Vaishnav and Hintson - India's New Fourth Party System

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India’s new fourth party system


IN May 2014, the Bharatiya Janata Finally, there were those who
Party (BJP) claimed the first single took cognizance of the winds of
party majority in the Lok Sabha in three change, but were unwilling to make
decades, propelled by prime ministe- strong claims in light of a single data
rial candidate Narendra Modi. After a point. For instance, Louise Tillin
quarter century of coalition politics, the remarked that the extant evidence is
BJP’s victory prompted a debate about ‘somewhat equivocal as to whether
whether India had entered a new poli- the 2014 elections mark a departure
tical era in which the BJP assumed the in longer term electoral patterns or
role of central pole that the Congress the consolidation of a new social bloc
had once played. behind the BJP.’3
Some scholars downplayed the In the wake of the BJP’s second
magnitude of the 2014 electoral ver- consecutive single party majority in
dict. ‘[F]rom the perspective of the 2019, which comes on the back of sig-
vote shares won by the country’s main nificant political changes at the level
political parties, not as much has of India’s states, the available evi-
changed as the news headlines might dence points in one direction: 2014
suggest,’wrote political scientistAdam was not an aberration; it was instead
Ziegfeld.1 a harbinger of a new era. 4 In this
Other scholars were less hesi- essay, we present a range of evidence
tant in asserting that India was wit- that demonstrates that India does
nessing the birth of a new party system. appear to have ushered in a new ‘fourth
Political scientist E. Sridharan con- party system’ – one that is premised
cluded: ‘The results were dramatic, on a unique set of political principles
possibly even epochal. The electoral and that shows a clear break with what
patterns of the last quarter-century came before.
have undergone a sea change, and the From India’s inaugural post-
world’s largest democracy now has independence general election in 1952
what appears to be a new party system until the 16th Lok Sabha elections in
headed by a newly dominant party.’2 2014, there is broad consensus that
India’s electoral history can be roughly
* This essay has been adapted from Milan
Vaishnav and Jamie Hintson’s forthcom- divided into three electoral orders.
ing Carnegie paper on India’s fourth party Yogendra Yadav, one of India’s lead-
system. ing political scientists, was among the
1. Adam Ziegfeld, ‘India’s Election Isn’t as
Historic as People Think’, Washington Post 3. Louise Tillin, ‘Indian Elections 2014:
Monkey Cage (blog), 16 May 2014, https:// Explaining the Landslide’, Contemporary South Asia 23(2), 2015, pp. 117-122.
cage/wp/2014/05/16/indias-election-isnt-as- 4. Milan Vaishnav, ‘Modi Owns the Win and
historic-as-people-think/?utm_term=. the Aftermath’, The Hindustan Times, 23
3778a97ac5a5 May 2019, https://www.hindustantimes. 89
2. Eswaran Sridharan, ‘India’s Watershed com/analysis/modi-owns-the-win-and-the-
Vote: Behind Modi’s Victory’, Journal of aftermath/story-vUQF8BSnT21wSrNm
Democracy 25(4), 2014, pp. 20-33. 8U7b HM.html

SEMINAR 720 – August 2019

first to organize Indian politics into three FIGURE 1
electoral ‘systems’. Number of Chief Ministerial Posts, 1956-2019

