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Maternal Behavior and Developmental Psychopathology

James F. Leckman and Amy E. Herman

This paper reviews recent developments in the phenome- thology. This viewpoint posits that the evolutionary events
nology, neurobiology, and genetics of maternal behavior that have led to the emergence of the human species and
in animal model systems from an evolutionary perspective our particular set of conserved behavioral and mental
on psychopathology. Following a review of the phenome- capacities has also left us vulnerable to certain forms of
nology and neurobiology of maternal behavior, recent psychopathology (Leckman and Mayes 1998). Maternal
studies addressing the role of genetic factors in the
behavior is an example of a highly conserved set of
maternal behavior of rodents were identified in a search of
literature in peer-reviewed journals. Gene knockout stud- behavioral and mental capacities. It is our hypothesis
ies were evaluated with regard to mouse strain back- that a detailed understanding of the cascade of genetic and
ground, method of behavioral phenotyping, and quantifi- environmental factors and the resulting neural circuits
cation of the behavioral deficits. Gene knockout data were required for the expression of maternal behavior may be
then analyzed using a cluster analysis technique. At least valuable in understanding some forms of psychopathol-
nine genes have been identified that are necessary for the ogy.
expression of one or more aspects of maternal behavior. This review first examines the elements of the behav-
These genes encode for three transcription factors: three ioral phenotype of maternal behavior with a special
enzymes, including dopamine beta hydroxylase and neu- emphasis on rodent model systems. Second, we consider
ronal nitric oxide synthase; two receptors, including the what is known of the neurobiological substrates of these
prolactin and the estrogen ␣ receptor; and one neuropep-
behaviors. Third, we review available gene knockout
tide, oxytocin. Cluster analysis suggested possible rela-
tionships between specific genes. Gene knockout technol- studies that have resulted in the disruption of one or more
ogy has provided new insights into the molecular basis of features of maternal behavior. Finally, we consider two
maternal behavior that are congruent with the existing forms of psychopathology, autism and obsessive-compul-
neurobiological literature. Future studies of genetic and sive disorder (OCD), which may be associated alterations
environmental influences on maternal behavior have the in this neural circuitry.
potential to inform models of disease pathogenesis. Biol Before reviewing specific findings an opening caveat is
Psychiatry 2002;51:27– 43 © 2002 Society of Biological in order. Namely, that the use of mouse model systems to
Psychiatry evaluate maternal behavior relevant to humans is inher-
ently problematic. Many species-specific differences exist
Key Words: Maternal behavior, evolution, genetics, au- that may well confound possible interpretations (Insel and
tism, obsessive-compulsive disorder Young 2001). For example, unlike most mammals, most
strains of laboratory mice do not depend on gestational
hormones to show immediate maternal responsiveness to
Introduction neonates; however, this difference may not be a drawback,
I do not believe it is possible to understand the functioning of as primates are also much less dependent on these hor-
the mother at the very beginning of the infant’s life without mones for their maternal behavior, so that the mouse might
seeing that she must be able to reach this state of heightened actually be a good model for humans in this regard.
sensitivity . . . almost an illness . . . and recover from it.
Winnicott 1956
Behavioral Phenotype of Maternal Behavior
T his article reviews the neurobiological and genetic
determinants of maternal behavior in animal model
systems from an evolutionary perspective on psychopa-
Maternal behavior is a highly conserved set of behavioral
capacities that are crucial for reproductive success. In
humans, this period is associated with intense parental
preoccupations (Leckman and Mayes 1999; Leckman et al
From the Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven,
1999; Winnicott 1956). The content of these preoccupa-
Address reprint requests to James F. Leckman, M.D., Yale University School of tions includes intrusive worries concerning the parents’
Medicine, Child Study Center, 230 South Frontage Road, New Haven CT
adequacy as parents and the infant’s safety and well being.
Received May 30, 2001; revised August 8, 2001; accepted August 13, 2001. These thoughts and the harm avoidant behavior they

© 2002 Society of Biological Psychiatry 0006-3223/02/$22.00

PII S0006-3223(01)01277-X
28 BIOL PSYCHIATRY J.F. Leckman and A.E. Herman
2002;51:27– 43

engender resemble those encountered in OCD. Even Sheehan 1997; Sheehan et al 2000) (Figure 1). Estrogen,
before the child is born, parents preoccupy themselves prolactin, and oxytocin can act on the MPOA to promote
with creating a safe and secure environment for the infant. maternal behavior (Bridges et al 1990; Numan et al 1977;
Major cleaning and renovation projects are commonplace Pedersen et al 1994). Oxytocin is primarily synthesized in
as the human form of nest building unfolds. Uppermost the magnocellular secretory neurons of two hypothalamic
among parental concerns are safety and unimpeded access. nuclei, the paraventricular (PVNm) and the supraoptic
Safety issues include the cleanliness of the infant’s imme- (SON) nuclei. The PVNm and SON project to the poste-
diate environment. After birth this same sense of height- rior pituitary gland. Pituitary release of oxytocin into the
ened responsibility will compel parents to check on the bloodstream results in milk ejection during nursing and
baby frequently, even at times when they know the baby is uterine contraction during labor. It has also been shown
fine. that oxytocin fibers, which arise from parvocellular neu-
Nursing and feeding are the parental behaviors that are rons in the PVN, project to areas of the limbic system,
perhaps most associated with a new infant. Women including the amygdala, BNST, and LS (Sofroniew and
describe breast-feeding as a uniquely close, very physical, Weindl 1981).
at times sensual experience and one that brings a particular There are several reports that oxytocin facilitates ma-
unity between the mother and her infant. Cleaning, groom- ternal behavior (sensitization) in estrogen-primed nullipa-
ing, and dressing behaviors also carry a special valence rous female rats. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) adminis-
inasmuch as they permit the closeness between parent and tration of oxytocin in virgin female rats induces full
infant and provide for frequent inspection of the infant’s maternal behavior within minutes (Pedersen and Prange
body and appearance. 1979). Conversely, central injection of an oxytocin antag-
The central role of maternal care in early life is also well onist, or a lesion of oxytocin-producing cells in the PVN,
demonstrated in rodent studies. Newborn rodents, virtually suppresses the onset of maternal behavior in postpartum
immobile and incapable of body temperature maintenance, female rats (Insel and Harbaugh 1989; Van Leengoed et al
are dependent for their survival on the initiation of a 1987); however, these manipulations have no effect on
specific set of maternal behaviors (Rosenblatt and Lehr- maternal behavior in animals permitted several days of
man 1963). Maternal behavior in rodents involves a postpartum mothering (Pedersen 1997). This result sug-
complex set of activities, including nest repair, sniffing gests that oxytocin plays an important role in facilitating
and exploration of pups, mouthing, pup retrieval, licking, the onset, rather than the maintenance, of maternal attach-
grooming, and various forms of nursing (arched-back ment to pups (Insel 1997).
nursing, prone nursing, blanket nursing) (Pryce et al Brain areas that may inhibit maternal behavior in rats
2001). have been identified (Sheehan et al 2000). The vomero-
In addition to caring for their own pups, recently nasal and primary olfactory systems have been identified
parturient females avidly display retrieving, licking, and as brain regions that mediate avoidance behavior in virgin
nursing behavior toward foster pups introduced into the female rats exposed to the odor cues of pups (Fleming
cage. In contrast, adult virgin female rats do not show 1998). Input from both olfactory systems is integrated
maternal behavior when first presented with foster pups; within the medial amgydala (MA), previously associated
however, if virgin female rats are cohabited with young with emotion, fear, and anxiety (Numan and Sheehan
pups, they will eventually display maternal behavior after 1997). It has been suggested that novel olfactory stimuli
a period of 4 to 7 days (Rosenblatt 1967). This experi- from pups activate fear-inducing mechanisms in the amyg-
mental paradigm is referred to as sensitization and can dala, and inhibit maternal behavior in virgin females.
serve as a useful tool in the behavioral assessment of Conversely, lesions of the MA in virgin rats promote
maternal behavior. maternal responsiveness (Fleming et al 1980). Though it is
not known where the MA projects to inhibit maternal
behavior, the MPOA and BNST have been suggested as
Key Elements in the Neural Circuitry of possible regions (Sheehan et al 2000), because these areas
Maternal Behavior receive strong input from the MA. Connections among
Classic lesion studies done in rodent model systems (rats, other brain regions, such as the anterior hypothalamic
mice, and voles) have implicated the medial preoptic area nucleus (AHN), ventral medial nucleus (VMN), LS, and
(MPOA) of the hypothalamus, the ventral part of the bed dorsal premammillary nucleus (PMN) may also be in-
nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTv), and the lateral volved in the neural circuit through which olfactory input
septum (LS) as regions pivotal for regulation of pup- initially inhibits maternal responsiveness (Sheehan et al
directed maternal behavior (Kalinichev et al 2000a, 2000b; 2000).
Numan 1994; Numan and Numan 1997; Numan and Ascending dopaminergic systems associated with re-
Genetics of Maternal Behavior BIOL PSYCHIATRY 29
2002;51:27– 43

