your Mother called and I came as soon as I could. " My father said somehow breathless, "Any
news on her?" He asked and I shook my head No. He sighed before he settled on the seat next to

No words were exchanged after. It was awkward and the silence was killing me. I wanted to tap
my foot again but I knew my father would reprimand me for that.

" How's Washington?" My father asked and I looked at him astonished.

Had my father really asked me a
question? A casual question like normal

Composing my shocked expression, I straightened my shoulders as I

spoke curtly, " It's good." He nodded his head. "And David? Any


"No, he's been the same." I turned to look at the big red letters which had emergency painted on
I couldn't help but wonder what happened to my father? Why was he acting less professional with me? " Abo
What?" I asked seeing the time. It was 10:15 am only.

" Your Mother wanted me to talk to you." Father said as he unbuttoned his cufflinks.

P 61-5
" She wanted me to apologise to you," Father said. I held my breathe as he continued talking ,
" but I don't think an apology will change anything. Neither will it change how I treated you......"
My father lowly said and I could tell how hard it was for him to express himself.

" Neither is it going to change how Reyah ran away." I finished his sentence, still looking at the red

" Yes. an apology can not rewind the past." Father said clearing his throat . I could tell he wanted
to say more but he didn't know how to.
Wasn't it funny? My father who all my life knew nothing better than to command
and shout at me, today sat next to me speechless.

" It's fine Father I understand." I said looking at him. I gave him a nod and looked back at my watch.

10:23 Wattpad Converter

de am still.

P 61-6
Just as my father opened his mouth to say more, the door opened. My father and I immediately
stood up as an old friendly doctor approached us. He informed us of Reyah being stable. Her
diagnosis hadn't worked because she stopped taking tablets for a few days now. However,
thankfully the blood flow had reduced and there was nothing to worry about. She'd be awake after
a few hours because of her injections.

I stopped the Doctor from going into details about what actually was the problem. It was all jargon
to me as I knew not a single scientific term he used. I thanked him one more time and waited for
him to go.

" You can visit her first Father." I told him pointing at the door.

" Don't you want to go first?" My father asked and I refused. I was not at all interested to see my

twin with tubes connected all over her body. It was painful to think of, I didn't want to see the

real thing "Are you sure?" My father asked and I sighed.

" Yes. I'll be going back to Washington." I told him as I held my purse. I couldn't sit and be here with my fath
for another minute. Having a normal conversation with him was odd. I don't remember when the last time we
had talked like that. I was so accustomed to him being brief and professional that him asking me questions no
related to work was fucking weird. And I didn't want to experience more weirdness. " Already?" My father

asked his eyebrow raised.

" Yes, Adam's driver is waiting for me." I told him walking away from him.

" Oh and father." I called him just as I walked a bit,

" Let mother know actions speak louder than words. An apology, just like how it cannot reverse
the past, it cannot change actions too." I said walking away.

No matter how genuine an apology was, it could never heal anything. More than five years of pain
I endured and it should all be forgotten by a single word.
What power did " Sorry" have?
P 61-7
Would it bring back the relationship I had with my sister? Would it bring back my passion for being a vet?

Would it bring back the smile on my face?

Converter de
Would it erase all the stress, worries and late nights I had as I learnt something I had no interest in?
NO it wouldn't.
Sorry was a bullshit word. It could not mend anything. Sorry was like a small bandage against a
whole cracked mirror, the damage was already done, nothing could change it now.

I was turning to the exit lobby when my father called me,

"Sophie!" I stopped walking and turned to look at him, waiting for him to say something but he
kept staring at me.
What was going on in his mind?
What did he want to say?
Yet another lame apology?
I raised a brow at him and he looked me in the eye before he said,
" Have a safe trip." and I silently gasped. For the first time in my life, my father wished me
something on his own. I blinked my eyes and nodded at him before I walked out of the hospital.

I sat in Adams car and couldn't help the sigh, it all

began with Reyah and it seems, it ended with Reyah

How much more fucked could my life get?

P 61-8

#Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

Agree lol my grandpa had a small bandage against his cracked mirror and it worked for m years, even though i crashed
against it while playing

with my cousins so many times??

