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Practical Skills for Employment – CAPS1300

Brittany Godden
Records Management Assignment – Missing Files
Due: July 2, 2019
Prof Dina Galanis
Missing Files

My first step I would take to hopefully resolve the issue with Ashley not doing her filing is to
take a minute to myself, to be open minded and understand there are possibly good reasons
why Ashley isn’t doing her filing.

She could…

1. Not understand our system.

2. she could not be managing her time efficiently; or simply not know how to manage time
3. She could have personal problems effecting her overall well-being right now.

My reasoning for taking a step back before doing anything is so I can be more empathetic and
understanding in my discussion with her in hopes she will do the same with me during our
discussion. Both of us being positive, empathetic and understanding will better set us up for a
good conversation with a successful outcome.

Now that I have collected myself I would pull Ashley aside, so we could talk in private. I would
explain to her my concerns and frustrations with the time consuming process of looking for files
sometimes. I would politely ask if she could do her filing and if she needed any help I would be
more than happy to help get her started. If she asked for help with filing I would then go further
into detail regarding our filing method that included 1. Reviewing 2. Indexing 3. Coding 4. Cross-
referencing and 5. Sorting. I would explain to her it usually takes the other administrator and I
20 min to do our filing each day and although doing it every day may sound like a lot, it saves us
so much more time always insuring we are organized. It saves us from not knowing where files
are and falling behind from not keeping up with being organized. I would explain to her how
although spending that 20 min each day can sometimes be dreadful, that I feel accomplished
and so much better when its done.
Hopefully from our discussion Ashley will leave feeling supported and encouraged by me and
that it was coming from wanting the best for our overall success and enjoyment in the
workplace. If for some reason after this discussion Ashley continued to not do her filing I would
then be forced to bring it to management due to our work performance being negatively
affected. Hopefully with that discussion being had Ashley will then take it seriously due to it
coming from superiors and make the necessary changes.

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