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Agribusiness Law

Course Outline

The Framework of the Law

A. Structure and process

1. Discussion Question: What is Law? What is the Constitution?
2. The Rule of Law
3. The Constitutional Framework of the Government
4. Locating and reading the 1987 Consitution
B. Constitutionally-based laws that affect agriculture
1. Eminent domain and regulatory takings i.e. Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Law
2. Rights of farmers, landowners and tenants.

The Legislative Branch
A. Structure and process
1. Discussion Question: How is a law enacted?
2. The Legislative Process
3. Locating and reading bills and statutes
B. Statutes that affect agriculture
1. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (R.A. 6657)
2. Rice Tariffication Act of 2019
3. Organic Agriculture Act of 2010
4. Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (R.A. 8435)
5. Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization Act (R.A. 10601)

The Executive Branch

A. Structure and process

1. Discussion Question: What are the powers of the President?
2. Executive Orders and other executive powers
3. Administrative Agencies
4. Locating and reading regulations

B. Regulations that affect agriculture

1. Environmental Issues

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2. Livestock Production
3. Rice importation
4. Food safety

The Judicial Branch

A. Structure and process

1. Discussion Question: How do courts resolve land disputes?
What are the powers of the Supreme Court?
2. The Court System and Judicial Review
3. The Legal Process
4. Locating and reading court opinions.

B. Civil laws that affect agriculture

1. Property
2. Employer liability
3. Tenancy and agency
4. Contracts

Applying the law to Agricultural Business

1. In and outs of tenancy relationship

2. Agrarian Reform Law
3. Regulations affecting agriculture
4. Rice importation

Atty. Mikhael O. Santos

Roll of Attorneys No. 72577
IBP No. 088248

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