Converter de

P 61-9
6.6K 371 82
by maginary

{Sophie's PoV}

I had arrived at 2pm and after calling Adam, I went straight to sleep. I missed lunch and the only
food I had eaten was the toast. So I decided to make an early dinner. I couldn't wait to eat the
Grilled chicken with baked potatoes, my mouth already watering.

I bent to check the chicken when Adam talked in my ear.

" Hello Preciosa." Adam whispered in my ear scaring the shit out of me. I turned to glare at
him, anger reflecting in my eyes. I was fucking starving and Adam thought it was a good idea
to scare me. How the fuck does he be so silent? I hadn't even heard the door open or close.

" I missed you," Adam said ignoring my glare as he placed kisses on my face. His hands tightened around my
hips as he moved his teasing lips to my neck. He went to his favourite junction, just by my jugular before he
bite there.He sucked, licked and kissed there darkening the hickey. moved his lips to the other side of my nec
No doubt leaving more hickeys than there already was. I


I moaned in his arms arching my neck more. Heat travelled through my body, straight to my core
as Adam

the ting of the oven and I tried to move away from Adams hold but the insatiable man tightened his
grip on me.

" Adaaam." I moaned as Adam's lips traveled down my shirt. His hand moved to my hair with
his fingers massaging my scalp making me release moan after moan. I heard the ting of the oven
again and I pushed Adam chest.

P 62-1
" The chicken..." I gasped as Adam bite the area above my breast "..... will burn Adaaammm." He
moved his lips away from my chest yet still held my hips in a tight grip. I was breathless as I stared
at his darkened orbs. I pushed his palms away from my hips and turned around to the oven. The
edges of the chicken pieces had already turned black, any longer and the whole of it would have

" See!" I told Adam showing him the piece which was burnt the most. Wattpad
Converter de
" I'll eat it, don't worry." Adam said bending down to my neck again and I raised my shoulder,
blocking him.
" Nah uh mister," I told him ," I'm giving you only ten minutes. If you don't shower by then, I'll eat
without you." Adam looked at me with amused eyes and I shrugged. I was hungry and the chicken
was tempting me.

But obviously punctually rules didn't apply in the house, Adam arrived after fifteen minutes
dressed only in his sweats.
" I knew You wouldn't start eating." Adam said cockily as he sat opposite me. I rolled my eyes at
him. Obviously I was going to wait for him. He flexed his arms gaining my attention and when I
looked back up at him, he smirked as he dished his plate.

" How was your trip?" Adam asked as he cut the chicken.

" It was fucking weird." I told him honestly. He raised a brow at me, asking me to say more.

" My father tried to give me some stupid ass apology." Adam scoffed and I nodded at him,
"Exactly! You don't know how fucking awkward it was." I told Adam. I was still wondering why
my father would apologise.

P 62-2
"For What was He apologising?" Adam asked.

" Apparently for all the time he has been an ass to me," I told him as I placed a potato in my
mouth, "so that means more than 5 years."

" Why the fuck would you tolerate that bastard for so long?" Adam asked, the veins on his neck

" I was still a teenager , I planned to live on my own at eighteen but then Reyah ran away so I had
no choice but to." I told him as I stopped eating, "...and plus he's my father. I have a duty to bare
with him no matter how he is."

" Fuck no, " Adam growled, " that bastard is a sorry excuse of a father." Wattpad
Converter de " He is still my father Adam." I looked
in the eye, " and if it weren't for him we wouldn't be married." I told Adam pointing my fork between the tw
us as I talked.

"So What? You fucking forgave him?" Adam asked angrily.

" Obviously No!" I said placing my fork down. "the wound is too deep to be covered with a single
Sorry. Five years is a lot of time to forget." I lowly spoke, "And even if I can forgive him, I wouldn't
be able to. I'm not like my sister, I don't have a soft heart." I said not looking at Adam but instead
the swirls on the edge of my plate

P 62-3
" You've got a brave heart. " Adam said, his hand holding mine, "Any normal woman would break
down but you haven't. Your strong and beautiful. And brave and all Mine." He said looking
directly at me and I couldn't help the chuckle.
Leave it to Adam to always be possessive.

