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Your experience working on gender equality/women’s

empowerment issues (200 word max) *

i am vice of leader of education and research development

devision in one of the women's organizations namely Nasyiahtul
Aisyiyah. it was established since 1931 and currently has several
excellent programs that focus on issues and empowerment of
women, some programs that are carried out are resilient women's
education programs and women's economic empowerment
programs, in their work as women's organizations, Nasyiah has
contributed greatly to educating women Indonesia is included in the
issue of gender equality, both in the political, economic and social
fields. In the field that I handle, we actively advocate and educate
so that women can give their best role in their environment, for
example we invite women to be active in preventing corruption,
conducting research related to violence against women, migrant
workers and human trafficking and the latest is to consider gender
inclusive issues in management disaster victims.

What do you wish to learn from the Workshop? (200 word max) *
As a woman from eastern Indonesia, getting the opportunity to be
able to get involved in international forums is a very step for us,
being able to share information and sharing knowledge about
gender equality from different countries and different conditions is
very unusual for me . Having the opportunity to take part in this
workshop will give me a lot of knowledge about gender equality
from different perspectives, following this workshop will enrich my
insights and certainly give me the opportunity to build networks and
possible collaboration that we can do. And collaborate to reduce
gender disparities in ASEAN nation

If I am selected to be one of the participants in this workshop, then

after I returned I would share my experience through writing in both
print and electronic media and social media, through my
organization I would also initiate similar seminars and workshops
and invite the community to get what I got in this workshop,
because I am a lecturer of course I will also share knowledge from
this workshop in the classrooms where I teach.

Please upload a one-minute video in which you answer the following question: Why you are
passionate about gender equality/women’s empowerment issues?

Initially gender equality in indonesia was fought by an Indonesian woman

figure named RA Kartini, at that time many were opposed not only by men
but also by women, Indonesia which is familiar with patriarchal culture
made the mindset of the community especially women at that time
assumed that women were only allowed in a domestic space, but over
time until Indonesia gets the independence. the violence against women
continues to grow, women's access to education is limited, finally many are
beginning to call for justice and gender equality, Islamic organizations
formed before independence which initially only wanted to educate women
to understand religion finally participated in voicing gender justice,
especially access to education and women's access to participation in
public spaces. Why am I interested in the issue of gender equality because
I consider that gender equality is one of our human rights. The right to live
honorably, be free from fear and free to make life choices is not only for
men, women also have the same rights in their essence. The figure of a
woman who achieves and can balance family and career becomes very
rare. Therefore, for the past few years my organization and i have focused
on the issue of gender equality because a good country is a country that
guarantees the rights of its people without exception.
Problem statement, Objectives of project, Proposed activities to
address issue and Timeline (400 words maximum total) *
Jawaban Anda

Problem statement
Globally, women are at far greater risk than men of dying or being injured in a
disaster. Women also face increased risks of sexual and gender-based violence, and unequal
access to food, water and medical assistance. we need to increase the number of women
involved at all levels, and further, that some form of affirmative action be taken to achieve
this. this program will be further collaboration workshop between australia and indonesia in
improving cognitive and psychomotor competencies for woman to increase their role in
disaster management risk by exchanging experiences in disaster preparation, handling and

Objective of the project

This program is designed for woman, because Women are often the first responders to a
crisis, and they play a central role in the survival and resilience of communities. But existing
inequalities can be compounded by disasters. So we need to increase the woman involve in
disaster management riks, the results are expedted in this project are

the presence of skills and abilities of women in different disaster risk reduction.

exchanging experiences in disaster preparation, handling and rehabilitation to involve

womans role in disaser management risk. Especially for woman organization between
indonesia and australia who are focus on woman and disaster effect

Proposed activities adn timeline

This workshop will be handling in 5 days
Workshop :

Theme: Woman Resilience in Disaster

Output of the activity:

- Increase knowledge of disaster

- Stimulate the woman awareness in responding disaster
- Create the woman's community dedicating themselve in dealing with disaster

Disaster response simulation:

"Earthquake Simulation"

Field Trip:

"Visiting the disaster effect locatiaon in Palu to observe therl recent situation"
I confirm I have submitted my Statement of Purpose, Video and
Project Proposal and hereby apply to be selected for this Workshop
Wajib diisi

If selected, I confirm I can attend the YSEALI Generation

Workshop: Advancing Gender Equality in Brunei Darussalam from
October 7, 2019 - October 11, 2019 *

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