Between 1952 and 1967, the 30

Congress BJP Other

Number of Chief Ministerial Posts

Congress Party dominated Indian poli-
tics, both at the Centre and across her 25
states. As a catchall party that sought
– in theory, if not always in practice –
to provide a pan-Indian representation 15
for all of India’s diverse caste, linguis-
tic and religious groups, the Congress
Party’s penetration into Indian society 5
was unmatched. Opposition forces
were badly fragmented, which limited 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 2006 2016
their ability to mount a serious cam-
Note: This figure depicts the annual number of chief ministerial posts belonging to the Congress,
paign to unseat the Congress. BJP, and ‘Other’ parties from 1956 to July 2019. The affiliation of states with missing data due to
1967 proved to be a critical the imposition of Article 356 (President’s Rule) is not shown here. Source: Vaishnav-Ravi dataset
on Indian chief ministers, 1956-2019.
inflection point, ushering in the dawn
of India’s second party system.5 sary to contrast recent political events of a more cooperative opposition, a
Although the Congress grip on power with the six defining attributes of the repeat of the same magnitude seemed
in New Delhi remained firm, its hold third party system. improbable.8
on India’s state capitals began to fade. Absence of unipolarity: First, In reality, these shifting dyna-
With the exception of the post-Emer- the absence of a central ‘pole’ in mics did little to curb the BJP’s elec-
gency election of 1977 – when the national politics between 1989 and toral juggernaut. The BJP in 2019
Congress was badly punished for 2009 is perhaps a central feature of earned 37.4% of the all-India vote and
Indira Gandhi’s autocratic excesses – the third party system. Although the won 303 seats, the highest levels since
the party remained the default choice BJP would soon emerge as a major 1989 and 1984, respectively. The BJP
for governance at the Centre. But new competitor to the Congress at the natio- suffered only modest attrition in its
expressions of caste and regional iden- nal level, it too had limitations of demo- core catchment area in the Hindi belt,
tities steadily eroded the party’s hold graphy, geography, and ideology. while making significant inroads into
on subnational politics.6 eastern India.
Whatever semblance of Con-
gress dominance that remained after
1967 came to an end in 1989, which
I n terms of aggregate electoral out-
comes, the 2014 and 2019 elections A n exclusive focus on general elec-
denoted the start of coalition gov- represent a structural break. In 2014, tion outcomes blinds us to systemic
ernance in New Delhi and the third the BJP won 282 out of 543 seats in the changes at the state level. As of July
party system. Three powerful forces Lok Sabha, while its NDA coalition 2019, the BJP holds chief ministerial
– often termed ‘Mandal, masjid, and partners earned another 53 seats. The positions in 12 states, compared to only
market’ – disrupted Indian politics, tally of the incumbent Congress, on the five before the 2014 polls, and its NDA
giving way to a multipolar constellation other hand, sunk to just 44 seats – its allies control another six (Figure 1).
of forces in which the Congress was worst electoral showing since inde- The party’s performance in assembly
no longer the single party around which pendence. Headed into the 2019 race, elections has also boosted its standing
politics revolved. many election analysts doubted the in the Rajya Sabha, where its seat
BJP’s ability to replicate its 2014 feat.7

I n order to evaluate whether India

has truly entered a new era of politics
Given the vagaries of anti-incumbency,
a slowing economy, and the presence
Endowment for International Peace, 16 April
6. Yogendra Yadav, ‘Electoral Politics in the 2019-general-election-pub-76084
with the BJP’s recent general election Time of Change: India’s Third Electoral 8. Milan Vaishnav and Matthew Lillehaugen,
victories in 2014 and 2019, it is neces- System, 1989-99’, Economic and Political ‘Incumbency in India: More Curse than Bless-
90 Weekly 34(34-35), 1999, pp. 2393-2399. ing?’ Carnegie Endowment for International
5. Prem Shankar Jha, In the Eye of the Cyclone: 7. For an overview of these inhibiting factors, Peace, 13 August 2018, https://carnegieen-
The Crisis in Indian Democracy. Penguin, see Milan Vaishnav, ‘From Cakewalk to Con-
New Delhi, 1993. test: India’s 2019 General Election’, Carnegie india-more-curse-than-blessing-pub-77010

SEMINAR 720 – August 2019

FIGURE 2 1962 and 1967, the average margin of
Effective Number of Parties Seats in Lok Sabha Elections, 1952-2019 victory – the difference in the vote
7.0 6.5 share of the winner and the immedi-
Effective Number of Parties (Seats)