" Okay Mr Possesive, let's finish eating." I told him giving him a small smile. I ate the chicken
and Adam stared at me as I kept attacking all the potatoes. He gave me an amused look and I
shrugged. I didn't care about getting fat.

After dinner, Adam asked me if I wanted to watch a movie and I agreed. I wasn't sleepy and it seemed like


good time pass. Adam asked me to choose whatever I wanted to and I chose the Legend of Tarzan .
Adams legs were outstretched in front of him as my head laid on his chest. His fingers massaged
my scalp as he watched the movie but my mind was else where.

I looked at the dark sky from the windows and watched the stars. I may have looked calm but my
thoughts wondered to my father. My father who was a sore subject since my teenage years.

All my time in boarding school, I tried to ignore the fact of how my father was different compared
to others. I'd see my friends fathers come and visit their daughter but never would my father come.
Even on my birthday, He'd only send a text message saying happy birthday in the evening. I knew
he didn't like me. I was wild, crazy and done pranks on people. I was a daredevil because I knew
my father would never give a shit about me.

P 62-4
But after Reyah ran away, I tried to change. I changed myself so he would like me, but that was impossible.

Wattpad Converter

was an unlucky child because I was a sick remainder of my grandmother who died and my twin
who ran away. And so my father would act harsh towards me, not caring about my feelings. He
never asked me my opinion, always ruling me. And now I didn't know what was worse, him
actually asking me for forgiveness after all these years? or me feeling miserable at how I tolerated

" You're thinking too much?" Adams deep voice broke my chain of thought. "Stop stressing
yourself Preciosa. He doesn't deserve it." Adams said as his fingers rubbed my neck.

" Adam I can't help but think about it." I told Adam as my fingers traced the tats on his arm.
"You know I used to see the way my father would treat Reyah and I used to wish badly for his love
too. I wanted him to tell me once he was proud of me but he'd never even look at me. He would
always be so disappointed with me. And then today, for the first time he initiated a normal
conversation with me. A conversation not related to anything regarding the company. Do you
know how long I craved for a conversation like that, that when I experienced it today, it wasn't as I
expected." I voiced my deepest secrets to Adam. The pain gripping my heart to intense to just keep
it to myself.

" I can't help but wonder how my life would be if my father was just a little bit better with me? How would it
if he apologised earlier?" My eyes stung as I spoke. Why did he apologise now? Had he just apologised cause
my Mother insisted? My mother was stubborn too and she must've made a

P 62-5
deal www.ebook-
converter with him. Or was it because Of Reyah?

" Preciosa, he's too late." Adam said and I held my breath at the bitter truth. Five years. He was
more than five years late. Moisture filled my eyes but I stopped the tears. No ways was I going to
cry, I was way stronger than that. But deep down in my heart, I knew I was still the small girl
wanting her fathers love.

" Preciosa, don't look for love in a man who doesn't appreciate you," Adam said lowly, "...and if
you really want a fathers love, you always have mine. He loves you immensely already." Adam
spoke and I remembered the elder Larsen and how he joked with me. Although, I hadn't really
known Adams mother, Leonine Larsen treated me like his daughter. I remembered His kind smile
and I felt a little sated.

" And you don't need the love of another man. " Adam lifted my head up from his chest and he
gripped my chin, my brown eyes stared directly at his beauteous grey eyes. connected with
mine slowly.
"...My love for you is greater than what anyone or anything can give you."Adam said before his soft

lips Converte
de His lips moved gently and passionately against mine, making my toes curl and my back ar
shut my eyes as the pleasure coursed through my body and a traitor tear escaped my eyes but Adam caught i
moved away from my lips and stared at the drop of salty water on his index. He pressed his kiss against the

P 62-6
and then bought his lips back to mine. Tasting the little saltiness on his lips caused more tears to flow down

" Sshhh Preciosa." Adam said as he placed my head against his naked torso. But the stupid tears
kept flowing. Adam carried me in his arms and laid me flat down on the couch.

He slowly kissed the tears from my cheeks.

"" I choked. He hummed as he kissed down my neck. My back arched and Adam removed
the shirt from my body followed by my pants. He kept kissing every inch of my body and with
every lick he whispered soothing words. When he reached my core, he looked at me.

