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Refractories Vol. 35, No.

9, 1994

UDC 666.3/.7.017:620.172.251.2

H I G H - T E M P E R A T U R E C R E E P IN R E F R A C T O R Y C E R A M I C S .

V. S. Bakunov 1

Translated from Ogneupory, No. 9, pp. 2 - 8, September, 1994.

Original article submitted June 7, 1994.

High-temperature creep in densely sintered multiphase ceramics is considered. The presence of other phases,
namely, crystalline and glassy, is shown to affect the behavior of specimens. Data on creep during phase
transitions in the materials are presented.

At high contents of impurities and controlled additions in tinuous strong skeleton is creep resistant at comparatively
the initial materials the phase composition of a ceramics is large amounts of less strong inclusions.
changed, which radically changes its behavior under a me- In high-temperature creep a distinctive feature of the be-
chanical load; deformation of solid solutions is an intermedi- havior of the materials is the absence of concentrated stresses
ate case. We shall distinguish between crystalline and glassy on the phase interfaces; these stresses relax.
inclusions. The latter are commonly low-melting as com- Phase transitions. As shown in [2], changes in the phase
pared to the matrix. Creep is affected by the type and compo- composition of the material during testing substantially affect
the cource of the creep process. At each moment of time the
sition of the other phase and its distribution over the volume
deformation corresponds to a new phase composition and
of the material. Deformation due to phase transitions, i.e., so-
structure of the specimen and testing conditions. As a rule,
called plasticity of phase transitions, is a special case.
when the composition rapidly changes (i.e., the phase equi-
Loading causes volume deformation in every phase in ac-
librium is established in a short time), we can experimentally
cordance with its mechanical characteristics. The resultant ki-
determine only changes in the parameters of the dependence
netics of the process (just like the kinetics of complex chemi- = f ( T , ~, S), while for a slowly changing composition we
cal reactions [I, 2]) can be limited by the fastest stage if the can also determine the creep curves.
reactions are parallel or by the slowest stage if the reactions The effect of continuous alteration of the phase composi-
occur sequentially. Creep is accompanied by self-consistent tion and the structure of a ceramics in creep tests in a reduc-
deformation in microvolumes of the specimen in the sense ing gaseous medium in a testing furnace has been studied in
that no macroscopic violations of its continuity are observed. [3] for cerium dioxide, which is known [4] to lose oxygen un-
The rate of the process v is determined as 1/v = ~ 1/pivi for der these conditions. Even at insignificant reduction the mate-
sequential stages and as v = ~ pivi for parallel stages, where rial exhibits a second phase that can be regarded as a solid
v i is the deformation rate of the given phase and Pi is its vo- solution of Ce203 in CeO 2. It seems that all intermediate
lume fraction. structures in the range of compositions between Ce203 and
In creep, the geometric distribution of the phases over the CeO 2 are formed by combinations of cerium ions of valences
volume of the material is of great practical importance, be- 3 and 4. We may assume that such structures are of fluorite
cause creep resistance is mainly determined by the continu- type with anion vacancies. A decrease in the oxygen content
ous phase. Thus, formation o f glassy layers along crystal in CeO 2 leads to the deformation of the crystal lattice and
boundaries leads to sharp growth of the creep flow rate even weakening of the interionic bonds, which changes the struc-
ture-sensitive properties of the material.
when their content is insignificant. On the other hand, con-
Experimental investigations of creep in CeO 2 during re-
Institute of High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, duction in a helium medium consisted in the following. A
Russia. CeO 2 specimen was placed in a furnace and kept there at a

0034-3102/94/3509-0277512.50 © 1995 PlenumPublishingCorporation
278 V.S. Bakunov


3 b I0 2.00
400 1.975
200 3


~1oo 2001
,,,,,,,,,,,-" 1.925
50 ]o0l ...,...--" ~ 1.90
~~,*'='~ 1.875
0 ol 2.5
2.00 1.95 1.9o 2,00 1 . 9 5 1.90 2,00 1.90
0..5 1.0 1.5 2.0
log 6
Fig. 1. Creepflowrate ~-in a ceriumdioxideceramics(CeOx)as a function
of its reductionx at (a) 1350~C,(b) 1400°C, (e) 1450°Cand (1) 0.6 MPa, Fig. 3. Variation o f log Z as a function o f log tr in reduction o f C¢O:v
(2) 1.4 MPa,and (3) 2.5 MPa.