5.8 5.9
ate runner-up – stood between 13-15%
5.0 in national elections (Figure 3). Elec-
4.1 tions became notably less competi-
4.0 3.6 3.5
3.2 3.0 tive over the next two election cycles.
3.0 2.6 However, after 1977, margins stea-
2.1 2.2
1.9 1.7 dily came down over a period of several

decades. By 2009, the average mar-
gin of victory sunk to its lowest level in
the post-independence era: 9.8%. In
1962 1967 1971 1977 1980 1984 1989 1991 1996 1998 1999 2004 2009 2014 2019
2014, that trend sharply reversed. The
Source: Election Commission of India; authors’ analysis of Francesca R. Jensenius and Gilles Ver- average margin in 2014 grew to 15%,
niers, ‘Indian National Election and Candidates Database 1962 – Today’, Trivedi Centre for Po-
litical Data, 2017. climbing higher to17.3% in 2019. This
is nearly a doubling of the average
share has risen from 5% in 1984 to 32% In order to correct for the fact victor’s margin just a decade ago.
in July 2019. The Congress, by com- that most political parties are bit play-
parison, now claims only 20% of Rajya
Sabha seats. The NDA, with111 mem-
bers in the upper house, is 12 seats
ers and fail to leave much of a mark,
political scientists prefer to calculate
the ‘effective number of parties’,
T he average vote share of winning
candidates has also surged, passing
short of a majority (the total strength which essentially weighs parties by 50% in 2019 for the first time since
of the Rajya Sabha is 245 members at the number of votes (or seats) they cap- 1989. As a result, the share of seats in
present).9 The alliance could pass the tured.11 By seats won, the effective which a candidate won a majority of
majority mark by 2021 with strong number of parties (ENP) in India’s votes in her constituency surged to
showings in the upcoming state polls 2019 general election was just three, 63% in 2019 – the highest proportion
in Haryana, Jharkhand, and Maha- a remarkable shift from the coalition since 1984.
rashtra.10 era. In 2004, for instance, the ENP Federalized politics: In the
Fragmentation: A second char- stood at 6.5 (Figure 2). The current third party system, general election
acteristic of the third party system is system more closely parallels the domi- verdicts often resembled a collection of
growing electoral fragmentation. As nant party era of the Congress. state-level verdicts. By contrast, the two
the dominant party era gave way to the Competition: Third, electoral
onslaught of coalitions, there was a contests became markedly more com- 9. The media reports varying numbers of
surge in the number of political parties NDA Rajya Sabha MPs. Our count is based
petitive on nearly every dimension dur- on data from the official Rajya Sabha website
contesting elections. ing the third party system. Between and is consistent with a report in the Busi-
ness Standard. See Archis Mohan, ‘NDA
Closer to Rajya Sabha Majority but BJP’s
Average Margin of Victory in Lok Sabha Elections, 1962-2019 Core Agenda May Have to Wait’, Business
30.0 Standard, 1 July 2019, https://www. busi-
Margin of Victory (percentage)

25.0 23.9 to-rajya-sabha-majority-but-bjp-s-core-agenda-

19.5 10. Vishwa Mohan, ‘NDA Likely to Get
20.0 18.2 17.3
15.4 Rajya Sabha Majority by November 2020;
14.8 14.1 15.2
15.0 13.7 Manmohan Set to Lose His Seat Next
11.9 12.2 Month’, Times of India, 28 May 2019, https:/
10.0 10.0 9.7 /
5.0 month/articleshow/69527821.cms
11. This metric was first introduced in
Markku Laakso and Rein Taagepera, ‘Effec-
1962 1967 1971 1977 1980 1984 1989 1991 1996 1998 1999 2004 2009 2014 2019 tive Number of Parties: A Measure with
Source: Authors’ analysis of Francesca Jensenius and Gilles Verniers, ‘Indian National Election Application to West Europe’, Comparative
and Candidates Database 1962 – Today’, Trivedi Centre for Political Data, 2017. Political Studies 12(1), 1979, pp. 3-27.

