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STUDENT PROFILE Grades 3-4, beginner level of English proficiency

SKIILS Speaking, listening, writing

LANGUAGE Grammar: What time is it? It’s __ o´clock
Review vocabulary: numbers from 0 to 12
OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask what time is it and tell the time
MATERIALS A big clock, songs, flashcards, worksheet


. Ss are shown a big clock on the board and asked what do you see? a clock , numbers, hands
. Ss are asked: Do you know the numbers? Yes .Can you mentioned some of them? Ss mentioned some
.T reviews the numbers with Number Group Game: T plays some music and students have to walk around
the classroom. T will stop the music suddenly and call out a number. The students must quickly get
together in a group of that number. Any who didn't make it sit out until the next round.

. T tells ss that they will watch a video about What Time Is It?
. Ss are asked to pay attention and talk to their classmates about what they had seen
. T obtains answers and explain the how the clock and time works
. T makes ss repeat all the clock.

. T gives a worksheet, which has different clocks, ss have to circle the correct clock depending on what they
listen to. Then, ss compare their answers with their partners. T asks for volunteers.
. Ss play a card game in which all of the cards are laid face down on a surface and two cards are flipped
face up over each turn. The object of the game is to turn over pairs of matching cards, in this case the time
written and the clock.
. Teacher shows the model dialogue below:
- A: Excuse me. What time is it?
- B: It’s ¨9:30¨.
- A: Thank you.
- B. You're welcome.
. Ss practice this dialogue in pairs using clock faces shown on the board .Students should take turns being A
and B. After five to ten minutes of practice ask for students to demonstrate the conversation to the class in
order to ensure that students are correctly saying the time that corresponds with each image.

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