the process falls. At low reduction levels the change in the
activation energy is not large, which corresponds to the be-
havior of materials with low contents of admixtures. At the
~ 875
next stage the activation energy decreases sharply when the
phase composition changes substantially; this is accompanied
by strong deformation of the lattice due to the presence of a
large number of excess vacancies. Subsequently, the vacan-
cies become so numerous that increase in the deviation of the
composition from the stochiometric one ceases to affect the
creep in the ceramics. R seems that here lies the region of ho-
mogeneity of the intermediate phase (or the formation of a
-4 I I .........
5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 eutectic mixture in the CeO2 - Ce203 system, to be discussed
Io4/r,g-~ below).
Fig. 2. Temperature dependence o f creep for different values of x in C o Ox Depending on the stress, all the specimens studied exhi-
(shown at the straight lines). bited almost ductile behavior (see Fig. 3) and the index n was
close to I. Only cerium dioxide tested in air had a somewhat
high temperature (exceeding the temperature of the previous greater n (n = 2).
tests) for the reduction to occur. The holding time up to the Another case is considered in [6]. For a synthetic mullite
requisite degree of reduction at the given temperature was de- ceramic the temperature dependence of creep has inflections
termined from the reduction curves [5]. Since the temperature in the temperature range 1600 - 1650°C; before and after this
reached the requisite level rapidly, we did not take into ac- interval the dependence log ~ - lIT is linear (Fig. 4a). When
count changes in the phase composition of the specimen dur- the specimens were tested starting from a temperature above
ing this time. Then we established the specified temperature the region of anomalous behavior (i.e., 1600 - 1650°C) the
of testing, loaded the specimen, and determined the deforma- curve of log ~ versus 1/T was a continuation o f the low-tem-
tion over time. Strictly speaking, the reduction of CeO 2 con- perature (1500-1600°C) part and had no inflections
tinued during the determination of the creep flow rate, but we (Fig. 4b). This change in the temperature dependence of the
did not take this fact into account because at lower tempera- deformation rate in the indicated region is explained by the
tures the experiment lasted a short time. transformation 3A1203 • 2SIO2 ---) 2A1203 - SiO 2 transition in
The resultant creep curves [2] were used to plot the de- the mullite composition.
pendence atthe rate of the process on the degree of reduction In firing (with a maximum temperature o f 1710°C) even
at constant temperatures and loads (Fig. 1). During reduction the 3A1203 • 2SiO 2 specimens mostly form mullite 2A1203 •
the deformation rate in CeO 2 first increases sharply and then SiO 2 (a solid solution of aluminum oxide in mullite) and si-
increases more slowly. By interpolating the plotted depen- lica (see also [7]). During heating and prolonged holding at
dences we determined the rates of the process for composi- 1600°C under a load mullite with a 2 : 1 composition trans-
tions varying from CeOi.975 to CeOi.87~. forms into 3 : 2 mullite; this is accompanied by bonding of
The dependences between creep and temperature for dif- silica, a decrease in the glassy phase content, and growth of
ferent levels of the material's reduction are presented is the apparent plasticity. No reverse transformation of 3 : 2
Fig. 2. Results for unreduced CeO 2 were obtained in testing mullite to 2 : 1 mullite is observed when the test temperature
in air. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that during reduction the de- is increased further, which may be explained by the fact that
formation rate increses sharply and the activation energy of measurements at high temperatures are made during much
H i g h - T e m p e r a t u r e C r e e p in R e f r a c t o r y Ceramics 279

10 -I I0-:

10-2 20
I0-: 16"
,o-, -_
l 0"'
12 ~ . E t . . . . 2 ~ o - ' - - ' ' ~

1C I f I
0,8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1,6
I0"s i i 10-4 log
4.6 4.8 5'.0512 5.4 5,6 4.s 510 5.2 5.4
104/r,K -~ 104/r, g-~ Fig. 5. Variationof log Z with log a for mullite in the temperature ranges
Fig. 4. Temperaturedependenceof creep flow rate in rnullite.The tests were (1) 1650- 1850°C, (2) 1700- 18500C, and (3) 1550- 1650°C.
startedat (a) 15000Cand (b) 1700°I::;the loads were 0.9, 2.0, and 3.7 MPa for
1 - 3, respectively.
tinuous one or one in the form o f individual inclusions. In its
shorter time periods. If the tests are started at 1700°C, no 3 : 2 chemical composition this phase may be a double compound
muIlite is formed and no anomalous region is observed. or a solid solution.
These assumptions are verified by data o f x-ray phase We consider here a practically important case, namely,
analysis. In specimens hardened from high temperatures creep in stabilized zirconium dioxide. Examples o f other
(1700°C) 2 : I mutlite is largely observed, while specimens cases are given above and below in the text. In order to pre-
hardened from lower temperatures (1600°C) exhibit mixtures vent polymorphic transformations and the corresponding de-
of 2 : 1 and 3 : 2 compositions. Indirect data are obtained struction of articles during use, zirconium dioxide is enriched
from the creep activation energies. The curves in Fig. 4b cor- with stabilizing additions. The effect o f introduced calcium
respond to an activation energy o f about 545 k J/mole, which oxide, which forms a solid solution o f substitution type that
is equal to the viscous flow activation energy o f quartz glass has a lattice resembling a fluorite one, was studied in [8]. By
(silica is freed during the formation o f the solid solution); the the condition o f conservation o f electric neutrality, one anion
creep activation energy o f very pure mullite specimens is vacancy is formed per C ~ + ion. Thus, an increase in the con-
much higher and constitutes 1000 - 1100 kJ/mole. centration o f the stabilizing addition results in a greater num-
The dependence between creep and load also verifies this ber o f point defects.
approach. At temperatures lower than 1600°C and in tests In order to determine the influence of the concentration
starting from 1700°C the index n is the same and equals 1, of the addition on the deformation rate we investigated creep
which is typical o f liquids and glasses and implies viscous in zirconium ceramics with 8, 10, 12.5, and 15% (molar frac-
flow. In the range o f 1600 - 1650°C n increases (to about 2), tions) additions o f CaO. The processes o f stabilization and
which is typical o f the deformations o f crystalline materials sintering were combined in one firing. The characteristics of
(Fig. 5). experimental specimens are presented in Table 1.
Solid solutions. As a rule, the formation of a solid solu- We established during the tests that zirconium dioxide
tion is accompanied by considerable distortion o f the crystal stabilized by a 10% CaO addition has the lowest deformation
lattice and weakening o f the bonds between its elements (ex- rate in the investigated temperature and load intervals (1300 -
cept for the case o f replacement with an ion o f the same va- 1500°C and 1 2 - 2 5 MPa, respectively). When the concen-
lence or o f a close ionic radius). A t low concentrations the tration o f the stabilizing oxide is increased or decreased, the
lattice is deformed, so that when the concentration increases, creep resistance o f the specimens fails (Fig. 6). Compositions
we observe the appearance o f another phase, namely, a con- with a deficit o f CaO are deformed faster due to distortions in

TABLE 1. Characteristicsof SpecimensofaZirconium Ceramics*

Composition Mole fraction Crystalsize, tam %er~, MPa Ti.m., *C
ofCaO, % Papp,~ crn3 Poo~,% dominating maximum 20"C 1000°C
1 8 5.46 3.5 3- 5 10 105 85 Not
2 10 5.50 0 15 -20 30 245 170 2320
3 12.5 4.95 0.3 I 0 - 15 20 140 100 2300
4 15 4.86 7.1 10- 15 20 125 90 2280
" Pappis the apparent density, Porch is the open porosity, (rbcnd is the ultimate bending strength, Ti.m. is the temperature of melting
initiationat a load of 0.2 MPa.
280 V.S. Bakunov



.~: -2

a:: 10
.d 5 -3

10 15 20 -4 t ) i
Mole fractionofCaO, % 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4
lo4/ r, K -~
Fig. 6. Deformationrate in a zirconiumceramicsas a functionof the amount Fig. 8. Temperatu~ dependence of the deformation rate in a zirconium ce-
of stabilizatingoxide(1400°C, 5 MPa). ramics of composition 3 from Table I before (I) and al~er(2) destabilization
(the load is 5 MPa).