Figure 1. Neural circuitry of maternal behavior. This figure

summarizes classic data from lesion and pharmacologic
studies of rat maternal behavior. Pup: the dashed black arrow
indicates the initial aversion to pup odors observed in the
sensitization paradigm. The solid black lines indicate positive
sensory inputs (olfactory as well as somatosensory—pup
contact, nipple stimulation) that facilitate maternal behavior.
The brown olfactory bulb (OB) nuclei and their efferents can
either serve to inhibit or facilitate maternal behavior. The
mechanisms underlying this transformation are not fully
understood (Numan and Sheehan 1997). The visual, auditory,
and somatosensory pup-related inputs likely involve projec-
tions from primary sensory areas to the orbitofrontal cortex
(white, OFC). Recent work in humans and nonhuman pri-
mates has highlighted the functional importance of the OFC
in affective and motivational behavior. The ventral portion of
the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTv), the medial
preoptic area (MPOA), the lateral septum (LS), and certain
monoaminergic brainstem nuclei including the dopaminergic
ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the noradrenergic locus ceruleus (LC) all appear to be crucial for the initiation and maintenance of
maternal behavior. These nuclei and their interconnections are depicted in gold. The paraventricular nucleus (PVN, green) and the
green lines depict oxytocin projections that facilitate maternal behavior throughout the neural axis and through the release of oxytocin
from the posterior pituitary (PP). The green arrow indicates that oxytocin acts on the PVN to enhance its own release. The nuclei
depicted in red and their projections are involved in inhibiting maternal behavior. Lesions in these nuclei, including the anterior
hypothalamic nuclei (AHN), the ventral medial nuclei (VMN), and the medial (MA) nuclei of the amgydala, facilitate maternal
behavior. The OFC also appears to be directly involved in the response to stress. The OFC, mostly medial, provides direct inputs into
the VMN and AHN of the hypothalamus. The OFC is also reciprocally connected with the amgydala and the hippocampus as well as
brainstem nuclei in the LC, VTA, and brainstem autonomic nuclei. These connections facilitate the initiation and regulation of the
endocrine response to stress that is mediated by the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. The release of corticotropin-releasing factor
(CRF) from the PVN initiates this response. CRF then promotes the release of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) from the anterior pituitary
(AP), which in turn initiates the release of glucocorticoids (CORT) from the adrenal cortex (AC). CORT provides negative feedback
to the PVN, among other regions. The hippocampus is active in inhibiting the stress response via a number of direct and indirect
connections with PVN, amygdala, and LC. The distribution of oxytocin (green stars), alpha estrogen (light blue stars), beta estrogen
(dark blue stars), and prolactin (yellow stars) receptors are also depicted in this figure. See text for details and Cavada et al (2000);
Freeman et al (2000); Insel (1997); Kalinichev et al (2000a; 2000b); Kaufman et al (2000); Lopez et al (1999); Numan (1994); Numan
and Sheehan (1997); Österlund and Hurd (2001); Pederson (1997); Sheehan et al (2000); and Shughrue et al (1997). For a more detailed
and anatomically more accurate account of the neural circuitry involved in the control of goal directed behaviors, generally, see
Swanson (2000).

ward pathways (Koob and Le Moal 1997) also appear to and sexual) behaviors, as well as general exploratory or
play a crucial role in facilitating maternal behavior. For foraging behaviors (with locomotor and orienting compo-
example, rat dams given ventral tegmental area (VTA) nents) that are required for obtaining any particular goal
microinfusions of the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6- object. Many of these same structures are also intimately
OHDA) to destroy catecholaminergic neurons during lac- involved in stress response (Figure 1: orbitofrontal cortex
tation showed a persistent deficit in pup retrieval but were [OFC], BSNT, LS, amgydala, hippocampus, MPOA,
not impaired with respect to nursing, nest building, or PVN, and brainstem monoaminergic nuclei) (Lopez et al
maternal aggression (Hansen et al 1991). There also appears 1999). Swanson (2000) has conceptualized this set of
to be an important interaction between dopaminergic neurons nuclei as being the “behavioral control column” that is
and oxytocin pathways. Specifically, pup retrieval and as- voluntarily regulated by cerebral projections. Consistent
suming a nursing posture over pups were blocked in partu- with this formulation, it is readily apparent that mother-
rient dams by infusions of an oxytocin antagonist into either hood presents a major homeostatic challenge within each
the VTA or MPOA (Pedersen et al 1994). of these behavioral domains.
Remarkably many of the same cell groups (Figure 1: In summary, the initiation and maintenance of maternal
MPOA, AHN, VMN, PVN, PMN, and VTA) implicated in behavior involves a specific neural circuit. With pregnancy or
the control of maternal behavior have been implicated in with repeated exposure to pups, structural and molecular
the control of ingestive (eating and drinking) behavior, changes occur, most of which are not yet completely under-
thermoregulation (energy homeostasis), social (defensive stood, in specific limbic, hypothalamic, and midbrain regions
30 BIOL PSYCHIATRY J.F. Leckman and A.E. Herman
2002;51:27– 43

Table 1. Gene Knockout Studies and Estimation of the Degree of Deficit Regarding Specific Maternal Behaviors
Mouse strain
Chromosomal location Tests to assess
(human) Observed deficits in Preserved maternal Maternal behaviors not competence in other
Investigators maternal behavior behavioral capacities evaluated domains
Transcription factor Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Olfaction: Normal
129/Sv inbred strain and Nest building (.5), Exploration and sniffing Licking and grooming, olfactory discrimination
129/Sv ⫻ BALB/c mixed pup retrieval (.0), of pups (1.0) placentophagia, Lactation: Intact
background crouching (.0), Sensitization: Exploration aggression Problem solving: Normal
(19q13.2) nursing (.0) and sniffing of pups (1.0) Sensitization: Nest Morris water maze
Brown et al 1996 Sensitization: Pup building performance
retrieval (.25)