SEMINAR 720 – August 2019

most recent general elections have Voter turnout exhibits a clear categories in an effort to create a
taken on a distinctly national hue. In break in 2014, when India recorded wedge between dominant jatis and
both the 2014 and 2019 elections, Modi its highest turnout on record, at 66.4%, subordinate groupings.
managed to presidentialize a parlia- amid widespread anti-incumbency For instance, in Uttar Pradesh,
mentary election by making the elec- and excitement around the candidacy the BJP exploited perceptions that the
tion principally a vote on his leadership. of Narendra Modi. In 2019, voter turn- two principal regional parties – the
In the third party system, state out would notch yet another record: BSP and SP – were vehicles for the
and national elections also exhibited at 67.2%, voter interest in national interests of the dominant Jatav (SC)
a clear, interactive pattern. National politics has reached unprecedented and Yadav (OBC) jatis, respectively.
level outcomes were directly influ- levels. Further, the gap between state CSDS survey data shows that non-
enced by the state level verdicts that and national turnout, which reached a Yadav OBC groups and non-Jatav
preceded them, but the intensity of the peak of 10 percentage points in the Dalits strongly broke for the BJP
effect depended on the proximity of mid-2000s, shrunk to less than four per against the BSP-SP alliance in 2019.
the two polls. Clear honeymoon and cent between 2013 and 2017. In Bihar, the BJP also pursued a simi-
anti-incumbency effects at the state Social composition: Caste has lar strategy in an effort to dampen
level directly impacted national polls. been an ever-present reality in Indian support for the opposition RJD,
politics in the post-independence another party seen as favouring the

S ince 2014, we have seen a disrup-

era (and even before). However, the
expression and political mobilization
Yadav community.15

tion of the reliable interaction bet-

ween state and national elections.12 In
December 2018, the Congress Party
of caste has evolved. As Yadav points
out in his seminal study, in the first elec-
toral system, the most salient social
B ut the fourth party system also
heralds a shift in the social composi-
wrested control of three Hindi belt category for politics was the locally tion of India’s elected representatives.
states – Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh embedded category of jati.13 Data collected by Ashoka University
and Rajasthan – from the BJP. In each In the second party system, as and Sciences Po and analysed by
of the previous three election cycles Yadav notes, jati-level identities Christophe Jaffrelot and Gilles Verni-
(in 2003-4, 2008-9, and 2013-14), the retained their importance but political ers show a clear shift in the 225 or so
winning party in each of these states parties worked to build state wide alli- MPs of the Hindi belt.16 In 1999, more
went on to expand upon its lead in the ances of jati groups in order to construct of these MPs hailed from SC and
national election. But in 2019, this cor- a minimum winning coalition. In the OBC backgrounds than from upper or
relation broke down completely, as the third party system, jatis lost their
Congress saw its vote and seat share salience as the debate shifted to the categorisation-of-obcs-and-the-end-of-
plummet after winning the December umbrella-like varna groupings in the mandal/; Roshan Kishore, ‘Mandir, Mandal
and Markets: How BJP Reversed Post-2014
polls. For instance, the Congress won wake of the Mandal Commission Setbacks’, Hindustan Times, 27 May 2019,
100 of Rajasthan’s 200 assembly seats report and its aftermath. During this
in the state polls but none of the state’s tumultuous period, the categories of news/how-bjp-reversed-post-2014-setbacks/
25 parliamentary seats less than five ‘OBC’ and ‘Dalit’ took on newfound story-ikF2ju1A4qtvBpU08Xl6JK.html
months later. political importance. 15. Rakesh Ranjan, Vijay Kumar Singh and
Sanjeer Alam, ‘Post-Poll Survey: Reposing
Voter turnout: A fifth character-

