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Credit Transaction

Course Outline
2 Semester AY 2018-2019
Atty. J.A. O. Miranda

Reference material:
Any book on the subject

I. Basic Concepts
a. Definition of Credit Transaction
b. Types of Credit Transactions

II. Loan
1. Nature
1.1 Definition and kinds
1.2 Characteristics

2. Commodatum
2.1 Basic Concepts
– definition, characteristics, parties
2.2 Obligation of Bailee
2.3 Obligation of Bailor

3. Simple Loan (Mutuum)

3.1 Definition
3.2 Characteristics
3.3 Interest

4. Cases
4.1 Saura Import v. DBP, 44 SCRA 445
4.2 Rep. v. Bagtas, 6 SCRA 262
4.3 BPI v. CA, 377 SCRA 117
4.4 Naguit v. CA, 412 SCRA 591
4.5 Garcia v. Thio, 518 SCRA 433
4.6 Producers Bank v. CA, 397 SCRA 651
4.7 Pajuyo v. CA, 430 SCRA 492
4.8 BPI Family v. Franco & CA, 538 SCRA 184
4.9 Pantaleon v. American Express, 629 SCRA 276
4.10 Nakar v. Gallery Frames, 703 SCRA 439

III. Deposit
1. Basic Concept – definition and characteristics
2. Manner of creation
3. Kinds
4. Voluntary deposit
4.1 Nature
4.2 Obligations of the depositary
4.3 Obligations of the depositor
4.4 Extinguishment

5. Necessary deposit
5.1 Nature and basic concept

6. Judicial deposit
6.1 Nature and Basic Concept

7. Cases
7.1. BPI v. IAC and Zshornack, 164 SCRA 630
7.2 Bishop of Jaro v. de la Pena, 26 Phil 144
7.3 CA Agro-Industrial v. CA & Security Bank, 219 SCRA 426
7.4 Triple V v. Filipino Merchants, G.R. No. 160544, February
21, 2005
7.5 YHT Realty Corp. v. CA, 451 SCRA 638
7.6 CB v. Citytrust Banking Corp. G.R. No. 141835, Feb. 4,


IV. Concept of Security

1. Basic Principles
2. Kinds of Secured Transactions

V. Guaranty
1. Basic Principles
2. Kinds/Forms
3. Parties
4. Principle of Excussion
5. Co-Guarantors
6. Subrogation

VI. Surety
1. Basic Principles
2. Forms/Kinds
3. Obligations Secured

VII. Pledge and Mortgage

1. Basic Concepts
2. Pactum Commissorium
3. Equitable Mortgage

4. Pledge
4.1 Basic Concepts
4.2 Forms/Kinds
4.3 The Parties
4.4 Return of Collateral
4.5 Foreclosure of Pledge
4.6 Legal Pledge

5. Mortgage
5.1 Chattel Mortgage
5.2 Real Estate Mortgage

VIII. Antichresis
1. Basic Concepts
2. Forms/Kinds
3. Right of Retention
4. Foreclosure

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