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Institut Teknologi Del

Laguboti, Toba Samosir

I. General Identity

Year of Curricula : 2014

Course Code : MRS 4102
Course Name : System Simulation
Group of study : Engineering-core course
Credits : 3 SKS
Semester : Even
Numbers of meeting : 16
Course Type : Theory
Lecture/Lab Percentage : 90% in-class lecture; 10% exploratory through field visit
Course Level : Upperclassman

II. Relation to Other Courses

Pre-requisite : Operation Research II, Basic Math I and Basic Math II

Co-requisite : Advance Math / Research Method
Prohibition : None

III. Course Description

The principal purpose of System Dynamic is to improve our understanding of the ways in which
an organization's performance is related to its internal structure and operating policies as well
as those of customers, competitors, suppliers, and other stakeholders. During the course you
will use several simulation models to explore such strategic issues as fluctuating sales,
production and earnings; market growth and stagnation; the diffusion of new technologies; the
use and reliability of forecasts; the rationality of business decision making; and applications in
health care, energy policy, environmental sustainability, and other topics.

Students will learn to recognize and deal with situations where policy interventions are likely
to be delayed, diluted, or defeated by unanticipated reactions and side effects. You will have a
chance to use state of the art software for computer simulation and gaming. Assignments give
hands-on experience in developing and testing computer simulation models in diverse settings.

HSS/ MRS4102
IV. Learning Outcomes

Upon taking this course the students are expected to:

a. Understand the characteristics of real-world decision making problems that can be solved in
System Dynamic Techniques.
b. Be able to apply the System Dynamic techniques in modeling and solving simple real-life
decision making cases (e.g network models) as well as interpreting the results.
c. Be able to identify complex empirical cases and propose a systematic, methodological
framework for modeling and solving.

V. Grading Components

The final grades depends on the student performance measured through several assessment
components as listed in the table below:
Component Weight
Quizzes and homeworks/ Project 20%
Mid Term Test 25%
Group Presentation 10%
Final Project 45%

VI. Topics

1. Introduction to System Dynamic; Purpose and concepts of system dynamics.

2. Structure of the world system; making system diagram, population loops, capital investment
loops, pollutions loops.
3. A World Model; population, birth rate, birth rate from material multiplier, Death rate and etc.
4. Reading the computer graphs; Natural resource depletion, crowding, Food storage.
5. Increased capital-Investment generation; Reduce birth rate, Less pollution.
6. The world situation; social value, Improved models of social system.
7. System dynamic in action; Application of system dynamics
8. Structure and behavioral of dynamic system; Fundamental modes of dynamic behavior,
Interactions of the fundamentals modes.
9. Causal Loop Diagram; causal loop diagram notation, developing causal diagram.
10. Stocks and Flows; Stock, Flows and accumulation, indentifying Stocks and Flows and Mapping
Stocks and Flows.
11. Dynamics of stocks and Flows; Relationship between stocks and flows.

VII. Main Reference

Main reference for this course are:

1. Jay W Forrester “World Dynamic”. Cambrige, Massachusetts, Wright-Allen Press,Inc.1971.
2. John D Sterman “Business Dynamics System Thinking and Modeling for a complex world.
Mc Graw –Hill.2000.

VIII. Tools

Hardware: 2. Whiteboard and marker

1. Laptop projector

HSS/ MRS4102
Software: 2. Videos
1. Power point slides 3. E-papers

IX. Deliverables

Throughout this course, the students will be required to submit the following deliverables:
1. Field visit report paper and oral presentation.
2. Connecting paper on selected topic.

X. Evaluation Coverage

Evaluation plan for every topic is described as follow:

Topic Quizzes/ Oral Paper Mid Final
HW Term Term
Introduction to System Dynamic V V V
Structure of the world system V V
A World Model V V
Increased capital-Investment V V
The world situation V V
System dynamic in action V V
Structure and behavioral of dynamic V V
Causal Loop Diagram V V
Stocks and Flows V V
Dynamics of stocks and Flows V V

HSS/ MRS4102
XI. Lesson Plans

The course will be presented as a series of topics, the sequencing of which is given in the following Lesson Plan:
Week Learning PIC Topic/Sub-topic Activity Objective(s) Competence Category* Source(s) Tool(s)
1 Theory HSS Introduction to System Jay W Slide
Dynamic; Purpose and Forrester
concepts of system

2 Theory HSS Structure of the world Jay W Slide

system. Forrester

3 Theory HSS A World Model. Jay W Whiteboard

4 Theory HSS Increased capital- Jay W Slide
Investment generation. Forrester
5 Theory HSS The world situation. Jay W Whiteboard
6 Theory HSS System Dynamics Tools Jay W Slide
Part 5; Understanding the Forrester
Dynamics of Simple

7 Theory HSS System Dynamics Tools Jay W Whiteboard

Part 6; Analyzing Systems Forrester
and Creating Robust
Mid-term exam

9 Theory HSS System dynamic in action. Classroom John D slide

Lecture Sterman

HSS/ MRS4102
10 Theory HSS Structure and behavioral John D Whiteboard
of dynamic system. Sterman
11 Theory HSS Causal Loop Diagram John D slide
12 Theory HSS Stocks and Flows John D Whiteboard
13 Theory HSS Dynamics of stocks and John D slide
Flows Sterman
14 Theory HSS Final Project Presentations John D Whiteboard
15 Theory HSS Final Project Presentations John D slide
Final Exam + due date of case study proposal

HSS/ MRS4102
XII. Guides in Course Delivery

Some things to consider in delivering this course are:

1. Presentation material (slides) must be uploaded on campus information system
website no later than the day before the lecture.
2. Tutorials on solving quantitative problems should be explain through whiteboard.
3. Solutions on quizzes and homework problem-set should be uploaded on on campus
information system website the day after they due.
4. Conecting paper should be able to demonstrate students understanding in general
concept of energy system combined with ideas focused on one topic of interest

Prepared, _____________________, 2018 Approved, _____________________, 2018

Lecturer(s) Dean of the Faculty of Industrial



(Dr. Yosef Manik)

HSS/ MRS4102

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