Trust in the NDA and the Prime Minister in
istic of the third party system was the Bihar’, The Hindu, 26 May 2019, https://
relatively subdued level of voter turn- n the fourth party system, politics has
out in national elections, especially returned to the construction of jati-level nda-and-the-prime-minister/article
compared to the level of voter activa- alliances, as in the second party sys- 27249049.ece
tion in state elections. Between 1989 tem – but with a twist.14 One of the 16. As Jaffrelot and Verniers explain, focus-
and 2009, turnout in general elections BJP’s great successes in many North ing on the Hindi belt is justifiable because it
accounts for nearly half of all MPs, and caste
ranged between 56 and 62%, stagnat- Indian states, including Uttar Pradesh, systems in this region are broadly compara-
ing around 58% in the 2004 and 2009 has been to undermine the larger caste ble. Christophe Jaffrelot and Gilles Verniers,
polls. ‘Explained: In Hindi Heartland, Upper Castes
92 13. Yogendra Yadav, 1999, op. cit. Dominate New Lok Sabha’, Indian Express,
12. Nirmala Ravishankar, ‘The Cost of Rul- 14. See Jiby K. Kattakayam, ‘Sub-Categori- 27 May 2019,
ing: Anti-incumbency in Elections’, Economic zation of OBCs and the End of Mandal’, article/explained/in-hindi-heartland-upper-
and Political Weekly 44(10), 2009, pp. 92-98. Times of India, 14 June 2019, https://timesof castes-dominate-new-house-5747511/

SEMINAR 720 – August 2019


SEMINAR 720 – August 2019


SEMINAR 720 – August 2019

intermediate castes for the first time. fits the very definition of a system- It has also skilfully used foreign
This pattern reversed in 2009, however, defining party. State elections held policy, like the brief 2019 skirmish with
and has persisted since. In 2014, for ins- between 2014 and 2019 often played Pakistan in the wake of the Pulwama
tance, 49% of Hindi belt MPs came out along the same lines. terrorist attack, to brandish a muscu-
from the upper and intermediate castes Ideological hegemony: In an larity abroad and a reclaiming of India’s
as against 41% from the backward incisive 2018 essay, Suhas Palshikar rightful place in the world. For the first
and Dalit communities. The dwindling characterized the BJP under Modi as time in recent memory, voters on the
numbers of Muslims elected from a classic example of a hegemonic campaign trail routinely told reporters
these states is also striking – no doubt political party.18 Palshikar defined that this election was more than a bat-
a consequence, in large measure, of hegemony as having two components: tle between partisan contenders, it was
the BJP’s dominance. In 2019, the BJP ideology and electoral performance. a battle desh ke liye (for the nation).20
gave tickets to just eight Muslim can- The BJP’s hold on Indian voters has
didates in the Hindi belt, of which two
emerged as winners (for comparison’s
sake, the Congress nominated 33 Mus-
been well documented. Equally inter-
esting is how the party has managed
to exert its dominance ideologically.
A side from nationalism, the BJP has
also managed to dominate the dis-
lims from the same set of states). According to Palshikar’s account, the course on the economy and economic
BJP’s twin emphasis on Hindu nation- development. The prime minister has