Paternal expressed gene-3 Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Olfaction: Not evaluated
Transcription factor Nest building (.5), Exploration and sniffing Licking and grooming, Problem solving: Not
129/Sv inbred strain pup retrieval (.5), of pups (1.0) placentophagia, evaluated
(19q13.4) crouching (.0), aggression
Li et al 1999 nursing (.0) Sensitization: Exploration
Sensitization: Nest and sniffing of pups
building (.5), pup
retrieval (.5)

Fork head-5 Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Olfaction: Not evaluated
Transcription factor Nest building (.0), Exploration and sniffing Problem solving: Not
129/Sv inbred strain pup retrieval (.0), of pups, placentophagia, evaluated
(15q21-26) crouching (.0), licking and grooming,
Wehr et al 1997 nursing (.0) aggression
Sensitization: Nest
building, pup retrieval,
exploration and sniffing
of pups

Mesoderm-specific Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Olfaction: Normal latency
transcript/Paternal Nest building Exploration and sniffing Licking and grooming, to find the food pellet
expressed gene-1 (.25), pup of pups (1.0), aggression Lactation: Intact
Enzyme retrieval (.0), Sensitization: Exploration Problem solving: Not
129/Sv inbred strain crouching (.0), and sniffing of pups (1.0) evaluated
(7q32) nursing (.0),
Lefebvre et al 1998 placentophagia
Sensitization: Nest
building (.5), pup
retrieval (.0)

Dopamine beta Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Olfaction: Intact
hydroxylase Nest building (.5), Exploration and sniffing Lactation: Intact
Enzyme pup retrieval (.5), of pups, licking and Problem solving: Normal
Hybrid 129/SvCPJ-C57BL/6J crouching (.0), grooming, aggression Morris water maze
of inbred strains nursing (.0), Sensitization: Exploration performance, but some
(9q34) placentophagia and sniffing of pups deficits in motor
Thomas and Palmiter 1997 (.5) function, learning, and
Sensitization: Nest memory
building (.5), pup
retrieval (.25)
Genetics of Maternal Behavior BIOL PSYCHIATRY 31
2002;51:27– 43

Table 1. (Continued)
Mouse strain
Chromosomal location
(human) Observed deficits in Preserved maternal Tests to assess competence
Investigators maternal behavior behavioral capacities Maternal behaviors not evaluated in other domains
neural Nitric oxide Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Nest Maternal behavior: Licking and Olfaction: Not evaluated
synthetase Aggression (.0) building (1.0), exploration grooming Problem solving: Not
Enzyme and sniffing of pups (1.0), Sensitization: Nest building, evaluated
Hybrid 129/SvCPJ- pup retrieval (1.0), exploration and sniffing of
C57BL6J of inbred crouching (1.0), nursing pups, pup retrieval
strains (1.0), placentophagia (1.0)
Gammie and Nelson 1999;
Gammie et al 2000

Estrogen ␣ receptor Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Unable Maternal behavior: Nest Lactation: Unable to
Receptor Unable to to evaluate building, exploration and evaluate
C57BL/6J and 129 evaluate sniffing of pups, pup retrieval, Problem solving: Normal
(6q25.1) Sensitization: Pup crouching, nursing, licking and Morris water maze
Ogawa et al 1996, 1998 retrieval (.25) grooming, placentophagia, performance (Rissman et
aggression al 1999)
Sensitization: Exploration and
sniffing of pups, nest building

Prolactin receptor Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Licking and Olfaction: Normal
Receptor Nest building (.5), Exploration and sniffing grooming, placentophagia, aversive conditioning
C57BL/6 inbred and pup retrieval (.5), of pups (1.0) aggression test
C57BL/6 ⫻ 129/Sv crouching (.5), Sensitization: Exploration Sensitization: Nest building Lactation: Intact
mixed background nursing (.5) and sniffing of pups (1.0) Problem solving: Normal
(5p14-13) Sensitization: Pup Morris water maze
Ormandy et al 1997, retrieval (.5) performance
Lucas et al 1998

Neuropeptide Maternal behavior: Maternal behavior: Nest Maternal behavior: Licking and Olfaction: Intact for
C57BL/6/129SvEv Effective nursing building (1.0), exploration grooming detection of non-social
(20q13) (.0) and sniffing of pups (1.0), Sensitization: Nest building, stimuli (Ferguson et al
Nishimori et al 1996 pup retrieval (1.0), exploration and sniffing of 2000)
placentophagia (1.0), pups, pup retrieval Lactation: Failure of milk
crouching (1.0), release
aggression (1.0) Problem solving: Normal
Morris water-maze
(Ferguson et al 2000)
The degree of deficit was quantified on a scale of 0 to 1. A score of 0 represents the complete absence of the behavior. A score of 1 is within the normal range for that
mouse strain. A score of 0.5 or 0.25 represents a partial disruption of the behavior.

that reflect, in part, an adaptation to the various homeostatic search of literature in peer-reviewed journals published from
demands associated with maternal care. January 1990 to December 2000. The MedLine database was
searched using the key words “maternal behavior” and “gene.”
Eighty articles were identified. Reviewing these reports, 12
Methods articles were identified that associated deficits in maternal
behavior with nine specific gene knockouts (Brown et al 1996;
Retrieval of Articles Gammie and Nelson 1999; Gammie et al 2000; Lefebvre et al
Relevant studies addressing the role of genetic factors in the 1998; Li et al 1999; Lucas et al 1998; Nishimori et al 1996;
expression of maternal behavior in rodents were identified in a Ogawa et al 1996, 1998; Ormandy et al 1997; Thomas and
32 BIOL PSYCHIATRY J.F. Leckman and A.E. Herman
2002;51:27– 43