Ceramics based on zirconium dioxide stabilized by CaO

are liable to destabilization during use at high temperatures,
i.e., to disintegration of the solid solution occurring in the
1200- 1400°C interval. The destabilization is accompanied
by evolution of a trigonal phase, which, when cooled to tem-
.d I0"3 J u ~ ~ peratures below 900°C, completely and reversibly transforms
into a monoclinic phase. Disintegration of solid solutions
starts from crystal boundaries and penetrates their depth.
In order to determine the effect of destabilization on the
10-' 1 I ) I
5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6
creep we tested specimens of composition 3 (see Table I)
104/T, K =I that were first subjected to thermal treatment at 1200°C for
Fig. 7. Deformationrate of a zirconium ceramicsas a function of tempera= 200 h. X-ray phase analysis showed that these ceramics had
ture. The numbersat the straightlines indicatethe molefractionof CaO, %. 5% of monoclinic zirconium dioxide. The temperature de=
pendence of creep for these specimens is compared with that
for the initial composition 3 in Fig. 8, where we can see that
their lattices. Compositions with optimum amounts of addi- the deformation rate after dcstabilization is somewhat higher
tions needed to form a fluorite structure are most stable. than in the initial ceramics. This may be associated with the
When the addition is in excess, the defects arising aLso in- formation of new ~'ain interfaces. It should be noted that at
crease the deformation rate. furthermost stabilization stages, when the content of the new
The dependence of the deformation rate in the investi- phase becomes substantial, the increase in the deformation
gated zirconium ceramics on the temperature is given in rate can be rather large.
Fig. 7. The activation energies calculated from the slopes Second crystalline phase. The effect of the presence of
of the lines of log ¢ versus 1/T constitute 350, 560, 560, and the second crystalline phase was investigated within a wide
620 kJ/mole for compositions 1 - 4 (see Table 1), respec- range for ceramic materials in a periclase-magnesium alumi,
tively. hate system [9]. Even for small contents of the second com-
Depending on the load, all compositions exhibited ponent the effect of the solid solution formed is also ob-
viscous behavior, i.e., their index n was close to 1 served.
(n = 1.1 - 1.4). The components of the M g O - M~A1204 system form a
It is noteworthy that the creep activation energy in com- eutectic with a composition o f 45o/82 MgO and 55% AhO3
position 1 is substantially lower than in the other three com- and a melting temperature o f 1995°C (by other dam 2030°C).
positions. This may be explained by the presence of vacan- The system exhibits regions of solid solutions o f aluminum
cies in the phase oftbe transition structure (from tetragonal to ions in periclase and magnesium ions in spinel. Periclase and
cubic), because 8% CaO is insu~cient for complete stabiliza- spinel solid solutions exist in considerable amounts at tem-
tion of zirconium dioxide. It is possible that the activation en- peratures exceeding 1500°C. They are formed by substitution
er~¢ of 560 - 620 Ll/mole can be referred to the fluorite type starting from temperatures of about 1200 - 1300°C, with ca-
of creep in cubic solid solutions. It is also possible that the tion vacancies arising in periclase solid solutions and anion
microstructure also has some effect, because the crystal size
in composition 1 is noticeably smaller. 2 Hereand belowwe givemassfractions.
H i g h - T e m p e r a t u r e Creep in Refractory Ceramics 281

t2 '51 +1 6Y°r
3 .$ 4
o 340~ ~ c

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

MgO Mass fraction,% AI203

-4 5
I Fig. 10. Variationof creep activationenergy Q as a functionof the compo-
sitionof a ceramicsin the perielase- magnesiumaluminatesystem.
-5 I 0 --
4+5 5.0 5.5 --0.5 o 0.5
104/ T, K-1 log cr (MPa)
Fig. 9. Deformationrate in specimensof the periclase-magnesiumaluminate
systemas a functionof temperature(a) at 0.6 MPa and load(b). The numbers
at the lines denote the compositions of the specimens in accordance with
- - 13 1600°C fl
1700°C ,,r'
Table2. 12 I 1 . I I I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
MgO Mass fraction,% AI203
Fig. 11. Isothermsof effective viscosity(rl ~ I/e) of a ceramics in the peri-
vacancies arising in spinel solid solutions. Maximum solubi- clase- magnesiumaluminatesystem.
lity of aluminum oxide in periclase is observed within 8 2 -
83% MgO contents, which corresponds to dissolution of
nearly 9.5% of A13÷. The greatest solubility of magnesium The activation energies calculated from the slope of the
oxide in spinel occurs at 39% MgO, which corresponds to dependence of log ~ versus 1/T are shown in Fig. 10. It
dissolution of about 6% of Mg 2÷ [ 10].
should be noted that the activation energies of compositions
The characteristics of experimental specimens are given
close to periclase and spinel have minima and the quantities
in Table 2.
Q for intermediate compositions are virtually the same. The
The change in the creep rate with temperature is pre-
sented in Fig. 9a and its change with load is given in Fig. 9b. formation of solid solutions upon introduction of small addi-
Within the studied range of the variables in both cases we ob- tions o f MgO into spinel and o f aluminum oxide into MgO
tained linear dependences (in the chosen coordinates) for all leads to the appearance o f excess structural vacancies and
specimens, which verifies that the empirical creep law is ap- lowering of the activation energ3'. A further increase in the
plicable to the given bicomponent system. share of the second component ensures the appearance of
The lowest deformation rate for a given temperature and crystals of the other phase and increases the activation ener-
load is exhibited by pure components. A small addition of gy. The virtually identical values o f creep activation energy
aluminum oxide to periclase affects its creep only slightly of intermediate compositions can be regarded as a conse-
(compare lines 1 and 2 in Fig. 9a). A large content of the
quence of like structures of the specimens, where the spinel
second component (up to 8%) leads to a sharp increase in the
and periclase grains have approximately equal sizes. It seems
deformation rate (by 1 - 2 orders of magnitude). Specimens
with composition 4 show the largest rate of the process. that here we are dealing with the behavior of a eutectic mix-
Specimens with intermediate compositions behave in virtu- ture whose crystals contain a certain number of structural va-
ally the same way. cancies.