P lumbing data on electoral returns is

a useful exercise, but one that has its
alism and what he calls a ‘new deve-
lopmentalism’, has allowed the party
to saturate the political space in India.
cultivated a persona as a pro-business,
anti-corruption reformer, contrasting
his tenure with the Congress’ legacy
limits. There are other, not as easily This has been made possible, in part, of policy paralysis, cronyism, and bur-
quantifiable, factors which shape the by the fact that the Congress Party’s densome regulation between 2009 and
BJP’s present hegemony and which legacy of secular nationalism appears 2014. Even though Modi’s demoneti-
help underpin the fourth party system. to have fallen out of favour. zation gambit largely failed to meet its
BJP as system-defining party: stated objectives, it bolstered the prime
One of the defining features of the sec-
ond party system was that national
election verdicts functioned as refer-
T he BJP’s brand of Hindu national-
ism has allowed it to broaden its demo-
minister’s image as a decisive leader
willing to tackle corruption head on.
Now, the prime minister has
enda on Congress rule. As Yadav exp- graphic base beyond a small sliver of also refashioned his own image as the
lains, ‘[a] typical verdict in this period Hindu upper castes and trading com- architect of India’s modern welfare
took the form of a nation-wide or some- munities to include Dalits, OBCs, and state. Between 2014 and 2019, the
times state-wide wave for or against Adivasis by using memes such as Ram Modi government amassed a credit-
the Congress. The local specificities of Mandir, cow protection, and illegal able record building assets from roads
the constituency simply did not mat- immigration to transcend caste divi- to toilets to cooking gas connections,
ter.’17 This could well describe Indian sions among Hindus. especially in rural areas.21 Additionally,
elections in the post-2014 era. But it is important to note that by appropriating and rebranding many
Major parties contesting the 2019 the BJP under Modi has expanded its schemes initially set up by the Con-
elections, with relatively few excep- nationalist discourse beyond Hindutva gress, Modi has left the party effec-
tions, positioned themselves as either to accommodate other formulations. tively unable to criticize his actions.
supportive of Modi and the BJP or For instance, in recent years it has Organizational and financial
vehemently opposed. While the oppo- made use of a more amorphous nation- prowess: The ability of the BJP to
sition did not succeed in either creat- alism centred on territorial sovereignty, 20. Dhirendra Tripathi, ‘Elections 2019: In
ing a nationwide coalition to tackle the loyalty to the nation, and resentment Yogi’s Backyard, It’s Modi Who Draws
BJP or unifying behind a common towards traditional liberal elites who it Votes’, Mint, 15 May 2019, https://www.
prime ministerial contender, it did forge painted as out-of-touch, feckless, and elections-2019-in-yogi-s-backyard-it-s-modi-
a series of state-specific alliances that compromised by divided loyalties.19 who-draws-votes-1557934808415.html
were explicitly constructed on an anti- 21. Harish Damodaran, ‘LPG, Toilet, House:
BJP plank. As the party around which 18. Suhas Palshikar, ‘Towards Hegemony: BJP Built Solid Rural Assets but Income
all others position themselves, the BJP
BJP Beyond Electoral Dominance’, Economic
and Political Weekly 53(33), 18 August 2018,
Didn’t Rise’, Indian Express, 12 December 95
pp. 36-42. explained/lpg-toilet-house-bjp-built-solid-
17. Yogendra Yadav, 1999, op. cit. 19. Ibid. rural-assets-but-income-didnt-rise-5489311/

SEMINAR 720 – August 2019

project Modi as a leader with unim- to a whopping Rs 1,000 crore for the of the country. Even though voters
peachable credentials, to deliver its ruling BJP.25 The BJP advantage over voiced many economic grievances
nuanced messages of nationalism to the Congress when it comes to corpo- related to the BJP’s five years in
different target audiences, and to parry rate funding (that is formally disclosed) power, at the same time they viewed
the opposition’s jibes rests on a poli- stood at 20 to 1 in 2018.26 A report Modi as the one national leader best
tical machine that is miles ahead of issued by the Centre for Media Stu- placed to address those grievances.29
the competition in terms of its organi- dies (CMS) estimates that total elec-
zational foundations and material
resources.22 Under the tutelage of
BJP President Amit Shah, the party has
tion expenditures doubled from 2014
to 2019, with the BJP accounting for
around 45% of all election spending.27
W ith the 2019 general election con-
cluded, it is now clear that India has
built a well oiled party machine that Charismatic leadership: Finally, indeed embarked on a new chapter
is organized down to the level of the in both 2014 and 2019, one could say in its political evolution. Gone are the
panna pramukh – literally a party that these were Modi’s victories more days of Congress dominance, as the
worker who is in charge of an individual than the BJP’s. According to the 2019 BJP has overtaken India’s Grand Old
panna (page) of the voter roll linked National Election Study, Modi’s net Party to preside over a ‘second domi-
to a neighbourhood polling station.23 favourability (a measure of his popu- nant party’ system.
larity relative to that of Congress Presi- To be clear, the emergence of a

