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Geographic segmentation The geographic segmentation of my product is a

South America country placed on a coastal city
called Cartagena in Colombia country.
It’s a country of varied climate and specifically in
the city of Cartagena is always warm which
makes the sale of ice lollipops an excellent
business option.

Psychographically the consumption of ice cream

Psychographic segmentation and refreshing drinks is difficult to segment
because it is a product consumed by people of
all ages, sexes, tastes and countries. This
situation clearly provides an advantage in the
market because the potential market is very

Behavioral segmentation Because the business consists of selling ice

cream, consumer behavior can be influenced
mainly by external factors such as weather.
Possibly turning the business into a popular
place will have a constant flow of customers
because it is the place that is in trend.

Demographic segmentation Demographically the market segmentation of ice

cream sales has many factors that have no
relevance such as religion, race, educational
level, occupation, nationality among others; This
is because the consumption of soft drinks or
foods in warm climates is almost a necessity, a
factor to take into account and that influences
the business is the income level of people,
because they are palettes with a higher cost of
the average which reduces the number of
people willing to consume them

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