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Can in bahasa means dapat/bisa. Modal “can” used to:

Showing ability (menunjukkan kemampuan)

~ I can cook Balinese food. (Saya bisa memasak masakan Bali.)
~ He can play football. (Dia dapat bermain sepak bola.)

Giving options (memberikan pilihan)

~ You can ask her to stay or let her leave. (Kamu bisa memintanya untuk tetap tinggal atau
membiarkannya pergi.)
~ Every student can bring their own food or buy it from the stalls near the camp. (Setiap
siswa dapat membawa makanannya sendiri atau membelinya dari kios-kios dekat

Asking for permissions (meminta izin)

~ Can I borrow your pen? (Bolehkah saya meminjam pulpenmu?)
~ Can you trust me? (Bisakah kamu mempercayai saya?)

Modal Will
 used for talking about or predicting the future.
You'll be in time if you hurry.
How long will you be staying in Paris?

 used for showing that somebody is willing to do something

I'll check this letter for you, if you want.
They won't lend us any more money.

 used for asking somebody to do something

Will you send this letter for me, please?
You'll water the plants while I'm away, won't you?

 used for ordering somebody to do something

You'll do it this minute!
Will you be quiet!

 used for stating what you think is probably true

That'll be the doctor now.
You'll have had dinner already, I suppose.

 used for stating what is generally true

If it's made of wood it will float.
Engines won't run without lubricants.

 used for stating what is true or possible in a particular case

The door won't open!
 used for talking about habits

She'll listen to music, alone in her room, for hours.

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