F urthermore, the BJP has success-

fully harnessed digital technology from
dent Rahul Gandhi) was roughly at the
same level it was in April-May 2014 –
an eighteen percentage point advan-
new party system says nothing about
the endurance of that electoral order.
While India’s previous three systems
Facebook to SMS to WhatsApp to tage.28 In essence, a central compo- each had a degree of staying power,
build cohesion among its workers, bet- nent of what people are voting for is the fate of the fourth party system
ween voters, and between workers Modi’s leadership. will eventually hinge on the precise
and voters. The BJP party organiza- dynamics of India’s party politics and
tion in West Bengal created and moni-
tored 55,000 WhatsApp groups to
win over voters, and the Bengal
M odi’s favourability has to be seen
in the context of a general dearth of
the vagaries or voter behaviour. In
addition, the transition from one sys-
tem to the next can usually only be dis-
BJP Facebook and Twitter accounts popular, charismatic leaders among cerned with the benefit of hindsight.
received 220 million engagements opposition forces. Despite the fact The BJP’s emergence as a
and four million impressions, respec- that Rahul Gandhi had become more hegemonic force does not mean that
tively, in the two months leading up to popular, more effective, more diligent, the party is somehow inoculated from
the election.24 and more present, only a small minor- electoral setbacks. Indeed, between
Even more striking is the BJP’s ity of Indians trusts him with the reins 2014 and 2019, the BJP lost critical
financial advantage. Based on parties’ 25. Association of Democratic Reforms, state elections in Delhi and Bihar in
income tax returns from fiscal year ‘Analysis of Sources of Funding of National 2015 and in three North Indian states
2018, the Congress raised around Parties of India, FY 2017-18’, 23 January in December 2018 held on the eve
Rs 200 crore in donations, compared sources-funding-national-parties-india- of the general election. In fact, it is
22. Prashant Jha, How the BJP Wins: Inside fy-2017-18 worth pointing out that the BJP has
India’s Greatest Election Machine. Juggernaut, 26. Niranjan Sahoo and Niraj Tiwari, ‘Now not won a single state election in cal-
New Delhi, 2017. We Know Who is Behind the Massive Fund- endar years 2018 and 2019 (to date).
23. ‘2019 Polls: BJP to Form Chain of ing Gap Between BJP and Congress: The
Corporates’, The Print, 5 May 2019, https://
But the larger point is not about indi-
WhatsApp Groups to Strengthen Communi-
cation Between Party Workers’, Press Trust vidual wins and losses as it is that
of India, 23 December 2018, https://econo- behind-the-massive-funding-gap-between- the BJP has emerged as a system- bjp-and-congress-the-corporates/231086/ defining party, a political formation in
nation/2019-polls-bjp-to-form-chain- 27. Centre for Media Studies, Poll Expen-
of-whatsapp-groups-to-strengthen- diture, the 2019 Elections, 2019, http://
reference to which all others position
communica- tion-between-party-workers/ themselves.
articleshow/67219816.cms?from=mdr 2019-elections-cms-report.pdf 29. Rukmini S., ‘This is What Changed for
24. ‘BJP Created 55,000 WhatsApp Groups 28. More information about the 2019 National Voters from 2014 to 2019 Lok Sabha Elec-
96 to Take on Mamata’,, 4 June 2019, Election Study conducted by the Lokniti Pro- tions: Nothing’, ThePrint, 24 May 2019, gramme of the Centre for the Study of Deve-
created-55000-whatsapp-groups-to-take-on- loping Societies can be found at: https:// changed-for-voters-from-2014-to-2019-lok-
mamata/20190604.htm sabha-elections-nothing/240149/

SEMINAR 720 – August 2019

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