TABLE 2, Characteristicsof CeramicSpecimensinthe MgO- MgAI204System

Dominatingcrystal size, pan ob~d, MPa at 0.2 MPa, *C
Spinel Relative
Composition fractionin
total mass, % density,% MgO MgAI204 20°C 1450°C melting 4%
initiation compression
1 0 96.5 30 - 50 -- 105 40 2300 2410
2 5.3 98.0 30 -60 2- 5 127 40 2050 2200
3 10+2 98.5 20-45 2-5 145 50 2020 2180
4 t9.1 99.0 15 -30 3-5 180 62 1950 2040
5 55.1 98.5 5- 7 5- 8 222 66 1800 1850
6 76.7 98.2 4- 5 10-20 238 73 1820 1880
7 87.5 98.0 65 10-25 230 69 1850 1925
8 100 95.5 -- 10-20 150 48 1960 2040
282 V.S. Bakunov

2800 -I

2400 ~


! ! ! ! ~
0 I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 -4
MgO Mass fraction, % AI20~
Fig. 12. Change in some parameters of a ceramics in the periclase-rnagne-
slum aluminate system as a function o f the composition. Temperatures: -5
1) of the liquidus; 2) of melting initiation under load; 3) of a viscosity of 0 5.0 5.5 6.0
1041 T, K "I
3 × 1012 Pa. sex (with respect to creep).
Fig. 14. Temperature dependence of the deformation rate in a densely sin-
tered muIlite ceramics loaded to 2.5 MPa. The numbers at the curves indicate
the total amount o f additiom, %.