Palmiter 1997; Wehr et al 1997). A search of the Mouse Genome in specific knockouts. For example, the 129/Sv inbred
Informatics database at the Jackson Laboratory (http://www. mouse strain, which was used in many of the studies, disclosed reports of three additional knock- shows dysgenesis of the corpus callosum and impairment
out animals with deficits in maternal behavior. on spatial learning tasks (Gerlai 1996) that in turn may
have contributed to deficits in pup retrieval; however,
Evaluation of Articles because heterozygous animals with the same genetic
Gene knockout studies were evaluated on the following criteria: background were used as controls in these studies, the
1) documentation of mouse strain; 2) the adequacy of the background per se cannot account for the observed defi-
behavioral phenotypying vis-à-vis maternal behavior; 3) quanti- cits. On the other hand, we cannot rule out that the
fication of the degree of deficit of specific maternal behaviors; presence of specific genetic background may be a prereq-
and 4) use of other tests to evaluate the competence of the uisite for some of the behavioral defects reported in these
knockout animals in other behavioral domains. studies.
We used the presence or absence of the following behavioral
The results of each knockout study are reviewed below
elements to assess the adequacy of the phenotypying methods
before considering the results of the cluster analysis.
employed in each of the knockout gene studies (maternal care:
nest building, exploration/sniffing, pup retrieval, arched back
nursing/lactation, licking/grooming, placentophagia, and mater- FosB
nal aggression toward intruders; sensitization: nest building,
exploration/sniffing, pup retrieval, and licking/grooming). The
FosB, an immediate early gene (IEG), was one of the first
degree of deficit was quantified on a scale of 0 –1. A score of 0 genes identified to play a role in nurturing behavior in
was assigned if there was a complete absence of the behavior. A mice. Brown et al (1996) generated FosB knockout mice.
score of 0.5 represents a partial disruption of the behavior. A The mice appeared healthy and viable; however, when
score of 1 is within the normal range for that rodent strain. homozygous FosB mutant females were mated with ho-
mozygous FosB mutant males, it was observed that the
Cluster Analysis of Gene Knockout Studies majority of pups died within 1 to 2 days of birth. Death of
pups in the early postnatal period could result from a
A cluster analysis was performed according to the algorithm
defect in the FosB mutant mothers, the FosB mutant pups,
described by Eisen et al (1998). In this hierarchical clustering
algorithm the similarity metric used is a form of a correlation or both. Brown performed many crosses among the FosB
coefficient, so that for any two behaviors or any two genes, a mutant males and females, and found that the number of
similarity score can be computed. This clustering analysis is surviving pups per pregnancy was exclusively correlated
deterministic, such that the genes that are clustered together have with the genotype of the mother. A behavioral assay of
the most similar traits mathematically. Once the input table is nurturing demonstrated that FosB mutant dams were less
finalized (selecting 0, 0.25, 0.5, or 1 for each gene/behavior involved in nest building, pup retrieval, and nursing
combination), there is no flexibility in how the clustering compared to control mice (Table 1). Brown also demon-
locations will turn out. In one tree, the branch lengths within the
strated that FosB is required for maternal behavior outside
tree represented the degree of similarity between genes in terms
of their behavioral consequents. The second tree presents the
the context of pregnancy by using the sensitization behav-
degree of similarity between behavioral elements in terms of ioral assay (Table 1).
their relation to specific genes. Additional testing using the Morris water maze did not
reveal any differences in the cognitive performance of
these knockout animals, nor were differences noted in an
Gene Knockout Studies and Maternal olfactory discrimination test. Finally, because the hypo-
Behavior thalamus plays a critical role in nurturing behavior, there
Thus far, at least nine genes appear to be necessary for the was the possibility that FosB mutants could have impair-
expression of one or more aspects of maternal behavior ment of other hypothalamic functions. Such hypothalamic
(Table 1). These genes encode three transcription factors processes as adaptation to cold, eating, and sexual behav-
(FosB, Peg3, and Fkh5); three enzymes (Mest/Peg1, do- ior appeared to be normal in the mutant animals.
pamine beta hydroxylase, and neuronal nitric oxide syn- Brown and co-workers also investigated the expression
thase); two receptors (estrogen ␣ receptor [which also of FosB in the MPOA of normal female mice presented
functions as a transcription factor] and prolactin receptor); with pups. They found that production of the Fos B protein
and one neuropeptide, oxytocin. was induced in these juvenile conspecifics following a
Although the genetic background of the knockout mice 6-hour exposure to newborn pups. They also reported that
may have contributed to the degree of deficit report in FosB is constitutively expressed in the main and accessory
these studies (Picciotto and Wickman 1998), these differ- olfactory bulbs and pyriform cortex, which suggests that
ences are unlikely to account for the specific deficits seen FosB may have a role in the processing of multiple
Genetics of Maternal Behavior BIOL PSYCHIATRY 33
2002;51:27– 43

olfactory inputs. FosB was also detected in many other survival and proliferation could account for the decreases
brain regions, including the cerebral cortex, striatum, in oxytocin neurons in the PVN and other hypothalamic
hippocampus, amygdala, and other hypothalamic areas. neurons. These findings suggest that Peg3 is required for
nurturing behavior but do not exclude the possibility of
Peg3 more general defects in the mice, such as deficits in
cognitive abilities, olfaction, and hypothalamic function.
Paternally expressed gene-3 (Peg3) is an imprinted gene.
Imprinted genes display differential expression according
to their parental origin. Normally, only the paternally Fkh5
derived Peg3 allele is expressed. Peg3 contains two zinc The transcription factor gene Forkhead 5 (Fkh5) also
finger motifs and two proline or acidic amino acid–rich appears to have a role in maternal behavior (Wehr et al
repeat domains, which suggests its involvement in DNA 1997). The prototype gene fork head (fkh) is a region-
binding and protein–protein interactions (Kuroiwa et al specific homeotic gene in Drosophila. The DNA binding
1996). It has been reported that Peg3 maps to a zinc finger sequence is also called the “winged helix domain.” In
gene–rich region of human chromosome 19q13.4 (Kim et mice, Fkh5 is expressed in the developing central nervous
al 1997). It has also been suggested that Peg3 interacts system, specifically in the mamillary body region of the
with tumor necrosis factor receptor–associated factor 2 caudal hypothalamus, the midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal
(TRAF2) (Reliax et al 1998) and has a role in the tumor cord. After birth, expression persists in the midbrain and in
necrosis factor signaling pathway. specific nuclei of the mammillary body.
Li et al (1999) disrupted Peg3 by inserting a ␤geo Wehr et al (1997) generated Fkh5-deficient mice and
selection cassette into its 5⬘ coding exon. Pups born to found that homozygous Fkh5 ⫺/⫺ mice were born indis-
Peg3 ⫺/⫺ mutant mothers failed to survive. Whereas only tinguishable from wild-type and Fkh5 heterozygous litter-
8% of litters born to mutant mothers grew to weaning age, mates; however, about one third of Fkh5 ⫺/⫺ mice died
83% of litters born to wild-type females survived. The within the first 2 days after birth, and another one fifth
offspring of mutant females and wild-type males (⫹/⫺ ⫻ died before weaning. Homozygous mutant mice became
⫹/⫹) also failed to thrive, suggesting that the genotype of growth retarded and distinguishable from their heterozy-
the mother, not the father, was relevant for their survival. gous and wild-type littermates a few days after birth.
Because these pups inherited the active paternal Peg3 Although pregnancies of Fkh5 ⫺/⫺ mothers were carried
allele and the silent maternal allele, they should develop as to term, all of their pups died shortly after birth. Obser-
normal adults. The fact that so few pups survived sug- vation revealed that mutant mothers neglected their pups
gested that there was a defect in maternal behavior. Mutant and were deficient at nest building and nursing behavior
primiparous mothers were subjected to a behavioral assay (Table 1). Wehr found that cross-fostering of Fkh5 ⫺/⫺
of nurturing behaviors. As documented in Table 1, these and wild-type pups to a wild-type or Fkh5 ⫺/⫺ mother
animals were deficient in nest building, pup retrieval, and assigned the defect to the mutant mothers. Wehr and
colleagues did not use the sensitization paradigm. They
also did not exclude the possibility of a more general
Normally in rodent brain, high levels of Peg3 expres-
cognitive defect in the mice, nor did they assess the olfactory
sion are present in a number of hypothalamic nuclei
or hypothalamic function of the animals. Analysis of the
(MPOA and PVN), as well as the MA, BNST, hippocam-
brains of Fkh5 deficient mice revealed distinct alterations,
pus, and olfactory bulb. Interestingly, in the sensitization
including reduced inferior colliculi and an overgrown ante-
paradigm, Peg3 ⫺/⫺ mutant virgin females did show
rior cerebellum. In addition, the medial mammillary nucleus
appropriate FosB expression in the MPOA after exposure
was absent, which resulted in disturbance of the layered
to pups. This result suggests that the deficit of maternal
structure of the mammillary body. Wehr notes that the
behavior associated with Peg3 is independent of FosB
MPOA area is part of the neuronal circuit connecting the
amygdala with the mammillary body.
During the first 3 weeks, surviving offspring of Peg3
mutant females gained less weight compared with the
offspring of wild-type mothers. Histologic examination Mest/Peg1
revealed that the mutant mothers had fewer oxytocin- Mesoderm-specific transcript, also known as paternally
positive neurons in the PVN. Li and co-workers conclude expressed gene 1 (Mest/Peg1) is another imprinted gene
that the reduced number of oxytocin-producing neurons expressed only from the paternal allele during develop-
may impair the neural signaling required for the postpar- ment (Kaneko-Ishino et al 1995). The function of the Mest
tum bolus of oxytocin. They suggest that the involvement protein is unknown. Sequence similarities with the ␣/␤-
of Peg3 in the TRAF signaling pathway affecting cell hydrolase* family suggest that Mest has an enzymatic
34 BIOL PSYCHIATRY J.F. Leckman and A.E. Herman
2002;51:27– 43