" Preciosa?" He asked me if it was fine for him to continue and I moaned a reply. He removed all the clothes
that were covering our bodies in no time. He moved up until our chests were against each other's before he
lifted my hands up. He placed my hands to the side of my head and he stared deep in my broken soul before h
thrust into my wetness torturously slowly. He made sweet love to me and with every thrust of his, he said an
love you. He made me orgasm twice on the couch and two more times on our bed. Each time reminding me t
indeed no man could love me like him. Each time, he worshipped my body making me feel


and my heart beating his name.
And then I fell asleep in his arms with my body satisfied

The night was the start to countless days where Adam expressed his love to me. Everyday, He'd
wake me up by littering kisses all over my face and after a morning kiss, he'd mumble an I Love
you in one of the foreign languages he spoke, making me feel like the most content woman on
And why wouldn't I be?
The man I loved, loved me immensely back and there was no greater feeling than that.

And from his every little kiss to his signature smirk, and his every teasing touch, to his every
possessive hold, did he make me fall more in love with him.
Because I knew, Mr. Adam Larsen would never leave his Preciosa, he would be with open arms to
catch his
P 62-7
Sophie Larsen.

Converter de Always.



Finally, we've reached the end of this book.

(Hopefully I answered all the questions that you guys had. )

Anyhow, hope you guys enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm
grateful for every single read, Vote and follow I have received from you guys.
Especially the comments, I've read through them all and I've loved how you guys have
been so supportive.
I started this book in December 2017 , and in six months, I've got so much love from
you people. Thank you to every single one of you
#even the silent readers

There'll definitely be an epilogue after this. Also, I'll write a book on David Faverly and wh
happens when he's back. It'll be his story with Adam and Sophie playing a major role t
Meanwhile check at His Inamorata and Share your thoughts and commen

P 62-8
I hope to see you guys soon and thank you once again,

~ Maginary
No matter how many stories I read. 'Always' only reminds me Severus Snape. She never told him she loved him back

Wattpad Converter

P 62-9
4.1K 239 26
by maginary

{Sophie's PoV}

" Adam." I moaned as My husband littered kisses on my chest. It was too early for me to wake
up but my insatiable husband didn't understand. He Never did.

Adam hummed against my skin as he continued his teasing. He absolutely loved marking my skin.
Especially my breasts. Heck, I'd find hickeys even on the underside of my breasts. Adam moved
his lips up before he nuzzled his nose on my neck, breathing me in. I moved my left hand to his
tousled hair and combed through the soft locks. I looked at my ring and smiled, 2 months were
done since Adams proposal, and these two months were the best of my life.

" Adam." I said as I massaged his scalp, "Have I gone fat?" I asked and held my breath. It was a
random question but the thought was nagging me since yesterday.

" And why are you asking such a ridiculous question?" Adam asked and I shrugged. Not that I cared


gaining weight or anything, but yesterday after my shower when I was wearing my ring, it wasn't
entering. After much struggle, it entered but it hurt like a bitch.

" Preciosa!" Adam said in a warning voice and I sighed.

" My ring, It wasn't entering my finger yesterday." I said. Adam held my palm and bought it down
to his lips. He kissed the back of my hand before he spoke.

P 63-1
" Well that's cause even the ring doesn't want you to take it out." Adam said and I rolled my eyes.
Adam didn't like the fact that I took my ring out and showered. But I always did because Adam
slyly entered the bathroom when I was bathing and then we'd fuck. And I didn't want anything to
happen to my expensive ring whilst water was involved.

" Tell me." I said hitting Adams chest lightly and he pushed himself up and stared at me. His intense

eyes Wattpad Converter

de surveying my body from top to bottom making pleasure pass through my body. He was maki

me aroused

and he knew it.

P 63-2
" Hmm let me see." Adam placed his palm on my left thigh and moved it to the side. He sunk his
fingers in both thighs and effortlessly lifted me on him.
" Nope still perfect." Adam said and skilfully he thrust into me making me forget why I even asked
such a question.

But as I combed my hair and stared at mirror I couldn't help but feel different. My pants fit my waist
perfectly and my thighs didn't choke, then what was wrong with me. I turned around and looked at
my ass and I shut my eyes, my ass had gotten bigger. That's it.