with yttrium oxide but gives a dense free-grain structure. The

introduction of alumina leads to the formation of a second
phase that supposedly consists of yttrium aluminate with a
lower melting temperature. This phase is mainly exhibited as
fine intergrain layers. The dominating crystal size in speci-
mens 1 - 3 is 50 - 60, 5 - 7, and 50 - 55 ~m, respectively.
-5 I
It can be seen from Fig. 13 that the lowest deformation
4.6 5.0 5.4 rates are found in ceramics without additions. Next come
104/r,K -~ specimens with zirconium dioxide additions. In this case the
Fig. 13. Creep (at 2 MPa) in a densely sintered ceramic based on yttrium increase in the deformation rate is explained by smaller crys-
oxide without (I) and with additionsof 2.7% zirconium dioxide (2) and 0.5% tal sizes. The formation of a low-melting compound causes a
alumina (3). substantial increase in the deformation rates of A1203 speci-
mens despite the considerable size of their crystals. This is as-
sociated with the fact that at the test temperatures the cera-
For all compositions the index n is close to 1, which cha- mics exhibits a liquid phase. Thus, even a small amount of
racterizes the observed determation process as a viscous flow. additions, if they lead to the formation of low-melting com-
Isotherms of effective viscosity are presented in Fig. 1 I. In- pounds, sharply increases the high-temperature deformation
termediate compositions have virtually the same viscosities, rate provided that these compounds are distributed continu-
which are about one and a one-half orders of magnitude less ously. Such deformation occurs as a viscous flow (the index n
than the viscosities of periclase and spinel. As the tempera- in the power dependence of creep versus stress is close to 1).
ture changes by 100°C, the viscosity changes by half an order A more complex case of creep was investigated for a
of magnitude, while the nature of the curves is preserved.
densely sintered synthetic mullite ceramics [6]. In their ther-
Curve 3 in Fig. 12 shows the dependence between the
momechanical, chemical, and other properties such ceramics
temperature corresponding to an apparent viscosity of about
are close to the materials made of pure oxides. The use of
3 × 1012Pa. sec (calculated from the creep) and.composition.
clays and kaolins containing large mounts of impurities in
It virtually corresponds to the nature of the temperature
change during the initial melting under loading. It is notewor- manufacturing mullite refractories affects the properties of
thy that curves 2 and 3 do not follow the liquidus tempera- articles negatively. At high temperatures the additions cause
ture; in the region of intermediate compositions the deforma- formation of a large amount of vitreous phase, which notice-
tion characteristics are slightly dependent on the composition ably lowers the operating temperature of such materials.
of the components. This implies that creep is determined by We prepared the specimens from experimental mixtures
the behavior of most high-melting (and fine-crystal) part of based on pure preliminarily synthesized mullite and mullite
the microstructure, namely, the eutectic mixture, which prob- contaminated by LT1 Latnensk clay. The composition of the
ably formed by diffusion during high-temperature firing of mixtures and some characteristics of the specimens are given
the specimen. in Table 3. X-ray analysis and petrographic examination
Vitreous phase. Figure 13 presents experimental data show that the crystalline phase in all specimens consists of
[I 1] on creep in ceramics based on yttrium oxide without and multite. A vitreous phase is observed near the crystal bounda-
with additions of aluminum dioxide and zirconium oxide. ries and its content ~ o w s with the amount of introduced clay
Zirconium dioxide does not form low-melting compounds with a continous distribution.
High-Temperature Creep in Refractory Ceramics 283

TABLE. 3. Characteristicsof Specimensofa Mullite Ceramics efficient of viscosity is structure-sensitive and depends on the
Total Amountof Cbend, Ti.m, structural state of the phases, i.e., the distortion o f the lattice
amount of Papp- Popen, vitreous MPa, *C and the size of the crystals. The presence of crystalline inclu-
g/cm ~ %
additions, % phase, % at 20"C sions in a viscous matrix o f a low-melting phase raises the
0 3.02 0.3 0 130 1760 coefficient of viscosity.
0.5 2.96 0.2 5 210 1670
1.0 2.96 0.I 10 200 1630
2.0 2.95 0 20 175 1610 REFERENCES
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Neorganicheskie Materialy, 2(2), 336 - 3 4 2 (1966).
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in the mixtures studied. The introduction o f even 0.5% fusing 5. F.A. Akopov and D. N. Poluboyarinov, "Some properties of a
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is also observed in specimens containing clay. In this case an of a mutlite ceramics," in: Proceedings of the Research Institute
of Structural Ceramics, NIIstroykeramiki, Moscow, Issue 24,
increase in the total amount of fluxes increases the content of 133 - 157 (1964).
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mation rate and gradually eliminates the role of the indicated D. N. Poluboyarinov, "Investigation of creep in a ceramics
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For all mullite compositions studied the exponent o f the Chemical and Technological Institute, MKhTI ira. Mendeleeva,
Moscow, Issue 54, 146- 150 (1967).
power dependence o f creep versus stress is close to 1, which 9. D. N. Poluboyarinov, R. Ya. Popilskii, I. P. Galkina, and
indicates that the deformation occurs as a viscous flow. V. S. Bakunov, "On creep in ceramic materials in the M g O -
MgA1204system," Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Ma-
terialy, 2(6), 1115 - 1118 (1966).
CONCLUSIONS 10. A. M. Alper, R. N. McNally, P. H. Ribbe, and R. C. Doman,
"The system MgO-MgA1204," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 45(6),
HigJa-temperamre creep in multiphase ceramics can be 263 - 268 (1962).
11. L. B. Borovikova, E. S. Lukin, D. N. Poluboyarinov, and
controlled either by diffusion flow of polycrystalline materi- V. S. Bakunov, "Creep in a ceramics based on yttrium oxide,"
als or by viscous flow in the presence a continuously distri- lzv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 10(5),
buted vitreous or low-melting phase. In diffusion flow the co- 29-31 (1974).

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