role. Lefebvre et al (1998) inactivated Mest in mice and This observation demonstrates that the Dbh ⫺/⫺ dams can
found that paternal transmission (designated Mest ⫹/⫺) of nurse and that lactation is not impaired.
the targeted allele caused general growth retardation in The impairment in maternal behavior in the Dbh ⫺/⫺
mice. The pups grew to become mature and fertile animals, animals could reflect a developmental deficit caused by
but they were smaller than their wild-type littermates. Ma- norepinephrine deficiency, or it could represent a physio-
ternal transmission of the targeted allele (designated Mest logic deficit. To distinguish between these possibilities
⫺/⫹) did not cause growth retardation. In adults, Mest DOPS was used to restore transiently norepinephrine to
expression was confined almost exclusively to the nervous the mutant females. When mutant females were injected
system. High Mest expression was found in the hypothala- with DOPS on the morning after birth, maternal behavior
mus, amygdala, ventral hippocampus, and main and acces- was not restored, and all pups subsequently died; however,
sory olfactory bulbs. Low levels of Mest expression were when mutant females were injected with DOPS on the
found in cortex, dorsal hippocampus, and striatum. evening before birth, over half of the litters survived. Even
Mest-deficient females delivered at term, with a normal more pups survived when DOPS was injected both in the
pregnancy rate, yet they produced few surviving offspring. evening before and on the morning after birth.
There was no correlation between the genotype of the These findings suggest that norepinephrine may play a
newborns and their survival. Observation of maternal key role in initiating a realignment of the dam’s sense of
behavior in mutant females revealed that the mutant what is salient and important in the environment. Interest-
mothers failed to display a number of maternal behaviors; ingly, in 85% of the mutant females, the rescue of
additionally, they did not consume the placenta (Table 1). maternal behavior by DOPS extended to the mother’s
Although Lefebvre et al did not detect differences in subsequent pregnancies even in the absence of DOPS
olfactory function of the mutant animals, they did not test injections; however, DOPS injections did not significantly
for general cognitive or hypothalamic dysfunction. Nor enhance pup retrieval by mutant virgin females.
did they examine the brains of the mutant animals for
structural abnormalities. Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS)
Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) has also been
Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase (Dbh) found to play a role in maternal behavior, specifically
maternal aggression (Gammie and Nelson 1999). The gas
Noradrenergic neurons in the brain project from brainstem nitric oxide (NO) acts as a neuromodulator in the central
nuclei and innervate virtually all areas of the brain and nervous system. In male mice, deletion of the nNOS gene
spinal cord. The enzyme Dbh synthesizes the adrenergic (nNOS ⫺/⫺) and pharmacological inhibition of nNOS
receptor ligands norepinephrine and epinephrine. Thomas result in increased aggression (Demas et al 1997; Nelson
et al (1995) disrupted the Dbh gene in mice. Mice et al 1995). In virgin female mice, disruption of the nNOS
homozygous for the Dbh mutation (Dbh ⫺/⫺) died in gene (nNOS ⫺/⫺) did not alter their normally quiescent
utero, of apparent cardiovascular failure (Thomas et al behavior (Nelson et al 1995).
1995). Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice could be rescued at birth by Gammie and Nelson (1999) examined the levels of
provision of adrenergic agonists or a synthetic precursor maternal aggression in lactating mice that were missing
of norepinephrine, L-threo-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylserine the second exon of the nNOS gene (Table 1). When
(DOPS), in the maternal drinking water (Thomas et al compared with lactating wild-type females, lactating
1995). The majority of these rescued animals became nNOS ⫺/⫺ female mice show deficits in the production of
viable adults. When subjected to behavioral tests, the Dbh maternal aggression in terms of the percentage of animals
⫺/⫺ mice displayed some difficulty learning an active displaying aggression, the average number of attacks
avoidance paradigm and a simple motor task (Thomas and against a male intruder during the test period, and total
Palmiter 1997). time spent attacking the male intruder.
In a subsequent study, Thomas and Palmiter (1997) Gammie and Nelson then investigated whether NO
demonstrated impaired maternal behavior across virtually release might be associated with maternal aggression in
all domains evaluated (Table 1). Pups were observed normal animals. Behavioral testing of aggression was
scattered within the bedding around the nest. Often pups followed by immunohistochemistry in the brain for citrul-
were not cleaned, and their placentas remained attached. line, the molecule produced when NO is enzymatically
Milk was not detected in the stomachs of most pups born cleaved from the precursor arginine. Levels of citrulline
to Dbh ⫺/⫺ females, which suggests that the pups were immunoreactivity were measured in the brains of wild-
not nursing despite the presence of normal mammary type lactating female mice immediately after an aggressive
gland tissue. Cross-fostering experiments revealed that encounter with an intruder male.
almost all cross-fostered litters were raised to weaning. This study is the first to suggest that the MPOA has a
Genetics of Maternal Behavior BIOL PSYCHIATRY 35
2002;51:27– 43