And it was all because of the squats I was doing. I was becoming a lazy couch with Adams pampering
and so I joined Adam with working out in the home gym. I helped Adam with breakfast and soon
went to work. Elise as her usual self entertained me with her random rants and when the clock struck
half twelve, I rushed out of the office.

I had told Elise I was meeting Adam but I lied. I had a doctors appointment. Lately my stomach was hurtin
lot. I'd blame the clenching of my stomach as Adam gave me countless orgasms but along with my stomach,
back hurt as well. I wanted to meet the doctor and ask him whether or not I was exercising wro

Mr. Clyn was a funny doctor. He cracked lame jokes and made you comfortable before he made you
spill the beans. I had met him when I just arrived at Washington. I asked him about my irregular
cycles and whether I should take pills but he refused saying, let nature take it's own course and I
shouldn't alter it. What doctor even says that in the twenty first century?

" Hello Mrs Larsen." Mr Clyn said as he kissed my cheeks as I sat on the chair.
He stared at me for a few awkward moments before he spoke.
" There's something odd about you." He said as he rubbed his chin. See even my doctor knew
something was wrong with me.

P 63-3
" Well other than my derrière getting bigger, and my back and stomach acting like bitches to me nothing

Wattpad Converter

de different." I said and the man laughed.

" Haha it's not that only Madame. " he said as he moved my face from side to side, "Your
Obviously I was going to glow. Adam made me experience pleasure every day of my life.
After a few more observations Mr Clyn told me to stretch my arm.
" Can you please lift your sleeve up." Mr Clyn said as he held a syringe. He rubbed some liquid
over my skin before he drew crimson blood out.
I didn't know What he was doing with a sample of my blood but Mr. Clyn was a weird man. He'd
do the most random tests and when I asked him the last time, he said they were vital to get the
perfect result.

" Now we need to wait as these go to the lab. Until then Mrs Larsen, you can join me for some
lunch." He said and by lunch he meant a tuna sandwich. When I smelt the tuna, I felt like puking .
Who'd like to eat tinned food when you could get fresh?
P 63-4
Mr Clyn kept urging me to eat but I couldn't. I was feeling too disgusted.

Thankfully Mr. Clyns secretory came back with the results in ten minutes. He chewed on the food
as his secretory handed me the folder.

" Mrs Larsen Unfortunately, It's time for my two o'clock, I'll have to see you later. If you don't
understand anything just message me." He said before he walked out of his office and I sighed.
What was I going to do by reading this useless file? I'm sure it just had scientific jargon written
with how much percentage composition my body had of calcium, potassium and I didn't even
know what other things.

I left the file in my bag and headed to McDonalds. I ate a cheesy fried burger before I rushed to work. I


files and asked Elise what I didn't understand and sent the documents back to the lower secretory to
cross check.

" Evening My Personal Chauffeur." I told Adam as I kissed his lips. He always dropped and picked
me up from work and thus I called him driver.

" Gosh I'm so tired today." I told Adam as I got comfortable in the car.I threw my bag at the back
and slumped against my seat.

" Don't work out today then." Adam said as he kissed my cheek and I nodded. Instead of
exercising, I was going to have a good soak. I went home and ordered some Chinese take out
before I filled a glass of red
wine. I was going to sit and relax today. I undressed from my work clothes and in the process lost
my pony tail. I walked to the vanity and tried to find one but to no avail. Adam disliked it when my
hair was up in a

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bun and so he always hid them away. Wattpad
Converter de Remembering I had one in my work b
searched for it. When I found it I held my hair up and done a bun. I was all set for a good soak but the the br
Manila folder from the doctor was mocking me. I picked it up and opened it as I walked to the bathroom. And
I saw inside made me shocked. So shocked that I stopped moving and sat down on the floor.

My phone dropped together with me. I clutched the paper tighter in my hand as I re-read the

results. With trembling fingers I swiped to the emergency calls and dialled Adams number. {

Adams PoV}

I was doing my second reps when my phone rang. I was going to ignore it but Sophie's picture
flashed on it.
" Aaddaamm .." She said breathlessly when I answered and I knew something was wrong.
" Where are you?" I asked worried.
" Roomm..." She said and I immediately rushed to our room. I could sense her pain, What
happened to her? If it was the bastard of her father I wasn't going to spare him now.