role in maternal aggression, and that NO in females may the regulation of maternal behavior. Prolactin binds to the
have an excitatory role in the production of maternal PRL receptor (PRLR), a transmembrane protein belonging
aggression. Specifically, the MPOA, as well as the supra- to the cytokine receptor superfamily. The PRLR has two
chiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the subparaventricular zone forms, a short form and a long form. The long form of the
(SPa) exhibited the greatest increases in citrulline immu- PRLR is expressed in MPOA, PVN, and VMN, among
noreactivity. Analysis of citrulline-positive cells in these other hypothalamic nuclei (Figure 1; Bakowska and Mor-
brain regions revealed that the number of citrulline- rell 1998). A significant increase in PRLR-expressing cells
positive cells was significantly increased in the aggressive has been identified in the MPOA before parturition.
lactating females relative to the two control groups. Ormandy et al (1997) identified multiple reproductive
Furthermore, a significant correlation was found between defects in PRLR ⫺/⫺ mice. Despite regular mating,
the amount of time spent attacking the intruder and the homozygous females were found to be completely sterile.
total number of citrulline-positive cells in the MPOA, the Further investigation revealed that PRLR ⫺/⫺ mice had
SCN, and the SPa. irregular menstrual cycles, reduced fertilization, defective
preimplantation embryonic development, and lack of
Estrogen ␣ Receptor pseudopregnancy. In heterozygous females, there is a
complete impairment in the ability to lactate after their
The estrogen ␣ receptor (ER␣) is a member of the steroid
first, but not subsequent, pregnancies. This deficit was
receptor superfamily of ligand-activated transcription fac-
attributed primarily to a defect in mammary gland
tors. There are two known ER subtypes, ␣ and ␤. In the
human forebrain, both estrogen receptor subtypes are
predominantly expressed in limbic-related areas, although In a separate study, Lucas et al (1998) examined
they show distinct distribution patterns (Figure 1; Öster- maternal behavior PRLR deficient mice and found deficits
lund and Hurd 2001; Shughrue et al 1997). in nest building, pup retrieval, and nursing (Table 1). In
ER␣ was first disrupted in the early 1990s (Lubahn et al addition, no cognitive impairment or deficits in olfaction
1993). ER␣⫺/⫺ mutant females survived to adulthood but were observed. Lucas and co-workers suggest that the
were found to be infertile and to have high levels of PRLR-dependent defect in maternal behavior may be
circulating testosterone. Although it is impossible to di- mediated by brain regions whose primary function is to
rectly evaluate the maternal behavior of these animals, regulate maternal responsiveness; however, the density of
Ogawa et al (1996, 1998) have assessed reproductive- PRL binding sites in the MPOA following pup contact
related behaviors in female mice using the sensitization were not examined in this study.
paradigm. Remarkably, ER␣ ⫺/⫺ mutant females showed In contrast to the PRLR findings, disruption of the
such a high degree of infanticidal behavior when exposed prolactin (PRL) gene was not found to alter maternal
to newborn pups that the investigators stopped their study. responsiveness in mice (Horseman et al 1997). The rea-
Even after gonadectomy, the ER␣ ⫺/⫺ mutant females sons for this apparent contradiction are unclear but may
showed a high rate (50%) of biting and attacking the pups, involve compensatory changes in the PRL knockout ani-
as well as poor pup-retrieving behavior. mals over the course of development, such as up- or
A number of studies have also examined the problem- downregulation of other gene products.
solving abilities of the ER␣ ⫺/⫺ mutant females (Rissman
et al 1999). For example, although gonadectomized ER␣ Oxytocin
⫺/⫺ mutant females rapidly learn to escape from the
Oxytocin is a peptide hormone synthesized in the hypo-
Morris water maze as rapidly as wild-type animals do,
thalamic PVN and SON. Oxytocin is believed to play an
exogenous estrogen treatment prevents the wild-type
important role in several aspects of mammalian reproduc-
females from learning this task, yet has no effect in
tion, such as sexual behavior, induction of labor, milk
ER␣ ⫺/⫺ mutant females.
ejection, and maternal behavior (Insel and Young 2001;
Young et al 1997).
Prolactin Receptor Nishimori et al (1996) created mice deficient in the
Prolactin (PRL) is synthesized and secreted by the lac- oxytocin peptide. It was predicted that oxytocin-deficient
totrophic cells of the anterior pituitary. Prolactin plays an mice would be impaired in mating, delivery, lactation, and
important role in the stimulation of mammary gland maternal behavior; however, females deficient in oxytocin
development during pregnancy and regulation of lactation had normal gestation periods, built typical nests, and had
during the postpartum period (Freeman et al 2000). Be- normal deliveries (Nishimori et al 1996). There did not
cause levels of PRL increase in the bloodstream just appear to be an overt impairment in maternal behavior.
before parturition, it is implicated as playing a key role in Nevertheless, pups from oxytocin-deficient females died
36 BIOL PSYCHIATRY J.F. Leckman and A.E. Herman
2002;51:27– 43

within 24 hours, owing to the mother’s inability to eject

milk. Exogenous oxytocin given to the oxytocin ⫺/⫺
homozygote females every few hours rescued this behav-
ior, allowing pups to develop normally.
The lack of impairment in most maternal behaviors in
the oxytocin-deficient animals suggests that in mice, the
neural circuitry for maternal behavior is independent of
oxytocin per se (Young et al 1997). This finding differs
from the observations in rats that central infusions of
oxytocin in the virgin rat facilitate the onset of maternal
behavior (Pedersen and Prange 1979), and that central
infusions of oxytocin receptor antagonists block the induc-
tion of maternal behavior (Van Leengoed et al 1987).
Together these data suggest that other neuropeptides
binding at the oxytocin receptors may be important in the
initiation of maternal behavior in some species. Further, it
also seems plausible to argue that although the observable
overt maternal behavior is “intact” in the oxytocin ⫺/⫺
mice, their functional ability to nurse is profoundly defi-
cient, leading to pup starvation. Consequently, we have
rated “nursing/lactation” in the oxytocin ⫺/⫺ animals as
0.0 in Table 1 and Figure 2.
Figure 2. Dendrograms of the phenotypic components of mater-
nal behavior and of the genes implicated in maternal behavior.
Other Knockout Animals with Deficits in Maternal The color of each cell quantitatively reflects the presence of a
Behavior particular maternal behavior in each set of knockout animals:
bright green ⫽ normal behavior; green ⫽ approximately 50%
A search of the Mouse Genome Informatics database at decrement; dark green ⫽ 75% decrement; and black ⫽ the
the Jackson Laboratory (http://www.informatics.jax. org/) complete absence of the behavior. Gray cells indicate a lack of
disclosed three additional knockout animals with deficits data on a particular behavior for a particular knockout. The
results of the cluster analysis suggest that there are four sets of
in maternal behavior. These animals were deficient in closely associated genes: 1) FosB and Mest; 2) nNos and PRLR;
Herc2, Hubb, and Rora. A review of the behavioral 3) Dbh, oxytocin, and Peg3; and 4) ER␣ and Fkh5. See text for
phenotypes of these animals reveals that animals deficient details. The behaviors, on the other hand, although showing a
in Herc2, Hubb, and Rora exhibit a multitude of motor and nested pattern of relationships, were generally less closely
problem-solving defects. The fact that these animals ex- interrelated.
hibit gross defects in other systems suggests that Herc2,
Hubb, and Rora do not have specific roles in maternal
behavior. Rather, the involvement of these genes in many pression of Peg3 in these brain regions, it is likely that
other processes, such as gait and reproductive function, Peg3 interacts with many other genes that have an impact
may prevent the mutant females from displaying normal on maternal behavior. The grouping of Peg3 and oxytocin
maternal responsiveness. in the cluster analysis is of interest, given that Li et al
(1999) report that postpartum Peg3 mutant mothers have
reduced oxytocin-positive neurons in the hypothalamus
when compared with wild-type females. As a transcription
Cluster Analysis of the Gene Knockout Data factor, Peg3 might activate a program of gene expression
Application of the cluster analysis independently gener- that facilitates certain aspects of maternal behavior that
ated two dendrograms— one for behaviors and another for involve oxytocin-containing cells.
genes (Figure 2). This clustering technique empirically The cluster analysis paired neuronal nNOS and the
identified four sets of potentially closely related genes: 1) PRLR. This result is consistent with a known association
Peg3, Dbh, and oxytocin; 2) nNOS and the PRLR; 3) FosB between nNOS and PRLR (for review see Freeman et al
and Mest/Peg1; and 4) ER␣ and Fkh5. 2000). Specifically, for proper surface targeting, glycosyl-
Peg3 expression occurs at high levels in the hypotha- ation of the asparagyl residues of the extracellular domain
lamic nuclei, including the MPOA, MA, PVN, BNST, of the PRLR is a crucial requirement for prolactin-R
hippocampus, and olfactory bulb, regions that mediate activation. Nitric oxide activates N-acetylglucosamine
maternal behavior (Figure 1). Given the widespread ex- transferase, which is responsible for glycosylation of these
Genetics of Maternal Behavior BIOL PSYCHIATRY 37
2002;51:27– 43

intracellular receptors and promotes migration of these genes are essential for the proper expression of maternal
newly glycosylated receptors to the cell surface. behavior.
The cluster analysis also found an association between Different genes appear to affect distinct aspects of
FosB and Mest. As a transcription factor, FosB might maternal behavior. The cluster analysis suggests in a
activate a program of gene expression that facilitates preliminary fashion a series of possible relationships
maternal behavior. Indeed, the expression of FosB and between features of maternal behavior and specific genes
Mest in similar brain regions (olfactory bulb, amygdala, or sets of genes. Future work is likely to reveal a more
and hypothalamus) may suggest that FosB activates Mest detailed and accurate picture of cascades of gene expres-
in particular brain regions associated with maternal behav- sion, neuroanatomic co-localization of genes, and interde-
ior. In future work, it will be useful to determine if Mest is pendence of function.
indeed a target gene of FosB. A similar argument could be There are many areas of investigation that would be
made for exploring the whether or not ER␣ is a target gene useful to explore in future work, including development of
for Fkh5 or vice versa, because both can function as a standard battery of tests for behavioral and molecular
transcriptional regulators; however, the limited phenotypic phenotyping; the identification of additional genes that
data available on the ER␣ ⫺/⫺ animals cautions against underlie maternal behavior; exploration of different rodent
placing too much importance on this possible association. strains and the development of inducible knockouts; in-
Inspection of the behavioral dendrogram in Figure 2 vestigation of interactions among genes with known im-
also reveals a close relationship between nest building, pact on maternal behavior; investigation into the role of
pup retrieval, pup retrieval under sensitization testing environmental events; extension of these methods and
conditions, and placentophagia. This set of four behaviors findings to the study of maternal behavior in primates; and
in turn was progressively related to sniffing and explora- investigation of these loci for possible mutations in spe-
tion of pups (under both testing conditions), maternal cific neuropsychiatric disorders associated with deficits or
aggression toward intruders, and nest building under dysregulation of affiliative behavior.
sensitization testing conditions; however, as very little
data were available concerning some of these behaviors,
Development of a Standard Battery of Tests for
this behavioral cluster should be viewed with caution.
Behavioral and Molecular Phenotyping
In the studies reviewed above, there was marked variabil-
ity in the behavioral tests of maternal behavior. For
Future Directions in the Study of the example, for only six of the nine knockouts were sensiti-
Interplay of Genetic and Environmental zation data available to assess maternal responsiveness in
Factors in Shaping Maternal Behavior virgin mice. Most remarkably, none of the studies docu-
Neuroscience research has provided some delineation of mented the degree of licking and grooming and arched
the circuitry underlying maternal behavior in rodents. back nursing among the mouse dams. This is a major
Neurobiological data from gene knockout studies comple- weakness. As documented in an elegant series of handling
ment previous neurobiological literature and are consistent and cross-fostering studies by Francis et al (1999), licking
with the results from experimental intervention studies and grooming and arched back nursing among rat dams
that emphasize the crucial role of perinatal experience in appear to mediate the nongenomic transmission of these
programming aspects of later maternal behavior (Caldji et same maternal behaviors to the next generation—when the
al 1998, 2000; Francis et al 1999, 2000; Liu et al 1997, female pups mature and become dams themselves. Natu-
2000; Pryce et al 2001). rally occurring variations in licking, grooming, and arched
At least nine genes have been found to be necessary for back nursing have also been associated with the develop-
the expression of one or more aspects of maternal behav- ment of individual differences in stress response and in
ior. These genes encode a broad range of proteins that are other behavioral responses to novelty in adult offspring as
involved in intracellular signaling, gene transcription, and well as a range of neurobiological differences affecting
neuromodulation. Although many of these genes are hypothalamic and hippocampal regions in the adult off-
pleiotropic, such that they can influence many different spring (Caldji et al 1998, 2000; Francis et al 1999, 2000;
cell types and contribute to multiple phenotypes, they all Liu et al 1997, 2000). In future studies, it would be useful
can be seen to impact the circuitry underlying maternal to have a standard battery of behavioral measures for
behavior. maternal behavior. This battery would include measures of
Another, perhaps more surprising conclusion is that licking and grooming and arched back nursing, as well as
because two of these genes, Mest/Peg1 and Peg3, are measures of latency to sensitization in virgin adult females
paternally imprinted, the paternal copies of both of these (Pryce et al 2001).
38 BIOL PSYCHIATRY J.F. Leckman and A.E. Herman
2002;51:27– 43

Identification of Additional Genes that Underlie inducible knockouts, in which the timing and placement of
Maternal Behavior the targeted gene disruption can be controlled, will be an
It is likely that many more genes will be identified as important tool. For example, such studies have the poten-
essential for the development of maternal behavior. As in tial to resolve the apparent contradiction between the
hypertension and other genetically complex diseases, our results of the PRLR (Ormandy et al 1997) and the PRL
knowledge of some of the molecular and anatomic pathways (Horseman et al 1997) knockout studies with regard to
involved in maternal behavior provides a background for maternal behavior.
future areas of investigation. It is likely that developmental
genes active in the formation of the hypothalamus may have Investigation of Interactions among Genes with
a role in maternal behavior. For example, expression of the Known Impact on Maternal Behavior
homeobox-containing gene Orthopedia (Otp) has been iden- In future work, it will be necessary to study further the
tified in several hypothalamic nuclei, the MA, and the BNST, interactions among the genes with known impact on
regions that have been demonstrated to mediate maternal maternal behavior. The clearest example thus far is the
behaviors in rodents (Acampora et al 1999; Diano et al, known functional relationship between nNOS and the
unpublished data); however, it may necessary to develop PRLR. In the case of the transcription factors, it will be
conditional knockouts to demonstrate convincingly that such useful to study the mechanism of their induction in
genes are directly necessary for the expression of maternal particular brain regions, to identify target genes that
behavior, as the loss of a developmental gene may simply mediate nurturing, and to elucidate the specific adaptive
preclude the behavior, because the necessary biological changes that enhance the nurturing response following
substrate is missing. repeated exposure to newborn pups. Investigation of target
Pragmatically, the most promising approach would genes will likely be aided by DNA microarray technology.
involve a standard battery of behavioral measures for
maternal behavior, discussed above. This battery should
Investigation of Nongenomic Influences on
be administered to animals in the large-scale mutational
Maternal Behavior
screenings that are being done at the Jackson Labs and
other mouse genome centers. Perhaps most efficiently this Thus far, several experimental interventions have been
battery would focus on measures of latency of sensitiza- shown to have effects on aspects of maternal behavior,
tion in adult virgin females. This strategy would likely including licking and grooming, high arched backed nurs-
take less time than doing gestational monitoring, and it ing, and aggression toward an intruder. More recently,
would also identify deficits that would otherwise go other maternal behaviors have also been systematically
undetected if the knockout animals were infertile. For evaluated (Pryce et al 2001). In general, these findings
example, the deficits in maternal behavior associated with suggest that maternal behavior in the days following birth
knocking out the ER␣ gene would not have been discov- serves to “program” the subsequent maternal behavior of
ered (Ogawa et al 1996, 1998). On the other hand, certain the adult offspring as well as establishing the pups’ level
deficits in maternal behavior could only be established by of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal responsiveness to
using a full battery of behavioral assessments of new stress (Denenberg et al 1969; Francis et al 1999; Levine
mothers (Pryce et al 2001). 1975). More extreme forms of maternal deprivation have
also been shown to have profoundly negative effects on
the development of maternal behavior in adult primates
Development of Inducible Knockouts (Harlow and Harlow 1987).
In most current knockout studies, the mutated gene is This complex programming also appears to influence
nonfunctional throughout mouse maturation; thus, mouse aspects of learning and memory. Further, many of the
development may be impaired, resulting in death or brain regions implicated in these experimental interven-
abnormal brain function (Gingrich and Hen 2000). In the tions are the same as those implicated in mediating aspects
absence of a gene, a mouse may undergo compensatory of maternal behavior (Figure 1). For example, the finding
changes, such as up- or downregulation of other gene that maternal stress in the immediate perinatal period can
products, resulting in secondary phenotypical changes lead to deranged maternal care (and reduced levels of
(Gerlai 1996). Compensatory changes may spare behav- licking and grooming), as well as higher levels of hypo-
ioral function and obscure the interpretation of the normal thalamic corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in their adult
contribution of the gene to behavior. To overcome these offspring (Plotsky and Meaney 1993; Francis et al 1999) is
limitations it will be necessary to develop conditional consistent with the observation that ICV infusions of CRF
mouse mutants in which the gene is inactivated at partic- inhibit maternal behavior in both naı̈ve and experienced
ular points of development. Future investigation using dams in a dose-dependent fashion (Pedersen et al 1991).
Genetics of Maternal Behavior BIOL PSYCHIATRY 39
2002;51:27– 43