I entered my room to see my preciosa sitting down on the floor almost naked. She was dressed only in


lingerie and if it wasn't for the dumb founded expression on her face, I would've been aroused.
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" Why are you on the floor Preciosa, you'll get sick." I said as I got closer to her.

I bent to pick her up and she looked at me .

" Aa...Addaaamm." She hesitantly said and I was scared. She was trying to speak but she couldn't.

" Preciosa What happened?" I spoke lowly as I cupped her face. I saw a Manila folder by her knees
and my breath caught in my throat. What was in that?

" I...I don't know how to say this Adam." Sophie said as she held my hand that was on her cheek.

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" Take your time Preciosa. I'm right here." I said caressing her cheek lightly.

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" Can you please make me stand up first?" She said after a few minutes. I nodded in her direction
and held her waist as I lifted her up. She pressed her face against my chest and I combed my
fingers through her tied hair.
Where did she find another darn band?

She moved away from me and asked me to sit on the bed. I sat confused as Sophie straddled my

" Adam." She said staring me in the eyes.

" Sophie." I said and she raised an eyebrow. I furrowed my brows and looked at her in
confusion. What was up with her?

" I got some news Adam." She said and I clutched her hips tighter.

" Would you like to hear it?" She asked as she bit her lips and if she wasn't asking me so seriously,
I'd think she was teasing me.

" Obviously Preciosa tell me." I said and she breathed in deeply before she moved closer to my ear.


breathed heavily in my ear before she whispered something. At first I thought she was lying and
my heart stopped beating. But then she said it again and happiness bloomed in my heart.

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" I'm pregnant Adam." She said in the softest whispers. I clutched her hair and held her face in
front of mine. Her eyes held seriousness as I asked her to repeat herself. She smiled at me and said
it louder.

"Yes I'm pregnant " And water made it to my ears. Joy, happiness and shock made me speechless
and I could say nothing except look at my Preciosa. She chuckled at me and kissed me. And the
touch of her lips bought me back to my senses.

And that's when I smiled,

" I'm going to be a father." I said against her lips and she giggled as she nodded at me.

" Preciosa I'm so fucking happy." I screamed as I kissed all over her
face. " I can't fucking explain to you, Preciosa I'm going to be a
" Yes yes you are." She said as she cried tears of joys. I pulled her to my chest and wiped her tears.

" Thank you so much Preciosa. " I whispered in her ears as I wiped the tears from her eyes, "
....You've given me the best news." I said as I held her stomach carefully. I rubbed my finger over
her belly and she covered my hand with hers. She looked at me and placed her lips on mine and
that moment, that moment was the most priceless one in my life.

The night I had my precious in my arms, telling me the best thing in my life, telling me I was
going to be the father of her child. And as I hugged her tighter to my chest, I couldn't wait for the
day when I'd hold the creation of our love together.
Hopefully, It was going to be after 7 months, two weeks and 5 hours.


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not her child Mr. its ours ???? Did you get that Mr. Larsen?? haha he might get all the hair bands factory


4.7K 184 30
by maginary

Book Two in the By Force series published

" Listen her David ," She said with her green eyes lit with anger, " You need to stop acting like a
possesive man and let me breath."
" Why?" I asked to annoy her more. She liked getting on my nerves and now it was my turn.
" Because I'm not your fucking girlfriend." She screamed and I smirked. I bent down to her ear and

" The moment you entered my office, you became mine, so fuck being girl friend or not." I said
inching closer to her until I grazed her lips with mine. Time to tease what was mine.

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stopped working. And in the span of eight months,
months are done since David Faverly fell into Coma and

almost everything has changed.

His mother has gotten frail with worry.

His cousin and only best friend is becoming a
father. His business has become bigger and better
and Her, She has become more beautiful.

And now resisting her will be more difficult because she's become more wild and more
daring. And so he'll have no choice but to procure her by Force.
Love u lott @maginary when should we expect it?

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