Another fascinating environmental effect is observed activation or a failure to down-regulate this system may
among the Dbh ⫺/⫺ mutant females. Specifically, lead to some forms of OCD.
Thomas and Palmiter (1997) demonstrated that a single
bolus of norepinephrine in pregnant Dbh mutant females, Autism and Related Disorders
shortly before birth, induced females that would have
otherwise abandoned their litters to nurture their young Marked social impairment, communication abnormalities,
and this restoration of maternal behavior carried over to and stereotyped behaviors characterize autism. We have
subsequent pregnancies, even when norepinephrine was proposed that autism and other pervasive developmental
no longer present. disorders are etiologically heterogeneous disorders in
In human subjects, it is fascinating that there is evidence which the circuitry needed to initiate and sustain maternal
for the transmission from mother to daughter of styles of and other affiliative behaviors is lost or dysfunctional
maternal care and control (Miller et al 1997). It will important (Insel et al 1999; Leckman and Mayes 1998, 1999). The
to determine through cross fostering studies if such patterns formation of parent-child dyads and pair-bonds are based
are transmitted genomically or nongenomically. on a capacity for social reciprocity that fails to develop in
individuals with autism. Further evidence in support of
this hypothesis includes postmortem brain studies docu-
Neurobiology of Maternal Behavior in Primates menting structural abnormalities in brain regions impli-
Although maternal separation during early postnatal life cated in maternal behavior, including the mammilary
has been studied in nonhuman primates, studies of mater- body, medial amygdala, and hippocampal regions (Bau-
nal behavior per se are relatively rare (Harlow and Harlow man and Kemper 1994; Saitoh et al 2001). Autistic
1987; Higley et al 1991; Kraemer et al 1989). Future gene subjects have also been reported to have lower serum
knockout studies in primates may allow investigators to levels of oxytocin (Modahl et al 1998) and to release an
assess directly the importance of these genes in mamma- altered form of oxytocin that is typically seen during only
lian species more closely related to humans. fetal life (Green et al, in press). Many individuals with
autism also exhibit dysregulation of the hypothalamic–
Clinical Perspectives on Disorders Associated with pituitary–adrenal axis (Tordjman et al 1997).
Deficits or Dysregulation of Affiliative Behavior As genetic factors are known to be involved in the
transmission and expression of autism and related disor-
In recent years, molecular genetic approaches have broad- ders (Lamb et al 2000), it may be appropriate to consider
ened our understanding of the pathophysiology of com- genes found to underlie maternal behavior as candidate
plex disorders. For example, much work has been done on genes. For example, genetic linkage studies of autism
the identification of single genes responsible for forms of indicate that a locus on chromosome 7q may be involved
severe hypertension. Molecular genetic studies have now in the etiology of the disorder (Lamb et al 2000). It may be
identified mutations in eight genes that cause Mendelian of interest therefore that Mest/Peg1 maps to 7q34.
forms of hypertension and nine genes that cause Mende-
lian forms of hypotension in humans (Lifton et al 2001).
Identification of these mutations has provided insight into Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
the molecular pathways by which the genes act. Thus far, For parents, the perinatal period often involves an altered
the mutations alter blood pressure through a common mental state characterized by excitement and heightened
pathway, the regulation of salt reabsorption in the kidney. sensitivity to environmental and emotive cues (Winnicott
This work illustrates the power of molecular genetic 1956; Leckman et al 1999). The infant becomes an
approaches to understanding the physiology of hyperten- increasingly exclusive focus of thought and action toward
sion, and possibly other disorders. Similarly, a deeper the end of pregnancy and the early postpartum period.
understanding of the genetic and neurobiological sub- Cues from the infant before and after birth as well as the
strates of maternal behaviors and the timing and nature of infant’s proximity, physical appearance, and temperament
their enduring impact on the behavior and neurobiology of provide a major stimulus for these preoccupations and
their offspring pup may advance our understanding of a associated behaviors. Potential threats from the external
range of disorders involving disruptions or distortions of environment provide another source of stimuli and are
affiliative behavior. Earlier reviews have focused on the associated with a marked increase in anxious intrusive
possible involvement of portions of this neural system in thoughts and harm avoidant behaviors. We have hypoth-
establishing a vulnerability to mood and anxiety disorders esized that these anxious intrusive thoughts and harm
(Kaufman et al 2000; Ladd et al 2000). Here we make the avoidant behaviors are related to OCD and that some
case that a failure of this system to develop normally may forms of OCD are the result of a dysregulation of the
lead to some forms of autism and that an inappropriate neural circuits that are normally active during the initial
40 BIOL PSYCHIATRY J.F. Leckman and A.E. Herman
2002;51:27– 43

phases of parental behavior (Leckman et al 1999). With comments on an earlier version of this report. The constructive critiques
few exceptions, however, the evidence supporting this of two anonymous reviewers also greatly improved this article.
Aspects of this work were presented at the conference, “Social
hypothesis is circumstantial. For example, neuroimaging Anxiety: From Laboratory Studies to Clinical Practice,” held March 22,
studies and neurosurgical findings studies have consis- 2001 in Atlanta, Georgia. The conference was supported by an unre-
tently implicated orbitofrontal and amygdalal regions and stricted educational grant to the Anxiety Disorders Association of
their connections with the thalamus and the ventral stria- America (ADAA) Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals, and jointly sponsored
tum in OCD (Saxena and Rauch 2000). In addition, some by the ADAA, the ADAA Scientific Advisory Board and the National
Institute of Mental Health.
OCD patients have high levels of cerebral spinal fluid
oxytocin (Leckman et al 1995). Other OCD patients show
altered levels of prolactin in response to the serotonin
mixed agonist-antagonist meta-chlorophenylpiperazine References
and the serotoninergic releasing agent d-fenfluramine Acampora D, Postiglione MP, Avantaggiato V, et al (1999):
(Erzegovesi et al 2000; Hollander et al 1993). Progressive impairment of developing neuroendocrine cell
Perhaps the most compelling evidence is that as many lineages in the hypothalamus of mice lacking the Orthopedia
as 11% to 47% of women have their first onset of OCD in gene. Genes Dev 13:2787–2800.
the peripartum period (Leckman and Mayes 1999; Maina Bakowska JC, Morrell JI (1998): Atlas of the neurons that
et al 1999; Williams and Koran 1997). We have further express mRNA for the long form of the prolactin receptor in
the forebrain of the female rat. J Comp Neurol 386:161–177.
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